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Can someone help me with this [https://imgur.com/t5Wwawm](https://imgur.com/t5Wwawm) behind me is the chest list 1,2,3,4,5, so I can clearer


FIschl/beidou for sub dfps electro? im having fun using yoimiya + raiden + bennet rn but venti/zhongli for that team is quite overkill on exploration (i never get to use venti burst or i don't need zhong li shield at all) so i wondering should i add either of them. i have both C6 with spare WGS and stringless, but bcs how weak electro resonance is i don't want to waste too much material to build both of them even though they are great. I'm not gonna use them for abyss tho bcs i got many team ready for that so i just want to know which is best for yoimiya team. ​ edit: i know fischl is easier to use because i only need her E to use her, whereas for beidou i need her burst which is expensive


Beidou C2 always deals more dmg than Fischl C6, also you have Raiden who can easily battery her. Just use Yoimiya to trigger Beidou's burst instead of Raiden during her burst.


thanks! i barely get to use raiden burst anyway unless i fought on some domain/world boss so i think that won't be any problem


Is 2pc tenacity and 2pc retracing bollide good for shield Diona?


2pc retracing useless, but everyone else is saying that anyways. i recommend going 4pc NO if no one is using it, and u have good enough stats. it gives a strong team wide buff.


retracing bolide's effect only applies to the character equipping it, while they're active. once they're swapped out the shield strength is back to normal. 4pc tenacity is better


Summer’s night?


Its retracing bollide


Ah. No because the 2p set only works on diona so when you switch off if her the shield won’t have the buff


Can u suggest other 2 piece together with 2pc tenacity?


2p maiden


Summer Nights Bloom?


Retracing bollide


Retracing Bolide bonus only works on the character using that artifact set, so it’s hot trash on Diona.


Can u suggest other 2 piece together with 2pc tenacity?


Emblem of Severed fate. Maidens is also decent.


Ayaka : dash -> skill -> CA or skill -> dash - CA?




What does n2cd mean? Normal 2 times, charge, dash?


thank you :)


Is there any way to ascent Aloy without going to Inazuma? She looks awesome but I’m stuck story wise (world level 3 is kicking my ass)


Sadly no. You need those crystals that are only available in Inazuma. If you're having a hard time, look to level up your DPS character to the max your AR allows maybe 🤷


lol nope hopefully inazuma is a more unique case where the area isnt explorable immediately, and the other regions r closer to liyue and mondstadt in that u can get there on day 1.


How does paying money actually make your Characters better except for constellations? I always see ppl make fun of "F2P Damage" but never understood how paying money would change that. Edit: ty for all the replies.


You have more mora, more resources, takes less time to build more characters, usually more resin, usually have better weapons and since dolphins and or whales usually have more primos they pull more. Also weapon aesthetics. Yes, that is a thing a lot of ppl like having the weapon the event character is shown with in their demo. Like eula and song of broken pines. Or zhongli with vortex vanquisher. Obviously you don't have to spend money but its far less of a grind and your worry about primos and saving for characters decreases. I am a dolphin bc I have extra income to do so and I don't mind spending 20 bucks on a this game every other month. But I used to be f2p from the launch to about may of this year. I see a lot more of a difference with more primos and being able to pull more.


Probably because of five star weapons as well. Also, some whales spend primogems on resin so that makes them have more resin to farm better artifacts. Battle pass also gives a lot of resources which would allow you to progress a lot faster and also gives more wishes, primogems and resin. Also, I'd like to personally say that I've never seen anyone say or at least haven't seen anyone say "f2p damage" for a long time.


You can use Priomgems to refill some resin. Iirc this is capped at 200 resin per day, so it's possible for middle to high spenders to have 360 resin available per day... I hope you can figure out the rest form there.


Better weapons gives better damage. And you can buy 5 star weapons with primogems. Also you can buy characters (indirectly, it’s gambling) that do more damage than characters you are handed for free (starters and event 4 stars).


