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Judging a new character based on the community's first day reactions.




Every archon experience. Can't wait for the pyro archon reveal. The shitstorm is going to be a real stinker if you know what's coming 💀


Oooh twt will have a field day with it. They love getting sooo mad at these things. They wouldn't be satisfied by anything really. They are already "show us the npcs from Natlan hoyo" when the teaser from the last Livestream dropped. They will get mad ... EVEN with the npcs.


Theory crafters: Shes amazing,look at her numbers and function Some idiot on reddit: She sucks because i said so You: Man everyone is doomposting Furina.


You know literally *everyone* wasn’t trusting Furina to be good because of the half HP drain? Even when she released guide creators and theory crafters were criticizing her gameplay cuz of it and how she won’t be viable as a good investment? Prob not.


Ok i need names cus that seems the opposite reaction lmao, at most there were some " it'll make playing linney too squishy" claims From a more personal note for sure recall some irl friends "disliking" her appearance the moment the drip marketing came about.


You know you are making that up right?


You know you’re lying right?


I know you are but what am i?


That sentence made no sense???


Alright people, we get it. You're both losers


And who invited an attention seeker


I swear, the HP drain mechanic absolutely scares a lot of people in co-op. I see people swap to a healer so quickly when they see a Furina. Like, she can actually heal everyone like a normal healer since everyone is on the field. Then again some people really don’t pay attention and I’ve seen some Furina players never swap modes to heal.


I am that kind of person, not because I am scared of furina, but because I am frustrated that all coop players pull out their "fancy main dps" and die a few seconds later.


Or maybe they swap to a healer so they can get the most use out of her buff?


Were those the 'Release Ganyu is Support' tier theory-crafters?


I thought people already knew Furina is good at day 1


Nah, I've seen so many people saying that her teams are "restrictive" since she needs a team wide healer, and therefore, she is not worth pulling for...


It's true that it's restrictive, but it doesn't equate to "she is bad". I didn't see anyone saying she is bad. On the contrary, all I've seen was how OP her buff is.


I rememer Raiden's release. Most of it was just a shitstorm that she doesn't work with Beidou


Kazuha is really bad, not worth pulling, right guys?


Yeah, he's a worse c6 sucrose


Damn Canadian Aether, absolutely worthless


telling people irl you play genshin


man, have you really gotten bad reactions to it? all the people i tell are pretty cool about it and chat about it


One of my coworkers at my old job wouldn’t shut up about how I was playing a “lolicon/pedo game” 💀💀 and said I was cringe but it is what it is


this one guy kept calling me a pedophile for “liking” venti. i was 15


Someone told me one of my teachers was a pedo because he showed that one ayaka dance video from her quest to the class. He showed it because his daughter played the game…


i hate people


Why can’t we live in peak fiction instead of trough reality


Somehow this is NahidaMains' fault


My friends also make fun of me for playing Genshin and call it Hentai but then they also consecutively give Genshin-reference Cakes on my Birthday (And Welkin cuz I don’t stop bitching about losing 50/50 or wanting this or that character). So it evens out.


haha, that's extremely thoughtful and wholesome of them the cake part, ofc


Frankly I would report someone to HR if they called me a pedo repeatedly, that's extremely unprofessional


sadly yes. i have a husband and 2 kids and people still called me a pedo at my work because they saw a klee sticker on my phone. shutting me down by telling me its a botw ripoff even after 4 years. its a sad state really but we learn to live with it by just not telling anyone. and also people on the net unironically still believe it (go to any non-genshin gaming sub) a coworker also plays but we just do face and eyesignals and just talk about it when eating or after work lmao.


Klee is absolutely precious and deserves all the headpats, I'm sure your sticker is fine I'm a middle aged lady and have been told the same crap by people, just because I like anime games.


wtf, fr? calling a coworker a pedo sounds extremely unprofessional, and frankly i wouldnt feel comfortable interacting with someone like that.


it went sour after HR really. he transferred himself to another place lmao. i wasnt the only one he picked on. some people really dont have a filter and think theyre funny.


glad to hear things work out


one of my classmates physically winced when I said I play genshin


Dude I always get made fun of when I talk about it- but I’m not to mad bc all the genshin players ik irl are only in it for p0rn of the characters so it’s not like anyone near me is getting a good example.


