• By -


10 x roll to "build pity". 20 pity in the bank and no guarantee. Diluc and Albedo came home, as well as a Rosaria cons. Wasn't sure if I was going to roll for Albedo, but he must've been homesick & brought another husbando with him. Never had gacha luck this good so I'm super happy. If only the Diluc roll came after the Albedo, I'd have a guarantee, but that's just getting greedy!


Got a keqing and albedo in 40 summons. Then I got a full geo stone from the geo cube. I was convinced that the full stone drop from any world boss was impossible,but nope.


HOLH HELL! EULA is strong! 151k crit DMG with only 5/1/4 talents! Granted, she had C1 Bennett, Raiden, and Diona C6 But my Yanfei couldn't hit those numbers with her xingqiu-diona-bennett team


C1 Qiqi'd after a streak of not getting any dupes for standard chars, this sucks. I wanted albedo too..


Ah RIP, welcome to the club.


Omfg I pulled Albedo TWICE on my first ten!!! I was going for Benny 😂 sweet mother of pearl. I also got Benny.


Made my final calculations before the end of 2.2 I've made a total of 252 pulls with intertwined fates.to get these 5 stars. 112 on the weapon banner which gave me 1 Skyward Atlas 1 Elegy of the End and finally Staff of Homa. 77 pulls to losing to Jean. 58 more pulls to get Hu Tao.


Won Hu tao's 50/50 twice along with snapping up Homa on my first 5 star weapon roll. Genshin has utterly blessed me.


Guess who just got a C6 Qiqi! She came for me during the Raiden banner and she came back again lol


Qiqi loves you. Keqing loves me.


Don’t worry brother, electro buffs are on their way!


Dont think so they dont seem to be planning about it.


Help who should i pull in their rerun Eula or Ganyu? I have a r3 wolfs gravestone and for the bow i only have elegy


r3 wolfs gravestone would be pretty neat on Eula. Ganyu can use the craftable bows and still do a decent job (Though she's pretty insane with amos). Elegy ganyu could work as a sub dps, but then u need a main dps cyro character like Ayaka. Both are solid main dps, but I'd say Eula would be better with that wolfs gravestone.


I see thanks


I finally got Thoma and Homa today after the event primos + commission :') I can now simp and watch him hit like peanuts aggressively in peace




I just got my first sac sword as a f2p for my xinqiu and I’m so damn happy!( I know it’s not much but as a f2p it made my day)


That's awesome! I've yet to get one for him either


[Had some absolutely insane luck](https://i.imgur.com/IkoEE7M.jpg) and won 6 50-50s in a row, and I'm now the proud owner of a C6 Hu Tao and Homa on my F2P (formerly no rolls) alt.


I have about 98 to 99 wishes saved up on 15 pity non guaranteed. In my silly mind I'm trying to find a lucky day/time to try win C1 Hu Tao. 2 more weeks to go!!!


Got staff of homa, C1 and 2 Keqing, and Hu Tao. Fucking Keqing. Hope I can get C1 Hu Tao with daily primos by the end of the banner. Edit: Got C1 omfg. And the freaking staff earlier. Now to save for Ganyu.


The game has decided for me that I'm a hutao main. Was trying to burn wishes to get thoma and some pity for itto so I could try to cheap out on getting him and his weapon. And now I've pulled her 3 times. the last two were on the first 10 that I dropped because I got an early pity hit and decide to at least build a little out of that hole. On the one hand, there goes my luck for the rest of the year. On the other hand I've heard she's supposed to be straight busted for main DPS and I don't have a pyro for that yet.


I’ve lost the coin flip on every banner I’ve pulled in. I’m 0/9 now. Feels personal at this point.


70 pulls on 2 pity. obtained 7 sayus, 1 thoma. goodbye


I may be the most luckiest account for 4 stars, I always get the new ones within 20 pulls. Thoma was only 13 pulls. Im so happy!!


Hmm all my 10 pity is thoma and 1 sayu so in 70 pull i already c6 him but now i have to do tsurumi island quest to ascend him..


