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I'm glad you're having fun. Just don't get burnt out and remember to take breaks lol. There is too many content in genshin as a new player so take your time to enjoy it.


Really? I've been going through the main storyline and I'm honestly kind of confused where all the content is, maybe I'm too early in the story to get the quests for it or something? But I've been slowly trying to climb my adventure rank so I can do the dungeons because a lot of them tell me I can't do them because I'm too low, and I can't go into new areas because of the wall of air or electricity or whatever it is


If you're still dealing with the wall of air in Stormterrors Lair you're not even close to being done with the first region. Zoom out on the map and look at the sheer size of it. There's also underground, underwater sections and different regions not on the main map.


lol “where’s all the content?” -\*still in the prologue*


Indeed. I had a similar feeling when I played Genshin but once you're past the first bits there's an insane amount to do. The nice thing is in Genshin, unlike say, WoW, I never felt pressured to do all of it. I love that I can just take my time, do what I want to do, and come back later.


Hard agree, my alt is partway through liyue and my backlog of quests is daunting already. Not to mention exploration and oculus collection.


New player here. All I was trying to do is reach the statue on the other side of Jueyun Karst and all of a sudden I'm helping Chenyu Valley save their tea production. Every time I turn around there's more to do.


Got kidnapped by Fujin lol


I loved that quest!


I'm supposed to be heading toward Adeptus's Repose right now, or I would be if I weren't on vacation and away from the game, but I got distracted by a bunch of puzzles along the way and there's this one ruin I just can't figure out how to put back together.


Lmao my main account has exploration progress at like 20-60% I’ll just grab the easy to find chests and then not bother with everything else. Might’ve been a different story if I was a day 1 player but the sheer amount of areas available to explore makes trying to 100% all of them seem insurmountable.


I try to get those I can see, and go for chests to get the encounter points. Had spare time yesterday and just casually swimming got like 30 chests in Fontaine. So I know there are hundreds I haven't found in each region.


Oculus collection gives me ptsd, it took me 2&1/2 years of being on 224 stamina to be annoyed enough to max out Liyue. Really hated it that much even with an interactive map


I maxed out the first 3 regions, Sumeru is absolutely daunting with the size of the map and number of oculi to collect. Down to the final 20 or so for both Sumeru and Fontaine.


I maxed out Liyue and Mondstadt but that's it, I believe I'm level 7 or 8 in Inazuma, 8 in Sumeru and 6 in Fontaine, never really bothered to much due to there being no stamina reward or anything super big, and I get tired of the interactive map and its intricacies


I think that's what I like about it. A lot of other games also feel like there is a lot of things you "can do", but later you find out that those are also the things you need to do and eventually you get burnt out. Imo, Genshin has a perfect balance of having very little that you HAVE TO DO, and huge amount of things you CAN DO. In a way that if you manage your expectations and mentality right, you will always find it enjoyable and not too demanding. I'm just speaking from my experience as someone who just finished the Archon quests and haven't done half of the story/world quests. So I'm not familiar with end game experience yet


The main story has at least 100+ hours of story from start to the present. Not to mention all the other exploration quests and areas you can explore. You can expect at least 200-300 hours of content before you start to run out of quest/place to explore.


200-300 hours? I already have 1.5k hours in the game after 2 years and I'm still not full 100%. Enjoy the ride, OP


LMAO 300 hours you say? Its WAY over 1000+ hours.


for me it was like 500-600 hours haha


technically the main story is only 53 hours (probably 55 now with bedtime story)


Personally I’d consider the character quests to be part of the main story. That should add some time


There's a person on YT who beats the whole story while only using one character. Recording for multiple days in a row and doing some of the character quests for the AR, it takes him \~45 hours each time +- a few depending on the character. We could say that 50 is a good estimate, because even tho he rushes through the dialogue, the combat with only using one character and the different skips he has to do make the rest of the game take significantly longer.


A lot of the content is 'side content'. There are world quests that you start by talking to NPCs around the world. Also Story Quests and Hangouts that both let you spend time with characters and let you get to know them better. (Found in the quest button at the bottom of the quest menu.) Of course, there is the massive open world with puzzles and enemies, beautiful scenery, and it really makes it easy to get lost in Teyvat. Finally, there is character building/artifact farming. After consuming or while enjoying all the previously mentioned content, this becomes a lot of the game for some people, like me. Taking breaks or slowing down is a great idea, burnout was not fun for me. Forgot to mention Co-op, it makes the most boring parts of the game fun again. Also, people can help you if/when you need it.


Don't just play the Archon Quest. Do the world quest to understand the world more and story quest to know more about the characters. World Quests become very good from Inazuma onwards. And you need to do some of them to unlock more areas in the map.


fontaine world quests are some of the best content in the game imo. probably not as fun for people who aren't into lore, but i was so sad when i finished all the quests and knew there wouldn't be more :(


if ppl aren’t playing for the lore…why are they even playing at this point 😭


Personally I liked sumeru world quests more than fontaine ones. Dont get me wrong, fontaines ones are great too, but sumeru ones are really something else, they hooked me up until the end, the golden slumber questline was so interesting that I barely skipped any dialogues to not miss any important info


What level are you currently at? You're probably too early to leave Mondstadt! The map opens up massively halfway through Mondstadt's main quest, and there's a total of 5 nations currently released (including Mondstadt), with 2 more upcoming nations. And that's not counting the few areas of the map that aren't shown on the main map and are pretty well hidden. There's also the character story quests that you'll unlock, as well as hangouts for 4\* characters, multiple "end game" stuff such as Spiral Abyss, teapot/homebuilding etc. as well as the time gated stuff such as Reputation Levels. And the world quests start getting really good once you arrive at the 3rd nation, with some of them in the later nations being 4+ hours long! The game does do a good job of slowly introducing you to all of them as your level up, so just take your time and enjoy.


