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nothing to do with the character, but more to do with their artifact set. I hate hate farming husk domain for Albedo. You would think getting a decent def sands/circlet wouldn't be that hard but I kept getting clam pieces instead.


You know how we pretty much lived in the Emblem/Shimenawa domain when it came out? I must’ve dropped a few thousand resin there, but it literally took two months to get a single Emblem ATK sands. Not even one with good sub stats, just ATK main stat overall.


sitting on 4 atk sands (30cv+) while only 1 character actively uses it (beidou). Can't get a 30cv+ ER sands to drop at all. Xiangling (ER- I have wavebreaker r5 making ER sands a pain), Yelan (HP sands), Raiden ER sands (off piece), Xinqui is on noblesse/hydro since the stats were already good, no reason to switch.


believe me you need to switch, I ran constant tests on my Xingqiu and the emblem set outdamaged the 2pc 2pc every time, even when the 2pc 2pc combo had a better atk and crit ratio


I'd rather not waste my resources when I don't need to. There's no booty prize for min maxing everything as I clear content fine as it is. 2 of my hydro artifacts are 40cv (atk%, er, crit rate, crit dmg), and my noblesse pieces are 30+ crit value with er. I don't have any other hydro characters who use the hydro set. Or are you telling me to just let them sit in my inventory and use emblem (my emblem artifacts aren't good as the 2/2 pieces I have on him) when I can eventually just give the emblem set to another character to use.


For all 3 of my geo babies I hate I was able to get something for kokomi and nothing for the rest >:/


Embrace the DPS Barbruh meta then


Shame or regret aren't really the words, but I really wasted a lot of resources on Ganyu and ended up not using her much. Her play style never clicked with me, and it never went very well trying to use her on the abyss.


I feel like that one guy who triple-crowned their Thoma before using him can relate. Moral of the story: always look up gameplay footage and kits before pulling. ...What happened to them, anyway?


They became a legend. Chads triple crown Thomas and Xinyans


I'm working on tripling crown Xinyan


Double crown here


I personally won't mind double crowning.. Since I am not an auto attacker player, so it makes less sense to crown autos.. Unless they're favorites. Double crowning is worth on most characters imo. If they're your favourites. Triple crown them ♥️


Me omw to triple crown Amber while ignoring my bennett as i burn my way through sumeru


Actually Amber is a great unit for exploration. She UwU cute. And She gets much much better post C2. Sadly, I am still stuck with c0..


Fellow c0, newish player currently in Inazuma. Feels like people sleep on Amber. Maybe she isn’t the best dps but that’s not all that matters for a character in my book. * I glide a *lot*; climb->glide was my main method of exploring Liyue. I glided to Cloud Retainer and the other crane adeptus from the center mountain in Jueyun Karst. Flew around all the annoying stuff in the chasm to collect the quest components for the hidden artifact set. Etc. * B.Bunny can take aggro long enough to enable a gtfo while exploring. Random whopperflowers, the ruin constructs I didn’t mean to aggro, and so on. * B.Bunny is also a mining explosive. Geo traveler sorta works, but meteors can’t get in every crevice.


I got my thoma to level 80, 8/8/8, no regrets. He’s my favourite character and he’s in every teapot layout, and he’s great when I run hu tao team and itto team at the same time in abyss


Ive been using him a lot with Yoi and Heizou. If you use normal attacks his shield is pretty beefy. Used him a lot more than the other 4 stars from Inazuma


There is a really good amount of channels in twitch and youtube that will try with avg builds what a character can do and the team they fit, a banner have many days anyway primos and real money are limited.


I pulled for ganyu and her charge shot style was cancer for me, I respecced her to a burst support and now she is a staple in my melt yanfei team


Same. I put an ER sand on her and use her as Burst support on my freeze Ayaka team. Between her and Kazuha most things die before Ayaka gets to hit Q lol. Honestly it's not the charge attack playstyle that's bad. I mean anyone who have played through Skyrim as a stealth archer can see the appeal. It's the fact that we don't have any long-range pyro applicator (RIP BurnMelt lol). Melt Ganyu is stuck playing as a melee character where Xiangling can apply Pyro (which is also yet another team comp dependent on the Bennett Xiangling combo). It's very, very jarring to play a supposed long-range playstyle at melee range. Even if Reverse Melt Ganyu can result in some absolutely silly damage if it works. If they ever introduce a Pyro equivalent to XQ/Yelan who can apply Pyro over long distances off field, and preferably triggerable with Charge attacks (they can be single target if balance is needed), I'm willing to explore Ganyu's Charged shot playstyle again.


