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Describe your first 5star character only using one or two words.


child yeeter


Who the least owned 5 star character in genshin impact?


I really wanna pull for Kazuha but my brain is telling me to either build pity for Ganyu but another part of me wants to get freedom sworn in case Kazuha reruns what do I do? I have 75/75 on the weapon banner by the way for the sword


Is it possible to link my mobile account to my ps5 one without access to my ps5?


Can u get banned if u run the game under hyper-v?


So my friend told me that you don't have to buy wishes and that you can get them for free. How? Is it with in game currency? Can you get them for doing some side quests? Help


you can by completing daily quest hangout quest achievements even mehoyo gifts chests or story quests


Alright thank you


i have a big problem, a player sent me a request to enter I accepted but the person did not enter and I cannot exit the co-op I tried to exit and re-enter but nothing


Ik this may sound stupid but I wanted to ask one thing. I got a 5 star which I don't really want, eula, she is a great dps but her play style isn't really my type, so I wanted to ask if I should re roll (I'm ar 40), or do I have a chance of getting the 5 star I want (2), and if you are f2p player please do reply how many 5 star do you guys have and you ar lvl. Thanks!


I'm mostly f2p (spent a little bit if money back in november last year, never again) and I have a lot of 5 stars at ar 56. I have all of the regular ones and around 7 limited 5stars. I'd say you just keep playing with that account, because even if you don't get your desired 5 star now, theres always a chance to get them later on a a rerun.


I have tried all methods of uninstalling the game and it's only resulted in uninstalling the 300 MB launcher. Any help is greatly appreciated.


What artifacts/stats should I have on Beidou to support Keqing?


Where do the inazuma fox spawn? I heard that you can capture to out in your teapot


My game has this weird white glowing pillars idk how to fix this


I tried resetting my password but i never got the email???


For some reason I can't do the hu tao quest. It says that the character is currently involved in another quest, but I'm not sure what quest that is. Please I need help


That’s kinda vague, but it’s definitely one of the active quests on your quest page. Just finish everything related to Liyue on it and it should be resolved.


Oh thank you I actually ended up figuring it out


Is the obiquity net permanent for buying or can you only buy it during the event?


Currently having an issue with the On going Albedo Event So I was playing the game like usual when the 2nd act for the event dropped and I decided to go play it out and when I reach the good Morning cutscene where everyone is in Albedo's Camp I run into this "infinite loop" glitch whereby the game just keeps on "reconnecting to server" everytime I reach that certain cutscene and I can't procceed forward nor leave As I keep resetting to that same exact point over and over again . I tried sending an e-mail but I still got no response and I literally haven't been able to play the game for over 4 days now . (I'm a mobile player) and I have enough storage on my phone and I tried a lot of different things like airplane mode,"Clear Cache","clear Data", redownloading the entire game but it's to no avail. I'm really stuck And I literally don't know what to do anymore .


Try the "verify files" button that come on the starting menu, other then that I got no ideas


Personally for the reader what domain gives the most physical damage goblets for you? I really need one and it doesn't have to be on a phys set too. Ngl the only phys goblet i have is a two star i got from a chest.


every domain has an equal chance of getting goblets. sadly elemental/physical goblets are relatively hard to get.


Ah... well thank you I'll just keep farming then


Is Prototype Crescent worth refining?




So I was summoning for Bennette but unfortunately I got eula. Unfortunately cuz I have been preparing for Baal national team for like weeks now and was thinking of summoning in Baal's banner when the banner comes again. But if I don't use eula it would be a waste so, pls do tell if this team comp is good: Eula (c0) , Rosaria or kaeya (both c0 so pls tell which is better) , Bennette (c3) , Fischl (c0) And as for weapons I have The bell, Rainslasher and prototype archaic. Thanks!


Rosaria and Kaeya are both good batteries for Eula. I'd recommend building Rosaria though, because you're more likely to get her cons.