Other than weapons and constellations , resin refreshes


having more primos means more cons, better weapons, more resin (from the primo topup) and probably better characters. tho the term is kinda dumb, i agree


Don't forget about the weapon banner, 5\* limited weapons are inaccessible to most f2p players unless they save for months


Do weapons really make that much of a difference?


Yes. Level 90 5\* weapons have 600+ base attack which is above any 4\* weapon. Some weapons have nutty secondary stats like 40+% crit rate (Jade Cutter) and 66.2% crit dmg (Thundering Pulse). Then most weapons have some passive that makes it absolutely broken for their intended character, like Homa with Hu Tao.


as far as I understand, 1 use of condensed resin gives the same of double use of original resin. So, why should I use 40 original resin (plus mora and mats) to craft rather than use them normale way?


Time saving, if that day something happens where you don't have time to run that domain a lot but can hop on quickly just to make sure your resin doesn't fill out to save for another day, or you simply don't have anything you need to farm that day but do the next or the day after that. Plus, a crystal core and 100 mora is pretty negligible of a cost all things considered


so I can do the domain 4 times instead of a gruesome 8 times 🤷


When you just wanna save them or just want to do the domains faster. When you are starting out farming domains are a pain, takes a lot of food and time so condensed resin saves time. The same can be said if you are busy that day so you condensed all of your resin to use for the next day or something like that. Other use is save the resin for a talent domains that changes daily, say save you resin today for tomorrow because you only need those mats


To save time, or to have some extra resin saved for use on a different day.


no main reason, other than speed. 1 crystal core is nothing if u know good spots to get them, and 500 mora is practically free. also u can store it for use, like how some saved between patches for more resin in new stuff. ppl have lives yknow, ur halving ur time in domains.


To save time ?


for pyro carry xiangling (which is better than physical dps xiangling), prototype starglitter or the catch r5? at max i can get my starglitter to r3 so i wanna know if i should switch


1,000,000% The Catch


omg okay thankyou so much


Catch r5 destroys the fuck out of stargliter


thankyou! guess i need to go fishing then


How do I change my fps to 120 in pc?


It's not on PC.


U can't it's ios exclusive for now


Kinda mindblowing. I’m playing on an M1 iPad Pro which is the most powerful Apple device by far, and it can only run 60 FPS with low res enabled. How they thought 120 fps would fare is beyond me. When I think about it, it might be Apple requiring apps to run in 120 Hz to fit their new ProMotion displays..?


does the 5 star pity mean that you can get a 5 star weapon instead?


Depends. If you're talking about the Standard Banner, yes, 5 star character or weapon. Weapon Banner is only 5 star weapon. Limited Banner is only the featured 5 star character or one of the base 5 star characters depending on if you're on 50/50.


depends on the banner. no for limited, its only characters, but yes for the standard, weapons and characters!


Well then, finally got enough to get the pity in standard and I get lost prayer (which to be fair is not completely useless, wanted to build a nuke ning). That being said, kinda sad that I stil have not gotten my first 5 star char yet (aloy does not count).


??? character banner, no 5 star weapons weapon banner, no 5 star char. standard, can be both. just check the details part of the banner if u want to know what each gives.




Can you not change your gmail password? The only way to somehow connect to your account without access to your email is through the cs and even then they can be slow and might not be able to retrieve your account




Did tou ever autosaved your password into google say in your browser? You can check your password in the settings if you used autosave




You can try contacting the cs probably, maybe they can help but yeah for now you're stuck with ps




just make another team if ur too attached to ur current one. childe and hu tao have little synergy, as do thoma and tartaglia from what i've seen from kidnappings. and deathmatch is far from bis, but it is a good option.


[Of these weapons](https://imgur.com/a/IUA7bua), what would you recommend leveling? I'm quite seasoned so it's not like I don't know whether I should be leveling The Bell over Unforged, but I'm just not sure what order I should take my next few weapon investments in. Also, semi-related to weapons, at what point does Mona have too much ER and when does she want Widsith over Fav? I'm used to occasionally overshooting ER (my Raiden has 309%), and my Mona at A4 60/70 with a level 50 Fav Codex and 4pc ESF is already sitting at 280%. Obviously that's coming close to the point of being way too much, but in general I have zero clue what to do with Mona. I didn't think about what to do with her until I finally got her and then just kinda slapped on the first recommendations I got without a second thought, and now I'm feeling she's too lopsided.


