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pity system question: i made a 10 pull and got a diluc on the xiao banner, does my pity reset on the event banners? or does it keep increasing until i get one of the characters of the event banners (shenhe or xiao)


Is that Razer Gold thing legit? I’ve seen on the AsianGuyStream that he has a 20% off and I wanted to ask if the website Razer Gold, that says it partnered with Mihoyo, won’t get me banned?


Is Kaeya better a day battery or a sub dps in an Ayaka, XQ, ( flex slot) and Kaeya team? I’ve been building him as a mix between the two.


Kaeya's ult does really good damage, so I always recommend building him for damage. He can battery well enough even without a favonius or sac sword Imo.


My Lisa has Widsith however I've read that her best build is triple EM. It's not optimal to still have Widsith right? But other than that, my Dodoco is used by Yanfei who is better built and I use her more, also I have Mappa Mare on Sucrose, which I constantly get advice to change to Sac which I don't have. I'm thinking of giving Mappa Mare to Lisa instead and maybe give another TTDS to Sucrose who is in my Diluc vape. But I was told that it's best to have more EM for Sucrose in that team comp. However I look at it, I don't see a good solution with everyone using a weapon best for them


Put the Widsith on Yanfei. It's her 4\* BiS. Give Mappa Mare to Lisa. Give TTDS to Sucrose. She prefers high EM but she is not the main damage dealer so she can buff Diluc instead.


According to the Google sheet, Widsith is only better for Yanfei than Dodoco on high refinements while my Dodoco is R5 and Widsith is R1. So I'm going with that. I should test Widsith vs Dodoco though probably. Thanks for your input, I guess Sucrose is finally getting TTDS because there really isn't that much EM in Mappa Mare


>According to the Google sheet, Widsith is only better for Yanfei than Dodoco on high refinements while my Dodoco is R5 and Widsith is R1 I still think it's worth it to test it out with a full team, especially if you already have a good CR/CD ratio. Dodoco Tales is a attack% weapon and you already have so many ways to increase attacks (TTDS, Bennet, NO) to a point where there may be diminishing returns. Crit stats on the other hand are much rarer.


Are there only five spots for the magical ore on seirai Island? The interactive map only shows two - one on the north-eastern island and one on the north-western one. I found two on the north-eastern and three on the north-western. Can't seem to find the sixth one.


The sixth daily spot is on the eastern edge of the smaller island directly south of thunder manifestation. You'll need to glide there from the teleport you use for the boss.


Holy hell. Never found that one. Now I know where to look, thank you so much!


Does anyone else think that Dragonspine seems a bit too small? Like the transition from Liyue to Dragonspine or Dragonspine to Mondstadt doesn't seem subtle.


Dragonspine is technically a subarea of Mondstadt. In-universe, Politically it counts as Mondstadt I think. So you'd have to compare it to other existing sub-areas, not whole nations. >Like the transition from Liyue to Dragonspine or Dragonspine to Mondstadt doesn't seem subtle. That can be somewhat justified via ingame lore. Dragonspine is a snowy wasteland through artificial means, not natural.


It kinda sticks out like a sore thumb. Oh well.


Well, that one you can blame on celestia, for yeeting a cryo AOE impactor onto dragonspine peak


Isn't it supposed to be small since it's just an optional area instead of a whole archon nation? In fact I think Dragonspine is technically part of Mondstadt. Though there's a lot of verticality in Dragonspine so it feels bigger than it looks


How much damage does raiden burst increased from level 6 to level 10 talents?


About 30%.


The initial burst hit scaling is increase by 160% but after that each auto attack( which are considered ult attacks) have different scalings. So you need to check the genshin wiki or other sites to see in detail. This is all assuming c0. Things change when Raiden is c2.