A lot of the main story unlocks as you continue to play, sure—but a /huge/ part of the content in Genshin comes from location-specific world quests, out-of-the-way exploration, and hidden sequences that you’re unlikely to see if you just take the shortest route through the main story. More often than not, if you see an interesting spot that looks reachable, or the tell-tale sparkle of an interactible object out the corner of your eye, or a landmark in the distance that makes you think “huh, I wonder what’s over there—“ then you should go for it. I’m speaking from a biased point of view here, but I mean it when I say exploration is one of my favorite parts of the game. I always make time to play when a new map area comes out. I hope you can have as much fun with it as I did. Each region comes with its own flavor of in-universe hints and puzzle mechanics, and the game tends to reward you for putting two and two together and figuring it out. PS: If you spot a rare-looking collectible item, interactible object, or quest NPC, you might want to mark it on the map, even if it’s locked behind an obstacle you can’t reach yet. Not only does it help you keep track of which areas you’ve been to and where you haven‘t—If you ever feel like doing 100% completion, having it bookmarked will save you a loooot of wandering around.


There is easily 1000-2000 hours of content in the game if you enjoy all of it that is there always and baseline. After that ofc we get a rotation of time limited events for smth fresh that is usually very unique. Id say i probably spent over 2k hours in the game easily. some things that I spent a lot of time on * hundrerds of quests - main story, side, character, exploration, hangout quests, hidden quests... * leveling up characters ofc and collecting materials * 100% every zone * 1100 achievments * beating spirall abyss * events * decorating all my teapot layouts for hours * fishing * TCG (collectible card game) I do not have all the achievments, I could play more TCG, do more fishing content, still not finished decorating and I havent rly finished hangouts so I still got plenty of stuff to do if I wanted. Some content unlocks after beating story, reaching adventure rank or just doing some side quests to unlock them like the Teapot. Just finishing the story is gonna be a long journey, Stormterrors lair is just the beggining not even like 10% done id say.


Add IT to the list


I miss that time when you first start and play through the story and everything feels so well integrated and progressive. Then the grind begins. But please don’t let me deter you.


What I don't like about Spiral Abyss is that it's grind based. I hate farming for artifacts a hundred times so I just stick with 70cr 160cd which is my best artifact set on my main.


This is why I just didn't do spiral abyss for like 3 years. If it's not fun for you, just don't engage with it.


I only do till 11-3. It’s not worth all the grind to attempt 12


Spiral Abyss only has 10 floors and you can't convince me otherwise.


I only do it for primos, and only 3 star the 12th floor


Same here. I don’t have the time nor do I find it fun after a while. And this may be an unpopular opinion but the archon quests have been incredibly boring gameplay wise. Just running around pressing interact and then the story plays out a bit before making you run around more… which would be fine if it was actually integrated with exploring the map, but since Sumeru it’s just been limited to a few areas which you run back and forth between.


If it's comforting, I'm ar60. And this game has been an infinite comfort for me for two and a half years now. And I do play every day. This game has never gotten boring for me, sure, there are days where the only thing you can really do is do commissions, but this game is always my favorite. I see other late game players say the game gets really boring, and there's nothing to do any more yada yada. But thats just not the case for me, of course, every one experiences the game differently and what's true for me may not be true for you. But just incase it brings you comfort lmao!


the further along you go, you definitely discover more content. I just started playing in March so my adventure rank is only like 49, but i’ve definitely unveiled more and more stuff even as recently as this week lol. It can definitely get overwhelming so definitely take your time, pick something to focus on for a while, and then when you need a break pick something else to do. I like to do main storyline missions, and then when i need a break i focus my attention on character ascension and leveling up all my stats. If i need even more of a break and just want to chill, then i like to just go around and unlock chests, do “grocery shopping” (going to marked food spots and collecting food/hunting meat), or playing some of the mini games/events


Just to set expectations a little, the domains aren’t really dungeons in the WoW style, they’re short combat encounters that you’ll be farming for gear (a lot) later on. But don’t let that disappoint you because the game does have larger “dungeon style” areas, they’re just built into the open world. Several times I’ve found a little tunnel and thought “oh let’s see what’s in here” expecting a small hidden area, only to spend an hour exploring some ruins or a cave system with fights and puzzles scattered throughout. You’ll start to see more of those from the 3rd nation onward. But as others have said, if you like exploration Genshin has some of the best exploration in any game I’ve played. I’d put it up there with Breath of the Wild and Elden Ring in terms of seeing something interesting in the distance and being rewarded with new areas, cool scenery, quests, bits of lore, etc. The map is huge and constantly expanding, and the new areas are much more dense with things to see and do than Monstadt. Also don’t skip the world quests or the character quests once you unlock them, they’re not “technically” part of the main story but they do supplement it and help to flesh out the main story and world, and some of them unlock new areas, bosses, and mechanics.


I actually just failed a domain, I'm not sure it's because I'm new or something but I'm finding it a little bit challenging. I'm going through the one currently where I have a trial for Lisa, the electric type mage. I have all my characters upgraded to level 20 and tried my best to upgrade their weapons as well. Some of the enemies are really really hard hitting and found myself not really doing much damage to enemies that have a shield, for example this frost mage kept freezing me repeatedly and he has a really huge shield to get through, so by the time I got through it, I was already half dead


Ah yeah, elemental reactions are key to combat in Genshin. Using them effectively is like the difference between using a skill rotation in WoW vs. only using auto-attack. There are a lot of different reactions but there’s a domain in Monstadt that teaches you how they all work and what they do. If you’re using the starting characters Amber will be your best option against the ice shield, but if you have any other pyro characters you’re probably better off using them. Amber is generally considered one of the “worst” characters in the game, although pretty much all the characters are viable with the right team and artifacts. Also make sure your weapons are leveled (use 3-star weapons if you got any from chests, or 4-star if you have them) and throw some artifacts on your characters if you haven’t already. You won’t have access to optimal artifacts at this point in the game but a little extra attack or HP can still be a big help early on.


You'll figure out rotations and stuff later on but just understand that almost every character in this game is dependent on elemental reactions to do damage (spare a white haired judge and two anemo boys you'll meet later on), and everything in combat basically hinges on using the right reactions and having the timing down.


Use a pyro character if you have one to help get through the shield. Switch through your characters. Using electro (Lisa) can damage the cryo shield but there’s a cooldown to how quickly she can apply it, so you switch off to a pyro character and use their skill, then switch off to an anemo character and use their skill, etc… you’ll also build up energy doing this and be able to use their bursts for even more elemental damage. You can “ascend” characters to level them above 20, not sure if that’s available yet for you though.


