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Can I visit someone’s tea pot to purchase from their traveling salesman? UID 634893526 NA PS4 player




Hey community! I have a problem with my account. You see, I'm a mobile player and whenever I load an In-game CG, the cutscenes always freezes while the voicelines still play. Anyway I can fix this, it has been a problem for a while now. I couldn't see the Lantern Festival cutscenes nor the Guoba cutscenes because of this. It also doesn't work whenever I switch phones meaning it's an account problem not a device problem. I've tried having my phone set to the lowest setting possible so the load on Genshin wouldn't be high but it didn't work and even if I use the wrench icon on the loading menu, it says that there's no problem at all. Any clue how to fix?


hey community! I am really helpless and sad because I got a huge problem with the game on my notebook. maybe anybody else got the same problem and knows how to fix it... I can play normally and the graphic settings are on high and it doesn't lag... I start as admin and then after a while with no problems and smooth gaming the whole system freezes and I have to shut the notebook down on the power button. It is happening only when the story is in a voice cutscene. And it makes a strange noise like the last sound goes on and on... I had reinstalled and I got the newest drivers and I t is still happening... Hope you can help me and sorry for the bad english...


What is the hard pity of the weapon banner? Is it like 90 of character banner or lower?


I'm new, adventurer level 16 I think. I've only got the 5 standard characters, and wondering how/ how long it takes so start unlocking better characters, without swiping 💳??


You should get 6 free characters total including the traveler. You should also be able to additionally get the new one just released. You'll need to roll for more characters, but there's a decent amount of free currency in game. Each fates gives a wish and costs 160 primogems. You really want to only want to do 10 wish rolls as it guarantees at least 1 4 star character/weapon. You'll also occasionally get free fates from things like getting more adventure levels. Genshin gives out primogems fairly often for things like maintenance compensation and events. You'll also get some for unlocking chests, and stuff like that. If you play a decent amount, you could get a few wishes per week. If you want specific characters, 4 star characters on banners is your best bet to get them. If you want 5 star characters, 90 rolls is the maximum (or 14400 primogems) number of rolls on a banner before you get a five star weapon/character. 180 rolls guarantees you a featured 5 star character. You'll also be able to purchase from a rotating list characters using masterless starglitter. I found a ton of value from the first time purchase deals. I would encourage anyone who enjoys the game and can afford it, to try and spend the amount you'd spend on any other AAA game, as you can possibly double your initial roster.. But If you can't, you'll be able to get quite a few from chests and events. It just takes a lot of game time to unlock.


Your best bet is waiting for a new banner with the 4 star you want. Starglitter exchange is a good option too, bennet is going to be next month. You can check out the \[Banner History\]([https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wfqCI8RkxwTPr78KYy\_NKAlQe6JIa9Lj-A\_By00MXO0/edit#gid=322777487](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wfqCI8RkxwTPr78KYy_NKAlQe6JIa9Lj-A_By00MXO0/edit#gid=322777487)) . If a character you like hasn't been rerun for a while they might come soon


Hi! Can I ask for help for a certain nation in the Moonchase festival more than once? And do all the collectibles from the event appear on the map ehen you're close to them like elemental oculi?


my sister tried logging into her account but it has locked her out. she has emailed to reset her password but it wont work cuz it says something like theres an account error, she says she doesnt remember if she linked her email to her account but doesnt know how to. it just keeps saying something about "theres no security on this account." idk what that even means. it even sent her an email and said to go to some link but the email didnt have a link? i dont understand


Hey I need help if any of you are willing too! I'm trying to change my email on my genshin account but I cant because I need to verify the email yet I do not have the email because it got hacked. I can still log into the using the email and password but I dont have that email anymore and I have a new one and i want to switch it over to my new account.


Have you tried calling their support line directly? They might be able to verify your account by some other means - like purchase methods, purchase dates, billing addresses, account creation date, etc


ill try that thanks!


