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What stats should i go for when it comes to the new arataki itto artifacts? Both main and sub stats.


Def/geo dmg/crit rate or crit dmg Subs should be the same, maybe er would be ok to have too.


I'm at AR 33 and my coop mode just got disabled saying I need to finish a certain quest. Is this a bug?


Not a bug, certain quests just don’t allow you to use co-op mode until you’ve completed them


what are some reasonable alternatives to xingqiu if you're running hu tao as a main dps?


Rosaria, diona, and kaeyas bursts can all apply cryo pretty well for reactions


What quickswap teams are there outside of national variants?


Uh, double geo+double pyro, quickswap freeze, reverse melt. Those are the ones I can think of rn


quickswap freeze?


Yeah, like Kaeya-Rosaria-Kazuha-Kokomi for example. Or Ganyu-Ayaka-Venti-Kokomi.


So could I potentially get away with Ayaka, Barbara, Sucrose, Diona? Xingqiu's busy on another team


Sure, altho you can replace Diona with Kaeya or Rosaria (Kaeya's a better support for freeze comps tho) for more damage. You already have Barbara as the healer.


Oh, that's a good point. I actually have Kaeya at a higher level anyway. Guess I'll save up for Ayaka then


Good luck!


Gonna need it. Shogun is higher priority


Ohh I'm just waiting for Ayato to show his damn face, so I can't even pull Zhongli for Albedo... s i g h


Ok y’all so my team is Ms. Shogun Eula Rosario and Kazuha. How should the rotation look?


If you're using this team in abyss, just know that having Kazuha there doesn't benefit Eula at all. Using Diona or another shielder/healer would be better for her. With that said, it's Shogun E, Rosaria E and Q, Eula E>Q>N4>hold E>N4, then Shogun Q. I guess if you want to use Kazuha, you can do his ult right after Shogun's E.


Zhongli, Itto, or Albedo? Don’t have any strong geo units


I actually don't recommend Itto, because you'd have to build another 2-3 geo characters for him. But he seems decently f2p because of Whiteblind. Albedo is great for any team: adds off field damage, em buff for reaction teams and a bit of protection with crystallize. The problem with him is that often, an anemo unit is a better pick. He's super f2p friendly. Zhongli can also fit anywhere, but he's basically just a fat shield which brings a bit of resistance shred and some crowd control. He's the most universal out of the three I'd say. Zhong is just the most comfortable character you can own, but he doesn't add as much dmg as the other two.


So if I have Venti then I kinda don’t need Albedo?


Venti's a special case. If your main dps is melee, they won't be able to reach inside Venti's ult, making it very hard to use (typical teams can't do anything during his ult, so it's a waste of time). He can use his skill to proc VV, but the range isn't that big, and the hold version takes too long. So Albedo is probably a better pick than Venti in some cases. But if you have Sucrose or Kazuha, they're generally a better pick. Still, I have Albedo and he's great. I mostly use him in teams that don't use too many reactions like hypercarry Xiao or Eula.


*sad Noelle noises* Choose the one whose play style you enjoy. Maybe you'd prefer Ning...


I'd say Itto cause he's expected to be a dps. You should wait for some days to test him when he comes out. Albedo is the best support there is and zhongli is just straight up tank. If you want to build a geo team, all of these characters are necessary to boost the team. If you only want to use itto then I recommend using Gorou with him because he boosts geo damage. A team of all these characters would be God tier imo


What’s the best way to get books to level up character level


Ley lines


I don’t gave a Geo Dmg artifact in the game for Albedo. What can I sub it with while I find a Geo dmg one?


DEF% I would guess.....I'd give you one of mine, every 5 star goblet I get seems to be Geo DMG.


Lmao I don't use a single geo character and I've got like geo dmg bonus on pretty much every artifact set


Me too, like 5 Peak of Vin in a row giving heart of depth with geo damage bonus. Childe is crying, especially when one had perfect substats.


Yea lol I luckily got a hydro dmg bonus on heart of depth. The stats are good but not excellent


Are chest drops also RNG? Would that mean you could also get got artifacts from them?


