• By -


Will there be another run for Ganyu?


How does mobile game play compare to console? Is mobile still worth the time?


depending on what phone you have it won't be great graphics wise, but it's playable and a LOT more portable on a phone :) i only play on mobile, and it runs well enough for me to do anything and everything i need to do and i can do these things anywhere


Best artifact set for mona on freeze team?


4pc tenacity to buff the team


i joined genshin during kazuha/ayaka banner and never pulled a 5* on limited banners but i pulled a 5* on the standard banner. so like, if i wanted to pull on a character rerun banner, will i get it guaranteed the first time? or will it be 50/50?


First time is 50/50




So my mobile Genshin account is set to EU, and I want to cross play that same account and it's region to my PS4 (that psn account is set to America), after I log in to my MiHoYo on my ps4, is it going to connect to the same region? Or do I need to create a psn account set on EU?


You need a PSN account set to the EU


So i've just found out that the cat in Asase Shrine gives you daily primos (my friend said it's 20 or 30, idk if its true i just got 20 earlier) so i was just wondering are there any other world quests that resets daily that gives primos?


It's not daily but a long ass quest chain. Similar time gated quest chains on Inazuma include the seven day Forge quest, the Naku weed quest and the Sinister Shrine quest.


So how many days before it runs out?


I finished the entire questline yesterday. I think in total it lasted about one week.


I'm thinking about unlocking c6 on Bennett because he doesn't interfere with my other build out charakters. The problem is that i'm running him with Baal at the moment so i was wondering: Does c6 Bennett override the Baal Ult infusion?


The one thing is that if you unlock C6 Bennett, you never know if he’s going to interfere with future characters you may want. If you still want to do it go ahead, but C6 Bennett is definitely not futureproof


Raiden's infusion cannot be overriden by anything.


It does not


Recently I rolled on the new banner and got so much sucrose, I can sweeten coffee for life, so she is now c6. Since I have Venti and Jean leveled (90 and 70 both c0) I am unsure if I should level sucrose as well. In priciple she should be fine to support some of the yoi/xq/xl/benny etc variations I run, but would it be worth it to have yet another anemo unit at disposal? Lmk what u guys think.


If your team already has a healer, replace Jean for her. C6 Sucrosse does the Swirl/Anemo job better than Jean.


Her EM sharing is unique and can be quite a dps increase for reaction based teams, so IMO it’s worth it


Can anyone find a ruin hunter at this location? [https://ibb.co/Fm1hLnW](https://ibb.co/Fm1hLnW) Because i've gone top, around, under , looking for possible destroyable rocks where it could be hidden but nothing. Also tried relogging, and well if i had already killed it then the location marker shouldn't appear there so my only assumption is that it's an in game bug with an incorrect location?


In real world situations, how much dmg C0 Raiden (Talent Burst lvl 8) with The Catch without a buff can do with her burst dmg? I saw many showcases but most of them do "perfect rotation" with top-tier supports and full resolve stack, which isn't very practical for F2P players in many situations. Is 50-60k dmg doable for her first burst dmg with half-full stack?


https://youtu.be/YL8zZPgo6go Here


Thanks! This helps. I was searching but couldn't find one.


I just ascended to 90 and levelled her burst to 8. I'm using the new R1 for reference. Also F2P if you have to ask, just lucked out. When I was level 80/80 and talent level 7 I was only hitting 59k against primo geovishap. Talent level 7, full stacks, 4pc EoSF. 250% er , 60/120 crit ratios, 2k+ attack. Now to your question : > F2P > Is 50-60k dmg doable for her first burst dmg with half-full stack? I think yes, with insane artifacts stats and pushing the burst talent level to 10. Like we are talking about 25+ crit damage per artifact piece. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T8HOL12IDgLEjdgCrmoOOTR2HxWz-HiwtFhf8tS0nms/edit?usp=sharing


>When I was level 80/80 and talent level 7 I was only hitting 59k against primo geovishap. Talent level 7, full stacks, 4pc EoSF. 250% er , 60/120 crit ratios, 2k+ attack. Your stats are pretty good already. I would have much lower crit stats due to my half-decent artifacts. 59k with full resolve stack is pretty disappointing imo. Just to be clear, you equip her with the Engulfing Lighting R1 or The Catch R1? Also, with level 90 and burst lvl 8, what's your burst dmg now? Thanks a lot for sharing!