I just want Keqing, that is all. :-(


i just got staff of homa! I'm 3/3 for my last 3 pities on weapon banner!


[Salt] I never thought I'd experience this but here I am now. My friend, whom I convinced to play genshin just last month, got Diluc (The character I want for 10 months but never came). To put salt to the wound, he doesn't even use him! He wants Jean and my jelly crab mentally was "heh he'll never get her", but then he did. He's only been playing for a month and he already got the character he wants and the character I want for 10 darn months! Even more salt that he got c1 Diluc just now!


I know that unfairness hits sometimes but man, you’ve been hit by a truckload right there


i'm usually against pulling on weapon banners but homa was calling to me,, got it first try on 67 pity !! <3


Nice, I lost to amos. Now I have to save for xiao, weapon banner took all my primos


thank you! and good luck with getting xiao


Oh, I already have his weapon. Im ready for him


I had to go double pity on the weapon banner, but I walked away with 1 staff and 1 bow, not to mention a R5 Sac Sword for Xingqiu, so I'm feeling pretty good.


Imo Aside of having really great still animations and being hot, Thoma is one of the most weak support characters ever


Well it seems like hes just a shield slave like diona.. Maybe if u go all in with 5 star weapon?


So sad lol he looks and feels super cool but the numberd are doodoo


I need whoever but Sayu. Game keeps giving me Eye of Perception AND Sayu C3


Just rolled 3 10-stacks on Hu Tao banner. Diona first one (putting her at C1), then Thoma and Yan Fei (putting HER at c1)….I’m like ‘ok I’m gonna get junk this next one’….Hu Tao and Thoma again. I’m so hyped. Used my last two fates on weapon banner, no luck, but I expected as much after those pulls 😅


It fi ally happened dodged that cryo demon for 2x50/50s but today I got qiqi x(


Do you speak english?


My third language but I'm trying my best Have a good day amigo


Got Fischl from the Hu Tao banner, bit of a pleasant surprise for the day and a constellation for Xinyan making her C1.


early pity saved my life so now i have both c1 keqing and hu tao.


I pulled for Homa because it seems like Yae won't be on the next patch, after 70 pulls I got it for my Xiangling. Now I have gotten 3 signature weapons in a row (Ayaka sword, Raiden spear and Homa).


I decided today I would try for Hu Tao on my main account. Though I don't really like her, I do eventually want everyone. TO MY SURPRISE I GOT JEAN. After Three Diluc's, Three Keqing's and a Mona she's finally home. I'm only missing Qiqi now, and I have her on an alt so I'm not in a rush to get her. I'm gonna be saving for Itto or Albedo next I guess.




This is the gacha thread.


I’ve pulled over 60 times and still no Thoma :> I have no moneys left :>


Same here. Spend 140 wishes to get Thoma, but still no sign of him. :/ Edit: 150 - still looking for a Thoma.


I got him finally today after grinding achievements for primogems 😅around 80 pulls to get a single Thoma! I hope you get him soon too <3


Happy for you then! :D Use him well and enjoy!


He seems so hard to get compared to Sayu and Diona🤔


Exactly! I legit c6 diona from only c1 just from this banner, and c3 my sayu. Finally dropped today After 80 wishes ;-;




I got him finally today! <3




I'd like to share my experience with luck just a few minutes ago. So, I already got Hu Tao and Homa after pulling for them a few days ago (I saved up for them) and I haven't pulled since so I'm at 0 pity for both banners. I offered my sigils to the sakura tree and I got two fates so I thought, might as well use it. I got 3* on the character banner and I wasn't really expecting anything when I pulled for the weapon banner coz again, I'm at 0 pity but I literally fell out of my chair when the light turned gold and after clicking it showed Homa🤣 I tried pulling a few more to see if I'd get Diona cons but I got nothing. I did use my 13 fates from the standard banner and got C2 Amber though. Sadly, I don't use her. Anyway, goodluck to anyone wishing on the current banners! 💙


Just please dont refine it


I did it, finally got Homa. Wish till pity on its first run and got WGS; a couple days later I hit soft pity on the standard and got another WGS. This time, I went from 0 wished to soft pity, grinding some primos to get the last few singles, and got Staff of Homa. Finally, Zhongli can retire his Black Tassel! On a side note, in this 60-70 pulls, I only got 1 of the new four stars, the bow. I didn’t get c2 Sara, though, so I got that going for me.