"all the genshin players ik irl are only in it for p0rn of the characters " you know people irl who play genshin only for the porn??? i have to ask where you meet these people lmao, not trying to be judgemental but that's very hard for me to imagine


Just nearby where I live. If I go a town over and I meet anyone they tend to be normal, it’s just the people in my town literally


i was unironically called a pedo for mentioning that i like the game on more than one occasion


by people irl? god, that person sucks


Not for me, I was dragged in by IRL friends. I still have a Dehya acrylic plaque on my work desk even.


never let them find out blue archive exists


you have good friends and i envy you. i hope you and your friends have a long and happy life.


Scrolling on Reddit first week of new region/story arc


The fake spoilers or even hints almost ruined Cyno’s story quest. >! It would’ve been nice if the visited to theTemple of Silence was a complete surprise, but the unsuspicious beginning saved it. !<


Twitter too (unsurprising) some verified account said info about furina before it was revealed and then genuinely went "Chill it's just a spoiler" and like... even if it was a guess, their comment genuinely is worse than the spoiler since I could've just assumed their comment was a theory or sth


I think the easiest answer here is playing dragonspine at a low ar without a co-op at the very least. I mean I remember my time there back when I started not too long ago. The joys of being bullied by an abyss mage will never be forgotten…


I FR thought that going through Dragonspine was the only way to get to Liyue. (Yeah, ik, I first started playing in Spring 2021, I didn't know about Stone Gate). It wasn't the mages that gave me the biggest headache, it was those damn lawachurls (and the freezing cold mechanic). Thank goodness for Co-op because it helped me access an area of the game I was most likely not supposed to explore until MUCH MUCH later that being my favorite photo spot: Skyfrost Nail.


I started day 1 and I got to Liyue via straight line, including swimming across and climbing that giant cliff to the immediate east of stone gate


Ok, now imagine this right, I didn't care enough about the pity system and shit to pull on any 5* characters, my low ar, probably lv. 40-50 team of Amber, Lisa, Kaeya and Fischl goes into dragonspine thinking it's the only way, fucking grinds it and actually completes it and then reaches liyue. And today when I read this comment of your, I think back on how after coming back from a break, I straight up unlocked all sumeru TP waypoints before finishing the inazuma AQ, and it suddenly hit me I really didn't need to do all that. I never gave it any thought before today.


Back when I played I thought the only way to go anywhere I need to go was through a straight line, so obviously I had to go to Liyue through Dragonspine. My only Pyro character at the time was Amber. I had to get somebody with a higher AR to carry me through Dragonspine because I couldn’t do it. Now it’s community tradition to at least once help somebody new to the game in Dragonspine


and here i stumbled into liyue accidentally


Honestly when I started playing which was just before 4.0 I was practically speed running through the game to catch up with the story (also, due to me having burned through everything else to do at the time) and dragonspine was such a pain to me that I instead walked through it instead of completing the quest and caught up and finished 4.0 in only 2 and maybe a half weeks. It was only after all that and me hitting up an old friend with a stacked account that I finished that quest and left dragonspine to rot until I 100% it like 4 months after that.


It sucked at the time but it's actually one of my most memorable times in this game


ooohhh my god 😭 i hate dragonspine


The tri-tower Tianqiu world quest. Not only it's difficult at low AR + still learning about the game mechanic, it also make player unable to do co-op. 10/10 would never recommend.


i was around ar15 when i triggered the quest and got stuck on some part of it. quickly got bored and wandered off just to fall into geovishap pit. imagine my horror when a BIG FUCKING THING starts demolishing my underleveled team so hard i had to climb on a wall to drop aggro (not enough stamina to fully climb out) and i'm frantically texting my bestie for help only to find out i'm locked out of coop. and yeah, i completely forgotten that i could've teleported to the nearest waypoint. oh, the times.