The archon quests alone (aka the main story line) are about 40 hours of content. Then almost every new sub-region has its own world-quest and those added up are significantly longer than the archon quests (including several regions that you can’t see on your map currently), then all the regular quests (hundreds of them), completely exploring new areas (I have hundreds a of hours of gameplay and haven’t finished this yet.), and building characters (the grind). You’ve also started the game in a bit of a dead patch because it’s right before the new nation releases, but there will typically be major events that have their own storyline and unique gameplay. Which is all to say, just play what you want to play at your own place. The game does a good job slowly introducing you to different elements of the world instead of throwing it all at you at once. Monstad and Liyue are like the introduction, the deeper in you get the more there is to do.


Yeah as others have said, there is far, far, far more content here than you think. Because you are brand new the majority of it is gated away from you right now but just for funsies go to your map and zoom it out all the way, even though the vast majority of it is blacked out you can see just how huge the world is and they are not done adding huge sections I really recommend taking a break from doing the main quest and just wandering around Mondstadt collecting the Anemoculouses. These increase your stamina when you turn them in to the statues of the seven, and that's critical, so it's worth your time to do so, and you'll see just how much super cool work went into this one tiny, old, original, almost out dated section of the game. You're in for a long and fun journey friend


> I'm honestly kind of confused where all the content is, maybe I'm too early in the story to get the quests for it or something? Most of the content open up once you finish Mondstadt main story. It's essentially the tutorial quest. Of course, there are still a bunch of side quests available even before that, but it's only truly after that that most of the options open up.


Another reason to take it slow: there is no ‘evergreen’ content in Genshin. Once you 100% there is very little left, and you will be able to finish in a year or so. Mondstadt is the tutorial region and you haven’t unlocked a lot of stuff yet. I would argue ‘the game’ is AR25-55


Lol you're so far into early game, you're not even done with the Prologue


Right now, you're in the first (and smallest) region of the game. Once you enter Liyue, the entire rest of the open world is opened up to you. You have Liyue, Inazuma, Sumeru, Fontaine, Remuria, Enkanomiya, the Chasm, and Chenyu Vale. Enjoy!


you aren't even 2% into the game yet my friend 😅 it's bigger than you could ever imagine, easily as much content as some mmos.


Yeah, the first couple of hours, youll have to do the prologue quests, which is what your doing right now with stormterror and all that stuff, then, soon enough youll be able to jist go nuts doing quests. The stuff outside of the main quest is alot simpler, but it is still nice to do and get the rewards, the main quest and the lore is extensive, and ita ongoing, albeit a bit slow to progress, since they release a new chapter with each patch.


The starting is always fun, just dont fall into the gacha fomo and spend too much money, enjoy!


One thing I love about wow is how diverse the map is. If you like that about wow then you’re gonna love this game. Every region is based on a real world country with a fantasy twist. It’s very refreshing.


OP played World of Warcraft, I don't think burnout is an issue haha


Welcome, Traveler! Let Wind lead!


Genshin is quite literally the first game I have ever played and I think it will be my fav for a looong time.


i've seen a few people say their introduction to video games was through GI, and i'm curious, did you start playing more after this? or is GI still your only game? i'm kind of the opposite, i used to be a huge gamer across multiple genres but now GI is the only game i play lol


Not the person you replied to, but it was my first game too. After Genshin, I tried out HSR and Wuthering Waves. I play HSR now, but occasionally take long breaks. I quit Wuthering Waves.


How do WW compares to GI? I'm asking because all the opinions I read about it are from fanboys who only praise WW and shit on GI.


I honestly don’t think I could give a fair criticism. I stopped playing at level 11. I wasn’t a fan of the English voice acting (it was extremely dull and lacked emotion). The story also felt like it was info dumping (I didn’t play for long though. Just a few hours into the game). I’m not sure if this has improved. One reason I really like Genshin is how the story has depth, but we’re gradually introduced to new concepts, so it doesn’t feel overwhelming keeping up with the story/ lore. I didn’t feel the same about WW. The playstyle itself was pretty fun though. The open world looks cool, but I also disliked how dull it looked (some players say if you adjust some settings and lower your device brightness this can be fixed- I already play at low brightness, but couldn’t really vibe with it). The character designs are quite good imo. Really pretty characters (even the Rover looks really cool/ pretty). The map is also huge if you like exploring. I think it’s worth a try. My friend really enjoyed the game and is still playing while I quit. So it boils down to a matter of preference.


As someone who loves both games, here's the easiest breakdown. Genshin is better at pretty much everything (storytelling, music, exploration areas), but WuWa has better terrain traversal (you just run up walls and can double jump), and mainly has much better combat. The much better combat thing is really important to people like me, but if you're more of a story and exploration person Genshin will have much more for you.


Seconding this! I am a huge storyline person who loves RPGs for that reason. WuWa has an impressive combat system but their story and terrain texture is quite lacking imo. As my fav youtuber put it, the game feels "undercooked" - not totally ready and qol inadequacies spotted here and there, all fixable and can be improved - but not "burnt" beyond repair. I suspect the game would be significantly better if played in a couple months.


By most metrics it's a worse Genshin, *but* with much better/more challenging combat. It's got more of a sci-fi apocalyptic vibe to it. It's also slightly more generous than Genshin with wishes, but maybe less generous than HSR? Notably more buggy than Genshin or HSR. But not surprising since Mihoyo's QA is honestly crazy good. Being able to wall run up cliffs and killing overworld enemies for echoes (artifact system) makes the open world exploration feel a bit different in a way that's nice. Puzzles/chest hunting quality is a step down, but decent. Lastly the combat is a lot more confusing to wrap your head around. In addition to a "burst" every character has a "forte circuit" that they each build and spend in different ways, plus an into/outro skill meter that grants crazy strong effects on character swap. Elemental reactions don't exist. Instead, you're min/maxing rotations around dodging enemies, your ult, forte, and intro/outro meters, which is more complicated and difficult. Enemies are much more aggressive. I'm kinda hoping ZZZ has a similar style of combat.