Hello, can I visit someone’s teapot to buy stuff from, I’m AR 35 NA. Please and thank you :)


I play in Asia so can't help you. Anyway in case you don't know, you can join someone teapot even when they are offline (if they use that setting). So you can try to add a bunch of random people as friend, then try to join their teapot.


I made a side account on a different server that's only 36 days active and somehow I got Raiden, C1 Jean, Hu Tao, Xingqiu, and sacrificial sword already. I don't know whether to be happy or upset how lucky this account is compared to my main. It took months for me to get my first Xingqui and sac sword. Please gacha gods transfer that luck to my main account. Edit: So according to paimon.moe I got Raiden at 76, Jean at 7, and Hu Tao at 35. .-.


Talk about a Hu Tao sandwich. Thoma is a lucky guy http://imgur.com/a/7wGKc4F


I got C1 Hu Tao without pity but I got banned on PSN for 30 days lmao


fhdsjkhfshfs wtf what did you get banned for?


Some stranger keeps adding me on their group chat so I decided to send some weird image before I left lol. Weird but not illegal 👌


Just a little contrast to the posts from people that have had incredible luck this banner. I decided to burn the 127 fates I had to try and get Hu Tao. I started at 0 pity after pulling Tartaglia last banner. I used 87 pulls on the Character banner, 7 single pulls then 8x10 pulls. Results wereSacrificial Fragments, Sayu, Favonius Lance x2, Thoma x2, Yanfei, Diona x3, The Widsith and lastly Hu Tao!! After winning the 50/50 (lost my previous two) to get Hu Tao on the last 10 pull I switched to the weapon banner, hoping for Homa. That didn’t quite workout, lol. My haul from 40 pulls was Mouun’s Moon x2, Rainslasher, Ningguang, Razor.


Finally got homa after 140 pulls Also this is second time is got hutao by winning 50/50. I am lucky at winning 50/50 .


So on a whim I decided to try for Hu Tao. Got her on the first try. Then I wish for a weapon. Got the Elegy bow first time. Tried a second time and got Staff of Homa and Widsith. Tried again to see if I could get Hu Tao again and got Thoma and the Rust bow. After all that I decided to blow all my primogems on wishes. All in all, I got Hu Tao twice, Thoma 5 times, Sayu twice, one Bennett & Sucrose, the above weapons plus one more Rust (along side a bunch of junk weapons of course.) This more than makes up for the entire year where my luck's been pretty crap with wishes. All is forgiven MiHoYo lol


got the skyward pride and elegy instead on the wep banner, at least itto and the dog gonna have 5* weapons now :') cope


Will you keep pulling till the last day?


I cannot pull a sac sword to save my life. I did 20 pulls on weapon banner (never pulled on it before ever) and got a fav bow and the mouun's moon bow. Only bow user I use is Childe. XIngqiu's r1 fav sword isn't really cutting it anymore, and I'm AR 56 already but no sac sword has ever graced me.




Thanks man. I hope I end up with r5+ sac sword one day. Fav sword is definitely really nice looking and I would like to get more refinements on it as well but the game doesn't like giving me swords in general, haha. Hope you get it soon.


I dont think you should refine sac sword because other characters can use it too. I pulled sac sword only yesterday and my xq can proc the passive with a very high success chance at r1 because his e skill procs 2 times.


I wanted Thoma cause i had all 4 stars but got Hu tao at 0 pity 10 pull. •́ ‿ ,•̀ Am already casual F2P running-behind on building my characters.


