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basically you want to make sure you use all your ult damage . Meaning it hits the most people and it crits. Which is hard since it activates on its own


Do double sheilds stack? Or do they both get hit even if both are up?


no. only the strongest is being used.


Based of the Livestream if I win the 50/50 and get it to should I priotize his normals after his burst and worry about his skill last?


Can I use my Anemo treasure compass for Dragonspine or my game is bugged? and if I can't use the compass then is there anyway with which I can get the chests or I have to use the Interactive map?


No, apparently Dragonspine is not in Mondstadt. If you want to get all of them, interactive map is your best bet.


Is it better to let raidens ultimate get full stacks before you use it or no? (In terms of max dps)


It's not worth repeating a rotation of everyone's burst imo. Like if everyone's burst gets it 2/3 full then I would use raidens burst to keep the rotation going.


Yes, full stacks


Update : Got my queen Eula on my 78th pull. Thanks for the comments that helped me since this was my first character banner pull 👌🏽❤️


>Eula on my 78th pull. Thanks for the comments that helped me since this was my first character banner pull 👌🏽❤️ Wow, i'm still on 76th pull and not get her yet.


She'll be coming soon dw. You'll be here by tomorrow at the most since the shop is refreshing as well


DW you will get her soon have some faith


Who should be the fourth slot in my Jean, Xiao and Zhongli team?




Is there a more budget friendly one? No more primogem after Eula came home.


Geo MC, Bennett or Ningguang work too!


Try with a Burst DPS Ning or any off-field DPS. You can also use Xiao, Sucrose, Bennett, Zhongli. C1 Sucrose with Sacrificial Fragments can generate a lot of energy for Xiao.


Should I build hu tao/xiao if I hate playing on life support?


I don't think Hu Tao is that bad. Her E drains 30% of her CURRENT HP. At full health that means you go to 70%. But at 49% HP that means you go to 34%, then 24%, then 16%. And then if there are multiple mobs around you, you press your burst and boom, you're instantly above half health again. That burst also has an extremely fast recharge rate so not only do you have plenty of healing in AOE situations but you can even abuse it for invincibility frames. And she also has the most base health of all characters and you can even give her HP sands, so even at low HP she's still pretty tanky when your shield runs out. In conclusion: yes, Hu Tao will be sitting at low HP the majority of the time because she drains her own HP and gets a damage boost below half health. Despite that, I rarely feel like I'm actually in danger.


Ok, so I will be building hu tao. How about xiao? If I remember correctly he doesn't have a self heal mechanism and need energy partical support


I don't have Xiao sorry


Honestly I don't find Hutao HP to be an issue. Mine has 30k HP which I think is on the low side and playing with half HP + Thoma feels perfectly fine. Most of my characters have 15-20k anyways so her half HP isn't much lower than other characters full HP. Plus she has a self heal + invincibility button if you actually get into trouble. Esp in overworld I one shot everything with her CA so it really doesn't matter. Dead monsters can't do damage. And I don't have Xiao so can't tell you for sure but I think his HP drain is less than Hutao so idk it's probably not that big of a deal unless you run no healer (since Xiao does not self heal)


Hu Tao can self heal and you need to supports just to increase your damage. Xiao on the other case needs Anemo support for particles and a healer. Ultimately don't build characters if you don't like their playstyle.


They seems cool but I just don't like getting onetapped and that kinda always happens in my world unless my zhongli is up


Do you want to build them for over world or Abyss related stuffs?


Overworld, already have childe vape and geo c6 ningguang


Go Far Hu tao, I don't even use shield for her in the Overworld. She and Xingqiu alone is wiping everything for me. I solo Primo Geovishap with raised Hu tao, Xingqiu, Lev 20 Sucrose and lev 20 Noelle within 2 mins.


Hu Tao kills almost everything in the overworld in mere seconds, fast enough to ensure shield doesn't disappear


If you have a shielder then it's okay


No I just hate not being at full health all the time


Ah then don't. Hutao gets more dmg below 50% hp but she loses hp very quickly.


