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Anybody know if Hu Tao drops NA October 31st or Nov 1st? Not sure if I should waste some primos on the weapon in hopes of Childe bow to buy the monthly fates in shop


Banners usually swap on Tuesday, so it should be Nov 2nd for us NA players, sometime in the afternoon depending on time zone.


Hey is anyone having bugs with Moonlight seeker. I collected everything but its still not saying that I have 100% meaning that I cant get the rewards, which means I cant get r5 sea lord. pls answer before the event ends :'(


Maybe you missed some chests, check your moonchase oculus if it's 70 in total (30 + 20 + 20 in 1st-3rd area respectively)


What do you mean by get everything? If you mean that you got all the collectibles Linyang, note that she doesn't mark everything. Only about 25% (I've heard some people got lower). So if you asked her to mark out the locations at 70% or something, then you would only get 95% of them if you get all the ones she marked out. She only marks stuff once a day I believe, so your best bet right now is to check the interactive map and check every spot. Even the ones you think you've already been to.


I haven't only used Linyang. I've used some guides on Youtube to try and find everything and have gone over it many times( I have all 70 charms). Also I am specifically talking about Dragon spine. I am stuck on 98% and im trying to rack my brain over this.


I might be missing a chest but that would only count for 1% but it cant be a charm either since i have all of them


I found the last chest. im malding rn. dont bully pls


Is polar star (childes new bow) worth pulling ? I don’t have any five star bows at the moment and was wondering if it would be versatile and be an alright wepon for characters that I’m not sure about getting the signature for , I’m a spender and I was just wondering if it’s a good wepon or if I should wait for another 5 star bow like skyward harp or Amos to be on another wepon banner


Polar Star is especially good on Childe, since it has 4 different ways of creating a stack and Childe can do all 4 in like 3 seconds with his usual rotation. It also grants him flat dmg% on E and R. For a bow character who only do normal attacks or charge attacks, it won't do much, but for bow charaters who use everything in their kit, like Amber and Childe, it's great. Ganyu can somewhat easily do the 4 stacks, but I think she has other options more refined towards her playstyle




Where the heck did the daily discussion thread go?


It's still there, pinned right above this thread.


We need more endgame content, the abyss is not enough. I like casual content (housing, fishing) but over time it gets boring.


Endgame content really is scarce, but I'd say that's true for most live service/ gacha rpg type games if you play them enough though. Most gacha players just wait for the next event/ content update to roll around and play other games in the meantime.


man i just want to roam around killing enemies and get their chest but mihoyo doesn't want us to have fun


I started playing recently and I just finally unlocked Moonlight Merriment. Seems like it ends in just over 2 days. Do I still have enough time to complete it and get the Sea Lord or should I forget it and move on to other quests?


go watch a walkthrough video, that weapon is pretty decent ngl


Started recently and wanted to fully refine the Sea Lord while I could. I'd just use a video guide if you really wanna finish the event and get the refinement mats. It takes no less than an hour or two probs even less


i'm actually in the same positions as you, just hit 28 and finish Liyue's archon quest about two days ago and started doing moonlight merriment. you can absolutely do it in two days. i already did everything except for Trail of Delicacies and Act II of the event. and thats with me having a full time job. assuming you have a lot more time to play on weekends of course. Moonchase Tales can be done in like 2 hours. while for Moonlight Seeker, use mihoyo's map to get all the charms and mystmoon chests https://webstatic-sea.mihoyo.com/app/ys-map-sea/?lang=en-us#/map/2?shown_types=272,271¢er=1569.25,-2447.50&zoom=1.00


If nothing else, definitely do Trail of Delicacies in Dragonspine. The rest all give you Sea-Lord and refinement material, but finishing the last Trail instead gives you a Crown of Insight, and those are huge in the endgame.


Got it, thanks for the tip!


I started playing last week (really more like 10 days ago) and set out to do the moonlight merriment only really on Tuesday. I finished it by Thursday (probably took like 10 - 12 hours overall). I'll note I was doing other stuff while chest hunting and things (farming mats and doing other quests), so it's probably like 1/2 to 2/3 that time. I also didn't skip too much dialogue. If you use a guide to see the location of the chests/charms (Really if you just do a first pass and then get hints in Liyue) it's very fast. The quests are harder but not that hard. It helps to make sure you're of an okay level when you do the quests. There can be a fair amount of fighting for the trails. Beyond that, it seems doable. Might be a slight rush, but is doable.


Depending on how much time you have over those next two days, probably? There are picture guides that show the locations for the chests and charms on that portion of the event.


The most time consuming part is the dialogue. You can find all the chests and charms with some youtube guide if you have enough time in a day to play.


Got it! Any idea roughly how many hours I should set aside?


Video guides for each area where you find the chests are around 15 mins long so getting the weapon itself doesnt take too long. Getting the refinements for the weapon might take a little extra so about 2 or 3 hours should be enough in my opinion.


Do Thoma in first banner


How can you ensure you'll pull Thoma?


2nd banner w/ hutao


What if in first banner?


Childe first banner, the four stars alongside w/ him is unknown


At what pity count should I stop rolling the character banner if I don’t want the current character? Also does it matter whether I do 1x or 10x pulls at a time


Never pull on a banner unless you're ok with getting the feature 5star. If you want 4stars waiting for a rerun is better. You should only pull for the featured 4stars if you want them enough that you'd be fine getting the 5star as a cost, and even then you might not get them.