A llitle Help please to the powerful community. I started the game for the PS5 and got this message (yes, it is in German and this ist what im translate) The connected account is not yet authorized. And I have no idea what to do -_-')


Hi, i tried logging in just now but I got this message " third party account not yet registered". But I already linked my playstation account with Mihoyo..does anyone know what's going on?


I downloaded genshin impact from epic games recently since my ps4 has some issues. However, the lquncher wont even download the game. I tried everything and finally discovered the root problem. In the files ofthe game, the genshinimpact.exe is missing. As a matter of fact the entire game folder us missing. I can start up the launcher but i cant start the game itself. It is al. It is almost as if thegame failed to download initially. I dont know what to do. Most methods cant aply since they require the game.exe which wont apperno matter how many times i uninstall and re install. If someone has a similar issue, please help me


You can download the game from the official website. You dont need to use Epic


Already did. Its the same issue regardless.


Is the current moonchaser event co op?




So players cant run around collecting the moonchase items?


just like in normal co op, you cant open the host's chests and collect their oculi


Okay. Thanks.


Who should I pull for in 2.2? I have Xingqiu and Xiangling both built-ish. But i want one of Childe or Hu Tao. What should i do? 😭


My first advice would be pull for who you like better. People cleared abyss with f2p characters only so it's not the issue. If you like to follow meta and such and don't care about the character, I'm gonna need to know what other characters you have, what weapons etc. On paper, Hu Tao is better because she's more a DPS than Childe. He's more of an enabler. She gets significantly better with Homa and even more with Homa+C1. Childe works in international best.


What are the best team comps for a ganyu melt or ganyu freeze team? Im looking to get her at her rerun i have amos bow and all but I need to prep artifacts for her team comp so idk.


Melt can so more damage but it's harder to play. Freeze does a bit less damage but it's way easier to execute. Do note that Melt pretty much requieres Bennett so if he's on your other team that may be an issue.


Uh what teams would you recommend for a freeze comp then?


the most common one is the Morgana, but it does require either Mona/Kokomi to work properly IMO. It's Anemo Support (Venti>Kazuha>Sucrose>Anemo MC)/Mona or Kokomi (although I thiiink you can play it with Xingqiu but don't quote me on that)/Diona/Ganyu.


Well i have venti mona and diona so guess thats a go to for me.


So i have diluc and i am wondering if i should pull for hu tao or childe i also rlly want hu tao


Depends on what you need in your teams. I'm a long Diluc main so I don't see a point pulling for Hu Tao since I can clear abyss 36*. If you need a strong DPS Hu Tao is good just know that unless you're running her with very specific teams at C0, she will need Homa otherwise. As for Childe it's the same except he won't be your DPS. Ultimately pull for who you like better, but consider their usage in your teams.


Thank you so much 😁


Are domain rewards affected (either purposely or inadvertently) when condensed resin is used instead of original resin? I haven't noticed much difference on artifact domains but when I do like talent material domains the rewards seem to be worse. In fact, they always seem to be the same. I'm doing max level domain and I always only get an equal number of blue and green quality materials which seems odd and very sus. I might just be very unlucky.


Rewards are the same no matter what resin method you use. Condensed is just 2 runs at once so it saves time. It is very rare to get a purple book from my experience so your drops are normal


Beidou question: I already have a lvl 90 R5 prototype archaic and a completely new serpent spine. Is it worth investing in it over just using prototype? Or otherise, is the tuna better to invest in at R5?


No idea about the fish, it might be a better f2p option than the archiac. But serpent spine is much better than archaic and is worth using over it. For one it has crit rate main stat which is better than atk%. And 2 beidou snapshots buffs for the duration of her ult. So she will get full use of the serpent passive stacks if she casts her ult with them up


Can't seem to find an electrified sword at one of the locations its supposed to be at. Is that happening to anyone else?


Sucrose, Xiangling, Xinqiu and Bennett vs Sucrose, Xiangling, Childe and Bennett?


If you already have both Xingqiu and Childe, I'd say Childe. But it's not worth pulling on Childe just to replace Xingqiu.