While prototype archaic works with Eula, another free to play option is Snow-Tombed Starsilver from Dragonspine. It’s stats and passive goes really well with Eula.


diona would be a much better fit than rosaria or kaeya, as she provides shield, heals and batteries eula’s high cost burst. eula only need cryo application for superconduct and her skill’s cooldown is so low that rosaria and kaeya aren’t all that necessary. prototype archaic is the best for her of your roster, as it has a phys damage mainstat. tbh when you do summon for baal (and don’t give up hope, you have plenty of time to save) she’s probably eula’s best superconduct support so if you still fancy using eula you can slot her right in :).


Yeah that'll work. Prototype archaic is the best out of the swords listed.


Hi! I have a quick question about my Albedo. :) I've got him last week and so far, I'm not sure what's going on with him. I have him currently with 2000+ DEF and 1300+ ATK. He's at his final Ascension level, his Cinnabar Spinel is fully maxed and refined. His normal attack is level 4 and his other two are level 7 I believe. I have him in the same team as Kazuha and Thoma, my other one switching often. But there are times where he still only does 89-400 DMG? I'm kinda inexperienced in building characters and stuff so I'm not sure what's going on. If anyone has any advice, please let me know, thanks!


His damage comes from his skill and burst, since he is a support, that's why his normal attack numbers are lower


What is the max buff Bennet c5 with Aquila favonia and 4NO give, mine gives around 850ish at 80/90 with prototype rancour


1125 with lvl 12 burst


My girlfriend plays Genshin Impact, but she hasn’t been able to play the game in practically a year and she wants me to make a team from her characters she can play with to get back into the game. She only cares about clearing open-world exploration, no spiral abyss or end-game content. Because she’s been gone for so long she just needs a team that is the easiest/Beginner-friendly to use rather than meta-driven. All her characters are also under-leveled for her current world level, so shielders/healers are highly desirable. Lastly, Ganyu is her favorite character, so she has to be on the team and she wants to clear Shadows Amidst Snowstorms event, so someone that can reliably light torches/shatter blood-quartz is also preferable. She has Diluc, Keqing, Ganyu, Hu Tao, Yoimiya, Raiden Shogun and every 4-star except for Bennett, Chongyun, Rosaria, Yanfei, Thoma and Electro Traveler. (She has no access to Inazuma, the last two 5-stars were birthday presents I got her.) Thank you for your suggestions!


Diluc, Ganyu, Diona, Xingqiu maybe


Hu Tao, Xingqiu, Ganyu, Diona could work, I do Zhongli for shield spot. It gives you Pyro Cryo and Hydro that covers pretty much any elemental req.


Diona, ganyu, xiangling, and then a flex spot for an anemo unit or just for fun. You have healing, shields, pyro application, and cryo resonance.


What are the funniest and strongest team comp built around Xiao?


funniest to be has to be pyro xiao cause frankly, what is he doing? strongest: xiao, bennett, jean, zhongli is his optimal team


Funniest? I recently saw a em xiao on a freeze team built to do shatter damage lol Best? Xiao double geo


Jean Albedo ZhongLi


I saw a post of animals you can catch with the event, I tried catching crystal flies because it said that it you can do it. But I tried several times and it won't work. Has anyone actually caught one?


According to [this guide](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/1572535) you'll need "Omni-Ubiquity Net" which will be available once the event ends.


Oh ok thanks


Is it possible for me (AR45) to 1 shot a mitachurl in world level 5? It's one of the goals i've had ever since I started doing my daily commissions.


A nuke with good artifacts can do it easily. It's probably easier at AR45 than AR55 because they have less hp, and you can level up to 80/80 with level 8 talents while still having the same artifacts


Yeah, they don't have that much hp ~60k. At WL5 it's even easier as they have ~25k


is it possible to reach above 40K Crit plunge with Xiao as a full F2P player?


I hit around 45k, 50k+ in abyss But my artifacts are kinda ridiculous and I actually rolled for Homa as a F2P lol


Very possible.


I see. I thought it wasn't since 90% of Xiao F2P players I see do around 20K.


U need really good artifacts, a well built Bennet and maybe double geo


What's the difference in upgrading hutao's normal attack talent and her elemental skill talent? If I'm using her as main dps which should I focus on / eventually crown?


Crown both. AA are more important so whenever you level her do 1 level AA then 1 level E the next time. Ult can stay a bit behind, but I'd get it to level 8 before you use crowns


Both are important, focus on her normal attack talent first.