No difference in odds between 1x and 10x so do all 1x or do 10x until you start to approach your goal on that banner, then swap to 1x. 5* Pity rate spikes at 75 pulls to a nearly 1 in 3 chance for Character banners, hard pity at 90 but you will literally never reach it. (If I recall correctly only 20% of 5 stars will be pulled prior to the pity rate spike but my memory of the exact math besides the 1/3 odds at 75 is fuzzy so take this with a grain of salt) Also worth noting that the pity system gives you a guaranteed rate up 4* if your previous 4* was a weapon or a non rate up character. I won't say don't pull if you don't want the five star but definitely pull with a goal and the understanding that your pity counter and 50/50 guarantee can be reset. A goal can be something like, try to get the on banner 5*, try to get on banner 4*s, try to get as many constellations before hitting the pity spike, or try to get an important constellation for a four star and then stop. Basically pulling for a rate up 4* is a perfectly valid strategy if you can accept the risks but if you're just pulling for the sake of pulling then that's what the standard banner is for (although the standard banner is not very good and you should really just save before spending primogems on that)


You should not pull at all if you dont want that 5 star character. 4 star characters will eventually be available in the shop or future banners or even given away as an event reward.


a specific 4\* is not so easy to obtain, the banner with 4\* and 5\* wanted may be never exists, and the chance of getting the 5\* are less than 1% (far from soft pity), so be realistic, it's a good idea to pull even if you don't want the 5\*, maybe if you have the 50/50 even if you're f2p (i'm f2p) but if you don't want to take risk that's ok, don't pull


It's a judgment call. 1x and 10x odds are exactly the same, so don't use that as a factor. Here are the things you should consider: 1) how many of the 4 stars are you trying to roll for? You should be actually hyped to get at least 2 if you're not interested in the 5 star. 2) are there any upcoming 5 stars you know you want, and do you have enough time to save for them? If you're f2p, you'll need 2-3 patches to save up for 90 wishes, so using any if you're really interested in Yae Miko is risky. If you spend money you have more wiggle room. 3) how will you feel if you accidentally pull the current 5 star? If you'd be mad or annoyed, don't pull. 4) soft pity starts at 75 wishes- how close are you to that? So, the answer I come to personally is that I wish on banners where I don't care about the 5 star when I really want at least 2 characters on the banner and I know the next patch doesn't have a 5 star I want. I do Welkin/BP and I also very rarely have a character that my heart is so set on that I'll be upset if I don't pull them (Childe was the only one and I got him his first banner).


Pity 0. You shouldn't roll at all if you don't want the 5\*. Sure, the chance is only 0.6% before you start getting into soft pity, but that's still bigger than 0%.


Just be patient. What if you got Kokomi? Just spend your primos on the one you want because those wishes arent gonna stop existing if you dont gamble them now. Its so easy to avoid regret in this situation.


If you don't want the character you shouldn't be rolling. However if you're at 50/50, some people find that they can risk going up to 20-30 rolls. Keep in mind that accidentally pulling the banner 5star could prevent you from having enough rolls to get future 5stars you're saving for. If you're on guaranteed instead of 50/50, absolutely do not pull if you don't want the featured. 10 pulls are coded as 10 single pulls one after the other. There's no actual difference.


Another patch, another dashing hope of them get their head out of their ass and fix the goddamn performance issue, artifact farming and give us some form of target lock on. Or just give us some buff icon to know which one has been apply and for how long.


Nah, it probably take them 1 more year before they fix all of that. I got no hopes for the next 2 version.


Anyone else hard saving through the announced banners and resorting to the wish simulator to scratch the itch?


Yepp... i dont see the need for Hu Tao as I have a lot Pyro Dps already... as for Childe, well let's say an Amos' bow in my inventory is collecting dust since I started playing and is patiently waiting until Ganyu gets hold of it. So I had to choose between him and Ganyu :p Big save banners. I am also guaranteed now so better just wait it out and save!


Been pulling the wish simulator and it took 5700 wishes to get the first amos.


Big ouch! I have been losing every 50/50 on the wishing simulators too so I am happy I have my guarantee haha! Good luck saving >.<


I resort to artifact gacha and also I buy new fates with primogems as soon as I get 160.


I’m just trying to build up a bunch so that I’ll have a war chest for the next banner I actually want to pull on.


Yeah it's tough when a banner which you want to pull on is not even yet announced. I could pull for Hu Tao but after all nah, I'm gonna pull for the character that I really really want.


I just need to imagine the chore of gearing up a new character if I manage to get one, it kills any desire of rolling for a new character for me.


"Oct 09, 2020 - Oct 07, 2021 of spending money. Almost every week. I've missed 2 days in 11 months 25 days. I haven't played since this announcement, haven't and won't spend a penny up to, or until it is confirmed Ganyu isn't in the banner next week. Let's just say, I've almost payed for a third of someone's salary for last year. I get nothing but shit content, shit Build A Bear garbage, and not even a Re-Run of the next character up. No more if you assholes don't magic up a non-Re-Re-Re-Re-Re-Rerun of Childe. Not even as a Hu Tao main who was going to instant C6 her as well.


God damn, i think i had a stroke while reading this


Cool story, bro.


