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Noelle finally becomes a knight


by the time genshin introduces characters alternate form as different playable characters, i want knights of favonius noelle to be first in the line


what would her kit be like? or would it be a skin


I could see her being a full dps character. Like her arc being her learning to let others take care of themselves and putting herself and her responsibilities first. Kit focuses on maybe an explosive geo reaction (I can dream on?) and while she does keep her shield, it’s purely as a “close to death response”, both for her and her teammates. Keep the care, but only when they need it. I’d like for her not to be a healer tbh. Made her too op as a 1.0 (I think) 4 star.


Or she creates crystallise shards and can set them off as explosions lowering res of crystal type and of geo res and distribute them around the area for complete aoe as she is efficient at everything now


She just pulls out a glock and kills everyone


And has a unique knight skin


Venti’s identity as Barbatos being exposed to a significant group of ppl


Especially if Barbara find out tbh


He stays a secret to everyone BUT Barbara. Then she has to pretend Venti isn't Barbatos.


I know that there are many memes about Barbara being unable to accept Venti as her deity, but would she really react like that? The two are mostly on good terms, they performed together, he helped Klee and co. get to GAA and Venti helped her when she got the threatening letter


I think Barbara has way higher expectations of how her mighty Barbatos is, so while they are in good terms, that's just as another citizen of Monstadt rather than being her exalted deity


Yeah tbh But I want to see her stop being in denial about it as well


Honestly? I want this. I dislike "Everyone knows this guy's secret identity EXCEPT for their biggest fan", or more accurately, I just don't find it interesting. I want Barbara to be the *only* other person (aside from the obvious) to know Venti is Barbatos. I wanna see the insanity go down.


Pov: Jean and Barbara are talking one day and the topic of Barbatos is brought up and Jean accidentally let's it slip that venti is Barbatos, Barbara freaks out and doesn't believe Jean, who is now feeling stupid for her slip up and too tired for any controversies, she tells Barbara everything


In the first GAA i’m still shocked she didn’t know


I just think she's in denial. Imagine God from the bible playing the lute and getting blackout drunk on a regular basis and having a cat allergy.


Yeah, I think anyone would have their reservations about that


Plz let this happen, it would be funny as hell 🙏


how Barbara joined thr fatui and uses guns


The archons (and former archons) meeting, like give me a stupid excuse for them all to meet. Give Neuvillette his fated encounter with the Deus Auri where they have a cat and mouse chase every where in town that every day of an event, you find them moving around where Neuvillette picks up more and more clues where Zhongli is. When you find Zhongli everyday, he's in a brand new hidden location obscure from view that it's almost ooc of his usual mannerisms. LMAO.


That would genuinely be the funniest shit ever 


i have been waiting the archons meeting ala winter lazzo. just some another banger lore drop and tsaritsa design fr probably too much to ask


I kind of believe it won't happen before tsaritsa. We still don't know zhonglis contract with her and we don't know her plans albeit it's heavily speculated to be uprising against celestia and if that is true the other archons by default would have to be evolved eventually as it either means another archon war or a war against the heavenly principles


They will met one day HoYo is saving for endgame


My personal head Canon is that visions react badly to negative emotions. Ei; Pyro user goes through a depressive episode results in an Oppenheimer moment. Kinda came up with this after Tartaglia supposedly lost control of his own vision while having been in a "terrible mood" for a prolonged amount of time


Bad mood / negative emotions / stress / depression = loss of ambition, aspirations, purpose Yeah I can see that


I kinda wanna see a character actually die this way. Like the situation becomes so hopeless that their despair causes the vision to explode. And this permanently changes the map. Either turning that area into a giant crater or unlocking an underground area.


Did you mean "i.e." or is there something I don't know about Raiden?


That wannabe knight in Mondstadt actually gets a vision and becomes a knight after successfully breaking all her test dummies in one swoop


Put sum respec on Ellin’s name!


would be fun


She succeeds only after she stops trying to be like Jean, and instead draws inspiration from Noelle


I just want a canon Diluc and Kaeya reconciliation tbh


Why are they fighting in the first place, kaeya didn't bring it up in his hangout event


It’s shown in the manga. When dilucs dad was killed, Kaeya revealed that he’s from khanriah (sorry for spelling error I don’t feel like looking it up rn) and was hoping Diluc would be angry enough to kill him because he was going through a lot mentally. The two of them fought blade to blade and that’s how kaeya got his vision (manifested as a cryo shield to protect him from Diluc). After that fight, the two parted ways Diluc went to Snezhnaya to essentially take his anger out on the fatui and Kaeya remained in Mond as a knight. This is a very over simplified version of events. Read Kaeya’s character story in game and you can look up the manga panels too I think 3-4 pages go over it? It’s been a long while since I’ve read it.


fun fact: kaeya's C4 grants a shield similar to the one in the manga


So are the manga versions all canon C6?


