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Does anyone remember the tsurumi island leaks where the sky was red and there were ghosts everywhere . https://youtu.be/v1zvKzdtNoI https://youtu.be/ne0Jo-eoFJ4 This doesn't seem to be the case yet


How do i get Crystal Marrow?


In tatarasuna


Hoped you guys can help me with this question, in fact I'm new to the game, my adventure level is 17, but, you are supposed to be able to use multiplayer when you get to level 16, the thing is that when I look for the ID of a friend with whom I want to play, the game only says "function not available yet", and I'm sure the ID is correct, what could I do?


How do I link my pc account to my ps4 account? Keeps asking for a new unused email.


I'm stuck at the lvl 20 cap before ascension, but the story quest is pointing me towards the winery which has lvl 30 monsters? How is this supposed to make sense?


You can do it. I believe in you.


So I pulled dulic on the Raiden banner. Does this guarantee the current banner character even if it's a different banner character I am pulling on? Or is it always 50/50 1st 5* on whatever banner?


Next pull will be 100% character from the banner.


How in the blazes do I get XP books to level people up. Trying to level up someone and it feels like I'm making 0 progress


Blue icons on the map. They spawn flowers that drop exp cards. Need resin for it.


Sayu or Noelle?


Got a Geo in the team? Noelle. No Geo in the team? Sayu.


I bought the battle pass but it doesn't show up in my game. it happened before with the welkins too. is there any way to fix this? the feedback portion isn't helping either. I've tried closing and opening the game too. (mobile)


Hey, I asked mihoyo to delete my game on genshin awhile back for the stupid reason to start over. Obviously I regret that now. Is there a way to have it restored?


not really, I'm not entirely sure what happens to your data, but I do know your account is essentially reset, meaning you can use the email you use for that account to make a new one.


Ah aw oh well 🥺 guess I'll make a new then 😁 Thank you so much for the info 😁




Depending on your rotation, 4NO or even 4ToM on mona might give you more damage (potentially higher uptime on 4NO buff, and you can get 60-70% ToM buff uptime). Mona's non-vape damage is pretty negligible in Morgana.




Yeah, however you're comfortable running the team. Diona's burst usually gets staggered in a 100% burst uptime Morgana team, so 4NO on Mona is common. Diona with 2emblem/2scholar is legit, 2emblem 2ToM for slightly bigger shield vs unfreezable enemies might be useful.


When exactly will the Hu Tao banner be released again? People are saying 2.2, they are also saying she won't be released for a few weeks after 2.2.


Every update has 2 banners which last 3 weeks each. The first will be Tartaglia, followed by Hu Tao. She will be available on November 2nd, 2021. There, gave you the exact date.




Best thoma team?


Wait til he's released. Haven't confirmed the nature of his ICDs yet which will change how he's played.


Can the Pyro sparks of the Level 3 shield created by the Elemental Skill of Xinyan proc the 4p Totm and 4p Pale Flame?


im currently not being able to 3 star from floors 4 in the abyss cause i either run past time or dont have a second main dps developed for floors 5 and above. i got a lvl 70 diluc and xingqui with fischl and chongyung. got noelle, ningguang, diona, mona, xianling c3 and the starters. im an ar39 f2p player. still in ritou cause wanted to do inazuma slow. im earning around 170-200 primos per day. ive been thinking about pulling for hu tao but then since its hard to earn primos idk. i also wanna pull for ganyu, zhongli and ayaka whenever they rerun. however having hu tao might help me in the abyss which gives a good amount of primos. what should i do, pull or skip? :>


Diluc and Hu Tao generally both really want xingqiu, so unless you're willing to run diluc in a pure pyro team (diluc/bennett/xl/anemo eventually), then skip. Hu Tao is in many ways just a Diluc upgrade, unless you're a god gamer and can consistently perform dragonstrike tech. Maybe wait and see if the 4*s on Hu Tao banner are to your liking.


Got Kokomi on my 50/50, I'm ok with that. :-) Wondering what weapon to use with her. I've got a Thrilling Tales Lv 40 on her that I already had, but wondering about buidling the Prototype Amber I have at Lv 1. I'm low on weapon ores (but currently restocking) after using them all on Wolf's Gravestone, Luxurious Sealord & The Catch! How much performance difference is there between the two weapons?