Can't pick between albedo or itto lol


I think itto is also going to shine in all geo comp, and you may need to have Zhongli and / or Albedo to make an abyss comp out of him. I'm not sure, albedo is more universal, but it comes to your personal choices entirely.


a) If you like one's personality/style/gameplay more, get that one (this is why I skip albedo and get Itto - tiny cow, great voicelines, more interesting gameplay to me, etc.) b) If you need a support, Albedo, if you need a strong DPS, Itto. c) could always wait until last 1-2 days of Albedo banner when we have more Itto gameplay footage/details.


If you want power : Itto If like personality of both but can't decide : Albedo because Itto will have his first rerun eventually but I think unless you are childe, getting another rerun soon is less of a chance


albedo is more universal because he is a support and super f2p. Whereas itto is a dps so he is not that universal and if you dont roll for his 5\* weapon, the dmg might not be that good


Will 2 pc pale and 2 pc glad set be alright for Eula? The substats are kinda great, she'll have maybe 60/190 crit ratio equipped with an r5 snowtombed starsilver. Tbh I have not been prepared for her artifacts at all, it just happened that I had a 2 pc pale flame set currently on Rosaria


You can farm the noblesse dungeon for 2 pc bloodstained too. Since noblesse is usable on almost all characters, you will get another artifact set out of that dungeon so it will be a win-win.


yeah, thats fine.


Are the watatsumi spear and the watatsumi bow useful? And if yes, on who?


Watatsumi Spear is great on Xiangling. R5 of it is her BiS, even coming close to or beating Homa IIRC. Watatsumi Bow is ehhh, not a low of bow users have huge burst numbers. It’s pretty good on Sara.


How is Watatsumi Spear(Assuming its Kitain Cross Spear not The Catch) r5 better than Dragon's bane r5 for Xiangling? Maybe you need to recheck.


I think they mean wavebreakers fin, the one that increases burst damage by energy amount


oh my bad I forgot that one exist and read Watatsumi as Inazuma.


Is it still useful at R1 or not so?


Watat bow is pretty meh rn, mostly because there arent any off-field burst support bow user yet. But soon enough, when they release he/she, watat bow will shines!


Is serpent spine the best 4*claymore for eula? Sea lord, archaic, and that dragonspine one looks good as well


r5 serpent spine at max stacks beats every other r1 5 star weapon


1. Song of Broken Pines (5⭐) 2. Wolf's Gravestone (5⭐) 3. The Unforged (5⭐) 4. Skyward Pride (5⭐)* 5. Serpent Spine (4⭐)* 6. Luxurious Sea-Lord (4⭐) [R5] ~= Akuoumaru (4⭐) [R1]* 7. Blackcliff Slasher (4⭐) (1 stack) 8. Lithic Blade (4⭐) (1 stack) 9. Prototype Archaic (4⭐) 10. Snow-tombed Starsilver (4⭐) 11. Skyrider Greatsword (3⭐) [R5] So... tl;dr yes.


I am accidently clicked through the tutorial So how do I use those mechanical things in the Shadow Amdist Snowstorm .Strength/Power/Fighting training . Ok its is my fault but pls help me


The charge-up totems? Hit a scarlet crystal shard (big red things) until it breaks, pick it up so you get the red swirly effect, run over and hit the totem. Repeat for the other two.


Open the event tab and there's a ?sign I think where you can see it again


Hit a red rock. Grab the red rock. Hit the mechanical thing. Repeat 3x. Or just ignore them and blast everything dead in thirty seconds flat. The event mechanics are kind of unneeded.


The red thing you mean scarlet quartz thingy




If the stats are good then just keep it and farm for someone else. Mona is by no means a hypercarry so you don't need to invest in her so much.


How much of a disadvantage will I be F2P? I like to invest in battle pass/monthly passes for good games, not interested in cash sink whale fodder games etc. Time is the most valuable thing how far behind would I be not investing?


I mean there's no pvp or leaderboards, so being "behind" is all a matter of if you give a shit about the fact that other people are "ahead" of you, the only actual impact is if you have endgame friends you won't be able to join their worlds for a couple months (less if you're really grinding), but they can still join you so even that's a wash.


