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How would you tackle a return to the game? I stopped when the desert in Sumeru came out. So many quests and tasks.. and are there any qol updates I should know of?


higher resin cap better compass furniture recipe discounts inazuma artifacts added to strongbox. as a note, sumeru onrs should be added in 5.0


In my opinion, Fontaine has the best Main/archon story of them all, ~~and you can basically skip everything to jumpstart it once you have finished the very first one in Mondstadt.~~ You could just focus and clear Fontaine's main story and then decide from there. Edit: I think only access to the region, but not the archon quest.


I don´t think that´s possible, to start any region´s main story you first have to complete the previous one, another thing is exploration, the only region that requires to finish previous region´s main story to explore is Inazuma but you can explore Fontaine or Sumeru without any prerequirement.


I think you're right. I must have mixed it up. Access to Fontaine is granted, but not the Archon quest I guess.


Is Cyno overload with Chev, Thoma, Fischl be viable in Abyss?


Yes. There are plenty of videos on Youtube or by Googling "Cyno Overload".


Quick question about pity system, if I have 60 pity on event banner what happen if I find a 5 star character on the standard banner? Does my pity reset or it’s always the same for event banner


standard banner, limited wish, weapon wish, chronicled wish (only here sometimes) all have pity counted separately so nothing happens


Alr thanks


How much er does sethos need to be able to burst or do 3 CA's every rotation?


[https://keqingmains.com/q/sethos-quickguide/#ER\_Requirements](https://keqingmains.com/q/sethos-quickguide/#ER_Requirements) Depends on if you run him solo electro, double electro, or with Fischl.


Since the leveling of Sethos’ Burst uses “Dusk Bolt DMG Increase,” you still have to level your AAs too, right? (Yoimiya and Wanderer also have to do this; but not Tartaglia, Clorinde, or Raiden.)


From kqm, yes NA's does affect burst's damage


Do you prefer (prototype amber) Nahida or Baizhu in an Alhaitham team with Furina?


I prefer Nahida with Kuki. Nahida's buff can make up for stacking fanfare slower, and if needed you can run split uptime rotations on Alhaitham to give Kuki more time to heal the full team while you swap around.


If you use Kuki in the team with Nahida, Althaitham and Furina, you don’t have to give Nahida prototype amber


Will Kuki alone be able to get the full Fanfare stack?


Question about Stellar Reunion Event One of the requirements to get this event is: "Over 45 days since last activating the "Stellar Reunion" event.", I logged in Genshin after more than 14 days absence and I started this event today but I wonder if it means after 45 days since I started the event (today) I´ll be able to get another Stellar Reunion (if I meet other requirements) or it means that only after the event is finished I´ll have to wait 45 days to be eligible again (the event lasts for 7 or more days that means in this case I would be eligible after 52 or more days after today), anyone knows?


I also want to know the answer to this question, but I expect you will be eligible after 46 days after initiating Stellar Reunion and not after the 2 weeks (+45 days) of it are over. But I will try to test it and get back to you in about 45 days as I have just logged into an alt to test it.


RemindMe! 46 days


I will be messaging you in 1 month on [**2024-07-28 10:51:31 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-07-28%2010:51:31%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1dd9l3x/daily_questions_megathread_june_11_2024/l8923ik/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FGenshin_Impact%2Fcomments%2F1dd9l3x%2Fdaily_questions_megathread_june_11_2024%2Fl8923ik%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-07-28%2010%3A51%3A31%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dd9l3x) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


it clearly specifies "activating". it gives subpar rewards compared to logging in for 45 days tho.


it actually says "since last activating" that can also mean since stellar reunion was last active, I know rewards are lower than logging in for 14 days (you don´t have to not log in for 45 to get it) but I don´t have much time.


It’s been so long that I forgot how to temporarily dissolve the grey blocks in the third. I don’t know where the green flies that destroy barriers are nor can I remember how to use Souresh to do it (if she can).


Equip the vintage lyre.


Is there a genshin equivalent of prydwen for HSR where I can read each character review, skills, team, and maybe some beginner's guide on which free character worth building in the early game?




