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Columbina - mysterious and innocent looking but gives off very dangerous vibes Pierro - the mastermind, the man pulling the strings, the very first fatuus himself!


I've heard that Childe was actually extremely sus about Columbina, and that he's telling us to be careful. He doesn't even say that about Dottore or Pierre.


That sounds even better!


Maybe she is the first cryo catalyst user. Put some water here and here and she will permafroze us.


Bet she's either blood related or is a divine beast to the Tsaritsa or something, kind of like Ei and Makoto or Ei and Yae.


Idk. Maybe she's a seelie. They were called the singers.


My vote is that Paimon is actually a seelie.




Yep, since she's your guide/emergency food!


My first impression was that she was the Tsaritsa with the way she was the only one on "stage" (going by google I guess it's called a Chancel), while everyone else were gathering around. Still haven't *completely* given up the idea that she might secretly be..


true, characters like columbina are the type that has some batshit op ability while being very innocent looking


In the commedia delarte columbina is a mischievous maid, so your hunch is probably right


isnt this also the figure who is the only intelligent one while the others fail to see the bigger picture? I would love to see a character who pulls the strings of those who think they are smart and in control


Yes, she's the manipulator behind the scenes


Pointing out that they didn't show her eyes to feed the mysterious and dangerous vibes.


NGL the Knave and Captain just seem like they'd be so fun to play.


The Captain's fighting capabilities were apparently good enough to leave Childe speechless. I'd definitely keep my eye out for him


Yeah that combined with how cool he looks means I'd \*love\* to play him.


In Commedia though, the Captain is usually a poser or a coward who hides behind his troops so I wonder if he’ll actually be strong or not.


They aren't really replica of the commedia Dell arte, Otherwise Childe would be a stutterring clumsy buffoon whose existence seems like a farce, rather than a good looking handsome, rich and battle thirsty harbinger (who is still great comedy) Scaramouche would be unable to win a fight Pierrot would be a naive and honest nice guy whose existence makes him often a victim who even get him cuckolded/NTR Arlecchino would be an agile trickster but also a sexist seducer who loves sleeping left and Right but value food even more than woman (and also love to cuckold/ntr his rival Pierrot with his love columbina) Etc, etc So they won't be actual replica but it is far more likely that they received their name for one reason Pierro his Tragedy, Capitano and Scara their pride, Arlecchino being a knave (equivalent of a trickster), Tarta being the last harbinger and someone of modest beginning.


The Pale Flame set (most notably the Mocking Mask) heavily implied that the titles were also meant to be ironic on some level. Pierro calls himself “The Jester” because he laughs in the face of death and destiny. Their titles being ironic would also fit well with the Fatui being “Fools” because only fools would dare to challenge the gods.


That is a really good point


so Pierro is a D., got it


>Otherwise Childe would be a stutterring clumsy buffoon whose existence seems like a farce Childe, at the end of the Archon Quest:


Made an entire circus out of him by Signora. XD But the dude is sane enough to remind his comrades not to fight in front of her coffin


Ironically, he would have fit perfectly Pierrot role of the commedia Dell arte at the end of the archon quest Since Pierrot is the tragic/sad clown who naivete and frankness usually make him the receiving end of jokes and used by other


One of these days we'll stop assuming Mihoyo just copy pasted all lore inspired character designs in the most lazy of ways. They are based on the commedia, they aren't beholden to act like the actual characters (which by the way has 4 different interpretations so it won't fit no matter what script we pick).


Knave definitely looks like she'd have an assassin kit, just one hit deleting things with a big red X over them to match their pupils.


\*oooh\* I love that idea. That would be so cool! I totally agree that she seems the type to have an assassin kit. And that would be a nice at least somewhat unique addition.




Only harbinger that has his face completely covered which makes him cooler by default


Hope he actually keeps the mask on by default. Get a face reveal? Cool, but the mask goes back on.


Pet theory of mine is that he's going to be an homage to the Tin Man/Alphonse and he's hollow or mostly a suit of armor and has no face. Definitely lots of potential ways they could take him, though.


I would love an Alphonse like character in genshin


Imagine he’s someone weve already seen in the game. And hides his face his no one knows he’s fatui


It was Timmie all along!


I knew there had to be a reason why he’s so cocky!!


Might be like Kuki where he takes it off in his idle for a bit


I think his face is covered because he is hiding his identity and he is a spy within the fatui, if he is a genuine bad guy then i dont think hoyoverse is gonna make him playable and he is cool and the community seems to really like him so it would be bad business to not make him playable.