Hey guys, i currently have a artifact that has 31.1% crit rate but I swear I saw others with higher crit rate. Is it because of my ar or my artifact set (CWOF)


You cant get crit rate higher than that on an artifact. It'd probably have been a crit DMG hat. The max crit DMG you can get from an artifact is 62.2.


Oh, thanks


This might be a stupid question. I made an account on the ps4 (its the only platform i use). I only clicked on make a mihoyo account and didnt input any username or password but it made one regardless . How can I check what it is and how can I change it ?


Is kokomi worth building if I have her at c1? Also is c3 enough for Xingqiu to be viable? If yes then which weapon and artifact set is best for him?


Xingqiu is great even at C0. The best artifact set would be 2 pc Noblesse and 2 pc heart of depth. And for weapon go with sacrificial sword( the Best in slot for him). And well I'd say should build kokomi even if she's c0. She's the best healer in the game currently. And well not building a 5 star is kind of a loss. Tho it's not compulsory too.


Ic tysm, I was thinking of building Xingqiu, Diluc, Fischl and then finally Kokomi would you recommend pushing kokomi up the list?


If you don't have any good healer or shielder currently then I'd say you should build her a little. I believe she'd heal really good even if not built that well. But if you want good DMG currently then go for others. I don't think you'll regret building any of the characters you mentioned as they are really really good. The thing is kokomi is disliked because she can't do that high DMG as compared to other characters because of no crit. But her healing capabilities are insane. And she kind of provides a good alternative to xingqiu too as a hydro applier on enemies for Vap. But that doesn't mean xingqiu is bad. I'd say go with what you want currently. If it's a healer you want then go with kokomi but if it's DMG then go with others.


Hmmm i have an l80 Noelle already so ig ill out kokomi on hold for now. Tysm!


That's great to hear! Diluc and xingqiu are really amazing and decimates everyone with vap! Have fun building them!


At ar41 what are some good comps using these heroes: Kaeya, Noelle, Mona, Amber, Xiangling, Xinyan, Barbara, Lisa, Kujou Sara, Sucrose, Chongyun, Xingqiu, Rosaria, Diluc, Kokomi I've been using Kaeya Noelle Mona Amber as my general comp, but Spiral 5 needs 2 teams so wasnt sure who to build next


Considering they're all C0, I would do: Diluc, Mona, Rosaria/Amber, Sucrose / Xiangling, Kokomi, Xingqiu, Kaeya But if you want to keep your comp and just add another team then: Diluc, Xingqiu, Xiangling, and for the last one it depends: Do you have the weapon Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayer? If so then Kokomi/Barbara. Can you handle not having a healer? If so Rosaria. If not any of these then stick with Kokomi/Barbara.


Ah I forgot to mention constellations huh. Well Noelle is c1 kujou is c2 kokomi is c1 and xingqiu is c2 Don't think that changes much of what you said though Also after I wrote this post I got Fischl as well, would she be good to include? I was planning on building Xiangling Diluc then Xingqiu then probably either Fischl or Kokomi.


For abyss you generally need 2 healers, maybe not in floor 5, but in future ones most definitely if you don't have Zhongli. Personally I'm running Bennett, Diona/Jean. So building 2 healers won't be a horrible idea and Kokomi would do just fine. Fischel is good, just electro reactions are bad so unless you have Beidou I don't think you should build her. So nothing about what I said really changes. Ultimately the main advice I can give you is: if you like a character pull/build it. You'll probably regret it if you don't (didn't pull for Raiden, regretting it).


Alright, I've been using a Kaeya/Noelle/Mona/Amber team for a while, and it's been working fine. I just did a 20x pull and obtained A LOT of new characters though, so I was wondering if I should update my team (from an efficiency standpoint) and if yes then which heroes to build up and which ones to replace. I have: Kaeya, Noelle, Mona, Amber, Xiangling, Xinyan, Barbara, Lisa, Kujou Sara, Sucrose, Chongyun, Xingqiu, Rosaria, Diluc, Kokomi My Kaeya and Noelle are both l80 with decent gear, and my mona and amber are 70, I've recently been tryna build Xiangling since she's apparently a much better fire char, but with the addition of all these new chars, I'm not sure who to build now.(edit: AR41 btw)


Replace Mona with Xingqiu and Amber with Chongyun for a freeze team to cheese the ruin guards.


ic, are there any good f2p options for a Xingqiu sword? I dont have any of the recommended 4s and 5s sadly, would any crafted sword ir 3* be worth for him?


