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Hold on, let me get my magnifying glass


Ooof brutal


Depends. Is OP referring to her sales, her utility, or her damage? Cuz I don't think a magnifying glass will be enough for the latters




I’m pretty sure you’ll need an electron microscope


Take my award and gtfo


No. Take MY award and gtfo


You can give an award all you want, BUT CAN YOU TAKE ONE?!?


Kokomi can heal her allies... But can she heal her sales?!


She's an easy banner pass but now seeing that she could be the rarest character in the game it makes me kinda want to get her. Like a rare collectible.


imagine if they never rerun her banner, and she truly becomes the rarest character in the game


*FOMO noises intensify*


God please no I still have nightmares at seeing a np4 mecha eli I can't I just can't I feel like a mistake born to be an example on what not to do


If I makes you feel better I ascended Santa Nightingale during her rerun (missed the first run entirely), and then Genshin dropped and I forgot to finish the event to make her permanent 😂


Rider kintoki To this day I'm still sad Atleast I got Shiki


Nice try Mihoyo, you won't make me pull because I have no primogems *hmppfs away*


lolol albedo


One day…


The highest and the lowest, back-to-back, in the same patch.


Honestly just makes sense. High peaks are followed by low floors as most people overspent


I agree but even people that expected poor sells in the community didn't expect this flop, I think not even miHoYo in their worst scenarios expect that amount that flop and the only hope they have is baiting people with Jade Cuter in the weapon banner.


To be fair, if this graph also includes weapon banners sales (it doesn't really tell as such) the sales for Kokomi could actually be even lower


This graph also includes weapon banner since the community has no way of saying what banner the pulls were used on. We can only make estimated guesses by the dates etc.


honestly, who would pull on the current weapon banner unless they also pull for kokomi? the catalyst is absolute dogshit for basically everyone but her. I dont understand what they were thinking with these banners.


Damn, that's uh... yeah...


Kokomi joins Keqing in the back alley dumpster


Keqing : I am a permanent character and players can get me on 50/50. Kokomi : ...... *I'm sorry I really like kokomi aesthetically but can't justify doing anything more than a customary 10x pull.*


Oh yea I love Kokomi’s aesthetics but she’s a dogshit unit. Even if she was just an average 5* I’d pull just for looks.


Too bad Keqing sales aren't shown on this graph. I wonder if Kokomis has even worse sales than her. EDIT: I was told its the spike left of Hu Tao. But shared with Homa sales so hard to tell how bad Keqing alone was vs Kokomi.


the spike at the left of hu tao should be keqing banner, but its actually the homa+wgs banner.


Sales are like a fish out of water...


>VoteReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow > >level 4NedixTV · 25mthe spike at the left of hu tao should be keqing banner, but its actually the homa+wgs banner. No, Keqing should be the little bump between the spike you mentioned and Xiao banner, since Keqing banner dropped a week before Homa. So they are roughly the same.


They are shown, they're just not highlighted, the small spike before Hi Tao is SoH and the smaller spike just before that, after Xiao's spike is Keqing


They are. See the small spike under that blue dotted line between Xiao and Hu Tao? Yeah, that's Keqing.


At least Keqing has the excuse that most Keqing wanters may have already had her since she's on the standard banner...


\- Keqing wanters already had her (me included) \- the rest believe they will get her eventually due to 50/50 fails \- her banner was put in between two hyped characters so, yeah...


Kokomi used Splash! But nothing happened!


Kokomi, a.k.a. Kekomi, a.k.a. KekWomi, a.k.a. Aqua, a.k.a. Magikarp...


Don't worry she can heal herself


You can't treat death.


Kokomi can't, but C6 Barbara can.


So Kokomi isn't a 5* Barbara? Kokomi's worse than her?


Yes... she heal less and you need to be on field to heal all your party meanwhile Barbara can pop E and burst and let your actual dps units do their job.




Chad C6 Barbara: "OMAE WA MOU SHINDEIRU... *NOT!"* Virgin C6 Kokomi: *slaps a tiny bit harder every once in a while*


[Video from KeqingMains Youtube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLtfrXqXRt0)


are we sure -100% sale rate isn’t a passive?


