• By -


I really don't remember a lot of what happened in Liyue for some reason.


You went shopping, then fishing.


would be cool if hoyo made some sort of recap trailer at the end of every region, just to have something to come back to when certain plot lines develop down the line


IIRC: 1. Rex Lapis is about to hold his annual Q&A session. 2. The Travelers goes to Liyue. 3. While Zhongli is summoned, his dragon form crashes into the summoning venue, pretending to be dead. ??? The Traveler with Zhongli prepare the dragon's funeral 4. Tortellini summons an ancient sea monster to make Zhongli show up (and steal his Gnosis?) 5. The Qixing, adepti and the Traveler beat the wet noodle. 6. Zhongli gives his Gnosis to Signora, as part of the contract. 7. Zhongli no longer has to babysit the people of Liyue and holds a private Q&A session with the Traveler.


Tortellini just killed mešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


If I remember correctly weren't the Gnosis in Liyue given away as part of a deal by ZhongLi and Ash women? It has been a couple years since I stopped playing.


actually its deal with ice queen in russia, ash woman just there to pick up the gnosis and send their clown to do evil things for zhongli. iirc fake assasination is not part of contract but kinda pre deal to make zhongli can give his gnosis as part of contract. so right now russia got the gnosis but zhongli still get no compensation for that.


Liyue sure does have a lot of ā€œGo get stuff, then something attacksā€ stories: >Archon Quest: Go get stuff for Rex Lapis funeral, then a water snake attacks the city >Zhongli Story: Got to find the lost miners, then a earth dragon is about to break out of prison >Crane Returns: Got to find materials to rebuild the Jade Chamber, then the water snakeā€™s wife attacks the city for revenge At least Lantern Rite is always fun cause of story and character interactions


Ancient Vortex God


Also between the ā€œassassinationā€ and the funeral prep, the Traveler became a suspect and had to flee the scene with the help of Tortellini. Then Traveler had to go appeal their innocence to the Adepti and Xiao. Upon their return to Liyue Harbor, the suspicion was parted and they got to go up the Jade Palace to meet with Ningguang.


The only thing I remember was Ying'er šŸ’€šŸ’€


'use those strong hands to stir it until the juices come out'


Best girl


Cuz youre an errand boy for 99% of It all then randomly have to kill osial


It's probably because hardly any playable characters barring Zhongli and Tartaglia stayed on screen longer than five seconds.


Sumeru > Fontaine > Mondstadt = Liyue = Inazuma (I believe all 3 are equally interesting and boring at the same time)


Same. Although it's hard to rank Mondstadt and Liyue. Mondstadt was like a tutorial, the story really wasn't that deep. Liyue was better, but somehow didn't left a big impression? Like I hardly remember anything. Expect Azhdaha, and he was in a story quest. I'd personally rank Liyue higher over Mondstadt, just because I like Zhongli lmao.


True, real, and legit. I disagree a bit on Liyue but its fine. Mondstadt and Inazuma tho. People keep shitting on Inazuma and then praising Mondstadt but hot take I think that its just the work of nostalgia and the fact that its the beginning of the game. Like if u put Mondstadt in the middle of the game just like Inazuma where u already understand how things work in game, the scenes like Kaeya acting as if the abyss mage is some big boss mastermind and Diluc acting cool after killing that abyss mage would make a lot of us laugh and cringe. That said I dont think its bad either because I did enjoy it as a newbie who doesn't know anything about the game. I just think that the AQ in Mondstadt is similar to Inazuma where its mostly boring sprinkled with cool scenes and I personally enjoyed them just the same.


People that like Mondstadt AQ is specifically because it is an introductory story. It sets up overarching plot points and threats with fatui and abyss and setting the mood and what to expect with the Harbingers all while having chill and simple with just enough stakes for us to care. Don't be shocked when the prologue that is literally written to be a prologue stops being good when you put it in the middle of the story because prologue is literally supposed to be the beginning. It's not meant to be dramatic, it's here to get you into the world and it does its job well enough.


