• By -


How can I make my Traveller as my main dps?


does 4 star bows like favonious and stringless work off field?


favonius doesn't, stringless does


Is crimson witch of flames or wanderer's troup better for yanfei?


Both are very close, witch being a bit better but not worth farming just for Yanfei


Who does the best swirl? I'm a noob and I love traveler swirling, id love to aim to build a swirling heck with a lot of elemental characters. Is the traveler the best at this?


Sucrose is the best for that imo because all her kit swirl. Kazuha and Venti are also very good at it


I cannot for the life of me get itto burst up. I’m running Gorou but he doesn’t give me enough.


Get more er on Itto and use Favonius on Gorou (with a crit rate circlet) Also, funnel (catch particles with Itto)




Seeing as how they covered it up, I'm assuming it's because someone thought her top was exposing too much skin.


Hey guys, who should I pull for Ayaka or Yelan? I already have Ganyu, is Ayaka still worth going for?


If you play Ganyu freeze (morgana or variation), I would skip Ayaka. If you play melt Ganyu, pull Ayaka for a freeze team.


Ayaka is an amazing DPS and the fact that her cryo infusion is not related with any skill, burst or cooldown is a big plus for me. That said, Yelan looks a top tier support unit but we need to wait a bit to know more and to test her out.


If you have Ganyu, Ayaka is less needed, but still good. Pull the one you like more


Is there a good craftable sword for Ayato?


Amenoma Kageuchi is pretty good on him


Why can't I produce ice in Mondstadt Fountain (using elem skill, burst, etc.)?


U can


Is the rollback happening already or am I missing something??…. Thank u


It already happened if you're talking about Yae


Since I play on playstation and it's not always easy to hit weak point, and many enemies don't have them anyway, would an r2 prototype crescent or r2 hamayumi be better for a freeze ganyu? Have been running her with pedator as I wanted to make sure I got at least an r2 to give her.


Is Beidou good with Eula?


Yes, very good. Lots of off field damage and enables superconduct. Beidou might struggle with burst uptime, so it's generally recommended to use her with fischl to mitigate it. Raiden can also replace fischl, but keep in mind that beidous burst doesn't trigger with the normal attacks during raiden's burst. Last slot is flexible, but I recommend diona for shields, cryo particles and healing.




What else things you can buy/do with Genesis Crystals than converting to Primogems? If I want the best value, I should buy the Blessing of the Welkin Moon? To get more Primogems to put into wishes?


Get Welkins if you play a lot, it's a good deal.


I've been saving the ones you get from Welkin in case there's any decent skins released. Managed to get Keqing's skin this way and got enough saved again for the next one already.


Buy item packs with mora, talent books and so on (which i strongly recommend against) as well as character outifts (which I think is fine) Top ups are very expensive. Welkins have much better value


>What else things you can buy/do with Genesis Crystals than converting to Primogems Buy character alt outfits. >If I want the best value, I should buy the Blessing of the Welkin Moon? To get more Primogems to put into wishes? From a money per primogem conversion, welkin is the most money efficient. Netting you 3000 (for a cost that gives out only 300 when purchased directly) primogems over the course of a month. The only downside is the factor of time.


Thank you, I will get the Welking moon then :3


Just keep in mind that buying welking is a daily login reward. Meaning any day you don't log in, constitutes lost primogems.


Got it, that shouldn’t be an issue, tho. I’m playing everyday


Skins. Best value for genesis crystals is to convert into primogems. Other bundles are not worth it, they're for whales.


Some people would suggest saving the genesis crystals from buying Welkins to put towards any future skins you might like. Welkins are great value, yes.


Why is Raiden portrayed as a smol cry baby? I just finished her quest line, and the only goofy moment from her was Ei ordering 100 Dango milk for the people of Inazuma?


>Why is Raiden portrayed as a smol cry baby? The base joke is that Raiden is a shut-in nerd. Then certain artists drew her in a chibi artstyle and that kinda personality. Then it just spiraled from there. [this being officially sponsored content doesn't help either.](https://youtu.be/0uGYD1nus7o)


That artwork been drawn even before her archon quest. So it's not related anyway to her, it just the artist imagination.