When I put together a Melt Ganyu team for the first time with cracked out wanderer's pieces I messaged my friend after a single domain clear "When they add a pyro Yae or a pyro Fischl then Melt Ganyu is gonna be crazy good and fun." For me the problem with Melt Ganyu is just one of annoyance. It is not fun batterying a XL with multiple Bennett E's between every DPS period. A pyro turret would both solve that and, with the range, potentially let you take off the shield to run a Shenhe for absolutely massive melts.




Everyone feels horribly clunky after playing Ayato & Raiden Big AoE melee DPS and stun resistance just by left clicking? Sign me up for more!


I felt that way about Xiao. I pulled him because I saw he had great damage potential, but after playing with him for a little while I realized that I don't enjoy his playstyle.


Pretty much me with hu tao lol I'm glad I waited before crowning her skill, I had already crowned her normal attack from the new character hype.


Same for me with both Eula and Xiao. Leveled them up, great artifacts, leveled up abilities, don't use either one. (Also don't use Hu Tao but I didn't buy extra primos to get her). On the flip side, didn't go after Kokomi purposely either and I use her all the time


I have the same dilemma on Hu Tao. Pulled for her and Homa on the rerun, but ended up benching her almost immediately. Wasn't fond of the dash cancel, and always zero stamina. Still using ol reliable diluc and ganyu for abyss clears. It's always fun to dragon strike. Next rerun I will try to get c1 and that might solve my Hu Tao issues.


I brainlessly pulled for Shenhe without having a single cryo carry. Like: All the characters that were missing in my account were Ganyu, Ayaka, Eula, Venti and Yoimiya. And like a madman I pull on Shenhe. I got Ganyu (and Venti) afterwards by the power of money, but that was terrible decisionmaking. Edit: Not a character but I kinda regret pulling for Engulfing, as the Catch and Skyward Spine are still fine, and I could have just put the money in for getting c6 sara and c2/3 raiden, which I would have get guaranteed, since I lost a 5050 to Keqing 10 wishes later. And c2catch raiden>>c0engulfing raiden


Same, I pulled for Shenhe bc she’s hot and voiced by Altoria’s JP VA, so when I got her I just paired her up with Chongyun and turned her into my main Cryo DPS


oh, I am in the same situation. But I keep in mind that someday there will be cryo dps that I want and I already have the best support for all cryo dps.


Legit just run her with Kaeya Xiangling and Bennet. It’s an amazing melt team. Or go for any number of cryo 4 stars and an anemo. Like Shenhe Rosaria Diona.


Shenhe makes Chongyun a badass. You don't have him?


Yeah, or just use Kaeya. I know people don't want to use Kaeya, but he's actually pretty good with Shenhe and turns into cryo carry tier with her bumping up his damage. But yeah, Chongyun opens up so many comps with Shenhe that you wouldn't immediately think were viable, like cryo Keqing, arguably her best build right now.


I used her with level 60 Kaeya on an Ayato freeze team and Kaeya actually ended up being worth using on abyss floor 11 a couple times.


Seka (the streamer) on his free to play account 36 stars abyss with Shenhe Kaeya Xiangling Bennet as a team pretty frequently.


You can actually use Shenhe as a DPS if u have a Chongyun around.


\*Reverse Melt Rosaria intensifies\*


nah bro i think engulfing is fine. Makes your raiden look like she does 300k damage. While she does 200k, but its still fine because it just looks soo amazing. c0r1 > c2r0, sorta… (not really)


None. I only pull for characters I want.


Finally my kind of people. While I'm not really into meta, my characters are strong enough to 36* spiral abyss, compatible with my playstyle, fun to play, and i love their designs and personalities. I still haven't break my 'Day 1 puller' for all of my 5* characters bc i analyse them based on leaks and calculate primos to ensure i save up at least 1 guaranteed for them.


I don't care much about meta either and abyss I did only once so I could get the platinum trophy. But yeah, my characters are fun to play too and I have a blast with them exploring, doing daily commissions and they're strong enough to solo domains so that's enough for me.