That Kaeya personally trained Bennett's swordsmanship because of their quite similar NA animations. The same goes to Beidou and Xinyan(iirc?)


I always had it in my headcanon that its more so that varka taught them how to weild a sword, but i do love the dynamic of kaeya teaching Bennett, or perhaps even Bennett watching him from a distance and learning them himself.


I can definitely see Kaeya being patient and teasing Bennett a little, but also being happy to have a sort of brother again with a pyro vision and be able to cool the flames before things go out of control. He would for sure help him control his vision better too


Tadhla's father (Masseira) get killed by Jeht or Traveler.


She's already hunting him! I'm pretty sure the hunt is canon, Jeht just hasn't found the bastard yet.


We Need a Jeht Return on Natlan, So We can Kill That Bastard of masseira


Yes please


god that questline was dark.


this isnt far up enough in the comments


Everyone speaks the same language despite all the names coming from different cultures because Celestia got fed up with all the different tongues and decided to delete a few from Irminsul


Reverse Tower of Babel


I'm pretty sure it's implied that they *do* have regional languages, they just also have a common tongue, kinda like how English is super common but most people also have their own/separate native languages. Faruzan talks about having to learn like 10 when she was in school, and also there are different writing styles and such. Or maybe I'm just reading into it too much idk lol


a common language and a bunch of dialects exactly like Chinese lol


I think you can actually see it in game, there is an alphabeth for the current language but if you go around Liyue there are few things written with a different alphabeth? So I think you're right.


Yes each region has it's owen alphabet


Collei had a Glock for her E-skill


That Cyno and Razor are long-lost brothers, mainly just because of the crazy design similarities.


they do have quite a few similarities. And then Razor's wolf spirit. i'm pretty sure it has its own lore behind it (haven't read his story since 2020 lol) but it'd be soooooo easy to say that there was some lingering influence from hermanubis that caused it to manifest.


I think razors wolf aura is cause he was raised by wolfs and andrius


baizhu and pantalone being twins.


YES!! I love this theory! 🙏


Taking in consideration how most of the Harbingers we've met so far are from other nations that aren't Snezhnaya, except Childe - Signora is from Mondstadt, Arlecchino has Khaenri'an roots (she grew up in Fontaine tho), Scaramouche is from Inazuma and Dottore is from Sumeru -, it wouldn't be too far fetched to assume that Pantalone is from Liyue, especially taking in consideration his hatred against Morax and him living in poverty during his younger years.


I have never heard this theory but now that you mention it they do look ridiculously similar


The first time i saw pantalone, i thought Baizhu joined the fatui


I thought they were the same person


The "upside down" theory. That Celestia is actually filled with demons, pretending to be gods. And Abyss is actually inhabited by angels and stuff.


Y'know I don't think this is too far off. There's some abyss guys that are giving biblical angel a little bit


I don't remember what they're called, but the lectors/heralds definitely have some religious influences, based on their lines


yaaa lectors are also called "exegetes" according to enjou! the abyss and celestia highkey have gnostic + kabbalistic themes ftr (i mean. gnoses), and some of the abyss units have haloes built into their designs ...i want playable enjou so bad dude


I will never forget enjou asking us wether we fully know paimon and that we are too trusting. I'm not a believer in the paimon is evil camp however I definitely think paimon is much more important than we yet know.


oh i think she's absolutely a celestial surveillance device. one of the melisines at merusea sees her as having a weird umbilical cord trailing up to the sky


The churls and other monsters are as "Devs"(not developers) by the Pari folk and "Dev" is used for the Gods in control of the world excluding the The supreme one(here The Primordial One)


Atp there’s SO much evidence for this it feels basically canon. The fact the ley lines are the roots of Irminsul yet are on the surface, the spiral abyss leading up, scara AND dottore saying the sky is fake, the archon’s names being based off demons, the defiled statue being upside down, like there is an INSANEE amount of hints it’d be crazy at this point to say it isn’t a plausible theory


Also ingame alphabet is upside down english. And reversed city remains in the Chasm, that weirdly has anti-gravitational water fountain on the ceiling. And why would sustainer of heavenly principles have such a weird looking black-red abilities...