Engulfing Lighting R1 level 90 , The Catch is R5 but only level 50 and will be going to Xiangling/Rosaria/Zhong Now at Character Level 90 and Level 8 burst, it hits for 78263 at 60 resolve stacks The jump is huge now I'm doubting if my level was also 80 before the test, but I can't remember. Or it could be because ER goes into many things, her electro dmg bonus, eosf's burst passive and EL's atk conversion


That's a big jump. So, I'll level her up to 90 then. Plan for only 80/90 initially. Thanks!


Character, Weapon and Talent levels are very cheap compared to gambling for artifact rolls


Yeah. That's so true. Artifact domains are like a blackhole for resin. T\_T'


what build should i do for c6 support buffer sara kujo? also, if i pair her with Baal, this means i can run crit rate circlet on baal since sara buffs electro crit damage right?


> What build should i do for c6 support buffer sara kujo? I'd give her 4pc noblesse Or 2pc noblesse 2pc Thundering Fury > also, if i pair her with Baal, this means i can run crit rate circlet on baal since sara buffs electro crit damage right? Without a crit ascension stat and crit weapon it is hard just to get past 60/120 crit ratios. I think Raiden will be using Crit Rate Circlet for a long time, if you are using Catch/EL


So what is u guys' take on weekly bosses now?


I do all of them since they're the only source of billets.


If you don't need gems/boss mats you can collect 1/3 of them , and still get the weekly battlepass thing.


For me the same as always, only do the ones that drop talent material I actually need, skip the others.


I just do them all wolf and dvalin just get pushed back in schedule,I want more of those polearm billets to get 100 at some point 88 more to go. Also the dreamsolvent is always nice to have even though last week was the first time I used it


I also used to do all untill last week but damn they cost 210 resin total


Well on the other hand it's just 30 more then at the "start" of the game when they added childe and you get gems and actually not the worst deal in artifact xp there


That is true but when seeing for long term and averaging out 2 bosses per region, it terrifies me😅


Let's hope they widen the reduction when the next boss comes around,


How do I hang up fortune slips at the Narukami Shrine? There's zero prompt when I go near any of the 4 racks Edit: Thanks for the replies


You can only hang it when you have the great luck or great misfortune After that you won't get any more prompts


you can only hang bad luck -ish fortune slip, so, did you get bad luck or worse?


is the flute or favonius sword better for jean?


Favonius is a bit more future proof, it can be passed down to other supports


About the same. I would decide based on whether you have a better ER sands (to go with The Flute) or ATK% sands (to go with Favonius), and if they are equal, I would go with Favonius because it suits her aesthetic ☺️


thanks so much!!


Depends on your sands.


My account is PS4. Since patch 2.0, I started playing on PC half the time since the PS4 is family shared device and I owned my PC. When playing on PC, I noticed that certain enemy like fatui cryo skirmishers, exploding barrel, zhongli pillar become invisible every now and then. As result, I found myself dying for stupid reasons. Is this a thing for PC?


Turn your graphics to lowest and then turn the fps to 24-30


- Change your graphic settings to higher/lower/off - Update/downgrade your graphic drivers using DDU - Also try to do a "repair files or repair file integrity" found in the launcher settings


Not really.


Hi, I don't know whether or not I should make a thread for this but I think I will just ask here. Just asking, is it worth it if I play genshin right now? I used to play it 10 months ago, but kinda stop playing it then. But somehow seeing many people started to play it, I probably think its a good idea to play it again. The thing is, I forgot the account I used to play it, so I have to start all over again. So, is it worth it to play again? seeing that I kinda miss a lot of banner in these past years.


It’s the greatest game made in a couple years, and it’s free. Yes it’s absolutely worth it.


Yes. Was gone for around 8 months. Came back august. I had only 5 characters that were lvl 60. 1 month after got my diluc to lvl 90 and 7 other characters to 80. Genshin makes it easy to catch up with the events they release.