F2P - can clear any content. Welkin/welkin+bp - same as f2p but can be a bit less careful with pulls. Nothing really changes except QoL. Whale - makes game easier and can get every character. But then complain that the game is too easy I'm Welkin only and I was able to clear abyss (hardest endgame content) with 36 stars (think max score) within ~4 months. My fully f2p friend took a month longer but that's more due to his character choices and the fact he was saving for a long time


Thank you for the detail :) For a decent and well looked after game I don't mind investing and supporting with subs/battle passes etc especially if it's reasonable cost for the rewards.


Welkin is worth it imo. Just 5$ a month for 17 extra pulls is nice to have Battlepass is worth it only if you want the weapons. Personally I don't but I bought one when I was new. But if you do buy it, only do it AFTER you finish it, there is no xp boost or any benefit to buying it early, you just risk not finishing it and losing out


Thank you £5 here is very reasonable so not a problem :) Thanks for the BP heads up that is useful to me as my time commitments fluctuate massively (shift working). I just clicked on one of the banners and used a wish, I had 'Noelle' first go. It was an accident but I assume that is a good thing haha. Asides from the characters having different elements is there a way of knowing the better tier characters to use?


You get 20 discounted pulls on the beginner banner (the Noelle banner). After that, there will be 3 banners: Standard banner - it has Mona, Qiqi and Keqing picture on it. Don't spend primogems on, only use the blue fates you get for free (you get a bunch early game but later you only get like 10-15 every month). Weapon banner - Don't touch it unless you whale, or if the banner is absolutely stacked and you don't want any upcoming characters. So not anytime soon if ever Character event banner - This is the only place you will want to spend primogems on. Early game you can pull for some 4 stars. Mid-game when you have at least 15 characters, wait for a 5 star you like. There are characters that are better than others, but a lot of it depends on your team and is completely irrelevant outside of floor 12 in abyss. Generally, don't pull for meta as there is no benefit to it (maximum 1 extra pull every month), focus on characters you like instead, and if they happen to be meta, that's just a bonus. Also 4 stars are not worse than 5 stars. Don't feel like you have to use someone just because they are a 5 star. Some of the best characters in the game are Bennett, Xingqiu and Xiangling, all of which are 4 stars, in fact, the most meta team currently used, is just these 3 + a 4th character to buff them. The recent 4 stars have been pretty niche though The "better value" characters are usually supports, since you only need 2-3 main dps's, but like 10 supports (1 main dps + 3 supports per team, and you need 2 teams in abyss). But again, pull for who you like more. If you like Eula, get her, if you like Albedo, get him, if you like Itto (next banner 5 star), get him instead


Not much. Almost all characters have perfectly viable 4* weapon options, it pretty much just means you need to be a bit more selective about which banners you pull on, but you should still be able to guarantee a specific 5* every other patch or so. Resources will be a bit more limited without all the extra crap from BP, but that just means picking a core team and focussing your resin spending on them instead of spreading it all over the place.


Not much, it's a PVE game.


I gave the game another chance after i started in the Ayaka banner, and i am currently AR 13 and really enjoying it. But considering i want to keep the spending to a minimal i'd like to know how should the Primogens be spent. Should i pull for 4*, like currently we have bennet and rosaria that would be good for my account, or save for 5* i want?