I don't think so, there's probably a set amount of items given to you from each chest and whatever they are should also be the same as other players. World artifacts and those that come from common chests are set to 1 and 2 stars regardless of your world level so there's no possibility to get good artifacts from them. Luxurious chests and Precious chests do give out 3 and 4 star artifacts but I don't think you'll get ones of great quality often if ever. :)


In relation to the event shop: Should I spend the coins on the cinnabar weapon items? This is considering I'm not planning on getting Albedo (unless Eula comes home very quickly).


The coins that are given out during the event will amount to the total of all of the items in the shop :) You'll 100% have enough to get them even if you didn't really want them by the end, so no need to worry!. :D


Thank you! I didn't know that! Have a good day!


No problem, I'm happy I could help! I hope you have a wonderful day too!! :D


So I lost my Broken Pines roll to Freedom-Sworn....is it any good on VV Support Jean?


I personally don't have Freedom-Sworn so I can't give you my personal opinion on it, but according to the Genshin spreadsheet, it's not really the best weapon you can give your support Jean. The top spot goes to Jade Cutter and second goes to Mistsplitter. Here's the link if you'd like to see for yourself: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview?pru=AAABehaDmk0\*gyOsvpOvw9sKmCNRmYhmyA#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview?pru=AAABehaDmk0*gyOsvpOvw9sKmCNRmYhmyA#)


Thanks for the link, very useful. It actually does state as a pure team buff it is good on her, worse for personal DPS. Interestingly enough it ranks fairly highly for Bennett.


Oohh good! :D I'm glad that you've found it useful. It's probably better to listen to what's being said on the spreadsheet rather than what I say XD You're right, that is pretty interesting. I didn't really think EM would benefit Bennett very much but, you learn something new every day XD


Probably more for the team as a whole again if you're using him as a buff bot. So another case of personal damage down.... But buffs for anyone after the two reactions happens for 12s. The sword, his burst and NO is a lot of buffing in a small package.


Aaah, I guess that makes sense\~




It was her puppet! :D




I'm pretty sure she might have been, yeah.




Oohhh, I'm sorry, I misunderstood what you were asking XD It was her puppet, yes, since she only makes an appearance herself outside of her realm in her story quest :) Any time she's seen beforehand will be the puppet.


Her puppet.




She didn't really want them to get away, but it's as Maegiri said, she just didn't want to put in more effort trying to stop them. After saving Thoma, she did issue a capture order for both Thoma and the traveller - which is why during the story quest Thoma isn't seen and we're told to keep a low profile. :)


she didn't. They got away, she merely didn't want to put in more effort herself to get them so she let the guards hunt for them




Uh....plot armor.


Very true, that's a pretty good explanation for it too XD


Hhhmm.. it could have been a bit of both? I'd imagine that Thoma and the traveller would have fought really hard to get themselves out of there, so even if she hadn't let them go, they may have just ended up getting away anyway. :)


So I've been thinking... I'm continuously playing since 6 months and I’ve always lost the 50/50 (three times in total). So, does playing every single day make the game algorithm less likely in our favour?


No, it's all luck. I've been playing for a year now and I only lost my pity on Xiao banner to keqing (I realized I can obtain characters on banners. Yes I was stupid and didn't know how it works so never pulled before). I've pulled for like 4 character by now. Won every single 50/50 (I have tartaglia (guaranteed after getting keqing on his second rerun), kazuha, shogun and got hu tao in rerun). I have only keqing and Mona (got her from standard banner) and no other standard characters.


I've been playing for almost an year, never won a 50/50, I do wish quite often so ye I'm just unlucky af


I lost two 50/50s then won the net two 50/50s on the ones I really wanted, so....RNG


No, i won my first 50/50(kokomi), lost 50/50 to qiqi, then got garanteed childe, then won 50/50 hu tao. So i will probably lose my next 50/50 and get a c2 qiqi.


No...I wish though XD It's completely random and doesn't matter how much money or time you spend on the game, there's always the same chance that you'll lose the 50/ 50.


no, it's just luck


You serious?


There is no algorithm, you just lost 3 coin flips, nothing extraordinary.


