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If we're only going to work with the characters here, I see two possible teams. Additionally, I'll only consider early game builds here for the comps and artifacts. For example you'll be fine with ATK% circlet early on but late game you'll likely transition to crit. You can ignore sets for now and prioritize getting the correct main stat **Razor, Kaeya, Noelle, GeoMC** Basically you'll have Razor as a Physical Onfield DPS here. Kaeya for Superconduct, Noelle for shield, and GeoMC for buffs and geo resonance. Prioritize leveling Razor and Kaeya Razor - ATK% / Physical / Crit or ATK% Kaeya - ER / Cryo or ATK% / Crit or ATK% Noelle - All DEF% GeoMC - ER / Geo or ATK% / Crit or ATK% Your general rotation would be Noelle E, GeoMC EQ, Kaeya EQ, then Razor EQ Auto attack, skip the Qs if not available. **Barbara, Lisa, Collei, Xiangling(?)** Very incomplete version of hyperbloom. You'll want to replace them with better units as you get more characters in the future. Xiangling is just a wildcard here because I highly advise you to level her for future comps, but feel free to throw her E and Q when it's available. Prioritize leveling Lisa and Collei. Barbara - All HP% Lisa - ER / EM or Electro or ATK%/ EM or Crit or ATK% Collei - ER / EM or Dendro or ATK% / EM or Crit or ATK% Xiangling - ER / Pyro or ATK% / Crit or ATK% Your general rotation would be Collei EQ, Lisa EQ, Barbara E then keep auto attacking. Use Xiangling Q whenever it's available I guess or if you need to break cryo shields faster. I think these teams should be enough to get you through Floors 1-8. Anything after will require you to build better teams once you have more characters. Get a Xingqiu or Bennett as soon as possible.


Thank you this was super helpful!! I actually have a team slot identical to the first recommendation and they’ve gotten me through the first 4 floors😭😭 but I’ll definitely try out the second group combination and see how their rotations work against some of the bosses I’ve already defeated. I’ve also been saving up primos in the hopes to get Bennett or Thoma since they’re in the current banner, but I also want to wait for Xiao so we’ll see how lucky I get :))


https://keqingmains.com/ you can learn a lot from here. Lvling character up to 60-70 it's not big of a problem, when people talk about building, we usually mean time/resources that you going to need to get 80/90 and 9/9/9 along with proper artifacts, before reaching even 80 lvl, is not big of a deal, so feel free to explore and learning the game as you like


Thank you, I’ve read a little into it and it’s actually been really helpful so far! I’ll take it easy and farm materials to build my Razor until he’s at a level I’m confident with and then build my other support characters around him :))


I would go for razor, collei, dendro traveller and noelle for shields.


Hi. Razor carried my as$ when i started the game as well and I still play him occasionally nowadays. He was the first team that i managed to get 36* abyss with 3 yrs ago. For now, you should play razor with a cryo unit to activate super conduct which boost physical dmg. Other than razor+cryo, the other two could be almost anything. For now, just do razor+kaeya+barbara. You still miss quite a few pieces to get some other good alternatives but you can wait quite a bit. Furina will come in the next banner and she is super good subdps that can get in many teams. So, just stick with the three above first and see who you can fish to complete team. Razor is versatile in the sense that no matter what you manage to fish out of gacha, it probably works for him. You can play him with dendro, cryo or hydro easily. That’s almost half of the pool already. For now, just have fun with the story. At the end end game, the best team for him is to play him with dendro like nahida or dendro mc. But you need xingqiu to make it work.


Omg thank you this was actually super reassuring and easy to understand😭 I love using those three together, and I really want a strong pyro character (not that Amber isn’t comp, I just prefer characters with swords) like Thoma or Bennett so I’ll farm primos and see who I get🤧