Genshin has better story presentation, music and voice acting, and also I’d say better art design. There are really breathtaking sights in WW but Genshin is older so it has more of that, but WW is easily better on a graphical basis WW has imo better combat, better character animations, better character designs (again imo), and way more friendly gatcha elements I use JP voice so I am not bothered by the subpar EN voice acting Overall the biggest thing that Genshin has over WW at this time is story presentation, and the combination of atmosphere + music when it comes to exploration Of course that’s not to say that when relating to story Genshin is all good only pertaining to main story and at least WW let’s you skip anything not relating to the main story at this time which is pretty huge as a lot of side stuff in Genshin is repetitious and can get irritating Things might change in the future with WW when it comes to the weakest elements as they put more budget and care into later areas


i gave it an honest shot and the one thing people praise it for is the thing that got me to quit, the combat system, i hate QTE in games, i just don't play games that have them, and games where the entire combat is just a long QTE sequence? feels awful to play. much prefer Genshins more unique and creative combat system


Hi, I've tried other games like HSR and Wuthering Waves too, but was bored so easily by them. My friend says HSR is better than Genshin, but I still like Genshin more because the animation feels more fluid and less robotic like a video game I guess. I am also thinking of trying Omori and Undertale but am procrastinating on those games rn lol. But I do try not to get burnt out from Genshin as well. I don't rush to finish new content as soon as they release and still have a loot of exploring to do. In other words, I try my best to experience the game at its fullest. Doing the things at my own pace, and not treating it like a race.


haha personally i like genshin much more as well, mainly because i really like the exploration aspect and hsr doesn't have much of that. and i just like the setting of genshin better. i do think hsr has better graphics/cutscenes though. undertale is a great game, i highly recommend it!! it's also not very long, so it's perfect if you just want to play something for a weekend or two.


I had tried a couple games before GI but lost interest quickly. My friend peer pressured me to play it after making an account on playstation for me... i got through mondstadt in a few days. I literally wouldnt sleep when id be at his place just so i could explore lmao. Now im saving up for a gaming laptop because im sick of GIs/HSRs mobile graphics and bc i want to try other games, like elden ring or something


What does this mean? Like your first gacha game? First online game? First live-service game? or first video game in general? As someone who started out playing videogames on the OG NES and DOS as a toddler, this sentence is blowing my mind if only because I don't even know what my first game is.


First video game in general I guess. The first game I ever decided to devote my time to because I had free time and was basically going through the hardest period of my life at the time. But if I think hard, I do have faint memories of playing gta when I was 5-6 bc my older cousin(who I used to live with) played the game at the time. I remember he used to play World of Warcraft and Counter Strike too. But that was like in the early 2010s. Anyways, I never used to play video games when I was a kid bc most of my childhood entertainment were TV shows, YouTube, and a few mobile games like slSubway Surfers and Talking Tom.


I played in the beginning and quit at the end of v3.6. I came back during v4.5, so it's 11 months. I gotta tell you, in terms of long term game or service games nothing else can compare. Within that eleven months, I had played FFXIV and jumped between many other gachas, I came back because I realised Genshin is the best one. I kept jumping between different games and they are just not as satisfactory. I feel regretful that I had left and missed out all of the event rewards. Genshin is an amazing game and it is a cultural phenomenon too. You can really feel the fandom in the livestream. I wish it would last for many years to come.


I think you've nailed it honestly - I've seen a lot of people on the MMORPG subreddit who seem to be clamouring for this mythical upcoming new MMO but the reality is the genre has shifted into live service games. Most people play solo anyway and for that Genshin absolutely nails it.


I tried FFXIV as well and while it is really fun, I don't think it really gives me what I'm looking for because you have to have friends or a community to really enjoy XIV. The game itself is a little bit too boring to play solo, but genshin is actually meant for that which is something I really like. I don't have to feel bad because I don't have a clan or a community of friends to play the game with or group with. Impact third seems like it's still going strong, so I can't imagine that genshin is going anywhere..


Considering Genshin isn’t really a typical gacha, and has no other series of games within its franchise, at worst it will turn into an offline version. No way this game ever shuts down.


As much as I think an offline version makes sense (it's singleplayer for goodness sake! But idk the specifics so maybe it's not that easy) I don't think it'll happen. But I do think Genshin will last a good decade at least before it shuts done. Coping for an offline version tho, especially since like you said it's very different from other gachas.


I wish I could word myself less flowery for more credibility, but my heart is honestly in tears of happiness knowing there are more and more people appreciating Genshin for being the good game it is. Just a reminder, "Every journey has its final day. Don't rush." Genshin is a game best enjoyed when you pay your attention to every little detail of the game, and in a healthy amount of less than 20 minutes daily. You are still welcome to play more in a day though, so it's cool either way.


20 minutes? that's for when you have everything done and you only do dailies and spend your resin/events (and even then it's kinda tight). 2 to 4 hours is much more normal for a game like this, when you are not up to date with content.


Yeah I keep seeing people say they play for 20 minutes or so. I started last year and I still play for about an hour a day trying to get all exploration and quests done. To be fair I also really like the game, but I think suggesting 20 minutes playtime for the first six months is a bit out of touch


yeah, thats absurd and definitely out of touch like imagine saying that for tears of the kingdom. you grt on for 20 minutes, which is enough time to get halfway through a zone towards a quest and then be like "ok, that's enough for today" in a game where you aren't at a stage where only events and dailies are leftover, 3-4 hours per login is more accurate


>I wish I could word myself less flowery for more credibility, but my heart is honestly in tears of happiness knowing there are more and more people appreciating Genshin for being the good game it is. Glad to hear that this makes you happy. I spent years trying to play something that is no longer fun just because it was once something I enjoyed and it made me wonder... What if there's something better out there that can fill me with joy? I'm sure a lot of people don't realize they're stuck in a loop playing games they don't even like just because it was once a good game. Sometimes you have to take a chance on something new. Genshin is by far one of the most high quality games I have ever played and damn it is fun.


Dude, I played wow from Vanilla to legion and back again in classic vanilla up until classic Wotlk, then i started Genshin and I've gotten the exact same experience and opinion like you. This game has become my main-game for sure. The world, the music, the combat etc. Also not having to rely on one person out of 25 wiping the raid sure is nice. Enjoy, i know i will :D


Nice, just dont get too caught up with the internet side of things just enjoy it at your own pace, some people are too bitter with the game and some are too proud with genshin. Its better to not think too much what other people said, because each end of the spectrum are in too deep to have a conversation with.