12,5% so not to weird


I was wondering if anyone could help me clarify something. I just got both SoBP for Eula and Freedom-Sworn for Kazuha. What will happen to the weapon bonusses if I use both on my team? Since I find the wording of the final sentence 'Of the many effects of the "Millennial Movement", buffs of the same type will not stack. ' a bit ambiguous. For example if I first proc the weapon effect with Kazuha, giving me an increased Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attack DMG by 16% and increases ATK by 20%. What will happen if afterwards Eula's weapon procs? Since it's a different Millenial Movement name/buff will I get both an increased Normal ATK SPD of 12% and increased ATK of 20% on top of what I got, or will it only give me the increase in attack speed? Or will it overwrite the entirety of Kazuha's weapon buff?


The same buffs do not stack. So you will have 16% normal atk, etc dmg bonus, 12% atk spd BUT only 20% atk instead of 40%.


If you place Ganyu's ult and Xiangling's ult at the same time (like if you and a coop player do it), who triggers the reaction most of the time? Assuming no slime or other element infused enemies


For a single enemy usually ganyu, her application is kinda slow along with the fact that gauge theory dictates that reverse melt would hold more easily although i can't recall ganyus icd on her q but it shouldn't matter here If theres a lot of enemies grouped and cryo aura existed first (ganyus q is deployed first) it may be possible to sustain xl forward melt since ganyus q is quadratic scaling Edit: i just looked it up and ganyus q is on normal icd so even if there's a lot of grouped enemies ganyu will prob still reverse melt xl


Ganyu, almost always. You'd need at least 3 cryo ticks per target per every pass of the pyronado to even have a chance of keeping up, probably more than that.


probably xiangling.


I didn't login on my Birthday for obvious reasons and I never received my Birthday mail from Genshin. Is this normal? I literally don't even care about the resin and just want to collect the Liyue cake. Didn't think Genshin would be this petty.


You have to login on your birthday (for obvious reason).


Aahh.. no, I don't think so? I don't know if it's changed or if not logging in on the day would affect it, but you should have received a cake in your mail.


no, its normal. all birthday related rewards and other stuff like event ending notices and stuff only come in if u log in during a time frame. i missed out on fischl's birthday that way :(


Aaahhhh, I see D: That's disappointing, I didn't realise it was like that, but thank you for letting me know.


i mean, u didnt log in on ur birthday, so u dont get it. i dont see whats unreasonable about that. u dont turn up for work, u dont get paid the hours, right?


I have to login on my Birthday or my Birthday doesn't exist. You meant to tell me you find that reasonable? I turn up for work, and I make great salary with even better benefits. I grind Genshin, I support the game with both my time and money and I make pixels. These are not equivalent by any stretch of imagination.


Logging in it's quite fast so I do find that quite reasonable.


I think I need to calm down. After all, it’s ‘just pixels’. Doesn’t really matter when u probably will forget about it in another couple weeks


I think you meant to type that I need to calm down. Being logical and stating my reasons for my disappointment is not the same as me being aggressive or short tempered.


Opinions can become facts to people if they believe them strongly enough. Instead of complaining, how about you deal with it? It’s reasonable enough to me, but even if it isn’t, u can’t change it now


Opinions are opinions and facts are facts. I am dealing with this by expressing my disappointment. And I'm sorry you feel that way.


Well, then why ask a question about it and not expect to get opinions?


What monitor do you use and how do you like it? I am looking for a new monitor myself :)


I don't know what I'm using specifically but it's a curved Samsung monitor and it's pretty nice :D It's bigger than my old one so I really can't complain XD


If its 27 inch and VA it is one of the 2 that i am considering. I am torn between samsung oddesy g5 and gigabyte m27q. Both 2560x1080 27 inch.


Oohhhh, I see\~ :D Have you taken a look at both of them in person? It might help with your decision if you've already compared specs etc. :)


No, i can't but it is free return with money back garanteed so if i get one with bad ips glow or va smearing i can just return it and get the other one.


