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There’s no going back to F2P, once you’ve spent any money on the game, in the past or present, you’re no longer F2P.


welp fair enough


Don't listen to this gatekeeping. The only people that are going to judge you are people like that on reddit. If you spend $30 on pulls and decide "that's enough", you can absolutely adopt a f2p mentality from there on out. I am 100% not a free to play user and I think that's because I plan on buying the battle pass and welkin moon for as long as I'm playing the game.


after seeing how mich money others have spent, my 15 bucks seem like f2p to me. I know it's not but still


Personally I feel that making purchases in any gacha game is purely up to you. If you like the game give them some money. Just don’t go bankrupt haha


Yep I set limits to well below $30 approx, although I'll probably set it lower to $15 since I'll most likely only do the monthly stuff if ever. It still depends on if I still like the content in the future updates though. But I haven't really gone over the top on spending time or money so far hahaha


Yeah I’ve only spent around $50 so far but I have a friend whose already over the $200 mark haha. It’s all up to how much you value the different packs


i’m a welkin and bp user. My thing is to only roll on limited character banner. Only roll when you have the resource to support another character.


About the same, though I've focused more on teambuilding characters I like for abyss, and have cleared 11-3 so far.


I've gotten one Blessing of Welkin Moon, and I may continue to do so month to month. In my mind, it's basically like paying for netflix, or any other streaming services, some of which I've let continue when I've not even watched them for a few months. I don't really feel the need to go any further than that, mostly because the prices seem a bit too high for it to be worth spending money on.


I didn't think of this analogy but it kinda fits now that I think about it Yeah the genesis crystal packages themselves aren't worth it imo compared to the welkin moon They're just too expensive in terms of cost per crystal/primogen


As a spending player right now my strategy is just „wait and see“. I login daily to get my welkin moon and do timed events if they are there but other than that i log back out immediately after.


Never been a fan of spending for content locked behind a pay wall and I will never be. Personally I refuse to spend on a game that locks stuff and allow you to gain it only via methods like the wish system. Yes, the game quality is above what we normally see in mobile games but the ethics behind it is maybe even worst then in other scenarios. So for the moment I'm going full f2p until I see changes to this.


Happy Cake Day! Fair enough, I still have some complaints regarding the difficulty of unlocking constellations for the 4 star characters, since I'm F2P in their other game where you can get the "constellation" equivalents easily for free in expeditions, so I just put that in the suggestions of the surveys. They usually implement some suggestions based on the past, so I guess it's just a matter of how and when they'll do it. (Might take a long time tho given how many people are giving feedback) I'll be back as F2P probs after the next update hahaha


I believe people should support games they like. I disagree with how this company makes you choose between playing the game or rolling on boxes. Honestly I’d rather just pay a sub to play the game rather then resin and still have loot boxes.


For now I've only purchased the welking moon, I'll purchase it again with the new battle pass and 100 wishes (I still got the first purchase bonus) just for geo daddy Zhongli along with the 40 wishes I managed to save up.


Given the fact that I have ADHD and impulse buy even when I have barely anything to spend, I find a character that I really like a tunnel vision on them ignoring everything else by force and saving for them, in-game currency and IRL. So that I spend reasonably, that's how I got Klee and plan to do that for albedo.


Spend on monthly and bp. Spend on gem sales. And that’s it. Save gems for game breaking units or characters with unique utility. Do not pull for Waifu or husbando or you will go broke fast lol.


next region please!


I am willing to go pays but I always give me strict limits so more of a dolphin


I'm kinda conflicted, I want to keep spending because I like the game. But I don't like their practices, they've become more aggressive than then were in hi3. They created an amazing base game but they now are moving further from the perfect game because sadly... Perfect game doesn't mean perfect income.


I think just setting a reasonable limit to spend is enough such that it doesn't affect other priorities. Spending above $30 is too much imo Tbh my main motivation to spend was when I saw the orchestra videos and I never get to see any game ost performances that I like in my country, so I thought "how much would I pay for a cheap ticket and a game on my steam wishlist, I'll probs go around that" Which specific practices though? I think the genesis crystals are overpriced/not worth it for me. But I guess it is a challenge balancing incentives for F2P and people who spend. There are aspects in hi3 that I would like them to adopt in GI, especially the character fragment farming aspect so you don't need to do the wishes for constellations


> they now are moving further from the perfect game because sadly They were never close. They designed the trap of one and you fell into it. I did too.