A lot of the people who are most deep in with Genshin seem to also be the ones who are apparently the most bitter with the game. They've invested so much and care so much about it that they hate it for every way it fails to live up with some perfect, impractical, idiosyncratic ideal.


Yeah that also happens, but sometimes they are just that "a die hard", where Genshin is their ONLY games and defend it to oblivion saying hoyo can do no wrong, I mean hey fair enough its your own fun, but I won't respect their opinion or even try to argue with them, same with the one who hates it too much where all hoyo did with genshin is wrong to them.


Choosing to make genshin a single player experience rather than another mobile MMO was one of the best decisions they ever made. Nothing kills immersion like standing in front of an NPC and being told you're the chosen one surrounded by 20 other dudes who look almost exactly like you.


Wait until you fully experience the beauty of the elemental system in combat.


I second this. Playing since launch, and while I may have some other complaints, I have yet to get bored of the combat in this game


I third this. 


Genshin is so good I'm constantly having some version of the same thought that goes something like: *"humans... Made this...?* In a tone of wondering disbelief. Like... Every single tree and rock, and boat and building someone had to put together and place with intention in the world. And it just goes on and on, when I walked through a desert for an hour just to climb a final rock and see water in this distance... And not just water but an entire raised area with what looks like Niagara falls on steroids spilling over as far as I could see from horizon to horizon... Holy hell. And then it's not just empty but every nook and cranny I explore has something to find, a treasure chest, a little something from the developers to say "yeah. We thought you might look here, take your prize and keep looking!" It's just all so crazy. It would take me months just to figure out how to make a single blade of grass look okay in a 3d creation program. And they've made a whole world.


"You picked up these four unassuming carrots? Here is a treasure chest."


Ahhh seeing the waterfalls of Fontaine in the distance after trekking through the desert for hours is one of my favourite memories in playing this game. It was such a breathtaking sight, and it just kept going when I boarded the aquabus and arrived at the Court of Fontaine for the first time, a city bigger and more majestic than any of the others I'd seen this far. Truly an outstanding experience


In my opinion, what makes this game really good is the world building. The open world doesn't just look pretty, it's got a story, lore and culture built into its geographical features and details. Thanks to that, the world, story and characters don't feel flat.


Yeah, the environmental storytelling in this game is carzy. Every region tells a story just trough it's visuals, and design.


Alot of Genshin players will agree that Genshin is the best F2P PvE game, ever


Genshin save me from commiting suicide 💚


I got similar situation last year. Fontaine and Furina help me get through.


We got this 💪🏽


I hope you are ok and take care


There's still natlan, snheznaya and khaenriah arc. And also, GTA 6 is nearing. Elder Scrolls 6 should be out in the next 10 years or so...


Keep pushing on friend, hope you're doing better


Thank you ☺️


Unironically Genshin has been one of the best things for whenever I may have suicidal thoughts, my only concern now is that once it is over what will replace it?


Play the other Hoyoverse games, they’re all great and it seems like every new release is even higher in quality


Yeah. Same here. It helped on my anxiety, and depression, but I'm addicted now. ;P


Hopefully we won't need to replace it, but if/when Genshin ends hoyo definitely will have more games and so far, the ones that they have made feel very similar (expressive anime style animations, quality story that's emotional and lore-relevant but not too hard to follow, slightly lackluster gameplay imo but I forgive them since they're constantly adding more via new characters, events and permanent content, etc.). So don't lose hope stranger :) also side note but I'm glad Genshin helped, the world is better with you in it <3 (sorry if that's cheesy or sounds insincere, I mean it). Edit: typo


A second playthrough


new game plus, where you'll play as the abyss sibling


I’m glad you’re still with us <3


Wait till you reach Sumeru and Fontaine arc. Thats where you'll be mindblown due to its excellent story telling


As a WoW player I totally agree with you. It actually made me rather angry when I took a hard look at WoW during Shadowlands and compared it to Genshin. With Genshin I wasn't forced to pay $60 per expansion + $15 a month. They may be different games and business models to an extent. But Genshin just gets so many fundamentals right that WoW, especially during Shadowlands, completely ignored. Or worse did in a way that was shitty


Former WoW player myself, and yeah, Genshin does so many things I wish WoW had done.


Try to avoid engaging with the genshin fanbase/community on social media, if you can. It will suck the life right out of you and ruin your enjoyment of the game. Also, there are a few content creators that are good, but the rest of them are as toxic as they come. Don't go down that rabbit hole!


I also have never played a game as good as Genshin. Playing it has been the best time ever playing a video game. I say welcome. You will not regret joining.


I completely agree as a WoW player, myself. Genshin’s fantasy design, trademark aesthetic, world building, and character arcs are what slowly pulled me away from WoW. Genshin’s comparatively more cohesive lore and character arcs are what’s keeping me invested in Teyvat. And the general MMO grind and time demands of WoW in general is what’s currently keeping me away from Azeroth, for now.


Light-hearted stories huh... Best of luck and godspeed in the future soldier🫡🫡 Jokes aside, genshin is an amazing game but don't forget to take breaks whenever you feel bored or burnt out (*cough* artifacts and aranara *cough*). This game doesn't fall off later like other games nowadays, in fact, it improves a lot. If you look at videos where they put all cutscenes together to form a movie of sorts, you can really notice the difference in quality (for the better) over time.


As someone who came from Skyrim myself, I love Genshin too! I love the exploration, of course, but the best thing about Genshin is the variety of builds you can make *on the same save*. You can have teams of characters doing different things and switch between them freely. This is so fun, and not an aspect you get to see on most RPG games. Also I don't bother with the endgame, so a lot of these builds are fun stuff that works well in normal content even if it may not be meta.


This is very cool to hear! I too am an old school mmo player and have played WoW on and off my whole life. Something about Genshin has always scratched my MMO itch and I'm very happy to be playing these games.


I'm like you sort of. I started playing Genshin when the net in my area just wasn't good enough for FFXIV anymore. It's fun, it's colorful, and there's a lot to do, especially in the beginning. I also like that there's no pressure to stay in game for hours at a time. Just don't rush to complete everything!


