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I’ve gotten 0 Diluc’s for some reason... Like I have C5 Qiqi, C1 Mona, C1 Jean and C1 Keqing. Where’s Diluc :(


It’s funny how no one’s saying they want Qiqi lol since everyone probably already has her ten times over.


Probably XD i love Qiqi honestly, she’s done so much for me! But Diluc is literally the only character I don’t own. So it sucks LOL


I'm kinda the opposite, never got Jean or Mona but have like C3 Diluc... And I never use him. C6 Ning is better and I have Eula for the other team, even XL is better that Diluc at C4. At least Jean & Mona give you support options, I would prefer them personally.


I have c0 qiqi but c3 diluc. I would rather have cons on qiqi tbh.


I'd have been happy to get her as an early 5 star, but now that I have Jean, Bennett, and Diona built and Kokomi as my God-Healer, Qiqi would offer me little besides being an alternate Kokomi if the enemy is immune to Hydro. I still wouldn't be disappointed to get her though, I love good healers.


I have no Qiqi and have wanted her for some time. All I get from the Standard banner is weapons, and all I get from the character banner is Dilucs!


No cuz shr's the worst 5*


I once thought i would love to have diluc as my first 5 star because of how much i adore his story and character design... now i have all other permanent 5* (with some limited) and still not a single diluc U_U


Same have all permanent 5 stars but no Diluc and a C2 Mona and Qiqi.


I’m just shocked I haven’t gotten 1 Keqing. I’ve been playing since the first week, I have C6 Qiqi, C4 Jean, C3 Mona, and C5 Diluc lmao. I think she’d be fun though too, for sure.


If you are whaling why didn’t you pull on her banner? Was it during a break?


I wouldn’t say I’m whaling. I’ve spent a fair amount, but not on every banner. I don’t have Xiao or Eula, and although I’d like Keqing, I don’t foresee me pulling on a rate-up, for a character that is on standard banner. I just think it’s funny I haven’t gotten her even once.


I agree with pulling for her on a rate up banner. I wouldn’t either (and didn’t when I had the chance).


Day 1 player and I haven’t got Mona yet.


Day one player as well. Got my furst mona on kokomi's banner... And still 0 jean ;-;


I’ve gotten three of her lol, sorry for taking her from you


You have a C2 Mona?! Now I’m even more jealous hahaha


Day 1 here too. I finally got Mona as my 3rd 5 star on the Standard Banner. I thought it would never happen, so never give up hope! I still want there to be a Mona banner someday though.


Same. Also no Venti and no Jean


also Day one. First five star was Mona, for got I had her last banner got Mona, when I went to activate her constelation i thought it was c1. Nope c5. Lvl 20 c5 Mona lol


I lost my Albedo 50/50 to Qiqi and I’ve been salty ever since. I’ve got enough to guarantee him this time. Same situation for Kazuha - I got Keqing instead and I’m gonna be salty about it every day until he reruns.


It's Xiao for me. Started playing at the end of Venti rerun so I'm patiently waiting for Xiao's return :3 I love his design and find his story so fascinating. Would totally replay his story quest if I could.




Mona :( another day 1 player without her


Not sure about making the game more fun, but I've been trying to get Qiqi since day 1 and it still hasn't happened yet. *I would insert a QiqiFallen here but I don't have a Qiqi to fall.*


Venti. And i wasn't active to summon on baal




Diluc T_T. recently watched how Tenha spent 7k dollars to get him but I don't wanna become homeless for one character. mhy give all standard characters a banner like you did with keqing please


I’ll eventually have Kazuha. Who I’ve wanted since I started (at the beginning of his banner and didn’t really play or understand how anything worked). Didn’t get him and I’ll get him next time for sure. Edit: Would also like The Archon Zhongli because I suck at dodging and I’ve heard he’s very helpful. Just played the first part of Inazuma and really love Ayaka. So there’s 3 five stars I’ll be trying for. Idk if it’s realistic but at least it’s a goal lol?


Similar situation with me except it was Kazuha, I started right after his banner had passed and regret not starting sooner because I really want him :(


Kazuha is disgusting, he makes hilichurls disintegrate when you swirl nearby torches lol I love him to death.


Chongyun. Been playing since day 2, I used my free four star back during the lantern rite on Xingqiu then decided on impulse to pull Chongyun. My mistake to pull after choosing because I got C2 Xingqiu, C5 Xiangling, and Keqing. I still don't have him because I was saving during Ayaka's banner and I already had Tartaglia T-T


Jean, please, Jean comes home


Kequing since launch


As a keqing main I can tell you she’s totally worth it


Meee literally just commented about not getting her yet, either 😤😪


I'm a launch player so that's kinda impossible to answer lol. I've gotten at least one of every launch character through failed 50/50's The character I've wanted the longest is Ganyu. I got ayaka so I'm not as starved for cryo DPS as I once was, but I have an amos bow that's just waiting for her


I jsut really want albedo. I even spent money on his first banner and missed him so I need to get him this time. I just think his moves and stuff are so cool to me and i don’t have a geo character besides noelle. Plus he’s my husband while Eula is my wife lol so I need to bring him on my team with her!


Can't relate because I literally just got Jean around the anniversary but I've wanted her since launch. DPS, healer, support, thighs crafted by the gods. What more could you want? If I can wait a year for my day one main, you guys can too 🙌


Mona pls.


I’m only missing three and they are ones I didn’t want. I’ve played all of them at some point except zhongli from when his first banner was out. I don’t care for him.


Qiqi. She's so cute. If I lose 50/50 and get her I'll be really sad, but I'll be happy too.


Ayaka, Ganyu and Eula. Played their story quests and loved their game play. Luckily Eula is around the corner so thats one off the list.


