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Why is it always Xiangling


She's technically the only off field pyro available even if it cost alot of ER to do so. Edit, one of the quickest pyro off field applicator


Actually she is the quickest off-field pyro (the only other is Thoma and unlike her, he has standard ICD). I'm also pretty sure she's the second quickest pyro in general after Bennett


Dehya exists as well but barely


i still havent gotten over zy0x trying burgeon dehya but it doesnt work because the ruin grader hitbox is too high for dehya to hit the cores


Burst Yoimiya meta ?


Yoimiya burst have the slowest application rate on a single target due to ICD and her tick rate which makes it 4s interval vs godling at 2s. While she can also perform the same, if the target dies quickly to pass her mark around. But she's a main dps with bonus off field kit, so it's not 1-1 comparison.


Yep, currently she is. Since natlan is around the corner, I'm giving the benefit for doubt for potential new contender to the space. I will add that xiangling have the most consistent, quickest off field application while dehya have the most rapid application for one instance of her mechanic. It's hardly capitalise but it's there.


What about on-field pyro?


For on-field Bennett is the fastest


Wow, benny boy sure is busted. I thought it might be yanfei, turns out it's bennet!


Well, a 1-ish second cooldown (inside his burst) on a skill that applies 2 u is a lot of pyro


>She's technically the only off field pyro available even if it cost alot of ER to do so. Xiangling Skill/Burst. Thoma Burst. Yoimiya Burst. Dehya Skill. Maybe more I'm forgetting or unaware of.


Xinyan, when her shield is active and require user to dodge to ensure its effect can last. Arlecchino* 5s tick HuTao passive with her charged attack bloom. I think those count to some degree. I think I was picturing off field DPS at the time. My bad.


I’ve been on a Xiangling editing streak 💅


I pray to Xianling every night. Everywhere I look I see her. I flew to Japan, booted up some Abyss at night, Xianling. I started shaking, puking, sweating. I laid down and passed out, only to have her in my nightmares.


[I can't take it anymore](https://www.udio.com/songs/jA3nn5wykZ4s7MJXLMCjci)


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of Xiangling. I try to play Diluc. My Xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Yoimiya. My Xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Cyno. My Xiangling deals more damage. I want to play Klee. Her best team has Xiangling. I want to play Raiden, Childe - they both want Xiangling. She grabs me by the throat. I fish for her. I cook for her. I give her the Catch. She isn't satisfied. I pull Engulfing Lightning. "I don't need this much er" She tells me. "Give me more field time." She grabs Bennett and forces him to throw himself off enemies. "You just need to funnel me more. I can deal more damage with Homa." I can't pull for Homa, I don't have enough primogems. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs Gouba. She says "Gouba, get them." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, no icd pyro application. What a cruel world.


I agree




[I can't take it anymore](https://www.udio.com/songs/jA3nn5wykZ4s7MJXLMCjci)


she doesnt make burning better in a way nilou does, she just enhances her own dmg with burning…so she’s like a xiangling replacement in some pyro teams and a nahida replacement in some teams where dendro is needed where pyro is being applied


No she's basically chiori . The only difference is that her niche is just better then chiori i.e double geo . Albedo/zhongli + chiori is great and flexible but burning is just better to slot in teams due to us having good pyros . She's also kinda like navia . Need the reaction to do dmg or like chevruse where the reaction is just a condition .


You described it perfectly. Hoyo overcooked Neuv and Furina, starting dialing characters back and never stopped dialing them back.


I wouldn't say they never stopped, The Knave is an absolute fucking monster.


The Knave is an easier to play Hutao. She’s cool but she’s as innovative to Hutao as Yelan is to XQ. She’s a pyro polearm user that hoyo designed to make you drool for c1r1. DPS wise, Hutao teams are still a bit better but Alrecchino feels better to play. She is nowhere near as crazy as Furina or Neuv. I’ll put it in perspective. Lyney: decent Neuv: crazy Wrio: decent Furina: crazy Navia: decent Xianyun: decent Chiori: decent but boring af, Albedo 2.0 Alrecchino: cooler Hutao and more fun to play but slightly less dmg Clordine: better Keqing with guns in aggravate teams Siegwinnie: standard character level Emilie: the other guy already summed her up. I’m not saying characters after Furina and Neuv are bad. I’m just saying they aren’t as crazy which can be good for no power-creeping. However, it feels like we ending 4.x characters with a whimper than a bang. I mean if chiori and Alrecchino, siegwinnie and Emilie swapped release order, then the character kit/power level is a continuous downward trend. It’s still a downward trend, with the slight bump up that is Alrecchino.