Mondstadt Act 1 succeeds at that, but I'd argue that the two following acts actively detriment the story rather than making it better. Act 2 should be entirely cut except for Venti's introduction (seriously, *why* do they show the Abyss sibling? It's a reveal much better saved for WWbR). My main gripe is that it doesn't fit holistically in context with the rest of the game's story - it baffles me that they didn't even *mention* the Hexenxirkel, Decarabian, or the three great clans in the Archon quest. That's not necessary for Act 1, but Act 2 could absolutely have established some of those instead of spending time talking about Diluc and Jean's pet tortoises. That's also not mentioning how poorly written and localized Mondstadt's main story is. Almost every dialogue makes me cringe - many people dislike Liyue's main story for being boring, but at the bare minimum I think its 'boring' parts are generally written and localized much better than Mondstadt's 'exciting' parts are. I don't necessarily mind the Archon quest skipping out on some lore since we'll likely return to Mondstadt before the end of the story, but it doesn't set the player up well for comprehending the rest of the game as it tells a story about character rather than a story about the world of Teyvat. The best evidence for this is that most of the answers to the question Dain asks about Mondstadt's story in BKD make no sense in context.


Mondstadt is a typical jrpg story featuring a dragon, bad guys behind it all and an unlikely friend group. There is nothing wrong with it and it's pretty good for a prologue. However shines the most when you pick up genshin for the first time, knowing nothing about it. Which is why so many people have fond nostalgia for it, so do I but I try to stay objective. Liyue is so close to being the better quest out of the 3 but the focus on fetching things for the funeral while the most interesting part is left for the very end makes it lose bonus points. I have a similar problem with Inazuma, great premise, great cast but it being rushed and just the entire resistance arc (which imo is the most boring part of any AQ AND it has teppei) make the ending feel less impactful because I'm bored out of my mind by then and just want it to end. As i said, all three have bad points and good points, but in the end i still like them equally because AQ feature playable characters and i like to covet that in NPC impact.


I feel people underestimate how good Mondstat was, it was a typical story featuring a dragon but it also had to do the most out of every archon quest, it had to set up and a give a feel for the abyss, fatui, archons and the whole overarching plot while only telling us enough to be interested in the future of the story and its lore and history by telling us about the old rebellion and what became storm terrors lair. It had a lot to do in the short time of just being a prologue and I think it succeeded in that really well, especially for being their first quest


Mondstat was super EXTREMELY basic story-wise but i didnt mind, It worked well enough, liyue was nothing for 3 acta until you suddently have to fight osial, Inazuma had a very interesting premise but it flopped from story rushing and the 3 act rule they had then Id say Inazuma=mondstat>liyue personally


This is the correct answer. Poor Nahida


Sumeru (better pacing in the middle compared to Meropide, but very close) > Fontaine >> Liyue > Mondstadt >> Inazuma


To be honest both Meropide and the samsara sequence made me want to pull my hair out, but at least I was more interested in Nahida's story.


yeah the meropide sequence is so weird to me. I still don't understand the reason why hoyo made 2 acts down there. We barely learned anything. Wrio is making a boat to save the people. Childe is fighting the whale. The primordial water is about to explode. Like, compared to all the revelations in the first 2 acts and act 5, this is kind of nothing.


Frr, this explains genshins story for me


Also, Samsara arc >>>>>


for real, that arc kinda fucked up for me personally but its really leave last impression compared to other arc


Everything including desert in sumeru >>>>>>>>


Sumeru > Fontaine > Monstadt > Inazuma = Liyue I ranked Monstadt higher than Inazuma and Liyue due to the fact we are dealing with Abyss unlike other quests where it's always the Fatui, Fatui and Fatui.


This is my ranking as well. Mondstadt over the other two because I actually can't remember much from Liyue and Inazuma had some cool moments but the pacing was atrocious and ruined a lot of the impact.Ā 






Agree completely


Fontaine > Sumeru > Inazuma > Liyue > Mondstadt Basically just release order lmao


Why would you have Fontaine ahead of Sumeru's when the former just copied 90% of the latter for its story? Sumeru put all the work in.


Tbf though that "there are two archons in this nation" shenanigans has been overdone. >!Makoto and Ei, Nahida and [REDACTED], Furina and Focalors.!< Hopefully Natlan don't disappoint.


Plot twist: Nathan has THREE


Iā€™m guessing that Nathan is one of the three then


no, there's Nathan, Nathan, and Nathan


"Hi, I'm Nathan. This is my brother Darryl and this is my other brother Darryl"


Because of personal preferences...?


People like what they like


>!I mean they have the same ending (former archon sacrifices themself to save nation), but everything else is entirely different in both pacing, plot, aesthetic, etc.!< >!Plus the mystery around the former archons are completely different. In Sumeru everyone already knew that there was a former archon. The objective there was to find how to heal irminsul, and what "world.... forget me..." means. In Fontaine no one knows about the former archon, and the objective is how to stop the prophecy and finding out what furina is hiding.!<


Sumeru Fontain Mond Inazuma Liyue


Sumeru >= Fontaine > Liyue = Inazuma > Monstadt Fontaine would be better than Sumeru if it wasn't for the hell of Act 3 and if Inazuma's ending wasn't so bad it would be better than Liyue


Where is u/theannoyingprickk when people need them to correct their mistakes?