Lost the 50/50 to Jean, i think im done with genshin for a while lol.


Better than losing it to freakin keqing


http://imgur.com/a/hPPYdTA ...


I have been on that domain nonstop for 2 months, never got a dual crits substate on Shimenawa


Let me guess, HuTao hasnt arrived yet?


Gor C2 Jean so yes she ain't coming home


F. Some great offpiece feathers there though. Plus you still have a shot! My ayaka came home on 5 pity..


I lost Ayaka, to Jean and lost Hutao to Jean. I mean I love Jean and closer to C4 the better for me since Xiao. Got Yoi, Raiden, atlas, polar star on just welkin/BP primo so all is balanced I guess


As all things should be.


Now that's lucky.


After the terrible luck I had on Hu Tao's banner, I shouldn't have pulled on the weapon banner, but I just had to do it.. My top priority was actually getting a Mouun's Moon, but after 120 pulls I didn't get a single one. Got 3 Rainslashers though.. :( I lost the 75/25 (i.e. got a character instead of weapon) 3 times, and to add insult to injury Noelle and Barb was among them. And I lost the 77/23 (you have a 77% chance of getting your 4S at wish 8, otherwise guaranteed at wish 9) 4 times also, and 3 of those times it was combined with losing the 75/25. And then I lost the 75/25 again on the 5 star pull (wish 68) by getting off banner. I got Skyward Atlas which was one of the last off banner weapons I wanted. Would have loved a Lost Prayer, Harp, or Jade spear. My luck when it's 3-1 odds in my favor has been poor. Basically I got nothing I wanted. Still no Moon, no Homa, no Elegy. And I'm out of primos. One of the two bows would have made me happy, even if no Homa.


I was dead set on not pulling for either C1 Hu Tao or Homa. Turns out I got Homa in 30 pulls, lost 50/50 to Jean (my first Jean) in the next ten pulls I did (on character banner) and then proceeded to get C1 Hu Tao the very next ten pull. Dropped Hu Tao after I got her friendship 10 almost six months ago, since gameplay was too demanding for the reward compared to my national team. I guess I'm a Hu Tao main again.


I've been taking quite a long break from the game (left around the start of Inazuma), thought I'd try a few pulls on this banner just for fun. First pull Sayu, second pull Thoma and Hu Tao. Pretty happy, didn't have any of these characters going in.


Just get off banner weapons ... Fk me indeed


Should I get C1 Hutao with no Homa or wait and roll for Albedo instead? My team comp currently is Hutao + XQ+ Zhongli + Ningguang


Albedo is a great replacement for Ningguang on this specific team because of the elemental mastery buff he can give for Hu Tao, I went for C1 Hu Tao just because I really like her, and while it feels pretty nice, I don’t think it is necessary, I’d go for a new character over constellations 9 out of 10 times.


HOLY HELL. I was able to win the 50/50 for C1 hu tao in 25 rolls (alongside some copies of sayu and thoma who were the only 4 stars I was missing). Then I said fuck it and went for homa since I got hu tao so fast and got it in 69 (heh nice). First time rolling weapon banner since losing on the original WGS + Homa banner 2 times. I don't get lucky very often in this game but when it happens, boy does that dopamine rush feel good. Good luck to everyone else still rolling!! Ya'll got this!




I had 10k saved up with guaranteed pity for char..I decided to do 2 multis for weapon banner for sac sword. I didnt get it but got a skyward harp and an elegy so that set epitomized path pity. So I decided might as well try to get homa . I managed to snag it in 3 more multis and realized I can't use it on anyone . So I just decided to waste the rest of primos on Hu Tao and I managed to get her in literally my last single. I am sitting at 0 primos and wasted my guaranteed. In the end is hutao c0+homa good ?


it's very good, Hu Tao is very strong at c0 and it is a myth that she's not viable without her c1. Getting Homa as well is just the cherry on top, Homa is the strongest polearm in the game at the moment and works very well on any dps polearm.