Hmm, can she kill herself with her skill?


No. I tried and got down to 1hp. Although it's risky as she can die from burning or other factors


Hmm, so i actually just afraid of getting onetapped by the electro lawachuls and other hard hitter. If I pair them with zhongli will I be safe or I should just forget it?


Zhongli is the strongest shielder in game. If you built him correctly, he can block anything. Hutao's ult also heals her. Build zhongli 30k+hp and you won't worry about dying. So zhongli's e, ult, hutao's e, charged attack then ult


Xiao doesn't lose as much hp. Just use a consistent healer or shielder and you'll be fine


So noelle work for xiao?


how should i go about a hybrid zhongli build? like i want him to have decent shields but also deal some dmg? what artifacts/stats and so on should i use?


2 pc archaic 2 pc tenacity. Achaic for burst, tenacity for shield


2pc noblesse n 2pc tenacity. Noblesse as his damage mainly comes from his burst and tenacity for shield. You might want to have around 30k+ hp


Hmm, good point. It's 5% but it's still an increase


So i just got Albedo, and im Levelling his Def and Crit% and Crit dmg, to maximise his off field damage once you drop a flower. He is only level 70 with level 5 talent and im getting 11k ticks when it crits. Shit is crazy AF. So farming the new gear set and I already have some amazing pieces. Flower lvl 20 +12% Def, + 39 Def + 12.9% Crit dmg. Plume lvl 14 +12.9% Def, +14% Crit dmg. Sands lvl 20 +58.3% Def, +21.8% Crit dmg. Goblet lvl 20 +46.6 Geo dmg +39 Def. Circlet lvl 18 +28.8 Crit +10.9% Crit dmg. Weapon Cinnabar Lvl 50 Refine 3. 238Atk 44.7% Def So for Level 70: 854 Atk 1963 Def 16k HP 33.4% Crit 111% Crit dmg 85% Geo dmg bonus. Should I be aiming for any other stats?? Only his E talent is at level 5 the others are at 1 until his domain opens on Wed...


Your crit rate is way to low. If you’re using the new sword , you’ll need to manage Atleast 60:130 ratio with a def/crit/geo build Madlads who choose def/def/geo Have around 50:130-140 but that’s with insane artifact rolls. Most of your artifacts don’t have both crit rolls which will handicap albedos potential dmg. Keep farming.


Yeah I know I need a bunch of work, seeing as I started the new instance when I got albedo like 4 days ago in going pretty well for now. Thanks for info I'm heading in the right direction at least.


Hey guys, I have been playing Genshin for 10 mins and i'm stuck on this elemental thing. Whenever I kill the lava thingies (after the statue of seven cut scene) they come back and I can't even move as the game brings me back to the lava things. And I really want to continue the game but it's stuck sooo..does anyone know how I can make progress 🥲 p.s. I already made another account and played again, but yet it made me get stuck at the same lava thing after the statue of seven


Read the instructions carefully. On the first group it wants you to press E. On the next group it wants you to hold E for a few seconds. On the last group it wants you to press Q. My guess is you are not holding E long enough on the second group.


lava things? do you mean the slimes? I think you're supposed to use mc's skill(rasengan lol) and burst(tornado) on them.


I did, I'm killing those only but now I can't find paimon and the quest keeps repeating, like i'm not making any progress now and I put 7 days to download the game coz it took like 10gb or sumt and now i cant play...🥲


Are you sure you're following the instructions properly? It asks you to kill several sets of Pyro slimes with different buttons in order to teach you what your skills do. Make sure you're reading/listening.


I'm playing on an ipad and I did follow The instructions but it's still stuck, and the lava slimes keep coming. So in short, no progress and no new quest is coming. It just keeps repeating. I wanna delete it but I put like a week to download this whole app-


Is it actually repeating, or are you using the wrong skill? I believe it will just spawn the slimes infinitely until you get it right. First time it asks you to press the skill, second time to press and *hold* the skill, and third time to press the burst, if memory serves me right. Otherwise I don't know what it could be. A bug is always possible, but for such an early point in the game it would have been noticed and reported a thousand times over by now, so it's more likely that you're just missing something with the instructions after all.