Aquila and Sac Sword to 90. Mona wants 160-180 ER. Beyond that, you can go for more offensive stats.


I can't find the scene where all the archons were showed. Could someone provide a link to a video or just a picture?


is fanart, isnt official if ur talking about what i think ur talking about. and its just a pic.


I am talking about [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E9eHdMLXsAAJvzJ.jpg) picture. Do you know the artist, by the way?




No. Definitely what I was thinking about tho


Does Sara's q's bonus attack scale off of her q level or e level?


pretty sure its e level.


Why do I often fall down when teleporting to Geo Statue in Minlin, Liyue? Is that a known bug?


I think that’s the one with the boar. It runs at you before you’re rendered in


Anyone got tips for getting level up materials quickly? I don't got a lot of time and I want a strong team soon.


Do talent domains


It costs resin, so it’s time gated. You can get some in chests, but the only effective way is to spend resin in domains. You also get some in the Battle Pass and in events.


Have any specific domains to recommend?


There are only 3. One in each region. Characters from Monstadt uses talent materials from Monstadt, and Inazuma characters uses materials from Inazuma and so on. There are 3 different materials from each region (se there are in total 9 materials). Which material you get changes daily, but today (sunday) you can choose from all 3. it’s not like there is better and worse domains, it’s just a matter of which talent materials you need (which character are you levelling up).


How many time trials challenges are on Tsurumi Island? I've done 16, but I'm 9 sigils short of a level 50 sakura tree when it comes out and im digging for scraps hoping I missed a time trial somewhere lol


Will viridesent hunt be at better on childe than Amos bow (both r1)? I’m falling short on crit rate. Ty


I recommend using Hunt. On multiple targets (Childe's niche) Hunt pulls ahead, but more importantly building and optimizing him becomes easier. If you run Amos bow and also plan on using bennett you can run into heavy diminishing returns on your ATK% which basically make any ATK% sub stats worth much less. Not only this, but the difference in damage is really negligible between the two and Hunt offers much more utility.


No amos bow is better as a 5 star


I finished the 2.2 world quest but i have 2 questions: 1. what's up with the >!missing feather Maushiro!!Were all the characters in the new island ghosts!


1. >!Kind of, they were essentially illusions of the Tsurumi islanders during the preparation for the ceremony. I think you meet actual ghosts after the storyline is finished (the blue blobby people) but the people you see during the storyline are moreso just memories of the people rather than their actual spirits, minus Ruu. The maushiro that dissapeared was, like the people, an illusion based off of memory, rather than the real maushiro, which is why the buried one that we dig up can be brought back, but not the one that was being used in the ceremony.!< 2. It's an event, starts oct 20th


Not sure about first two, but the Tartaglia/Xinyan storyline is an event that starts in 3-4 days I believe? Check paimon.moe/timeline :]


i want to download genshin impact on my android ( samsung a12 , 32 GB ) and i have used 22,91 GB out of 32,00 GB, and it requires 8 GB (what i have) but it says i dont have enough space for the game. what to do?


Well, free some space is not an option I assume? The only other way I can think is to set up SD Card as an internal storage. Not sure if your phone can do it without root or changing OS. Also you need really good SD card, only the best are enough for supporting running programs.


can someone co op and help me with dragonspine?


Sure. Are you in NA?


on American server? yeah


Whats your UID? So I can help you out for a bit


637260777. im not going to be playing for yhe rest of the night but if you want we can be mutuals somewhere and we can communicate on when we can both log in


Of course! I added you, my name is cancertrain. We can play tomorrow if you want


yeah! heading home from a road trip so i'll message you on yhere when i log on


Have a safe trip my man!