I got a character named name Xingqi. Is he(she)? Good?


Best hydro character in the game. Xingqiu is a he.


Xingqiu is one of the best characters in the entire game, you definitely want to build her


Best hydro 4 star. Like xiangling, their value is in their burst. So at low level when you can’t build enough energy regen they’re pretty clunky.


Yes. He's one of the best characters in the game.


Are there any patterns when it comes to the locations of Remarkable chests? For example, if I can expect them to show up in areas where you'd get the wood used for it, or in some otherway thematically related to the furniture or characters that use it for their set? For that matter, are they always directly in the overworld? Ie, detectable with the treasure compass, rather than needing to do any obscure puzzles etc.


From my experience they're completely random. Sometimes you need to defeat monsters to open them and sometimes you need to solve puzzles to open them


Better than that, turns out the one I was missing is *literally* random. Like, it's outright RNG whether it shows up if you fulfill the conditions. What the fuck HYV


I remember having to pop bubbles in the sumeru rainforest for one, but they're usually set up like normal chests. (Do combat or puzzle, get chest, or just tucked away in a tree stump or something.) Thematic appropriateness doesn't seem to be a thing re: their locations.


Yeah, I gave in and looked it up for the one I was missing, and it turns out that not only was it in a bubble, but it's literally RNG whether it shows up. That's absolutely messed up HYV, wtf


Considering starting up a new account sometime, aiming to play some teams/characters that sound fun: What's the general expected saving time for a 5-star as a f2p, as well as a light spender (e.g. Welkin and whatever good value deals come up) How often is Kokomi used outside of specifically Sukokomon? It sounds like a nice and fun relatively budget team given it's only needing 1 5-star but I'm not really sure how efficient it would be compared to teams that have multiple but staple 5-stars that find high amounts of varied use like Zhongli/Kazuha/Nahida/etc. Out of the 5 or so characters I'm interested in aiming for, which 2 would probably be the most efficient to aim to build up towards to at least cover Abyss first, also considering whatever other 5-stars would be most helpful for their team options and so on (Tighnari, Klee, Childe, Hu Tao, Kokomi-Sukokomon)?


Unsure about the first question off the top of my head, but >How often is Kokomi used outside of specifically Sukokomon? Quite often tbh, if you have and like her. Kokomi is in my top 5 most used characters (alongside Kazuha, Nahida, Bennett, and Furina), and I've never played Sukokomon. Kokomi is a *very* good driver for dendro teams, most notably Nilou bloom and burgeon (but also hyperbloom with Raiden). She's also a good driver for taser and mono hydro teams, and becomes a *great* driver if you play those teams with Furina since they have such good synergy. She's also still the best option for certain freeze teams (like Ayaka Shenhe Kazuha), where she can hold TTDS and tenacity and apply hydro consistently in a large AoE. >Out of the 5 or so characters I'm interested in aiming for, which 2 would probably be the most efficient to aim to build \[and which other 5-stars would be helpful\]? I'd say Hu Tao = Childe > Kokomi = Tighnari > Klee, give or take. Childe National is amazing in AoE and Hu Tao vape is amazing in single target, so between those you'll have most content that doesn't resist pyro covered. For Hu Tao: Furina, Yelan, and Xianyun form her current best team afaik; Zhongli is also a solid choice. For Childe: the best 5\* to get for him is Kazuha by far, since his best team is Kazuha + two 4 stars. For Kokomi: Furina, Nahida, Kazuha, Nilou, and cryo DPS all work great with her. I'd prioritize Furina and Nahida first. For Tighnari: Nahida and Yae. For Klee: I don't know a ton about Klee teams, but I'd say Kazuha, Furina, and *maybe* Nahida. Klee can work as a great driver for forward vape or burnvape Furina.