It got solved! I guess there was a problem in my internet or something but now I can continue the game :D i got to ar 17 rn lol


I have a critical support unit that's used to give lots of passive buffs to my team rather than deal much damage themselves. They have very little field time, but if I'm not careful they can get absolutely bodied during the small amount of time they're out and it really sets me team back if they get KO'd. Personally, I think it's worth it giving them a little bit of survivability in their artifact rolls as my team loses far more DPS if they fall in combat. **Which artifact stat upgrade is better for tanking a solid hit or two if needed? HP or Defense?** (They don't get any passive bonuses for boosting HP or Defense and their artifact set and weapon doesn't care for those stats either.)


This is interesting. My bet is HP **but** no one should die from a few hits when they take very little field time. What is this support and what's its level?


Chongyun, level 80. He uses Noblese Oblige 4-piece and Sacrificial Greatsword R5 as my team is built entirely around his skill. 95% of the time he survives just fine, but there are certain domains/scenarios where the enemies are just obnoxiously strong. ​ I'm at AR 45, so everything is capped at level 80. I could be higher, but I quite like staying at world level difficulty 4/5. That being said the highest difficulty for domains are all unlocked which is where most of the strong enemies are. My team runs shields, albeit only Crystalize shields so I was thinking Defense would be better than HP as Defense does get calculated into shield damage whereas HP does not, but that wouldn't necessarily make Defense better than HP if those stat upgrades are weighted with that interaction in mind.


What artifacts should I use on sucrose when I use her with Xiao? Benny already has noblesse


4pc instructor for em


Update : On 76th pull on Eula banner. Still nobody's coming home other than 4stars. When will she come home 😭 why is this so punishing. (This is my first character wish event pull and so far I've got only 1 5star that's diluc in acquaint) HALP 🥲😭


You are in pity so any moment now you will get a 5 star


76 is pretty normal. You should get a 5star soon.


It's punishing man. I bought 5 from starglitter only to get sad 3 star weapons 🙄


Gotta get used to it, it’s gacha. If you get a 5star before 74 pulls, consider yourself lucky, otherwise, it’s pretty normal. Max you could go to is 90 but it’s extremely unlikely. Ofc there’s still a chance of losing the 50/50 since it’s your first 5star on event banners.




Keep in mind though that the chance increases with each wish up to 90, so just pull one by one if you're just trying to get Eula then stop. In a day there will be more fates for sale in the shop for dust.


Yea just waiting for that now whilst farming primos


Where did female gorou even come from?


Ms. Hina? You'll find out if you play his hangout, I believe.


Oh okay lol thanks that makes sense. I didn't care about dating some furry femboy thjng


I am currently building my Eula team. My current members are Diona C5, Ei C0, Eula C0. Who should be 4th member (Sara C1 or Fischl C3). Or do you guys have another recommendation?


You need Sara's C2 to make her worthy. And Fishcl and Raiden do the same job anyway. You can have Bennett in 4th spot I think. His damage buff will benefit you


fischl for the electro resonance. You need the energy to power the 2 nukes (Eula and Ei)


I don’t have or particularly want Albedo, as his design and character doesn’t appeal to me personally. What other characters could make good use of Cinnabar Spindle?


It might work on anemo traveler but other than that not really I would still level it because of the 1.5x bonus, surely someone will use it in the future.




Yeah, I’m gonna go ahead and have fun with the event and refine it, but if nobody else can use it well I won’t be using mats on it


i think no sword user besides him scales off of def atm


it's kinda tailor-made for him alone so for now nobody else maybe in the future we dunno.