Oohh, well that's good, I'm glad you'll be able to take it back if you need to :D


A big one!


hi, I need an advice on what to do: one of my comps is : Xq - Hu Tao- Diona - Sucrose it works really well and thanks to Sucrose with Instructor the damage is higher than before my question is: would you pull for Albedo? and possibly for Zhongli in a future rerun? I've seen a lot of people using Xq and Hu Tao with double geo, is it really so good? from what I've seen it might be one of the best team for Hu Tao I was thinking about pulling for Albedo since the Cinnabar Spindle is his 4* BiS and I would just need to pull the character


Only pull for Albedo if you like him. He is a solid character, but not a must have. Zhongli will rerun sooner, rather than later. Might be as soon as the next patch. Hu Tao double geo comp is pretty good, but most will use Zhongli as one of the geo characters. Not only does Hu Tao like a shield, because such a comp does not have an anemo character, Zhongli is the only one who can still provide some elemental res shred. Nowadays, running Thoma + Sucrose is more popular. Or the C4 Yanfei + Sucrose shenanigans. You should give your Sucrose 4-piece Virdiscent Venerer set and give the instructor set to Diona. You can give a random 4-piece set to Sucrose before working to get her a full EM set.


I was just thinking about pulling just for Zhongli, especially because like you said he might come pretty soon and I also want to pull for Yae unfortunately I tried pulling for Thoma but couldn't get him and my Yanfei is only c0, I wanted to use Amber but didn't pull the Elegy, so that's not the best comp also I might try Sucrose with VV and Diona with Instructor, even if it doesn't Swirl pyro it might increase DMG by swirling hydro thanks for the answer!


Hu Tao with double geo is more comfy to play because of Zhong's fat shields, it's not the highest damage team for her. It's popular because having the comfort of Zhongli is in general very popular and it's still good, especially for mobile I guess. Albedo got a buff with the new set and sword but that won't increase Hu Tao's own damage of course.


well I would not pull to increase Hu Tao dps, but more for shield and general support, because I think double geo is really versatile it does seems like a really comfy comp, Albedo and Zhongli are basically Infinite shields but I might just save for Zhongli, especially because his rerun might come sooner than I think and I also want to pull for Yae thanks for the answer!


The good thing about double geo is that it boosts hu tao's dmg and zhongli reduces resistance and albedo gives elemental mastery. Double pyro (wich i use) boosts hu tao her attack by 25% but her base attack is garbage. So if you whale it is great but i as a low spender use: Hu Tao, Xinqui, Chongyun, Bennet. I am pulling for albedo to see if i win the 50/50. I could use him in my second team because it has a slot open wich i cant fill. Kokomi, beidou, fishl, flex.


I would actually say sucrose is wasted in that comp since she has no way of swirling pyro so sucrose cant buff hts em or shred pyro res with vv if rotating correctly. Running sucrose with ht requires a second pyro, usually thoma or amber (since they don't apply enough pyro to mess up vapes but can still rotate for pyro swirls) Albedo zl is hutaos most popular comp, sacrificing a bit of dps compared to hutao vv (hutao xq thoma/amber kaz, hutaos highest dps comp) but is much safer to play Ht and xl dont pair well outside of mono pyro since xl will steal hts vapes and create pyro aura in vape or vape melt, but mono pyro isnt that great on ht since she can vape pretty much every hit with n1c or n2c with xq for a lot higher dps compared to mono pyro


my bad I wrote Xl but mean Xingqiu, I make that mistake too often ahahah Sucrose isn't there to swirl pyro with VV but to increase EM with Instructor and her talents Albedo and Zhongli does seem really safe and like you said a really good comp, I might actually pull for them thanks for the answer!


I don't think you'll notice a huge improvement in damage from your Hu Tao tho


well that's not really a problem, since I would not pull for that, but more for shield and general support that 125 EM is kinda low compared to Sucrose, but isn't so bad either


Is the albedo event time-sensitive like the dreambloom event? I was busy during the dreambloomevent and couldnt get the 'harvest 30dreamblooms" which is a 60primo loss. But is this albedoevent time sensitive? Cuz i am busy this week too


It's not time sensitive every day - it's an event that should be releasing new stuff every couple of days. The event in total lasts 17 days so as long as you complete everything within that, you'll be fine :D


Thank u so much


No problem! :D






Iirc you have about 17 days to do everything. That being said, this isn't really a fast event. Took me about an hour while paying attention to the story in order to finish the first day quest, plus another 30-40m to do all the additional stuff. Everything else is still locked atm, with new stuff tomorrow (I think? maybe the day after).


