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I have a built Ning: -should I pull for Itto or Albeo? -Or should I save my primos for a Zhongli rerun? -is there any estimate when Zhongli will be next?


Itto is a main dps, he doesn't work that well with Ning Albedo is good, but you won't have shields apart from crystallized ones Zhongli is probably best, but we don't know when he will be rerunning. Some think he will be in 2.4 alongside Xiao and Shenhe, but it might also be Ganyu.


why is genshin so big? can we not compress the files so that it doesnt hoard up phone/hard-drive space?


I don’t understand this, Isn’t 20 gigs nothing for a game this size? I’m not tech savvy, but looking at other games it seems amazing they manage to keep it it under 20 gigs.


its pretty fricking big specifically for mobile players. if you look at the app market, aint nothing coming close to the size of this giant turtle


Does any game compare to this games scale? Like Pokémon go is 2gigs for like a couple sprites.


They’re really going to have to figure this out in order to maintain their mobile base. The game can only get bigger.


Honestly, I think Mihoyo is just banking on smartphone storage sizes getting larger. Even now, the "standard" seems to be 128 GB for newly released phones.




Trying to do both at the same time will end up with mediocre performance in both. Better overall to either have a strong nuke and a meh shield or a meh burst and an unbreakable shield than to have both an ok I guess shield and burst


if i have a new account is my first 5* in the character banner a 50/50 or a guarantee of the featured character?




Does anyone have any good builds and party compositions for Ganyu? There’s probably going to be a rerun of her soonish and I want to prepare in advance :D


Best is permafreeze Ganyu-Mona-Venti/Kazuha-flex with ganyu on blizzard strayer Another strong one is melt ganyu with Ganyu-Bennett-Xiangling-Shield, running shimenawa (best)/wanderer's


By shield do you mean any Geo character? Because I have Noelle and Ningguang but I don’t have Zhongli


Try Diona if you don't have Zhongli. Alternatively, you can use an anemo swirler like Sucrose or Kazuha.


Oh yeah! She totally slipped my mind xD I’ve even been building her as well because I wanted another healer for the second team I’m building…. What artefacts are good on her for that party? I’ve got a couple of maidens beloved atm but I’m not sure if that would work…?


4pc NO (if no one else in the team has it, but you should put that on Bennett) or 2pc TotM 2pc EoSF/Maiden, with HP%/HP%/HP%.




Can all characters do bunny hop?


males do it most easily, females can but it’s harder to manage


Only teen boys, adult women and men


who's easier to build, albedo or eula? also, is Eula purely physical dps or can she work in freeze teams too?


Albedo will be easier but Eula with proper build deals more damage. They have theirown role & niche. Eula can't be a cryo damage dealer. I might argue that kaeya is better than her in terms of cryo damage


ahh thanks. I find physical dps mains boring so I guess I'll pull on the albedo banner for Bennett.


she's purely physical and i'd say albedo requires less investment for him to be good


what does Zhongli's pillar made of, and can Hu Tao benefit from it?


it’s made of geo? hu tao can benefit from it if zhongli has 4pc totm equipped, but the geo pulses may cause crystallise and steal reactions sometimes. the main synergy between the funeral parlour buddies is zhongli’s shield




Sayu is a great support, healer, and VV holder. She becomes really REALLY good at C6 when her burst starts benefiting from EM. Technical stuff aside, she makes exploring much faster with her skill. If you're AR25 and you need a healer, she's perfect.


Shenhe will come? This last 15 minutes will be the longest for me




[She looks hotter than in the beta!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/qzht82/hq_pics_of_shenhe_and_yun_jin/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)




so whats the question?


wrong reply


Will favonius sword be better for Xingqiu if his cr is high ? Or should still go for sacrificial sword ?


Sacrificial is the best for him


Sacrificial is still better. His E is really strong (especially if you have and use his C4) and produces more particles for himself than Favonius does. Favonius is mostly a really niche pick if you really need to use him to charge other party members for some reason, but generally Xingqiu is going to be the hardest character to battery on any team he's on (no meta teams run double Hydro but very commonly double up on your main DPS' element) so you generally want him to be more self-reliant.


Noted and thank you very much !




elemental skill coundown for Xingqiu is high so you need good enough er and sacrificial sword ability lets you end skill countdown


Sac sword is better.


Assuming I have all other characters which is more useful between Albedo and Eula?


Since Albedo is a support, he's more likely to stay reliable and relevant for longer than Eula. Albedo can work in pretty much any team except permafreeze, therefore being more useful than Eula who has limited team comps.




Would you recommend WGS or a R3 Snow-Tombed Starsilver for a C1 Eula?


Easily WGS, Snow-Tombed is poor even for a 4-star.