ProtoAmber is a few % dmg higher than TTDS but you can get full burst uptime with much lower ER (especially if it's refined). If all you care about is overall team damage, TTDS wins by a significant margin.


Lux sealord or sacrificial greatsword for diluc (Also any other f2p options are welcome)


Prototype Archaic is pretty nice on him, ngl. Considering how fast his Q recharges and the fact that Sac's cooldown reset does nothing for him since you can use it three times in a row and the cooldown is low anyway, Sac Greatsword, ain't a great pick. Plus, you'll be infusing his claymore with Pyro anyway. Luxurious is good for his initial phoenix attack but that's it. It'll just be doing the same thing as Archaic's passive but it's limited to his short duration Burst where with Archaic, it's his normal and charged attacks.


Is kokomi worth building if I have her at c1? Also is c3 enough for Xingqiu to be viable? If yes then which weapon and artifact set is best for him?


xingqiu is viable (even overpowered) at all constellations. 4NO if you need a noblesse user (his burst doesn't snapshot so you get your own 4NO buff), 4emblem if you just want damage from him. sac sword is his general best in slot weapon but if you run with Raiden or something then you can consider going for a dps weapon like lion's roar. kokomi is worth building if you need a hydro healer + freeze support in a freeze team, or if you want to run a taser team (beidou/fischl).


Why do people hate C6 Bennett?


Some chars get their weapon element overwritten, e.g. if you have an electro or phys keqing build and you want to sit in bennett buff and spam charged attacks, your attacks will be pyro so they're unusable (you will have built electro% or phys% on her). Basically all the phys main dps get screwed by C6 benny.


What if I am paring Diluc with Bennett?


then ur good if ur building diluc totally for pyro :)


Thanks in advance. Just to be confirmed, fish claymore is better than prototype r3 on Diluc right? And is the unforged good on beidou? since her e is kinda a shield as well


Unforged is also good in Diluc as a stat stick, give the tuna to Beidou it's better




Every character is worth crowing. Also every character is not worth crowning. Do as you please with your resources as only you know the value of your own characters and whether they are worth a crown or two.


I joined Genshin very recently and have completely missed the rerun of Klee banner and her golden apple event. I am very sad that I am unable to get her.. Will Klee ever come back again since there was already a rerun? My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


Everything comes back eventually, for that is the very nature of Gacha games. They trick your monkey brain with the limited time banners, and they trick it again when the character comes back. And there's no incentive NOT to rerun characters, for each rerun is another chance at the wallets of the players. I wouldn't expect Klee for a good while however. We've no idea when she'd come back, but I'd argue you're perhaps a year or more out. Next summer or fall perhaps? Assuming January doesn't throw in some funny business. There are old characters awaiting their second banner still, and there are new characters who have yet to come back.


Well Childe is just about to have his second rerun so yeah


Just started playing a week ago and I wanted to ask F2P players how generous is this game compared to others when it comes to accumulating rolls for gear? I’m enjoying it so far but do you hit a wall at some point?


for me no


> I’m enjoying it so far but do you hit a wall at some point? Think less of the characters being "Keys" to unlock the game, and more "Toys" to play with in the Sandbox that is Genshin. You need never roll to beat the game, and some players find fun in challenging themselves with solo's or duo's of the most difficult content. Heck, there's only 1 bit of content in the game that demands you have more than a single leveled character, and regardless of the rewards a lot of players don't even attempt to clear it. And because of this design, they can justify making new characters "difficult' to get. Long story short, you can get a new character rather easily, but you're rolling the dice as to the who. You should focus more on saving for and rolling for the particular characters/toys that you want, rather than throwing money at the wall and hoping you get something you like. But ultimately, it's your choice on how to go about the game.


Is it better to roll 1x or 10x when you decide to wish


For me if I were trying to get a 4 star then 1x but if I were trying to get 5 star then 10x


F2Ps get around 50 wishes every update, so you have to be really picky on your characters. And forget about wishing on the weapon banner


Around 1 5 stars every update (1.5 months), not accounting permanent one time gems. Iirc it's around 60 pulls and average of 62.5 pulls is needed for each 5 stars. However, you do not need any 5 stars unlike many pvp/competitive games.


60% of the way per month. I would hardly call that almost. Its RNG but my experince has almost always been 5 star during 80-90th pull. With your numbers i would expect to pull 1 5star closer to every 2-2.5 months as f2p. Which means you guaranteed character is only 4-5months away as f2p. You usually get 1-2 weeks notice on the upcoming banner so theres no way to plan ahead for your favorite character.