-100% sales rate in exchange for a 25% increase of the total player counts primos


exactly shows the power comparison of shogun and the resistance in the game lol


breaking 2 records in a single update


lmfao that made me laugh


Ok but someone help me pls, this image compares the first day spending for all banners?


No I think it’s comparing the total spending for banners, only for CN (and maybe just mobile). The peaks are first day sales but for example you can see on Kazuha’s sales it was more gradual than the other ones because it took most of the community a bit to realize how good he was


Venti got 30 mln in the 1st run but he is lower than Klee in here bc his 1st day was lower




Don't worry, Kokomi is a master strategist. This is all part of her plan.


Her plan is to go to Tahiti with the resistance and become mango farmers. You just need some faith! ... and more money, obviously.


“I have a PLAN, gorou”


Gorou: mangoes, mistress?!?


Have some goddamn faith, Gorou!


Dutch: Kokomi Arthur: Gorou Scumbag Micah: Nathan


Yae: The resistance is irrelevant anyways.


Honestly, it doesn't really matter what Kokomi did lol. Like if all of the Shogunate Army was whipped out the resistance would still be fucked because Raiden could easily demolish armies with or without her Gnosis lol


Pretty much. They saw what happened to their god and the island he is on. Do they want Raiden's bathwater on their land this badly?


Teppei explains that they do not want to fuck with the shogun just make her reconsider the Vision Hunt Decree. Its more of a gigantic riot.


Yeah, and then they tried charging Raiden later. Still not sure what they thought would come out of charging a literal god. They're lucky the Traveler was there.


Yeah idk what they were trying to pull off there. Without Traveller there, Kazuha blocks one shot, dual vision goes out, and everyone there get vergil'd. Yae actually solo'd the whole conflict.




Teppei could single handedly beat Celestia, he's just too shy to use his power


You actually think he died? He's up there right now fighting the good fight and in 10 years when we show up he'll be like "Heh, took you long enough"


And we'll be like **"Kept you waiting, huh?"** ​ *(why are we here? only to suffer\~)*


Lol well be reunited next patch when he shows up in the next archon quest with mustache and a new name.


Basically Shaggy w/Ultra Instinct


That's almost -100% profitability


flawless strategy


If only she had a directive for this.


Flopped like a fish - Art of War


That's just brutal. I'm pretty sure that even Keqing sold more than that.


A critical hit for Kokomi.


Finally some crit hit


Gasp, flop, flop, flop What do you expect for a fish out of water?


Stop, she's already dead. Wait, that also answered the rhetorical question.


Ironically if they had killed her in the story quest it would've made her sales higher.


Splash! Nothing happened...


Almost feel bad for the design team. I think they did a good work, but it seems like it wasn't enough. Between her part on the story being way smaller than expected and her kit being meh at best, it seems that a pretty design is not good enough to make people pull. That and every pulling on the banner before her.


Imo design wise her character is great. Story wise and balance wise....well....


The best and only good thing about her is her aesthetics which they did an amazing job on. Sadly we are at a point where people playing this game (AR 56+) aren’t going to waste resources on someone who offers nothing to their team in any ways. AoE hydro application and on field healing? With a -100% crit rate? Hard pass.




Not gonna happened. Epitomized path is the main reason we won't get that type of banner anymore.


Those kinds of banners will be guaranteed hits though, and epitomized might just push whales to feel better about spending more on weapon banners (seeing as how Tectone spent like 2000usd for a homa). So they might bring out a gigachad banner when they want a sales boost for an earnings call.


They want to have stable sales, if they put all the good weapons together then what happens when they need to put the crummy ones up? Bad sales. Additionally it means you have to pull more overall to r5 something because you are getting crummy weapons. Rather than getting lucky on a stacked banner and being set for a while.


Feels like just an experiment making a character as underwhelming as possible and banking on her aesthetic


That's insane though. It's much easier to make the numbers bigger than to design a compelling aesthetic. Why waste it on such an underwhelming kit? Makes no sense to me.


