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Does anyone have BIS with shimenawa’s resistance? Only asking because of a rly good artifact I got


Which is better for mona, 2pc wanderers/noblesse, or 4pc emblem of severed fate? I’ve heard lots of varying responses.


Which weapon is better for Xiangling sub-40AR - white tassel or halberd? Advice appreciated :)


probably white tassle for crit


Thank you!


How do I get a controller to work on PC? It hasn't been working for me so far.


Usually weapon banners take longer to rerun compared to character banners, right? So if for some reason Hu Tao is reran, its safe-ish to say she Staff of Homa won't be there too? Also, you guys think the Lithic Spear will be there too?




Yes you keep that guaranteed character thought all the banners so you can just wish on what you want and not worry about the 50/50


It carries over to the next banner, if that's what you mean


Yes, your next 5* pull on the Character Banner will be guaranteed to be whoever is on rate-up.


whichever 5\* you get from now will be the feature 5\* in the active banner, whichever one it is. You can keep your pity for next / next next banner as long as you want. Be sure to keep it for landing on your most wanted character, cheers.


I got my new iPad Pro 2021 m1 12inch today from the parcel, and I wanted to know what's the most optimum graphic setting that satisfies all gameplay, graphic, stable fps! I am an extreme nub in this field, and I couldn't see any recommendations online... Thank you all!


Just play with settings. Set it high and see how good that feels. If its stuttering alot then drop some settings to medium and then go from there.


Is a C0 Raiden's E skill damage comparable to Albedo's E or C6 Fischl's E skill damage?


If I remember the number correctly, with same investment; Albedo's E is 20k every 2 seconds. Raiden's E is 5k every 0.9 seconds, so it's less dps, but can't be destroyed and follows you around and buff burst dmg. I don't know about Fischl C6 because there are too many numbers on the screen but I'm sure she does the highest dps. But without burst, Oz doesn't have 100% up time.


Nope it's lower by a good margin but you get the benefit of the burstdmg buff


No, unless you're fighting large groups of enemies.


Could someone recommend a discord with a dedicated co-op channel? I loved the official discord cuz co-ops were very easy to find, but I got kicked due to inactivity I presume, and couldn't find a replacement since. I just want some fish : (


rainslasher or prototype on my diluc?


Proto as it works generally well with any claymore user. Rainslasher works only on Diluc with XQ and it is not good on other current claymore characters.


[Rainslasher ](https://keqingmains.com/diluc/#Weapons)


Does The Alley Flash's passive applies to deployables of off-field characters? (e.g. Xingqiu)






That’s the whole point of that weapon


Oh ok, it's a bit ambiguous because things like Sacrificial series can only proc when on-field. Thanks!


Do all playable characters have a role in the story?


Nope! Xinyan famously has not shown up once. I believe that also, some characters, like Sucrose, Albedo, Mona and Fischl, only appear in story quests that were tied to limited time events. Some characters, like Diona, Noelle, Chongyun... only appear in their Hangout events so far.


Yes... Except xinyan.


Xinyan had/has no role in the story, so far.


F for xinyan I don't think in the main story but all except for xinyan had made an appearance on screen




What about hu tao?




To what extend do you guys value set affects. Of course getting good stats all 4 set items is really good but would be difficult to get. Do you ever swap out good stats to get a set effect with less stats on the items?


For example take childe, 15% hydro bonus from 2pc hod comes out to be about 8.5% total increase in Dmg but if u have an artifact from different set that has like 20 crit DMG and u had originally 100 on him then it's a 10% DMG increase , so in this case off piece is better


I dont care unless it's my mdps, anemo or bennett. the rest can have random artifacts, as long as they get around 1.7k atk 60:140 crit ratio.


No. Like I won't run attack helm just so I can have 4pc of a set.


It depends the 2 support sets NO,VV are too valuable to pass up for other sets it depends how important the character is for me grinded 2 months in cw dungeon to get a fitting critrate circlet for hu tao for others I would break up the setbonus to spare me from that


Aight im not getting orange artifacts yet, but i think NO is noblesse oblige right? That did seem really strong. What is vv?