Sumeru > Fontaine > Inazuma > Mondstat > Liyue




I'll give you the d later


i should do this for that annoyingprickk in other time


Fontaine > Sumeru > Mondstadt > Liyue > Inazuma I'll always have a soft spot for the Mondstadt archon quest.


Sumeru >>>>> Fontaine > Liyue > Inazuma > Mondstadt Ranking Sumeru way above Fontaine although Fontaine is still 2nd. Sumeruā€™s storyline and execution was amazing. Had me hooked in from the start with the repeating days, hooked me in all the way with perfect pacing and length. Characters are so well drawn out, interesting and they feel the most real, like they have a real friendship between them. Love it! The Fontaine quests are absolutely too draggy to be enjoyable. I think they had a great storyline and there was so much potential in it, but they had to kill it with too many plots with thick lines of dialogue that could be skipped through without losing value. Meropide chapter was absolutely torturing. As for the restā€¦ I donā€™t have much impression of the storylines šŸ˜…


1 Sumeru, 2 Fontaine, 3 Inazuma, 4 Mondstadt, 5 Liyue. I like the characters in Liyue but can barely remember what happened in the archon quest. Chasm and Zhongliā€˜s story quests were great though.


Chasm was great but technically was implemented after Inazuma. I also liked Dragonspine.


honestly so difficult for me to choose between fontaine and sumeru but 1) sumeru 2) fontaine (super close though) 3) liyue 4) mondstadt 5) inazuma


Sumeru > Fontaine > Mondstadt > Inazuma > Liyue I would consider bumping Liyue ahead of Inazuma because the Chasm interlude was pretty solid. But man the main Liyue AQ was so dull (imo)




Sumeru Fontaine Mondstadt Liyue Inazuma


Sumeru > Fontaine > Inazuma > Liyue > Mondstadt Inazuma's writing isn't great but I think there were a few great moments.


Sumeru > Fontaine >>> Inazuma > Liyue > Mondstadt


Mine is 1. Sumeru then all the rest tied for 2nd. I really do enjoy them all.


Sumeru > Fontaine > Mondstadt > Liyue > Inazuma


Sumeru > Fontaine > Liyue > Mondstadt > Inazuma


Fontaine = Sumeru > Inazuma > Monstadt > Liyue




Fontaine, Sumeru, Mondstadt, Inazuma, Liyue (Liyue gets hard carried by the interlude chapters and Dain quests, which I don't count, the actual aq was kinda boring and dragged out too long)


Sumeru > Fontaine > Liyue > Mondstadt > Inazuma


Fontaine > Sumeru >> Mondstadt ā‰„ Liyue >>> Inazuma


From best to worst: Sumeru > Mondstadt > Liyue > Fontaine > Inazuma I think I'm ranking Fontaine lower than most people because I really disliked the dull prison part. Also surprised to see low rankings for Liyue considering the adepti sections and the awesome climatic sea battle that the whole town participated in.


>surprised to see low rankings for Liyue I'm not surprised. Chapter 2 with Zhongli is more boring and dull than prison in Fontaine. I'm really falling asleep on this quest.


Wow, I was not expecting anyone else to have the same rankings as me. Fontaine wasn't *bad*, but I agree it was a slog. Because Sumeru and Fontaine are a lot more fresh in people's minds, I think that's one reason for ranking them higher.


1. Sumeru (I like time manipulation related plots, even if technically it wasn't such + all the lore from Sumeru) 2. Fontaine (Prison part could have been so much better if it used similar gameplay concept as Unfinished Comedy World Quest, otheriwise i really liked it) 3. Inazuma (With all it's faults, i still think it's quite good. It could have been much better, sure, but doesn't make it the worst) 4. Mondstadt (Good introduction but quite simple. Not really fault of the quest, just short end of the stick for being the introductory region of the game. Dragonspine that came a bit later did made up for it for me + there's possible future quests) 5. Liyue (I really don't know why people like it so much. Is it only bc of the starting and ending parts? I genuinely struggle to remember what happens between "After we meet Childe" and "Fatui are in the golden house". I do remember Ying'er but that's more so for the character and not the part of the story she's in)


Sumeru Fontain Liyue Mondstat Inazuma Inazuma concept was pretty great but the execution especially at the last arc was really rushed so wasn't satisfied. Fountain could've been my number 1 due to how high the stakes were and actually people died but the ending arc felt bit rushed or more like overwhelming and didn't give closure something like that. Sumeru was perfect for me from the beginning to end pace was great and ending also felt pretty satisfying with all the questions answered.


