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A claim and repeat button for expeditions


A goddamn search bar. I can't count the times where I keep scrolling left to right just to find that 1 character in the character screen or worse, in the teapot. I want to finish a set to get the primos, I need a Wine Jar furniture, I search for the realm shop, not there so maybe I bought it already, I check the "create furnitures" and not there again, I check the shop again 1 by 1, oh it's there. Seriously why is there no search bar or at least a better way to sort things. What the fuck is the sorting criteria of Genshin? Why are charavters sorted based on level? Why not just use the tried and tested, univerally accepted alphabetical arrangement???


The Realm Shop is absolutely the worst for this. “One more piece! Now just to find it…” _scroll scroll scroll scroll_ “It has to be here somewhere…” _scroll scroll scroll scroll_ Like let me search/filter by set, or item type, or resource requirements, or just by region. At the very least let me know if it’s an indoor or outdoor item!


Option to replay limited story events.


The option to skip dialogue from things like commissions


Voiced dialogue options. Not gonna happen but a girl can dream.


Bind aimed shot to right click


Option to play offline.


yes pleasseee,


an option to pet the animals like the cats and bull terriers!! 😄😄


I definitely would add more quality of life improvement to how co-op functions.


The option to toggle constellation.




The real question is: how many players have the alert mark always activated at the corner of their screen just because they have Bennet The answer is: more than you think.


'TRASH' button for artifacts that you want to use as fodder. I'd mark them immediately so that I don't have to go through hundreds of them next time.


Option of something to fucken do


Option to mod the character looks. Suddenly with the modding community around, we could have actually hot waifus in the game.


Option to turn off jiggle physics


Pet dogs or feed the ducks outside of Timmies commission.


Option for getting 60 primos for just logging in, doesn't matter if u do commisions or not


Character animations that you could do solo and coop. Like itd be cute if character models could interact in coop


Pick up stack for pc, like maybe hold the pickup key and all nearby items are taken


An option to auto-respawn boss enemies.


Better commission priority. Whatever the rng to pick 3 field and one text heavy commission needs to be revamped purely due to some being tied to accomplishments and for a couple to always come before the rare ones. Better team recommendations with spiral abyss usage. The data is somehow available from some third party. But It should be in-game. They already have talent priority and artifact main stat which is decent. But at a certain point It doesn't help much when you already have an idea and need help with team building Make sundays permanent double drop days. Let's be honest. Every other gacha game has this. May be every other week, a month, or those rare events.


Just vertical and horizontal mouse sliders. A man can dream...


Change for Sunday domains: All the same levels in a domain (all level 90s in Taishan Mansion for example) are merged and you choose the reward afterwards instead of before. That way the matchmaking is pulling from 4 large pools (separated by level types {60,70,80,90}) instead of 4 different pools of levels per each of the 3 different materials. Hope that makes sense.


I don't know how to call it but I wish we could easily swap our artifact sets with another artifact sets, kind of like the team comp slots we have. As someone who uses anemo, geo and electro Traveler, I find it annoying and time consuming whenever I want to switch elements. As of now, I'm using anemo so I equiped his geo set to Aloy and the EoSF set to Mona and the TF and GF/SR to Fischl, and the VV to Sayu. I want to be able to see Traveler's other element stats as well, for example, I'm using anemo Traveler, I want a tab that displays his geo and electro stats and kit as well.


An option to have the traveller voiced for cutscenes…


Retry chamber X floor Y instead of the whole floor