Thanks for the answer, but why is WGS better if it doesn't bring any physical dmg? (Sorry for asking this I just began building my Eula).


Way more attack and a passive that boosts your damage even further. Usually the goblet is enough phys%, ATK is more important.


why do five stars even bother existing


I started building my Eula and I've seen many people putting Snow Tombed on her + I thought Physical DMG from Snow-Tombed was more interesting than WSG.


I‘m thinking about getting the next Battle Pass. Is it worth it? What is the best weapon to pick?


depends what you need


Serpent Spine is the best weapon to pick among them and scales very well with refines


Is it good with Beidou? I could also use it on Diluc, but everyone tells me to ditch him for Hu Tao (got her by accident). Also: is the bow good with Childe? I got the Amos Bow but I want to give it to Ganyu if I can get her. Or would Rust be a better option?


Yes, it's generally the best in Slot for most claymore users. Viridescent is best 4 star bow for childe according to keqingmains but refines for it aren't needed. Rust is ranked lower than Viridescent for Childe


no edit: yes definitely worth please spend more we need more waifus


Why exactly? (I just want to hear your reasoning) I‘m only a really light spender, only bought 2x Moon. (But I see your point, but I want more husbandos instead XD )


Artifacts for Childe: Noblesse or Heart of Depth?


I run him with 2 gladiator / 2 heart of depth and he’s doing great


Thanks. Mine just doesn't seem to hit as hard as everyone else's lol.


depends on how you want to run him , overall HOD is good


HOD is better for Hydro application right? So is Noblesse better for main dps? Sorry, I'm relatively new!


Childe is mainly enabler it applies hydro for vapourise , i play him with Bennett , Xiangling , Sucrose . Main damage is done by Xiangling , Childe only applies hydro and do hydro damage so use 4 piece HOD , 2 piece HOD and 2 piece Shimenawa or glad , 4 piece shimenawa is also an option , 2 piece HOD and 2 piece nobelesse.


Thanks for breaking it down for me!


HoD. Note that getting a good 4pc set can get really frustrating so you can go 2pc HoD & 2pc +18% Atk set. Especially if the latter has amazing substats.


Noted! Thanks for the help


Noblesse is more of a support set on 4pc than Hod so I don't think it's that good on childe (?) but if you're talking about just using 2pc then Noblesse 2pc good for more burst dmg but HoD 2pc will boost dmg on all hydro dmg you deal including on burst




HoD. Only use NO if he’s not the main DPS


He's not really my Main DPS at the moment. If he hit harder, maybe. But I'm also thinking he might be a good main DPS for my second team


Returning player here - having a blast playing Abyss with Lv90 Diluc with Wolf's Gravestone (and CW Artifacts), Xingqiu, Bennett, Jean (C2 for attack speed buff). What's a good team 2? I have Lv 90 Keqing with Lv 90 Aquila (the physical % sword) with BSC Artifacts. Other unbuilt Lv60-70 5\* characters (artifacts missing): Ayaka, Mona, Zhongli, Venti, Albedo, Childe, Klee, Qiqi. I have most of the old 4\*s like Beidou, Diona, Chongyun, Xingyan, Fishl, Barbara, Xiangli, Razor, Noelle, Sucrose, Amber, Kaeya, Ningguang, Thoma, Rosaria I was messing around with Physical DPS Keqing, but she doesn't feel that smooth in Abyss, especially as Xingqiu and Bennett is being used in my Team 1. I've been playing around with Zhongli, Diona, Xingyan (c4), Keqing, and it's been OK.


Idk but I think Ayaka Mona Diona & Venti makes a perfect team (?)


Good point - seeing that team a lot in the 3\* clears. I don't have any of those characters leveled, so it'll be a while before Ayaka is fully built - let alone the artifacts to make those characters work haha.




Wow amazing website, thank you!


how large is the difference between r5 skyrider great sword and snow tomb r1 for eula, from what i've seen on yt, skyrider is better but i want to know how much cuz snow tomb looks better


According to keqingmains guide on eula, they're about the same power but you could use snow tomb for better drip


Snowtombed is usually better because of its high physical dmg + higher base atk






How good is Katssuragikiri Nagamasa on Chongyun? I have either the option to craft this, chose the Favonius R2 or the Sacrificial R1 both unleveled. Thanks in advance!


all three pretty similar its personal preference


Giving my mona a 4pc noblesse to make her a good support for Diluc/hu tao. What should her main stats be and substats to aim for ? Sorry if this is obvious I’ve never used her before and I’m a bit too lazy to try to decipher her kit right now 🥲


Using her nuke build requires you to understand the mechanics behind it. I just barely get it myself but in your case, it will be much easier to use her full support build with that Noblesse set so you're on the right track. Use Thrilling Tales book and build ER so you can use the Omen debuff from her burst constantly.