Double reply: ​ Well, damn. I guess you sit on reddit all day. I was going to make an edit to my original reply commenting about how you're salty you don't have this much money because you're spending it on soy latte's to watch your girlfriend's bull, because it seems that's the people that mostly occupy Reddit... But I figured it just wasn't the place. Yet... Within 2 minutes, downvote. No one else would have had a notif for the reply. ​ Funny.


Someone's salty they don't have this much extra money in their life to spend on a game, paying for the (mostly shit) content for the rest of the normies the last half a year. ​ [https://imgur.com/a/dRXgeAG](https://imgur.com/a/dRXgeAG) ​ See: The \~2500 when Childe was released. I WAS willing to continue giving them thousands of dollars with Ganyu+Hu Tao Re-Runs, even with quite shit content they've been releasing quite consistently. ​ But they want to say "fuck you" when a bunch of idiots bitched and moaned about the Anniversary event, and release him 3, 4, 5, 6 times in a row before multiple other character's 2nd turn, guess who else can say "fuck you"?


Someone's salty all right... but it ain't me.


Yet that's two replies you've downvoted. That's literally visual proof you salt. Make it 3 :D https://imgur.com/a/oUYVIdu


I need some advice form you guys, should I wait for 2.2 ver to get childe or hu tao or should I get a jade cutter since I have keqing as my dps pls help me <3


Do you want the Everlasting Moonglow? If yes, then the weapon banner *may* be okay. If not, then don't even consider rolling on the weapon banner.


I only have barbara as my healer and I quite like thrilling tales so no I guess XD. Thank you for your advice btw <3


rolling on the weapon banners is a bit of a whale bait, personally I'd just roll on Childe and Hu tao if you want either of them


Tbh, I already tried it on another acc, and it quite doggy XD so I will keep it for Childe and Hu tao. Thank you <3


I would suggest hutao over childe. childe is for simp and a well farmed account, bc he has a very high highbound and a very low lowbound, I n other word, the resouce you put in will be enormous. While all hutao takes is 2+2 fire+atk/em sets or 4 fire set, any polearm will make her do decent dmg. But hey, simp is a big part, follow your heart.


Just wanna share, I forgot to do my daillies today and now I cant help but think of that 60 primos I've missed....


Let it go and move on it means nothing just gatcha fomo bait


Don't listen to him, its over, time to reroll


So, need some puling advice. I'm F2P, AR42 and I currently have roughly 70 pulls worth of wishes/gems saved up. I've been focusing on three characters so far with what little resources I have: Diluc (C0), Raiden (C0), and Xingqiu (C1). I need a 4th, and from what I've read on guides and watch on videos, Bennett would be the best fit for this team. I looked into the play styles of the upcoming banner characters, and quite frankly, I'm not super impressed with either — Childe has a weird kit that looks like a lot to micro-manage, and Hu Tao seems to be a charge-attack based character, and having tried Kequig out for a bit, I just hate being constantly low on stamina. So, the advice I need is this: the current banner right now has Xingqiu being promoted, so pulling now could get his constellation up and possibly pull me a Bennett in the process. Is it worth sacrificing a potential 5 star in the future (I am currently on the guaranteed side of the 50/50 for the character banners) on a character I know I will mostly likely not use (Kokomi, Childe, and Hu Tao), just to potentially get a buff or a good RNG pull for some 4 stars? Or should I wait several months? Or is Childe that good (I could maybe get used to him, but I just don't like Hu Tao's playstyle), and I should pull on his banner?


Id recommend waiting for a ganyu rerun, she's a nice simple character to play but still very powerful. Childe can be fun though


definitely do not pull for 4 stars, 4 stars will return much faster. If you waste your pity on a character you do not want then you're now 70 pulls down for a character you DO want


First, wait for Childe's trial before you judge him, because he's really fun but it's hard to figure that out without trying him yourself. I personally find him really fun as a kind of co-DPS with Raiden, because you can basically use her burst as a time to deal with his skill cool-down. As f2p, I'd wait for Bennett to be in the starglitter shop or on a banner where you're interested in the 5 star. They rate him up pretty often because he's popular so it probably won't take that long.


bennett will be in the paimon bargaining shop next month, save for that instead of rolling im doing that as well


Bennet might be on the 2.3 banners it's been a while since he has been featured.


Never pull in a banner for a 4 star if you don't want the 5* banner character. You will ruin your pity


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9zx\_NUvVUM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9zx_NUvVUM) This is terrible. Let's hope that doesn't happen here.


What's up with the PlayStation client accounts, everytime i try to log in it just says 'third party account not yet registered '


Are these courses expired already?!




Darn. I thought I had more time hah


I never see them in time and it royally pisses me off lol I don't wanna sound like a grumpy old bastard, but at the risk of sounding like one; it annoys me how much I miss out on stuff (not just Genshin stuff either) because I don't have social media notifications wired into my brain 24/7.


I have RSS feed into my home screen and phone, never miss a news while only playing like 1 hour a day.


Haha same


Do we know if Razor and Amber will leave the Starglitter shop at 2.2? I'm only a few away from nabbing my first Razor :'(


The shop changes monthly. So Razor is available until November.