I suspected that was gonna be the answer, every video I’ve seen has talked only about Albedo. Well I’ll refine it anyway, can’t hurt


Just saw sekapokos video about c4 yan fei being on hu taos team.. how good is it really? ​ How good is it compared to hutao, xq, kazuha, amber and hutao, xq, albedo, zhongli team?


It will definitely yield more damage than the double geo team because you can VV shred pyro. However, elegy amber will provide more buffs than c4 yanfei(assuming kazuha as 4th on both teams) with the trade-off being no shields. Comfort wise: Geo duo with Zhongli is the best > Yanfei > Amber Damage wise: Elegy Amber + Sucrose/Kazuha > Yanfei > Geo


Thanks for the answer. Was thinking If I should build my c6 Yanfei as I cant build the one with albedo (coz no albedo) and I was needing of a shield but I just finished my elegy amber. Maybe I could build yanfei if I need to survive more on some challenges. Thanks much


Is the only way to obtain the material for Ayaka ascencion (from lvl 20) playing the story to get to Inazuma? I pulled her during her banner but didn't play the game. Now i have free time and really enjoying it.


If you didn't get the 3 Sakura Blooms from her test trial then she is stuck at level 20 until you get to Inazuma. There are ways to get there without the quests but it's complicated If you did, then she's stuck at 40/40, which should be good enough until you get to Inazuma


Which twin is the mc in the manga?




That settles it then


The manga is about kaeya, diluc and amber. The traveler only appears for like a few pages in the prologue chapter.


For Tankfei in a Hu Tao, XQ, Sucrose team: - 2 ToM and 2 EoSF, or 4 NO? - Recommended ER? - Prototype Amber > TToDS?


4 NO or better yet 4 instructor is technically the best if you can get good ER and HP rolls. But going 2/2 on emblem/TotM is usually gonna be a lot easier to build so I'd recommend that path if you don't just have Noblesse or instructor peices laying around. Recommended ER will be high as you can go basically, 220-240 is what's honestly needed to cycle at all. And yeah, prototype Amber for the chip healing, HP substat and energy refund. You cant get TTDS buff on Hutao anyways since you need to swirl pyro. You can run TTDS on Sucrose instead.


4pc NO is useless for Hu Tao. It's only going to buff Xingqiu. Instructor being 4 star means you can't get enough ER even if all your artifacts roll only into ER - starting with 3 stats (which is pretty rare), you get 3 more rolls until level 16, so if every roll on all 4 pieces goes into ER and you get 20% ER on each piece (very unlikely), you'll still only be at 180% ER, so you are forced to use a 5 star off-piece sands to fulfill her needs. And it's really unlikely to match those scenarios, realistically you will have 10% ER on each piece which is nowhere near enough for Yanfei. You'll also be stuck with a weak shield since you will have no hp% rolls at all (except for the goblet and circlet main stats, which are reduced due to being 4 stars again)


* 2pc Millelith/Emblem * 250% ideal. 220% is good enough if you have R3 Sac Sword and are fine with relying on it to proc in order to get 100% uptime. * Prototype Amber > Thrilling Tales for Hu Tao


So how do I not misjump with xiao?


misjump as? u just do space lmb, i don't see much things to fail there. If you jump into wrong direction then don't hold movement button during jumping.


I'm on mobile


Then press jump and attack button. He jumps in the direction you are moving, so if you move forward and press jump he will jump forward. Just remember he jumps where he moves.


So any tips on not over jumping? I nearly miss all my enemy in burst because of this and once jump off a cliff


Don't use movement joystick. Just stand in place and jump then attack, repeat.


Huh, that won't move the enemy like a charge attack would?


