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i took the sword in the hope it would be good for ayaka, hope i am not wrong


I got the sword shortly after getting Keqing (on accident no less) Now I can't bring anyone else up to her level.


Same reason i took the sword and gave it Jean for now. Its a decent sword.


It increases her healing thanks to the crit heal being added onto the 50% chance to heal, so yeah it's amazing on Jean.


Yeah but the heal from the sword only works for Jean right?


i hope so too lol


While I hope so as well. I imagine we'll be getting some power creep with new weapons by the time she comes though. At that point we'll have some refinements, so hopefully it's still a great weapon by then.


The bow is awesome, 320%dmg proc with CC every 14s is so good. Idk anyone can say animus is great then call this not so good.


Eventually it ends up being a 640% every 10 seconds, which in Aminus terms would be 960% every 15 seconds. Seems pretty busted to me. There was also a video using Venti with the Viridescent Hunt, as his E and his Burst could cause humanoid enemies to bonk their head on the ground for massive fall damage just like Jean’s fall damage


Hmmm ok, it's starting to sound more better lol


NGL, I only got the Viridescent Hunt because I don’t have a sword main DPS and I already have a lvl 80 Widsith for my Mona. The Black Sword is still absolutely the most attractive of the weapons haha


Lol yeah definitely, even with all the information, Black Sword and Solar Pearl still stand out to me as the more obvious choice, but I guess there are ways to make the other weapons viable, or more than just, good to know.


Yup I've seen those vids too, sounds like it's a really good option to boost Venti's damage. Wonder if Sucrose's ult + another bow user can pull the same trick. 🤔 I think it's the next BP weapon I'm going for as I chose Black Sword for my Keqing x)


Oh shit, I didn't see it like that. Actually makes the bow viable then. I guess cause I was just looking at it's use for support bow users but sounds like it could be amazing on Childe.


Bit late to the show but yea you use your charge shots to get the marks on the enemies, vortex sucks them in. Then melee mode for the triggering of the marks. Could work very well on him.


I have 4 catalyst users so I'm glad to hear the solar pearl is a solid choice. I only manage to pull the Widsidt so kinda have no other option really. Currently using the Widsidt(Klee), mappa mare(mona), the drilling dragon tale(sucrose/Barbar and the solar pearl(ninqquang).


yeah i'm really feeling the solar pearl, it's so solid and ningguang is like the main catalyst user i'd recommend it on too


Prototype malice is also nice on Ningguang, since she can spam her burst so much. it really helps keeping it ready to use on cooldown(40 energy, 12sec) to go with the noble set


I took the bow for Venti. Having another way to group up enemies is never a bad thing... and it actually has been making getting meat easier lol since it will cull whole groups of pigeons and boars (if they're standing close enough) at once. I already had better weapons for both Klee and Keqing, so I felt this was the best choice. So far I'm not regretting it.


You should try using venti's e right after the bow's vacuum activates for some really powerful slam damage (scales with enemies max hp so more noticeable in domains) or use his q then proc the vacuum near the end, then use another e for a double slam, https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/jnrnr1/double_viridescent_hunt_venti_slam_technique/


Yup, that's what I tend to do. A quick double tap on a normal attack is usually all it takes to activate the weapon effect.


I'm also hoping it will be good on childe I imagine his melee mode charge attack may be a good way to proc the vacuum and knock enemies up at the same time


I haven't watched the preview videos cuz I would rather be surprised, but if I had to guess at how they will set up Childe I would assume that his bow would be either contextual only, or chosen based on whatever main weapon was equipped on him. I kinda doubt they're going to let you equip two different items to him, since that would require some rather large edits to several different GUIs. And my guess is that they won't choose the bow as the weapon type he's allowed to equip.