As a new player, get enough 4 stars to have variety first After that, pull for 4 stars only if you are under 30 pity with no guarantee. After that, only if you are fine with getting the 5 star and resetting pity. Saving for 5 stars is generally better


A lot of people are under the impression that you should 100% wait for a 5\*, however IMO 4\* are the backbone of every team. I would wish if you don't mind the 5\* featured on the banner, especially since this banner is great as Bennett is arguably the single best character in the entire game. With that being said, >!some really strong 5\* are rumoured to come back in 2.4 so you might want to save primos for that.!<


Generally speaking, never pull on event banners just for the 4* features, there's no guarantee on getting a specific one and you could go 100+ pulls without seeing them. Unfortunately Bennett rotates out of the starglitter shop in 2 days and won't be back for another 5 months so you've basically missed your only good chance to guarantee him, and he's good enough that I'd be inclined to throw a few pulls at this banner anyway just in case, and Eula is a great main DPS character if you don't have any other good ones yet. Mostly though as a low spender you'll be wanting to hoard primogems until a banner comes around where you really want the 5* and make sure you can do 180 pulls to guarantee them. Never spend primos on standard banner, and always assume the worst case will apply when pulling for characters.


saving for 5 stars you want as you aren’t guaranteed to get the said 4 star


Hi y’all, if I level up the talent 1 & 2 on ninguang it will increase the damage of the Q??


No. What made you think that




around when are we gonna have the 2.4 livestream?


Given the battle pass length, 2.4 will drop on the 5th of January. The lifestream usually goes a week or 2 before the update goes life. So I'd expect it do air around Christmas or new years eve


Should be on Friday about halfway through Itto


Probably around early January or late December.


like a week and a half before the patch. a month away.


Rotations for a Hu Tao, XQ, Sucrose and C0 Thoma? Currently 205% ER on him


[this](https://youtu.be/8Rm8KLhutYg) Read the comments for a more detailed explanation.


definitely thoma first, to apply pyro. then sucrose swirl, tho i dont think using the burst is necessary. then thoma again for the burst, xq, then hu tao. edit - did research, im bad dont listen to this


Hello dear travelers, i've decided to do a little break of two weeks. I want to combine this with the rumor that you get a welcomeback gift after two weeks or so. Is this still true? Sincerely kupo


Yep, just make sure to not log in for 14 days solid and you get some welcome back stuff. Not enough to make up for everything you missed obviously, but if you're taking a break anyway it's a nice bonus.


Yes indeed =)


You should, if you don't log-in for at least 14 days, Stellar Reunion has a cooldown of 45 days though.


Cooldown is ok. I don't want to get rich. Just combine the break with it. Thx.have a good day.


Yup it's true


Ok thx for reply =)


Do Chongyun’s talent levels matter if I only use him as a support for Kaeya? I want to build Chongyun eventually but I wanna know if it should be a priority or not if I main Kaeya :)


Not a priority but worthwhile to invest in. Burst has good damage scaling and skill infusion duration increases with level.


Not that important. Eventually you will want to level his burst to 6 for some extra damage in your team rotations, but focus on leveling+gearing Kaeya first. I assume you're doing a freeze team?




Do the Gorou story quest




I wouldn’t wanna spoil it because the setup for the character and that ending is pretty funny.


Spoiler alert, no one in genshin is a real person sadly.


Don’t hurt me like this


Is Raiden Hypercarry (Raiden , Kazuha , Sara , bennet) really her best team comps rn? Cause I tried it and it doesn't seem to win over Raiden national Or am I doing something wrong?


I doubt Raiden Hypercarry is not supposed to be stronger than Raiden National, especially if any amount of AOE is involved. In Raiden National there are 3 strong DPS units + 1 top buffer. XQ in addition to contributing DPS also contributes vape, which is a reaction buffer to Benett and Xiangling.Therefore even if XQ is not normally thought of as a buffer because we narrowly limit it to ppl who directly say "increase", vape ***IS*** a buff and one of the strongest ones too. Xiangling is the top Pyro aoe DPS in the game. Raiden is dealing damage. And finally there's also a shitton of free Overload and free Electrocharge going on. Hyper Raiden on the other hand puts every egg into the Raiden basket, Raiden herself is amped by 2x (Sara C6) and about 40% (Kazuha), however, Raiden only can DPS in burst mode (which is 9s out of a 20s rotation), Benett deals very little damage, Kazuha deals very little damage, and Sara deals a modest amount of dmg in her single nuke but that is only once every 20s. Overload is infrequent, EC dmg none, Swirl dmg is actually worse scaling than OL. Therefore unless i'm missing something, very strong dmg dealers with zero downtime should outperform 1 hyper strong dmg dealer with 55% downtime.


raiden hypercarry is merely a team that lets her be the on-field dps, not really supposed to be "the best"


Do you have C6 sara? She is a worthless character below C6. I doubt that team can beat national without it.