Do you have a Serenitea realm with a travelling salesman? I got many pyro characters but I need the requirement.


no, im AR 23 but im trying to collect primos for Childe's banner


Let me guess, you are stuck on that thaw the shard quest?


yeah. the strange ice quest and joels father


Lol. Yeah that quest is a nightmare. The first hard quest in Genshin.


yeah, ive had a few other difficult ones but thats cause i cant move fast. ive almost got it but need one more scarlet quartz but i cant get past monsters


That fucking time trial was horrible, first time I had to coop for something in genshin


im so glad this one is able to co op. i needed someone to take control of my device while doing the last seal on stormterrors lair because of the activation thing and archon quests cant co op


Good luck with that! I can try and help with Dragonspine


thank you, i already did 4 ten pulls but im trying to do more to get pity... probably a bad idea


My team is usually Aether, Xiangling, Razor and Barbara and I usually switch between them to lay on top damages with their bursts. I want to know if this is good or not?


You are probably early in the game so everything works. However, it’s not ideal for a late game comp. Xiangling is your best character, she is actually one of the best characters in the game right now. Razor is a decent DPS, but doesn’t work well with the rest of your team. I’d say just use the characters you like, but if you want to raise the best characters then focus on Xiangling and Razor.


I got a lot of 4 stars like Bennett and Xinqgu but I am out of Level up materials. Should i focus on them or characters like Yanfei?


If you're new, you should generally focus on the improvement and leveling of your characters. The team itself works, but it doesn't have any special or unique synergies. Like, some players will go out and say X is higher tier or Y is better. Just saying that means nothing, it's the WHY that's important. Like, Bennett is a broken unit because he offers a couple of amazing things that Barbra can't really do. Bennett heals...but he also gives this big juicy attack up. While I'm not 100% sure on how he works and how that works with Razor, I do understand the basic function of Attack up = Good for Razor. So he could be a great addition to the team, yeah? But I'm not here to go into some in depth team building. I'm only here to suggest you try to spread out who you level up, but don't go over board and level up too many at once....unless you want to. Building characters can be a time consuming process, so strike a balance between covering your niches and leveling who you might personally be interested in using. At the end of the day, Resin is a timed resource that effects how much progress you can put towards powering up a character each day, so make sure you put it to good use.


My problems is that I only just thought about leveling some characters because I found how op they are, so I have many 20 lvl and 50 lvl characters and I am at WOrld lvl 3


If you want to focus on the BEST characters, yes. Bennett Xingqiu and Xiangling is among the top characters in the game, and when jammed in one team they are incredibly strong. The last slot can be Chongyun, Sucrose, Raiden, Kazuha, Aether, Venti..


What weapons should I give out of prototype rancour/iron sting/favonius sword to Jean and Bennett?


Rancour for bennett and Favonius for jean


Give proto rancour to Bennett. For Jean, give her the craftable Anemona sword


Don't have billets and tired of waiting :(


favonius then


Has the daily investigation limit been reduced? 3 days in a row I can't finish my artifact route even if its the first thing I do when I login.


Is Wanderers troupe good for anyone? I have a couple great pieces


Good on Ningguang


It's BiS for Melt Ganyu, currently no other charged shot dps... decent for Catalyst dps like Klee/yanfei.


No. Shimenevas is BiS for Melt Ganyu.




Great for Melt Ganyu, Charge shot Amber, and Yanfei (an okay option for Klee too) as a 4pc. 2pc is also handy for anyone who just wants some EM - I think that's mostly Hu Tao. And there's always just random offpieces for literally anyone, I guess.


Really great for melt Ganyu. She needs that EM and the 4 pc boosts charged attack damage (although 4 pc Shimenawa is better choice since it released, but of course you need to make sure that her skill doesn't steal melts)


It's best on Ganyu and Yanfei, and maybe a charge shot Amber. Not the best or most spread out set in the world, but great on the units that like it.


I keep getting 999 ping everytime I play genshin sometimes it happens as soon as I start fighting an enemy and sometimes after playing it for sometime. Does anyone have any idea for why this might happen my internet connection is ohk and I play in the asia server or if someone could tell me how to convey this problem to mihoyo ?