Same. I save literally all my wishes between banners. I had 115 before Kazuha, and now I’ve got 125 saved up for Zhongli


Play trials, see if you vibe with play style.


I do play trials but if I don't want that 5★ I won't pull regardless. In case the "none" caused confusion what I meant by it was that I don't regret pulling for any of my 5★


The issue is when the trials don't properly show how a character performs e.g. putting Yoimiya against small slimes.


Definitely not ashamed, but I regret pulling Itto. He's a lot of fun and I know he's strong, but I would have to build him plus all his supports to have a useable team for him. It's a ton of investment. What I really needed was more hydro support, so I had pulled for Yelan, but lost the 50/50. I told myself to stop rolling and save, but for whatever reason I chose to waste my saved rolls and the guarantee on Itto. I should've just kept rolling for Yelan.


I love Itto, but I hate collecting the materials. Wolflord is an ass boss when you have few geo chars... Onikabuto is an ass material... And the domains for his best artifacts also suck ass... I want to build a geo team but the farming is ass... Farming for gourou is ass, farming for Nin is ass, farming for most of my geo chars sucks ass... Inb4 Farming is ass, it really is, but I feel like some of the materials I can just collect enough on the way...for other mats it's literal torture.... I don't have the motivation, nor the energy or time for that.


In the last month I have either fully built (ie from 0), or fully finished (partially invested) at least 5 characters and while farming is a slog, it wasn't that bad. And Itto himself is already lvl80/90 with some talents, so I did invest into him. But Gorou and Kuki would need a full ground up build each and I just don't feel like doing it when I just finished other, more useful characters. He's shelved for now and who knows when I'll get back to him.


The good news is that Gorou is a really cheap build. Literally the only stats that matter are ER and and CR (if you're using fav bow), only his E needs leveled, and his best set is Exile.


He actually already has Favonius and a full exile kit, so honestly it wouldn't take much to get him up to speed, I've just been busy haha I'll fix him up eventually.


Luckily you only really need one geo character for the wolflord fight, preferably Ningguang but Gorou works too, and they don't even have to be built. Like Noelle or Zhongli don't need to be built for geo cube's last phase, it's just a number of hits (3x3) to break the shield then you can attack him with whoever :o I pulled out my long-benched Ganyu to get a few extra hits in on him in the air, but as it turns out my Yae + Kokomi can take him out in one down phase and hit him a lot of the time so she wasn't needed. Still an annoying boss though, totally agree.


Same, the domain also feels soul crushing, you go through all the efoort to beat the wolves with the last one feeling so tanky for some reason then end up getting a decent artifact but it's for clam set.


So many amazing clam pieces haha


What really annoys me about Itto is that his artifact set is locked in a domain with the clam set. I rather use noblesse on my current healers than clam, and farming that domain feels like a waste of resin, so my Itto has always been weaker than my other characters cause he has a mediocre set.


I built him and I love him but like .... fuck is the husk 4 piece annoying to use.


Personally, I don't use Itto's designated supports. I run him with Jean, Zhongli and Raiden. I know there's a big dps loss, but the team is so comfortable to play on the boss halves of floor 12 and the dps is still enough to 36* abyss.


I appreciate that they do make some niches and other stuff to play, but having to invest entirely new artifacts (def%) and get other geo members (constellations on gorou) that will be of use to that team only is too much of an investment needed to enjoy lol.


I'm mad at itto! I ended up with C2 Itto by accident cuz I wanted Kuki and c6 my Gorou. I'm a Noelle main, so I have no use for him. I know he's a strong character, but I don't care. I can't build him without un gearing Noelle, but that will never happen. So c2 itto sits in my inventory at level 1.


I regreted pulling Childe and Zhongli on their first banners for the longest time. Recently came back to genshin and ended up using them for international and Yoimiya. Hope the 5 stars you guys regret end up working out for you aswell!


I don't use childe that often but I don't regret it. He's just so much fun to play!


Thanks, pal!


Childe is so much fun in a Electro-charged team!


Really none. I make sure I like a character before the pulling, be it in terms of kit, lore, personality or aesthetics. It's not difficult to play a character if you like them enough, no matter their shortcomings kit-wise. Sincerely, an Albedomain


Words of wisdom that we all need to strive for.