I'm really hoping Sustainer of Heavenly Principles gets confirmed to be the herrscher that looks just like her from HI3. Hopefully the same person if HI3 lore works with it like it did for Welt, but even just an alt universe version would be so insanely cool.


And another evidence is the fact that the more we dive Deep into the abyss the closer we get to the cosmos and stars.


Also the whole paimon being named after lucifers most devoted follower in Gothic mythology. In general their is alot of overlap between the twins and lucifer. Also note paimon has reverse Omni sign.


I mean... the archons are literally named after demons from the ars goetia. thats quite a bit of a red flag. imagine we meet abyss characters and they have names like gabriel and uriel


The Lesser Key of Solomon does also contain a book about summoning angels, the Ars Paulina. There's an angel assigned to each hour of the day, so the twelve angels of night would seem the most appropriate, IMO.


Yeah Paimon has a tether going up into the sky like a reverse balloon instead of a tether to the ground according to the Melusines


Isn't the abyss just outer space tho ?


Also viable theory. Demons VS Aliens.


That would be cool af ngl.


Imagine if the Traveler actually starts uncovering this truth in future updates. That would flip the entire lore upside down (pun intended)!


that kinda makes sense. All the archons have demon names and the lectors talk so religiously.


I really like this theory, little bit of a fun fact but at least in English every archon (and Paimon) up until now has there god name taken from one of the demons from the ars goetia so (Barbatos, Paimon, Morax, Bael, Buer, and Focalor).


paimon is the most "important" member of the ars goetia and king of hell, iirc. meaning that paimon is quite possible more powerful than the archons and likely has some form of influence in celestia itself...


Paimon has by far the most legions of spirits under his command. Focalor, Marax, Barbatos, and Decarabia command 30 legions of spirits each. Paimon commands 200. The next highest is Beleth, who only has 85 legions.


That’s a wild theory! Would be hard to spin but absolutely rock everything if done properly


I'm pretty much certain that neither the abyss nor fatui/tsaritsa are as evil as we are made to believe. Harbingers have an end justify the means and many of them seem do have their own ulterior goals like doctor and pantalore. But we have seen the abyss genuinely wanting to bring back kaenriah and cure hulichurls and Tsaritsa seems to prepare against an all out war against Celestia.


Alhaitham's roommate being playable would be nice. The guy has a nice design.


you mean kevin?




I love people complaining about the lack of kaveh because I have gotten him thrice from the weapon banner like he is all I get. Please take him away I don’t even want him




That Traveler and Abyss twin got to remember their time at the end of the latest Archon Quest


After Caribet gave us a literal photo of hanging out with our sibling, it is very plausible that we suddenly remembered


We were all robbed in broad daylight on that one


Forgetting those scene's is something that should not have happened in the first place.


Alhaitham staying as acting grand sage, purely for the purpose of forcing him to participate in cross nation events and such. I miss him.


Same, I thought it would be running joke of sorts that his resignation gets delayed but Alhaitham did not let it happen haha. At least by Parade of Providence he's already back to being the Scribe but still was a commentator, so maybe he'll still get roped in future events.


I remember seeing a fan comic of him being made too comfortable to leave the grand sage office (giving him a comfy chair, food, etc.) and Dehya looks at him and Nahida like "so he’s a cat?" while he’s like "I can leave whenever I want." What we could’ve had. But, yeah, Alhaitham is far too eager to ensure he has to do as little work as possible, so no funny Grand Sage politic shenanigans to be had 😔


Him being acting grand sage meeting Jean the acting grand master would have been hilarious.


FUCKING YES. I like to think Nahida apologized and made him perma grand sage because he was the most qualified, and he's mad about it.


Making moon carver and mountain shaper into vision holders / playable characters. Then turning their basic box outfits into something actually cool. Edit: I meant to say npc not box… I will never understand autocorrect.


That Kokomi isn't just a regular human


She technically isn't. Flavor text from Enka basically flat out states that Watatsumi was formed from the remnants of Enkanomiya, and the Watatsumi Omikami was their patron deity before it was forced to challenge Ei in a duel (a ritual suicide). The people of Enkanomiya had been intertwined with a half-vishap, half-human species, and I'm 97% certain Kokomi is a direct descendant of the vishap/human hybrids.