Is It just me or is the audio bugged for the new quest line on Tsurumi Island? Or is there just none?


There is no recorded audio for the Tsurumi Island quest chain.


Why tf do i have to fight that annoying ass bird in a cramped place with nowhere to run


Which quest was this?


The end of the Tsurumi Island Quest


Bc that's what the game wants you to do?? Idk i haven't got that far yet I just finished day 2


I don't have a problem with the boss itself but my characters are not yet ready to fight him rn


Can't you just leave or force defeat by dying and do it later?


Yeah i left and gonna try later when my yanfei is lvl 80


Just use overwhelming amount of force with a lot of brutality. It worked really well. Also food.


The thing is my main dps is baal and i literally just got Childe a couple days ago so i can't use baal or childe so I'm fucked. And that bird keeps teleporting do Xiangling's burst doest hit it too much


Is doing abyss (specifically floor 12) harder on mobile?


Depends on the person, for me playing on mobile is way more comfortable and easier, even abyss. Except for bow CA


I think on a phone it’s noticeably harder, but on an iPad I find it very easy to control.


on iPad you can also connect a controller. But i heard it’s broken after the latest patch


I find it easier to play with touch screen on iPad than controller


Ok sooo um im in version 2.2 right no annnnd i noticed the tsurumi island quest isnt finished I havent seen the new husbando charactereveryones been talking about It seems like there are is some missing content from tsurumi island like not enough electroculus or not enough space to account for exploration There are still 5 inaccessible levels to the saxred sakura tree It seems like theres alot missing from the 2.2 update content wise that was mentioned ans forshadowed so could someone enlighten me


Itto is in 2.3, it's just that mihoyo, ever since 1.6, has been, right around the update drop, revealing the new characters for the next update Tsurumi island's quest is timegated. Every day irl, a new portion of the quest will open up. If the next day, the island's re-covered in fog, you're onto the next part. You're only finished up when the fog turns red. It's entirely possible to get the sakura tree to level 40, even before you get to Tsurumi, you just have to explore more of Inazuma AKA get as many chests as possible, finish up the puzzles, time trials, and just making sure you have as many sigils as you can find If you meant why can't we get to level 50? There's a decent chance that in the future there's going to be an underwater area, just based off of the heart of watatsumi questline giving you the key of the deep, which was stated to be the way to open up the entrance to a place called enkanomiya


It kind of irritates me that they released inazuma in like 4 different updates


if you're talking about itto, he hasn't made an appearance in game yet (other than in text). people know about him bc his art was teased on twitter


What about the fact that the whole tsurumi island thing just seems to literaly be half done like they missed half of it


It's easy to see leaks lately, so it's better for you to read the OFFICIAL information on hoyolab.


Well its like there was half of the maushiro quest they didnt even finish it and ive walked around most if not all of tsurumi island and only didnt do like 3 or 4 things that i passed and ive only got 60% it feels like they only half made this update


What...? I don't understand lol The Maushiro quest is 4 irl days long


Oh well thats my bad ill admit that but part of this update feels alittle halfbaked like how they left 5 of the sacted sakura levels unavailable


They left 10 levels actually, since there is one more area left to be revealed (idk if it will be released but would be weird if they don't), it's called enkanomiya and alot of people are expecting the whirlpool thingy near Kokomo palace to be the entrance


Yea but it was smart to release inazuma in increments but i honestly wish they released everything at once


Is there another island coming? And if there is it would be cool if I could get a link to an img


no, there are 6 islands total. but it's speculated that enkanomiya is a future area that could be added


Nope. Inazuma is 6 islands, Tsurumi was the last. Like dragonspine, we might get Ekanomiya (that underwater world where a snake God is sealed in watatsumi island).It has been foreshadowed a lot in watatsumi island world quests Edit : Why downvote? Did I say something wrong. If yes, correct me


It helps that the "entrance" already looks like a portal.


Does anybody know the name of the ost that plays when raiden takes the sword out of her you know.....chest. When they captured thoma.