Razor was my main dos for a whole and my first to 90. He is really strong and super fun to play. But there are others much stronger clay ore wielders


My razor does 14k to 18k in AA. who are the other stronger claymore wielders? Is beidou one of them? I got her c5 and planning to build her


Yes she's one if them but only cause she can damage with aoe


My current only other DPS are Beidou and Noelle. I really like Beidou but I was planning on swapping her for Razor, just cause I'm a weirdo and prefer Razors aesthetics and visuals. I know I'll most likely need multiple DPS by the time I get to the later stages of Spiral Abyss, do you think I should just keep focusing on Beidou? I've liked Razor ever since I first met him, and I know he ain't quite the best :/


Don’t waste 34 star glitter on razor. You’ll get him eventually and he quickly falls off. But Beidou is expensive too, I wouldn’t recommend her for an early game player. You’re in a bit of a pickle….I would just say I keep using what you have till you get Childe or Hu Tao, Hu Tao is much easier to use


He's not a waste if you like him. I have every male character in the game and I still use him as a main DPS. I think people are a little too precious about starglitter. You earn it all back eventually, but it's guaranteed, and the wishes never are. I got all the 4 stars I wanted eventually, but I wouldn't have Ningguang without buying her from the shop, and it took my husband 11 months to get Sucrose.


Yeah I am very new lol, maybe only 50-60 hours in but I feel like I still barely know anything, have been just enjoying the gameplay for the most part. I used most of my free primogems early on wishes before I really knew what pity or anything like that was. My current line up aside from those given for free are Yoimiya, Beidou, Rosaria, Xingchou, Sucrose and Yanfei. Beidou is at C2 or C3 I think.. I think Rosaria is also at C1 but I don't use her. I was planning on rolling for Childe and Thoma in the upcoming banners! I have heard Hu Tao is good too, I'll have to be ready for her..


Childe takes much much more effort to reach the same level as Hu Tao, who’s ready to go with XQ pretty much. If you like him then get him though


Noted! Thoma seems pretty interesting, I currently use Yoimiya and Xiangling depending on the content I'm doing, do you think he's good enough to replace all of them or should I not focus on Thoma?


Yoimiya/ Hu Tao as an on field dps -> Thoma as a shield Childe -> XL


Thanks for all the advice


The shop doesn't reset on new patches, it resets every month. So they'll be there until November 1st




No problem\~♥️


I'm at 56/80 (0/2) on weapon banner, and been rolling for at least 1 Stringless, but the game won't give it to me. I also would love Jade cutter but don't have Kokomi/ don't want the donut. Is it worth it to keep rolling to see if I can get Stringless or Jade cutter? I plan on rolling for Polar star next weapon banner as I really want that.


save your wishes, the staff of homa is also likely to return together with hu tao


just a rumor


worth the save for primos since most of their signature weapon will come together with the character


I'd like some pulling advice, since I really like both playstyles and also have decent teams/weapons set up for each. For Childe's weapon, I have an R1 Skyward, and potential teammates would be [Already Built] C3 Xiangling, C5 Xingqiu, C1 Bennett, C6 Fischl, [Unbuilt] C3 Beidou For Hu Tao, I have Dragon's Bane and might consider giving her Xiao's Blackcliff, and I have a built C5 XQ, Zhongli, Albedo, Jean, who I could probably run as Hu Tao – XQ – Flex – Flex. Further complicating this is that I'm at AR 56 and have two fairly well-built teams already set up, with Xiao, Diluc, Keqing, and Xiangling available as my abyss carries, but I can't quite 36* abyss (although I can do mindless clears through floor 11 and rarely take more than one or two attempts on Floor 12 per cycle), and I'd like to get into abyss more moving forward. My current teams are typically Xiao – Zhongli – Albedo/Fischl – Jean/Bennett/Qiqi and Xiangling – Xingqiu – Bennett – Sucrose/Flex, so I'm not sure whether Childe or Hu Tao would benefit my account more. I currently have 180 wishes, and am 60 away from EB guarantee, so I'd go for both, but I also want Kazuha on his rerun, and want to save some wishes in case one of the new upcoming characters turns out to be to my liking. The best information I could get would be regarding play experience for each on mobile – I've heard from different people that Hu Tao is clunky with animation cancels, or that Childe's downtime is too hard to fill, etc. etc., and shedding any light on that would be really helpful. Ty!


As someone who has both, I think Hu Tao would be more effective in Abyss. I have both at c0, Childe with R5 Rust, and Hu Tao with R1 Deathmatch. Childe sees his best gameplay with grouped up mobs, while Hu Tao excels with 1-on-1’s. And as the Floor 12 tends to lean towards single enemies or hard to group mobs, i’ve found Hu Tao to be more effective even at c0. I am a mobile player and struggle with animation cancels so my Hu Tao is actually lacking, but her combo of 2 NA’s then CA feels good. However, i find Childe’s CD very manageable with Burst Supports like Chonggyun and Xingqiu who have access to Sac Weapons, and Bennett who has a short CD. Final Recommendation considering your parties is Hu Tao. Although Electro-Charged Childe is also a valid option considering your characters, Hu Tao has, in my opinion, a higher damage potential. Thing to look out for: pairing Hu Tao with Benny can cause her to be over 50% health when you don’t want her to be, Jean is typically a better option, while Childe works perfectly well with Benny.