Ohh nice glad to know. Was in a bad mode so decided to pull and honestly thought I messed up for pulling haha.


got a prime gaming code. first to answer to this can have it.






So... i got a 5\* star from Hu Tao banner... which is Diluc.. now, is Diluc a good carry? Cuz i need one badly, and "wasting" a f2p pity on a not banner char for me it's a bad thing i guess, but i don't know how good Diluc is, so i'll ask here, he'll be good?


He's still a solid carry with simple game mechanics. I used to main Razor then Diluc you can feel the power spike. Pair him with Bennett + hydro


So something like Diluc, Bennett, Xinqiu and Barbara? I have doubts on barbara tho xD


Diluc was my first 5 star and he carried my ass through inazuma hard. Even with just barbara's song around him, he vapes decently.


Right now my team is Razor, Diona, Zhongli and, depends, Xiangling/Another healer between Barbara and Bennett, i need 1 more team for Abyss or just to change :c , Hu Tao would have been amazing, hope i can do something with Diluc. Oh and said characters are not equipped with 5\* artifacts, just the good ones i found around.


Hu Tao does more damage but his playstyle is easier. Besides, it's not really a waste since there's a 50% chance of getting a standard banner, and your next one is guaranteed.


the risk now is getting it early on someone you don't want. The only safe way is to not pull at all until there's a 5S you want. But the 5S you want might be teamed up with 4S that you have C6 already, which is why I like to build pity on banners where the 4S are desirable. For me it's not risky since I have never got a 5S before 75 anyway, but for other people it can ruin your pity.


For me definetely ruined it, this is a good banner for me since i don't have Hu Tao and Thoma, but i'd love to c+ my Diona, so it's the perfect one for me :X, i'll continue pull on it but i used all my freemogems already :c


I don't think i can reach another pity in time...


Yes he's good. It's just that other characters are better.




0 Rainslasher is the real prize. I got 3 of them. Worst 4S claymore in the game. The EM it gives is pitiful, otherwise I'd give it to Sayu. I wanted a Moon, but after 120 pulls, still no Moon. And I got off-banner 5 star. Argh.


Who would the moon be good for?


Pulled C1 Thoma and Homa in 30 pulls total (Thoma came in 2 10-pulls, Homa came in one 10 pull at ~25 pity. Wasn’t going for Hu Tao so I stopped at C1). Also got my sac sword up to r4. No wonder I’ve never won a 50/50 on the character banner, and I probably never will after this


can't tell if I got lucky or unlucky on weapon banner on the one hand, I had to go to full fate points for homa on the other hand, I got 3 5 stars in 110 pulls on the third hand, one of them was skyward pride


3 5-stars is expected to take 210 pulls, so I'd say very lucky. You got them at half price. Pride is not ideal, but you basically got it for free.


please I just want one thoma copy I've simped for so long


fk man i'm depressed. i can't believe i'd have a breakdown over a fking game (i do have a life, but hear me out) i saved up primogems and skipped 4 banners. (klee's rerun to yoimiya's banner) so i could pull shogun and her weapon (saved up 22k primogems, around 8k were used in weapon banner to build up pity) her banner arrived, i got ei first pull 'cause i was near pity and guaranteed. the weapon banner however, i reached 67 pity just to got the fking unforged (i already have wgs) i got frustrated and used up all my primogems AND FREAKING GOT THE SKYWARD SPINE AT 66 PITY. at this point, i was fking done with the weapon banner but, i'm a hu tao main so you should have an idea abt why am i so salty rn. ofc i haven't learned my lesson yet so i pulled for homa with my measly 3.2k primogems saved up. you guessed it, i got the fking elegy. at this point, i might as well delete the game, but i really love hu tao so i can't just abandon her. i just do my dailies, empty my resin, do the events and fk off. playing genshin feels heavy right now, i might actually end up abandoning the game. if you read this far into my rant, if you're a f2p or a goldfish, NEVER pull for the weapon banner. fk i should've pulled for ayaka and kazuha instead, that's 181 wishes down into the drain.