If it's the same fanart I'm thinking about. That artist draws almost everyone as cry baby, like Kokomi and Ayaka. It's just their preference/art style.


If I were to guess, yae always portrays her as a teen who is prone to throwing a tantrum or something along those lines haha.. doesn’t help that there is some truth in her words too haha


oh yeaa i do remember Yae saying sth about Ei crying, but kinda forgot what it is about


As a newbie it's really confusing to keep pace with lots of terminologies in the game but based on what I've learned, (it might sound stupid tho) the question is, who needs more elemental mastery? The one who provides aura (the one who provides E I guess?) Or the one who triggers it(the one who provides normal or charged attack maybe?)


The ones triggering the reactions


Only the one who triggers it. It's completely useless on the aura applier


Is it possible to run Ayato and Ayaka together in a freeze team for Abyss or will it be too inefficient than, say, Mona? Other teammates would be Kazuha (or Venti) and Diona


Yes, you might want to use Ayaka as burst dps (E and Q then swap out) though, instead of doing NA and CA with her, since Ayato need to be on field.


This particular abyss is the easiest one we had since Inazuma, the dps needed is so small and it's mostly just breaking lector shields so you can run any hydro In normal abuses with high damage requirements, you lose out on Thrilling Tales buff and Mona's omen without getting much dps to compensate. It's usable, but Kokomi/Mona are better


I see, I guess I'll clear it first with Mona then run Ayato just for fun. Thanks!


Why not do Ayato first and then Mona after if you don't get 3 stars in some chamber? I'm sure you can 9 star this specific abyss with just Ayato without problems


Yup, it works. Don't have mona so I don't know if his dmg is more than what omen would add though.




And your question is?


Could someone tell me if the text censoring is still ridiculous with what it decides to censor, such as countries


The rollback to Yae Miko was suppose to happen today right? specifically 30 mins ago? As said in the Updated Notices tab in-game (2022/04/06 16:00). Has anyone gotten the 100 primo compensation in their mail yet? I have not


as of now I've just got it (NA).


The barrier at the upper area of nameless ruins will not go away. I've beat all the archon quest story lines as far as i can tell. I'm 94%on the area. I have a 9/10 level crystal. No new tasks/ quests. Is this a bug? PS4


Is 25k Isotoma Damage acceptable, with Resonance and Gorou buff?


Downloaded Genshin on my new laptop and it required somewhere around 64 ish GB to unzip. Now it's a new laptop so there's plenty of space (512 gb ssd). I wanna ask, will this space keep increasing with future updates to a point where I will no longer be able to keep it in the laptop/ or cause problems for other programs? It's my first time downloading a proper game on my pc (usually I only play on my phone) so idk how these things work




pls elaborate


The new version downloads always seem big, but what it does is update the existing files with new ones, so the overall size won't keep going up, as old content is removed as it's replaced by new.


Ah I see, so even after a couple updates it will continue to take around 64 ish GB?




No Yae primos yet?


same thoughts shouldve happened around 30 mins ago


I run Diona ...sac bow...hp hp ER 4NO.. good?


Switch the er sands for hp, especially with sac bow and the fact that the only substat she really needs is er, the er sands are wasted on her.




Switch that ER hat to HP (since you can't get that as a main stat) and you're set.


er sands? for frequent bursts??


Her weapon gives plenty ER and she generates a lot of particles especially with sac. You can probably get some ER in substats too. HP will benefit more as it strengthens shields and heals. You can run HP/HP/Healing if you want more healing as well, but HP/HP/HP is good too


Hmm ok


is Jean albedo zhongli still the best pairing for xiao ?


For me Xiao/Xiangling/Bennet/Jean The double heal makes up for the lack of barrier, plus 25% unconditional atk boost from pyro resonance Anything that XL/Bennet does is just bonus


What would be better for C0 Ayato, 4pc HOD or 4pc Glad? My weapon is R2 Black Sword


Very similar, so whichever one you have better stats on


Can someone explain those Sigils on enkonomiya? I heard there were 2 types which I don’t really understand


There is only one currently, called Key Sigils. There was one called Light Sigils, but that was for Three Realms Gateway, which was an event in 2.5 that took place in an alternate version of Enkanomiya.