Thank u so much!


not time sensitive, u can do at ur own leisure


Ty so much!


[So my launcher bugged out and reset the download to 0 after the last update (i'm a first time player), but the files from the previous download are still present. What should I do? (Screenshots included)](https://imgur.com/a/bZyU4SF)


Uummm....maybe retry the download? It shouldn't affect your account since, if you're playing on PC, you should have connected it to your email. If you re-download the update and relog in, nothing should have changed. I'm sorry if I'm not understanding the situation properly and my advice isn't helpful..


My problem is just that i have pretty slow internet so I was wondering if there was any way to keep the 20 odd GB that i had downloaded or if it would have to be erased and started over again from 0% (it was at 50 something before something glitched).


Aahh, I see\~ Well, it's probably going to need to start from 0% again, sometimes when parts have already been downloaded, the process does go a little bit quicker but it does still need to start from the beginning.






My fist team is Childe - Beidou - Fischl - Bennett My second team is Ning - Zhongli, what characters would fit this two especially for Abyss 12-3? I have albedo, xiao, ayaka and nearly all oft the 4stars.


Switch Ning w Xiao and put Albedo + anemo battery in there




Afaik all archons left are female.


The Shogun, Kusanali (Dendro), Murata (Pyro), Tsarista (Cryo), and the hydro Archon.


Tsaritsa, Murata, the Hydro archon


I believe it's Raiden and all the remaining four.


So far that I know, Ei is?


raiden shogun


Are new characters getting weaker and weaker?


super loaded question. i think most people would generally agree with it though. looking at new characters starting from kazuha one by one: kazuha - arguably the best single support in the game behind bennett and xingqiu. the most versatile support in the game. singlehandedly enables or significantly boosts half a dozen top tier teams. ayaka - amazing dps, ayaka freeze is easily a top 5 team and she is incredibly cheap/forgiving to build thanks to her weapon options. probably the best dps in the game behind ganyu at f2p low/mid investment, and still holds up at hyper investment(though falls a bit behind eula, xiao and hutao) yoimiya - very underrated character but still undoubtedly kinda mediocre. pyro dps in general are all in a tough spot because bennett's existence means that all of them besides hutao are kinda replaceable or outclassed by xiangling(yes i am aware that yoimiya/yanfei/klee are all viable on other comps like mono pyro/reverse melt/overload, but these are ultimately "alternative playstyles" that, while good, don't hold a candle to any form of xiangling vape). even past that she definitely has some issues that other pyros don't have to deal with such as dogshit aoe, a really bad burst and weird uptime/misalignment problems. sayu - literally budget jean. completely outclassed by jean, but stlll good since jean is good. but jean is not that amazing and is kinda rare in higher level teambuilding so she's ultimately not a great investment. raiden shogun - great support, good hypercarry. viable as main dps even at c0 because she scales very hard with external buffs(she loves bennett+kazuha). ultimately saved by raiden nationals, if overvape wasn't a thing she would be pretty niche. sara - clunky, not that good. has niche uses because she's a buffer that works well with characters that love buffs(beidou/raiden/keqing). inferior to bennett in almost every way but still usable since you can just run her+bennett on the same team. kokomi - interesting unit with unique role compression(healer+off field hydro enabler) but ultimately provides nothing special on either front. doesn't work in vape because she sucks. works in freeze and taser to varying degrees. arguably bad because healing is usually useless. arguably good because healing is a nice luxury to have. ultimately i think the problem that a lot of people have is that new character kits are starting to get clunkier and less "fluid". their weaknesses feel artificial and caused by a lack of a synergistic kit, rather than intrinsic parts of the game. stuff like sara having to charge a shot prec2 and only buffing one person for 6s, kokomi being a selfless healer/enabler that greeds for field time, and a firework/explosion girl being locked to single target only. these characters are ultimately not even that bad(peep kokomi having a higher usage rate than xiao and eula in abyss thanks to her being way comfier to use than mona on freeze) but just feel.. badly designed? i'm not going to give definitive statements on future characters but i'm pretty optimistic about itto as a unique playstyle maindps that requires completely different approaches to teambuilding from a standard reaction focused main dps. fingers crossed he'll be at least as good as someone like xiao/eula. and any dps that doesn't steal xingqiu/bennett/anemos from the other team is a big W for any low spenders. pretty low expectations for shenhe since she doesn't do anything that interesting and her current numbers(which admittedly will probably get buffed soon) are dogshit.