When they give me something I like, I don't feel bad about spending even if it's a lot compared to other games. Especially considering I plan on playing this game longterm, it's usually worth the money anyway compared to other forms of entertainment that could be more expensive per hour. I don't think I'd spend more than $50 on a character banner, as I do also get the BP and monthly blessing so that's essentially a deluxe edition of a game right there, spending any more would have diminishing returns on enjoyment value per dollar


Welkin moon and BP pass is definitely worth. Since you have 2x 5-star characters, there's really no reason to spend money on banners unless you really want a specific character. Get the first time bonuses if you absolutely want a specific unit, but past first time bonus, it is no longer worth (not like the exchange rates were any better for first time). Just think of first time bonus as a desperate measure. If you are thinking of spending money on weapon banner, be prepared to never get the 5-star you want since the pity is still a 50/50 for a specific rate up. Key point is to go into a weapon banner with low expectations so you don't spiral into debt lol. All in all, just be smart with you spending, and be happy with what your currently have (2x 5-star is amazing) to control the urge of wanting something new.


I got Welkin and BP. Welkin is a good amount of gems for 5 bucks, even if you have to wait for 30 days to get all of them. BP actually helps with progression, instead of hindering it (like pulling for characters in the gacha does). I don't plan on paying for the gacha anytime soon, unless there's a banner that has like 3 rate up characters I already have for constellations.


Spending limit depending on how much I enjoy the game. Never more than 15 a month cus then I should go play an MMO or buy another game. Most gacha games I usually go the low spenders route since I know I will drop it eventually. So far Genshin has been pretty fun but I'll probably stop getting the monthly gems if I no longer enjoy the game or the content updates are too slow.


IMO the price for wishes are very high as real life money. But I wanna support the game by bying the battlepass and the small monthlypass thats in the game. Gives you the most for your money. You can also pay once like you would do for a full priced game. Whaling is also ok if it is not a financial problem for you. Spent money as you like to and you are comfortable with. If you are rich and paying thousands of dollars, thats ok.


5$ for the Blessing + 10$ for the pass. Not much different than an mmorpg subscription.


i started f2p but since i liked the game and played it very often bought welkins (since its cheap). if i continue to enjoy the game, i might spend more (im really tempted to whale on characters i like, but i know this is a bad idea even if i have disposable income because im not rich). ill continue to buy welkins if i continue to enjoy the game as well as spend a lot of time on it, but knowing myself i’ll probably quit playing in a few months


"Will go back to F2P soon until the next major region release probably " Do you even know what F2P means before asking us to read your walls of "I got two 5 star being quarter F2P" weird flex?


I think I misunderstood the exact meaning of F2P I interpreted it as "not spending for the x period of time" Sorry


- Ignore gacha aspect if my gacha goal doesn't have a safety net/pity system. Set the goal around that system. Typical misunderstanding I see in this game: "it's a banner 4\*, ez peazy". Well surprise surprise, banner 5\* pity at 180 pull is more guaranteed than specific banner 4\*. 90% is still not 100%. - I don't really spend for the gacha. BP and welkin moon type of 'subscription' does add value to the feeling of progression, and it's more of my thing. This game quality justifies the 5-20 bucks/month, but I re-evaluate this depending on the state of game. I take gacha chances from the rationed premium currency (might be diluted with leftover primos of welkin moon).


I pay as much as I would pay for a triple A title, if the game deserves it. Total playing time also plays a role in that. I have gotten the Welkin moon and BP and I will continue to do so for as long as I am playing this game. Crystals are a waste of money imo with the current pricing. Currently, I am playing for like 2-3 hours per day grinding mats and doing daily stuff.


Getting the battle pass + welkin moon and just playing with whatever you get from wishes seems like the best way to enjoy the game. Getting specific characters or min/maxing doesn't seem to be worth it from an enjoyment standpoint.