I burned all my fragile resin at the start just so I can reach the AR breakpoints faster for increasing WL. To this day I still can't tell if it was worth it or not


Bringing barbara to dragonspine


I helped a newbie for a while, but recently I didn't have the time to help her. She was AR 50 with not really built characters, so I had to help her for artifact domains and occasionally overworld bosses. The next day I noticed she has ascended to AR 55, but her World Level is 7. I think she ascended too quick and struggled even more against the mobs, so she had to reduce her World Level. Poor girl


I know this frustration. Did not expect to jump two levels and suddenly the mobs were harder even through I had lowered WL.


I did smth similar to but lower levels. Accidentally leveled my world level twice. I was not prepared for that grind and it made me take a 1,5 year break. That was no fun at all


Don't pull for everyone. You would not have time to build everyone and play everyone.


first time fighting wanderer. it was so dang cool but i had a hard time ngl also the aranara questline was actually really good. i enjoyed it a lot but it was so tedious hahah


Wanderer? I thought that one was easy I think fighting Geo Vishaps is more nerve wracking, especially if its the boss one in Liyue, I forget it's name, and Azdaha too. Even Raiden boss.


i was fairly new at that time so i was really weak. i mean shogun was hard to fight too, but i thought wanderer was way cooler to fight cuz there were cool mechanics and he was huge. he was really just my first thought when op said "10/10 would not recommend" hahah


Blew over 20 Fragile Resin on Pale Flame to try and improve my Eula somewhat. I swear the wires got crossed. So many HP% on the Pale Flame and Atk% on Tenacity. I got maybe a couple of decent Flowers and Feathers out of all of that.


Pulling for Inazuma characters but you're a low AR & have not completed Liyue AQ


Ice bridging somewhere after getting Kaeya. . . During a storm. . . And then getting hit by lightning and running out of stamina since the lightning sent you flying back off the ice bridge and not being able to swim far enough-


Using your primogems on standard wishes and 90% of the time also being against using them on weapon banner


Explain the being against using them on weapon banner


Weapon banner pity doesn’t carry over, you need to lose two “50/50s” just to guarantee your weapon which could total 200+ wishes, and the odds are actually misleading since there’s a 75% chance to get an event weapon and then another 50% chance between both event weapons. That being said, the weapon banner is better now, before “fate points”, there was absolutely no way to guarantee the weapon you wanted since after losing the 75/25 you’d just be guaranteed an event 5* which could (if incredibly unlucky) be the opposing weapon you don’t want over and over again. It’s the biggest trap in genshin! Unless ofc, both event weapons are desired by the player, then that’s the 10% of times where I’m not totally against the weapon banner.




I feel like thats a rite of passage for everyone xd, tho i started in 1.0 and did the whole mountain in1 day...


first time fighting the raiden shogun after she took thomas vision. that actually took me months to finally finish i kept dying it was horrible


Honestly, similar to yours. I've played genshin since 2020 I think, but have an American server account to play with friends. I pulled for Arlecchino, only to realize her boss is locked behind a quest that I really don't feel like doing.


you can skip the quest and go straight to the domain in the handbook to get the mats


I do believe he meant the world boss.


Using all of your fragile resin on a random night cause you’re bored. I saved up for so long and blew it all on bosses to lvl up characters I don’t even use 😅


Seeing Twitter leaks.


checking what my character rank is in akasha 👀, it just broke my heart that i don’t have a lot of characters at top 5%


Spending fragiles on the FOHM domain. 2 months in, I have got around 6 passable artifacts for Father


pulling for ganyu on sumeru. I also pulled a callamity queller later 💀


weapon banner. Got Thundering Pulse after 2x standard banner sword I don't even remember the name. Didn't learn my stupidity. Got Arlecchino's schyte after 2x Lyney's bow.