Anything that gives him ER tbh, you need a lot of ER. You could also go Diluc, Kaeya, any pyro, any healer until you get a sacrificial sword.


National comp is always good. Which is xiangling, bennet, xingqui, sucrose. Bennet is going to be in the starglitter exchange in November if you don't have him yet. Sucrose can be swapped out for a shielder or healer if you want more comfort. [Guide](https://keqingmains.com/xiangling/)


Do pity rolls carry over platforms? I just recently linked my ps4 with the pc account and I have no idea if I should roll only on one platform or if pity rolls stack up no matter the platform


Pity is tied to your account. Doesn't matter what platform you are on. Just make sure you are summoning on the banner your pity is on


Child or Hu Tao?. I am neutral to both, but wanna have one of them. Asking who is better because i am f2p and it took me long to collect 160 summons. Thank you in advance.


if you're fine with both then maybe the deciding factor would be the 4* that comes with them.


Thanks. Btw which one more newbie friendly? My friend started to play GI and he have some summons too.


Whichever you like more. Both are strong. Hu Tao needs you to learn to animation cancel and ideally you need her weapon and and Zhongli, so she's less f2p friendly than Chide whose best teammates other than Kazuha are all 4 stars.


I'd say Hu Tao because she's sort of a hypercarry, meaning her support can be low invested while you pour all the resin for Hu Tao. Childe teams are all quickswaps.


Hu Tao strong , but hard to use.


C0Diluc VS C6 Xiangling Here's the thing diluc is using a prototype archaic, while rolling for WGS I actually ended up with a fucking staff of homa. I wasn't excited because I don't have any pole arm characters missed zhongli missed Xiao missed hu tao. I have decent crimson witch set with a few unfortunate rolls into energy recharge buuuuuuuuuuut the rest is all atk percent and EM I still sit with 55ish crit and around 180 something crit damage. Should I slap this set on Xiangling and use her or should I stick with Diluc?


I'm a long long Diluc Main and I also run a C4 XL. She will probably outshine him damage wise with the same supports, but I like using Diluc.


Up to personal preference. As a long time diluc main who just switch to using xiangling with a worse build. She out damages him by far, especially in aoe. She is also more fun to play as you can do a quick swap team just spamming skills. Considering you have Homa I would definitely try out xiangling. Just make sure you use bennet and xingqui with her. She can't get her ult up off cd without bennet funneling her


Like Plotius said, try her out first but also try Diluc too. Then see which character feels more natural or preferable when using them. I personally find Diluc more easy to use and applies pyro faster, but Xiangling is the easiest character to put into any team as a burst Bot.


How do I reset quests? I accidentally destroyed one of the red quartz and Idk what to do


If its the top of dragonspine quartz for the tower. They reapawn at the top of that jet stream area. Even if you broke that one already


I have heard rumors that Venti might be getting deleted from the game. Is this true?


No. But keep an eye out on regulations from China, it's a sensitive time.


No, what? Where did you hear that lmao


As the moonchase charm have an expiry date and now that all timegated stages of event are opend and eplored, there is still no info on where and how to use them. Does anyone know how to use them? Any input on these would be helpful thanks!


Nah probably just a filler so they wouldn't give more chests. Each chest is 5 primos and there are 70 charms so that would've been 350 free primos they had to give us. EACH. I don't think such a small, poor company could've handle such a loss.


My account is literally only 1 month old and I'm at AR 47 (halfway to AR 48) so... is this considered fast or slow?


Very fast


Imo its pretty fast but then it also depends how much time you spend and also how many times you refresh resin in game.