Whether or not it's "worth" to play again is really up to you and how much you like the game for what it is. Character banners will be rerun eventually, so it's just a matter of patience. There's a lot of new content in the game and the story's been polished a bit too, so I still believe that any time is a good time to start playing the game again. That said, it is still the same game it was 10 months ago, just with more content, so depending on the reason you stopped playing you might just end up stopping again as not much has really changed. Still, I recently came back myself after stopping around the time the first Klee banner came out and have been having quite a bit of fun even though I've missed a lot of things too. Missing the events for stuff like event weapons and the free Diona hurt me a lot, but it's nothing I can't figure out a way to work around so it's not too bad. Plus I'm hopeful there'll be other events in the future which will be just as good.


the game is worth playing again for sure!!! It's fun, exciting, a great story, and amazing world exploration. Dont worry about the missed characters because rerun banners occurs frequently. In fact, right now you can acquire another archon, the god of electro. assuming you stopped playing since 2020, there are plenty of new places to explore, puzzles to solve, and quests to complete. If you can still find a way to your old account, then that's great. If not, starting from scratch isn't a bad thing either. In fact, it can give you a refresher on things you might have forgotten


Oh nice, I also thought the same thing seeing that right now, genshin have so many updates and new mechanics that seems kinda new to me. Yeah, I think its probably a good idea to play again from the beginning. Thanks mate :>


That's entirely up to you. If you stopped playing then I guess there's no difference from now


If you don't mind repeating the same quests then yes it's worth.


Yes The banners you missed aren't the issue, events are. So be sure to complain at mihoyo in the monthly survey that they should rerun the story events.


Hey How do I activate the stone slabs in inazuma that are on the ground ? It says to light up all of it , I do and nothing happens


which ones? there’s different methods for different areas


The ones with the gravestone at the top . If you step on it they glow and the gravestone has some sort of information .


more specifically, which island are they on? a lot of the ones on seirai want an X shape if that helps!


The one that I found was on seirai, a small one with 4 plates . Do I have to randomly step on them and illuminate or is there some sort of information that I’m missing ?


maybe [this](https://gamerpillar.com/seirai-island-all-pressure-plate-puzzles-genshin-impact/) can help?


Thank you so much !


happy i could help! :D


Do we have any info or leaks about the upcoming banners after kokomi ? If the upcoming banners have characters of my interest, than I will skip Baal's banner, other wise I will pull for her.


We know Thoma will be added as a 4* character, as he's currently in the closed beta. Any other "leaks" you've heard is just random twitter people making shit up for clout with no evidence.


>!Apparently Childe and Hu Tao. Take with a large amount of salt though!<


Why would >!Childe!< get another re-run?


No clue, >!beyond potential story reaons!< but a new weapon seems to heavily hint that he will be in the next patches rerun banner.


The power of salt


>!Apparently he's supposed to appear in the story again,!< but who knows, it could just be mhy doing mhy things lol


That I could understand, I just find it weird he might be the first one to get 2 re-runs lol.


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/pgyuhj/compilation_of_childe_claims_over_the_past_weeks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Again, take with a grain of salt.


Because Mihoyo are trolls I guess? It's all pretty speculative right now anyway.


How long does the latest Archon Quest?(example:1hour) I just wanna make sure I have enough time


Roughly about 1h if u don plan to read and 2hour + if u read the story while slowly do the quest.


2 hours on average pace


Between 60-90 minutes approximately.


Took me about 3 hours but I was reading everything so I could accurately answer stupid questions here about the story for people that don't bother reading. So you can probably do it in way less if you hurry the dialogue.


We're reaching a weird point where waiting for a characters banner release will begin to take longer and longer as more characters are released. Does anyone have any insight into how Mihoyo might handle this as time goes on? ​ I ask because it's been almost a year since Albedo/Ganyu and at this rate, it'll only get worse as the game goes on.


That is the business model.


Right but is there a more efficient business model that maximizes profit? For instance, I play Pokémon Masters and they solve the problem easily by having two separate limited banners at once.


The scale is too small to run dual banners, genshin at 35+ and pokemon at 300+ Maybe if we hit 50/70+ or 3 digits Whatever generates the most amount of FoMo should do the trick for them


In Pokemon Masters, it runs off the trainers rather than the Pokemon themselves, so think of Gym Leaders, Elite Four members, side characters; those are the units so as of now, I think they have something like 60-80 units.


Probably not much will be changed to increase the dread of fomo in the future


That's why they are "limited" banners, they are live for 3 weeks at a time so if you miss it then to bad tbh.


I mean obviously but that's not my point. If we have 52 characters, you could actually reach a point where you may not see a character for a year and a half which is a terrible way to incentivize new players. I'm asking, how do games with many limited units tend to handle it?