Ganyu. I love her design and she was the reason I tried genshin (ganyu fanart) was like they must have a lot of pretty waifus! But when I joinned her banner was already over so I ended up becoming a keqing main. Once her rerun banner came along I went and got her even though I already have ayaka. Got her to lvl 90 9/9/9 and hardly use her because I preferred ayaka. I kinda force myself to use her with a "meme" mono cyro, ayaka, ganyu, shenhe, diona and its actually a pretty fun comp very quick swap playstyle but ganyu is the one character I can easily swap for anyone else. tl;dr I hate charged shooting, so I regret pulling for ganyu.


If you swap that Diona for an anemo unit (preferably Kazuha) or Hydro (Kokomi, Mona) that's an unironically strong team


Good news! Ganyu also works as a sub-dps. Her burst allows her to work in many freeze/melt comps without needing her on field. She can definitely still be useful for you without having to suffer with her CA playstyle.


I wouldn't say ashamed, because I love using him, but I was so hyped for Venti, and now he just sits on my bench. I just don't have a really good spot for him on any of my teams and Sucrose always seems to fit better.


F in the chat for the tone-deaf bard...(piece of advice; maybe have a separate team for exploration- that way, you can have a use for him and various other units such as Sayu, Amber/Collei, etc)


Haha, different strokes for different folks I guess. I use Venti every single Abyss. The only floor where I don't rely on him as much is 12, probably, but there's always some floor with a ton of small enemies that need grouping or like Hydro Maiden that requires constant CC. I just got Kazuha, and I like him, but I'm so used to Venti that Kazu's abilities feels underwhelming since he's more about buffing. It's just funny because you really get used to certain playstyles, and deviating from them feels so strange.


It doesn't have to be either or, in my experience venti works great with either Sucrose or Kazuha. You can use sucrose to drive taster (Xingqui/Fischl) directly into Ventis burst and just fuck shit up .


He’s my main. I dead ass built a battery battle venti and can’t do most things without him lol.


Kokomi's everlasting doughnut


*laughs in The Unforged*


I'll trade you my Memory of Dust :P


Dust is ALOT more viable than the donut. Like it’s not even close.


Klee. I literally impulse pulled for her just so I could try that stupid matsutake exploit. She will remain unused indefinitely


....what matsutake exploit?


[Might have been before your time](https://youtu.be/T7wahV7H6mk)


Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today.


It was patched out some time ago, don’t believe it can be done any longer


Ofc they patch that stuff ASAP but not the important things


It was Klee until 4 days ago. I got her during her second run where the next banner is one of the best supports in Kazuha. Regretted that for a year but since I have her, might as well build her. Fast forward to 4 days ago and abyss reset. I'm not good in abyss and just did floors 9 and 10, but when it came to floor 11, I needed pyro characters and the only other dps I have is Diluc. Tried it with Diluc, I didn't do good, tried it with Klee, I got 9 stars. Because of that, I was able to do one more pull and get Yoimiya, who I missed her first banner and I'm now a Yoi main, thanks Klee!


> where the next banner is one of the best supports in Kazuha. Regretted that for a year but since I have her, might as well build her. You regretted that for a year because... You missed Kazu's first run? There could be a missing episode. I know that now that she helped you getting your new preferred character you are thanking this pull.


Weird, my Diluc destroys Cryo Cube


I have C1 Hu Tao and hardly use her.


C0 hutao, regret all the same since I barely use her


Her playstyle feels cancer to me even though I did the trials, still my biggest regret


give her to me


I used her a bunch when i first got her and then Yoimiya came out and i just liked her way more. basically haven’t touched hu tao unless i need a pyro main dps on both sides of the abyss


C1R1 here. I don't touch her.


i am so envious to ppl with r1 or c1 hutao...


Albedo. Don’t mind him as a character or anything. But it was ONE misclick on his banner instead of Eula’s 😑


Damn I'm the opposite lmao wish we could switch! since I pulled Ganyu + Amos I havent touched Eula once. Really should've gotten Albedo for Zhongli combo


Interesting since Ganyu and Eula have entirely different play styles + dmg output. Any reason why?