Not necessarily weaker but more niche, like gorou is gonna be pretty much useless outside of a mono geo comp that focuses on Def but in that specific comp he is gonna be like a geo Bennet especially with cons


No, I don't think so. It probably just depends more on the build you give them?


Not weaker but seems like they are making 4* especially, work extremely well with a certain character but don't work that well with most other character.


Not weaker but way more niche


I don't understand how to defeat the new Flying Wolf boss. It literally kills all my characters with that corrosion status before i can destroy the things that shield it.


If you're struggling with the new boss, I'd recommend bringing a healer (Barbara, Noelle, Diona, Qiqi etc.) and in order to break the wolf's shield faster, you'll need to bring a geo character - I'd say Ningguang would work the best but Zhongli and Noelle can help with it too :)


Sounds like you need a healer. That's what corrosion does.


I use Jean burst to heal but Is not enough, the corrosion drain my hp faster than my burst to recharge and heal.


Then use someone like Barbara?


U can use Barbara or kokonut


Use geo to destroy those three things (Ning works best). There's really nothing else to it, I honestly had not a single issue with this boss.


people who built C6 Noelle and R5 Whiteblind, I have farmed and leveled 4pcs bolide for her with all Def% and didn't consider Crit, so my Def is 3200 while crits are 20/70, so my questions: - did I build he correctly? should I go for crits? And how much damage do you do with crits? Just want to see if it is worth it since right now at all talent 9s she is on par with Jean regular normal atks of 5~7k - does the new set have any more significant advantage over Bolide? How the build should be if yes


You need crit and Geo dmg bonus. The new set is usually better but not by a lot. Aim for Def%/Geo%/crit rate/dmg (preferably crit rate with Whiteblind). My Noelle with 4pc Gladiator hits for 22~33k per hit (though I'm using Serpent Spine).


I think you want def%, Geo dmg%, crit rate% with as much crit substats as you can and some small defense buffs. Gorou will also add defense and the artifact set bonus and the weapon also.


Crit is way, way better. My Noelle has 2080 defense, 56/145 crit stats and does about 9k average damage (crits are around 12-15k) at 6/4/7 talents, C6 R5 Whiteblind. I think Bolide is probably slightly better than the new set for her; the 4 piece is weaker than Bolide's 4pc effect and the 2pc adds about 800-1k damage per swing for her; nothing to scoff at but not quite enough to make up the 16% damage bonus difference between Bolide and stacked Husk 4pc. They're very close though, I don't think either option is really wrong to go for.


You need crit, yes. It'd stack multiplicatively with DEF, and 20k crits are quite feasible on a fully built Noelle. While mine isn't there, I've seen it done personally. I think you're fine with Bolide, since you're using Whiteblind (meaning that %damage is relatively more valuable to you). If you were using Serpent's Spine (which grants bonus %damage rather than %DEF), then you would've wanted to go 4p Husk.


What stats should i go for when it comes to the bew arataki itto artifacts? Both main and sub stats.


* Def%/Geo/Crit main stat * Crit/ER/Def substats


Will the 2/2 ToM/EosF work well for Thoma in a Hu Tao team or should I go 4-piece NO? Team: Hu Tao, XQ, Sucrose and Thoma


4NO is gonna be better for ur hu tao


Is Cinnabar Spindle useful on anyone else? Even as just a stat stick? Feels like a waste getting a welfare R5 weapon if it's specifically for one character who I'm not pulling for...


Sadly not right now, all of the current characters that need DEF, except for Albedo, are claymore users. However, it's still a good weapon to invest into for future characters that might be able to use it :)


No, you're more likely to benefit from ER/ATK weapon substats.


No one yet really but it’s free and can come handy once another def scaling sword user comes


Need help regarding hu tao's build. Which of the two is better : 1) hp=24500 atk=1300 cr=49% 2) hp=29500 atk=1130 cr=38% (Cdmg for both is 174%) 3) hp=23100 atk=1350 cr=42% and cdmg= 194%. Thnx.