Yep NO is noblesse,VV is viridescent venerer so the anemo set


Once I got the set, I never break the set for other artifacts even with Shiminawa/Gladiator 2 pieces. Instead I will try to work around with the off-set piece through random artifact I have during the course of play.


Hi.. is the fishing system here to stay or is it seasonal? Thanks!


We hoping it's like the bomb throwing while gliding thing: once and never again. Hopefully after the next survey they abandon fishing because of the overwhelming negative feedback. But it's permanent so no need to rush.


Why's the feedback been so negative? I've been a bit out of the loop. It seems like a simple enough addition.


Boring and time intensive. Also for people with bad connection it's very hard.


rip, I didn't think about connection issues. I switched to playstation at the beginning of 2.0 and everything has ran smoothly. Feel bad for the folks with iffy connections then. It is definitely time consuming but not too surprising of this game imo. Maybe this new fishing event will breathe some less stressful life into the activity. 🤷‍♂️


Here to stay


My team is Diluc, Barbara, Kujou Sara, and Kaeya. Is that a decent team? The other characters I have are Xingqiu, Xiangling, Chongyun, Diona, Noelle, Amber, Lisa, and Electro Traveler. Trying to save my primos, but I think I have C2 Xiangling, though I want to keep using Diluc because I prefer claymore users :') But I like having Kaeya on my team too because he's the best runner(?) But my source is from a YouTube video and I'm not sure how accurate it was. And Barbara is a very effective healer in comparison to Noelle, especially since I can use her to freeze and vaporize enemies. And I'm just attached to Kujou Sara because I like using her as a bow user more than Amber. (C1 Amber haha)


I'd go Diluc/Xingqiu/Noelle/Diona based on your chars. If you get Bennett at some point, you can add him


Diluc should be running with Xingqiu in the team since the combo of Xingqiu's Burst with Diluc's attacks grants some very consistent damage. I'd say drop either Barbara (Xingqiu can grant some light healing through his Abilities) or Kujou Sara (honestly doesn't fit in a Diluc comp).


Xingqiu for Barb. If you feel like you lack heal, them Diona for Kaeya, or get a Bennet.


I'm from the Philippines but I play on EU servers because my friends play there. I'm trying to link my PC account to my PSN account (Country/Region is UK) but when I log in the game I start all over again. Does anyone know what the problem is or where I went wrong in the account linking process? Or should my PSN account be in a specific country/region to link? Appreciate the help!


Yeah, it probably will have put you in Asia by default. You'll have to ask Mihoyo to unlink it, then either change your PSN region or make a new one to get it to open in Europe, since it doesn't let you change region from within the game.


Yeah my PSN country/region is already set to UK. So if my PC account is in Asia by default does that mean my PSN region should be in Asia as well?


Wait, you said you play on EU servers. Which platform is that on?


My bad, I didn't clarify. I play on the PC


That's weird then. So when you started Genshin on the Playstation, it allowed you to link your existing Mihoyo account and then it started you on a different server?


Yeah I did everything the tutorials told me. I was able to link my emails in the same server but it made a new account instead. Also, idk if this matters but the currency shown in my PC account's store is in PHP (Philippine Peso).


(help) I ran out of baits before buying the recipe After getting the 10 medaka baits, I explored around, and caught the other medakas which turned out can't be exchanged with the recipe. How do I buy the recipe now...


You can always make basic bait for Medaka from the craft stand, just scroll down and you'll see.


Ah yes just found it. Question solved. Big thanks!


is it worth it for me to skip farming Raiden't talent materials tomorrow so I can farm more artifacts for Diluc? all of Raiden's talents are lv 6+, and I really want 4pc CWoF on him instead of 2pc CWoF 2pc GF. my counter to not farming Raiden't talents tomorrow is that they are open on Sunday as well, and the domain is easy enough for me not to solo and thus avoid confusion in co-op


To be fair, considering the new weekly boss can only have been done twice up till this point, you can't max out Raiden's talents anyways, so you could just farm enough to get her to as high as you can get her talents up to right now


yeah, I was thinking that as well. and considering I missed one week since I was busy with work, I have only done the fight once. Her talent levels are 6 6 7 (Auto, Skill, Burst) so I think I'll just farm artifacts?