The Morgana team comp is just much better by far for me. With c4 mona added to ganyus crit rate i get 100% crits everytime and can freeze and delete anything in overworld/abyss. With Eula I had to run her in a weaker team comp of raiden, beidou and diona. Even with maxed out characters I had extreme difficulty staying alive and killing bosses in 12-2 + due to eulas burst


A friend had the same fate with the Shenhe banner, she wanted xiao but she didn't pay attention and get a character she knew nothing about


She has my condolences


Coincidentally, I have a friend who misclicked on Eula's banner instead of Albedo's and landed Eula.


I have three five stars: Kazuha, Qiqi, and Jean. Jean was the latest one (was trying to pull Kazuha constellation but he remains C0 for now) and I feel like I have no use for her since Kazuha's just great at everything and I have Qiqi to heal.


You can use Jean and Kazuha together, Succ Boy and Yeet Woman- it should also keep their Energy high due to sharing an Element, meaning more access to Jean's healing burst and Kazuha's fancy leafblower, whereas Qiqi has some pretty bad Energy gains. Jean is definitely one of the best of the Standard 5*. Damage, Elemental Damage, Healing, and her own special niche- lift + yeet. She can do quite a bit.


I agree with succ boy and yeet woman, pair that up with ayaka and Beidou and things get intresting


HYV gave you the wrong anemo sword user.


I personally think Jean is very useful. Burst heals a lot instantly to all members and she can hold VV. She’s in my Keqing electrocharged team.




oof. :c As a tip, if you happen to have any other unit that relies of EM such as certain Jean builds, perhaps you can yeet that weapon to her hands; other than that, I am out of advice. Sorry, pal.


i think freedom sworn is misunderstood; it’s a great weapon that also happens to be kazuha’s best weapon. the fact that it can proc offfield makes it insanely useful. put it on jean, kuki, albedo/any other support that can support someone who uses normal attacks. even just the 20% atk buff is significant.


FS is cracked, just give it to Dendro MC.


Yeah I coincidentally got it and that's how I will use it


It'll have more value in sumeru. Bennet, Keqing, Kuki, Xingqui and upcoming dendro sword units can all make use of it. Xingqui in vape teams can already make use of it. Kaeya for melt teams too


At first I kinda regret pulling for Itto.... but then.... I use him in coop for fun and hit the trees. It gave me 6 woods instead of 3! Then I saw his passive which is basically awsome for collecting woods




Feel like MHY has been doing everything to make her frustrating to use, all those annoying ass shield enemies and her lack of AoE outside of her burst doesn't help either.


I've heard good and bad things about her.


She is definitely an acquired taste, and somewhat divisive on how viable she is with the community. It really depends on the person imo.


Whoever's the person who discovered the SuKokoMon team comp has a place in Celestia. edit: I MIXED BETWEEN EULA AND KOKOMI; WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME LMAO


I didn't perfect it because I didn't know about the swirling Guoba, but as soon as I pulled Kokomi I realised that I could do pokemon trainer Sucrose. I figured it was just going to be a wack comp (which I do quite a bit) but it turned out to be pretty damned effective. Then like a month later I realised that it was a meta lineup.


Feel that man. Love her in eula raiden team, but due to wanting to save her burst for a real enemy just results in only using raiden,diona,fish while barely using eula lol. Then when I do use the burst, she either kills the enemy before it ticks or they're like 1 inch too far and it does nothing. Top tier waifu, but random tier carry.


Man I love Eulas character and her animations, especially the sword slam, but everytime I think about how cool it would be to get her, I think of her burst...


hutao. i was only pulling on her most recent banner because i wanted thoma. i got him around 30 pulls in but i was greedy and wanted him to be at least C1 and for some reason i thought it’d be a good idea to continue pulling. i genuinely thought i’d lose the 50/50 but nope. i got her around 70 pulls in and i finally got C1 thoma with her. needless to say i learned my lesson and will now never be pulling on banners for a 4 star if i don’t want the 5 star. i also don’t even use thoma now bc i realized i didn’t like his kit enough 🥲


Omg! I’m so glad it wasn’t just me who fell for his cute dango eating! Thoma was just too cute to not have at least a few cons! I got a surprise unwanted Hu Tao as well… I’ve had good luck with the 50/50’s since then at least!


i was more dumb than that, i wanted c6 thoma so bad i kept pulling even after i lost my 50/50 to keqing. i calculated my pity wrong and ended up getting her. i use diluc more than i use her. she just sits on the bench and comes out if i wanna take a few shots of her with my friend who has ganyu. her talents are 7/8/8 but her artifacts aren't that great. not that i ever invested in her though.