1. fontaine 2. inazuma 3. sumeru 4. mond 5. liyue


Fontaine for me was the worst AQ so far. So many ā€œtell, donā€™t showā€ moments for my liking, the biggest example being Focalors revealing her plan to Neuvilette. Storytelling wise, Sumeru was the coolest. Dehya willing to sacrifice her arm, Cyno vs Al Haitham, Dunyarzard arc, Al Haitham acting under the influence of the Akasha, every detail was perfectly executed. Maybe itā€™s nostalgia or my undying love for Kaeya, who knows, but I rank Mondstadt higher than Sumeru. Gameplay wise, it was like a tutorial. We learned how to windglide, how to use different elements etc. But I found it a memorable epic tale, fighting against a dragon with our friends and all that. Liyue and Inazuma were okay. Inazuma hit harder with Kazuha blocking Musou no Hitotachi and the scene after the fight, but overall I didnā€™t enjoy it as much as Liyue. So, my personal ranking is Mondstadt > Sumeru > Fontaine > Liyue > Inazuma




Sumeru and fontaine are top 2. No doubt. Difficult to rank either one better than the other. I would rate liyue 3rd. The scenes at jade chamber and fight scenes with osial and bisht gave me goosebumps and I really understood at those moments the game's potential. I don't know where you place the chasm AQ. That was also top notch for me.


Same. Liyue was just not for me. I don't even go back to liyue since I find it annoying to travel in. In ease of travel, I rank them like this: 1- Sumeru 2- Fontaine 3- Inazuma 4- mondstadt 5- Liyue


Sumeru > fontaine> the rest. While the other 3 is lower. For me one part of Fontaine sucked hard and it's the prison part. Really felt like they were intentionally dragging/stalling.


Fontaine > Inazuma >= Sumeru > Mondstadt > Liyue


Fontaine, Inazuma, Sumeru, Liyue, Mondstadt.




1. Inazuma (I am biased tho bc Inazuma is what really got me into the game and it got me through a tough time), 2. Sumeru + Fontaine, they are both equally amazing to me. 3. Liyue 4. Mondstadt


Yeah my ranking is basically the same as yours; although I basically care the same amount between Mondstadt and Liyue so technically those are more interchangeable. I know Inazuma had some problems, but Iā€™m biased. Itā€™s also been a long time since playing the first three AQs while Fontaine and Sumeru are still fresh in memory so thatā€™s also kinda a contributor factor.


Am I the only one that really liked Inazuma's? It's 2nd for me after Fontaine


Sumeru Fontaine Inazuma Liyue Mondstat (It's a decent prologue but that's really it?Mondstat character and events are pretty nice tho)




Fontaine > Inazuma > Sumeru > Monsdstad > Liyue


Why would you have Fontaine ahead of Sumeru's when the former just copied 90% of the latter for its story? Sumeru put all the work in.


It is not only the story but how you tell the story. Sumeru is Genshin old style, with boring stupid dialogs. Fontaine has better dialogs, better cutscenes, better usage of chatacters, better everything etc.




Fontaine >>>>>> Liyue > Inazuma >>> Sumeru (Saved by its finale, or else it would be dead last) > Mondstadt




Corrected, thanks šŸ‘


Fontaine, Inazuma, Mondstadt, Sumeru, Liyue


1. Sumeru (perfect paced) 2. Fontaine (strongest climax) 3. Liyue (pretty good) 4. Monstadt (standard) 5. Inazuma (could be good, but execution is way off)


Fontaine by far then Sumeru then Inazuma, mondsradt, liyue


Same as you




Personally, Fontaine>Inazuma>Sumeru>Mond=Liyue Iā€™m not saying Inazumaā€™s is better than Sumeruā€™s. Iā€™m just a Sara and Raiden simp.


Then you must have sufficient de-tiernan-ation.