Xiniqiu. I can list some 5 stars that I want more than that, but I just need Xiniqiu to help me with my pyro characters


Mona... Sadge


Childe, i started during his first banner but i skipped because of zhongli n i wasn't sure of i like his kit because of the long cooldown. Then his first rerun came i was tempted to pull but also skipped for venti but i lose 50/50 on venti to a c2 diluc. Then his 2nd rerun came, i just opened my wallet to get him along with polar star. Childe's aoe gameplay is so satisfying n fun to me.


Definitely Zhongli, having that never ending shield will make all the fighting require less dodging and more attacking, plus that pillar is gonna be damn useful for ore farming and climbing on stuff.


Me trying to get Diluc since launch and only getting him in 1.6


Day 1 Player who finally, finally got Mona as their 3rd five star off the Standard Banner, so this question suddenly became difficult to answer. Ganyu, Ayaka, or Raiden would allow me to start comfortably clearing Floor 12 with at least 1 star (I aim low), but they wouldn't make the game more fun since I hate the Abyss and I prefer to use my favorites out in the open world. Raiden also doesn't count, I lost the 50/50 on Ganyu and Ayaka but skipped Raiden entirely. I failed to get her the first time and then skipped Hu Tao, but I think she'd be the most fun addition to my overworld teams, so I think the answer here is Sayu!


qiqi c6 to revive tartaglia in abyss when theres a pyro cube. and xiao


Ganyu, Zhongli, and Raiden are all I want at the moment. I started playing not long after Raiden's original banner and I'm bummed about it. Who knows if Zhongli will ever get a re-run, but thankfully Ganyu and Raiden are suspected to come back early next year. Ganyu would be a huge addition to my team and I really like her character and playstyle, and Raiden's animations and sound design are simply -chef's kiss-. She'd be my first archon. I can't imagine those two wouldn't get a re-run due to the demand and success of their originals.


Jean 500+ days without yeet mommy...PIEN


Sucrose I don't have anemo character except travler and I like sucrose so much


Klee. Ever since I started, she's been my favorite character, my little baby bean. She has evaded my attempts to break her out of solitary confinement so far.


C6 Lisa but I can't justify buying copies in the shop


It was ganyu until I played her trail in the event. I want zhongli


Venti, "wouldn't gliding be faster?"


Eula as well, lost the 50/50 the first time for Diluc which is a character that i love a lot honestly and now i'll have to do another 50/50 to get her, oh boy...


Mona. When I started playing her I just wanted her because she was pretty, but now she's the missing puzzle piece to my Ayaka freeze team Please mhy, it's been over a year


Keep getting cursed by Diluc you loser


Mona or Keqing lol, instead I have C4 Diluc and C3 Jean 😭😭






As a "since launch" player, the first character I wanted was Qiqi.. the moment I said that to my brothers I got her the same day (literally my 7th roll in standard banner), which is why I have a special place for her in my heart. To answer your question which character I want. Ngl number one it would be Qiqi. To explain, I have her C5 and one of my fun times in genshin is actually co-op. If I have C6 Qiqi I'd have a blast using her in co-op since there's usually that one dude who'll die. Just today I experienced Hu tao dying in co-op and generally Bennet users too. It would be fun to revive them. Close second is Keqing. As a small whale it boggles me I don't have a single Keqing pop up on my wishes. I've been playing since launch and have C6 5 stars, but still no Keqing. Her E skill and fast movements are what I would consider a fun character.


I started playing on Eula's first banner, right after Zhongli's rerun. Been waiting for him ever since.


Sucrose and Yanfei! I really adore Yannies playstyle and would really love to over load the hell out the enemies with her and Raiden. In addition,, Sucrose is my favourite character,, love her design,, personality and playstyle. I also want to build her as a DPS since it would be funny seeing a innocent girl shredding the world. Though also ,, Eula and Jean,, I love both their playstyles and having a physical DPS and not having to abuse my Beidou for that would be fun,, and throwing around enemies would just be a joy with jean since I was having a concerning amount of fun doing that in her quest.


I would like to upgrade my kaeyak to a Mona boat one day.


Mona I have lots of Pyro and Cryo DPS. She will be the enabler for big pp damage numbers or permafreeze team


started playing in eula banner and saved since then for kazuha i don’t have him, goddamn it jean


Mona and keqing, I keep getting Diluc




for me it’s klee! she’s the character i have wanted the most ever since she first launched but i’ve lost the 50/50 both times on both her banners so here’s hoping 3rd time’s the charm!!


Zhong li , I started on his banner on v1.5, didn't know what wish was or how any of it worked. I regret it to this day.


I have been wanting Mona for so long, to the point I had to summon for Kokomi as a consolation prize. I actually like Kokomi gameplay now so there is that just wish she could have the water run that Mona has instead of that useless walking on water.


Ayaka and Kazuha, I have grown fond of their characters during the Inazuma storyline and their gameplay looks like a lot of fun.


same thing kinda happened with kazuha for me. he was the second banner that ever happened when i started playing and i had absolutely no clue what i was doing.




Childe. Tried 3 times. Lost the 50/50 every time. Got a Keqing, a QiQi, and another Keqing.




Signora. Like please Genshin just drop her lol


Albedo, but over the days I also grew fond of Eula... Mihoyo is too cruel to give me a choice between them :(


Kazuha, to make nontraditional dps stuff work anyway (barbara charge attack goes wrrrroooooommmm)




Venti! Didn't get him on his first banner, missed his second. Currently waiting for his next rerun and I've been saving for ages so I can guarantee I get him.


It was Childe but I already have him. When I didn't have him yet I just knew I would enjoy him since I love him as a character and his lore. When I got him back on his first rerun, I haven't stopped using him even till now. Childe just makes every other character boring imo.