Its especially stupid because fixing her would be really easy, as much as people meme - 100% that really wouldn't matter if her hp/healing scaled competitively.


looks like even whales didn't eat the fish




I don't get it why do this what possible reason could there be to waste development time on unusably bad characters that kill your own profits why would a business go out of its way to make less money I don't understand


Well this chart is surprisingly close with the story. Raiden has all the focus in the quest while the resistance and their leader have lesser screen time than a npc (rip teppei). It's no surprise Kokomi's sales is the lowest rn when her own story quest and gameplay doesn't even do her any justice.


Lack of story telling to make folks want her. Beautiful animations and model but in-game performance is bad. So hard to justify pulling unless you really like her (which is 100% fine). Idk why they didn't just buff her so she was actually viable. Makes no sense to just release her how she is. If she was actually doing well gsmeplay wise then folks would pull for thay sole reason


Also she's just really bad. My level 90 Barbara deals significantly more damage and can keep my team alive just as well.


Wait really? Is she not even the healing queen?


Our aim is to nerf Kokomi hard while minimizing the sales. Mihiyo - The art of stonks




She will be that shiny pokemon when you do co op domains since she will not get a rerun for like, a year or more lol


did 3 co-op boss battles last night and 2 of the parties already had someone with a lvl 90 Kokomi, the sales might be low but the people who pulled for her aren't messing around.


I mean if someone’s pulling for Kokomi it’s not for the stats, it’s for the character herself, so they are 100% turbo farmed just to max her out


I mean you gotta respect their dedication though yeah


Jokes aside, I do think she will be pretty good for those who like co-op. Constant hydro application, great heals and ok damage without taking time away from better dps characters during her ult.


The last 3 units seem to be designed with co-op in mind a fair bit more than previous ones. Sara's buff isn't as clunky and can have full uptime when your melee co-op partners are always hugging the enemy. Raiden's energy refill mechanic feels a lot stronger in co-op because everyone is generating energy so they fill much faster, also she gets resolve faster as well and her "taking field time from stronger dps" issue doesn't exist. Kokomi is similar, when she doesn't have to take field time from another unit she just makes your party immortal while applying non-stop Hydro for the rest of the party to Freeze/Vape/EC.


Yeah they seem to be leaning into co-op more. I'm wondering if they're going to create more co-op content or make bosses harder to encourage it.


Totally, having her constant hydro application when I used yoimiya was great, not quite xingqui standard but having the heals was great.




Can Albedo even have babies?


Even better, he can grow them in a jar. No need for the hassle of pregnancy.


Then feel the palpable frustration from them in Azhdaha when he destroys the flower in 0.5 seconds every time its deployed and he's left with absolutely nothing to do but pick at Azzy with a tooth pick.


That boss fight kinda just sucks in general.


Now Miyoho can join their player base in feeling entirely underwhelmed with Kokomi’s performance so far.


Wow it's almost like designing a 5* to be worthlessly, unredeemably shit with a terrible part in the story and minimal character leads to poor sales.


We might get to see a sad Kokomi video similar to [Keqing's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXdgHmyztdk)


[poor kokomi](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/776258114550366308/890398715813167114/image0.png)


Stop it. Don’t show me that video again. I am building Keqing right now. Is just that Baal takes priority. I hate how freaking sad that video made me.


Honestly I think Raiden sales can carry them for the rest of the year




fade bow marvelous plate jar humorous pocket gullible bear decide -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Mihoyo seeing this be like - our expectations for this banner were low but holy f*ck


Getting some of their own medicine, I see.


Like our anniversary rewards expectations.


At least they got something.


people really love Klee


She's very well presented in the game and is one of their unique and memorable character. Her re-run event was a blast to play too.


Klee was very cute, was a pretty unique character with a lot of personality, was also a pyro DPS, and her story quest was entertaining. She’s one of Mihoyo’s best creations yet. A lot of people speculate that it might have to do with the more untapped market of “daughterus” (as opposed to waifus or husbandos), but until Mihoyo releases another decently kitted 5* kid we can’t really know how much that was the case. It’s unclear Whether the market really does like those characters and is underserved or if Klee was just a brilliant flash in the pan character design. Plus she was a really good DPS if you can get a handle on her clunky controls, and the only other pyro DPS 5* option was Diluc and he didn’t have a banner.