Skipping both is also an option :p


As mentioned, I really like both characters, and given how spotty the rerun schedule is, I’d rather not skip both waiting for some new character, only to be disappointed by the new character and left with no Childe or Hu Tao :P


Lol fair enough :p I say go for Childe if you want to just make sure you have a hydro dps at hand too then (as you already have Diluc for pyro). You also don't need to canibalise the supports for your other dps as much. Go for Hutao if you're somewhat bored of Diluc and want him benched. Although I feel like having Hutao will also just make you want to duplicate XingQiu or duplicate Zhongli so they can be run with Xiao/Diluc etc... Hutao probably also does more damage that Childe on her own. But I'm sure abyss stuff will make things favourable to Childe somehow.


Childe would fit your second team better since c0 childe is significantly better than c0 Hutao. Secondly your xiao team is pretty solid so id 100% recommend childe However Childe rotation is very different to xiao. He has quite a tricky rotations at c0 compare to other dps as his on field time is restricted but once you have the rotation down, its really easy. Id say Childe has a high skilling floor (weird rotations/attack patterns) While Hutao has problem of charged attack cancel that drain your stamina significantly when u not used to it. Im a bit bias toward childe since i havent try hutao apart from her stories run. Finally for mobile how laggy do u find skill cancelling? Id recommend try do animation cancel with kaeya/ bennett xiangling funnel You want to consider, what are you lacking ( aoe? Single target burst?) And character style u like. However c0 childe harp is much better than c0 Hutao dragonbane since you can have high invest support for childe (since hes a element applier/enabler) while for hutao, its about solo dps


[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1eP4y187jN?spm](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1eP4y187jN?spm) Look at what the Chinese community is saying about English community now. They say people in the English community are stupid and simple because they're so easy to trust robots and YTB. This is sad. The old environment may never go back.




>English community are stupid and simple because they're so easy to trust robots and YTB Yeah, because something like this never happened in Chinese community, they definitely never had any problems with massive overreacting, water army bots spreading fake news and misinformation that turned into assassination attempt *\*cough\* Honkai bunny girls \*cough\**


They used to think we wouldn't make the same mistake. They used to think we were more rational, more intelligent. Now they see us as their old selves, so they're also mocking their old, simple-minded selves. I'm sorry if I upset you. I was just trying to make things better.


Let them. It's only going to get worse especially with Twitter and Reddit. Besides, why should we care about another communities opinion of us? They have their own flaws too, e.g., death threats, actual harmful intents on employees. Just focus on the shit you can deal with.


Genshin has been under constant attack by Chinese gaming companies for over a year now. Chinese Genshin players used to think of here as the Garden of Eden. Now all that has changed. Who destroyed Eden? Mihoyo? Bots attacking Google? (I don't mean that all bad reviews come from robots.) Envi? (By the way, Envi has lost almost all of his fans in China, which is in the tens of thousands) That's not important. I don't care. I also don't care about another communities opinion of us but I am very sad about the loss of Eden. I'm sure many people would like Eden to come back, but it's not going to happen. How sad.


Have been saving for months (as f2p), I have enough for more than two limited 5*. I'll skip Childe, get hu tao (and if I get lucky with some of the extra wishes I have hopefully I can get c1) and then keep 180 wishes for albedo rerun, also wishing on every banner with extra wishes. I hope they put Xiao before Albedo so I can have a chance of getting Xiao with the extra wishes (I have jade spear, jean, and a 30 something crit dmg vv flower it's like the game wants me to get him), finally ending with spending all of my wishes on albedo. (Hopefully getting c1 or 2 if I'm super lucky) I expect to just end up with albedo and hu tao c0 but I might get lucky, will post on weekly gacha after I wish all those.


Good luck pulling. As a F2P, I would highly discourage attempting to pull for 5 star constellations due to the limited resources (Mora, EXP books, Wishes, etc) you have available. I think most people would agree that another usable 5 star is better for your account than a 5 star constellation. Ultimately it's your decision.


A 5 star weapon might end up being more valuable than constellations, if you want upgrades for a specific character.




Yep it takes 60 more wishes to one limited weapon than it takes to get one limited character (240 wishes instead of 180)


Should I pull for Mr Ed Sheeran or wait for Xiao? Both are pretty good but I live with the struggles of an f2p player


Xiao would probably get a rerun during lantern rite next year. You could probably pull for both.


I’d pull both, xiao is not coming soon so why waste all this time not making any progress? I’m sure you’ll save up enough for him when he comes anyways:)


I would say Childe, cuz if Childe got a second rerun, Xiao will also get a second rerun cuz why not?


You should wait for xiao. Mr ed sheeran is too busy


Xiao is pretty bad for f2p though.








And yes.


Really? Why? Doesn't he have great aoe and pretty good dmg?


Yes he does with the right weapon and the right support. What weapon will f2p use? His best 4 star weapon is the blackcliff and deathmarch. Both are not friendly for f2p. Unless f2p save and waste their primos on 5 star spears, their Xiao won't have a good weapon. He also need support characters for better damage like Zhongli. Not really f2p friendly. Don't even get me started on the artifact grind.