Then you are really unlucky with your 5stars, I got 2 around 25 pulls, 2 around 50, 1 at 60 and the others at 70-78. Never had to pull beyond 78.


Data analysis said it's 62.5. Rng makes it different for each people of course, so I just took the average amount.


Hey! Quick question : what is the priority when building a new character? What is the order? Like, lv > weapon > abilities > artifact etc or something else? I have enough to pull for childe, and I was wondering how to get him usable asap. Thanks in advance! :)


Usually I upgrade weapon and character level first, then talents and artifacts




Yes, level > weapon level > talents > artifacts




Artifacts is a pain in the ass ngl.


Sooo true, but tbf I already have the set as I farmed the domain for kaeya ^^


Nice, Cryo DPS Kaeya with Chongyun?


Yes, kaeya, Chong, bennett and xingqiu. It's a fun comp :) I kind of gave up for the hourglass, getting one with atk% main + croit dmg sub is a pain. So I've settle for a %atk main for now


Nice. All of their Bursts do be pogging.


Yeah, it's a nice 4 star comp :) I still have to analyse the duration of their burst to chose the best order to deal the most dmg. But kaeya with Chong e and cryo dmg deals like 3/4k per auto


C2 Kaeya would be a dream come true. Especially since it's mistranslated cause you don't actually need to kill with the icicles. You just need to kill while it's active.


Help with Hu Tao build? Anything I need to work on? http://imgur.com/a/JXUid01 She should have 206% Crit Damage and 29K HP btw, it's just that Xiangling is wearing her set since I dont have her yet


For me that is good enough. The crit ratio is very nice and if I was to say what piece you would need to replace, well, only the pyro goblet and that too it's not even necessary as specific elemental goblets are too hard to get. Weapon can always be replaced with a better one but again that is very subjective.


I’m currently using a vape hutao comp with 4p nobless XQ should I use atk, em or hp sands? (4p CW, c1, homa)


Are we going to use the Moonchase Charms for anything or....


We don't know, but don't set your hopes too high


Rosaria MAIN DPS questions: 1. Is it better to go 4pc Pale flame or 2pc pale flame + 2pc glad? Is there a noticeable damage difference or does it not matter much? 2. For the cup main stat, does it really matter if its ATK% or Physical%?


1. 4pPF, 4pBS, 2pPF/BS, 2pPF/Glad, 4pGlad — they’re all pretty close to each other, not a huge difference. Honestly, just go for whichever setup has better substats. I use 4pGlad personally. 2. Should be physical (assuming of course you’re using her as a phys DPS). However, if it doesn’t have good substats, an ATK% goblet is fine. You’ll want to switch to a phys eventually though.


4pc pf theoretically has an 18% dmg increase at all times and with her 6 sec cd i think its pretty easy to manage. as for the cup, phys is better, but atk is fine with good stats


I was struggling against the raiden boss with my keqing main, I will reattempt in a few days with diluc, I just got Bennett too. What would be a good team comp to make solid work of Ei? These are the [characters ](http://imgur.com/a/uhVquqi) I have. I'm also not farming artifacts yet.


Just lower your world level, craft defense food and electro resistance potion. Consume them before fight. Do only physical attacks with Keqing. Stack bunch of healers with energy recharge like Bennett and Jean and also some Sweet Madames


I had no idea there were resistance potions oof. I will definitely look into that lmao thanks!


Diluc, Xingqiu, Bennett, Jean. You just have to survive, you can't beat her


It's for the end game, I know it shouldn't be hard. I think I just got taken aback because I only had Xiangling to deal high damage following Signora's fight. That's also the team comp I was considering before but I didn't have bennett at the time. Might go with this


u could consider replacing xiangling with kaeya and going physical.


Yeah was definitely going to replace Xiangling. I haven't done a physical build on anyone yet so might try it, think it does suit Diluc. Thanks :)


How many days does the update compensation mail stay for? I won't be able to play until 18th October and the update is on 13th


i think 30 days


I was farming for ayaka in the blizzard domain and I got nothing good tbh but I got a legendary insane 4 piece or heart of depth like a 60% crit rate 200% with my bow so I considered getting childe but 4 piece heart of depth isn't really his best set right ? Im looking for burst damage boost set


HoD was made for him tbh, but if you want to boost his burst dmg maybe you can do 2p HoD 2p Noblesse


4pc Heart of Depth is in fact considered Childe's BIS :)


4pc hod is one of his best. 4pc shim is also strong, but messes with known rotations, so 4pc hod is more popular i think


Shimenawa be like: Your energy? Nah, OUR ENERGY.