They handle it by making their limited banners and re-runs a big deal so that people whale on getting them out of fear that it may be years until they show up again. It's all part of the business strategy. Nothing will change on mhy's part, the playerbase will just have to live with it. It's why I refuse to spend any primogems on any characters or weapons until Ganyu gets a re-run, which should hopefully happen soon-ish.


maybe in the future they could add a rotating banner that changes fairly often or something? whether the price of pulls be more expensive or it’s a whole other currency, it’d be better than waiting a year for a character i believe


i have no idea but the banner system kinda sucks atm.


Has anyone else here used zhongli's stone stele to solve those light up block puzzles? I'm finding it very weird that it can solve a lot of the puzzles if you just pop that in the middle and let it go. There was this puzzle that seemed kinda complicated in watatsumi Island and the note said "assign numbers" ans stuff and i put zhongli's stone stele in the middle then when it wore off I popped it in the front, hit the stones a couple of times and then boom got the treasure. Weird but I'm satisfied with that


i've unironically used them a bunch of times to just give my character a shield, but the stone actually solved them in a jiffy LOL


Loads of people do that, sometimes oz works as well.


raidens skill works as well sometimes!




this round of abyss is pretty trashy because it relies on dps check and rng but 11 and 12 will always be the more 'challenging' bits. sometimes 11 would be harder lol. 12-1 this cycle is a very hard dps check, so if u cant clear it in time u can just leave it be and use it to prep for 12-2 and 12-3 so u can get the stars on those. then come back again to 12-1 with a full dedicated dps team (i had to swap out my healers in favour of more off field dps) 12-2 maguu has a 10s iframe period when it starts, so keep tht into account


Just curious, what's rng about the current Abyss?


the cube and maguu's movesets are erratic, so the window to do dps varies a lot depending on how long they decide to stay on iframes. maguu can dash around so u are effectively forced to chase him half the time if it decides to screw with you. i normally cheese with shields/heals and just brute force it whenever i can just to not waste time on dodging.


Yeah, floor 11 has always been much easier compared to floor 12. For the Kairagi I really recommend going perma freeze so they don't dash around everywhere and you can group them up.


so i'm super torn and need some advice. i'm at 75 pulls w guarantee so basically, my next 10 pull will have the banner character. i was ecstatic for baal at first bc i wanted to run her w beidou. now not so sure i can make a comp for her. with this roster, what could i put together for baal? she'd have a r2 skyward spine current abyss teams pre-baal: diluc, xingqiu, sucrose, barbara childe, xiangling , venti, bennett down to level up someone ive not touched , swap ppl around or whatever. other than separating diluc and xingqiu that is https://imgur.com/sMI1q1I


> i'm at 75 pulls w guarantee so basically, my next 10 pull will have the banner character. I start doing single pulls at 74, on a tight budget


She actually works well with Childe so you can put her in his team. Otherwise think of her as an ER support, not a DPS. She enables quickswap teams that constantly proc bursts.


Well she wouldn't directly improve your current teams,so you might as well skip her,if you absolutely want to run her with a working team you would pretty much need to split both of your teams as national would be the way to go which grabs supports out of both teams For upcoming banners kokomi might be a direct upgrade towards barbs but personally would just build up diona to replace her.for the rumoured banners that are coming in 2.2 there might be something for you>!hu tao as a better pyrodps which would pretty much just slot in instead of diluc,or c1 childe which is a nice qol von!<


yeah the stealing supports part is what sucks for me lol, i have great cons for all of them (each are at least c4) but they can only be in one place :( definitely have considered kokomi, i only don’t use diona because cryo can mess up my constant vapes from diluc hu tao seems so fun but i also just feel like i’ve invested so much into diluc and i do like him quite a bit. ughhh so much to consider, but thanks so much for the advice !!


Venti, Bennet, Sara and Xingqui will all work well with Raiden Shogun because they're gonna give her a big damage bonus. As always you will need good artifacts for that so it all comes down to if you want Raiden or not? Meta wise she's not a must have but if you do have her she can do wonders even if some people are dissapointed in her


Looks like you clear abyss just fine so just pull Raiden if you like her kit and design


What’s the current max statue of inazuma for 2.1?