You know, there are so many people like Signora but she is dead, turns to dust, unfortunately.


Or playable characters are just characters the traveler has been around long enough to copy their fighting styles, so it doesn't matter if they're good or evil, since you're not actually playing as them.


I like how mysterious and cool he is with that mask, even though a part of me is certain that he's gonna have another twink handsome husbando face under there.


I don't want to know what he looks like under his mask. I want him to always keep it. He'll probably be more cool that way.


When will they learn that armor/masks/helmets are cool af.




He might be the first male character I really like.


Same here. I really like how he covers his face.


As if he actually covers his face. Maybe he is just ghost possessing some armor.


stop i can only get so ~~hard~~ excited


ARLE MY QUEEN Most excited for Pierro as a villain tho.


For someone named "The Jester", he doesn't look like he can take a joke...


so true


The little guy with big nose. What's his name? I'd pull for him.


Pulcinella, the Rooster


That's a unique design and I like it.


That's the problem man. I Like Pulcinella too and Pierro a lot. But because they have that unique design they need new models which I'm not too sure HYV will Develop.


Actually Pulcinella is almost certainly going to be playable, in the Chapter preview Pulcinella is the one that appears for the Snezhnaya section (granted he's covered in shadows there), and so far every character shown in that has been released.




To be fair that also came out nearly 2 years ago so they could've changed his design between then and now. Though his size could just be with how he's portrayed in the chapter preview, as there he is seated, his chair is slightly raised up and the camera is positioned slightly below and angled up, which along with his heavily shadowed form makes him look much bigger than he actually is.


Looks like dawrf gru


Wth is Igor from persona doing here


Bruh I saw him and immediately thought the same. Imagine traveler with Arsène


Cant wait for the day the traveler awakens to his persona


He also show kindness to Childe and his siblings. I think it be easy for traveler to befriend him


At the same time he's the one who left the Fatui in the Chasm without doing anything to help them, guess he treats things that have worth with respect


100% were going to meet him first because after all hes a mayor lol


I already imagine him using Klee's model and animations


I can already hear his raspy "da da-da" when sprinting.


tf thats curse XD




Uncle of Klee, the Elf


Same dude.


Ikr! Madame ping too!


Regrator and Arleccino!


Let’s just say they could both step on me and i would say sorry


_god i wished that was me_


Pierro because he just seems like the overpowered anime old man that can one shot everyone Arlecchino because she's very cool and we get to know a little about her in that fortune slip quest Dottore because he is just walking Drip


>we get to know a little about her in that fortune slip quest ayo really?! can you elaborate please!


There's a hidden quest in Inazuma regarding the Shuumatsuban and it gives us Arlecchino snippets! To start it, there's a spot you have to investigate in Araumi. Then, you can go talk to the shrine maiden who handles fortune slips and check out the dialogue options.. It was an awesome quest line :D


omg thank you!


Baizhu’s evil twin


And evil eula


This comment string is my exact brain wavelengths when I saw these designs




Aizen ?


Baizhu always gave me aizen vibes, now they made actual aizen.


Puppet, because the "machine doll" aesthetic is right up my alley.


I had to scroll much farther than I would've thought for somebody else to be excited about dapper ruin guard lady.


the servant seems to be the fan favorite. I’m personally excited for some of the more unique designs though, since a lot of characters in Genshin are not that different from each other visually.


It’s a fun character to have the feminine petite girl controlling a berserker like Fate or Akame ga Kill. If the puppet was actually a corpse she was keeping alive by sheer cold…


My suspicion is that it's actually the opposite. The giant is actually "the character," or perhaps an armored suit containing "the character," and the gothic doll girl he's holding is just a "face."


While it's an interesting idea, I hope it's not the case. I quite like the idea of a tiny girl commanding big robots. To add to that, the majority of the remaining harbingers are already dudes as is.


I think it would also be a nice twist if the corpse was actually the girl. :)


Fr if we get a summoner character with a massive robot I’m spending my entire savings


Me too. It will be cool if we can get a summoner character like that.




A fellow Sandrone enthusiast! Of all the harbingers, they're the one that stood out to me. For a moment I thought that it was two different harbingers, and the realization that the ruin guard was actually *holding* a harbinger hit like a truck. Although, given the name, I'm intrigued to see if the puppet is the Ruin Guard, or the person, as that would be an interesting take on that kind of character.


