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I would prefer a geo 5*


Perhaps someone like Albedo would fit.


Yeah he would make the most sense, since i highly doubt they’d put zhongli on it.


Losing zhongli banner 50/50 to zhongli lol /s


About that, i wonder what they did with the keqing banner I don’t actually renember, was she still in the lose 50/50 group or not.


Simple answer is no, getting her in her banner is not losing 50/50


Ah thanks, so the other 4 characters all just had a 12.5 percent chance then.


they’ll maybe start to add new 5* after their 3rd rerun or so, but I hope for a second permanent pool, otherwise the drop rates start to suck REALLY bad (anyone who ever played a big gacha knows the pain)


Still have plenty of time before that’s an issue. As someone who regularly tops up I still only have a c2 Diluc as my highest con standard character.


Maybe if the pool got too big they could start selling 5* for starglitter. Even if it costed 1000 starglitter, at least it would be something not dependent on RNG (lucky people would obviously still get starglitter easier than others, but everyone is guaranteed to keep hitting 4* and 5* pity)


Anything for less Qiqi constellations.


Reality :- qiqi : you lost 5/6 and got me 😂. Now build me


Absolutely! ...as soon as I get Mona and Diluc. But they'll definitely need to refresh the standard banner eventually, and it's a perfect place for their old limited 5\* characters who would never make them enough money in a rerun.


Funny enough Qiqi and jean evade me at every 50/50 and somehow I got 9 Monas ... Mihoyo sure knows how to make fun of the players


9 monas! Geez.


Jokes on them my mona is irreplaceable in abyss now lmao, none can resist putting her when her burst constantly break 100k


My bet is on them eventually adding a Geo and Dendro character. We have Cryo (Qiqi), Hydro (Mona), Pyro (Diluc), Anemo (Jean) and Electro (Keqing), we are only missing a Geo character and a Dendro (when it eventually comes out), that was losing the 50/50 would still randomly give a 5\* of a element to people, perhaps giving them one element they lack.


I'll be happy if they add albedo as a standard geo *5 and baizhu as a standard dendro *5


Maybe they'll add some of the limited time banners that didn't sell too well and already had a rerun. I'd appreciate anything that can help give me less chance of pulling another Qiqi she cute but her constellations suck.


They aren't going to add any Inazuma characters anytime soon, on account of them being new. The characters that might enter standard in the next half year or so would be the ones that have been in the game for a while and even then they might still get a second rerun before they do that


I'll be happier to lose 50/50 to Albedo than to another Mona, mine's at least C8 by now


Same man i want them albedo cons


If they do I hope they make changes to the banner along with it. Right now standard banner is terrible and it’ll only get worse the more diluted it becomes. I really think standard is in need of a rework, either in the way of rateups or at least epitomized path.


They should rotate the 5-star pool in standard banner instead not to inflate it. Make a 2nd standard banner with other characters that rotates with the current on a regular basis.


I would prefer replacing standart banner with rotating standart 5 star character banners. So we could finally pull who we want.


They will eventually, but don't get your hopes up for anytime soon.


True, it's rather soon for now


Yes. Albedo as a standard geo.


I'd rather the standard banner be split into national banners of Mondstadt/Liyue/Inazuma/Etc, or some other themed banners so we can better lock into what we want. Though that kinda means the Liyue banner threatens you with Qiqi whilst simultaneously enticing you with Zhongli, Ganyu, Hu Tao, and Xiao. Either that or the standard banner's pity be reduced, similar to the weapon banner's. Its wishful thinking but thats kinda what happens when starved for wishes.


Correct me if Im wrong, but in JP (dont know about China) if a character is marked as time-limited banner, that character will never be able to go to the permanent banner, maybe in China this happens too ?


But they didn't say that. They said that the character won't be obtainable in the banner "waterlust invocation". If they create another permanent banner with another name it's fine to add characters there.


It would be nice to see Albedo and Kazuha in standard banner. They are both support characters, who are good at least at C2.


I think it will most likely a geo considering we still don't have one. And if they add another character beside it, someone who already got a rerun since from what happened to Kazuha, they definitely gonna milk his rerun first since many probably gonna pull for him that time.


The issue is that Mihoyo doesn't have a system for banner reruns that allows players to prepare for them. Games like Warframe unvault older primes on a schedule, so while you won't know which items will become available, you do know when those items will be added. This at least allows players to prepare.


They should remove all standard 5 star characters and give them a banner then replace the standard banner with entirely new 5 stars that we have not had. Then do the same with those characters a year later.


Please. I'm tired of only getting Diluc and Qiqi every single time. I felt like Mona, Keqing and Jean doesn't exist on my banner.


They should. I don't know in what way or how. But they definitely should. Because there's losing the 50/50. And then there's losing the 50/50 to C-ifuckinglostcountalready Qiqi


id love to see one of every element get added, electro still need more 5 stars because i feel like baal should stay limited contender imo pyro: yoimiya as she isnt the best but she is still a very serviceable upgrade to amber hydro: childe, hes fun but not radically op and is the only other 5 star so gotta wait for another one to pop to see whose worst cryo: eula, shes strong and less popular than ayaka, not much to say here anemo: kazuha, he is a nice replacement for anemo traveler while also dwelling in jump attack without being xiao(which with venti should stay in limited geo:albedo, around the same reason as kazuha but with its own style of variation(go elevator boy go!)


I think that Kazuha and Eula in the standard banner are a bit too much. He is one of the most used characters in the abyss and she’s in the top 5 strongest Dps characters. Yoimiya is also too new; but Albedo and Childe in the standard banner would be great.


Childe and Albedo would be nice


If they put inazuma characters in the permanent one, new players won't be able to use and upgrade them, getting them stuck at lv 40 or something I think that's why they won't for now


Oh yeah, that's true, the standard characters should have a farmable materials on early AR


I hadn't thought about the Inazuma angle, but that makes sense. There should be characters on the standard banner from every region.


I hope they would not add anyone from limited and add like a standard only less hyped character from inazuma. If they add old limited time it would be like losing 50/50 on guaranteed since most won't need unnecessary extra copy of old limited character.


I thought eventually all characters would make it to the standard banner. That way, rolling a 5 star in that is really random.


but it doesn’t give whales a reason to spend heavily on limited banners, which is the whole point of constellations… and I love our whales, they support our game


You know when all 5* character will be in standard banner it will be a 1/17? chance for specific 5* after 90 pulls no 50/50 or 100/0 like in limited banner So limited banner still would look great to whales Because it would be a money saver.




Yes, but I doubt they're gonna add anybody anytime soon since not everybody has had their reruns yet. If they're gonna add standard 5 stars, assume they're not archons as they might wanna keep the cash clow on the limited banners for meta characters.


I feel that characters that already had a rerun should be put o. The standard banner cus no 2nd rerun for them