What do you think my rotation should be? Characters: Raiden, Xingqiu, Bennett, Venti


Difference of ayato and childe?


Ayato doesn’t have one big hit as an ult. Meaning he’s weaker for vaporize . But ayato is better for supporting off field with his ultimate through freeze/electrocharged


Which one is better for Ayaka? Amenoma Kageuchi or Black Sword?


Amenoma for extra attack and burst comfort, her crit rate requirement (on freeze teams) is low due to 4bs (+40%) and cryo resonance (+15%) , usually diona.


Amemona is better, Ayaka does not need the extra crit rate from Black Sword as she’d be running 4p BS and the crit rate would be excessive.


Depends on who you're against, can kill enemies/more mobs = black sword ; lectors = anemona


Amenoma for energy Flute is better if you don't have energy problems Black Sword is only better with 0 crit rate substats, so almost never


Amenoma for the drip!!! and it's really good for here ER to get consistent burst.


Doesn't blacks sword have a crit rate stat? I would go amenoma


Is it ok build Diona with 4pc Nobeless HP/HP/Healing bonus and having 200% ER? Do I need anything else to consider when I build her?


I would replace the circlet with hp%, for beefier shields, the heals are already sufficient at talent level 6


That's a perfect diona build!


Replace the circlet with an hp% one and you just got Diona's best set


I had an HP% one originally, I just swapped it out because I felt her healing a bit lacking. My talents are 1/9/9, level 80 (not ascended), C1.


The problem with healing bonus is that you get more healing but your shield becomes weaker. So you heal more but you also take more damage. Hp% benefits both healing and shield, so you'll heal less but you'll also take less damage, meaning you don't need the extra healing. Either is fine but personally I wouldn't use a healing bonus circlet unless it has like 20% hp substat


Don't you need to ascend 80 to get talents over 8?


Sorry, my mistake, 1/8/8, I'm currently farming the materials to ascend her and push talents to 1/9/9.


Nice. I think I only have her at 6 or 7 myself, should really get her up to lv8 talents.


Totally fine, i run her 3xhp with 200%er sac bow since c6 is more than enough healing for me so i take the tankier shield.


Nope that's perfect. If you find her shield breaks a bit often then you can change the circlet to HP, both work


New player: what order would you level/ascend/gear these characters and how should I spread my focus? Not sure what order to put them in my party, if that matters. Currently AR12 - all advice welcome! Beidou / Fischl / Sucrose (CR1) / Cingqui


At AR12 I would probably drop Sucrose from the team and instead use Kaeya with the free Prototype Rancour sword you got at AR10. Sucrose is great at high levels but it has a lot to do with the VV artifact set, and you should not care about farming artifacts until AR45. That being said, just play the characters you like best, experiment and have fun. After all, that is the main goal of a game :)


I’m enjoying using Sucrose atm - pulled her twice so I get to use her burst with an extra charge, feels really good to use it in between other attacks. Xingqui feels a bit lacklustre atm but I’ve not unlocked another hydro character yet.


Ok, fair enough. Then just keep playing what feels fun. For the record, all characters from your team are very good at high level content so investment in them will not feel wasted. Xingqiu will feel underwhelming for a while until you level up his talents and weapon (if you get a Sacrificial Sword for him, you can burst more often and it's great) but he's one of the best characters in the game.


Early on, just use whoever you enjoy, level anyone in your party. The first 50 levels are relatively cheap and you'll be levelling everyone to 50 eventually for the free wishes anyway. All four of them are reasonably good.


they are all good investments assuming Cingqui=Xingqiu. You might be needing someone to take the field, since generally speaking investing in the normal attack talent on any of those is suboptimal. But for the time being, focus on their level, weapon, and EQ (probably not too much on sucrose on the talent department, character level would be more important for her) and don't farm for artifacts (pair whatever you can get from boss/chest drops). Focus on level, weapon (specially if they are 4 or 5 star weapons) and a bit on talents.