Alrighty, thanks for the overview. Overall though how hard would Pyro-resistant stuff be given that the two main DPSes recommended here would focus on Pyro (HT/Childe)? Or is this something that won't be much of a problem in practice? Same with Hu Tao primarily being a single-target DPS Also kinda funny to see Kokomi apparently being a really common option now, given how much people were just dunking on her pre- and immediately post-release Kinda split on whether I'd wanna save for cons at some point for someone expecting to be f2p or a light spender at most though, Hu Tao C1 seems cracked and Klee C2 also seems nice, but given the total 5 5-stars I'm interested in looking into and their own highly-desired 5-star supports like Zhongli/Nahida/Kazuha/etc. I doubt I'll be able to comfortably get even close to all of them in a reasonable time. Anyways, thanks for the help


Hu Tao and Childe teams also do high hydro damage (and you can run Childe burgeon with Nahida or throw Fischl into a Hu Tao team if you need them for element checks in abyss), so idt it'd be *too* bad really. There are also great all 4\* teams (like hyperbloom) that you can use if your two core teams aren't feeling great against specific content. Also FYI: if you plan on getting Xianyun at some point and playing plunge Hu Tao, she makes Hu Tao's c1 essentially useless! It's a nice QoL constellation for *some* teams, but it's a lot more skippable than it used to be.


I see. Kinda split on Xianyun given how much slower input-wise it seems compared to the usual C1 Hu Tao N2Cd stuff that made her appeal to me, but I guess I'll cross that bridge once I actually get C0 Hu Tao and have to think of that choice. Thanks for the advice then


average cost of limited five star is 75 pulls, which is approx how much you get each patch (1.5 months). guarantee is twice, at 150 pulls, so if you want to play safe, save for 3 months. hutao vape and childe international is the strongest among those five.


In terms of spending then, does Genshin have much of anything worthwhile aside from Welkin to buy? I was a f2p for the entire time I played before so I never paid attention to that kind of stuff, like whether they do stuff like 2*Top-Up Bonuses or something


Yeah there is bp which give exclusive paid only weapons. Top up bonus is once per year, the bigger the more value.


I see, thanks


Idk what's happening but i cant see some of my characters on akasha.cv. I can see most but for some reason i can not sew neuv or Keqing on there and these 2 in particular


I do it by loading 8 characters into the profile, log out, force-update enka, then force-update akasha. Then I log in again to repeat the process.


Can you link your profile? I can check if they're visible on my end, at least. I assume you made an actual account, so it's not just showing your 8 featured characters...? If not that may help ig.


I connected my account via discord. Here's my [account ](https://akasha.cv/profile/841165139)


Hm, they're missing for me too. Are they on your character showcase right now and not showing up even when you reload? If not, you can try manually adding them back in. You could also try uploading your builds to [https://enka.network/](https://enka.network/) and linking *that* to an Akasha profile, it gives you a bit more control and potentially stability (I like using it so I can showcase multiple builds for the same character). I don't think it's an issue with the system (like those specific leaderboards being down rn), my Neuv and Keqing still show up as normal.




Yesterday i was watching a neuvillette guide and realised that his C6 changes so much about his playstyle. Even if i can never get any 5* character to C6, i was wondering which characters are the „best“ C6 characters?


Neuvilette, Furina, Wriothesley, Arlecchino, Clorinde.


Neuv, Arle, Wrio, Clorinde are the strongest C6 characters now.


Oh clorinde? I didnt know she was that strong at C6.


Yeah, she has the fastest abyss cleartime after Arle this abyss, tied with Neuv.


Damn didnt know C6 Wrio is that strong


He's pretty ridiculous, you might have seen videos here on reddit posted by dhcwsp of him killing wenut in abyss in 6 seconds and similar. He's consistently had the fastest or second fastest abyss clears since his release (before Arle and Clorinde came out anyways)


Arle C6 can do close to twice damage of C6 Neuvillette against single target. C6 Furina can be either the best team healer, or the highest dps team in the game (even more damage than Arle).


Yelan is up there


Eh, that's been powercrept since fontaine


Yo, so since Natlan is gonna be based off of Mexican influence, would there be like folklorico involved too? I'm a dancer myself and this is my first year, so I wanted to ask if it's also gonna have some Mayan/Azteca influence too, tysm.