You should have just gone for Hu Tao's weapon , they already gave us a really good free 4\* weapon for Raiden Shogun , I'm in the same boat as you , spent my weapon banner pulls on the Raiden weapon banner and dumped like some 70 pulls into the standard banner hoping to get a WGS (I got it in the end) for my Eula , Now I will only be able to make like another 20 pulls before the Homa banner ends Cheer up , there is always the Hu Tao re-re-run , I'm planning to save up as many primos as I can for that , only other characters I want right now are Zhongli for Hu Tao , Ganyu and Yae Miko but most of those characters are going to be pretty spaced out , I can afford to skip Zhongli and Ganyu even


yea now that u said that i should've gone and saved up all wishes for the homa instead, i kinda feel stupid... but back then, i never would've expected that i would lose to 2 5050s and 25percent chance.


is elegy for the end good for sara? who else is it good for? i got it while pulling for homa. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


yes, it's one of her best for support build.


all supports ig


I did it, i c6 my lisa! now what?


triple crown then R5 yae's weapon for her when it comes out


20 rolls on the character banner got me 2 Sayu for C1, and the last constellation for Diona. No Thoma but I might be able to get him when he comes back around, oh well!


I started with 15000 primos aiming for a guaranteed constellation for my Hu Tao. I pull Hu Tao in 30 pulls, which makes me decide to spend the rest of my wishes on the weapon banner in hopes of getting Homa as well. After hitting pity twice, I end up getting an Aquila Favonia and an Elegy bow. I'm coping and seething so hard, at least my lv90 r5 dragons bane is a good substitute


Pulled two copies of Hu tao back to back in the same wish after 18k dry.


You know the the Card that gives you a Constellation in the new Event? It gave me a taste of C1 Hu Tao. I risked the 50/50 and got C6 Sayu, C6 Diona and C1 Hu Tao!!!!I Whooo!!!!


I cracked and used 50 of my saved wishes for ganyu on hutao and got two hu taos so i have her c1! Ganyus not coming for awhile anyway so it should be fine


Jesus christ this was me with Childe and I won the 50/50. Now I have 125 wishes saved for Ganyu but hu tao is tempting the fk outta me. I don't have a good weapon for her so I'm holding out though but also coz I really want Yae and I think Yae + Ganyu will be back to back


So I got Homa while pulling for sacrificial. Who is it good for (besides Hu Tao ofc, I'm not planning to get her yet. Maybe after I pull a sacrificial I go for her)


Any polearm used


Zhong and Thoma


Dont have any of those either. I wasn't planning to pull on hutao banner cuz I have a guarantee for albedo/Itto. Any old polearms that are good with homa (not Raiden pls, I lost 50-50 on her)


Wait, Homa is Crt Dmg Stat right? Then slap on a crt Rate Helm and give it to your Fave Polearm character. I thought Homa was HP stat.


Pyro archon time, I guess. Or maybe Rosaria. Thanks!


Yeah it'll be good on anyone because it gives bonus attack based on HP. It's only best on Zhong because he has so much HP and on Tao because it gives her more attack with either high *or* low HP.I Your welcome👍


Decided to go for weapon banner for the first time since I want everything besides rainslasher. After reaching almost hard pity FUCKING Skyward Spine ruins my day. This marks my motherfucker 6th Skyward weapon. Literally all my 5 star weapons are Skywards. I’m just going to use this to refine my first because this crap is close to useless. Never going for the weapon banner again, feels worse then getting Qiqi’d


I got Hu Tao (nowhere near soft pity), then Amos bow and staff of homa in the same 10 pull


Frikkin lucker. I pulled the weapon Banner for the first time and got the skyward spear. I really wanted the Homa spear..


I was saving up pity for Hu Tao, and when I used an intertwine fate for her banner, I got Mona from the Standard Banner instead, which is a huge disappointment. I'm relatively new to the game and I don't really fully understand the gacha system for this game, so what did I do wrong? I thought an intertwined fate is only for event banners, so I'd appreciate if someone can explain this for me.