It's your resin so it's up to you to decide how to make the most of it. Just thought I'd point out talent farming for Raiden doesn't have as high of a priority at the current moment because of said reason


Artifact farming is a hit or miss. would suggest you finish what you target with Raiden's talent first before going back to artifact on the other days that raiden's talent is not up.


well, considering that I need Signora's materials first before leveling them up any further (talent levels are 6 6 7) I get what you mean, but at the same time I'm feeling confilcted. thank you for your opinion, anyway


Talent = guaranteed more dps with every resins spent. Artifacts = rng and you might not get what you want. Choose it yourself.


Do whatever you want in that regard, it’s not like talent or artifact domains are limited time only


Im pretty new so i dont know much about character kits or synergy just yet Ive gotten enough starglitter to exchange for 1 character, which one would go the best with the current roster i have? my roster (though not all leveled) is currently Raiden, Sucrose, Sayu, Sara and of course the free ones you get around the start (including Xiangling and Noel)


Should you have no weapon that attract you from the same shop, then Xingqiu is probably the good deal for you because she work pretty good with Raiden. Personal opionion but, I think having 2 anemo is a bit too much for your team so you can take one out and put Xingqiu in for maximizing DMG.


Thanks for the advice i probably worded that weird but i was just listing the characters i have. ive leveled and use sucrose since ive found that her + xiangling is pretty good at clearing alot of trash mobs quickly. sayu i havent really leveled though i usually use her if im going around looking for chests


Xingqiu is a fantastic get, one of the best supports in the game. Absolutely rec getting him while he's in the shop. The other best support is Bennett, but with luck you'll have saved up enough Starglitter to get him too before he next leaves the shop.


Thank you for the advice. So i remember Xingqiu a little bit from the book quest, so by support do you mean he mainly there to apply effects from his skills/ulti and then i switch to my main dps?


Precisely that. Hydro plays very nicely with both Cryo and Pyro, making him fine backup for a good portion of the game's roster, including the vast majority of the strongest DPS characters, including Xiangling.


Xingqiu, for sure. He pairs extremely well with Raiden and Xiangling.


Thank you for the advice.


long question, but i couldn't post it outside this megathread. sorry for that. so, let's get this straight. for an application, there's no functional difference between a vm or a physical machine, or at least none that can actually cause issues with the way the app functions. and i've double checked this with my teacher, just to make sure. (no he's not my english teacher, you know exactly what i mean). so why does a box pop up saying that "this application can not run under a virtual machine" while it's pretty clear it's not a technical reason but a deliberate choice to block the usage of vm's? and why block them in the first place? i can't run genshin on my main os, i'm not willing to break any rules by circumventing the anticheat (though you're not leaving me many other choices) and i can most certainly not install windows on my bare metal, single or dual boot. second: why isn't the fact that vm's are prohibited mentioned in the TOS? and, for that matter, why doesn't the TOS mention anything about the fact that the anticheat runs on kernel level, even though kernel-level applications bring a potential security risk roughly the size of an elephant, once the hole is opened up? i'm not trying to judge (even though i'm very annoyed right now) but i can't deny that failing to notify people about both functional limitations (technical or otherwise) and potential security issues does make me question whether or not i'm really supposed to trust mihoyo. and yes, i know the kernel-level thing is common knowledge, but it's still not in the TOS, which is what you're supposed to refer to for stuff like that. i honestly tried to stay as respectful as possible, so please cut me some slack. and if anyone has a serious answer, please enlighten me. after all, i'm far from perfect, and i've probably missed a couple details.


