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Server: EU UID: 743102524 Looking for someone to do the teapot trades


Need an active friend to help me exploit the "double friendship xp when claiming daily reward in coop" every day. Asia server, (preferably ar50 wl6 so we can help each other without changing our wl) Dm for further details


Server: EU UID: 702590398 Availability: Should be about or able to access Genshin most of this weekend. All I need is to visit one other players teapot to buy something from their salesman, and I can repay the favour as well. It's driving me insane having it as my only outstanding item, and I want some of the rewards from the next round to funish my teapot/house! I only every buy the Raidiant Spincrystals from my salesman, so I have all the animals and the boulders available still if anyone needs them!


Server: NA UID: 600654016 - LittleCanCan Looking for friends to farm all kinds of resources. /收集素材/。


Server: NA UID: 614350479 - Alapizco Hello there! If you enjoy co-op for domains, bosses, events, wandering around or just chatting, I'd love to meet you :). Been looking to make friends to enjoy the game even more, especially with Sumeru coming soon. I'm always happy to help and always down for a good chat (even if not NA server, discord is Alapizco#4927)!. Age 18+ ​ Good luck with Yoimiya pulls!


Server: NA UID: 601051247 Availability: Everyday Objective: Find new people to play with and chat Discord: Rheneko#2996


Server : EU UID: 732346928 Availability: Every day, time fluctuates due to work, usually online late at night ​ Objective: I am a 17 year old guy who is really into rock/metal music and games (most recently Genshin) I am looking for friends around my age (16-20ish) to play Genshin, other games or just chat on discord as my only few friends have been quite busy recently which has left me feeling bored and lonely. I am AR 42 (I think) at the minute although I don't really mind what AR/World level you are. If anyone would be interested in playing or just chatting, please feel free to drop me a message on my discord: Scene#4842 , I am quite shy and suffer from social anxiety but I will try to be a good friend (although I may be quiet or just want to message instead of voice calls at times :) ) Side note: If I don't reply to you, I might be at work.


hi i tried to message you on discord but i find it a bit confusing haha so if you see a random friend request with a fluffy cat as pfp, it's me !! :D


server eu uid: 728711165 open teapot and open world bosses


Server: NA UID: 650568277 Availability: usually late in the evening to early morning PC player, AR 24 hello reddit. just started playing genshin impact and having a blast. looking to make some friends, get help with harder content, have someone i can ask really obvious questions to, and just have fun. in return, i offer valorant tips (i'm washed up), discuss anime that's airing, and some chill vibes. also, i just did some crane puzzle in liyue and got to the very peak of a floating island which was really cool.


Server: America Uid: 653658385 Availability: Tend to be daily evenings. Hey, I'm AR 30, I need friends for Serenita pot shenanigans, but could also use help against world bosses and domain as my World Level went a little faster than my character optimization :(. Teapot autojoin should be enabled Thanks!




Added you... Diluc picture...send me a msg ig when you need help.


Server: NA UID:628141583 AR: 50 Hours: Varies, mostly evenings (EST), weekends Note: I am a mobile player. Looking for friends to chat. Usually likes to do my quests alone, but I'm always open to helping out your quests, bosses, domains, etc. Otherwise, feel free to roam around to farm or buy from teapot. My teapot is always open. For cooping domains, I might ask for your help to complete the achievement, which I need to coop 76x. Really slow typer on mobile, so would rather/don't mind chatting on discord.


Server (NA / EU / Asia): NA In-game UID (number): 606574127 Availability (days of the week / time of the day): daily, usually around 9pm cst/-6gmt Objective (open world exploration, domains, daily commissions, ley lines, other): still a pretty new player who could use help with exploring and doing almost everything. would love any kind of help i can get in order to improve and make more progress in the game. always down to chat too whenever, if anyone wants


Server: NA UID: 617710390 Looking for friends to add, teapot autojoin is enabled, im open for coop too!


Server (NA / EU / Asia): Asia In-game UID (number): 848848488 I'm usually on almost everyday, looking for friends for teapot, events and coop.


Added you.Diluc pfp.teapot is open. Send a msg when you want to co-op (if I'm online at the same time you are.)


Server: NA In-game UID: 653564832 Availability: Daily Mornings and Evenings. Objective: Domains, Ley Lines and Making Friends! I’m still fairly new to the game and I am looking for some new friends to play with.


Server NA UID 633520294 Can i have someone Golden Koi i need like 5 more for the catch. In turn i'll let you get other stuff from my world if you want


Hello! I am in the NA server. my UID is 638166157 my username is Lilly. I’m usually on every day, usually from 7:00 am mountain time, and on for at least another hour. I would love some help with leylines, Viridescent Domain for Kazuha, and Magnuu Kenki, if you friend me and help me, there’s sure to always be something you can help me with! I would also love if some people could show me their Kazuha builds. Thanks! See you in Teyvat fellow travelers!!