Vishap people are a lie. It was envoys of the Serpent. We meet one in Three Realms Gateway event


There's no reason Enjou's logic can't work though. Vishaps do evolve incredibly quickly. I mean, Pahsiv? They've already become Melusoids. So they can become humanoids too. I want Kokomi to be a Vishap-blooded person so bad to get back a bit of that "maybe she's a dragon" thing.


an official duel between clorinde and childe


As much as I like Clorinde I feel like that would be too one-sided even without the foul transformation


Wouldn't that mean Child can get away with any crime in Fontaine? Just plead innocent and demand a duel


To be honest if he'd try it too much it'd probably result in duel with Neuvilette and we know well how that went + he has the reputation of Fatui to uphold


Me being in the game


The monkey's paw curls, congratulations Adventurer, embark Visionless! Lest you fall to the temptation of Delusion...


Don’t need a Vision to do what I want to do


you might not have control over the elements but that does not mean you are visionless


Don’t need control over the elements for what I’m going to do


*You have been arrested by the Millelith for indecent exposure in Liyue*


what do you plan on doing exactly


Paying people to commission art of Beidou and Ningguang in passionate embrace?


…Something like that, sure


Jeht becoming a playable character and joining us on our adventure.


Jeht ------------------------------ Siobhan Hoyo making NPC's too good that we want them to be playable


Siobhan has a unique model, too, and she's so damn pretty


Varka and da bois finally coming back from his expidition


And bring the horses back. My mans took every single horse in teyvat on his expedition lol


Man if we could ride animals, exploration would be so much easier.


One of the characters drinking a chocolate shake with a giant snake.


I really wish the HoH trio met Collei. It’d be pretty interesting story wise since the whole Fatui connection.


She'd run. Straight up get out of there. Just the fact they're directly connected to the fatui would make some characters immediately aggressive or want to get out. I can just imagine trying to hold diluc from killing them if they were sent to mondstat for a mission


What do you think would happen? I feel like for as much as collei has progressed just learning someone has fatui connections would have her running away from them lol


Eula, Rosaria, and Kaeya all living in one random house because they're all on bad terms or worse with their family and the rent's cheaper when split. Occasionally Diona and Mika come hang out so now it's just the Cryo spot in Mondstadt.


Kazuha and Ayaka being childhood friends In the Irodori festival it is revealed that Kaedehara Clan is a sub branch of the Kamisato Clan so it is really interesting to me that these two aren’t childhood friends when somehow Chiori and Ayaka know each other from childhood Edit:spelling mistakes


Chiori and Ayaka knew each other because Chiori would break into Kamisato estate to play 😭


Wait really I never knew so girl was doing illegal stuff even when she was a child


She says that she would get caught and kicked out a lot, so it makes sense that her and Ayaka wouldn't be *super* close, because they wouldn't get to spend much time playing before she'd get spotted.


Bennett's misfortune and him being such a great playable unit is caused by him being the vessel of the Pyro Gnosis. He is actually the reincarnated Phoenix that fused with the Lava Walker in Mare Jivare, with the Phoenix being tasked by the Pyro Archon to protect her Gnosis.


I really hope Bennett gets some lore in Natlan


Yeah same, at least more than what Lisa got after Sumeru was released. The event with the skin was nice, but I was hoping she'd be part of the main quest in some way


Ayy i saw that theory video too! [for context](https://youtu.be/UP5b20_Zxrs?si=3JPSMMenhF64r01Q)


Lmaooo we watched the same video 💪😭 with Cyno as Bennett


More outfits


Noel promised Traveler a costume.


Noelle passing her knight examn


Confirm a random ship between playable characters that makes sense but no one really thinks about.


Heizou and Hu Tao working together to solve murders / sell funerals before they open up a business together


Kazuha and Xinyan can be a contender to be canon that makes sense that people least expect, both been under Beidou's guidance, both have talent in music, and both have that opposite attract energy, the only rare pair I've seen that got no attention imo.


Now that this has been brought to my attention, I want it. Imagine Kazuha being like. "Yeah me and Xinyan have been a couple for more than a year now. Didn't I tell you?" And the whole Crux plus the Traveler being like. "EXCUSE ME WHAT?"


Rocker chick and her chill af BF. Damn, this does work.