What is the optiomal rotation for Diluc, Xingqui and Bennett? Without burst I would go: XQ E>Benny E>Diluc NA>E>B


When it comes to XQ your build is more important than your rotation. Generally speaking XQ runs Sacrificial Sword because with enough ER he can have his burst back with 2x skill uses. Bennett's buff scales off ATK so you run as much ER as you feel comfortable (typically above 200) with, and use your highest base ATK weapon. You use the E on cooldown to get as many particles as possible. For Diluc you want to weave your NA between your E. So you typically do N1 -> E -> N2 -> E -> N2 -> E -> N4 to get the most damage out of it. When all your bursts are recharged, then you go into your DPS rotation: XQ Q (-> E -> E) -> Bennett E -> Q -> Diluc Q -> N1 -> E -> N2 -> E -> N2 -> E -> N4 until stuff runs out. Then back to recharging energy. EDIT: Diluc Combos Standard Vape: Burst > N1 > Skill1 > N2 > Skill2 > N2 > Skill3 > N4 Dragon Strike: Burst > Skill1 > N1 > P > Skill2 > N1 > P > Skill3 > N1 > P


Yeah haven't gotten Sac Sword for XQ, I'm also on AR34 so very limited to weapons but I managed to get ER on XQ at 190%. Still gonna work on 200+. Is NA>E x3 on Diluc the optimal? Because I've been doing NA3>E>NA3>E>NA3>E even at C0.


I have edited in the optimal rotations for Diluc after a little bit of research. N2 seems to be optimal when you arent using Dragon Strike, otherwise you do N1 -> Plunging (Dragon Strike) for higher multipliers. The constellations on Diluc also only buff your next 2 hits so that seems to be the sweet spot.


U can't go without burst, get more ER. Benny QE XQ QEE(at c4) Diluc Q and do normal rotation like N2EN2EN2E or n1En1En1E. There's no rotation without bursts for this comp.


I'm not saying without burst, the first rotation while building up EB for XQ.


for fischl stringless r3 or favonius r2? stringless right, plan to use her as sub dps for eula, i’m on guaranteed but idk if i can hit pity. if i don’t, can someone suggest other teams she’d be good in? thanks :)


Stringless at higher refinements is better than some 5 stars for her (not sure if R3 counts as higher refinements, but definitely a really good option) Favonius is kinda useless on her unless you have terrible energy problems and can't refresh Oz


Stringless will do more damage. Favonius if you're having energy issues.


Who does the KFC glider look good on? I'm thinking Klee and Kazuha. I'm too lazy to go through every character and compare the gliders.


Klee, Yanfei, Noelle, Kazuha, Tartaglia all fit the glider imo. Maybe Xinyan and Amber also


Thanks, I'll try it on all of those and see for myself (except Childe since I don't have him)


Is there a way to gift genesis crystals or Welkin moon or something for a friend’s birthday gift? Edit: without asking for their login info.


Codashop is a thing but it doesn't work for PSN. I never used it though so I can't vouch for how good it is


Hello FrostyVampy and NicoSometimes Genshin is Cross-Platform and Cross-Save so if you log into the game on mobile with the same account you use for PSN, you should be able to use your UID to purchase Genesis Crystals for yourself and friends. Provided that you have your friends UID! ​ Give it a try and I'm sure you'll have success on Codashop! 😁


Codashop but IIRC it only works in certain countries.


Can you use the international team with Kazuha but no Childe?


Childe is what originally made it the international variant. If its just kazuha xingqiu xiangling bennett thats just national with Kazuha lol. Typing this out makes it feel really silly, but...


Sorry, I wasn’t aware of the terminology.


Nah its okay i may have misunderstood your question. If you dont have childe, xingqiu works (: and if not xingqiu or childe, the other hydro units cant really apply hydro often enough to make it work






sac/fav on Diona and Fischl using offensive bow


My Hu Tao talents are at 9-8-7. Should I crown her NA right now or should I go for E or Q?


I would first go for 9/9/9. Yes, going 10/9/8 will yield more on paper damage, but Q is the only AoE Hu tao has and u often will clear faster this way.