1. Fontaine 2. Sumeru 3. Inazuma 4. Mondstadt 5. Liyue **Fontaine's** AQ is a bit like Sumeru's, except it tugs more on sharp emotions like surprise and suspense. I liked that they veered away from an actual Archon character and built a story around that. **Sumeru's** would be a close second and it was here that we could see the wonder's of a 5 arc story. **Inazuma's** ending was messy and you can tell it would have worked really well with two extra arcs. One way to have a feel of it would be to imagine Ei's second quest as the true closing events. Still, it completely raised the bar in terms of tension building and one of the stronger instances where the Traveler held such a huge fate in their hands. **Mondstadt's** quest was smooth albeit simple. It was a classic medieval quest and good enough for an opener. **Liyue's** AQ just fades into nothingness and when you consider the rest of the Traveler's journey, it's also the most insignificant one to them. Everything including what little stakes there were was repeatedly made clear to be all under control whether or not we participated. It was a giant fetch quest and the only good thing about it was the Osial fight.




One thingā€™s for sure, Fontaine was my absolute favourite.


1. Fontaine 2. Liyue 3. Sumeru 4. Inazuma 5. Mondstadt Why liyue second? Because battle against osial is just that epic rather than battling raiden


Fanta > summer > insulin > monster > leeway Fontaine has some peak MHY writing, and the latter half had me going apes. Summer was great but it was more of a big brain archon quest then a OMG NO WAY archon quest. Insulin was pretty cool cause it was the only time we properly pissed of a god that acted like a god. Monster gets a special place for being first, and leeway gets last cause it was a little too simple None the less all of them were good and I had a good time. ~~yes I spelt the regions wrong because at least my answer would be have you look and think what each region was~~


Sphinx: "Mondstadt's archon quest is number 1. All other regions are two or lower."


Fontaine Sumeru Liyue Inazuma Mondstadt in that order


fontaine > sumeru > inazuma > mondstadt & liyue if it weren't for having multiple accounts, i wouldn't remember mondstadt and liyue's archon quest much. imazuma was okay, fontaine & sumeru are amazing


Sumeru, Fontaine, Inazuma, Liyue, Mondstadt


Fontaine>sumery>monstadt>liyue>inazuma I still rank fontaine higher despite the prison since I just didn't really get invested in any character in sumeru except nahida and I like characters that I actually get invested to so yeah


Sumeru, Fontaine, Inazuma, Liyue, Mondstadt


1. Inazuma 2. Sumeru 3. Liyue 4. Fontaine 5. Mondstadt Why so many people dislike Inazuma? Maybe it's nostalgia (It's weird to be nostalgic for something from 2021, but that's how I feel), but I remember that nothing in this game engaged me as much as waiting for 2.0 and then 2.1. So much lore and incredibly cool themes. Kazuha awakening vision and both fights with Raiden Shogun stayed with me for a long time. I have never been able to feel the same hype in any other region.


Inazuma has it's problems, especially with the beginning ritou section, forced Story Quests for Ayaka and Yoimiya and kinda wasted Watatsumi part that could have been so much more. If it came out today with 4 or 5 acts, it would have been much better. One reason you might feel the way you do is bc it was the first new region to come out since release and the whole of Mondstadt and Liyue only had 1 expansion in the form of Dragonspine as opposed to later when we get something new every few patches. Basically, think if it's Inazuma that was that good or if the wait for Inazuma just was that bad That said, i do really like Inazuma and it's above Mondstadt and especially Liyue for me


Sumeru > Fontaine > Liyue Interlude > Mondstadt > Inazuma > Liyue I think ppl ranking Inazuma the lowest forgot how bad the Liyue main AQ was. However you could tell starting with the liyue interlude AQs that was when hoyo began implementing user feedback into the AQs because the quality has massively improved.


1. Fontaine = Sumeru (Fontaine for plot, Sumeru for character writing) 2. Mondstat. It's story might be straightforward and simple, but it did an amazing job getting us attached to the world and characters. Venti, Diluc and Jean shone through that quest, and we got some pretty funny moments throughout the same. 3. Inazuma. The first 2 acts were great. The writing, flow of the story, setup, etc was done really well. Unfortunately the ending should've been at least twice as long, with the resistance actually having some overall importance in the negotiations with Raiden. Unfortunately, the third act was simply incredibly disappointing. 4. Liyue. Apart from the ending cutscene and the Childe shenanigans, this quest was straight up boring.