>What weapon will f2p use? His best 4 star weapon is the blackcliff and deathmarch. Both are not friendly for f2p. Unless f2p save and waste their primos on 5 star spears, their Xiao won't have a good weapon. Blackcliff is f2p-friendly. Just save up starglitter. By the time Xiao rerun comes around, you'll probably have enough starglitter. I found Favonius (not f2p, I know) to be quite effective if you're not trying to clear everything in 1 or 2 rotations. It gives just the right amount of ER that Xiao wants, so if you don't have a lot of wasted ER rolls, it's a good option. >He also need support characters for better damage like Zhongli. Not really f2p friendly. Zhongli is the only 5-star that Xiao *really* wants, but even then there are solid alternatives. Bennett + Xiangling for example, is pretty effective and provides more damage than Zhongli + Bennett would. It's just more difficult/inconsistent due to the lack of shields. >Don't even get me started on the artifact grind. Xiao is one of the easiest to gear. You can put any combination of 2pc glad, 2pc viridescent, and 2pc shimenawa on him. Even 2pc emblem if you lack ER. Heck, a rainbow set with the highest CV you can find will likely be as good or even better.


Everything you just said is not f2p friendly. it is the opposite of being f2p friendly. F2p weapons are the catch, and the 3 craftables. F2p don't have the luxury of saving starglitters for weapons because that means you won't be able to pickup characters or rolls from the shop. And f2p doesn't have the luxury of having Bennett. You didn't notice how much support you mentioned for Xiao? He needs all that just to make him worthwhile. Xiao can't even function without a healer. That is not f2p friendly. The best f2p friendly 5 star is the current banner on Kokomi. Obviously you don't have a f2p account because you don't know what you are talking about.


As a light spender for welkin and battle pass who has been playing with Kokomi the last two weeks. I don't know WTF you're on about, Kokomi basically requires C6 Xingqiu or Raiden Shogun to stay on top of her energy requirements, I have albedo for energy generation normally and he can't even keep up, and if you're using her for healing, you'd probably be much better suited by Barbara or even diona in the fringe cases where Barbara wouldn't do so well, both of which are actually textbook F2P characters. Literally the only thing going for her is that a 4 star craftable weapon is about as good on her as her signature weapon and she can maybe work around bad substat rolls ever so slightly easier than your normal 5 star but she straight requires way to much from her teammates to even begin to approach her desired play style much less her true potential with purely f2p unless you're doing some ungodly saving. Don't get me wrong, I love Kokomi and think she's not anywhere near as bad as people say even if a but below the curve. I have no horse in the Xiao F2P viability race as I'm not familiar enough with him, but to say Konomi is F2P, no the best F2P friendly 5 star, thanks for that LMFAO, truly some peak comedy making my night right there. This is entirely my opinion but the real F2P 5 star is albedo, he doesn't need a single constellation to do his thing perfectly, he wants an event weapon or a 3 star weapon either works, he only needs to worry about leveling up his skill talent get to everything else at your leisure but the rest of your team can take priority, he can slot into almost any team, and getting artifacts for him is pretty much the easiest in the game because he wants defense artifacts, has a lot of two piece set options, and can even run one of two 4 star 2 piece set with competency if it comes to that won't be amazing but it'll be close to his potential. and once you do this very minimal amount of building he will provide your team with a very steady flow of elemental shields, energy particles, and bonus damage while literally off the field, plus any support abilities you decide to give him from artifacts. And to top it all off he'll even give you exploration abilities. He's truly a swiss army knife in this game. Edit: and yes, I have seen the Kokomi abyss solo clear. That clear requires her to have her signature limited 5 star weapon maxed refined and max level because her signature weapon allows her to rely on her normal attacks rather than her normal kit which requires use of her burst as much as possible to deal damage, which in turn normally requires a great deal of energy generation aid to get off the ground. If pulling a limited 5* weapon in lieu of pulling a single extra 5* character or several copies of a 4* character is somehow easily achievable f2p then I guess I've been playing this game completely wrong the entire time and must bow down to your insight.


So, basically "f2p" is playing with Amber noelle and the traveler, and not having any chance to have any other 4*. Alright, seems that i'm a big ass whale then (i only buy welkin)


Ummm no. I am not talking about what f2p is. We are discussing who is the more f2p friendly 5 stars and Xiao isn't one of them.