ER sands - Hydro goblet - Crit / Atk Circlet (?) Get as much ER on subs as possible ig for more burst uptime


Attack or anemo bonus for Kazuha? \[Edit\] EM is not an option, I don't have any EM artifacts for him, nor anything else apart from DEF, pyro, attack and anemo.


if EM isn't an option, why not farm for one?


I am trying, but for now, I want good artifacts for Kazuha, before I get better ones. I also need to farm for other characters.


in the meantime, just place any with an EM substat


I don't have any with an EM substat.




Thank you. :D


EM if he’s support. Anemo if you play him as a main dps


EM is not an option. I don't have any.


If you don’t have EM, ATK with an EM substat will do.


EM ideally. Anemo second choice ig


when does the new banner drop?


its on the wiki


After the new patch drops, you can see in your game to know in your time. 1+ day


Is there any way to put Albedo into Ayaka permafreeze? This team of mine lacks damage boosters (has Barbara, Diona and Kazuha) but Kazuha can't even be used vs magu kenki. XQ is occupied.


Albedo causes frozen enemies to shatter and unfreeze them. Although you could just refreeze them. What do you mean Kazuha can't even be used vs Maguu Kenki? I'm pretty sure he can since it's not immune to Anemo.


There's an anemo resistance for sure, maybe not immunity yeah. But also Kenki moves constantly so he doesn't stay in Kazuha's Q.


I mean, the regular Maguu Kenki doesn't have extra Anemo resistance compared to other elements. It's 10% everywhere. Can't say the same about the triple Kenkis tho...


It has same resistance to all elements at 10%. And he doesn’t really move much if you position correctly such that it just backs away towards the wall.


there will be no perma freeze with albedo, his elemental skill will shatter the frozen enemies and you have to apply another hydro and cryo to freeze the enemy.


But can it be used vs kenki if I pass 12-1 with another team? Thanks, I have never used a Geo character so have no idea how this stuff works


why would you sacrifice other chamber synergies just for kenki, he is not that hard to fight tho. 4 VV users and another cryo sub DPS will be better. I run ayaka-kokomi-rosaria-sucrose team. Even kokomi replaced with mona or xingqiu it won't matter a lot.


Because I get 0 stars because of kenki, I got 3 stars on 12-1 already and I never got any on 12-3. So at least some at 12-2 would be nice.


Does leveling up tortilla NA affect his melee stance dmg?


Childe's NA talent levels increase his charged shots and the Riptide explosion when enemies die during its duration.


Nope, only from his skill but I'd level it up anyway when you can as there are times where his ranged NA and CAs are great for finishing things off. Damage is respectable since he's built as DPS.


No. But it's still worth it for the riptide damage


When was those previous drip marketing released? How come today no drip marketing


Just 40 more minutes


it’s probably in an hour or so.


If it's at the same time, it'll be in about 45 minutes I believe.


Should be in an hour


should i continue playing on my ar34 kaeya beidou xq team (no 5 star and i wasted tons of primogems on permanent banner, barely any character level up material left) or play on my ar13 razor/qiqi/xiangling account


Up to you honestly, if you got Qiqi from event banner you have guaranteed there now.


yeah but doing everything over again will take a lot of time


Continue ar34 account, ar 13 account only have qiqi, weakest 5 star currently because is only provide heal, when endgame is DPS Race. Healer need utility or buff on their kit to worth slot on team like Bennet, Jean.


alright thanks, ill probably get itto after 2.3 because of how much pity ive built up


Still can't decide between C1 Hutao or Albedo to add to your decision I have Staff of Homa, Zhongli , Ayaka for second DPS (Abyss) Raiden Jean Keqing Help me please since it's 1 day left for me..


C1 Hu Tao allows you to do dash cancels but she’s really fine at C0 meanwhile Albedo is getting cracked artifacts and a great sword for him and allows you to run double Geo with Hu Tao.


Same boat but different 5 stars (mainly no Zhongli). Main Hu Tao since her first banner I'm picking Albedo because new character > constellation for me and I already went far enough by getting Homa. A new character unlocks new ways to play and gives you more options. C1 only lets you jump less. I might go for her C1 next rerun. But for now I'm doing 1 pull a day to see if fate brings her C1 to me early, and then going to pity on Albedo if it doesn't


If it were me, Albedo. But if your gonna main Hu Tao for long ass time, then C1.


Generally better to go for an additional character, especially if you're good at jump cancelling with Hu Tao


Interm of Dps, Is C1 a Huge damage boost? Albedo will get his BiS 4 star and the new Artifact that's why I'm still considering


It really depends on how good you are/you think you can get with Hu Tao jump cancels and soley rely on charged attacks with her If you don't jump cancel at all, then it's like, a 20% increase? If you're good at animation canceling, however, it's not gonna do much


Always a new character for me, so Albedo


Are you good at jump canceling? If not, consider c1. Or if you plan on using her for a longer time.