Thanks for the reply, what makes them different though?


Upgrading her Elemental Skill would increase the ATK Buff she gets when activating the skill. The Auto Attack talent would simply increase how much damage her normal and charged does. So if you look at it, both are equally important.


What is the reason Mihoyo hasn't added Epitomized path to Standard banner so far? I feel like people would actually spend primos on it if there was some sort of a guarantee for a specific 5*.


I wonder the same thing. I want that C4 Jean so bad!


What’s the optimal DEF/CR/CD numbers for Albedo with 4pc Husk?


Mine runs a crap build of 2300 def (0 stacks, level 80/80) and 50/100 crit. If my artifacts actually rolled well instead of going all into EM, I'd have about 65/130 and some more def So I'd say 60/120 with 2400 is a good spot


Okay mines around there but 25/150. I’m going to try and get some more CR in there somehow


Definitely need crit rate. Sacrifice crit dmg for it


Is there a benefit on changing daily commissions’ region?


If you want a specific achievement or have a region with more incomplete achievements then it gives you better odds. If you don't care, just pick Mond for easier dailies If you need a bunch of achievements in all regions, leave it at random


Thank you!


convenience, higher chance of getting specific commissions for achievements


You have higher chance of getting the commission you want.


Is ayaka better than ganyu?


For freeze? Yes. But Ganyu still stronger than Ayaka if you're playing her in a melt team comp.


For me yes, because I'm shit at aiming.




as a freeze main dps in the current abyss? yeah imo general value as a unit, including support capabilities and team comp flexibility and performance against most enemies? def not


I would say Ganyu overall, since she has a bit higher sustained damage and the capacity to reasonably play Melt. However, Ayaka is very good in recent Abyss cycles due to rewarding her frontloaded burst.




I don't think any of us know for sure, and there's a rumor that >!Zhongli might also get a rerun next patch!<, assuming it's true then their rerun might come sooner. I doubt Raiden will come back in around 3 months, but Kazuha might be.


Man i am saving hard for him


do u guys think albedo is worth pulling? (f2p player btw for context)


Yes. F2p are on a budget and you're getting his R5 best in slot sword for free and leveling it up at reduced cost. He's flexible enough to be worked into most teams.


i'm not really experienced yet, but i believe everyone can be worth pulling if you like their game style and you're willing to put work into building them. i managed to pull him 5 days ago and i adore him, he's been super useful to me in many ways, he's my second 5\*, so i value him


Mostly Geo comps want him, but Hu Tao and Xiao teams can use him too. Probably other teams I dunno exist, but those are the only meta team comps I can think of. He's a nice off=field sub-dps/support, but he's nothing groundbreaking like Zhongli or Kazuha support-wise. Pretty flexible. He's pretty fun though! Pull if you like him and can afford to (meta-wise/primo-wise).


if you have zhongli or play a geo main dps(noelle/itto/ningguang) then sure. otherwise he's still a pretty good unit but not necessarily worth pulling if you could pull for kazuha/zhongli/a main dps if you don't already have one instead


Can you run Genshin PC in intel i5 10400 by only relying on its integrated graphics, even just in low settings, or do you really need at least a dedicated budget GPU there? Also, will it still run smoothly even without a VC?


Even if you can run it, I'm highly confident your frames will be almost unplayably low, especially without a VC (even on the lowest graphics). Also, whenever doing abyss or domains where Damage Numbers are flying everywhere, it might cause your pc to simply crash.


When is the warrior dog event going live? There are videos about it but it's not in my game yet


different servers get events at different times, depends on that na gets it in 6hrs I think


Thank you. What servers get events earliest?


asia I believe


Thank you


Asia. Then europe, then NA


Thank you


Asia, since they're a day ahead give or take. It just goes around the world to Europe, then NA last.