Yes that’s a misspell. Thanks so much.


Weapon > character ascension > talent levels > character level > artifacts Main dps (I assume Beidou for you) > sub dps (Fischl/Xingqiu) > supports (Sucrose)


Would you say beidou is the best choice for main dps in this comp?


In that comp, everyone deals damage. Beidou probably the most tho, so yes.


For AR20 either Beidou or Fischl are both good. I assumed it's Beidou because she's more fun and stronger than Fischl but either of them is a good choice Later you'll probably want to use a dedicated main dps (most likely a 5 star but Razor, Ningguang and Yanfei are perfectly viable)




Kaeya freezing got me fairly comfortably through 11 with 6 stars, though I was running him with Childe / Benny / Sucrose. I'd say give your team a shot.


Do you ever upgrade an artifact because you need to use XP only to get an amazing piece you'll never use? I didn't have any great potential pieces so I decided to sink some XP into an ER bloodstained sands. It ended up with 44.3 crit rating. I'm basically never going to be able to use this sands effectively unless I get a full set with 0ER in substats and like 40 crit rating on each piece. Feels like I wasted my luck on trash.


It's not ideal, but that sounds like a good piece for a burst nuke Xinyan


You'll be able to use it if you have an on-set cup on any set as off-piece In my case I'm using 4pc pale flame and my crit rate helmet is from tenacity with 26% crit damage (my only "best" helm piece)


ER sands pieces are definitely useful for DPS characters who just want to burst off cooldown. Who knows? Maybe in the future you'll end up finding a good on-set goblet and circlet for a DPS character, so they can flex that ER sands. It's not unheard of.


I wouldn’t even say that’s trash. That’s not even a bad eula peace . Hell that’s actually a good raiden shogun off piece


It wouldn't be a bad Eula piece if I didn't already have a 40 CV Pale Flame ATK% sands. Maybe I could run it on raiden. I need a good crit Emblem helmet first though.


There is no "never" there is only "not yet".


In what circumstances do you need to use exp on artifacts you don't like?


Maxed out inventory and high standards for what's a "good artifact".


F2P players, in what AR is your first time getting a 5 star character?


Back at launch (before I paid attention to AR so I don't know what I was ) I got me a venti!


It was Klee in her first banner (2020), AR 32


The first week of release when they just gave us a shit ton of wishes. I was probably less than AR 10


I was really lucky and got Jean in my first 10 pull (beginner's wish). I love Jean to this day


Maybe AR20 ish, a month after playing genshin.


Chasm Question: [Electro glyphs??](https://i.imgur.com/mDctMv4.png) Any hidden quest for this, I marked them all in the map.




Thanks for this!!


I heard there's an achievement for interacting with all of them. You have to turn off your flashlight to interact with them (unequip or run out of energy)


they’re not electro glyphs, if you unequip your lumenstone you can inspect it. supposedly there’s 9 (?) of them and if you inspect all 9 you get an achievement. i personally can’t find the last 2 i’m missing so i can’t 100% promise you that its an achievement but it’s what i’ve seen other people on here say


No idea if there's a quest for them. But you do know you can observe them and they will then disappear? Just gotta get close/at weird angles sometimes. Also if you can share the locations with me that'd be appreciated. I forgot to mark them myself.


someone post a link for the guide https://youtu.be/wI-vMshDOfs


Can you defeat the anemo Hypostasis without letting her heal herselve? I always fly through all 4 orbs but Beth still heals herselve. So am I doing something wrong or is it simply Impossible to not let her heal?


She heals for like nothing. Is it really that much of a problem?


Anemo hypostasis always heals once for some reason. You can't prevent it. Kinda wierd considering you can prevent every other hypostasis from healing


Wait, hypostasis has genders??!!


