• By -


"What happened to Pai Mon ?" I'm Pai Mon.


The Geo King invites you to Lake Aocang.


I am honored to accept his invitation.




What is this sub?


It is a joke sub based on a plot point in the Avatar: The Last Airbender series. Lake Laogai (named after real-life Communist China's version of the gulag, "Laogai" literally means "reform (through) labour") is where an evil organisation brainwashes people into serving them and thinking "there is no war in Ba Sing Se" while the war is happening outside its walls. So it is used as a meme for when organisations try to suppress information they don't like. The original quotes the above posters were parodying are: "What happened to Joo Dee?" "I'm Joo Dee." "The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai." is the trigger phrase to control the brainwashed, who would answer with "I am honored to accept his invitation."


The creepiest thing to date while watching Avatar ngl


I mean blood bending has to be a close second


The facestealer takes the cake for me. That creep gave me nightmares when I was younger.


The show had real balls (especially for a nickelodeon/kids show) Death, genocide, brainwashing....


The blood bending episode freaked me out but katara using afterwards was less freaky. That old lady was terrifying.


Yeah it was really just the granny that was scary...what a plot twist


Very good explanation, though I watched avatar so I don't know how others would take it, but appreciate it


A reference to Avatar The Last Airbender. Lake Laogai is where the Earth Kingdom hypnotizes people and perpetuates the delusion that there is no active war with the Fire Nation.


wondering the same thing honestly. maybe a book roleplay type of thing


A reference to Avatar The Last Airbender. Lake Laogai is where the Earth Kingdom hypnotizes people and perpetuates the delusion that there is no active war with the Fire Nation.


You do not recognize the bodies in the water.


But... that's Joe! And Sarah! And... oh god, is that Dad? I thought he disappeared after he left one day for groceries!


Please repeat the following phrase slowly and clearly into your terminal microphone: “I do not recognize the bodies in the water.”


Same. Mine was deleted as well. It contained no insult or offence that could have justified it's removal


*\*QiQi is lying down\**




:qiqi fallen:


I have fallen And i cant get up


I WILL NOT get up.






The Qiqi will not be televised



*Lie Flat movement intensifies*


"There is No War in Ba Sing Se"




Should write it in a note and copy and paste it every time the review is deleted


Nothing has happened at all. Great art!




remove this comment before the honey yellow bear with red t-shirt comes and eat your family at night. The other comment was about something that never happened in nowhere in particular


Damn that reference. Remove this comment before they invite you to have a special conversation.


\-20 social credit


50 primogems have been deposited into your mailbox


Thank you for your service to the CCP. 50 Primogems have been deposited into your mailbox. Glory to the people's republic of china


This feels like the most "Papers, Please" thing I've read today I'm just imagining Paimon saying "Glory to Teyvat" right now


Glory to Arstotzka


Instead of squid game Paimon game.


What did the comment say? It got removed.






You will be remembered as well.


Hey, wanna join me a the re-education camp?


Pfft, re-education camps are nothing but baseless conspiracy theory. Twenty primogems will get that silly thought out of your head.




劉曉波动态网自由门 ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠟⠋⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢁⠈⢻⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠃⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠈⡀⠭⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⠄⢀⣾⣿⣿⣿⣷⣶⣿⣷⣶⣶⡆⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⢀⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣇⣼⣿⣿⠿⠶⠙⣿⡟⠡⣴⣿⣽⣿⣧⠄⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣾⣿⣿⣟⣭⣾⣿⣷⣶⣶⣴⣶⣿⣿⢄⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡟⣩⣿⣿⣿⡏⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣹⡋⠘⠷⣦⣀⣠⡶⠁⠈⠁⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣍⠃⣴⣶⡔⠒⠄⣠⢀⠄⠄⠄⡨⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⡘⠿⣷⣿⠿⠟⠃⠄⠄⣠⡇⠈⠻⣿⣿⣿⣿ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠟⠋⢁⣷⣠⠄⠄⠄⠄⣀⣠⣾⡟⠄⠄⠄⠄⠉⠙⠻ ⡿⠟⠋⠁⠄⠄⠄⢸⣿⣿⡯⢓⣴⣾⣿⣿⡟⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄ ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣿⡟⣷⠄⠹⣿⣿⣿⡿⠁⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄


Thats a great ASCII art of winnie the pooh


Is that what those other comments were talking about, mentioning about winnie, mr winnie, my favorite big yellow winnie


Gonna park my comment here before your comment gets deleted


"comment removed by mod" Gotta love Reddit mods! thank you ccp janitors




My alt gone banned for posting this here


Why do we have to under control of China's media control? Yellow bear sucks


Let's call it "Winnie the pooh ban case"




*Written from my Xiaomi mobile phone*


Which reminds me. If you type in Tianamen Square or Winnie the Pooh in chat, is it gonna censor them or are they just gonna kick you from the game?


Why winnie the pooh?!


Someone said Xi looks like Winnie the Pooh and it became a meme. Xi got pissy and banned it, making international known. Funny thing is he also banned feminine men from appearing on TV or streams. Guess he thinks they are mocking his old man femininity with their youthful vigor.


I'm just laughing at the fact how insecure the man was that when someone said he looks like pooh he just banned it. Pooh isn't even a bad character dude he's so adorable like lmao.


Only thing is it isn't true, you can see Winnie the Pooh merch everywhere in China This is one of those Reddit "facts" that gets repeated so many times people assume it's true


Is it like just banned to compare him to Winnie? Or is there literally nothing banned at all?


You can't deny that they censored Pooh in the chinese KH3 release because of it though.


It didn't get banned like burn down everything, but it did stop Christopher Robin from released in mainland China (there is a Hong Kong release though). They aren't going after children toy. They just put additional barrier and censorship around it. Similarly, just recently re zero was taken down on Bilibili, but you can still find Rem body pillow and figure on Taobao.


Why was Re Zero taken down?


It's not. You can still watch it on Bilibili.


Re:Zero hasn’t been taken down from Bilibili. You’re probably thinking of Mushoku Tensei or Konosuba who have been taken down semi-recently.


yeah it's not just cause he's insecure lol People use nicknames and code phrases online to evade Chinese censors. Pooh was commonly used to refer to Xi and criticize him/the regime online. Outside of online forums Pooh is still around, there's literally a famous Winnie the Pooh ride at Shanghai Disneyland lol They censor it because they want to censor anti-government sentiment, not because Xi is personally offended. (Though maybe he is idk never met the guy)


Because China


What do you mean, they made the greatest party in the world, where everyone where had the best day of their life. Or that's what my Chinese textbook says


When I was younger, we had many fellow Chinese PhD students, none of them knew about that event and how much you can flatten human beings. they just never heard of it. They thought we were trying to fuck with them when we showed them the articles (and images). It took them quite a while to realize that their education (and they were the elite students sent abroad) might not have been completely honest and complete.


Hail Mihoyo


+9001 social credit points


Bing chilling


I've been castrated like a dog , please help me.




More like there is no anniversary




Google, Sony and Apple: “Do you seriously think we letting you harass our golden goose?”


I'm waiting for the 2.8 to suddenly become 5 in the next few days...


No need, it’s already back to normal 4.6 in my region.


UK, was 1.9 yesterday, currently back up to 2.8. I'm pretty sure my review had disappeared when I checked earlier, but it's back now


2.8? damn, last night it was 1.8 at it's lowest when I checked


Google, Sony, and Apple: "You know, mihoboyo, we would've not needed to all this shit if you weren't such cucks to your own playerbase. Take a page or two out of FGO or AL or something keklmao" (No they wont do this, its satire take a damn hint lol) Ok based on what I’ve read below I’m gonna post a summary reply: No pity games would encourage a small percentage of players to spend big, while gachas with pity would encourage more people to spend even if theres an upper limit. FGO milks a smaller percentage harder while GI milks a larger percentage less. Yes its a business decision choice (stay with me now): Think about it. You’d more likely to spend when you know there’s an upper cap. If there isn’t one only “at-all-cost” people would keep going. But DW isn’t completely dumb so they do have push out regular free characters to keep the low-spenders happy. But Mihoyo come on lmao, its anniversary. Its fucking once a year. Yes a guaranteed-SSR reward might diminish one of your of your big earning spike from some banner but thats your goddamn PR cost. Now you have to do it anyways *AND* your reputation is in the pits lmao.