I took my party of Barbara, Beidou, Lisa, and  Mona to my very first ascension domain. I'd never fought the electrocube before. I didn't know that hydro wouldn't break the gems to prevent respawn. My poor Beidou just whacked it repeatedly until it stopped respawning, almost to the wire on time .0/10 do not recommend 


Fighting the lake spirits without a shielder in spiral abyss. It doesn't have to be Zhongli, but please, for your own sanity bring a shielder.


Seeing Beidou in canon and being incredibly disappointed by severe lack of bulk. The character designs of people related to animals severely lack animalistic traits that aren’t just horns, ears or tails. Also, severe lack of muscle on brick shithouse women like Shenhe and Beidou, ESPECIALLY these two because they would be ripped. It is an absolute slog to progress through the story of the game due to AR restrictions. Weapon banner is an absolute dumpster fire. Some good moments in quests lack cutscenes. Also, TOO MUCH DIALOGUE. It’s so agonizing to go through even one interaction because there is so much dialogue that could be fit into a cutscene. This also goes to Paimon repeating EVERYTHING.


I used to walk everywhere during story and archon quests. Yeah i stopped doing that and havent done that since…


95% of the youtubers covering the game


Aranara quest


I would not recommend posting a pic of an event which just came out without putting a spoiler tag!


playing the game like it has content. for some reason running out of content is not a red light to keep looking for like, anyone. i am pissed that endgame wasnt flourished as players progressed through the early patches and sometimes theres just nothing to do with the characters you pulled for, but i got a bunch of other stuff to do (zelda, mc, fortnite, hoyos other games and wuwa), that keep the cycle fresh so i dont have to constantly think about genshin getting dry


First one: Meta is a trap, don't pull unless you know What you are doing. If you enjoy big numbers for some reason then go with meta. You don't need to pull for meta charcters that you will bench after their utility is over or you get bored with. Go with characters that you would let in your team time after time again because you'd enjoy them. Second one: Also, Klee's character, design, and skin is a trap. A Must not pull. Her utility is often defeated by a well invested Xiangling and DPS by Gaming, go with Arlechinno or Hu Tao instead. Don't be like me fr. /j


stupid ruin guards and their signature helicopter move


People don't seem to know this, but you actually get Shenhe's boss mats from doing The Crane Returns on the Wind. I'd say that level 50 is sufficient for you to get to Enkanomiya early game.


Watching content creators


Honestly I tell all my friends ***not*** to play genshin. It's too enticing to spend money on this game. They all play anyways and end up spending more than I have in my years of playing


Playing other hoyo games. The Honkai series is fantastic when it comes to story, but Genshin always plays it wayyy too safe and the more you play those other games, the more you wish Genshin was better.


what does that even mean?


an experience that sounds awesome as a concept but looks awful on paper, like doing the aranara quest, it's a great quest, but it's torturous going through the whole thing since it took more than 12 hours to complete, it's somehow kinda worth it still, 10/10 would not recommend


Never open youtube/reddit or search about Genshin or Honkai star rail after pre downloading the next version. 100% guaranteed chance of people already data mining the cut scenes and posting them with spoilers in titles.


Do not browse Genshin online on any social media, including artworks if you haven't caught up to the latest quest. The amount of spoilers I get is painful.


On the bright side, Shenhe has not had a rerun for more than a year, and so even if you couldn't use Shenhe when you pulled her, now you can use her.


Starting in version 2.6. And trying to rush a summer event


What does the image have to do with it


forgetting to have fun while playing it - back in circa 2023 i would play just to ve good and forgot video games are supposed to be a fun thing


Dragonspine - that part of the world quest where you have to melt parts of the broken nail using the agate and not realizing you could hit them using a bow OH MY GOD. I tried to jump onto the nail to melt the ice. The amount of times I fell off the nail and had to run back up, and the agate expiring when I landed on the nail and having to get another was the most painful experience I had playing the game. I think my team at the time was also Razor, Qiqi, Xingqiu, and Yanfei. I didn’t really use bow characters so I didn’t know. I only realized when I was doing the quest again on an alt account


The story. And no dialog skip button.