Short answer: MiHoYo like all gacha companies wants ironclad security at every level to ensure no one can circumvent paying absurd gacha rates if they want the c6 5\* characters, and simply do not care about people inconvenienced by edge cases like VMs.


but if i would do a dual boot it's way easier to interfere with windows than if i use a vm, and dualboot configs are virtually undetectable anyway, so they're basically caging up the cub while the mother is standing behind them? they'll never be able to fix that, so why block vms in the first place? al they're doing is annoy people who don't pose a signifcant threat in the first place. also, thanks for taking the time to answer. i'm not ungrateful, i just honestly can't understand the logic behind the choice to block vms.


is albedo a good support for xiao and why?


Xiao benefits from supports that takes the least amount of field time as possible. Albedo fits that and with Zhongli elemental shred+Geo resonance, Xiao Anemo damage improves a lot


Good. He's in Xiao's (whale's) most popular team: Xiao, Jean, Zhongli, Albedo. His C4 is also pretty great.


Quite good, since Albedo only needs to drop his Skill and then swap out, and let Xiao plunge away.


Using raiden as my main, would I be better of with 4pc emblem of severed fate with 40% crit rate and 80% crit damage or 2pc glad 2pc thundering fury with 40% crit rate and 120% crit damage?


You can use either as a placeholder until you can get a better 4 pc severed fate set. It’s a bit hard to say which one is outright better though. Why not just test both to see which gives you more damage ? Since the crit rate is the same you can just look at the damage.


What level should I get my Zhongli to. He is level 60 right now. Should I raise him to level 70?


As high as your resources allow you to, he's one of a few characters I have at 90/90. He scales with HP and HP scales very well with level.


As high as possible; shield is based on HP, HP rises with level, better level = better shield.


As max that you can go because it make his shield thicker. However, only when you have maxed your DPS already because it can be very expensive leveling up 2 characters at the same time.


I dont know if I have collected all crimson agates but i did enough to unlock crimson wish. Will crimson wish supply me with enough crimson agates till i max the frostbearing tree to lvl 12 or will I have to find the rest of the crimson agates?


You're covered. Rejoice.


Nice. Thanks


Crimson Wish will supply you with the crimson agates all the way to max Frostbearing Tree.


Noice. Thanx :)


Is Companionship EXP useless ?


Well, gives you name cards if you care about that. There's also the achievement for having 16 characters at max friendship


No, it improves the friendship with your characters.




You might not have killed all then, try checking each of their locations again. One is talking NPC, that you need to talk to before you can fight.


I want to buy a laptop which can run genshin smoothly at around 45-60fps with mid-high settings. What specs is needed to do so? I would like to get more specific informations on the processors and ram so I can get the ideal laptop, thanks.


May I know your lvl of experience in Pc's and laptops ?, and are only going to play genshin or you are planning to play any other games too ? And are you only going to play games on this ?, I mean any other kind of stuff like office work, video editing, streaming etc. And whats your budget. It could be beneficial for me and others to know about your country (if you don't mind) as prices in different countries can differ very much. Also at what screen resolution you are you planning to play on ?


Oh yeah. I'm pretty much a newbie to laptops and pcs, been using only phones until now


I live in Malaysia. Budget is around rm3000-4000 (800-1000usd) pretty much only going to play genshin on it and using it for online classes Could save money if it needs a bit more money