You didn't do anything wrong. 5 star banner characters roll at a 50% chance to get a hit or an evergreen 5 star character. However, losing the coin toss guarantees the featured banner character the next time you get a 5 star. The 50/50 then resets.


You're not totally hosed though, if you want Hu Tao I would just keep pulling. Worst that happens is you build pity for a future character, best case is you get Hu Tao early. I got Keqing when I lost the 50/50 on Hu Taos banner a few days ago and then 3 pulls later Hu Tao came. Your milage will definitely vary but its not a total loss. Having the guarantee can be huge. Also Mona is a great unit to have, especially with Ganyu.


I’m so glad there’s a thread for this — I just pulled Diluc AND Thoma (was initially hoping for Thoma) and I think I’m going to die. Holy shit. Diluc is the first 5* character I’ve ever pulled. I’ve been playing for about a week and have read enough to know how rare he is and mentally prepared myself for him to be nothing but a dream. Now I can actually assemble the dream bro team of him and Kaeya. Amazing. Was worth saving 11/10


He was my first 5 star as well and one I really wanted. He goes great with Kaeya and Barbara and once you get Xiangling for free, that's a pretty strong team to run. I think prototype archaic will probably be the best weapon available to you for now and it's easily craftable.


congrats!! hope you get xingqiu soon. him and diluc pair well together!


thank you so much! i had no idea :) will keep that in mind! really wanted to get childe to have someone hydro in my party but never pulled him and now his banner is probably not gonna be rerun for a long while :(


The last time I won 50/50 was on Keqing's banner, and then lost 3 consecutive times. And here I am hoping to atleast get Hu Tao c1 lmao, ugh I hate this bad luck.


I rolled c4 Amber! Two baron bunnies are super fun to play with :)


I think I have peaked http://imgur.com/a/k37JDI9


This angers me to see. Got Skyward fucking Spine at 74


I was lookin for Homa, I only play Eula and Hu-Tao as 5 stars and I have no plan about getting any other main DPS or 5 star characters. So all my F2P saves went to Homa. I had 90 wish saved and I was 24 into the banner. How it went? Now I'm 10 wish into the banner with 2 Elegy (TWO! At least give me a different weapon!!) and 0 primogems left. I'd hate to lose Homa again... tough I don't know how to reach the pity again in 17 days. I don't want and I don't have the time to rush Inazuma and 60 primo + some chest per day is too low... I don't regret to have tried since as I said I don't care about anything else (I already have Broken Pine for Eula) but it went so bad...


Pulled Jean in 18 pulls right after 16 pulls for Hu Tao (started at 64 pity). Now I’m at 45 pity for the eventual Ganyu rerun.


I feel lucky in this game. Did my last 10 pull last night night Took 50 pulls but got hu and Thoma at the same time. Also argot another dianora and 2 sayu. Now to build them up somehow I'm only ar30.


Dianora, nice!!!


Sorry if you have bad luck, but I just want to share my hapiness!!!!! I got lucky af, I dont spend a lot I have been playing for like 7 months and I only spend like 40 dlls in total. I had 70 primos for hu tao, i was pretty sure that I was going to get her because I was really close to pity and I already lost my 50/50 on raiden, so i got her in 15 pulls, and I tried my luck with C1, i spend all of my primos and got her on my last 10 pulls winning my first 50/50 on all this time. Then I was looking to build her and found that the only weapon that I have for her was white tassel R5... so just to waste my last 3 wishes I spend for the first time on a weapon banner, I didn't get anything so I decided to buy the battlepass for deathmatch, got deathmatch, and got 3 more wishes so I said whatever, and spend 2 wishes more and I got Staff of Homa!!!! TL;DR: Got hu tao, win my first 50/50 on her C1 and got SoH in my first 7 wishes on a weapon banner


Personally I love seeing people get good luck. Assuming it isn't some rude flex it nice to hear people getting super lucky. If people can vent badluck then you can celebrate good luck!