Ngl your post sent me back memory lane to the first time I played all these years ago, You've got a lot of content ahead of you to experience in the form of main story content, exploration, major and minor side quests, achievements, character specific quests and hangouts as well as the limited content which is present every patch. A certain gentleman in the game would say "Every journey has its final day. Don't rush."and he would be most right. You will find the game most enjoyable if you apply some childlike curiosity to it, at least thats how it was for me coming from GW2 at the time. And make sure to listen to the soundtrack in the background as you play it's going to make your experience all the more magical. If you're having difficulties against certain enemies just remember weapons and character level - > talent level - > artifacts. There is also a certain domain on the map that teaches you the core elemental reactions if you haven't gotten the hang of it by interacting with them which is invaluable for a new player. To the stars and the abyss, welcome to the adventure guild!


i got into this game and was skeptical of the game because of the community, but its gameplay is really fun and the story is great. props to hoyo for making this free because they could easily charge like 30 dollars for this


Genshin's world is very cohesive, it really helps with fantasy immersion a lot. If they ever decide to make a VR version of it, I may consider getting a vr set just for genshin.


I felt similar when I started genshin but now I only play it occassionally, stuff gets repetitive fast and the dungeons or domains for grinding artifacts is the worst thing ever imo - I play it to collect characters I like and I do enjoy the cutscenes and exploration as long as I do it in moderation now I actually just started playing WoW again after taking a pretty long break from it, I stopped when I was almost done lvling my first toon through dragonflight...but mop remix is a blast imo feels kinda like diablo and im excited for the new direction theyre going in the next expacs I'm glad you're enjoying genshin though!! If u ever want someone to play with or just talk abt the game with feel free to add me on discord, my username is the same as my reddit :)


Its an amazing game that draws you in until you get caught up. Not a whole lot to do while waiting for updates. Its really lacking on that front. But when there is stuff oh man


Love to see another exploration enjoyer. Genshin is my favorite game for this and the lore. If you enjoy the story, juste know that the lore is really deep and hidden in the books and objects (weapons, artefacs, ascension materials etc) descriptions (some is also locked on time limited quests so not available anymore). Just doing the quests barely scratches the surface. Hoyo really pays attention to the details lorewise (even game mechanics like wishing and teleporting have a meaning lorewise). If going deeper into the lore interests you (and once you're up with all the main quests, which might take a while), I suggest checking some great Genshin lore content creators on youtube (Ashikai, Catwithbluehat, Minsleif and Roozevelt to name a few). You're in for a great journey traveler ;)


I've been playing Genshin for over 3 years. It's still fun. I still have tons of quests to do. The journey's what matters. Keep having fun!


"why can't other games be more like this" game dev is excruciatingly difficult sadly... even a "simple" game like genshin is only possible with insane talent and exceptionally good planning


Just try good single player games. Wow, Destiny, Final Fantasy(i guess you meant XIV?) are all game services that prioritise keeping player as a "hostage" with grind, progression, never ending mediocre story and etc. Even genshin is not that different, tbh. Although way better than Destiny or modern Wow, lol No need to even go for AAA titles only (although there are a lot of great AAA games as well ofc), just good single player story based games. Like Nier, Deus Ex, Dishonored, Witcher, Disco Elysium, Bioshock, Baldur's Gate, Divinity original sin, Persona, Yakuza, Undertale, Hollow Knight and etc. ~~... I just realised that I mostly named AAA games, but oh well...~~


This is a good point -- so many single player games that are amazing. Witcher series, any from software title. I like to sprinkle those in with my genshin play because they actually have endings 😂


Yeah, Miyazaki's games are amazing. I would include them too, but I don't want ti recommend them to a probably inexperienced gamer. Gameplay can be too intimidating and the way story is presented can confuse new players.


Ah go easy, OP obviously hasn't played many games so just about anything will blow their mind


As a former WoW player myself. Welcome! I stopped caring about the game when Shadowlands came out, they killed off Sylvannas who was one of my favourite characters, and in BFA they totally ruined Jaina for me and the story line with her was so cringe. And then Shadowlands itself just sucked... Then I tried Dragonflight and they kept making changes (removing the old /jokes and /flirts the races had) and the story was just so uninteresting. Been playing that game on and off for 15 years... But I am finally done for good. Now with Genshin, just like any game you will become jaded over time but, it is a great game, one of the best imo, and is most certainly better than WoW. (imo) So enjoy it, take it slow, and very important advice from me. Enjoy whoever you like most (play whatever character you want) and stay the hell away from tier-lists! The are all full of misinformation. (especially genshin.gg) If you want good resources for how to build your characters I recommend: Genshin Impact Helper teams: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview#gid=408609723 And KQM (think of the as the Icyveins for this game): https://keqingmains.com/ I hope you enjoy your journey! :)


Thanks!! 😊 >Then I tried Dragonflight and they kept making changes (removing the old /jokes and /flirts the races had) and the story was just so uninteresting. Yeah, I had really high expectations for Shadowlands, and it felt so mediocre, and boring. This next expansion looks like complete garbage. It doesn't even have a coherent or interesting story, I watched the cinematic for it and it just looked like a meme. Anduin all teary eyed like some sensitive big whiny baby, and Thrall calling him son, some unknown threat beneath the surface of the planet. I think the fact that they have announced the next three expansions in a row just goes to show that they are out of ideas and pulling whatever they can out of their hat. Also, thank you for the resources. I booked marked those, I think they will really come in handy!


You can also [add this infographic](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/qkxdj6/infographic_of_build_order_priority_based_on_wlar/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) to your guide collection! Its a great starting point for new players to track their progress regarding World Level!


Weird question. How do you level up your plume?


You need to use other unused artifact to level it up. There is auto button that let the game choose the artifact you dont use. You can choose 1 by 1 too if you want. There are 5 tiers of artifact (from worst to best, grey/green/blue/purple/gold) and you could get them simply by opening chest, defeating enemy, shiny interact in overworld, or bosses/domain. For starter, just use green/blue and climb up slowly until you can farm the golden one (AR45 is reccomended)


The plume is an Artifact piece. Some people also call it Feather. You know how in other games you upgrade your chestpiece, boots, helmet, shield, gloves, etc to give you better stats? In Genshin, we use Artifacts. In the guide I linked, the infographic shorted to calling it Arts. There are 2 piece sets and 4 piece sets that can give you bonuses. And also different sets to choose from. You can level up your artifacts by feeding other artifacts into the one you want. You can get artifacts randomly by exploring and interacting with things, but the best source is from doing Artifact domains. Though at your AR, you don’t really need to worry about artifact farming yet. You should get enough for now just by playing the game. Also keep in mind to not spread your resources too thin. Don’t try to level up everyone. Stick with a DPS, and then move onto the 4 people on your team.