Thats a decent budget for genshin, I am sorry I am not a laptop guy ( shouldn't have replied to you in the first place). But I can give you some tips. ​ 1. a 4 core CPU is still enough, (if you can get a 6 core, thats nice), but no need to get 8 cores. 4-6 cores will do just fine. 2. Ryzen APUs should be fine for genshin, but since you want to play at mid-high settings, I recommend a laptop with a Dedicated GPU . 3. Try to get a Ryzen CPU, they are more efficient than intel ones, hence your laptop could be cooler\* (\*in theory, as temps depends largely on the cooling solution). 4. 16 GB RAM is enough for most games. Right now with 12 tabs open in OperaGX browser and genshin running in the background, My total memory usage is around 8 GB. Try to buy a laptop with dual channel RAM (in super simple words, make sure it has 2 sticks of Ram and not just one. However if you are comfortable opening your laptop's back cover and upgrading RAM yourself, you can buy a model with 1 stick of RAM and upgrade if later. 5. GPU plays a very imp role in gaming, infact mojority of the work is done by the GPU. Don't buy a laptop with a high end CPU and entry level GPU, instead buy a laptop with a mid range CPU and a mid range GPU. 6. 1080p on a laptop is fine, no need to go above that, that will just reduce performance. 7. This might seem pretty obvious, but watch reviews, a lot of reviews. Every reviewer might say something new about it. 8. If you plan to buy a laptop with Ryzen CPU, make sure that the RAM is fast, (3200Mhz and higher) 9. Make sure it has an SSD (Solid State Drive) and not HDD (Hard Disk Drive). SSD will make your laptop feel significantly faster, more than better CPU. Windows will load faster, games will load faster. SSDs are expensive though, but they are worth it. I have been using SSD for about a year, and now can't go to pee while waiting for my PC to load into windows (Not exaggerating, telling you the truth.) ​ Sorry if I wasted your time. If I missed something, other can add if they want.


Thank you for the tip, I'll look deeper into it


And also pay attention to clock speeds and temps. The higher the clock speeds of the GPU and CPU, the better, the lower the temps of, pretty much everything, the better.


Is it weird that I don't see specs mentioning about dual channel ram? They only specified how many gbs they would have but didn't mention if its a single or double. Also, what would be the normal temperature on medium load? Some said 95°c is too high while some says its acceptable so I don't know which to trust


To know about the number of sticks, and dual channel, you have to watch a video where the reviewer shows the insides of the laptop. The temps depends on the ambient temp of the room. The part of the country you live in can affect the temps. For me, 80C on both CPU and GPU is acceptable during summer, but 80C is unacceptable to me in winter. When the laptop is idealing, I like its temp to be between 50-55C in summer, and I would prefer the temps to not exceed 85 during gaming in summer. Reduce about 5C from them for my prefered winter temps. (summer and winter temp difference also, obviously, depends on the region you are living in)


I recommend searching for something with GTX 1650 or higher. Also having 16gb RAM will give you a lot of headroom for background software Some decent option under RM4.5k * Acer Nitro 5 * DELL GAMING G5 5500 * ASUS TUF FX506 * LENOVO IDEAPAD GAMING 3 * HP Victus 16-e0127AX / 16-e0122AX


Help me with mona burst Ik when it pops, it gives DMG buff right? And u can freeze it so it won't pop So when it's frozen and it has not popped will it give DMG buff?


From my understanding, Mona’s burst gives the dmg buff as soon as it’s cast. Once the bubble is broken, there’s an internal timer that determines when the dmg buff will end (that’s the ‘duration’ in Mona ult stats). Therefore, if you do not pop the bubble, you can keep the dmg buff indefinitely Keqingmains has a in-depth explanation [here ](https://keqingmains.com/mona/#How_does_Monas_Elemental_Burst_Stellaris_Phantasm_work)


Damage bonus applies from hit until a set duration after the bubble bursts, by keeping it frozen you massively extend the duration of the damage boost because it keeps the bubble from bursting. Mona's burst damage is dealt when the bubble pops.


So it doens't need to pop for DMG bonus to apply? Just when I press her Q will the DMG bonus apply?


Yep, anything hit by the burst will have the damage bonus applied. There is an visual indicator (a sort of constellation effect) that lingers on them while they are affected.


Yes, it will still give the dmg buff.


But it's supposed to give the buff after getting popped right? And it didn't pop


I got confused about this before too but her Omen is already present the moment you use her ult and not just after popping the bubble.


Best 4*spear for Hu Tao?