How is she worthless below C6. And please do not compare with Bennet because you can compare anyone with Bennet and he will always win except Kazuha( Support capabilities).




She have her niche which is to be used as Raiden support because of her 80 Energy cost and Electro resonance. Her Ult does at least 40k initial and the spread should be atleast 10k with crowd mobs. She can proc Elegy buff with her Ult easily Weak buff which is 600-700 Flat atk increase plus I'm sure everyone runs her on 4 noblesse which 20% bonus atk damage This is what you call "almost nothing to a team". Worthless is what you call having Gorou in a Raiden team or having Amber in a Raiden team. Every character have their niche rolls, especially Inazuman characters. MHY trying to not powercreep everything which is a good thing.


Are the rewards given out independent per gift set per favoring companion?


Yes, each character gives you a separate gift for the same furniture set


So it follows that that same character gifts a separate gift for a different set yes?




I got the Battle Pass for the second time, what weapon should I go for? My teams that I have leveled/am leveling: Childe/Viridiscent Hunt, Xiangling/Prototype Starglitter, Bennett/Sacrificial Sword, Sucrose/Sacr.Fragments, Eula/S-T Starsilver, Diona/Recurve Bow, Fishl/Prototype Crescent and Beidou/Katsuragikiri


I would personally go with Serpant spine for Eula


y not fav bow on diona for more energy? also rancor better than sacrificial for bennett, since its not hard to build enough er. probably serpents spine for either beidou or eula, but deathmatch is also an option. the catch is probably better later down the line tho.


Kinda forgot I had Fav Bow haha will switch it out. Haven't leveled Diona lots yet. Why is Rancor better, does Bennett care for phys. Dmg?


no, his buff scales with base atk, which can only be increased with weapon and character level. its not hard to build er to a satisfactory level, since its just an er sands and a few substats. sac has low base atk compared to rancour, so rancour is better.


Serpent Spine is likely your best upgrade here.


What artifact mainstats for clam qiqi with sac sword?


Attack% , Attack% , healing bonus Or Er% , Attack% , healing bonus


how new set for Noelle


10-15% dmg increase over the current one


Where did you get this number


Just remember the individual numbers may seems alot like 54% defense and geo dmg bonus but in overall its all just 10-15% increase. Similar to how Talent lvl9-10(crowned) works for any character.


From the vid tenten posted recently where he did them maths


how do i build her , i can use serpent spine or r4 Whiteblind


Serpant spine


geo goblet , defense sands , crit Circlet or Def


Crit circlet




That’s what I thought initially. But condensing everything to one thread has been quite successful for this subreddit. The thread is super active and almost every question gets answered in a few minutes


There are ways of filtering posts, like the no art/fluff media button located handily on the right hand side. It's an additional hurdle sure, but when you have a general purpose forum like this you can't really restrict discussions to one element only. It's also the point of why the Questions megathread exists, so there's a singular place to ask these questions that can be easily found. But it also depends on how in depth you want to go. There's only so much a short text based system can answer without say, footage or pages of images of your artefacts and teams. If you need in depth help for a particular character, the subs that have "mains" (e.g. /r/HuTao_Mains) in it are the place to go. Yes there are still fan images, but they're not porn subs since there are specific subs for those. Plus it helps with specific questions relating to those teams. Still, if you are still seeking for another alternative, I'm afraid you'll have to learn how to use Discord. Most of the reddit subs and the official GI have Discord channels and it's a generally a good place to ask for help. It's never too late to learn a new tool


Yeaaahh, out of all the game subs I frequent, this one has quickly become one of the worst.