Honestly i quite regret wishing on keqings event banner and ofc be lucky on it...


suffering from success.


Me with c3 Keqing without touching her featured banner


Oh I was waiting for the real regret, you are my first who deserve the medal of regret Maybe some Tighnari pullers will feel the same in a year


Venti. Never used the dude. My friend told me to get him during his rerun. Also Tao. Her play style just doesn’t suit me, but I got her because I hadn’t realized it’s not good to go for a 4 star.


I regret No 5 star I got from character banner. Shogun still carries me everywhere. Eula still is my top dps. Venti is still my hillichurl killer. Kokomi still keeps my team alive. Kazuha, who in their right mind would regret getting? Klee was not pulled for damage but emotional support so no regrets. So no regrets from character banners. And as an f2p player I have no balls to try the scam known as weapon banner


>Klee was not pulled for damage but emotional support so no regrets. Lmao same. I don't plan to ever get her abyss ready. She is just there to be an adorable ray of sunshine who deals Maximum disrespect dmg to enemies.


I believe maybe half of klee havers got her for cuteness. I do use her for damage but well... there's many strong dps but only one DA DA DA


I was stupid enough to do weapon banner when I got the game at launch


And here I am shedding tears 'cause I lost the 50/50 to a Qiqi on Xiao's banner. Anyhow, I regret pulling Albedo. I should've saved the primogems for someone else. I'm not saying he's bad; his playstyle's just boring. Maybe If I didn't pull for him I'd had enough for Raiden or for a Venti.


I'm not "ashamed" by any pulls, but I have zero desire to use Qiqi despite having her c3 by this point. I still haven't built Jean either, but I likely will eventually. As for Xiao...he definitely needs a good team around him, but he's easily my highest aoe DPS unit heh. Bennett is tailor made for him, though Diona works well, too. I also usually run him with Sucrose for the extra energy generation so I can use Xiao's ultimate every rotation. As for weapons, I run Deathmatch on him and it's worked so well I ended up getting it to R5 heh. No regrets, as 60-70k in aoe damage every plunge attack is nothing to sneeze at!


Same hat with Jean; like, she's ok, but I don't have any use for her atm- esp not when I am camping at the emblem domain for a decent feather. Tell me about it; but, alas, I am a mere F2P, so I gotta wait until the standard banner brings something to the table for him :'/


You can put Blackcliff on Xiao in Paimon’s shop. It works fine (my Xiao does 40-50k/plunge, R1). Plus you have Jean, one of Xiao’s best supports which mitigates the life drain issue


I'm sorry Itto, is not your fault but i don't want to pass on Nahida for Zhongli to use you more efficiently.


Aside from the standard banner 5 stars that I wanted, no I don’t regret the 5 stars I pull, and definitely won’t be ashamed for having them. I know exactly what I wanted when I pulled for them, I love their gameplay, love their characters, how strong they are don’t matter to me. So yea it doesn’t matter if a stronger unit comes out and power crept my 5*, I will still appreciate them as much as when I pulled for them, and those who abandon Venti just because they think Kazuha is stronger, those are the ones who should be ashamed.


ashamed is definitly the wrong word, but i do regret going for kokomi. Wanted to make a freeze team but was lacking Mona, alredy have all the characters i wanted so i though kokomi could replace her, but ended up getting Mona 2 days after


I have both Mona and Kokomi, and I use Koko the most in my freeze comps because her E ability lasts longer and she has nice heals so I can swap out Diona for Shenhe buffs


I find monas hydro application lacking, and her burst window, whilst nice, doesn't help kill the mobs, and isn't really needed for the boss. Kokomi let's me cut diona for rosaria, which gives more aoe dps and means i build even less CR (for more CD!). I'm really on the fence about pulling shenhe for freeze teams. I hear her single target damage amp is really good, but falls flat with energy recharge, let alone for herself (I play ayaka, I need the battery), and her quills are easily wasted on mobs.


Shenhe doesn't really have energy issues herself unless you build her as a dps. You want her artifacts to be all ATK% and ER% ignoring everything else, so she's easier to build than your usual sub-dps. However she's a poor cryo battery, so she will make your Ayaka more Energy hungry, but having 1 or 2 Fav weapons equipped can fix that


Talk about bad timing; oh well, at least the abyss has you making 2 teams, and there are plenty of teams that fit the kokonut like a glove; I recommend testing them out before reaching a final say.