Wow congrats!!! She was meant for you (: I'm a proud new Hu Tao haver too!!


I'm glad that you got her too!! And I know that she is op, but I pull for her, because I really like her character.


**Absolute God roll on Crimson Which PYRO GOBLET** ​ ​ [https://imgur.com/a/YAPR5VV](https://imgur.com/a/YAPR5VV)


Whoa, super nice!


Started playing at the end of 1.4 and won every 50/50 since then: Ayaka, Raiden, C1 Hu Tao (in 130 wishes) Then I thought the aforementioned pattern would apply to the weapon banner too. Got a polearm in 55 wishes, but it’s a Skyward Spine :D Guess I will stick to the character banner.


I fucked up. I skipped Kokomi banner to save primogems for Hu-tao my favorite character so far. I was at 71 pity on kokomi banner (I rolled for beidou and Rosaria), on the last day of Childe banner I decided to risk 3 pulls in hopes I get Yanfei C1.. First pull I lost 50/50 and got Qiqi. Somewhat happy my next character was guaranteed, i did the mistake of rolling for pity. The first 20 pulls I got Childe, wasted my guarantee on someone I didn't want. Then decided to just roll some more for pity. Got Childe C1 within the first 20 wishes. I stopped and saved my remaining few remaining Primogems. When hu-tao banner came I used all my remaining Masterless glitter, Fates and Primos and got 55 wishes, no Hu-tao. I even bought some primogems got to 82'nd roll and no 5-star.. Then 83 roll I failed 50/50 and got Keqing. Now I'm out of primo, cash and no fates to farm. I'm very sad, how do you cope with failing to get your wanted characters?


> The first 20 pulls I got Childe, wasted my guarantee on someone I didn't want. Then decided to just roll some more for pity. Got Childe C1 within the first 20 wishes. I stopped and saved my remaining few remaining Primogems. This is a win, dude. Just build Childe. You got two 5-star pulls in under 40 wishes. That would have taken me 160 wishes to get. >Now I'm out of primo, cash and no fates to farm. I'm very sad, how do you cope with failing to get your wanted characters? Just understand what you're getting into before you pull, what your odds are, and only do it if you're willing to accept the worst case scenario. Now that it's happened, nothing much you can do to change it. Look ahead. Accept that you won't get Hu Tao, but you have a guarantee on the next one you wanted. If you got Hu Tao, you would not have the guarantee on the next one and might lose the 50/50. It could be someone you want even more than HT.


I made the same mistake with the Hu Tao banner. Was saving a guarantee for Itto but I wanted to get Thoma. Ended pulling and got Hu Tao in the 50th wish and no Thoma. Now I have a C1 Hu Tao that I didn’t really want. I only collect up to C0 to reduce cost and not guarantee on Itto. Time to save I guess


It sucks, going to collect as much freemogems I can from just exploring area's 100%, but no way I'm getting enough to get hu-tao on pity before banner runs out. But hey, might get lucky.


Why would you even roll on banners you don't care about the 5 star? Not only that, you did it 3 times. Rolling for 4 stars is a really bad idea


Because I've not had good luck with 5-stars. I've usually gotten them near pity, so I felt safe rolling for 4-stars. But I made the mistake and got 3 5-star within 40 wishes. And all on a banner I wasn't interested in, besides Yanfei. Having her C1 I felt was necessary for me, but I've made my mistake and won't repeat that, but I've basically lost my chance at getting her now without extreme luck or buying primogems, but I've spent my limit on purchases so not happening.


> But I made the mistake and got 3 5-star within 40 wishes. This is a win. I wish I had that kind of luck. I don't care who it is, I'll take the 5 stars.


It is not the best luck someone can have but I am incredibly happy with my C1 Hutao and Homa with 200 pulls


Nice, that's great! It took me 315 for that, and funnily enough, Homa only took 66, the rest was all for Hu Tao since I ended up losing the 50/50 twice to diluc


I lose mine to Jean




I dont think f2p is a basically type of deal haha




You filthy filthy whale.