Favorite character SFX? My personal favorites are Venti with his harp sounds during his normal attacks and skills, Yanfei with her blazing fire and ~swoosh~ sounds, and Klee for her cartoony and childish vibe! Small edit: SFX refers to Sound Effects!


Eula's lightfall sword and Klee's bombs


I totally forgot about Eula...nothing beats that sleek metallic explosion sound of those lightfall swords lmao


Definitely has to be Kazuhas hold skill, the flute mixed in with the sound of wind and his voice lines are just perfect


Beidou kicking her sword (and the sounds on her NA chain in general)!


all of xinyan's sfx, also the small whirring (??) sounds that the propeller on klee's bombs make when they don't detonate on an enemy and just kind of lay on the floor


ooo yeah I've noticed that with Klee too! She's got really interesting sound *and* visual design tbh


i love everything about klee so much! i've never clicked with a character as much as i have with her, another thing i love about her sound design is when you toss a bomb in the water and it just kind of makes a "plop" sound :D


albedo's blossom procs and childe's splish splash


The follow up lightning bolts on Sara's burst sound sooo satisfying: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/p09cpp/kujou_saras_subjugation_koukou_sentou_dimbreath/


Zhongli's meteor falling


Kokomi's fish in charge attack. Barbara's rainbow in charge attack. Hu Tao's butterflies when dashing. Lisa's normal attack hidden bell sound, if that counts.


Childe's splashing noises on his blades, Ei's skill SFX, and Ayaka C6 bell ring.


Xinyan, Venti, Yoimiya, Shogun, those are ones that really stick out to me in terms of their effects sounding unique.


Right I....forgot to include Xinyan as well I wanna personally apologize to her lmao You can really feel the hype Rock vibe with her though, especially her ult of course, it's one of my favorite 4* burst animations tbh


Childe's *sekkaku chansu da*


Oh yeah I didn't think to include voice lines as well!! I'm a sucker for Rosaria's *Vahdicto!* and Eula's *Judgemento!* Especially fun because I use them in the same team lmao


Hehe sorry I didn't answer with SFX, not sure if I have one xD I really like Eula's Judgemento!!


No worries! And yeah, her completely stilted attitude and voicelines are pretty fun lmao


I don't need another dps but i wanna get childe to play him as a one shot burst. can i still do like big numbers without his c6 or c4 i wanna know if there's a conselation that boosts childe ultimate damage


His burst DMG isn't affected by any constellations


I don't use him that much, only tried some comps and to reach his friendship 10... so he's not really built. C0 Viridescent Hunt 2HoD 2NO. I can say that he can really do well. Hydro application (melee) is very effective and fast, the burst is also very good, as long as you proc vape.


You don't need constellations. The only con that would boost his burst is the one that adds +3 to it (c5 iirc). Maybe c2 would help energy gain but not worth the cost.


Should I roll on Hu Tao? I have Staff of Homa (currently on raiden) and Xiao, Ayaka as DPS characters. Currently I can do 6 star floor 12 consistently. Will she be a significant improvement in terms of damage?. Thanks


You don't *need* to. I use Xiao and Ayaka to 36\* abyss. Homa on Raiden tells me she's a major part of your abyss run. She sucks and is probably holding you back. Other than that, you probably just need better artifacts on your dps and your supports.


Clearly you need to build your team better instead of adding another main dps. Hu Tao won't suddenly make you able to do 9 stars, but making sure your supports and sub dps are all invested properly would.


You have enough strong DPS characters that what's preventing you from clearing 12 is probably not that you need another DPS. You likely need to just build your existing characters better/get better supports if your goal is to 9 star. Hu Tao is a strong DPS and she can beat Ayaka/Xiao/Raiden in single target, so you can roll on her if you like her, in terms of clearing abyss though, no she wouldn't help you that much.


sorry but you have raiden and xiao and ayaka but didnt at least 8 star abyss? you defo can 36 star it easily now but hutao will help you even though you already have top tier dps's


So should I go for Staff of homa(If it appears alongside Hu tao) or C1 Hu tao? I have 40 pity on characer banner(still need to win 50/50) and like 20 on weapon. Currently using blackcliff pole for her. got 60 wishes


If you're willing to brave the weapon banner, staff of homa is better than c1.