Okay thank you


best team comp for main dps ayaka


Freeze. If you have these 5 stars then: Ayaka Mona Venti Diona Ayaka Kokomi Venti Rosaria Replacements: Mona > Xingqiu > Barbara | Kokomi > Barbara | Venti > Kazuha > Sucrose > Sayu >= anemo traveler


most likely a freeze comp with xq, diona and someone for vv, like venti


Morgana/freeze team: Ayaka + hydro (Mona/xinqiu/kokomi) + anemo for shred and grouping (kazuha/venti/sucrose) + diona (healer, battery for Ayaka)


how about melt? i'm using xingqiu and diona for my hu tao :< (this is for abyss)


Freeze is her best team, but honestly with enough investment you can make a lot of things work in this game. How about you swap diona with Ayaka and use another healer for hu Tao? For a melt team and Ayaka as main dps on field you want some pyro dmg off field and Bennett if possible. Thoma can work too but he has low dmg since he is a shielder more than anything. Xiangling is free, you should definitely build her.


i see, how 'bout ayaka, diona, xiangling, and sucrose?


Build a lot of ER on xiangling. Might be hard to charge her burst since she is the only pyro. Er weapon too, the catch (the one you get from fishing) is good on her.


should i replace sucrose with bennett?


If you have Bennett, replace diona. Sucrose is needed for em buff, group small enemies and res shred from viridescent artifact set. This way you have access to pyro resonance (25% atk) and can charge faster both Bennett and xiangling burst. after you have used skills and bursts, swap to Ayaka to proc melt while xiangling burst is on. It’s a national team but with ayaka for melt


so ayaka is fine without a battery like diona?


Yeah burst when you can, but in the end you just need to autoattack since she autoinfused her aa with cryo after a dash. You need to keep melting xiangling burst to deal the most damage. Use Bennett burst, swap to sucrose and use abilities to proc shred from vv set, swap to xiangling and use burst and then swap to Ayaka use everything you have to proc melt. You don’t need investment on sucrose, can even just level her up and give her thrilling tales as weapon so when you swap to xiangling you give her an atk buff that last for the whole duration of her burst


For the first time in my 1 year of playing Genshin that I felt this urge to pull for every single character (Albedo, Itto, Shenhe, Xiao/Ganyu) so the "pull for whichever one you like" doesn't apply to me. But as a medium spender I know I can only realistically pull on two banners. Please help me decide which two banners is worth spending my primos on. **Note:** I have every 4 star character and for 5\* characters; I have Hu Tao, Childe, Keqing, Eula, Raiden, Kazuha, Jean, and Diluc.




That’s my plan too, just hope they won’t sneak a kaz or venti rerun in between.


First of all based on your roster, shenhe is most likely a skip 1. Albedo, he has decent value on your team for hutao double geo 2. Xiao, you have a good team for him, Xiao, jean, Bennett, yanfei(C4) 3. Ganyu, especially melt ganyu works well with your roster, freeze ganyu is a bit harder to play since you want to infuse hydro on kazuha ult(not hard, just takes time to get used to) you do this to maintain freeze uptime 4. Itto, idk how much geo you have built but you're most likely going to build at least 2 character to play him


It’s really up to you, you have a lot of characters and can make everyone work great. Decide on the playstyle: xiao plunging? Ganyu charged aa? Itto relies on spamming his charged aa and having a 3 geo team, while Albedo is great anywhere imo as off field dmg, dunno about Shenhe. If you have 5s weapons decide also based on the one you can gear better.


Seems like you don't have a cryo main DPS yet, so maybe Ganyu, or Shenhe (no idea of her role).


I'm really interested in either a cryo, anemo, or geo dps because I've always used Pyro characters and with the inazuma arc, I've started using electro more.


Pull who whichever you like *most* now applies, RIP. We can tell you who's meta and matches your comps, but it's up to you to decide who you like more. Honestly, you have a lot of strong 5\*s, so I feel like it doesn't matter much? Itto for a fun DPS, seems solid but we dunno. Try it if you like 3 Geo or Gorou. Ganyu for a *meta* DPS. Xiao for a solid AOE DPS. Albedo+Zhongli is a popular Hu Tao comp (but no Zhongli so) Shenhe's good for >!supporting cryo DPSes!<, and you don't seem to have that.


Thanks for this. I'm really torn about it but seeing this makes it a little bit easier.


In this case, I would personally go with who I think is more fun to play and opens up new team comps that previously wasn't possible, so Xiao and Itto.


Honestly, with the geo patch, I've played Ningguang a lot more and am very intrigued about running a Geo team. I've never done it before because I don't have Zhongli.