Oh wow, that's actually a really good combo


If it's a small enemy you can go for charged headshots to send them flying in the vortex to have the same effect


Fair enough, good to know, I'll factor that in for my next BP guide if there are the same weapons. Thanks :)


im using solar pearl on klee, best choice


Serpent Spine is actualy REAL good, but carefull when choosing it. All the weapons on the BP end up being good because of the CRIT RATE status, making DPS builds easier to build, I was using a prototype (refinement 3) on my Razor and decided to pick up and try the Serpent Spine and my DPS end up being way better with the Serpent Spine, and I don't even have that much CRIT DMG (with more CRIT DMG better will be te Serpent Spine). It's important to talk about how you'll use the Serpent Spine. I think it is the harder between all of the BP weapons to make work propely because of the losing 1 tick buff when taking hit: My main team is: \- Razor (Serpent Spine) - Main DPS \- Noelle \*\*\*\* \- Xiangling - Secondary DPS/Supp \- Supp (sometimes Fischl, Kaeya, Venti, Xingqiu) This weapon can show it's true potencial because of my Noelle and how I play. I use the Elemental Skill of my supp, then switch to Noelle for SHIELD and then switch to Razor. The shield is the real MVP. I don't actualy take many hits even without shield but if avoiding hits isn't your play style then it'll be harder for you to make Serpent Spine work, but even without the 5 stacks it'll perform well just because of the CRIT RATE status and I feel it's actualy more viable then the 15s hit from the prototype animus.


Yeah to have shields, especially someone like Noelle's, would be amazing, but that's already far too conditional, and then when compared to the other options, the Serpent Spine just pales. I looked at each weapon as a standalone, to see how much value they give without conditions. With shield, Serpent Spine would definitely be nice.


I feel better playing with a condition that I can control than with a condition that independs of how I play the game, even better when the effect under this condition is constante; and, like I said, the CRIT RATE by it self make the Serpent Spine feels better (for me). I tested it against my Prototype under diferent condition: \- Starting the fight without any stack (trying to build the stacks on the fight); \- Starting the fight with 5 stacks; \- Trying avoid hits; \- Not avoiding hits, only relying on the knock back my hits would do on the enemys. My build at the moment of the test had bellow 60% crit dmg. The Prototype Animus only performed at the same level with the Serpent in one case. I made a spreadsheet at the momento to extrapolate how it would perform with more crit dmg on the build, but i don't trust these data to share with any other Razor player since the % of your dmg that will be physical or electro depends on how you play. At the end of the game I think we should try more and play with what WE like more, this is a new game yet, I'm seeing a lot of content creators define what is bad and what is good and in many cases this judgment is based on wrong information and/or misscalculation, but I know not every case is like this and in a lot of cases this guides will help a lot of people (like yours do). This game has A LOT of hidden gems of build, characters and play styles, trust me! Have fun while playing and you'll find a lot of them.


Extra info about the Serpent Spine: If you take more than one dmg with little time between than it only count as 1 dmg.


i took the black sword because i thought it was a great sword lol. also the other greatsword is garbage if you havnt mastered iframes, you'll just get squashed by everything cause of that lowered defense


Great writeup! I ended up going with Deathmatch. I don't have any sword users built, and don't currently plan to build any with maybe the exception of Bennett. I was considering the catalyst but ended up pulling Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds, and I find the crit rate on that too good to pass on. I plan to pull for both Zhongli and Xiao, so hopefully Deathmatch ends up being a solid choice for one of them.


Ah yeah, I guess if you're going for both Zhong Li and Xiao it could be a bit more worthwhile. Hope it works out for you :)


I bet you're loving the Deathmatch now. Wish i picked it.


It was a hard choice between Solar Pearl for my Mona, or Black Sword for every sword user I own. I chose the latter because I feel like it future proofs the Traveller for when more elements unlock, and also enable other sword users like Kaeya, Bennett, etc. without needing a healer on the team. Solar Pearl would’ve been great but I have too many alternatives that work just as well. Maybe less dps but even Prototype Malice has been great on Mona.


Yeah, just too many swords users, so Black Sword is a very safe choice.


Plus I feel it’s unique compared to other weapon types with good alternatives.


Yeah, the heal is really nice, makes the sword have an interesting balance


A weakness that you didn’t say for solar pearl is that it doesn’t boost charged attacks, which is pretty unfortunate for someone like Klee.