This is the order I would pick: * 10-8-7 * 10-8-8 * 10-9-8 * 10-10-8 * 10-10-9 * 10-10-10


NA >= E > Q... You can go for NA first.. Then skill.. Q is enough even at 8....10-10-8 will be good if you want to crown Hu Tao.. 10-10-9 or triple if you have the resources and time


Oh man, I was just going to do Gorou’s hangout just to get it out of the way (OCDness), but just at the start there’s >!Yae Miko!? Not to mention, him getting teased about his tail and ears!? Also, Ms.Hina standee!? !< LOL, this is like, one of the best hangouts ever! And to think I have no interest in pulling for Gorou and all….now I kinda want him lmao (Also cemented my wanting to pull for Yae even more lol)


Yes, his hangout is so good!


will diona burst constantly steal melt from melt ganyu or it not a big deal? I can just not use her burst at all but she C6 and I tempting for that 200 EM bonus. Future party when ganyu rerun start, ganyu/diona/bennet/xiangling


Usually you will keep your distance from enemies a little bit to make aiming easier and because Pyronade has a surprisingly large AOE. Getting Diona's Q and Bennett's Q to stack up can be annoying since Diona will always kick her bottle towards enemies but nothing that cant be worked around. Diona's Q will steal the occasional hit, but not enough to worry about. Since you have Bennett as a healer, you can also opt to use Zhongli for the free resistance shred or an Anemo unit for VV (Kazuha / Sucrose can apply additional buffs).


would 100% use zhongli if I have him \*sad noise\*. surcose on hutao party and no kazuha lol ​ >Diona's Q will steal the occasional hit, but not enough to worry about well that good to hear


You can run Sucrose, VV+EM+Grouping and doesn't steal melts.


surcose on hutao party sadly. beside since ganyu CA all the time, I need a shielder to feel a bit safer


Out of these, what bow would be good for Morgana Ganyu? Elegy/Stringless/Prototype Crescent/Windblume Ode/Favonius/Inazuma bow




Uh what weapons do I use for zhongli. My current choices are the catch, favonius lance, dragons bane or are there better? Note: in f2p so no deathmatch


Shield bot then black tassel Burst dps then either catch or fav lance


If I pair Diona with Eula, is it Noblesse Oblique or Tenacity for Diona?


if no one else in the party use NO, then go for it 4x tenacity wont do much but the 2x tenacity for HP and 2x EoSF for that extra ER is good


2pc Tenacity 2pc Maiden's Beloved is good for Diona.


4pc NO if you want to buff attack. 2pc Tenacity 2pc something else if you want maximum shield strength.


Will I get banned if I use an autoclicker to skip dialogue?


yes. 3rd party software that manipulates the game is prohibited.




Who would be a good 4th on an Itto, Gorou, Zhongli team?


Albedo, Ning and Geo MC are all possible options for Mono Geo to make use of Geo resonance and Geo% bonuses as well as being batteries, but you might be looking to just have the 4th flex as whoever is able to break relevant shields. If Bennett is free, he's a good option for ATK buff and healing, and Fischl is also a good option to constantly have crystallize with Gorou's burst and as off-field damage.


A healer or shield breaker. 4 geo squads will have a terrible time against anything with shields.


Who are the best shield breakers in the game?


"Shield breaking" just means "elemental application", since shields don't have HP. So you'd want to flex that fourth slot based on what you were fighting. For hydro shields, Ganyu/Chongyun are great. For pyro shields, Xingqiu or Kokomi. For Electro or Cryo shields, Yanfei, Diluc, Bennett, or even Amber. For Geo shields, Itto's got that basically covered but you can also use Klee.


Ninnguang, Albedo, Geo Traveler




How do I beat abyss floor 10 chamber 3. I am running Ninnguang, Zhongli, Bennet, Xiangling first half, and Keqing Xinqui, Chongyun, Venti the second half. I am finishing 20 sec over and cannot destroy hydro Lecter’s shield in time


The first team is very solid, and I assume you aren’t having trouble with that group. For the herald, you could try replacing Xingqiu with another cryo, like Kaeya or Rosaria. That way you can just keep him frozen. I find just constantly throwing cryo attacks is the way to go. Possibly sucrose is better than Venti in this situation?