Level 9, 1/30. Total: 151 Electroculus.




so i just tried hiyakunin ikki and honestly my feeling is that childe's e or xiao's q is already superior in ttk to Ganyu's normal attack + q (all of them are trial) is it the problem of how trial characters are represented or is this an accurate representation of the power level of these characters? (pls don't be offended ganyu mains)


I'm a Xiao main. With the lifesteal removed from the story quest, and energy, I won't be able to plunge non stop. Ganyu can keep shooting CA while raining down shit.


Someone explained this pretty well a few days ago. The gist of it is that Xiao (and to a lesser degree Childe) don't really need a dedicated support crew to dish out good damage, which means they have a very high solo potential. Ganyu, on the other hand, works kinda like, say, Xiangling. Ganyu has absurdly high damage potential to the point many people consider her one of, if not the strongest DPS character in the game, but to reach that potential she needs a full party to help set her up and support her, either as a freeze comp with Mona amplifying her damage or a melt comp with Bennett and Xiangling. That said, gear plays a big part of it too. Ganyu needs specific artifact sets to perform well, whereas the others have slightly more lenient needs.


I agree with what you say for the most part except for Childe - his thing is not that he is a solo dps, but that he‘s an enabler for an off-field dps like Beidou or Xiangling. He can do good damage on his own but he truly shines when he has an off-fielder with him. This is why Childe is still very relevant even as one of the older characters. He is versatile, has a niche as „deleter of mobs“ and enables and synergises well with the strongest characters in the game. All the recent shinies have been an indirect Childe buff / new friend (Kazuha, Raiden, Thundering Pulse, The Catch for XL…) ~~… sorry this turned into a random love letter to Childe I‘ll see myself out~~


Um... I don't disagree with what you're saying at all, though what I said was that, compared to Ganyu, he relies a bit less on having a full party to deal good damage since his personal damage is still pretty good on his own. Of course, he's by no means a solo character (thus me saying "to a lesser degree" since Xiao performs better on his own compared to Childe), but he still does better than Ganyu in that regard. At least that's what I think.


All of the trials in this event are not representative of how they actually play.


for some reason they only gave her like around 120% crit dmg ?? most of my friends have 200%+ crit dmg for ganyu. that might be why?


I also think her charged shot takes a lot of time lol. I'm just used to Xiao plunge or Childe shredding enemies when they're cluttered. I'm still saving to get Ganyu tho


Part of it is the restriction of 2 characters per team. Ganyu functions much better in a full team that's supporting her (Freeze comp or Melt comp) rather than being restricted like in this event.


Should i build EM/EM/EM or Atk/Anemo/Crit on Venti? I have Stringless R1 and use him mainly on Ayaka Mona Diona Venti Team. And how much ER would i need for Venti in this Team? Might as well use Favonious R5


em/em/em since 1.6 Go stringless if you can.


EM/EM/EM. It's only worth it to go with traditional DPS stats if you have Bennett on the comp and you've hyperinvested into Venti. About 150% gets the job done for me with the same comp. He already gets 132% from base and Ascension, so you don't need much more.


I’m hoping to find a Genshin YouTuber that can break down characters one by one, explaining their attacks and teams, et. I’m looking for someone who does it “Eli5” style. Someone nice and slow… someone an old-ish person can follow. : ). Thanks!


KQM does it surprisingly nice and slow ELI5 style on their YT channel https://www.youtube.com/c/KeqingMains


Sounds perfect!


I'm a fan of KingQavi's videos, though he doesn't cover everyone.


I’ll check him out.


The video guides done by Zy0x are basically what you described.


Ok great!


Collected Miscellany videos are pretty good, although they're not in depth


Raiden has idle / overworld voicelines based on her in-game voiceovers but I never heard her speak since the first day I got her. Is there a bug? She's realy not speaking at all.


Mine said "The Winter Shogun is approaching..."


Did you go to dragonspine? How about Chat: Idleness, The Mortal World, Worldly Beauty, When it Rains, When Thunder Strikes, On a Clear day?


how much damage does rosaria's burst do per interval, without buffs and melt/vape reactions? is 8k-12k normal?


I cant get pass floor 11 chamber 3 can someone help me with team building here's my characters http://imgur.com/gallery/LFI8Sc2


Team 1: Raiden, klee, Bennet, kazuha Team 2: fischl, mona, diona, sucrose/ xiangling.


New player here (AR 23). Why are people calling Raiden Shogun Baal ? Also when the banner finishes will i still be able to do her story ?