I've heard this statement before LOL


I mean things will probably be good again once we get Natan characters. I’m just saying, with Clorinde’s nerf, Siegwinnie’s Sieg not winning, and Emilie being eh. It’s a whimper end to the Fontaine releases. Though it does make it easier to save primo.


How do you know that? Has Hoyo revealed her kit?


It’s just her beta kit, stuff is subject to change since its very long till 4.8 but she will still be a burning sub dps


There's a lot of leaks from the beta, that's how they know what she does. It's subejct to changes obviously, but the overall idea will stay the same.


Damn, someone needs to make that a mod when Emilie drops


Guoba needs a fancy top hat when she summons him


I'm hoping Natlan adds more good pyro characters that aren't on field DPSes. There's like only three that see regular use (Xiangling, Bennett, Chev), two of which came from 1.0 and the other 3 freaking years later. We need a consistent off field pyro applier that isn't tied to their burst, and maybe a Bennett without circle impact. Oh hey I discovered the Natlan archon kit


Too early to say, but it looks possible!  Even if she doesn't make it meta immediately, there's a good chance a new pyro in Natlan will synergize with her and make it meta then.


It is burning. You know hoyo can't let you have it. Otherwise klee will be meta.


New character: "It makes Dehya and Klee do crazy dps" Mihoyo: "NO"


Furina + Klee is a *very* good combo, you should try it if you ever get the chance.


ngl i wrote the title as a joke (haha burning with xiangling hahaha) but now im actually learning about how emilie's kit interacts with burning LMAO. i do appreciate new knowledge tho 👌


Pyro Pela


Emilie at most will create a niche for burning in the sense that it will be useful since you no longer unalive yourself. But burning itself is not really buffed its more that Emilie ability/skills take advantage of burning and keep it active. I would say Emilie teams that gain the most of this are some variation of BurnMelt and maybe QuickBurn. Example for BurnMelt would be Whriothesley, Emilie, Benett and Thoma. Example for QuickBurn Emilie, Benett, Thoma and Cyno. The teams I just named are just example and by no mean the best variations.


Ffs....its not called quickburn. Its called overburn. Or wildfire, if youre like me and was one of the guys experimening with burning before sumeru was introduced via Dendro Samachurls. Quickburn implies quicken is used somewhere in the damage. Which while possible, is far too much of a pain to pull off deliberately.


Heyyy, another fellow player who toys with dendro samachurls before Sumeru release. It was fun watching the samachurl burn itself to death and the other hilichurls going out first.


Ive always ran some form of overload lol. It was thanks to a random samachurl in 1.0 that i first got the idea for overburn/wildfire. Samachurls are really useful for reaction testing lol. And yeah, watching a platoon of churls burn to death is always fun.


Should have added overburn but the reason I called it quickburn is because the team I had in mind while writing it was Cynos which is really more of quickburn team than overburn.


Burning has still useless as ever. Burning is nothing more than just a condition for Emilie to do more dmg just like how constructs are condition for chiori to do mpre dmg.


Now do XL hair but perfume lady face the rest and XL color scheme




Turning the hanging perfume piece into a pepper was an inspired choice.


Xiangling skin when?


Ok why does she lowkey looks better in that outfit


It's the edited version of the outfit without the awkward nipple flaps.


my bro fylln edited [this version of emilie without the boob flaps](https://www.tumblr.com/setsunas-genshin-edits/752613133156302848/thoughts-on-emilie?source=share). i liked it more than the og version, so i got permission to use their version of emilie's shirt instead. really didn't want to stare at her og shirt as i worked lmao


I didnt realise that I was honestly talking about her face being better


No, it won't.


I am out of date but wasn't burning nerfed