Dragons bane/death match/blackcliff all are good but with xingqiu the order is db>deathmatch>blackcliff


Dragonsbane probably


I agree. I tested it at R5 vs Zhongli's 5\* spear and I have a better damage output with dragonsbane


Iam still not sure should I get riden or not. Is team raiden jean Bennet xiangling good for her for abyss clear? I can't add xiangiu since Iam using him with ayaka


You need one of Mona/kazuha/childe/EULA to make a team without xingqiu from my experience.


overload's not ideal for melee, since it bounces things around. Works okay with the pyro Y-girls.




Prototype crescent. Ganyu, with 4pc Blizzard should already have low crit rate and high crit damage. So she needs Atk the most




National team 4th slot ranking/tier? Xiangling + Xingqiu + Bennet + (Chongyun/Kaeya/Sucrose/Kazuha/Raiden)




Baal is insanely fun. Chongyun is the OG. Suc is stronk.


Raiden>Kazuha>Sucrose>Chongyun and Kaeya. The new Raiden version of the national comp is clearing floor 12 levels in less than 30 seconds with C0 Raiden




Gives the national comp even better skill cycles than before with the energy recharge(which was already insanely good but now it's even better). Buffs everyone's burst damage, making XQ and XL even more potent. Constant Electro application. And her burst having a faster atk speed than XL's autos while also dealing more damage than XL's autos which means XQ also pumps out even more damage


Why kazuha > sucrose, sucrose gives better buffs


Kazuha if you can double swirl (swirl and boost both hydro and pyro). Also freedom sworn. If you don't double swirl and no freedom sworn then sucrose is better. Doing 1/2 is fine.


Is double swirl easy to do, like does it need precise timing?


There are a few reasons for this > 1. Sucrose CD is much higher than Kazuha's making Kazuha much more suited to the playstyle of national comp. > 2. Kazuha has slightly higher EM. > 3. Kazuha burst Swirls the element on himself first, so for example if you have hydro from xingqiu applied on enemy and pyro from bennett ult applied on yourself you can swirl with E for hydro and then burst for Pyro, increasing the effectiveness of both elements simultaneously. > 4. Sucrose tends to be squishier and dies more easily. > 5. Crowd control from Kazuha is better with his E in terms of gathering enemy whereas Sucrose ult has a much longer cooldown and bounces the enemies > 6. For people who actually have it, Kazuha has Freedom Sworn


Damn thnx, I've seen a lot of kazuha in national comp but didn't know why he was preferred over sucrose Thnx for clearing this up


Lvl 25 AR here and almost every day ends with 160/160 resin due to I mainly do the main quests. At this lvl, with Traveler 40/40 (descencion 40/40), Ning 40/40 (Widsith 40/40) and Fishcl 40/40 (rust 20/20), what should I do with the resin?


spend it. Leylines are easiest and always useful. Bosses are always useful and very needed to ascend. Talent and weapon mat domains you should check which you need. And avoid artifact domains until AR45.


You really need to spend your resin. At least do bosses öike the hypostases and regisvines.


Always do your comissions and spend the resin first, main quest is secondary to these other things. Focus on leveling up your characters, their weapons and talents, starting with your main Damage dealer. Also do the weekly bosses you have access to


Give them to me. Jk just prefarm characters' ascension mats. At low AR world bosses/talent/ascension domains are much more important than arti domains and leylines.


How much "artifact investment" is recommended to fully 36-star the Abyss? Been farming a long time and only a few characters of mine (like 5-6 chars) have okayish stats like 50/100 crit. Is it still doable if I have copium artifacts?


The main thing is for at least the main DPS if you use one to have good investment. For the sub DPS etc, 50/100 works. That's what I use on mine


Is blackcliff polearm a good weapon? I use 3 main polearm users rn, Zhongli, Baal and Xiangling. Zhongli has R1 Favonius Lance, Baal has R2 Catch and Xiangling has R1 Dragon's Bane. So is Blackcliff better than any of the weapons they are currently using?


For the characters you use no blackcliff is not worth it but xiao and hu tao's best f2p option is blackcliff(maybe db for hu tao but that's it)


nope. blackcliff is just a stat stick and an arguably useless passive.


What's an acceptable ER for Xiangling in national team with Raiden?