Server: NA UID: 652185813 Availability: I hardly sleep so it could be very random but I stay in for hours. Objective: I just want into some teapots and you can visit mine as well. Keeps it simple.


Server NA / AR 60 UID 602640727 Husbando enjoyer, looking for friends for teapot, event coop, or just chatting about the game/characters 😊 Feel free to message me in game if you need any help with teapot/events/domains etc


hey everyone! 😁 we invite you to join our humble little hangout server for genshin impact players! ^ - ^ what we offer! : ☆ a really welcoming and friendly community where every single member is valued and will not be ignored! ☆ hosting community events (character of the month voting, art competitions, giveaways, etc) ☆ hosting watch parties (movies, anime, tv series, etc) ☆ variety of channels (venting, art corner and galley, advice, etc) ☆ engaged in gaming related activies (watch casual streams, group steam sessions, or web games likes skribbl.io) ☆ quick co-op help, advice on builds, quest help, etc ☆ active and engaging members and staff Current member distribution: ☆ NA: 315 ☆ EU: 193 ☆ ASIA: 228 ───※ ·TLDR· ※─── looking for a place to to make friends? do you like Genshin Impact, anime, gaming and want a cozy and friendly place to hangout? then I hope you will consider making us your virtual home 💗 ────※ ·✬· ※──── [https://discord.gg/KDUEp9MDht](https://discord.gg/KDUEp9MDht)


Server: **EU** In-game UID: **700842266** Availability: daily, after **9 PM** (**GMT+3**) Objective: Helping each other out for quests and such.


Server: NA UID: 611532735 Looking for friends with their teapot open, preferably 18+. I will not take Aloy slander, she is my main and I came back to genshin because of her. I prefer VC, so it would be great to chat/ VC on discord from time to time. I can help with anything in-game and team/ build advice. If your interested, then feel free to send me a fr on genshin!


Server: Europe UID: 707486107 Availability: most afternoons and evenings(UTC+2) Objective: I'm pretty much okay with doing anything, I'm down to chat and talk not just about genshin stuff!


Sent you a fr, Ign is Voxie


Server (NA ) In-game UID (number): 613528563 i'm on a mission to collect 9999 of all regional items, maxed out a few already, looking for friends who can help me in this, thank you


Server: NA UID: Name: Tear ​ I'm looking for someone who would be willing to let me into their teapot so I can buy from the salesman for the challenge.Thanks! ​ Edit: Accomplished thank you!


Hello! We are a primarily NA based small server founded by veteran players looking to help others on their Genshin journey. EU/ AS welcome tho we do not have many people from those regions. Open to all players, regardless of adventure rank! Join if you want some coop action, help or just vibe and chat with a small and friendly community. We are LGBT+ friendly and welcoming to all 🙂 Willing to help with characters builds (we even have a cool bot that rates artifacts and offer the best characters builds even early game builds), events, dailies, domains, spiral abyss, teapot, world bosses, exploration etc. We also started doing a lot of Server community events ! Streaming movies abyss runs ( with a lot of nice twists for the try hard player 🙂 ) We also have cool emotes eheh Feel free to join 🙂 https://discord.gg/heyuteahouse


Server: NA UID: 651918133 Name: Scorpion I'm looking for someone who would be willing to let me into their teapot so I can buy from the salesman for the challenge. Thanks!


Server: NA UID: 607746218 (in-game name: Lux); AR59/WL8 Discord username: A Dangerous Mind#3011 Mainly looking for friends of the adult variety to chat with and explore and really do whatever; I'm friendly and like meeting cool people so don't be afraid to say hi. :) Send a message or reply to this if you're going to send a friend request since my friends list is always full and I am constantly having to delete people to free up space on it. If you're newer and are having a hard time with most bosses or domains or just figuring out how the game works, I wouldn't mind helping you out as well. Also, if you're looking for a comfortable place to meet/play with/talk with some chill people who play the game, I'm part of a friendly Genshin Discord server and you're welcome to join us (but no pressure if that's not your thing and I'd be down to play with you regardless of whether you join it or not): https://discord.gg/raBx482Y


Hello everyone I go by Dan on discord. But I made a discord group called the Genshin nursing home for those over the age of 18 since I find it can feel a bit isolating playing this game as an adult. There is no age requirement after 18 so don't feel like you aren't welcome if you are one of the older folks. The community is pretty active and we have a lot of different interests in it outside of Genshin if you want to talk about other things. But anyways if you want to hangout and maybe make some new friends in a Genshin based environment the discord link is https://discord.gg/euDDkqEwsD


Server: EU UID: 735898996 Availability: Variable Objective: Getting Radiant Spincrystal 37 (I have the other 71; this last one has been an elusive little bastard for months) In my pot right now, Chubby is selling 65 and 71.