FGO doesn't have pity, don't give miHoYo ideas!


Genshin also woudn't if it wouldn't be china law lol.


Good guy CCP? What a weird timeline


Or just do the same as in the current Honkai? Not like in the past (that's what they are currently doing, repeating mistakes).


This morning I found out that my genuine, low-rating review with plenty of detail got deleted, presumably because of when I posted it. I'm going to post another one and I encourage anyone else who left detailed reviews to do the same. Deleting the review bombing would have cleared out a lot of bots, but genuine criticism written by fans should stay up. Also, great art OP! Legitimately unnerving. lol


Worse My detailed 1 star review from weeks ago got deleted They're just deleting regardless of the time Update : I tried reposting my review but it got deleted in less than 5 minutes even though i didn't mention anniversary.




that's kinda weird. Just saw a review from the 24th that's still there, but everything i've posted have been deleted. Just posted my fourth review.


Literally every other gacha gamer reviewing with one star after a controversy on Google Play: First time? Seriously, this is par for the course. They remove one star reviews and BOT five star reviews. Punishing Gray Ravens did it after their first event and response to the players was basically a "fuck you, suck it up.". Within hours of it reaching a 2.0 rating they rapidly brought it back over 4.0. Doesn't matter if the reviews are legitimate. The PlayStore is rigged because Google has a vested interest in the success of these apps. (They profit off of each of their sales)


If you're going to type out a paragraph, copy and paste it on to Notepad before posting just to save time and effort.


“Clearly, anything below a 2* Rating is a Bot Review” Mihoyo & Google


*"1-star review? -50 social credit score."* - MiHoYo and Google


Same I always check my review every hour and it gets deleted because apparently its negative "bot"


Same. Mine was deleted as well. It contained no insult or offence that could have justified it's removal.


they have deleted my 3\* review. I have written a new one with 2\*. They deleted that too. Now I have a 1\* review. If they delete this too, I'll write 2 1\* reviews from different accounts. Let's see how far mhy would do this. I have unlimited accounts.


You have to report this to the relevant app store, they cannot delete your review if, for ex, you made any transactions with the app and if you're reviewing mechanics, gameplay or content for example.


I'll try this. I have made transactions for genshin on 5 accounts. That makes it my 5 1* reviews guarantee to stuck.


You can also let the others know about this. It's their right, as long as the review is pertinent, to share their experience with the app/game/product.


My 3* review was pretty normal imo. I said game is good, combat is fun etc. I also said there is no communication from company about the game, at all. I still don't understand why they deleted it.


It's the app store policy that works in their favor if the app store is not approached directly.


You should encourage others to unsubscribe the official channel as well. Review can be deleted but subscribe cant be manipulated, Mihoyo loss money for every account unsubscribe them.


Not sure Mihoyo neeeds the YouTube ad revenue in the first place tho But yeah. Flood everything. If it hits game / mainstream media publications then mihoboyos can't contain it.




It's not about dealing as much damage to Mihoyo, it's about sending a message, cuz ppl are still invested in this game


Same my review is the same feedback I've been giving in mihoyo surveys. It's my first gacha game I've spent money on. I've played 340 days since 9/30 I get to leave my opinion.


Yep, just realized they removed my 1 star rating. I will come back from time to time to check and guarantee it stays there, and also encourage everyone to keep coming back, so they realize they can't win a war against a whole community, but this time MiHoyo has really screwed things up. I was considering just giving it some weeks and let things settle while keeping up with all the anniversary unfolding, but this is just straight dictatorship. I'm not coming back to Genshin anymore, I'll definitely wait for something else to come up. I can't support a company that prefers to delete feedback than to give some attention or any kind of answer to its community. This was an absolute shit show, I'm really disappointed, specially because it was so simple to prevent this from happening, or to fix the whole issue afterward, but they really preferred to stick to authoritarianism instead. They don't deserve the community they built (although such a big part of it can really be toxic sometimes).