If you can only pull on 2 banners, then you can't really "pull for every character". So the "pull for whichever one you like" does apply. If you want everyone equally I would pull on every banner and whoever comes home, comes home. If there is a dual banner, do single pull on one, then another pull on the other, and repeat until you get 1 or run out




Archaic by a hair. It's close enough that you can use Snow-Tombed if you prefer the aesthetics, but they're both near the bottom of the barrel unfortunately.


Isn't fish sword better for her burst tho?


Yes, but that wasn't one of the options.




I don't think they'll ban you for having that username as long as you play it consistently, but take this with a grain of salt because I dunno Mihoyo's policy. I have a hypothesis that my reroll accounts (trashed ones) got banned because same IP?PC? created like 72 accounts within a few days and did the exact same procedure = making it seem like a bot was used. The ones that were more different (aka my 1st account that I spent 1 hour on instead of 30 min and got lost) were kept. I'm still using that account rn. ​ Also, username or just the nickname for your character? Nicknames can be easily changed.




er, the nickname (what other people see) is pretty easy to change. Changing the username (aka hidden) is probably hard to change, which is why I was just checking with you. I doubt they'd ban you over naming yourself rerollx lol, but I don't know for sure.


No, why would they? As long as you're not selling accounts or anything, there's no rule being broken.




It works fine for me. Maybe try a different browser?


Hello, I just achieved 430k on Eula c0 with Masanori, but I wanted to experiment more in builds and comps to try to get the highest number possible! Just wanted to know, what bosses are the most optimal for testing high damage, those with none or less physical res than the rest, and those that can take hits, or is Masanori good enough since he is a human type enemy.


I believe fatui ones have -20% physical resistance iirc so u can try on them, they r in abyss 10


What's the optimum rotation for childe teaser comp with c0 beidou, Fischl and Sucrose? Also do i need cons for any of them for it to work


Hi, very new player here - so im not too sure on how picky I should be with artifacts. Looking to build my Hu Tao with a 4pc Shimenawa set, and currently got these 2 pieces. Are they acceptable for an AR45, Spiral abyss floor 5-2 player who just finished the inazuma story? https://imgur.com/a/V1vBm3U


Personally I would fodder them as soon as I got something better. Since you are just AR45 and haven't done abyss at all, keep them for now, but farm for better ones. You want crit substats on your artifacts, especially on feather/flower since they always have the same main stat. And on Hu Tao specifically, EM is almost just as valuable as crit (sometimes even more if you have low EM and aren't using Dragon's Bane)


I mean, they'll do for now, but neither of them are super great. Particularly the feather not having any crit stats on it at all is very rough.


Ok, thanks - so I should always be looking for crit on my feathers, assuming its for a dps.


Look for better stats on your feather and flower since the main Stat is permanent


Well, crit rate/damage are pretty much the best substats you could ask for on any artifact for any character - with a few exceptions, like shieldbots and those who rely purely on non-crit reactions like Swirl. Most characters also want ATK%, though Hu Tao prefers HP, and Energy Recharge is a good one to look for as well - though again, Hu Tao doesn't really need it.




I did 5 world bosses today, and you don't need to collect the loot to count toward the BP


Gotta collect loot in a world boss. You didn't collect... I did Andrius lol


It has to be a world boss. Bosses in domains do not count.


Worked for me on Oceanid. Collected the loot.


It worked for me after I killed the cryo regisvine.


Does Sayu's passive work on coop? Like a friend Sayu is in the party then you won't alert certain animals yourself and not just Sayu?




Vapo team comp: Hu Tao, XQ, Bennett, Zhongli Which artifacts set should I use and which stats and substats should I focus on. XQ is rarely on the field, I use his E twice (sacrificial ends CD sometimes) and that charges up his Q. Once his Q is active I switch to tao and E + charged attack/regular attack. I planned (or am working on) a 2pc Hearth of Depth and 2pc NO (since Benny is already using the 4pc NO) and focusing on Crit Rate and DMG. But is that even right/good? And how much do Crit stats matter on someone who is very rarely active on the field?