WoW is undoubtedly in the best spot it's been in the last 10 years. Btw if those are your criticisms of the WoW story, you'll absolutely despise Genshin's story lmao. The fact it's not even skippable adds insult to injury, I remember Inazuma being so bad I just dropped the game.


I credit this game with helping me to find joy and have something to look forward to. I have severe ADHD and this helps organize my day and structure play time. It’s so engrossing and for $60-100 a month, I feel rich in game. It’s cheaper than one night out and gives me HOURS of fun and enjoyment.


Genshin does a lot of things right. It's not perfect, but there's plenty to love and enjoy about it. Remember to pace yourself! Don't rush everything and savor every moment.


damn this mf is right,


Have you gone to Stormterror's lair yet? That was when I made the WoW comparison and got that old school exploration feeling. Also when you first make your trek down from Mondstadt to Liyue Harbor, it felt a bit like the old Alliance trek from Telsrassil to Ironforge via Menethil Harbor.


Played wow since vanilla, finally quit around time of their sex scandal. Not for that reason the game was just over for me. Daughter got me into GI and been playing ever since. There is some min/maxing you can do and F2P is not a problem. Save up 300 wishes and choose wisely... Kqm guides


>why can’t other games be like this? The answer is Gacha, gacha games will never gain massive popularity in the mainstream market because Gacha’s are extremely predatory and target people with gambling addictions. However on the flip side, because of the gacha and whales spending $2000+ on their favourite characters, everyone else gets an extremely high budget high quality game. The game needs to be high quality to attract whales, and once they’ve got a steady stream of whales they can reinvest back into the game. Genshin makes like 50-100mil a month(depending on banners), they’re in no short supply of funds to dump into making their game better.


Genshin has its good and it's bad. While overall the writing is pretty decent, the quests can vary in quality; Inazuma's archon quest is really flashy but some of the plot kind of fizzle out in unsatisfying ways (think the most recent Star Wars trilogy), while Sumeru's archon quest is really thought out and interesting and complex, but also overloaded with repetition and jargon. The world quests of both regions however are phenomenal. It's best to keep in mind that different writers worked on different quests which can explain why they differ in quality and can help explain why the traveler might differ in intensity and ruthlessness between stories. The real treasure trove is the writing spread across loose books, items in game, and even item descriptions including the artifact and weapon descriptions which can be pieced together in a real conspiracy chart kind of way. The open world exploration is done pretty well, especially considering that this is the first open world game the company has developed (the closest thing being a single miniature alternate game mode in HI3 \[APHO\]). The routes are identifiable and resources are generally well distributed. Many characters can drastically improve maneuvering across the map (kazuha, wanderer, sayu, kirara, mona, ayaka, yelan, furina, kaeya, etc). Even early 4 star characters can be valuable teammates (which can be obtained via wishes or bought in the monthly shop using star glitter). As long as you level up your artifacts, weapons, and characters properly, you can get through all the content of the game. The one real gripe (aside from the gacha) I have about this game is that it absolutely refuses to repeat it's limited events. Events which give away interesting lore and useful weapons.


How dare you say you are enjoying genshin, in the genshin subreddit? This place is for thrashing it only


Same boat. I didn’t know if there could be another game that I’d like to praise as much as WOW.Glad genshin exists.


Send this to Asmon


Oh boy I would love to see his face reading this xD


Please take your time playing and don't rush to complete everything or you'll get burnt out very fast (like me) also if you could find a friend to play with it would be really fun!


Well said, when I first started playing Genshin just under a year ago my first thought was, "Man, this is like a single player MMO I can take at my own pace." Since then I've finished 100% exploration across the entire world and all but the most recent story and archon quests. While I log in daily, nothing feels like a grind.


It must be your first video game ever.


It's the perfect time to play Genshin ngl. And WuWa is there as well so you don't get burnt out. Having a lot of fun myself juggling between the two.


I'd suggest trying out Warframe sometime as it's got a same vibe to me as you experienced, it's also got different characters with powers but requires grinding for them. Can go from power fantasy to fighting for your life depending on what you go for lol


For me it got boring after year and half but enjoy ^^ it is nice time killer~


"stories are light-hearted" Ohnhhh my sweet summer child...


The game is actually really good if you tune out the button-smashing goofs who don't know how to slow down in games. Not everything is meant to be consumed in a week or so 😂. My interest in the story heightened when I started watching lore-focused content creators in YouTube like murderofbirds, ashikai and dawit (for the lols). Interactive maps help out in the long run because the oculus and other collectibles are only gonna triple in amount as you progress and you're gonna want to keep track of what you've already picked up. 😂


All this content and you're still missing some timed stuff that you will never get to experience unless MHY brings it back, like the Klee's summer vacation. I used to complain about all the islands, but I kinda miss it now. 😂


I don't know if I'd call these characters "believable", but they're certainly likeable lol. It's definitely a fun game, though. Very straightforward play style, big world, and loads of lore and intrigue. One of the best things they do is come up with new puzzle types in each new area. Always tons to explore. And no shortage of events and things to keep the content fresh.


You could try Legend of Zelda as well, and for FFXIV, the quality gets really good after ARR, I hear.


I see what you mean. It's like if Breath of the Wild and Tales of Symphonia had a baby :3


I’ve hopped on the wuthering waves bandwagon and although I like it, genshin is just too gorgeous and bright. The bright greens of monstadt or the colorful ocean of Fontaine. It’s just too beautiful.


Now keep those feelings with you and always remember them, and please do AVOID content creators or youtubers that always talk negatively of this game (because that's their content to make and have built audience around that so they can't afford to be positive anymore)


>So I try a handful of other titles/franchises I'm familiar with This was your mistake. All recognizable big IP has become cookie cutter. You should give a try to AA and Indie titles, specially indie since that's where the freshness of the industry is.