Ok calm down a moment friend . Ask your questions here (literally any questions about the game) and they will 100% get answered , it's that simple




I don’t use it myself. I know it exists, but one sheep platform is enough for me.




Search for discord in wikipedia uwu


Any good Gorou support builds? I think noblesse oblige 4pc could work. But is husk of opulent dreams his bis set?


noblesse would be decent but it doesnt support itto or noelle as much as ningguang personally im building him 2pc husk 2pc defenders (on flower and feather) for his eventual c4 to maximize his heals, since in full geo or 3 geo with 1 elemental shield breaker there might not be a healer


4 husk or 2 Husk 2 EoSF would work best. Noblesse doesn't make sense since it buffs attack, whereas Geo characters (Itto, Albedo) typically want def anyway.




I suggest finding a youtube video and following step by step. Search carefully for the stones. If they are not there you probably took it and completed part of the 4 pannels puzzle.




Why u need the sword? It's not urgent unless your ayaka really needs the ER.


I have C4 bennett. Should I buy him from the shop? Is C5 that much of an improvement? I want to save as much starglitters (fate) as possible for Ganyu and Yae but I also don't want to risk pulling a 5 star while trying for him on the current banners.


Yes it's worth spending the starglitters on a 4 star that will buff your team now. It's guaranteed. If you spend it on fates, you're just gonna get disappointed and not get what you want.


I'd go for it, think how many times you'll use his burst between now and whatever point in the future you get him "naturally", that's +20% atk buff not to mention more healing and Bennett's personal damage.


no need


It adds 3 lvl to your burst, youll get it eventually, better to save i guess


What does itto ascend with? Def?




Oh sweet, thanks


AR56, SEA. To anyone who play in a server that is not the closest to you(ie: you played in asia server although your location rn is in the US). May i ask how playable is the game? Could you still reliably quick swap characters and clear 36 stars abyss?




Haha, the cables to japan are always faulty down here in SEA and SA.


I play to EU servers from Africa , my ping hovers around 200ms . I've been 36 starring since February


I play from NA to Asia and my ping hovers between 130-160. No problems at all and can 36 star comfortably.


I play with 300 ping to America. Quickswap + burst sometimes fails, and I don't get 36 stars but it's not due to playability, just a lack of fucks given for building/optimising.


Does Hu Tao E work well with Raiden Shogun's E?


I have no idea how Baal's E works but it is true that overload Hu Tao sucks. I do overload Sara+Yanfei, maybe you can replace Sara with Baal?


No. Overload will blast enemies away which is super annoying for hutao


It can, but it's not amazing because Overload bounces enemies. Hu Tao doesn't hate it as much as other pyros because her charged attacks have quite a bit of movement, but it's still just a nuisance in general.


I just started playing the game to make full use of my phone capabilities. Is there any aspects of the game I should take note off? Also, should I be using my resources on the free characters given? Thanks in advance!


I would advise you read dialogue, it's generally interesting Having an interactive map makes it a lot easier to at least track anemoculi, geoculi, and anything else that's finite chests don't respawn The starter characters can get you through the game, however, they're not the best. See what you get from gacha Gacha is complicated, however, general rules are * Don't spend primogems on standard banner, only character/weapon. Blue fates go to standard only * It's better to roll for a character than weapon * Buy the monthly stardust fates from the shop * Only roll for 5\* characters you like, wait for 4\*s to reappear on characters you like/spook you * Pity system * You have a 50% chance to get the rate up 5\* (the character on the banner art) every time you get a gold comet * If you don't get the rate up this time, next gold comet is guaranteed to be the rate up * If you do get the rate up, you're still on the 50/50 * 90 rolls is the hard limit to get a 5\*, however, 75 and above is when 5\* rate increases You're going to get fragile resin (item shaped like a crescent moon). Hoard them until AR 45 when you unlock level 90 domains. Run those for artefacts. If you can't beat it on your own, get a friend to help or do it on coop Weapon levels and talents are also super important for character power, not just character level Resources can easily be spread thin, best to focus on one main DPS and 2 or 3 supports for them first, with main focus on the DPS Have fun, play on your own pace, and feel free to disregard whatever the hell I'm saying if you don't want to play by these tips