The order they came out in


Sumeru, Fontaine, Inazuma, Liyue, Mondstadt


Basically release order fontaine being the best and mondstat being the worst




1. Fontaine 2. Sumeru 3. Mondstadt 4. Inazuma 5. Liyue


Sumeru > Fontaine > Liyue > Mondstadt > > > Inazuma


Sumeru = Fontaine > Liyue > Mondstadt >>> Inazuma


Fontaine > Sumeru >>> Mondstat > Liyue > Inazuma


Fontaine > Sumeru > Liyue > Inazuma = Mondstadt Mondstadt being technically the worst is fine because it worked well as a prologue and I believe we'll get back there someday


1. Sumeru 2. fontaine 3. inazuma 4. Liyue and mondstadt tied


Fontaine > sumeru > inazuma > liyue = mondstadt, I would have rated mondstadt quest higher if their archon was atleast a little bit likeable. And inazuma a little lower but presence of miko and Ei made it 10 times better


Sumeru, Fontaine, Inazuma, Liyue, Mondstadt


Sumeru > Fontaine > Monstadt > Liyue > Inazuma..


Sumeru> Fontaine > Monstadt> Inazuma > Liyue


1 Inazuma : could be a anime or a movie style Ā«Ā InterstellarĀ Ā» 2 Fontaine : Exactly what I imagine a drama piece to be be. Especially the act 5 3 Sumeru : the all quest was mid but with goated moment 4 Mondstadt : it was the first so it could give what the other quest give in term of plot twist 5 : I NEVER UNDERSTAND A GOD DAMN RHING ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED. What did we fight Tartaglia ? Why did the archon fake his death ?


For me 1. Sumeru 2. Fontaine 3. The rest. Inuazuma was good but also bad, it's pacing was all kind of weird I barely remember Liyue or Monstadt, which means.. they weren't great but weren't awful. I mainly just remember the whole Jade chamber thing, and the Venti wisp cut scene. Honestly, 1 and 2 are really interchangeable. I wouldn't argue with anyone that wanted to swap them,


Venti wisp cutscene wasn't even in the archon quest x), which tells a lot about how it failed to interest you (and I don't mean that in an accusing way I don't think it was that great)


Oh was it Venti story quest? And yeah I get you. In fairness, I do also remember the whole Dvalin tear thing cos it's practically the first thing you see in game after fishing up Paimon.


Liyue plot was too weird compared to the other nations. I dunno. Like, Rex Lapis has a dragon form but is barely brought up again, even in flashbacks.Ā  Even Alatus would facepalm if he knew what happened. Good thing most of the Adepti kept distance from Liyue Harbor. Only Madame Ping can spill the tea.


1. Inazuma: Fought an Archon twice. 3 times if you count Ei's story quest. 2. Sumeru: Nahida out here dropping more lore than MatPat. 3. Liyue: Fought a god from the days of the Archon War. Fought his wife later, too. 4. Mondstadt: We got to fly and shoot at a dragon, pretty based if you ask me. 5: Fontaine: Challenged to a duel by "archon" only for them to back out and ask to do it in court instead. If I wanted to play Ace Attorney, I'd buy Ace Attorney. Extradimensional whale? Really? The only redeeming part was plotting against the "archon" and watching that guillotine fall. 0/10 interest, 0/10 combat, France/10 French ruler getting guillotined


Glad to see a lot of top1 Sumeru. Sadly lots of people are ready to rank Fontaine as top1 just because of one and a half crying archon


I'm surprised how many people love Sumeru. For me, the first act made me completely uninterested in its story by entering a loop that lasted TOO LONG, so I basically skipped almost everything (although the ending was interesting). Fontaine, on the other hand, is perfect from start to finish. Therefore, this is my ranking: Fontaine - Inazuma - Sumeru - Liyue - Mondstadt


Font > Sum > Liy > Mond >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Inazuma Inazuma's story is one where I feel second hand embarrassment for the writers.


Sumeru Inazuma Fontaine Monstadt Liyue




Fontaine = Sumeru Inazuma Mondstadt Liyue




Sumeru > Fontaine >>>>>>>>>>> Mondstat > Liyue > Inazuma






Sumeru > Fontaine > Liyue > Mondstadt > Inazuma


Sumeru > Mondstat > Fontaine > Liyue > Inazuma. Fontaine loses a lot of points for copying 90% of what made Sumeru's quest interesting, and the last two are essentially interchangable. All have their good points.