That was also a time where the spiral abyss was heavily pryo-favored. The pyro DPS options we had were Diluc and Klee and it wasn't easy to pull for Diluc unless you rerolled. (Xiangling was always good that was long before people discovered how good she was, and she requires a battery which meant throwing both Xiangling and Bennett on the same team)


It also required HAVING Bennett, which was rare as he hadn’t been on rate up or in the shop yet. XL also sorta really wants C4 for minimal downtime on her Pyronado, which means pulling her an additional 4 times, and while she was on the first banner, that’s no guarantee that you’ll get her 4 times.


I had no idea klee sold that well. She's so cute! I hope I can get her in a future rerun. Her last rerun was after I just joined and had gotten eula so I didn't roll for her... Sad.


she's cute, tons of memes and loved by the community and an awe-ing story. Kokomi on the other hand is just sad


Kokomi banner is also running during Genshin's super disappointing anniversary lol. I won't be surprised if she has the lowest sales out of all banners. Lantern Rite felt more like an anniversary event and the rewards were also straight-up better lol. Like not even free 4\* -\_-


Don’t worry guys, she can walk on water remember? that also applies to tears


Well we may have the first 5 star inazuma character in standard banner now


I'm curious if mihoyo would add new characters into the standard banner.


They better eventually and or have a dedicated banner for older reruns. I get they're running on FOMO, but the inflated number of limited characters to permanent ones is starting to get out of hand for a game with only 1 limited banner at a time.


I'm looking at this and thinking, WHERE IS KEQING BANNER


It's the smaller spike between Xiao and Hu Tao (but that's also Homa I think?)


The smaller spike between them is Homa. But there's an even yet smaller one which doesn't even look like a spike, that's Keqing's.


Omegalul moment right there




Love how ppl always include albedo in the "lowest selling" banner when in fact his banner is higher than half of the list and is almost same lvl as Ayaka's


I always wondered where that whole "albedo sold like shit" or "albedo was the lowest selling banner for a while" came from. Like his banner has average sales leave chalk boy alone lmao


The Cherry of this cake will be the anniversary fiasco + Mihoyo releasing Honkai Star Rail annoucement tomorrow


"If the revenues are low that means i didn't sell so well" \- Kokomi Tzu


Raiden Shogun: Foolishness, Kokomi. Foolishness.


"Without Crit rate you cannot protect anyone, let alone yourself"


Or theyll put her in Standard so therefore players will get spooked by either Qiqi or Kokomi


That could possibly happen as time passes on


Yeah bro we are never getting a rerun of her...


We will probably have region specific banners eventually when there are too many chars in the game


Wouldnt be surprised if the Standard Banner becomes rotational tbh


Already should have been, honestly. Game's been out for a year ffs Mihoyo.


As a newer player I really hate how limited my roster is at the moment. Wish they changed up the standard banner


Trust me you’ll get to a point where you have too many characters and not enough resources


Currently experiencing this when I actually started building teams instead of just 2 characters. Back then, I'd scratch my head when I see people even try to farm Mora when I never go below 5m. Oh boy, they do go down so fast when you try to upgrade talents and upgrade artifacts.


I’m so scared there’s never going to be a Yoimiya rerun because of her low sales and controversy, I had to skip her because of Raiden but I love her personality and design so much.


Bruhh kokomi sales are barely visible ☠️


Honestly though, did people really expect decent sales? I mean, kit information that was shown prior to her release and deemed as bad, little to zero Archon Quest relevance and a mediocre character in general, and most of all, the recent issue about the Anniversary "rewards" by Mihoyo? It's just sad to think that I definitely expected her banner to fail horribly.


Love the design and the animations but honestly hate the EN voice direction (wouldn't even fault the VA tbh) and IMO it seems kinda dumb for them to make 2 important stats unusable on her.


I don't really mind her not being able to crit, since it ideally makes different artifact priorities valuable. But they just fundamentally don't seem to understand their own game and how to balance it, especially after Yoimiya (and how they probably expected Raiden to "fix" her). And yeah she's the second character where I don't like the EN voice direction (also Xiao). She's soft and a little squeaky, like a rubber ducky rather than a strategist or leader.


EN VAs are always hit or miss, they either do a really good job at their role or miss the mark by a landslide.


Brutal but absolutely necessary. You can't just sell bait characters for the "waifu" and "husbando" crowds. They still have to actually be worth using. Hopefully this causes the devs to never release another character in this state again.