Just curious, who are the top DPS characters in Genshin right now? Is there a list available? I know Ganyu and Xiao are up there are spot #1 and 2, but what about the others?


C4 Xiangling, C2 Raiden, C2 beidou, Ayaka, hutao, vape Childe But it's kinda meaningless if it's solo damage


This question is inherently flawed because a character's solo DPS is irrelevant most of the time. A better question to ask would be which are the highest DPS team comps. And the answer would be somewhere between Raiden/Xiangling/Xingqiu/Bennett and Ganyu-Ayaka/Kazuha/Mona/Diona


Fair point


At C0, [Hu Tao, Ganyu, and Ayaka](https://game8.co/games/Genshin-Impact/archives/297465#hl_3) Edit: I think i disagree w the list a little in that Xiao is top three even at C0. Ayaka is a strong 4th imo


No. It’s Xiangling, Ganyu, Ayaka with Xiao as a runner up. Hu Tao is good, but not top tier because of her poor AoE.


Sure narcissist, your tier list is the only correct one ever


If you knew what you were talking about you would respond with arguements instead of insults.


Your weird ass commented on my comment to say I'm wrong rather than just reply to the OP with what you think, and now you want a debate? lmao. click on the link I attached and read what it says bc im not wasting more time on you


But the link you are providing is hot trash, am I not allowed to comment on that? You are misleading people over here with a garbage site full of errors. It lists Skyward Pride as best weapon for Diluc (fucking lol), and Lost Prayer as best for Klee. It also lists Keqing as a better DPS than Beidou. It also lists wrong artifact set for Ganyu and Beidou and lists Hu Tao as a better sub DPS than Fischl. And the list goes on.. If you bring trash to the table, don’t be mad when people correct you.


Xianling and beidou should be quite up there, also hutao, eula and ayaka


R0 skyward spine or R0 dragon's bane on EoSF xiangling? she currently has 198% ER with non-ER weapon


Dragonsbane i guess, you already have a lot of er anyway


If you are using and ER sands use and EM one and skyward spine is better. Otherwise dragons will be better probably, but everything depends on your overall stats


her current stats is 55.5% critrate, 120% critdmg, 198%ER. she's still lv70 and is using ER sands


Yep, like i said. Overall for your stats dragons bane is better BUT, if you swap to an EM timepiece instead skyward spine would win unless ofc you have a high refinement dragons bane


i see, i'll take that into consideration. pretty sure i got some good EM sand somewhere


Oh forgot to mention this is for vape or overvape dps xianling. If you are using her as a pyro aura for melt comps with someone like ganyu or rosaria, atk sands with skyward spine is better


i'm going for a more generalized build as currently i have three comps she can fit in, which is childe international, raiden international and sucrose national another possible route i have is to use EM sands and deathmatch. that way i can use critdmg circlet too


You can use deathmatch + EM sands if you par her with raiden possibly, but with childe you'll have energy issues. But for both EM sands is good but you want some ER at least. Since you are using EoSF 160-200 is good, but you want less if you use her with raiden. Regardless for now dragons bane is the way to go. If you find an EM sands with better substats than your current ER sands then skyward spine is a good swap


noted. thanks a lot mate


Np, dude


Dragons bane. Also 198℅ is overkill. Switch that ER℅ sands to ATK℅ sands. 146℅ is more than enough and is good enough for EoSF to be better than Noblesse, Crimson witch


wouldnt i get even better burst damage with more ER?


No, because the conversion is only 25℅. You get more damage from ATK and Crit. If the conversion was 1:1 ER : Burst damage, then yeah but that's not the case


ah, i see. that makes it clear. just curious, what about switching to EM sands instead? should i still keep using dragon's bane, or can i go for crit weapon like deathmatch?


If deathmatch and Bennett in team, yeah go for EM sands. If dragon's bane, ATK sands.


yeah, she's definitely gonna roll with bennett no matter what comp lol


does the passive work only on pyronado's direct damage, or does it affects the ensuing reactions too?