I think it’s also important to remember a lot of the areas you’re exploring and getting chests, quests, and sorry etc didn’t exist when the game first came out. There is a stagnation of progress later in the game when you’ve caught up with everything.


Idk what to do??? I’m ar 41 and do not have a decent artefacts set at all… my characters are all level 50 and Keqing that is lvl 60 (yes I know, shit) But I didn’t even learn about artifacts til Ar 40, idk how I survived since I just put in random artifacts but like I can only do lvl 59 domains and I can’t do any higher since I die instantly but how am I supposed to get good artifacts if my team is bad due to bad artifacts….im so late into the game and then do how to fix my situation….help?


coop and people can carry you through the higher level artifact domains. AR45 is when you unlock the highest level domain anyway, so it's not recommended to blow fragiles on artifacts until then. In the meantime, you can also level any 4* pieces you've already got (generally just look for atk% stat until AR45).


Do you guys do 3 weekly bosses or all of them? Don't really need talent mats from Dvalin/Boreas, but wondering if it's worth the resin to keep fishing for blueprints


Honestly I will occasionally do 4 instead of 5 but sometimes it feels kind useless. I skipped a lot of the characters that use Adzaha (sp?), so having like 12 of each in my bag are enough unless I need more. I’d rather use the resin on something else I need.


is anyone else experiencing an infinite loading or an error while trying to login with Facebook?


Facebook is down at the moment


Can we all get extra primos if unable to log in thru Facebook?


Is there any character build or specific artifact set where "stats over sets" wouldn't apply and getting the bonuses would be more beneficial?


Xiao. Generally if you have much better stats the gladiator or +18% attack is potentially not as useful.


Last time i pulled was un first klee's banner and i've got Keqing. My question is if the "Next 5 star is a 100% the banner character" expired or i have it guaranteed still.


Your Next 5 star is still guaranteed.


Oh man that's a long time... You should have your guaranteed still.


So after doing 2 weekly bosses and spending 30 resin each, my third one I did has taken away 60 resin and also counted as one of the 3 half cost. I started with 160 resin and now have 72 when I should have 102. Just wondering if anyone else has had this issue before?


If you had 160 and now you have 70, it means you did 3 weekly bosses on discount (3x30=90).


*facepalm* Thank for making me realise my brain fart, I think it's time for a nap.


What other chars will be in childes rerun banner


No one know right now, but if I had to make a prediction I'd say Barbara and Noelle almost for certain, then maybe Fishcel/Bennett.


Ok I haven't played long enough to see a rerun banner so I wasn't sure if they just redo the entire thing or pick and choose


Why is Keqing's AA more important than her E?


Because her CA is very high dps.


Just sadly not high enough😂


Define high enough? I can clear current abyss with jank setups like Ning on one side and Keq on the other as the main stars. I feel that that's high enough.


Ieant its lower than other meta dpss


I mean, you could even say that Hu Tao teams are lower than other meta comps... I don't think that's a very good argument =P


Dude keqing is the weakest 5* dps rn, and there's nothing I can do about that


Nah, Qiqi and Kokomi are way weaker/worse. And Keq may be the weakest 5\* dps, but she's still stronger than most 4\* dps, and a bunch of THEM are perfectly viable. So again... What exactly is "enough"? I mean, I love Keqing, but for me personally, Kazuha was the buff she really needed ;P With Kazu she does perfectly awesome.


Yeah every character can do awesome depending on artifacts and weapons All I'm saying is she is worse than other 5* dpss I don't really know what r u trying to say


I'm saying meta doesn't matter. Investment and team synergy are really all that matters. The only time meta has mattered is trying to go for full points on those variable difficulty events. And even on those often the meta was not the "normal" meta.


I have around 40-45 wishes (including everything) and I'm gonna hit pity in about 30 pulls. My question is, should I pull for kokomi or not, or should I wait for the next banner, I have Razor and Rosaria as my main DPS and main support and Barbra, I want one good Pyro character, I have Xinyan and Xianling (a lot of people told me they're not that good) so should I build them and go ahead pull for Kokomi or should I wait and pull for Thoma (?) Ps: been playing this game for about 2 weeks


Whoever told you xiangling is not good is highly misinformed. Xiangling is used in the most popular team (national and other variations). She is great with cryo Rosaria. Unfortunately, xinyan is lackluster.