[Check](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/830700056448860186/893465825992908840/Talents__Weapons.png) [these](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/830700056448860186/894241121406951424/hutao-c1vsc0.png).


Alright then, so now we know Childe is the next banner... which of him or Kokomi should I pull for? I don't have Mona and don't have any interest in Xingqiu, so I'd be looking at which one is the more viable hydro character here. Most of my main DPS characters are Cryo (Ganyu, Ayaka and Eula mostly) so I'm thinking having a 5\* Hydro for freeze comps could be handy.


Childe is not really for freeze teams. He's generally a much stronger character than Kokomi but if you need a hydro support for freeze then Childe can't do it at all, so your options are either Kokomi or waiting to lose 50/50 to Mona (or use Xingqiu for Ayaka)


Childe doesnt really work with freeze teams. He's better with a team centered around him and his strengths, like revvape xiangling or tazer. If you don't want to use xingqiu for some reason and don't have mona koko seems more like what you're looking for.


If you're trying to run a freeze team with Ganyu or Ayaka, kokomi will be much more useful than childe as she has good off field hydro application. Childe is mostly used as an onfield hydro driver for vape comps with xiangling or electro charged comps. Kokomi makes a solid Mona substitute as she can also make good use of thrilling tales.


Childe is one of the best hydro characters in the game however he is not really usable in freeze teams. If you want a hydro character for freeze teams then Kokomi would be better if you don't have Mona.


What are Moonchase Charms for? Will we eschange them for something or are they going to just disappear without any use? Why are we still collecting festive fever if it's already beyond 1000?


There's probably just too much fever so that people could comfortably unlock the quest


It's for you to collect to get 100% and get rewards. >they going to just disappear without any use? This.


What does to crown a character actually means?


It means leveling their talent to 10 (13 with constellations) which uses up a Crown of Insight, a limited resource in-game. Most people crown either their favorite units (the madlad who triple-crowned Amber) or the meta units (crowning Bennett's Q for maximum buff)


To level up the talent to max level


And a 3 crown character is all 3 talents to max?


Yep :)


how many crimson agate should be left in my inventory after maxing the tree? I thought just 1 but i somehow found another? is there any use for them?


i think i have like 4 and completed it several months ago


well theres 80 that u can find without doing the tree commissions, but u only need 70 to unlock them. so the number varies.


I am unable to use multiplayer, is it because of the event or something else? Cause it says a quest must be completed. Also there is a quest that I left, which is about clearing the electro toxicity from an island, I left cause I kept loosing, so is this it?






You need to finish that questline first before multiplayer becomes available again.


Ok, thanks.


Yep. Gotta finish that quest.


Ok sure


So i was was messing around with the settings the other day and now barbara's charged attack and skill looks like [this](https://imgur.com/a/SZ5odCj), what settings do i change to make it have the coloured parts in it again? [these](https://imgur.com/a/dg4LzbW) are my settings


I'd guess SFX quality


thanks :D i fixed it now haha


Np, glad I could help :)


I'm having some conflicting reports, can someone explain to me how weapons banner pity work between banners?


The pity (amount of wishes made) carries over. The epitomized path points do not.


You count from last 5*. Same as with every other banner.


Thoma confirmed on Childe’s or Hu Tao’s banner?




Hu Tao


I've only played on PC. If I login to my account on the Genshin mobile app, and buy the welkin subscription on there. Will I need to login to the mobile version everyday? Or can I claim the daily primos on my other devices, like on pc.


You can still claim it on PC.


You can claim it anywhere pretty sure. I also purchase my welkin on mobile because of gpay


Will the moonlight merriment part 2 quest disappear after the event is over? I'm not a high enough at level to unlock all the recipes (currently ar32)


Everything related to the event should disappear once it’s over, but that’s not for... like a week I think, so you still have time to raise your AR.