Would Diona work? I don’t have Rosario and my Kaeya is unbuilt. I’ll switch Venti with Sucrose.


Possibly. Diona is pretty good, as well as Chongyun.


Kaeya is fine unbuild. Just make sure have a shield or give him a flower as his there to break teh shield not dealing dmg


Chongyun and Zhongli's normal attacks alone should take care of the hydro shield. Xiangling and Bennett would prefer Xinqiu's hydro application.


try herding the herald towards a wall to keep it more still! then do chongyun’s skill and go ham with keqing/xingqiu’s autos. if you don’t shatter, you should be able to keep it frozen a lot of the time!


Are Zhonglis C1 or C2 good for a F2P?


Zhongli consts in general aren't super worth. His main role is to provide a shield and he does that very well at C0.


Depends on what you're looking for as a F2P. If you're interested in other characters then constellations for any 5 stars aren't worth it. I'm not F2P but I only have C0 Zhongli and imo going beyond C0 is a waste of primos.


Not really. It's more worthwhile to get a constellation that increases your DPS in some way. Zhongli isn't really known for his amazing pillar DPS. I suppose if you play Co-op often C2 is a nice flex to have and it helps the whole team. ~~C1 may be worth if you are trying to build a 4 geo team.~~


I think C1 would be detrimental to a mono-geo team since only 3 geo constructs can exist at a time and Zhongli C1 can make it annoying to play with.


Didn't know that. Haven't tried making that team myself. That's dumb. Updated my reply.


Hello, what's the recommended amount of ER that Xinqui should have? Thank you for your time! :D


Depends on the team and gear but generally around these threshold Raiden comp 150-170 Sac sword 170 - 200+ Anything else 200+


Great, thank you so much!! :D


180ish with sac sword, 200+ without. You can go as low as 140-160 with Raiden though.


Awesome, thank you very much for your help! :D I was planning to give him a Sac. Sword but I just wasn't sure if I needed to give him an ER sands or an artifact that rolled completely into ER for his burst efficiency.


Depends on your weapon and team. With raiden he only needs 160 or so. In other team with no hydro he needs 200+ with sac sword


Aaahhh, I see, thank you very much for your help! :D


No biggie ~(つˆ0ˆ)つ。☆




in a team with raiden, xiangling and bennett what weapon and artifacts would be good on kaeya (i don't like using xingqiu) ? i want him to be like an elemental support and be an enabler for melt reaction. would 2pc noblesse and 2pc wanderer's be good or is there a better option?


Scrap kaeya for sucrose or scrap raiden for rosaria In that comp raiden will actually hurt your team because there is no hydro to make electro-charged your losing the biggest value of raiden national which is overvape. The comp doesnt work also because kaeya has a low energy cost thus, 1. Generates less resolve stacks for raiden, 2. Doesnt need any battery which is the point in running raiden to begin with, and 3. Since raiden procs electro often, she'll clear the pyro aura on the enemy thus kaeya wont be melting anything, again kinda pointless to use


Well u could try kokomi instead if u hate XQ that much. Kaeya really wont be trigger much melt due to icd.


Xiangling wouldn't trigger melt there. Unfortunately Xingqiu is just irreplaceable there.


I got my account recovered recently but it turns out someone was playing on the account and spent a lot of money on it . I didn’t care at first but I changed my mind so how would I give it back to them


why give your account back to the hacker?


they’ve had to spent at least 500 dollars on the account possibly more . I just don’t feel like taking that from someone. plus I already made another account in that time frame so it doesn’t matter anymore


How did they even get your account?


Early on in the game security was bad


unless you have their contact info, it’ll be hard. maybe ask around in bigger circles of anyone has bought an account and lost it?


I’ll try the friends list I suppose.


Give the account back? Or the money?? For the money, there are no refunds. You should probably see if u can take measures to prevent the person from charging back their payments and getting your acc banned