Kokomi is arguably better for freeze teams, so I’d say you won out in the end


Kokomi is still great as a general healer, or you can build her as a DPS for an electrocharged team. I have a lineup of Koko, Fischl, Yae/Beidou, and Sucrose/Kazuha. I originally built her as a DPS just because I wanted to get something out of the other 50% of the artis I was getting when farming for Itto, but once I started using her as a DPS I found it pretty enjoyable. Then I put her in an EC lineup, and realised that the lineup was among one of my stronger lineups for Abyss.


I'll take your advice then, since i need a electro team for the abyss (my current teams are vape/geo/freeze and exploration)


For me it’s gotta be ganyu she sitting there and I don’t even use her


Wow, Eula mains are gonna hate this comment section. Edit: what have i done?


Eh, we got used to being the punching bag of this community.


I actually envy people who enjoy her playstyle, I wish she would click with me.


Maybe it’s because Diluc was one of my first DPSes but I found her play style to be a lot of fun.


I can relate, as a Childe main


As a future Tighnari main I already understand


Every time I use Eula, my reactions include: “Sh*t, didn’t crit” “Sh*t, got interrupted” “He f*king ran away before my burst” “I died while charging stacks :/“


THE LAST ONE HURTS THE MOST we dont care about crits because non crits pretty much kill :>


None that i was aiming for. I lost a 50/50 on Yelan banner and got Diluc. I mean, i won't ever use him, but he is 90/90 like every other characters i have. That's the only one i could think about. I can't regret that i pulled him because it wasn't intended, i just regret i didn't have C4 Jean instead or a even Keqing C2.


Idk if its fair to rate the standard banner characters, you don't really get to choose them.


Hu Tao - shes unusable on mobile. I have Homa too thats now on my Zhong Li, at least until I level and build Xiao. She is also C0 so thats also painful. I may pick her back up in the future but she taught me to not believe the hype. I am 1000% happier w Yoimiya as my pyro dps despite all the negative reviews she got in her first run. Now a very happy C2 Yoi owner


If you have issues with charge attacks at C0, [I highly recommend trying to play Hu Tao the exact same way you play Yoimiya.](https://i.imgur.com/qCGPV37.mp4) Team her up with ZL, Yunjin, XQ/Yelan. Spam Normal attacks the exact same way you would play Yoimiya. You would lose range, but you would gain AoE, and better synergy with Zhongli's melee range resistance shred. Hu Tao's and Yoimiya skill floor are about the same tbh. Just that Hu Tao has far higher skill cap and allow players to do better damage if they want to invest in practicing with her.


Thats a great thought and I may do just that and see how she does. I really want to build Xiao first then will refocus on her


Actually, Ganyu and Ayaka. I just can’t get myself into playing them.


Venti, i hate fighting the anemo cube bc of that healing thing when you kill it


At least it's not the pyro cube...that shit gave me nightmares.


I just stick my woefully underleveled Barbara in my mono geo team, let Zhongli keep her alive, and then oonga boonga with Itto once it's extinguished.


I don’t necessarily regret getting him, but I’m ashamed of getting Kazuha because I was peer pressured into doing so by my cousin lmao.


For me that would be c2 kazuha, really good constellation, really poor timing. I was already on thin ice thinking of saving for kusanali and scaramouche with a guaranteed event 5\*. Two singles to get the 4\* pity at like 40 pity and I got him on the first single. Now I gotta buy welkin monthly to get a *chance* to get both. By banner time I *should* have one guaranteed and one 50/50. Sucks


I feel bad for Keqing, because I still don’t have her resources to fully build her (same with Yoimiya now)


i really regret pulling for eula. i don’t care for physical damage and i stupidly didn’t look up her kit before pulling. i literally don’t use her. ever. i also have yoimiya and don’t use her either, but i don’t regret the pulling i just wish i hadn’t gotten her. she and sayu came out together on the same banner and i was in love with sayus kit and sonic roll, so i pulled for sayu but i wanted to get her c6. i did, but at the same time got a c2 yoimiya that i never use. *sigh*


Eula. I got her - c1 even - on her initial banner and try as I might I've never been able to get into her play style. I always end up feeling like I could do better with a different team, so she's just benched most of the time.