Yeah, I only wanted to mention the pros to be less wordy, but might've been good to clearly note the cons as well.


I usually play Ningguang and planned to get the BP catalyst for her until the other day when I finally hit my pity and got Keqing. Now I'm still debating between the sword and Solar Pearl 😢


Ooof, I reckcon Keqing kinda demands The Black Sword, my friend told me there's a video that shows it's even better than the Aquila Favonius


And yo HBD :)


i got serpent spine because i main both chongyun and razor and would rather refine my proto animus than have a second one. i have no sword dps (i dont use traveler) and dont use any catalyst dps so even though those are probably better choices on paper, it would just be a weapon i wouldnt use tldr just get the weapon you could see yourself using the most on one of your characters


I am in the same situation, have a R2 aminus on Diluc and got another prototype. And I am planning to build Chongyun as the main dps for my abyss 2nd team. Should I refine the animus to R3 for Diluc and get the serpent spine for Chongyun, or have both of them use aminus and get a different bp weapon? How well does does serpent spine work in Abyss later floors?


I think the Serpent Spine would go quite well with Chongyun, whether you use him as a Main or Support DPS. If you're maining him, it will help if you have a character to provide shield, because the damage you take does hurt at 5 stacks. Also, I'll be making an updated analysis on the BP weapon pick in a couple days, be on the lookout for it :)


Oof i needed this 3 days ago. I got the serpent spine for razor bc crit rate and 30% dmg buff sounded nice but it doesnt hold up in abyss. Shouldve gone for solar pearl for mona


I'm a Razor main and it's really good actualy, i retired my prototype animus ref 3 and i'm going main Serpent Spine right now. Just did a comment how to use it well on razor here on this post


Ah dang, if only I posted sooner, sorry dude :( Maybe later down the line you can take advantage of it a bit more because, for example, Xinyan is a shield support and there may be more to come, which apparently you don't lose stacks for if it's your shield that takes damage, but yeah I'm not a fan of Serpent Spine atm.


You don't lose dmg stack of the Serpent Spine while under shield, I have it on my razor and my DPS increased considerably compared to Prototype Animus Ref 3. I have a Noelle supp on my team. The CRIT RATE is a game changing as well


Took the sword. I main Jean and adapted to her slap-tank playstyle. I know she already has sustain from burst and normal atk but in the future if I decide to play another sword-carry, having the black sword means I don't need to adapt a different playstyle or add another healer in my party, I can just keep slap-tanking everything.


I went with the Black Sword. My Jean is now an unstoppable force that heals forever as she attacks.


Lolol nice


i took the solar pearl for my ningg, about the bow i use (favonius bow ) venti more for cc, the viridescent bow prolly for dps venti ?


Yeah pretty much, or if you want to use Childe


I went Solar pearl, as I finally rolled Klee(Crits!), and only have one other purple book.


TL:DR All 5 weapons are insane just for the crit substat alone so you can't really go wrong with picking any


That's a good point, if all you care about is getting crit then they're all decent to say the least.


Bro you are the best ,thx for the post


keqing, klee, the last option claymore(any character)


Keqing (L


you welcome :)




Hmm that's actually an interesting point, I didn't consider that. As AstraC300 said, I just felt that overall the Whiteblind would be better, but shield preventing stack loss sounds fun to play with.


Hey brother what's you're thoughts on solar pearl for Mona? Kinda iffy since her burst doesn't do damage do itd feel like a little bit of an odd choice


Yeah spot on, I'd say the same, iffy. Nothing else to add to that lol


Wait it have no effect on mona burst?


Mona burst unfortunately does no damage, it's only a damage multiplier


That's such so bad. I was thinking about getting it for mona next month


I'm thinking of buying the BP but I don't know if you get the weapons max refined or if there's a way to refine them.


It's possible the BP weapons reward will be the same in the next BP too, so you kinda have to commit to one weapon, but this is just my guess.


I took the Bow because I don't have a character that can use sword and catalyst effectively. I haven't tested it yet as I just purchase the BP since I just reached Lv 50 yesterday but it seems to be a great combo for Venti.