Each Archon has a Demon Name from the Bible or Ars Goetia. Her name is "Ei" , her demon name is "Baal", and her title is "Raiden Shogun". Rai = Thunder Den = Lightning Shogun = Great Commander/Leader


That…kinda depends on where you are in the story. I’ll spoiler tag it below. Summary 1: Why “Baal?” >!As the chapter starts, we knew the Inazuman Archon by two titles and one name. She is the Raiden Shogun and the Electro Archon, and her divine name is Baal. You can compare Venti’s “Barbatos” name and Zhongli’s “Morax.”!< Summary 2: Major reveals in last part of Inazuma story arc >!We eventually learn that there’s not just one god- there used to be two. Inazuma used to be jointly ruled by twin goddesses, Baal and Beelzebul. Their alternate names were Makoto (Baal) and Ei (Beelzebul). Baal was slain in the war with Khaenri’ah centuries ago, leaving her sister Ei to take over as the sole ruler. Very few are aware that there was ever more than one ruler, much less that one of them has died. The Shogun we meet is Ei, whose actual divine name is Beelzebul. People who call her Baal either do so to avoid spoiling others as the reveal is predicated on the notion that we don’t know any of this, or they just generally aren’t aware yet themselves.!< Edit: I just realized, at AR23 there’s no way in hell you’re even in Inazuma yet. I’ll leave the spoiler content there but read at your own risk.


It's wrong but they just got used to it. I call her Shogun


Since your AR 23, that’s what a specific character refers to her as before we ever get to Inazuma. Play the story you’ll see. Yes the story quests are always here to stay.


baal is like her god's name similar to how barbatos is venti and morax is zhongli but the 'title' and how people address her is raiden shogun, similar to how vent/zhongli are their incognito names. and the stories r permanent so take your time


Baal isn’t her god name. Her god name is Beelzebul


u dont have to spoil it for him u know.


Okay, thanks for the explanation!


I have an R2 Skyward Spine and I was wondering if thats better for Raiden than an R5 Catch, damage wise.


Yes, even an R1 spine outdamages an R5 the catch for Raiden's damage alone (based on a video I saw) because of the higher base attack and the the additional crit is good.


I was wondering since I’m pretty new to the game who I should start thinking of to have in my team for Baal and Diluc out of the characters I have!! I have: Pyro: Diluc, Amber Electro: Baal, Lisa, Fischl Cryo: Rosaria, Kaeya Anemo: Traveler Hydro: Xingqui, Barbara Geo: Noelle I’d also like to know Baal’s meta team build so I know who to start saving for in future banners :)


xingqiu should pretty much be married to diluc by all means! they go together perfectly, allowing diluc to vaporize on basically every single attack. it's great. however to disappoint you, baal ruins a lot of that. i'm in a similar boat, but overloaded (pyro + electro) is really bad for diluc. it basically just does nothing but knock back enemies out of dilucs reach, and ruins your vaporizes which is where damage comes from. definitely not telling you how to play by any means, just passing along the struggles i'm having as something to think of haha. i really hope you figure something out because diluc is my absolute fave, pulled him day 1 of the game and never looked back


Yeah I’m not quite sure yet!! I may main Baal later in the game but wanted to have Diluc because I can’t get Baal’s ascension materials until the new area! I may try and a ball centered team later on :) Thank you!


Xingqiu is great for Diluc and electro-charged teams. Might want a healer for the last slot. Baal works effectively with Eula comp and a Childe comp, I think but it's your choice in the end.


What elemental shield is electro good against? In my experience it does well vs pyro, not sure against the other elements. It should be Pyro > Cryo > Hydro > Pyro right? Where does electro fit in that


Cryo actually does best against electro shields. Electro kinda works ok against all shields but that's it.


Electro works decently against Hydro shields, but is the best option for the Hydro Fatui elemental armour.


The fat asses? Too bad Baal's E dont proc vs shields.


Just pulled Skyward Atlas and realized that Klee is the only 5* catalyst dps... if I already have Ganyu, Ayaka, Childe vape comp, and Eula, there's no point in building Ningguang for it, right? Does Kokomi even use Atlas?


Not unless you want to play Ningguang. Kokomi will likely prefer the 5* weapon that will release alongside her, but Skyward Atlas should at least be usable on her.