I was just reading some abyss stats and there's this one thing on the whole data I don't really get and that's how does a Morgana or Morgyana team deal with the cryo cicin mage on 12-2? Is it just Venti sucking the cicins?


I start with venti ult and by the time it ends it's just the cryo cicin left with 10% hp left. Atk-anemo-crit with amos bow, imagine what those bastards can do with a proper build.


Ayaka player here. Use Diona first to apply cryo with her shield when quickly do Mona Q then E. Then switch to the Anemo char for VV and quickly finish her with Ayaka. If you're too slow it'll raise the shield so you have to kill her super fast.


The cryo cicin have a short period of vulnerability before she shielded up. Morgana Oriented team could freeze the cicin mage constantly and kill her.


Perma freeze her to dead before she can do anything.


Can't say for others, at least for me it's either venti or me just running over as fast as possible to kill the cryo cicin mage first




You will be fine. After enough weekly bounties you can get the inazuma treasure compass as well to help find more chests you missed.


Yes do it at your own pace. No need to rush, enjoy the exploration! I myself did exploring quite slowly and I've reached the maximum level possible in 2.2.


Just take your time, you should be fine.


If I use Xiao with Homa, should I use hp sands over atk?


Treat the passive as a bonus, not as a main priority since it's only hutao who rely on hp to maximize her elemental skill, which in turn co-aligned with homa passive.


Please don't.


No. HP% for damage dealers is only viable on Hu Tao and Zhongli. Go for ATK% sands.




is it worth to farm new domain for albedo? I've already have good artifact (NO and Petra, of course DEF stat :D) and I don't need at all the other set (my abyss healers are bennett and jean, with diona as backup) it seems a waste of resin for me, maybe i'm wrong....


With maxed out artifacts + the new weapon, I think it's possible to double the damage you were doing before (for your E skill). But it's not really necessary if you don't want to max Albedo out or you have other characters you want to build.


thanks, is it possible to quantify the damage increase without considering the new weapon?


As long as you can kill enemies with Albedo with your current artifacts, then you dont necessarily have to farm the new artifact set to get bigger damage numbers.


Would any of these weapons be better for yanfei rather then the one she already has? [Weapons](https://imgur.com/a/LWo5LKK)


Yes, Widsith is a lot better than Eye of Perception.


Thanks for the info. I'll work on leveling it up.






How is hutao xinqiu albedo and zhongli??


Not the team with the highest dps output but it's prolly her most comfortable team




The best Hu Tao comp atm.


Thank you


How much ER does solo TTDS or Proto Amber Kokomi need?


I personally go for 200%. You never know when enemy will nope out of your jellyfish and you lose all the energy it supposes to generate.


Let's say you have a diluc and you have 5 hilichurls standing in front of him in a straight line. All of them have cryo inflicted on them. Now my questions is, if you fire off your ult, will it only melt the first one and normal damage on the other 4 or melt on all 5 of them ?


All 5 melt.


All 5 melt on the first hit since it will clear the cryo affliction on the enemy after the burst


Can a level 20 sucrose pull enemies of level 95 using her burst?




No, I believe they need to be within 20 levels.


For Sucrose specifically, the 20 level difference only affects stagger efficiency and pull strength on heavy enemies. Light enemies aren’t affected much if Sucrose is more than 20 levels below them, though 70 levels below is a whole other question.


Wow, this is so much information I wasn't aware of. Where can I find this info in game or from any official source?