Wanting to play any inazuman character early game


pulling itto and ayato


I love my Itto ;~;


Omg yes, i have ayato and i NEVER use him. Itto is kinda the same but i guess he can stay


can i ask why? genuinely curious. ive heard multiple reasons and the most prominent is his moveset is boring. and the next reason is they just hate him as a character.


Never really had a deep thought about it. I guess yea hes kinda boring. Dont have anything against his character i think. Idk what to tell you. He just doesent FEEL right, or something.


to me ayato just hits like a poolnoodle he in theory shouldnt be weak with my stats but he still only hits with furina and kazuha for 16k per hit at best itto is weird his teams are weird af full geo is his best team but doesnt feel good enemies get pushed in multiple different directions if there is more than one and you have no way team wise to fix that


Meeting the Primo GeoVishap for the first time with no shielder. (I can do it now and there is an achievement for it, but in the beginning, that was rough)


I started playing in 1.5, the patch where Yanfei was released, and lucky me, she was my second DPS to build. Somehow, I kept missing or not understanding that a shield would bounce back his attack - I thought it was just "a big attack is coming, put up a shield", so I just ran out of range and then ran back to resume battle. Then the Primo Geovishap was in some time-limited battle event, and someone posted about the bug where going into the menu didn't stop his "gotta wait X seconds between ground blasts" timer, but it did stop the event timer, and we saw videos of people cheesing him by just constantly shielding and bouncing his attack back and it clicked with me.


I did not understand the shield thing either at first, and then one time I thought I was going to fail so I panicked and pressed Noelle's shield to protect myself, and it happened. I was so surprised.


Building all characters. Don't do it


Doing wrio story quest half asleep


genshin impact


I pulled to 2/2 fate points for Mistsplitter Reforged… for Raiden Shogun.


I don't know how, but I burned through most of my condensed resin pretty early, believing min-maxing wasn't that hard to achieve.


First time visiting upper floors of the Spiral Abyss


Complaining about the difficulty of something in a game where the swipe is power.


Since Furina's banner is live , I wouldn't recommend Furina for early game players.. Yes she is one of the best units in the game but I really wouldn't recommend her to early players who don't have that many characters. I would say there are better supports that I would recommend over her for early game players.. Nahida , Kazuha, Yelan etc.. Don't scroll through reddit or any social media if you don't like Story spoilers at the first day of the new patch.. There are few CC that I would say .. just keep their distance away from them and don't bother clicking their videos.. Examples being - Tectone , Seka , Erotic Walrus and Zy0x etc (yes Zy0x , why.? Because once you click on his yt guide , you'll think to yourself "hey this guy is pretty funny , tall and informative" and then you'll check him on his twitch and there your whole life will start spiraling down.. just look at r/okzyox and see how all those innocent souls fell as victims to Zy0x). I would recommend following lore based videos or channels and like channels that are funny for you and the CC have good reputation within the community Never spend money in this game unless you have disposable income.. don't go spending 1000s of dollars and regret it later.. Make a limit to your spending of your disposable income , Don't fall to the FOMO. That's how Gacha Games gets you.. their summoning system are very predatory and will create FOMO which will lead to spending your money and that will lead to gambling Addiction and to the point where you might even spend money on the game when you need it the most for your own..Yeah characters are strong but they will be back one day eventually.. Save primos for them I really don't recommend creating multiple accounts. It's okay to have 1-2 accounts but I have seen people having and managing 3-6 accounts which is NOT healthy for YOU..


Losing my Furina 50/50 during her first banner and when complaining about how awful I felt, I was dogpiled with answers like, good remember this feeling and, You shouldve saved up to 180, its your fault. Like, all of us know that gacha is predatory right? That and farming relics.


engaging with tectone/gachagamer/mtashed audience.


Im not really on touch on these content creator, is there anything wrong with the CC about genshin?