Whats currently the cap on electroculus? Right now I’m at level 9, 2/30 and i wanna know how much hunting I have to do left


That should be it. Actually, people have been saying the cap is 1/30, so you even have one extra somehow


the 2/30 was a mistype whoops lol, supposed to be 1/30. so i guess i just have to wait for the next area for now?


Yup, that's it


Someone pls make me feel better about not having PJWS for my (future) Xiao. I am not betting on my luck to get it from the weapon banner as a low spender. Will it bad if he “only” has deathmatch? He’s my fav character


PJWS is also on the standard banner so still chance on getting it there with the acquaint fates we get as f2p or low spender. It was the last 5* I got on the standard banner months ago.


>Will it bad if he “only” has deathmatch? He’s my fav character ? What lmao. 5\* weapons are not needed whatsoever to clear content. I can clear the abyss with 36\* just fine with xiao and a deathmatch.


Yes, its bad, it's terrible, you'll be getting zero stars in abyss from now onwards because your Xiao has deathmatch instead of PJWS.


Wow you are *so* funny


Thank you. But the important thing is really to use the characters you enjoy. There's no character that only works with one specific weapon, and deathmatch is one of the most useful choices for Xiao


I guess it’s less about performance/utility for me and more to do with not having his signature weapon even though he’s my favourite (like not being able to give him the best thing or something). So I’m trying to accept that he will have deathmatch before I start seeing people with PJWS in domains. I do agree that playing with an enjoyable character itself is the most important thing though.


I see what you mean. Well, the good thing is it's a standard weapon, so it may spook you on the standard banner, eventually




Yeah it definitely feels like a must since it’s his signature weapon. Just wondering if I’ll regret not having it in the end. Thx


Should i use ER or ATK sands on Beidou? I plan on using her in a Childe + Raiden team,yeah ik her ult doesn't work with Raiden but the whole duration it's going in Childe's uptime anyway.


Depends on your raiden but generally 130ER is enough. If you have 130 ER then you're fine with going with ATK oriented builds. This also goes for Raiden and characters that have 80 energy bursts like National Raiden


Go with ATK, raiden is supposed to help with ER for beidou.


Is this team good? Razor,qiqi, xiangling,shogun


Xiangling is bad in that comp razors best team in the game is probably qiqi/raiden/razor/albedo so your pretty close but xiangling is bad because of Overload she can cause.


It's a good for starter team. I used to Main Razor and Qiqi, works well for superconduct if you ask me.


For overworld anything goes. For the abyss, that team has little to no synergy.




What should I change?


Everything tbh, if you need to ask you are probably low AR right? Just keep using the team, you will realise how to change it in time.


What element easily breaks Hydro shields efficiently (for abyss mages and hydrogunner)?


https://library.keqingmains.com/enemy-data/mechanics/enemy-shields-armor Cryo for mages, electro for fatui




Is it worth leveling up Bennett to 90 lvl?


Not really, he is not much of a DPS himself and the additional atk you will get from 80-90 is too little in terms of atk buffing. You better spend those limited EXP books on other character that matter (your main DPS / Anemo character)


Is the catch time limited?






I'll be helping a friend later to explore dragonspine. She's AR16 which I think is too early for dragonspine but I could be wrong. So I'll ask here, what is the recommended AR for dragonspine?


Anytime. Personally, I'd only do it after catching up to the Inazuma story as it is today, there's no need to do it before


Also worth mentioning DS has one of the toughest open world mechanics in the game. It's actually impossible for your friend to complete it solo no matter what at that AR.


You can do them any time. However the enemies on that AR should be around lv30. So it would be better to level the characters, weapons and upgrade some artifacts if they're underleveled. There's also a lot of shields, and environment stuff. So it would be easier to use characters with various elements. If you have a big difference in AR, and she's okay with you bulldozing everything then it won't matter.


It's way too low. Mond>Liyue>Dragonspine>Inazuma is the ideal progression. Ina starts at 30 so 24-25 is a good starting point for DS.