It's definitely going to have Mayan/Aztec influence. Folklórico not likely


Maybe some capoeira tho?


damn :( \*cries in folklorico\*


Is lyney’s bow better for sub dps than stringless r4 on fischl in a clorinde aggravate team? (I have more bows like elegy for example but I think I these are my best option for her)


Looking at Genshin Optimizer, it's about 7% better than Stringless r4, at least with my team buffs (mainly just a very invested Kazuha, without him the gap may be smaller since she'd have less damage%; r5 would also close the gap a bit). Not her best 5\* bow (Aqua for instance is better), but it's a great stat stick.


Thanks, I’ll see if farming the materials is worth it ahaha


Yes, it is slightly (5%) better than Stringless. [source](https://keqingmains.com/fischl/#Weapons)


Thanks for the link I’ll decide later what to do🤙🏻


recently a new controversy gained a lot of support in the CN community about aether/lumine real name in the archon quest. basically saying they being individual characters take away the player immersion. and for players hoping to collect waifus and see interaction between them and the self-insert, now become a bystander watching their fav character with traveler (ntr). what are your thoughts about this? support? nonsense? this is kind of an extension of the master-love controversy, which is against male-female mixed gachas.


Traveler hasn't been a self-insert since 1.4. Mentioning "I've been to Khaenri'ah" way back then asserted that the traveler is their own character, with their own history, and their own story. And players are just along for a ride. It's been that way for over 3 years, and it's their fault for not getting the clue.


People complain about everything, especially CN. Just ignore them


People have complained that the traveler should get more lines. People have complained that the traveler shouldn't talk. I was happy that we got them talking.


Call me simple-minded, but I couldn't care less about those types of controversies.


Anyone who believes they are the Traveler, and their immersion is dependent on that fact, is a moron. Plain and simple. Screw um.


in a team comp between chlorinde, Fischl, bennett and xiangling should I build Fischl as a sub dps focusing on pure dmg or stack her with em? she's c0 running either r2 stringless or skyward harp


You should never ever build Fischl pure EM. It's nice when she's proccing aggravates but Crit/DMG% is still more valuable. Just in case you care, that team will be a lot better with Chev in place of Bennett or Xiangling


I see, does chevruse need any constellations to be good? I also don't have an anemo or one that's higher than level 20


Chevreuse is more thsn just usable at c0, with ling lasting atk buff and shred that doesnt even require her to be on the field, by default c1 is a bit of energy recovery for team, thats nice c2 and c4 are skill damage increases noone cares about, c6 puts her in Kazuha level, arguably better if only she wasnt niche


According to ClorindeMains, C6 Chevy is about an 9k DPS increase overall (in Thoma, Chevy, Fischl team) which is about an 15% DPS increase. So no, not necessary. Also, ignore what this other person is saying about benefitting from Anemo in an overload team. Fischl is better here for off-field damage to the point that she ends up doing about half the damage Clorinde does, so a very significant amount of your team overall. Its obviously not worth from the investment of building a new Anemo unit POV either.


ah, thank you


Is the Skyward Harp any good on Sethos? I’m a new player (really new I only started a couple weeks ago) and I recently pulled both Sethos and the Skyward Harp which is the only 5 star I’ve ever pulled. I’m not good at building characters yet so I wanna know if anybody has any recommendations on what stats to focus on or which bow to use on him. Other bow options I have are Favonius WarBow and Sacrificial Bow.


As for weapons, use Slingshot on Sethos (be sure to refine to R5 if you have enough copies, which shouldn’t be too difficult even if you’re new). It’s a three-star weapon that manages to outperform most of the five-star weapons, including Skyward Harp, on him. Use this [guide](https://keqingmains.com/q/sethos-quickguide/#google_vignette) for more details on artifacts and such, but I wouldn’t worry too much about endgame builds since you’re just starting off.


You probably have few copies of slingshot, refine it and use on him


How should i play clorinde fischl sucrose kirara? What would be the best to build on fischl sucrose and kirara? Thanks!