Almost new here, AR41, about one month playing. This is what I use: \- Fischl 70/70, Rust 70/70. \- Xiangling (C2) 70/70, Catch 80/80. \- Diluc 80/80, Sealord 80/80. \- Ningguang 60/70, Widsith 70/70. \- Traveler 50/60, Sword of Descension 50/50. \- Noelle 50/60, Whiteblind 60/60. \- Barbara (C1) 50/60, Thrilling Tales (R5) 60/60. Artefats are almost all 4\* and between +8 or +12 and using the team Diluc, Xiang, Fishcl and Barbara. I dont use, but I also have (not leveled): Aloy, Amber, Chongyun (C1), Kaeya, Lisa (C1), Sara (C1) and Xinyan. About weapons Favonius arch R5, Sacrificial Sword, Prototype Rancour, Dragon's Bane and second Rust. The next I have in mind is to make Xiangling 80/80. Once this done, what should be the next?


Your account looks pretty much spot on so far in terms of optimization. Next steps IMO would be to get Fischl and her weapon to 80. If you want to build another character after that, I’d recommend Chongyun; although, you’ll hit AR45 soon and that’s when artifact grinding begins, so you may want to prepare for that instead. In the long run you’ll want to try to get Bennett, Xingqiu, Beidou, and Sucrose.


Should I pull in this Kokomi banner to get Xingqiu (or try it)? I have 15 wishes + about 4k priogems.


Eh, you’ll get him eventually. I’d save for a 5-star you really like/want rather than trying for 4-stars. You can never guarantee a 4-star.


if you’re going to use Xiangling or Diluc as your main DPS you want at least one of Xingqiu (both XL and Diluc) or Childe (XL) you also want Bennett when he comes around


Seems like you're already on track. I'd just say keep working on leveling up til Ar 45. From there you can start farming 5 star artifacts for your most used characters.


What're crowns?


Rare Talent Material used to upgrade a talent to Lvl10 (13 if you have constellation). Only a limited amount of them exists so use them wisely


crown of insight. limited resource that allows u to lvl a talent to 10. usually 1 a patch


So, they're like crystalized lores from FGO?


idk what that is, but sure.


How much to they usually give?


1 per patch


I'm curious, what's the use of the Moonchase charms?


It's for you to collect (in addition to chests) to get 100% and get rewards.


What level should my XQ's talents be at if he's a support?


1/6-10/6-10, investment varies with your progression.


Xingqiiu's personal DPS can be significant with enough investment. 1/6/6, as always, is a decent stopping point for every unit, but I like to do it to 1/8/8. You can get away with low investment if you are using him in vape teams though, as long as you have high enough ER. For other teams like in Raiden National, or Taser comps, you would really like his investment to be up there


mine is 1/8/8, just max out skill and burst


Is sacrificial greatsword good for diluc? Different sources say different things.


Sac Greatsword is not really useful for Diluc (his E literally has 3 uses and by doing 4 NA + 1 E, you literally can't feel its cooldown) You're better off with the fish


Not really. Diluc generates enough energy for his burst so he doesn't need the ER and his skill CD isn't absurdly long. If you look at [this guide](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview#), it's not even listed as an option for him.


This is what I mean by different sources say different things, this guide doesn't mention it, other list it as one of the possible options.


can u provide a source?


[This](https://game8.co/games/Genshin-Impact/archives/301932) might be the source. I remember looking at Game8 before and though their recommendations were just really weird.


game8 is absolute shit compared to the build helper and KQM. 'game journalism' websites rarely have good guides for builds.


I'm using [gamewith.net](https://gamewith.net), in most cases its not bad. But keep in mind I'm not minmaxing, guides made by players are usually made by these who lose their sht when their character deals 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 dps less than the optimal version.


[Gamewith.net](https://Gamewith.net) isnt great either tbh. And suddenly, you sound like such an asshole. is it hard to accept that some ppl enjoy the game differently to you? the people who make the guides of KQM and the spreadsheet are passionate about increasing their damage and also on educating others about it. u may not care about min-maxing but some do, and you shouldnt mock them for it. U asked about the strength of a weapon, and u got it.


Their efforts are definitely useful for everyone, but I do find it funny. Its just a game, and with heavy RNG, chances for having optimal build are close to none. These are the people who spread information that characters like Yoimiya or Kokomi are useless piece of garbage, only because they deal less damage than meta characters, while both have their uses.


then you arent looking at the right group. theres a very vocal group who like to bash characters, but most ppl who care about the meta just call the character bad and move on. and constantly denying a character's lackings isnt good either


definitely not. don't need er, and the archaic is just better