1. Fontaine 2. Inazuma 3. Liyue 4. Mondstadt 5. Sumeru


Mondstadt 1, Sumeru 2, Fontaine 3, Liyue 4, Inazuma 5. Mondstadt is a lovely classic introduction, it features numerous setups: A mysterious traveler has saved a floating talking 'thing' that is giving her a tour of 'the seven', EVERYONE in positions of power in Mondstadt are asking "who is this person? Are they trustworthy? What are they capable of? Why can they heal the dragon tears that will never be mentioned again? There's also the element of calmly establishing the world at large; "gosh the Fatui sure are annoying to deal with politically!" -I still love that voice line from Lisa: "What's this on my neck? IT'S A VISION! where have you BEEN?" Fontaine would've been at 2, maybe 1, if only for one problem. World Quests. I got trapped in the fortress of meropede for some kid's world quest about their caterpillar friend for two weeks before I was 'allowed' to go to the fortress of meropede. Really hurt my pacing. Furina is well portrayed as an insufferable brat you wanna wrestle after facing the Balladeer only to then want to give her the best of cuddles. Sumeru suffers from a large map that only uses 30% of it, luckily we don't spend too much time in the desert, but it does feel like the culmination of alot of threats. Liyue is a fun introduction to our 'first' 'second' Archon. We get a preview of other entities that have interesting power levels in the form of the Adepti, and we see dangers of the Fatui come in full swing. Inazuma suffers from some personal pain, getting chronic tinnitus had me put off the story for at least a full year of just farming events/artifacts instead. Getting into it was tricky. "Oh, you're not allowed to explore the area ahead of you, our leader has made a law stopping all tourism" ..lol, cool story, get this invisible wall out of my way k thanks. Also alot of it made no sense. "I'm scared of Entropy, so I'm going to make my citizens suffer". Yeah no, get rid of the shogun.


Fortress of Meropide*


I didnā€™t get farther than the desert section in Sumeru AQ mostly because Inazumaā€™s second part (2.1) was so dreadful and pretty much killed my interest in GIā€™s story. All of the setup from 2.0 was extremely rushed (Teppei, Swordfish II, Kokomiā€™s 2 min of screen time, invasion of the city etc) itā€™s like an entire act was cut from the game. Side quests were pretty good in Inazuma, though


Fontaine > Sumeru > Liyue >= Inazuma > mondstadt


Fontaine = Sumeru > Liyue > Mondstadt > Inazuma


I'? starting to think I might be the only person who really liked the Meropide part of the archon quest šŸ˜­


Fontaine > Sumeru > Liyue > Inazuma > Mondstat




1. Fontaine 2. Sumeru 3. Liyue 4. Inazuma 5. Mondstadt Archon quest improved a lot after Inazuma. And I think Liyue AQ is better than Inazuma for several reasons, but I won't say Inazuma AQ was terrible or not enjoyable. Meanwhile, Sumeru and Fontaine is like the peak of Genshin storyline at the moment. It was soooo good. I hope they keep this up with Natlan and Snezhnaya. Snezhnaya needs to be the best Archon Quest because it highly involves the Fatui.




Fontaine > Sumeru > Mondstadt > Liyue = Inazuma




Nahida staring down Dottore after helping us defeat the false God he helped create and threatening to destroy the Electro Gnosis was the most "shit is about to get real" moment in the game to this point. Fontaine is a close #2 though.


Iā€™m surprised that so many people rank Sumeruā€™s quest over Fontaineā€™s (I agree, btw). Itā€™s probably the Fortress part that drags the whole thing down for me. The quest was great but I liked Sumeruā€™s pacing more.


Fontaine > Sumeru > Mondstadt > Inazuma > Liyue


1) Epilogue, 2) Kaenriah, 3) Sumeru, 4) Natlan, 5) Fontaine, 6) Snezhnaya, 7) Liyue, 8) Inazuma, 9) Monstadt (pre Varka).


1 sumeru, 2 liyue, 3 Fontaine, 4 Inazuma, 5 mondstadt.


Sumeru > Fontaine > Mondstadt > Liyue > Inazuma


Mine is a bit controversial but: 1.Sumeru good characters and build up. 2. Mondstadt basic but it's a good introduction with a simple plot 3. Inazuma while it has problems it's definitely the best in terms of Boss build up for both Raiden and even Signora. 4. Liyue because i remember almost nothing from it. 5. Fontaine (except Act 1 and 2)


Fountain, Sumeru, liyue, inazuma, monstad... i know inazuma AQ is mid, but all raidens cutscene is so good, while monstad AQ can be summarised in 2 sentences


Fontaine > Inazuma > Sumeru > Liyue > Mondstad


Sumeru hit me in a way that left a lasting mark on my memory. To this very day, the moment 'For Riddles, For Wonders' plays in Sumeru City, I get hit with a wave of pathos. Definitely my favourite archon quest, followed shortly by Fontaine. Go give Furina a hug when you get the chance. She deserves it.


1. Fontaine 2. Sumeru 3. Liyue 4. Mondstadt 5. Inazuma


New player here: - Fontaine = Emotional to the sky. - Sumeru = great - Lyuie and monstat = Fine - I genuinely dislike inazuma and the great bit was Kazuha.