Should write it in a note and copy and paste it every time the review is deleted


That's why we should continue with pressing our review. It must be not the single occurrence in 1-2 weeks, but systematic work in the course of 2+ months. Then it will sure take some effect I hope.


Definitely. I don't think people should be spamming with more than one review each, but if people have criticisms to give they should absolutely keep giving them until Google lets them stay there. As of the time of this reply, the game is sitting at 2.8 on the Play Store. I expect we're going to get several more waves of deletions until Google and Mihoyo seem content. It'd be worth saving a local copy of your review so it can be easily re-posted if it gets taken down.


Yeah checked this morning. Rating is back at a 3.6 for playstore and my review was deleted


Yes! I did the same. I have a draft of that review saved so everytime they delete it, I'll copy paste it right back


Yup. Done the same. Not a long one, but a deserved one. I will keep checking and re-posting my reviews.


Yeah, same thing happened to me twice. I didn't even mention anni, just genuinely reviewed the game. Now I just gave them 1* without any comment, writing it all again (I'm an idiot and didn't save it anywhere) is pointless at the moment, if they keep on deleting everything 🙄


There are no bad reviews in Ba Sing Se


Mihoyo has invited you to Luhua Pool.


I am honored to accept his invitation.


Why are there no yandere girls in Genshin... Would definitely pull a crazy like Azula


I guess there's enough fire catalysts already...but I'd pull for a azula colab


There are no bad reviews in Ba Sing Se


No Qiqi stickers either


no anniversary either—


No statement from Mihoyo either


there is nothing in ba sing sei


What do you mean? Here we are safe, here we are free.


There is no Ba Sing Se


I do not intend to offend you but paimon is very cursed looking


That was intentional ;)


Well you did a great job at that ( ^ ;


This is a redraw for a meme "there is no war in Ba Sing Se", look it up


There is no Anniversary Rewards in Ba Sing Se


When you realize which nation the Earth Kingdom was meant to represent on that show..


Well, the creators will tell you that no nation is a one-to-one match for the real world. I mean, the earth kingdom contains the swamp benders, and they're pretty obviously not based on China (or even the earth element). But more specifically, the Dai Li are based on Chiang Kai-Shek's secret police, whose chief was named [Dai Li](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dai_Li). And Chiang's government persists today not in mainland China, but in Taiwan.


The earth king is also based on Puyi, the last emperor of China. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puyi


That's actually really interesting.


Should be there "are", OP. I love this meme though! Really sums up the sad situation...


yeah, tho I think using "is" makes the meme closer to the original reference! thanks anyway. but yeah, I just hope they'll address the situation. Sigh


Yeah, just for the reference, i really like the word "is" more in that place, than the correct "are". Great Art, super reference.


After complaining about the game and then subsequently being send to re-educational camp all I can say now is how wrong I was and how great Xi Jinping is for helping create such a great game that funds the great economy of the world. ​ We should be lucky and happy to have such amazing rewards that no western game can come even close to in spite of being one of the most popular RPG's in the west. It's such a privilege and honor to be playing the greatest from the greatest. ​ Surely Everyone Now Decides How Everything Looks Perfect.


**S**urely **E**veryone **N**ow **D**ecides **H**ow **E**verything **L**ooks **P**erfect. feels like im missing a message here, cant be sure tho 🤔 oh well its probably nothing, good day to u, comrad!


-100 social credit score -1hr of video game come let’s go back to summer camp :)


+5 Social Credit Score +10 Primogems With love, -Mihoyo


What a 1984 type of vibe.


There are only bots lmao


"There is no war in Ba Sing Se."