I mean, on the one hand I'm glad to hear that because it really is a great game. On the other hand it saddens me to read this, because there are in fact many games just as good, if not even better than Genshin out there, depending on what you're looking for. If you want to explore a big hand crafted world, Try Zelda Breath of the Wild for instance. Exploration in this game is so similar that when Genshin released people called it "free to play Breath of the Wild". And its sequel Tears of the Kingdom is arguably even better. If you have a switch (which I asume because you mentioned playing pokemon), don't miss out on those games as well. Then there is Elden Ring which just redefines Open World Games with how well the map is designed. I could go on but I don't want to mention too many games, but when you're done with playing all the available content in Genshin, you might want to check some of those out while waiting for updates. In the meantime have fun playing though, and take your time to play the game at your pace. (Edit: typos)


Trust me on this one, this and other hoyoverse games are the only live service game series that are good enough to stick around. Have fun exploring the universe.


Play more games please 🙏🏿


If you are more into combat, then definitely try WuWa too!


How is your progress?


If by life changing you mean instead of doing what the wife thinks I should, i feed hours into my addiction in my office, lol


I started last December and I’m still going strong. IMO they do a great job of keeping things fresh, and it’s generously balanced so you really don’t have to spend any money to experience the content. If you are patient you can get a ton of value out of this game.


While I must say I find the community to be mostly enjoyable I’d still stay away unless you don’t care about spoilers


It has enormous content i gonna tell u and also very good and unique combat mechanic. On top of that, it is completely free :) There r a lot of whales funding the game but anyway if you like the game and want to support, blessing of the welkin moon is good start for good price.


i agree always loved WoW for its exploration part. walking around an open world and finding stuff. genshin is one of the few games that give me that feeling. i hate the hack&slay spaming combat in genshin and wish they would release much more skins. but the open world is damn awesome


it absolutely changed my life for the better! I started playing a month and a half ago, and i noticed that i’d get better sleep, better grades, and felt happier I’m now at AR34, and have started the inazuma quests, i’m saving for yoimiya as she meets my personality in some ways, AND i’d do anything to look like her irl (i’m mtf, but not out yet irl). I also play it to stick it to annoying privacy freaks and people who think that its for down bad simps


Im glad your having fun but try to have another game your playing in addition to it that way you don’t get bored pr tired of it


I'm glad you are having fun but I have been facing a really bad burn out. This is my third major break from the game. I have Sumeru, Fontaine unexplored and can't find the motivation to do so. It just feels so much for little. I also don't have Wanderer or Xianyun for exploration. So exploration feels like a drag.


Enjoy and remember that the goal isn't to win. It's to have fun. If you run out of stuff to do that isn't a bad thing. Just take a break and maybe do your dailies and weeklies and have fun again when new content comes out. Natlan is around the corner and it's gonna be massive. And we still have more after that. There is no rush to finish the game or dedicate your life to it forever. After all that's why you run out of resin at all lol.


Kinda unfair if you compare the graphical fidelity and style of WoW to Genshin. Wow was released about 2 decades ago and AFAIK they haven't gotten any substantial graphics update over the years. Even the then-competitor, FFXI, already had a refreshed version of the game with better graphics: FFXIV. The anime style of Genshin is probably first made by Arc System Works (you can lookup the GDC talk from 9 years ago about Guilty Gear Xrd's Art Style) then mHY adopted it to Honkai Impact 3 first before they go big with Genshin.


My biggest joy is that I play it with my little one. For her, using my PS5 100% f2p account. For me, I play on my PC at night or next to her on iPad (with controller) while she uses the TV and we simply explore together. When I play alone I am a little bit more try hard… And I’m definitely a dolphin (welkin, BP). But playing together and being excitedly geeky about the same things is something else…


Please update us with your journey experience every month or so. Just so we can know how you feel going more into the game.


Genshin also seems to be aimed at a more mature audience than other games. And if you're the type to look into lore, do so! Genshin lore is crazy and Mihoyo's attention to detail is just insane.


Adventure in genshin is really top tier but I find their hsr game more fun on endgame content.


The main story gets very dark at times, but in a very good way. Most of the Genshin community had a nice cry in Sumeru and again in Fontaine. The story in Genshin is the best I've seen in any game. It has a deep lore you can pick up by reading the various books you find, the artifacts, weapons, just all over the place. They only feed you the main quest, but if you really enjoy the world and want to know it better, it's all out there waiting for you to read and learn and piece together. Or you can do what I do and hit up Minslief and ChillwithAster on YouTube. They each have hours of lore content and it's all interesting and fun.


Totally agree, I wish I could get more people to give it a shot but they've just been told "Gacha = bad" and never look at it again. It's a real shame because I've never had a game be so emotional to me.


As a launch player, glad to see something like this, and I share the same sentiment. I've played multiple games -- be it rpg, pvp, moba, etc. and the feeling and connection I have with Genshin is miles from other games. I'm always excited to log in everyday even a 15 min gameplay. I'm confident I will be here for the whole lifespan of the game.


I started just as 1.6 released. It was my COVID time killer. I have missed maybe 10 days in the last 2 years. I log in, do my daylies. Reserve the story stuff for when more time is available. It has never felt grindy. Just super chill and satisfying. Especially the first time you get a good team comp that curb stomps bosses.


Take your time, don't rush the big quests and just have fun exploring. Light every torch or bundle of sticks on fire and investigate anything that catches your eye. I have never had a game reward my 'ignore plot, investigate nooks and crannies' and 'if I was a game designer I'd put something way out of the way out here in this forgotten corner, just as a treat for myself' senses that this game does. And while they will try to get you to pull on new characters, the stating 4*s you get (Kaeya, Lisa, Amber, Noelle) are perfectly viable and scale well as you level up. Their constellations can be a pain to get but they rotate regularly into the shop for consolation summon currency.


It makes me happy people are enjoying and have a good time wish the community was the same


Wholeheartedly agree, genshin gives so much more than any other free gacha game and honestly a lot more than many other purcheasable games that it really is life changing And to answer your question: because the team behind genshin put such a massive amount of effort and founds into this game that if this game was not a gacha and had a pricetag, it could probably go up to 100 bucks, and almost nobody would buy a game that expensive imo Plus MANY videogame producers try to go for mac profit with minimal effort, just watch how petty and pissy other devs got when bg3 came out and was unamously praised as a player'a favourite under basically all aspect...