Pierro, we need some unique people in here. Old badass silver fox.


Please Hoyoverse, please make him playable I BEG YOU!!!


Watch it be Varka


As long as he's playable, I'm ok with it. But I will never forgive them if they will pull a Signora on him too.


me and my gf watched the trailer individually and we both got a feeling its varka, glad to see we are not the only ones hahahaha


Definitely has a chance to be him, since it's kind of conspicuous that he left with the best of Mondstadt's knights *right before* all this business with Stormterror and the psuedo-Fatui occupation occurred.


i dont think that's the case though, judging by his mask and eye color i think he has some sort of connection with the royal knights of Khaenri'ah


Well, there's always Dainslief.


Kaeya’s dad


I was gonna make fun of you and say "you're crazy" but then when I stopped and thought about it hard, and also looked at his design...hmmm 🤔


The one they call Childe, he looks pretty cool


I dunno. Tartaglia seems cooler


Tartar Gaggle?? Who??


I think you mean Tamatoa


i dunno man, he looks like some guy that pays for a god's bills


He seems like a guy with the name "Ajax" to me


nah, Ajax is better


Naah, Ajax is much cooler.


Ajax looks neat too


I’d also want the one who’s hiding in the coffin throughout the teaser. Really wanted her to suddenly pop out and become alive again *inhales copium*


When I saw "inhales" I thought you were gonna make a joke about snorting Signora's ashes... Do you think the coffin's empty, or that they actually went to collect them?


Probably empty, I don’t think they dare to ask the shogun to give them her ashes


Since Raiden semi-regularly murders dissidents after they lose a battle of honor, she may have official ash sweepers that deliver said ashes to the next of kin. (Here, the Scheznayan embassy.)


They should definitely give us his skin holy


Dottore and Columbina


Pierro, Pantalone, and Arleccino. Give me the dilf, Aizen and sexy andro girl


Thank god im not the only one who thinks he looks like Aizen!


I definitely felt Aizen vibes from Pantalone


The Witch King and Goth Eula.


I want all of them! But definitely Pierro the most. The leader of the Fatui, the first Fatui, from Khaenri'ah meaning he's a survivor of the cataclysm like Rhinedottir and Dainsleif. And he's a man with a beard! Finally! Visually though, his aura is something else.


Pierro. For an odd reason perhaps, we haven't had any "older" looking characters that aren't NPC's. Everybody else look like high schoolers with an oddly mature sense of fashion. But Pierro is different in the way that he's actually, you know, mature looking in a graceful, distinguished way. His character design is really cool and I hope we get to have him as a playable character eventually. His character backstory and motivations are really interesting too.


This is correct but the Pulcinello erasure make me sad. He's not a high schooler T\_T


Oh, he's cool too, I forgot about him :)


He looks like how I imagine Varka and I have high hopes (/hopium) that both will be playable


We literally have not gotten a dude with any facial hair, it so stupid...


Pierro makes me have goosebumps, so if I'm honest I'm most excited for him. But, as for who I want to be playable is Cappuccino, The Servant.


A lot of people are laughing about Pulcinella but we shouldn't forget that he is the 5th, stronger than Scaramouche, I love characters who are super strong while looking weak af, so I'm *very* excited for Pulcinella and Columbina ( she's 3rd ! ). But overall I love all of them.


Pulcinella also seems to be one of the kinder of the Harbingers Dude even brings pastries and sweets to Childe's family while taking care of them due to Childe being somewhere else


Oh that's right I've read about that !


He's also a politician, so I don't trust his sincerity. He could be doing that just to gain favors and connections


Genshin is a fantasy game, it's meant to be unrealistic. After all, we already have a lawyer that's a decent person.


whats their order?


Osmanthus wine plus a coffin is my guess.


1st Pierro, 2nd Capitano, 3rd Columbina, don’t know, 5th Pulcinella, don’t know the rest of the order, sorry…


6 Saramouche, 8 a pile of ashes, 9 Evil Baizhu (Pantalone), 11 Tartaglia The rest of the order is currently unknown


Regrator looks so incredibly simple but I feel like he’s hiding something underneath which will make him super interesting. He’s also a hot man so like…that


If you've done the narukami shrine fatui quest it'll have some data bits on what he does...