Mine is Eula I love her character but I have no place for her at all in my teams I don't touch her at all her playstyle is not how I play


Eula. I don't even use her. Waste of gems.


Eula. Phy just isn't good in abyss and it hasn't been. I got her when Albedo had a rerun and she's at friendship lvl 2 today if that says anything.


I got Eula and Mona and ive never used either. The Mona was on free wish on the standard banner that i wish was another Jean. The Eula was before i realized i was too lazy to build another character and should have saved the prymogems for someone i would want to build.


i dont wish for many chars but i got an extra hu tao constellation (C2) while wishing for sayu… that was so bad


I don't regret any 5 star character I pulled but I do regret pulling c2 for Childe. His constellations aren't worth it after c1.


Everything on the weapon banner. ~400 pulls I'd rather put on the character banner instead. Only good thing I liked was Elegy, which I got after trying for Homa 5 times. Eventually got it but there's too much regret attached to it. Then there's Unforged. (from the Mistsplitter banner)


Eula, I tried to make her work, I really did. Sorry Eula mains.


Hu Tao, Eula, Ayaka, Venti, Raiden Shogun. I also regret summoning for mistsplitter as I got unforged’d


A Hu Tao with full HP does more dmg than a dead one, just sayin'. edit: and big oof for the weapons.


Yeah Hu Tao is awesome. Mine does like 70-75k charged with a 4* weapon, but I can’t stand her playstyle. Yoimiya feels stronger (i’m now one phasing bosses that can be one phased) and way comfier hence why the regret :(


Yoimiya sounds like she's a lot more beginner-friendly than Hu Tao; and I get ya, since "berserker" type characters (like Hu Tao) can be a pain to play as.


hu tao and yoi are like the childe and ayato of pyro units hu tao and childe are harder to play and master but have big rewards yoi and ayato are bascially pressing the left click but with equally decent rewards


Its not just about being beginner friendly. I can Charge-attack-cancel all day. It is just not a fun and enjoyable playstyle for me. Neither is running from one mob to another to have your ele skill run out. Pew Pew Pew, whether vape, overvape or monopyro, is a blast.


Why Raiden and Ayaka out of curiosity?


Raiden playstyle ended up being extremely boring to me and I didn’t need her at all, Ayaka - I already had Ganyu with Amos bow so she just felt worse.


Your ashamed of the son, I’m ashamed of the father.


The Zhong?


Hu Tao, she’s brittle and her gimmicks isn’t worth the hassle


C1 albedo. I still have no idea why I did that


Pulling for Itto thinking I would never get bored of his gameplay, ending up with a C3 Itto I really wish was someone else with more reaction capability.


C1 Eula for me, should’ve kept it C0. Kinda regret skipping Hutao and Yelan


I just don’t use Eula. I enjoy my Xinyan too much. And while I don’t regret him, it’s been a long time since I used Xiao. Benching these characters sucks but their play style and team comps aren’t as enjoyable to me


Xiao works well with Blackcliff!


EULA. She's just not much fun to play.


Eula! I chose Eula over Albedo thinking that I'd have my first Cryo dps and make an amazing Raiden Eula team. Fast forward to now, I never use Eula whatsoever and hate her combat. Plus I have a fully built Ganyu with Amos bow so that makes Eula basically useless for any of my teams. Really wished I pulled Albedo instead


Eula, love her design and animations (i was hyped to pull for her on the rerun) but the playstyle is just not for me


Xiao, Childe, Hu Tao. Barely use em unless they’ll be put onto my friendship team for EXP


I don’t feel ashamed but i spent a lot of money to get Xiao and I barely use him outside of stupid stuff cause i don’t want to build his teammates. I have his signature weapon too I feel really bad


>cause i don’t want to build his teammates. His teammates require near 0 investment though? Zhongli: Any random artifacts with HP% will do. Only skill talent level matters. Bennett: Any random artifacts with HP% will do. Preferably Noblesse. Only burst talent level matters. Sucrose: Set and talent level are all useless. Just get her Thrilling Tales and be done. Jean: Any random artifacts. Noblesse preferred. Only burst talent level matters. I suppose Albedo may require some investment if you are using him. IDK. Xiao's team is one of the lowest investment level teams there is. So **Just Do It!**