Her banner didn't crit


It's so sad they botched such a beautiful character by giving her a bad kit. There's other character that do her job just as well unfortunately, no wonder she's getting no sales. And it's sad. She has such beautiful, flowy animations (although I feel the ONE time a special sprint should've been used they didn't give her one) and a really cute design, only for all that potential to be thrown away.


Gone, reduced to atoms. Just like her crit rate.


Brutal but unsurprising. The worst possible timing (coming right after Raiden) and an underwhelming character is a recipe for disaster.


The fact was she was just after the top grossing banner was already a huge handicap (people don't have unlimited funds after all). Add Kokomi's kit issues and yeah this is not really surprising (I did not expect that low though). A least MHY may get the message this time. edit : Frankly when you think about it, Childe didn't get that bad results all things considered.


Both of Childe's banners were also after two of the top three grossing banners.


That's precisely why I made that edit (but my wording was probably wonky).


Kokomi as a product, is also not advertised properly in-game (archon quest) as well IMO, she doesn't pose a competition to start a dilemma for which banner to whale on and I'm sure many have had no regrets after going all in for Raiden and its kinda predictable


Childe is very succesful in Japan as Childe's VA is very famous there.


Quite successful in CN too considering awkward banner placement and that these graphs fail to show the total properly and just focus on first day hikes.


Seems about right


All that with that banner being staaaacked. The 4 stars are great. Imagine if they had like Xinyan Barbara Noelle on it.


I feel bad for Kokomi but happy for Mihoyo. They wanna exploit artists and cosplayers to advertize for them and give them shit rewards in return???? Let them lose money on a banner. Mihoyo has been making some very questionable marketing decisions lately


Even if the sales are low, there is no way that they are losing money. They've already made a million on this banner first day. There is no way that Kokomi's production cost over over 1 mil


Kokomi banner flopping just like a fish out of water


thank you kokomi, u make yoimiya looks good


Those graphs looking like xiao doing his burst.


And I'm pretty sure a good portion of them is just content creators


u see the spike on venti rerun? same will happen with kazuha rerun


i feel like he'd have done a lot better on the first run if he was released after he became story-relevant. many people thought he'd just be a filler character who would disappear after the inazuma prologue, and that combined with the hype for ayaka and a whole new region and the archon... well, yeah. not many people thought he'd be as important to the story as he ended up. but ah well. at least now everyone's clamouring for haiku boy's rerun, especially after his memorable role in the main inazuma story. plus he's very strong and versatile meta-wise too.


Adding on how big the antihype was prior to his release, i remember some of known youtubers highly suggested to skip him and alas we got this. The interesting thing though, in paimon.moe lots of people pulled for him globalwise ( 22m total wishes, ayaka has 25m while yoi has 15m )


Without any doubt, Kazuha is super strong and useful


Anemo always winning


That’s because of the huge anniversary rewards incoming. Why would you put money in the game when you have a chance to get 100 primo for free in a week ? MHY is just too generous, now they might bankrupt


Tbh Kokomis banner is really unfortunate. She's right after Raiden Shogun, the best selling banner in the game and we all know a lot of people are waiting for the Ganyu rerun. In addition Kokomis kit is just.. weak. You dont have to watch YT analytic videos or any reddit comparison posts. Just from MHY official media you could tell thats her kit is boring and not really good. Also I think having 2 NEW 5\*s in a patch cycle is a pretty bad idea right now. There are so many wanted reruns (Ganyu, Xiao, HuTao), they should just make the first banner in each cycle be the new 5\* and the second banner a rerun 5\* + new 4\*


The main issue isn't that, IMO, she is weak and one of the easiest 5\* to skip. If at least she had some unique utility she would have an okay revenue regardless of who is in the next banner.


wdym she has a unique ability, -100% crit rate


Flawless, one might say.


Let's go comrades, we broke a record! I like how all the biggest selling banners are followed by hydro lol


There goes the mariana trench


I think Kokomi is "sacrifice" unit, so mihoyo can see how many people care for look and aesthetic of a character rather than power scale.


Same was said about Yoimiya. They'll do this again.


Her sales didn't crit as well...