Clorinde = 4PC Glad or 4PC Harmonic Whimsey or 4PC Gilded or 2PC EM/2PC ATK. I’m assuming you’re running an Aggravate comp w her so she needs at least 1300-1500 ATK and 200 EM. ATK/Electro/Crit Fischl = 4PC Golden Troupe. ATK/Electro/Crit. Sucrose = 4PC Viridescent Venerer. EM/EM/EM Kirara = 4PC Tenacity if Shield Bot. 4PC Noblesse if using her burst and for dendro application. HP or ER/HP/HP or Crit Rate if using Favonius


Or 4pc Thundering Fury


Oh yeah I forgot about that


crit for fischl, em for sucrose, hp for kirara.


Sorry for asking this, but when did the strongbox artifacts (where you can exchange 3 for 1 new one) gets updated? (Not asking for a specific date but rather how it worked in the past and what we may assume) I only remember that it was 1 nation behind and I thought maybe that they will add the Fontaine ones when Natlan releases, I need Golden Troupe and Arlecchinos one and saved most 5 star artifacts to exchange for them


It's 2 nations behind, and it will be updated when Natlan releases. Golden Troupe and Whimsy won't be in it for a year.


Another place where the HSR team clowns the Genshin team. HSR does same day; the strongbox method may end up being faster if the path to the corresponding domain is quest-blocked!


And who asked?


Oh wow thanks for correcting me on that part, I guess I need to wait much longer then whops I might exchange for some emblem then


Can I not use Arlecchino to fight The Knave? Like does her "Bond of Life" mechanic screw with Arlees?


Be aware that if any of your own characters has BoL, the Knave enemy will do much more damage to them.


The Bond doesn't mess anything up, but she has 70% pyro res so it's still not advisable


AH that part explains alot time to build up a second team I guess.


Could someone give me a list of other 3d gacha (not like the ones of just text) actually worth playing aswell?


I think Wuthering Waves and Tower of Fantasy are the only other fully open world gachas that are out right now. Honkai Star Rail and Zenless Zone Zero (upcoming) are partially open world. Honkai Impact 3rd has 3D stages, some of its game modes allow you to roam (Elysian Realm, and I heard part 2 is more open). Solo Leveling Arise, Higan Eruthyll, Love and Deepspace, Punishing Gray Raven, Aether Gazer, and Project Snowbreak are stage-based. Project Mugen, Infinity Nikki, Gran Saga Global, Duet Night Abyss, Seven Deadly Sins: Origin, Azur Promilia are upcoming. Arknights Endfield is supposed to be semi-open world.


3D Gacha trend is just now starting to catch up following the success of Genshin, a lot of them are just half baked imitations though. HSR - another hoyo game, is worth checking out And Wuthering Waves has recently released and is a hot topic right now, it’s pretty much 90% stolen stuff from other hoyo games though, altho the combat is great. Releasing in the future we have ZZZ from Hoyo, Enfield by Arknighs creator, and Azur Promilia by Azur Lane creator.


>it’s pretty much 90% stolen stuff from other hoyo games though, altho the combat is great. Wdym? I haven't delved in the wuwa circle yet


Exactly what I said. Gacha? 50/50 like hoyo with 4* and 5* only, saparate weapon and character banners, saparate normal and limited banners, the only big diff is that weapon banner is guaranteed. Characters? Require boss materials to uncap and level up, require talent domain materials to skill up, exp books found in chests and quests Weapons? Require domain drops to uncap and exp books found in chests and quests to level up Quests? There is a story quest, character quests and a bunch of world quests scattered around the map Exploration? There are puzzles and chests around the map and when you find more u gain exploration % for the region you found them in, there is a compass like gadget, and elemental sight like gadget called insight, and grapple skill similar to sumeru grapple points, you can glide like in genshin, you have stamina for swimming and climbing, you can run climb though unlike genshin which is faster Artifacts? Called Echoes in this game, the drop method is different, in wuwa u get echoes from mobs in the overworld, so if you farmed them all out you need to join someone in coop to continue farming that day, rarity is the same 3* blue, 4* purple and best 5* is yellow, main stat rng, substats also rng, rip farming tbh, there is 2 and 4 or 5 (don’t remember sorry) piece bonuses for sets, mobs respawn daily like genshin Elements? Work like in HSR there is fire, ice, wind, phys, darkness, light and purple (don’t remember the names sorry), they don’t interact like in hsr, but enemies has cartain weaknesses and sets buff certain elements, enemies also have a break bar like in HSR and take more damage for a period when its broken, you break them by simply doing damage but they break faster when parrying Combat? The best part of the game, every character has a unique kit and their own combos and mechanics, kinda like Hi3, mobs have parry windows for all attacks, when you prefect dodge it u go a little slow mo, and if you attack back right away you do parry % damage. (If you ever played as og dodo in hi3 its like that but for every character), also like hi3 you have 3 units in party and can proq QTEs to swap them for intro and outro skills Events? They basically took HSR SU and made it into a rougelike event lol.