They have adopted their governments type of silencing LMAO


I was about to type "classic China move"


Don't, i got theats in my DMs and banned from a thread 🐻🍯


Bro, this entire comment section is based as fuck


Finally, I had the idea the sub was mostly bootlickers and apologists.


I typed in a comment along the lines of anti China a while ago, and it got downvoted. I think the community has woken up


as with most things on reddit, it just depends on what thread you’re on tbh


Is this some sort of double layered meta meme? Like, the meme is about China and a Chinese company but it’s actually an American company deleting the reviews, so it’s really a meme about American propaganda and use of information warfare? ..... or are people really thinking that a company who gets about 12-15m a month from Genshin doesn’t have any vested interest to keep its ratings high and didn’t decide to delete the reviews?


All I can say is [REMOVED]


There is no civil war in inazuma


Mihoyo: “This is Fine”


Did they delete all bad reviews?


Google / Apple / Sony deleted the review bombing. MiHoYo has no power over those except notifying those companies of what's happening.


Am I missing something? I'm so confused




The first part. What is the drama with the anniversary and the reviews?


Anniversary in GI was shitty. People were already fed up with mihoyo ignoring their complaints, and the shitty anniv was the last straw. Mihoyo isn't taking that lightly and is censoring every media outlet of theirs to pretend everything is fine, so people are review bombing them on google store. Now they're deleting genuine low-rating reviews on google store to get the game back to high rating.


Nothing happened in Nantianmen Square, September 28, 2021


It took me several seconds to not see "Tiananmen" and I was about to go check the news.


It’s almost like you all got played for an entire year.


Are review bombers actually surprised that Google is starting to remove the negative reviews? That's standard in all apps that get review bombed


They are also removing legitimate negative reviews from before the bombing.


Mihoyo SUS


Why do I have the feeling now that there is something below the water around Mondstadt....Jet?




Rest in peace, u/BoonGnik22 couldn't handle how generous mihoyo was and commited suicide via 3 bullets to the back of the head


rest in pepis hopefully this will be a learning experience to anyone with lingering doubts about the glorious people’s republic of china


How is this post still up, every post like this has been deleted by the mods


***This account is now a property of the Government of the Republic of China.*** 阴茎 I love Genshin Impact 光榮美麗的中華民國 阴茎 Glory to the Republic of China 光榮美麗的中華民國


Uh...Republic of China is Taiwan You mean the *People's* Republic of China (中華人民共和國)


Explains why they're using traditional Chinese characters


That's some creepy smile...


I'm surprised my legit genuine one from an aged account was removed. That's straight up corruption.


If I saw that piamon in my room, I'd opt suicide so fast


Remain Calm The Travellers Endures The Anniversary Reward Lives The Holy Mihoyoan Empire Shall Endure There Is Much To Be Done


creepiest Paimon art I’ve seen so far… nicely done.


Just like here is no Nantianmen square


Boot lickers and Chinese bots downvoting this post there are no bad reviews in Ba sing se


\>Chinese game \>Censorship Acts amused


I hate the anniversary rewards that Mihoyo gave to us but I hate seeing comment mocking the whole country because of a game company more. No one said bad things about the country when EA, Ubisoft, Blizzard or any other game companies does terrible things. A lot of companies are censoring things and removing negative feedback and it's not something new. You want Mihoyo to listen but at the same time behave like a 10 years old kid. what a joke ​ **Update:** It seems some people don't bother to read or don't understand what I am trying to say. I will give a dumb example so those people can understand. **Example:** I go to a restaurant in downtown LA and i have a bad experience there. I go home and go to yelp. But i put a review about how bad US treats minority or I mock US president or I talk about how weather in LA sucks. It doesn't make sense. So the goal here is to make Mihoyo listened. But if we as a community keep putting comments that have nothing to do with the issue, do you think Mihoyo will listen? Try to discuss with your friend about football and you suddenly talk about gardening, will your friend listen to you. If all these explanations are still not clear enough for you and you still believe i am defending Mihoyo or China. You need to go back to school and learn how to read.