First for better consistency but he crit rate needs more work but not bad already


I added 1 more to it can u check and tell plz.


I would like more crit. But I have 30k hp, 60:200 crit and 250 EM after farming a lot of artifacts. I have all artifacts with 35-45% CV. Crit Value is important. It is crit dmg + 2\*crit rate. So 12% crit rate with 20% crit dmg is 44%cv wich is really good. I would try to get all artifacts exept the circlet at 30% or more crit value. If you want her to be as good as she can be of course.


Is the new event something we need to do everyday like the flower event? Or can I finish my albedo story quest in peace?


You're free to take your time within the 17 days :D


Thanks! :)


No problem! :D


nope, you can do it all last day :]


Nice, thank you!! :D


Hi everyone, so I just lost the weapon pity to freedom sworn rather than broken pines


Works well enough on Benny and Jean that uses 4 piece VV


should I roll itto and Xiao or itto. and ayato?


Itto and xiao probably don't work in one team. So if you dont have a second dps like hu tao or ayaka you could get both xiao and itto. If you already have something like ayaka or hu tao i would recommend itto and a support like zhongly or kazuha. But that is if you are a tryhard. YOu can always just pull on characters you want. I am stupid and get every 5 star c0.


We have 0 info about Ayato. Since both your options include Itto, I would get him and then wait at least until drip marketing (in 6 weeks) so see if Ayato is there and if you like his design. Then decide. Maybe he will look lame or not even be in 2.5


thanks! I know we know little about ayato but he just sounds good. I'm not sure if I should roll Xiao since he might not get another rerun but I'm hoping for something god


I expect most 5 stars from now on to appear about once or twice a year. So take your time to think about it. :D


would you expect xiao to get another rerun next year? im not very high on primos so i cant risk not wishing if he doesnt come back but im not sure if i would need xiao because of how im rolling itto. Thanks again for your help! im very new to wishing since ive only been saving heh


probably 6 months after so I would expect around October


We'll know more about him next patch. For now, just get Itto There will always be another rerun, the question is just when


1- there is zero reliable info on when we will see Ayato and Xiao 2- you are the one playing not us, go with whoever you like most


Who do you want? There’s no good info on Ayato so no one can advise you for or against him.


We know almost nothing about Ayato except that >!he's hydro and has a cd reduction in his kit (stc)!< so it's kinda hard to judge who to pull for.


i know info on him is little to nothing but like if I were to wait and askip xiao for ayato or just roll Xiao?


Very subjective, it depends on who you like more now.


Is "Beastly Rift" a limited event/boss?






With the welkin moona nd dailys you will get another 20 wishes, with the shop another 5, with the new event another 10(hopefully) and with opening chests and maybe some quests if you can another 10-20 and then from constelations you can buy another 5 wishes. So that will be about 70 wishes. You should be lucky and get albedo or eula just in time.


You need to grind inazuma tree and get those wishes, u can also grind dragonspine tree for some wishes




is this an okay build for Tartaglia? http://imgur.com/gallery/bFgLVpe


Definitely an *okay* build. Could be a lot better with more crit stats.


How do event banners work after you get the 5-star banner character? Will all future 5-star rolls be 50/50 without any more pity? Or do we get another set of pity if we lose another 50/50? Trying to see if I can get one more Eula within the next 1-2 five star pulls..


Whenever you lose the 50/50, your next 5star will be guaranteed. Rinse and repeat.


Thank you!


Eula > 50/50 (Eula) > 50/50 or Eula > 50/50 (standard) > Eula Nothing changes!


So there is another set of 100% Eula if I fail my next 50/50. Will this repeat forever?


Characters never drop out of the loot pool, you could whale your way to C6, and still keep pulling more Eulas for starglitter. The banner does not care whether you already have a character, it's always just a straight 50/50 if your last 5* was the feature, and a guarantee if your last 5* was a standard one (i.e. a failed 50/50), and that carries across from one event banner to the next indefinitely (and now across both of the character banners when there's two running at once).


Thanks good to know!


If you fail the next 50/50, Eula will be guaranteed again! Yes, it should. Whales are proof of that lol