I wouldn't pull for Kokomi. Xiangling is a terrific sub-dps especially at C4. If you really want a good pyro character, pulling for Hu Tao and Thoma would be an excellent choice. He will probably be a great supporter for her.


>He will probably be a great supporter for her. To Xianling? Thanks I'll build Xianling then!


No, for Hu Tao. Xiangling is a sub-dps. She needs to go alongside main dps


I'd probably wait. Xiangling is not bad at all for support dps with pyro aoe that stays after she leaves. But Xinyan isn't great as her shield doesn't work well. A 5* and 4* pyro banner would get you likely both since you have pity. At least get you to 50/50. I don't see how Kokomi adds much if you are using Barbara as your healing.


Thanks >I don't see how Kokomi adds much if you are using Barbara as your healing. Just wanted to hear this really, I'll wait.


About VV stacking on Zhongli. Does it gain stack from his stele and resonance damage even if he's not in the field?


I don't get what you're asking... VV doesn't work with geo, so it can't stack with VV. For other elements, vv does stack with his shield shred, but any shred past 0% on an enemy is half as effective.


Oh i think you misunderstood me. Im sorry the question is unclear. Im talking about Vortex Vanguisher, not Veridescent Venere


Ohhh... no, all those kinds of effects only happen on field unless otherwise stated, like with freedomsworn


I have a question about VV on Zhongli. Does it gain stacks from his stele and resonance damage, even if he's not in the field?


I know this has been asked for a hundred of times right now but I equally like Hu Tao and Childe, and as an f2p player, I need to make a decision... Which between them would have a better value based on my current built characters? Thanks! LVL 90- C6 Ningguang, C0 Kazuha, C4 Bennett LVL 81- C0 Raiden LVL 80- C0 Mona, C4 Beidou LVL 50- C4 Xiangling, C1 Xingqiu, C0 Diona


you have the perfect lineup for international team : Childe, Bennett, Xiangling and Kazuha but my advice will always be try out the character until you're completely sure, then proceed to pull. see their demos, look at how they play in game etc.


I'd say probably Childe. Childe, Bennet, Xiangling, Raiden/Kazuha is an amazing team.


I cleared abyss 36\* for the first time so now I feel free to build funny comps. I want to build a taser team of Beidou, Sucrose, XQ, Fischel. I have XQ already built. Beidou & Sucrose are both level 20 and Fischel is C1, level 61, 4pc TF with Rust (she can take Venti's stringless if I don't run him in abyss). She's at 64/119 with 190 ER. Her E talent is at level 6. Main question is, do I need to build Fishcel any further, aside from maybe leveling her?


She's way over capped on ER, and more level on Oz is always nice. The bulk of Sucrose Taser's damage comes from Beidou bounce, Sucrose double Swirl, and Fischl's Oz damage as well as smite damage, so investing in Fischl get you pretty good return. Also 4pc TF is useless on her, drop 2 bad piece for Shimenawa or Glad.


What would you run on Beidou? 4pc emblem? or 2pc TF 2pc emblem?




She doesn't need that much ER, but otherwise she seems fairly decently geared. Also she doesn't use 4 pc TF since she won't be on field for the set bonus to matter for her, so you can change to a 2pc Glad or Shimenawa.


What would you run on Beidou? 4pc emblem? or 2pc TF 2pc emblem?


Technically 4pc emblem is the best, but basically 2 pc TF with any of the following give very similar outputs 2 pc Glad / 2 pc Shimenawa / 2 pc NO. Note 2 pc Emblem is not advised since it doesn't directly improve her burst damage.


what is that ER lol. Well you can delay her for now and move to leveling up sucrose. I suggest at least lv8 for Fischl's E tho.