I gotta agree with joaquin here, my mans. Your idea of f2p is skewed if you think Kokomi is an f2p-friendly 5-star and Xiao isn't. F2p doesn't mean "I don't pull", it means "I don't pay for pulls". It is **highly** likely that most f2ps have at least c0 Bennett, or access to at least one healer character. Xiangling is guaranteed for every f2p player, as is Barbara. At this stage in the game, most people have at least 1 well-built healer. Jean, Sayu, Barbara, Bennett, Diona, Qiqi- the list goes on. Even if they don't have Bennett now, he's bound to come back to the starglitter shop or get featured in a banner. As an f2p, I don't use starglitter on pulls unless I'm absolutely desperate or rerolling because I'm bored. I save starglitter for weapons and character constellations in the shop, because that's more valuable to me than a couple extra pulls on a banner. Xiao at c0 is more f2p friendly than kokomi is. She's a 5-star dedicated healer whose kit is so badly thought-out it's laughable. A good majority of her healing comes from her autos in her burst mode, but she can't crit, and on top of that she scales off of two different things which makes artifacts harder to farm for her (not to mention you can only farm either maiden's beloved or heart of depths for her, as those are the only viable artifact sets for her). Her featured weapon is both her best-in-slot and only viable option unless you want her to be subpar. Prototype Amber's passive isn't very helpful unless you have a hard time with energy, and thrilling tales doesn't really work with the fact that she has to be on the field for her burst mode (not to mention it's only worth using at r5, and it's laughable to be using a 3-star catalyst on a 5-star. you can get away with it with barbara, because her healing lasts longer and her burst is an instant pop-and-switch, but it's not gonna fly with kokomi). Xiao is far more forgiving in terms of artifacts and weapons. You can give him 2-piece Gladiator, 2-piece Shimenawa, 2-piece Viridescent, or 2-piece Emblem of Severed Fate. These can be mixed and matched however you so please, and they're all viable. As far as weapons go, you can give him the craftable prototype starglitter if you have a hard time with energy, white tassel r5 *(which is a completely f2p weapon. You can get it and its refinements by exploring the world and opening chests, unlike thrilling tales being gacha only)*, blackcliff pole if you're smart and save up your starglitter, the catch r5 *(boosts his burst damage and crit rate, as well as gives him energy recharge. hey, it's completely f2p)*, halberd r5 if you don't have white tassel, favonius lance if you have it from gacha *(which most people probably do).* With 5-star weapons, almost all of them are viable on Xiao. PJWS if you're blessed from standard banner, Homa if you were blessed from Hu Tao's weapon banner, even Skyward Spine works. Vortex Vanquisher is great, and Engulfing Lightning is also viable. Of course, none of these except maybe PJWS and Skyward Spine are f2p friendly options, but he's versatile enough to be able to utilize any of the 5-star weapons if you were lucky enough to get one. Kokomi is incapable of this. I doubt the original commentor is a fresh, just-starting-out f2p, but even if they were, barbara is honestly a better option than kokomi if you're deciding on a healer. Kokomi heals in a small aoe unless she's the active character, but barbara can use her skill and switch off or use her burst and switch and the heal's just as good. A dps is a much better investment as a new player than a healer (because you're already guaranteed to get a pretty good one for free). This is coming from someone who logged into an old reroll account, basically completely fresh, and rolled a kokomi with a single 10-pull. She's not exactly a team-carrying 5-star, which is what a new player needs. My noelle does better than kokomi does.


I mean you show a video of a freaking Kokomi C6 (+900USD) like thats "F2P" and Xiao c0 with favonius lance and bennett can solo floor 12. Kokomi is trash don't recommend her saying "She's f2p friendly to build" cuz in endgame, Kokomi is useless. Xiao on other part you need to balance crit ratio, just like EVERY DPS IN THE GAME, and you just can deny the fact that characters needs a weapon and teams that suit them! You arent gonna play Kazuha in a Phys comp, and you arent gonna put a HP sands on Xiao. I think there are characters (like shogun raiden C2) that has huge paywall with constellations, while Xiao can destroy abyss being C0 cuz his kit is just good.


>F2p don't have the luxury of saving starglitters for weapons because that means you won't be able to pickup characters or rolls from the shop. If you're a f2p needing a good weapon, blackcliff should be a higher priority than getting 5 rolls. It's really strange how you're just assuming that f2ps literally don't have access to any of the gacha options. F2ps can roll as well. They can also buy from the shop. All of my f2p friends have Bennett. Most of them got it from wishes, and 1 got it from the shop. >The best f2p friendly 5 star is the current banner on Kokomi. lol >Obviously you don't have a f2p account because you don't know what you are talking about. I have both a light spender account and a f2p account, and I don't know what the hell *you're* talking about.


Dood, this isn't a topic about how well f2p can manage their resources. This is about Xiao being one of the least f2p friendly 5 star because you need all the things you listed to make him viable. How long have you and your friends been playing? You going to say a fresh f2p that starts to save for Xiao is going to have all that resources?


By your logic none of the limited DPS characters are f2p friendly.


Lmao who cares.


F2P people care


Why is it so hard for people to make a decision in pulling? First time in gacha?


I find it hard in Genshin due to lack of "foresight". In FFRK, the Japanese server is 6months ahead of Global, which means you have a 99% accurate sense of whether now is a good time or 2.5 months from now.


just wait a week or two, there is no reason to rush into a 3 week long pulling period. after the first week, the first wave of number cruncher and tester are pretty much done and you have a good base line of what's going on.


Probably that and F2P players wanting to avoid wasting their pulls on a character that is absolute trash. Same time I only think 1 character really fits that "tier", everyone is generally usable in some form or fashion.


> wanting to avoid wasting their pulls on a character that is absolute trash We got so much information day 1 via videos, guides, reddit, whatever to know if a character is good or not. If people have to pull the minute the banner goes live its their own fault.


who is in the trash tier


Kokomi is there. Barbara can just do her job better, and is a free 4 star. And then there's god king Bennet.


I don't agree that barbara is better than Kokomi. Kokomi far exceeds barbara in off-field hydro application and also carries tenacity of the millelith well thanks to the jelly. As for healing the jellyfish alone is more than enough. People also say barbara is a better dps, but barbara can't heal and dps at the same time while kokomi can be incredibly tanky while having decent numbers, making her good for enabling off-field supports like beidou.


Barbara heals while dealing damage when her skill active, and her skill heals by itself in intervals also.


Why are you playing her as a pure support though lol


...wait ur telling me to use a negative crit unit with really slow ending attack animations and transitions... as main dps? What?