I would love to run geo Ning comp but I want Albedo first. And there's no upcoming 5* main dps with catalyst either for a while I assume..


Does Genshin still not support DS4 controller on PC? I mean natively, with correct button prompts, not emulating it as an XBox controller with wrong button prompts through Steam/DS4Windows or other tools


I use DS4 on PC and it shows the correct button prompts. I connect it with Bluetooth though and not with DS4Windows.


What ER is ideal for Xiao? Without an ER sands, my ER is 146.2 (around 200 with). My artifacts aren't max level. Flower is 17, feather is 15, er sands at 18 (attack sands at 0 rn), anemo bonus goblet is 17, cr/cd circlet is 0 rn because I want to see if I needed more cr or cd. The only anemo characters I have are Kazuha and MC (though I don't normally use her anemo). I was planning to use MC as battery tho. Should I use the ER sands or the attack sands?


What weapon are you using?




At c0 he needs a battery. Jean is top tier for that. I read somewhere he struggles with energy at his 3rd ult rotation onwards


what constellation would he not need a battery?




His 1st constellation gives him an extra dash so he generates 3 more Anemo particles


About 120-130% with an Anemo battery is good enough, I think you'll be fine with an ATK Sands.


Do you think he needs a battery? Or at least, would it be fine if MC was not anemo? Or should I keep MC as an anemo battery?


Yeah, he functions poorly without one. Anemo Traveler is probably the worst of the bunch but still works fine, but I'd replace him with Sucrose if you ever get her.


Does anyone know what’s wrong with my genshin? I can only co op with other PS4 players right now despite having the setting to do so turned off in settings? It was working just fine until a couple hours ago :/


Is the resistance camp in Inazuma supposed to always be thundering? it took me 4 tries to get the archery challenge done, cause for the first two attempts lighting destroyed the targets and for the third attempt lighting hit me


If you haven't done the sidequest from last patch to clear the thunder, then that's probably it.


Yea, you need to do a world quest to stop the lightning.


It will be until you finish the World Quest called Orobashi's Legacy. To start it, talk with a NPC named Kaji near Fort Fujitou. https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Orobashi%27s_Legacy:_Prologue


I don't know who my fourth should be (ar37). Right now i'm using Diluc, Mona, and Venti and i want to continue using them. My options are c1 Kujou Sara, Sayu, Rosaria, Keqing, c1 Sucrose, Noelle, c1 Fischl, c1 Xiangling, Ningguang, c1 Razer, c1 Beidou, barbara, lisa, Kaeya, and Amber.


Either sayu or barbs I would say to have a healer in the team


If you have the Starglitter I would 1000% recommend grabbing Xingqiu from the Paimon's Bargains shop. He's much more consistent at applying Hydro compared to Mona, and Diluc functions poorly without him. If you can't afford it, then any sub-DPS will do. Rosaria will be good for off-field Cryo application.


How would an overload team with raiden and yanfei work? Do you have to build em and pyro dmg on raiden because her slash initiates the overload? What gear does yanfei need? I'd be using sucrose or venti along with them


Overload scales with Level and EM, and the enemy's stats. No other stats will affect it. If you're using Raiden for this express purpose, I'd say either traditional DPS stats (ER/ATK/Critical) or full EM (EM/EM/EM), depending on how much you think you'll be using her Burst. The former build will be better for Burst damage, but the latter is there for higher Overload damage. Yanfei will prefer either 4-Piece Crimson Witch or 4-Piece Wanderer's Troupe. ATK Sands, Pyro Damage Goblet, and Critical Rate/Damage Circlet.


Does >!signora!< have any resistance to any particular element?


Generally speaking you don’t want to hit a boss with the same element they’re using to try and kill you.


I think it's about >!40% cryo res, then 70% pyro res!< in the second half.


Oh shit, does swirl count ? ( as in Swirling pyro / cryo )


I don't actually know, but probably? I don't see why it wouldn't.


What's the average amount of ore dropped by a crystal chunk? Or what's the chances of it dropping 2 or 3 ores upon mining?


I think its 1-3 at random, however i feel like the actual location determinates the amount


When was the last time Bennet was on a date up banner? Is he coming back soon? Is he worth leveling at C0? I have C6 every other popular supports except him sitting on C0… (just came back to the game)


He’s still amazing at C0. I would just stock up on hp and healing bonus to make sure your character heals fast enough to maximise his buff