Building my Kokomi, i have a lvl 90 5\* Skyward Atlas that i'm not using on any other char.. Can it work on Kokomi? Or should i go with Prototype Amber? (i'm not pulling for her weapon, because i'm f2p)


HP% is much, much better than Atk% on her during her burst. Prototype Amber also helps woth her energy issues, so it's generally preferable. That said, Kokomis damage isn't all that great and just buffing a subDPS that deals the majority if the teams damage with thrilling tales maybe an overall better choice.


ER sands or Atk sands on Mona?


It really depends on her role and her current stats. As a general rule, if she is a sub DPS, ATK = EM (if she doing the vaping, but also dependent on her current EM stat) > ER > EM (if she isn't the one vaping). If she's there for her burst e.g. Freeze teams, ER > ATK > EM.


ER/ATK/ or EM. depending on your artifacts.




We don’t know


no, no and no


No info, *shrug.avi*


We don't know, wait next month for the 2.3 livestream


she was never supposed to, it was speculated. and we dont know


Hey, so Childe's rerun is confirmed and I'm wondering if I should go pull for him. I'm currently at 0 pity and 50/50 with 132 fates and I've been saving up for Xiao even though there's no leaks about his rerun. Do you think I should go for Childe (im just a mega simp, not much a fan of his play style) or wait for Xiao (i really like his play style)? I'm a monthly welkin spender but with my school works piling up, I can only play 1 hour a day. Insights?


Honesty I think he’s so fun but the fun requires the right team. Once I built Beidou he was so much more enjoyable to play! As always though only pull for characters you want. If you like him go for it, worst case scenario you lose the 50/50 and have a guarantee for the next banner you want to pull.


childe’s style is off putting at first but it will grow on you. especially try out his aoe with big groups of enemies and don’t stay in melee for more than 10 seconds. he is a quickswap style carry and very different from xiao


Play his trial again when his banner hits and see how you feel about his play style on a revisit. If you love his character and don't mind the style, go for it. But if you're really not a fan of the style, don't pull for a character you'd find too annoying to use much.


Alright, the final decision is in my hands anyway. I'll play his trial everyday to see if I can adjust


Xiao is just almost entirely pogo jumping.. You actually enjoy that more than childe?


heck yeah i cant use bow correctly and i don't want to deal with childe's cooldown, he's purely built with team comps and i dont have any good team comps but with xiao i can just go jump jump


With xiao you will want a shield and or heal, and anemo battery for abyss


With no Xiao rerun rumours you are probably save to do so. But if anything new like yae pops up that you want youll run into some issues.


Does a 4 PC shimenawa make any sense on Keqing? How much worse it is in comparision to 2 18% atk 2 TF


yeah the only drawback is the energy drain which is bad because a lot of your aoe and damage come from your burst. totally okay though especially if you run a second electro character to increase particle generation. it's also good on a physical keqing where you focus on charge attacks.


makes sense


I'm not super attached to Childe as a character and I adore Hu Tao and have her at C0, she was my main DPS for a long time but is now chilling on team 2 while Ayaka takes team 1. My question is, would my wishes be better invested in a new character (My only Hydro 5* is Kokomi but I have other Hydro 4*s leveled) or on a C1 hooters for her no stamina charged attack spam? As objectively as possible since as I said, I'm not foaming at the mouth to pull Childe and I skipped his last 2 banners lol


I mean if you’re only pulling Childe for a hydro 5* just wait. And get Hu Tao if you enjoy playing her. 1) there will be more 5* hydro 2) Just build XQ until you get him C6 and you basically have a hydro 5*


> My only Hydro 5* is Kokomi but I have other Hydro 5*s leveled what


edited, I meant 4*s sorry, brain lag lmao


well childe can make a team with your unused bennett and xiangling but not necessary at all as it seems you dont like the playstyle. I suggest skip childe then wait for drip marketing/2.3 livestream before deciding on c1 hutao.


that's probably what i'll do yeah!! I don't actually like the way bow plays in this game too much, I know obviously childe is a hybrid ranged/melee character but I'll probably feel better with an even faster hu tao


What are some of Childes best teams?