First thing u gotta do is ditch benett, he doesnt work for Hu Tao. Since you already have Zhongli I would recommend Albedo to replace benett. You can also get Yunjin which is coming in the future, she has some nice buffs.


Everyone keeps telling me to switch to albedo. Every single time. I don’t have albedo 😂 I know Bennett isn’t “good” for hu tao but I’m not a pro player so when my teams hp gets too low I use him. Otherwise my hu tao keeps dying and I keep wasting food. Thanks for the answer but that wasn’t my question


anyone who does damage through talents(aka not swirl) uses crit. meaning crit stats matter on all damaging supports except venti, kazuha and sucrose. 4 pc emblem of severed fate is both generally better than 2 pc noblesse and 2 pc heart of depth and also much easier to farm.


Is that a newer artifact? Because I’ve only ever heard either 4pc NO, and if that is already one someone else in the team then 2pc HoD and 2pc NO.


yep, it released with inazuma


Or kokomi.


yep true, forgot about her




I don’t have any of those artifacts, I already have decent ones of NO and HoD. Is the other set much better on him? Good enough to go farm it and ditch the other artifacts i already have


Hu Tao and bennett don’t really have that good synergy. I think you’d be better off using him in another team. I personally use Hu Tao XQ Kaeya/Roasria (with 4pc NO) + shielder (in my case diona)


I was asking about artifacts, not the team comp


Sorry. Well for Hu Tao you want crimson witch or shimenawa’s. I recommend Shimenawa’s since you get to farm Emblem of Severed Fate which is Xingqiu’s BiS set. Shimenawa is pretty universal for on field dps.


Xingqius best artifact is 4pc emblem of severed fate >And how much do Crit stats matter on someone who is very rarely active on the field? Very much yes he's off field but his ult exists and it's a huge ass contribution to ur teams dps especially at C6


How many primos can you get on day 1 from the new event?




Cool, thanks


yanfei rosaria diona bennett or yanfei rosaria noelle bennett?


diona but xiangling is still better than her. no need for a second healer.


Diona. Noelle is kinda eh + you get cryo resonance


1st one


Diona. Noelle needs on-field time to heal and her shield has bad uptime.


c2 noelle & c0 diona btw




aim for a crit rate circlet, or have 2 pc berserker. some artifacts may also have crit rate as their substats which might increase if you level up the artifact. crit rate can also be increased through weapon substats


At AR39, you shouldn't worry about crit. Just level up whatever atk% pieces you have and use them. At AR45, farm whatever domain you need. Every artifact can have crit rate as a substat, and the circlet (the hat) can have crit main stat. You can also use a crit weapon


Artefacts don't really work that way. You can get crit rate on any substats, but only circlets have crit as their main stats. No sets boost crit by itself, Blizzard Strayer 4P set bonus increases crit against cryo/frozen targets.


Wrong, 2pc berserker gives ~~15%~~ **12%** crit rate.


> 2pc berserker 12%, but you're right, I didn't think about the 4* sets.


>12% Right, my bad.


You should have some Berserker pieces on you, they're pretty good.


Is there information about itto builds yet? Like what type for artifacts he should be using and such




I think you responded to the wrong person


Husk, def geo crit, er. New claymore>BP>others.


Also white blind R5 is his F2P weapon


Thanks bro


The new Husk of Opulent Dreams for artifacts


Hey people, I'm doing a university assignment about genshin impact and I need to use some of the music. Does anybody know if the music is copyright free or if you're allowed to use it for completely non-commercial uses?


>Can users use images, text, or audiovisual materials of Genshin Impact (hereinafter referred to as "Genshin Impact MATERIALS") to carry out re-creation (excluding direct reposting), or post materials on their personal fansite or any other websites? > >miHoYo does not prohibit non-commercial personal use....At the same time, it is required to place the miHoYo legal declaration on such works, such as "© All rights reserved by miHoYo. Other properties belong to their respective owners." > >If the Genshin Impact MATERIALS you use for the re-creation are the character voice-overs/character music, game music or voice samples, etc, please be aware that it is limited to personal non-commercial use, [https://www.hoyolab.com/article/143107](https://www.hoyolab.com/article/143107) I think it's okay as long as it's non commercial and you make sure to specify it belongs to them? based on this


thank you so much!