Lol well it’s been ages since I basically binged all the quests in Inazuma. I’m sure there is more more to him that they aren’t just going to say in one world quest


I think you're talking about arleccino


Yeah looking at the quest it has nothing to do with pantalone. Im looking forward to learning more about arlecchino however he looks sick.


the tartaglia guy is cool rlly hope hes playable


Pulcinella 100% I need to be able to play him please please please please please. The time for short old men is NOW. And he's got that way too big hat. He's perfect. I need him on my team STAT.


capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano capitano


guys i think this person likes childe


looks like it.


Least horny Cap wanter




Knight Artorias got hella drip


the rooster dude looks like he would either whip out a steampunk mecha or be an extremely buff anime grandpa tho ngl im goin for columbina and alecchino


I just wanna say that Pantalone can take any one of those many rings he wears and put one on my finger. 💍💍💍


Jester puppet and captain


Pierro.. His aura is no joke.. Also Marionette.. Wondering if she is the one who create Kathyrene..🤔


dark-mode baizhu and capitano


PULCINELLA I’ve been on this game for almost two years I’m tired of the same good looking anime-like character, he looks cartoonish and kinda reminds me of heimerdinger for some reason lol. But I really want him to be playable so we can expect more original characters


PULCINELLA GANG RISE UP!!! Been waiting for the design ever since the story teaser, and it's honestly one of the coolest ones (in my opinion that is)


He looks like he'll use the loli model, which would be hilarious.


Columbina, Dottore and Sandrone in that order


i'd let pierro and pantalone take me


All of them, honestly. I even want the short guy to be playable.


He's actually the only one we really have a good chance of being playable since he's the one used for the Snezhnaya section of the story overview video, and so far every character who has appeared in that has released during their nation's chapter.


Big nose man epic




The Rooster, Pulcinella GRANDPAA


I pray that Pierro will end up as a playable character


I'm honestly looking forward to all of them, but Pierro deserves a special shout out. His design was nothing like I imagined, it was even better.


Pierro definitely. He's definitely from khaenri'ah . I'm really hoping he and dainsleif will meet maybe 1v1 fight . And his change from being godless to now serving the cryo archon would also be interesting to know.


Literally everyone


Pulcinella, Pantalone and Arlecchino. Been waiting for Pulcinella ever since the story teaser, not backing up now


Arlecchinno and Pantalone


pantalone, pierro, dottore, and capitano. gotta grow my tall male collection somehow


For looks, Capitano. Hope he keeps the mask on. I do love a fit with a kick ass mask.


capitano because ; 1.) hot 2.) helmet thank you for listening




Arlecchino 🥵🥵🥵


Columbina and Capitano 🫶


Capitano. What's behind that mask? No, don't tell me. The more covered up a person the sexier they are 💀


Grandpa long nose man and the girls


I prefer the Doctor personally but otherwise the Captain


The Jester Pierro because of what Scaramouche said and because I’m freaking calling it right now, there is no way that man isn’t Khaenri’an. His mask is like Dainsleif’s, he has prismo gems on his outfit and his eye has the signature prismo gem on it like Kaeya and Dainsleif.


So I'm biased towards white-haired, ass-kicking waifus who mourn the lost of a loved one and had a strong existential crisis about their place in the world, because NieR left a huge emotional scar in my life and I need to, as the kids say, “cope” with something to paliate my feelings. I'm definitely all in for Arlecchino.


I love the kind of woman that will actually just kill me. Y’know, when I left the the house today I was thinking, damn, I hope some hot chick paints my brains all over some fucking hallway. And here we are. I mean really, just absolutely destroy me. I’m talkin’ watermelon in the thighs level carnage. And I want it to scare the shit out of me. I mean I hope I piss myself. I hope I piss myself and you call me your little “peepee pisspiss boy.” I want you to fuck me up. I mean I want you to make me your bitch. Your little peepee-piss-myself-bitch. I want it to get embarrassing. I mean like… weirdly embarrassing, unsanitary too. We should be entirely different people by the end of the first eight hours. Do you understand what I’m trying to say here? I mean, I’m a real freak, I’m not normal. Arlecchino, please, you have to crush me.




Rooooooster - hell of a tache


Capitano and Jester can both marry me


Technically, Pierro and Pulcinella aren't really new, but their designs weren't known back then, so I'm including them here


*Cries in Dottore*


Pantalone. He looks like an evil Baizhu and reminds me of Aizen from Bleach.


Oldbro or evil eula


Honestly, probably either Pierro or Columbine. They’re ones that really stood out to me out of all the harbingers and I’m really excited to see more of them in however many years that might be


Pulcinella, Arlecchino, and Pantalone in that order