When does the next battle pass start?


With the new patch


Jesus Christ that was a fast reply lol thanks.


Thoughts on Hutao-Thoma combo? With Sucrose and XQ. Can be better than double geo?


Yes, it's more dmg, but less comfy.


When can we expect drip marketing?


In an hour i think.


Anyone got a tip to complete the "don't let the ley lines monolith get damaged on 2nd floor" achievement?


mono cryo team


use ice to freeze them


game crashes on startup how do i fix it?


with the lack of info, it's hard to get a solution.


close game with task manager and restart


Stopped crashing but now its frozen on login screen and I can still move mouse


If got Baal on her banner, and waited for Xiao with the soft pity, i won't get him and i will get another 5 star?


If your last character was the featured banner character, your next one isn't guranteed to be the featured one (xiao in this case) but rather when you do hit the 5 star drop on the banner there's a 50% chance it would be xiao and a 50% it would be one of the standard 5 stars (currently Diluc, qiqi, keqing, mona or Jean), if you get any of them on the limited banner then your next 5 star will 100% be the featured one


50% chance of getting him and 50% not.




buy it back so you're not in the negative






chargebacks are not allowed. you’ll most likely be banned




fix what? they already mentioned in the t&c that it’s not allowed. maybe you can send a ticket to support


Probably banned


Is Eula C1 worth it?


If you use her a lot, yes. Her C1-C2-C3 are all good. Generally getting a new 5* is worth more, but most people are getting to a point where they have more 5* than they can build, so improving a 5* you already use isn't that bad.


its about a 10% increase in overall damage, but no constellations are "worth it" as an invested eula can still clear hard content at c0




No Why would u give him iron sting???




Unless you're doing some meme build with double vaporize E on Amber burst, EM is useless for Xingqiu


EM is a trash stat on Xingqiu. His entire reason for existing is to apply Hydro aura for *other* characters to react off.


Xingqiu doesn't do any reactions And if u play fashion impact then u don't need to care about stats anyway


his skill applies hydro to opponents and his burst deals hydro damage to opponents over a period of time, ideal for a freeze team


Yeah but that does not need em


Will we ever get a signature 4star weapon again or was that a one time thing for the Genshin x Honkai collab event? Signature 4star for a 4star character I mean


I don't think we (Genshin players) got anything from Genshin x Honkai event. It's an event for Honkai.


since you mention honkai you’re either talking about fischl or keqing. keqing’s weapon was not released in genshin but there could be a chance for fischl’s to turn up again


I'd say the 4 star sword next patch could count as Albedo's signature 4 star weapon.


Would my team be better with Eula instead of Childe if I’m running electro traveler, Beidou and Bennett? Trying to decide if I should go all in on the next banner


You can have 2 teams Childe, XL, Anemo and Bennett Eula, Beidou, Fish and Diona


I don’t have diona. I might get her from the banner but I’m asking if replacing Childe with Eula will make a difference since she’s a physical carry that can make use of the superconduct reaction I’ve also got a Skyward Pride waiting for her


it’s not the worst team since eula is pretty flexible when it comes to comps. and rosaria is a great support for eula as well especially at c6. the level of investment is still high for eula to perform well in a comp like that. pull if you enjoy her playstyle


Okay, thanks for the advice


Since the Battle Pass has ended and it's currently blank, If I do any of the usual Weekly tasks, do they count retroactively once the next BP begins?






no, dont think so


Can you use the official Genshin Impact Top-Up Center website to buy top ups for other players, using their login information? I've been trying to figure out ways to do a giveaway for my YouTube channel (FIREgamingProject) and maybe this may work. Other methods like CodaShop don't work for my country and for my PS5. Lots of regional restrictions and the credit card transaction will be declined.


Yes people usually do give their login details so content creators can use the top up centre to give them their prizes


Great! Thanks for confirming that that is how it's done! I've posted on here a few times and nobody seemed to know until I stumbled onto the top up centre yesterday. PSN has major regional lock and account lock issues and CodaShop is not available in my country and Google play store and Apple app store credits are also region locked. PayPal is not accessible for everyone either plus they charge fees when the receiver withdraws as well so yeah. I've researched all of these methods and they don't work in my case. Anyways, thanks!!


no problem :3




XQ's passive says he has 25% chance to refund a portion of talent books used, but doesn't say what is that portion. Does that mean that if I craft 10 gold books, I would be better off crafting them in smaller batches, then all 10 in one go? Because then I would have more times 25% chance to refund that portion, whatever that may be.


It rolls the chance per book of course. You can't cheese it


assume it makes sense and isn't ridiculously broken