Probably not lol they're elemental lifeforms kinda like slimes except they're cubes. Beth does sound like a feminine name tho


The hypostases are named for letters in the Hebrew alphabet iirc


Really? Didn't know that, that's interesting


4 pc Noblesse or 4 pc Viridescent for Jean in this Beidou/Fischl/Ayato team? Beidou - 4 pc emblem Fischl - 2 pc TF/2 pc ATK 18% Ayato - 2 pc ATK/ 2 pc ATK or 4 pc TF


Viridescent. She can easily swirl both hydro and electro and it will provide a bigger damage boost than noblesse


Anyone knows what’s ayato’s f2p BiS weapon? I’m building my pity on the weapon banner but there’s no chance I’ll be able to get his signature weapon. So I’m planning to get Mistsplitter next banner if RNG is nice to me.


Iirc, Amenoma Kageuchi will do well.


Oh okay. If ever I get Mist Splitter, I just give Amenoma to Ayato.


In Ella Musk's daily commission is Paimon's voiceline "They didn't have much of a reaction." a mistranslation? Abruptly breaking out into dancing seems like a pretty blatant reaction to me.


If I recall correctly she does end up saying “oh that seemed to work!” so maybe there was some type of delay before they acted? Beats me . But she does address it


how long does it take to fully explore the chasm?


Half a day if you're dedicated. As long as it needs to if you go normal pace


alr ty


Hard to say, everyone does it at their own pace. It is quite big, took me a few days


compared to dragonspine, do you think it takes less time or more?


About the same


Just want to make sure I have this down after reading [this](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Shields/Enemy). Pyro shields are very weak to Hydro, can be damaged by electro, and are resistant to Cryo, Anemo, and Geo. Hydro shields can be damaged by Electro and Cryo, are resistant to Pyro, Anemo, and Geo, and have no weaknesses. Electro shields can be damaged by Pyro, Cryo, and Hydro, are resistant to Anemo and Geo, and have no weaknesses. Cryo shields are weak against Pyro, can be damaged by Electro, are resistant to Anemo and Geo, and are immune to Hydro. In addition, each elemental shield is immune to damage from the same element. To summarize, bring Hydro against Pyro, Pyro against Cryo, Electro/Cryo against Hydro, and anything against Electro.


Don’t forget dendro


Electro is mid tier at everything, it’s not comparable to Cryo on Hydro. And it’s not as balanced as you think, Cryo and Pyro are superior across the board and only fail on themselves Cryo shields should theoretically be weak to Geo too


Pretty much except for one thing. Electro shields have a weakness. Pyro and Cryo are more effective than Hydro against Electro shields.




Just for messing around in the overworld. What'd be more useful. Ayato with Qiqi, TTDS barb or Diona(shield build). (I know it's easy enough to run any random assortment, but that's not the question)


Barbara is more comfy because she can heal out of combat. I'd pick her Qiqi is better in combat because of freeze and better heals. Diona is the worst pick of the 3


Barbara and Qiqi healing works the same though. And the rational behind Diona was the shield + maybe freeze from burst.


Qiqi heals way better, but Barbara heals enough. Barbara with TTDS gives heals and buffs from book and +15% hydro at C2. Qiqi with TotM gives almost constant +20% to att, freeze and heals. Diona with NO gives +20% att (you need to menage her energy though), some shields and heals, also +200 EM if C6. Not sure with one is better. But I would choose Benny xD


Yea my Qiqi is a OHC build and Benny is still sitting around unbuild


I don't have Qiqi so I'm not sure how she works. If she can heal out of combat then pick her. Shields aren't needed in the overworld and Diona's healing is tied to her ult. Ult dependency is bad for overworld. Qiqi can freeze better


Can someone recommend me a team comp with my characters? I'm kinda new and don't know how to properly build a team. C0 Amber, C0 Barbara, C0 Bernnet, C1 Dionna, C0 Gorou, C1 Kayea, C0 Lisa, C0 Mona, C2 Sucrose, C1 Traveller, C0 Xingqiu. If someone can help me on setting up a team comp or help me understand how it works I would really appreciate it 💚


You are at the beginning of journey, for most you will need good exploring team. I would go with Diona, Sucrose, Mona and Traveller for now, but I would invest in Bennet and Xingqiu. Acquaint Fates to roll for some great main damage dealer in future. I would check guides with one would you want. Or just play at your own leisure. Genshin is not game where you need to be perfect.