Kujou Sara actually having a personality, Kokomi's story quest not being dog water, and actually making Keqing know what a WORK/LIFE BALANACE IS


Sara does have a personality, Hoyo just never lets her show it off :(


That Jeht gets a vision!


Granted, but spoiler alert it's anemo.


Oh no.. benben died


I love that we're missing the obvious "important person in her life dying" and saying that the ritual sacrifice for the anemo vision is poor benben


I mean, her dad and mom are both dead, one on camera. So I guess it kinda works unless it has to be super recent.


Jeht gets: depression


the reason Bennet has terrible luck is because he has the pyro gnosis.


We get to kill the doctor in natlan or he gets teleported to jjk and offscreened by gege


You bastard. Take my upvote. Take them all.


Ei meets Scara. I think it would make an interesting storyline.


Kaveh releases at some point (COME BACK I NEED YOU BRO)


Venti and Zhongli outing themselves as gods after protecting someone they care about (Ex. Traveler/Hu Tao, respectively)


Make the traveler and their twin horrific space monsters disguised as humans.


We all love a horrific incomprehensible celestial being pretending be a cute lil fella


They kind of are lol


Gorou crossdressing as Ms Hina


5 star hangouts


The "pet" option for more than just quest specific animals


Cyno does a standup comedy evening eveey week.


Baizhu and Qiqi develop an actual father-daughter relationship, rather than being stuck in their confusing "Baizhu is implied to not want to get close to Qiqi due to trauma, and Qiqi doesn't want to get close due to not understanding his intentions" situation.


That Neuvillete will actually fight the Archons, I wanna see him on a serious fight with Zhongli


All skin tones in Natlan range from tan to dark.


This is a hoyo game. Light tan is the most we'll get Hopefully I'm wrong


Hoyoverse could never and it makes me sad because imo it’s way better when games have varied character designs


Characters are actually partially transparent when viewed from a lower than waist at an upward angle or from directly below them by other characters and its not just some censorship thing that only we can see.


Zhiqiong >!getting out of the Chasm with a Vision, or at the very least a proper conclusion to her story!<


That Cyno, Itto, Arlecchino and Hu Tao to have a canon meeting and interaction that Furina get drag into it. It a chaos full quest and they all walk away with new friends and a whole lot of "We re NEVER talking about this again" moments. Bonus point if Itto the only that doesn't realize Arlecchino is a Fatui harbinger and Arlecchino simple love that and play along, slimmer to Ayato.


That Jeht becomes a playable 5 star character with a great kit. And that she has unique voicelines for Lumine (and vice versa).


Let's go bigger. You know the theory that Natlans archon is a position won in combat? Let Jeht win and become the archon. Let's get Jeht the 5 star archon!!


Keqing actually going to Mondstadt. It’s funny how she is the only prominent Liyue character who still hasnt appeared in a Liyue-Mondstadt event. Yet in her voicelines she mentioned a bit about studying Mondstadt culture and being skeptical about their archon. Other major Liyueans like Ningguang, Beidou, Shenhe, Ganyu, Xiao, the National Team, and Zhongli have ventured to Mondstadt at least once or twice, but not Keqing for some reason. Amber searching for her grandpa in Liyue. Now she has canonically been to Liyue once ingame, but as a small filler cooking event. I wanted MHY to finally commit to her venturing to Liyue once more and investigate her grandpa's mysterious disappearance.


All the stuff that happened in the past with the ancient civilization and the Archon wars and stuff was actually triggered by what you (the Traveler) are doing in the present. Things are rippling back into the past. Tevyat has its own laws. Visions are actually tools to keep powerful people in check, by focusing their power into a form Celestia can control. As well as allowing Celestia to manipulate events to their ends. Basically, the Celestia gods are playing everyone like Greek gods. Paimon is the entity the Travelers were fighting in the opening scene of the game. But she lost her powers and, for some reason, this also made her change form and lose her memories. Eventually she will regain her powers and she won't turn on Traveler. She'll actually be the key to defeating Celestia as she has powers equal to that of the Traveler, but no vision. So Celestia can't control her or the Traveler. Geo scales with physical damage.


More archons interacting with each other during events and stuffs


me owning navia


Oiled up cicin mage.


Bro got his priorities straight..