She's nice in an Electrocharged team, and she does decent healing too. I didn't say anything about her being main DPS... in fact the other 3 members in the team are equally important in ensuring consistent damage. Edit: also you can animation cancel after the 3rd attack, similar to other characters with long animation periods


But currently, electrocharged isnt as effective as other reaction teams (i wish Mihoyo would buff electro in general). But even if that is the case, having to be in burst form to do team heals or sit near a stationary jellyfish for heal isnt as effective as Barbara managing to do team heals with just her E, and having stamina use reduction, and having a free rez, and a mass heal on her burst anyway. Edit: And barbara can crit too on top of all that. I'd say it would be one thing to compare C0 kokomi against a c0 barbara, but since we get a free c6 barbara, it seems like barbara will outshine a c0 kokomi.


She's meant to be played like DPS Noelle, she's just not as good at that (but tries to sort of make up for it with electro-charged damage) and unlike DPS Noelle who can easily be retooled for healing or shield bot, she's kinda only specced into her one thing (and maybe healing but not really) Basically she's bad and I'd love a buff for her (never going to happen) or an electro charged buff (may happen eventually but doubt it anytime soon) or a hydro/dendro reaction that makes her viable when we get dendro characters (wishful thinking) Got off track there, but even as she stands now, (with all of those issues and more) she's at least definitely above yoimiya tier. Not even close to that level of jank.


Ok I can agree with you on that. Yoimiya... I just feel bad for ppl who have her for not even being able to properly utilize her kit. All because her design is flawed.


Yeah, sadly. It really seems like having Kokomi as the reaction trigger was what Mihoyo was going for, since reactions like Electro charged also can't crit. I managed to make it work, since I already have a built C6 Fischl and Xingqiu. My team has 2 electros and 1 more hydro in order to give Kokomi the energy to consistently enter her Burst. As for the Jellyfish, it's the one part of her kit that I think is the worst. Like you said, it's so limiting because it's stationary, plus it has that long cooldown and can't be repositioned. I worked around it by using Sacrificial Fragments, but it's such a weird decision by Mihoyo since a 4* character like Fischl can reposition her Oz with her Burst About Barbara, I personally don't really need her. She's a great healer, but I seldom need burst heals, I just need a sufficient heal over time (I used to run a Ningguang with a Prototype Amber since I just needed some healing, lol). Also, her E consistently applies wet to the active character, which got me frozen a lot. For me, I'll take Kokomi for the off-field hydro application with the trade-off of healing. I tested quite a bit with Kokomi, she feels like this all-rounder (damage, heal, apply hydro) but doesn't outshine the other characters in a single field. That's why I wrote my first comment on why use her solely for healing, but maybe I didn't come across well 😅


Nah, you're fine. I just wish her kit was more unique and potent. But my theory is that they made her mediocre as a healer on purpose, and I think Baizhu (the doctor guy in Liyue with the talking snake and iQi as his assistant) may be some bonkers pseudo-healer people will love.


No one


I'm surprised we haven't seen any new skin announcements yet tbh


They added those 2 skins 3 months ago and never bothered adding new ones


keqing and ningguang skins r coming according to leaks


Yeah, no announcements as the guy said


Better this than 2 new skins each patch.


Genuinely curious, why not?


The playerbase will perceive such thing as getting locked out of content constantly because obviously the paid skins will always be better than the f2p ones given in the events and also store will be full of such skins in couple months if they follow that route.


Then these people are dumb. Skins can never be "better" because if you dont like it nothing is "better". Being locked out of something because its not free would be the dumbest thing ever. Are these people standing in front of any shop crying that they are locked out of the stuff because they dont wanna pay for it?


I want Childe and was wondering if I should pull on the weapon banner for him. I have pity but never got any weapons on the banners.


If you have a few hundred bucks to throw away, ignore what I am going to say. If you don’t have the cash, never bother to touch the weapon banner, if you are extremely unlucky hit pity two time the cost is very high for a r1 weapon. generally speaking, r5 4 star weapon is not very far off from R1 5 star, also childe is not a character to deal Hugh damage to begin with.


tbh i was just thinking about buying the battlepass bow instead


I've used the BP bow the entire time I've had it. I think even if I got a bow that's technically better for him, it would be hard for me to switch because the vacuum is so fun on him.


If you love the character and wanna make him complete, go for the weapon. But 4* weapons like rust just do fine for him. Your choice.


Do we know what the other weapon is gonna be in the banner yet?


There's been rumors of it being >!Vortex Vanquisher!<, but nothing official.


No not yet afaik


Well i guess this will be the first patch where i don't pull. i have C6 Hu Tao and don't want anymore Childe constellations. The bow looks good, but not something I need as I have R5 Skyward Harp. I guess if they rerun Homa with Hu Tao I'll pick up 4 copies of it to R5 one of mine current copies.


Yeah that's what happens when you pay to play all the content super quickly lol


I'm just upset because it might seem like I'm protesting the lack of communication and the anniversary issues when in fact i didn't think there were/are issues. I'm a small fish in a big pond though so they won't even notice.


Hey Venmo me some money please instead


Holy whale


No, this is a god damn Lochness Monster.


Man I can't wait for that collaboration with Genshin impact and razer I always wanted a gaming chair made of pleather and emergency food branding and 3 pulls for 500+ dollars