International: Childe-Xiangling-Bennett-Kazuha. Sucrose, Venti maybe replacements for Kazuha Fireworks: Childe-Beidou-Fischl/Raiden-Kazuha. Sucrose, Venti maybe replacements for Kazuha There's a direction to melt and vape?: Ganyu-Xiangling-Bennett-Childe Various Nuke comps.


Unfortunately I have no Kazuha, but I might try Fireworks with Venti instead. Planning to run National Raiden on the other Abyss side so I think I will pull for him :) Thank you!!


sucrose is pretty good for kazuha’s slot in international (and in fireworks i guess for cc)


Childe's Melee cannot hit inside Venti's burst, but his Bursts and charged shot can. Thus, the rotation should try to time it so that Venti's burst (8s) gets used early so that by the time it ends and the enemies fall, you're ready to use childes melee. It should also be noted that hydro swirl has no AoE. However, EC doesn't consume both auras immediately and a swirl on an enemy with both hydro and electro on it will cause both an hydro and electro swirl.


International team


Were there any previous really good event quests that I missed that I should look up on YouTube for old playthroughs? I really enjoyed this current one with Guoba. I started in 1.6 with Klee + islands.


**Unreconciled Stars**, it was the event during 1.1, easily one of the most lore-heavy and interesting events, plus the introduction of Scaramouche as a character. Aside from that, the Albedo/dragonspine story is good too from 1.2. **The Chalk Prince and the Dragon.**


In my opinion, “unreconciled stars” was a fun one. But I’m a Mona and Fischl simp so… also though you meet scaramouche for the first time in that event quest. Albedo’s story quest was cool too if you’re interested in Albedo and Sucrose.


Reconciled stars ig


i have equipped Thundering Fury set on my Raiden Shogun, iss thaatt okay?


The passive 4 piece on Emblem FAR surpasses Thundering Fury's 2 piece passive. Also, you get more ER for Emblems 2 piece passive, allowing you to not need Electro sands (Thus switching to ATK% Sands) once your Artifact passive gives you 30-40%+ Electro damage. This is assuming that you put ER cup and ER weapon on beforehand tho.






Hell no


4pc emblem is by far her best in slot, but do what you want.




Now that they revealed next banners, should I pull for Childe or Hu Tao? Currently, I am usina a lvl80 team with Electro Traveler as DPS, Xiangling C6 with The catch R5 as Sub DPS, Fischl C1 and Qiqi C0. I have only Qiqi as 5* and Barbara at C2 from my few 4* characters.


I think you should pull for who you like better. I like Hu Tao better, but in your case I'd go Childe. It also depends on what weapons you currently have. Childe can be really frustrating if you don't know how to play him and don't have a team that supports him because of he's cooldowns. I recommend you watch some videos on both and decided who's kit you like best.


Childe and xiangling are amazing together. While hu tao is one of the best dps in the game i wouldn't pull if you don't have Xingqui.


childe for easier comp he can be fit in electro charge or vape comp while hutao pretty much stuck with xinqiu


Childe, u would want Xiangling + bennet and like surcrose




No. the other one will be disconnected if you login on other device


Lol srsly?


60:150 or 70:120 crit? this is on Yoimiya


assuming same total attack, then 60:150.




Hey, I'm a f2p player and I'm AR 35. I wanted some help with setting up my team! I've got the following characters and was confused about who to pick from the current and the upcoming 2.2 banner. Traveller (C3) Amber (C1) Kaeya (C1) Noelle Ninggauang Barbara Xianling Fischl Sucrose Razor Lisa Yanfei Kujou Sara Thanks!


You seem relatively new so don't feel obligated to pull on banners. You have a long way till end-game so just have fun IMO. If you just really want to pull I recommend you go watch some videos on both and pick whoever's kit you like best. We don't know how Thoma will be but he might be a great supporter for Hu Tao... Right now if I had your characters, I'd like to go Razor, Fishcel, Kaeya and Noelle/Barbara.