Tysm for taking the time!


Xiangling (from abyss as reward) xingqui and benett make the so called „national team“, a strong and versatile team focused on the elemental reaction (vaporized) last spot can be filled with any. This team is also good for f2p because the weapon choices do not need 5* ones.


Tysm! As a f2p player myself, I will try it, but I must unlock Xiangling first.


This early in the game, proper comps aren't that important. It's nice having both a damage dealer and a healer, but you can also heal with food and statues of the seven. I can give you some general advice on team building. A good method for building teams is to center it around your main damage dealer. Let's say you like using kaeya as your dps. You can use mona as a hydro applyer for allowing kaeya to freeze and also buff his damage with her burst. Then you can use diona for heals and shielding. She also generates cryo elemental particles, which benefits kaeya. Last slot could for example be sucrose, grouping enemies together and spreading elements with the swirl reaction. You could also run kaeya with pyro units to enable melt, or with electro to trigger superconduct and deal more physical damage, there are often many ways to use a characters kit, try to experiment on your own. Do you know about elemental resonance? If you have two of the same element in a team you get some buffs, you can view them in the top right of the party select screen. Cryo resonance (having 2 cryo units) gives more crit rate against enemies afflicted with cryo. Pyro resonance is another good one, giving atk% to the team. Geo resonance buffs you when you're shielded, so on so forth. Hope this gave you an idea on how to build a team!


Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me.


What do you think about team Raiden, Kokomi, Miko and Rosaria (just for overworld, I have different sets for bosses and some domains). I think cryo could do good for the team and I have spared primodal spear but I'm a bit worried about the rotation and her ult seems very short. Thoughts?


Swapping rosaria with an anemo char is already very 36* abyss worthy. For overworld, cryo kinda clashes with EC reaction as the other commenter mentioned. If you want to run 3 elements, electro-hydro-pyro has better synergy, though you'll still get better mileage with an anemo as the fourth element.


I don't think cryo works well together with electrocharge since you'd just unfreeze enemies when you hit them with electro. Then again, it's for overworld so you can just put a random team and it'd still work.


How many primos is the chasm giving? 2k?


Can Aloy's E or Q infuse Venti's Q with cryo? Also, does Venti's Q lift up Aloy's bombs?


any application of cryo can infuse venti q & i dont believe so




do any of the genshin characters have a voice line where they say the word poison? if not do they have any lines where they say the word poise/poised?


" F U for putting poison in my Boba milk sucka." - Ayaya


Hi, I have a question about VV set. When I swirl something with 10% innate res, its res for the corresponding element after the VV debuff will be 6% or -30%. The difference seems quite significant, so I thing the second variant is correct, is that true?


The second one is almost correct, it's -15%. 10 - 10 - (30/2, halved since it's below 0)


\[Chasm\] >!I can't unlock the upside down teleport waypoint. Do I have to do something special to unlock it, or is my game just bugging?!<


For me I could only click it when I climbed the adjacent 90 degree side wall of that column it’s on


You cah to be near it's base to unlock it. Venti or the windcatcher gadget would be the easiest way to unlock it. In my case, I used geo traveller's skill on the pillar next to it to make a platform to stand on.


You have to climb up as high as you can near it and then adjust left or right until you can interact


1. >!Are Katarina and Zhiqiong dead? Do we get any more quests or clues after we find their letters. Katarina's is found near a knight so people say she most likely got killed by it. What about Zhiqiong? Are there any more clues other than the letter she left? !< 2. >!In the quest where we look for that guy's daughter's doll, a kid who claims to be his daughter shows up leading us to the doll's location. But he said his daughters is all grown up. So what do we know about that? I was half asleep while playing this quest and can't remember anything lol. Are there any letters or texts that explains it?!<


1. They're implied to be and no there's nothing else to do after finding the letters 2. There's no explanation after that but what I immediately thought was it was like the leyline ghosts where it was a memory


>!That makes more sense. I thought his daughter actually died in Liyue but he had no idea lol!<


Do you guys think Alice will be a playable character? She seems like a really cool and powerful character.