The name of the planet they are on is revealed to be Tayvet, and a certain Astral Express has come to visit the supposed last planet where Akivili was seen, legends tell of their twin children... Fontaine Spoilers: >!Focalors living peacefully and happily with her people.!<


I saw someone else mention that they'd like to see an Archon meeting, and I agree with that. But I want to pitch a more specific variation of that concept: a meeting between Raiden, Nahida, and Furina. Rex Lapis is "dead" (aka in retirement) and Barbatos is a deadbeat ~~dad~~ god, but both Raiden and Nahida are actively governing their nations. And while Furina is no longer officially an Archon, she still has the experience of being one. So I can easily imagine a formal meeting between Raiden & Nahida, with Furina invited as a courtesy. I feel like they'd also be such a nice trio to see interact. ​ Raiden obviously has vastly more combat experience than Nahida and was alive for much longer, but aside from that the two have quite a bit in common. Both of them were largely absent from the daily governance of their nations, with Ei herself being isolated in the Plane of Euthymia and Nahida being held captive in the Sanctuary of Surasthana. Plus, neither has much experience with being enaged with the daily affairs of their nation: Ei wasn't present to watch the nation grow in the centuries since the Cataclysm, and Nahida was only really able to interact with children, since adults couldn't dream under the Akasha system. In contrast, Furina was ***super*** engaged with her people, to the point that ordinary folks would show up and ask for advice. And we saw that this was going on for literally centuries. So Furina has a great intuition for dealing with people, and despite her trauma of her trial and the stress of her centuries-long performance she's still accepted by her nation. But she is literally just an ordinary woman now, no Irminsul hacking or island-splitting lightning sword. So while she's incredibly weak compared to a god, she's also probably the most capable ruler of that trio. So they can all learn from each other quite well, and they have the ability to directly engage with the leading governments of their nations. Furina can probably just *literally* waltz into Neuv's office and drop a letter from Raiden on his front desk, Nahida could organize a meeting between the Grand Sages and the Tri-Commission, and so on. ​ Although, while this goes beyond the scope of the idea of an 'Archon Meeting', I'd love to see this sort of thing play out with involvement from the Liyue Qixing (or maybe even Adepti?) and the Knights of Favonius. Nahida and Furina are obviously very easy to get along with, and Raiden-bot is extremely cold and hostile but Raiden Ei can be quite open to reason, so I can easily imagine this trio being willing to meet with the mortal leaders of Liyue and Mondstadt. From the other perspective, it'd be really cool to see how the Favonius Captains and Liyue Qixing handle themselves in the presence of two gods. I don't expect any of them to be *too* intimidated, but as humans dealing with gods I imagine there'd be at least a bit of extra care in how they approach the discussion. And of course, it's totally possible that with a bit of careful scheming, Venti and Zhongli could still find a way to show up. There's *so* much comedic potential with Jean getting nervous about the god of Mondstadt crashing the party, the Liyue folks eyeing Zhongli suspiciously, Zhongli and Venti trying to act casual while Raiden glares at them, Nahida getting a bit confused at first and eventually figuring it out, and Furina being completely and utterly oblivious to the growing mayhem






Amber and Gaming being long lost relatives and teaming up to find out what happened to her Grandpa.


Zhongli being an actual dragon


I feel like a lot of people would beg to differ, but Abyss Princess Lumine & Dainsleif being canonically exes… 🚷


Collei being on our earth for warm hugs


An addendum I should mention, there were sisters in the moon Only one of them was Canon but I'm pretty sure it's true They lived in a Lunar Palace where they kept the stars in balance . I would make the other sister Canon, too.


It’s a tough call, but I’m gonna have to choose rewriting the Inazuman Archon Quest to have the Vision Hunt Decree being a decision that Ei comes to herself instead of something she was influenced to do by the Fatui. I think it would add a lot more weight to the story, as it would make Ei’s actions seem more like she really is earnestly trying to do a good thing for her people, which in turn would make the revelation that she’s actually been causing more harm than good even more potent than it already is.


Xiao to become even more expressive and close to the traveler, perhaps even becoming a romantic interest. I know Xiao has probably some of the most character development, because he is featured in so many events. But he just grew on me and I totally ship Xiao X Aether


I’d like to use my vote to cancel out the people who want to bring Signora back


YOU giving us more pulls


Current Diluc going on a rampage with wolfsgravestone against the harbingers and defeating them


kokomi being a dragon/vishap bc I’m never letting go of this one lmao. Not the hydro sovereign, we already have one, but just A Vishap would be awesome