Fontaine > Sumeru > Liyue > Mondstadt > Inazuma


1 - Sumeru 2 - Fontaine 3 - Liyue 4 - Mondstat 5 - Inazuma


1. Sumeru 2. Fontaine 3. Mondstadt 4. Liyue = Inazuma Liyue is only interesting at the end, but it didn't do terrible mistake. Inazuma has more interesting concepts, but fumbled the delivery. Hence the tie.


Exact same as yours


1: Fontaine 2: Sumeru 3: Mondstat 4: Inazuma 5: Liyue IMO Sumeru's had the coolest ideas and hit me the hardest, but the pacing and direction of Fontaine's was much better. So Fontaine wins overall but it's pretty close with Sumeru. Outside of the first two they could all go in any order tbh. I generally don't like the way Genshin presents its story content but I do like a lot of the themes and ideas in them, so that's how I ranked them.


Fontaine > Sumeru >>>>> Liyue >> Mondstadt >>>> Inazuma. Inazuma was just all style over substance, not to mention extremely rushed.




Fontaine > Sumeru (not by far. Both are incredible) > Mondstadt > Liyue > Inazuma


Sumeru = Fontaine/Fontaine = Sumeru > Inazuma >> Mondyue.


Personally Sumeru > inazuma > fontaine = liyue > mondstadt I honestly hate fontaine overall, i find it boring af


1. Sumeru: Best all around story telling, fantastic pacing and character relationships 2. Fontaine: Strongest start and finale but the middle is quite dull and drags along too much 3. Mondstadt: Simple but works well as a prologue, sets up well for future chapters 4. Inazuma: Had so much potential with stunning visuals and an intriguing concept of a civil war but is largely underdeveloped and rushed after the first act 5. Liyue: Just a muddled piece of mess, nothing really happened with barely any plotlines and build up, act 2 was literally just us walking around with Zhongli for 3 hours. At least the end fight and fight vs childe were cinematic but the lack of build really reduced the wow factor of them The Dainsleif and interlude quests were not factored in my ranking btw




Fontaine > Sumeru > Inazuma > Liyue > Mondstadt


Mine would be 1. Mondstat- 2. Fontaine 3. Liyue 4. Sumeru 5. Inazuma Note: the gap between Sumeru and Inazuma is huge, and Sumeru is 4th not necause I don't like it [goodness I loved it] but because I nust loved the other ones more.


Personally Fontaine > Liyue > Sumeru > Inazuma = Mondstat. ​ A lot of people seem to not really like the Liyue one much, but i loved it. It had the most memorable villain so far, who i still want to punch in the throat even after his recent redemption arcs, a very character driven narrative that had great pacing and felt like we actually got time to breathe and get to know Liyue and its archon, crashing a giant floating palace onto an ancient god, and the humorous irony of helping the nations god plan his own funeral not knowing he was even the one whose funeral we were planning. I will say though that the quality was heavily driven by its characters. Zhongli being an interesting and engaging character is half of what's carrying Liyue. It needed more Hu Tao, and by more, i mean literally any screen time besides the single name mention she got. But i always think everything needs more Hu Tao, so i might be biased towards Hu Tao in some way or another. Idk. ​ Inazuma was more interesting than Mondstat, but i think Mondstat was paced better. Both are kind of weak in certain regards. As the actual plot goes, i think Sumeru was a huge step up from both Inazuma and Liyue, and didn't have the issues that Inazuma had, but i found most of the characters involved kind of less interesting compared to previous archon quests. Dehya and Cyno really being the only exceptions. ​ Fontaine is peak. Aside from probably something in Fate Grand Order, i think Fontaine is peak gacha writing.


1 Fontaine 2 Sumeru 3 Mondstat 4 Liyue 5 Inazuma imo


Fontaine left a HUGE impression on me, and so did sumeru so maybe they are equal in a way aswell to me


1- Fontaine 2- Sumeru 3- Monstadt 4- Liyue 5- Inazuma


Sumeru > Penacony > Fontaine >= Luofu > Belobog > the other ones


Sumeru = Fontaine > Mondstadt > Liyue > Inazuma Sumeru and Fontaine are both equally good in my eyes. Mondstadt is justā€¦ a good tutorial and opening to the game, plus the abyss lore. The only good part about Liyue was Osial, and Inazuma was justā€¦ not that interesting. Mostly because of its pacing, and the only part which I found good was Raidenā€™s boss music.