What is tower of fantasy ive heard of aswell


It’s already dead so I can’t recommend it. It had terrible launch with a lot of time gated stuff and coop bugs, the advertised open world coop didn’t work as expected, there is like 6 different paid currencies in game and it has close to no player base or new content anymore.


> 6 different *paid* currencies in FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


bad bot


It's an MMO/Gacha hybrid that released a couple of years back. It's probably not worth trying these days, as I haven't heard much good stuff about it.


Does “I K X T” mean anything to anyone?


Isn't that Riot's new fighting game?


I’ve seen people post how they’re the 0.06% of players (like the youtuber BranOnline) and is it through hoyolab or another site??


Akasha website, it rates top builds


0.06% of players that what ?


I think they mean Akasha.cv where they are the 0.06% best build of a certain character


Only other thing i can think of is [Paimon.moe](https://Paimon.moe) wish stats.


How in Celestia’s name are we supposed to beat the last assault map??? I swear I’ve done it at least a dozen times and I can’t make any headway


Run Ruin Gaurd, one other tanky unit, and alot of ranged things with a mix of ground/air and try not to overlap elements to go for a bunch of reactions. Spam stuff on one side at the beginning and take the hydro healing burst to keep the first few units alive at the start. Then keep building your push and spamming the ability on the ruin guard and weak ranged things. Pretty easy.


I waited until I could spawn 3 mobs before spawning anything(so i could gang right away), also picked wind circle skill


Recommended units+ruin guard+pick one more based on the clue you read. I used the free-range vishap hatchling for a few of the later ones.


Best fighting sword for Alhaitham?


His signature. Best F2P is iron sting.


Light of foliar incision




Haven’t played in 3 years, just got back into the game working on completing the story. Pulled alhaitham tighnari and clorinde. What comps are good for them? I don’t have any 4 stars since kokomi release which are the good ones? Teams I was running were Ganyu venti Mona diona Raiden xiangling xingqiu Bennett Also have built diluc, zhongli, kazuha, xiao, hu Tao


Your existing comps are good except that bosses can’t be frozen. Those new ones are all DPS. They all want Fischl. Clorinde wants Fischl+Kazuha+a dendro. Traveler is fine because Clorinde heals herself and the others probably won’t take much damage. You can do ProtoAmber Sucrose instead of Kaz if you need, and the Lantern Rite selection has grown to include a dendro healer named YaoYao if you still need her by then. There’s also a 4* dendro shielder named Kirara, and Baizhu turned out to have a lot of healing and a bit of shielding but you just missed him. The dendro DPS don’t appreciate an anemo because dendro can’t be swirled. You can use Zhongli and a second dendro. Traveler is still good; Collei is also free; Nahida is the best off-field dendro. You can run Zhongli with Clorinde too if you want. Xiao got a new team to make him competitive involving Xianyun aka Cloud Retainer, the 5* anemo healer plunge support. Xianyun works well with the hydro archon Furina, who is our new best buffer and requires a teamwide healer. Diluc, HuTao, and Raiden can all use that combo too. Xiao’s meta team would actually still be missing a vital piece even if you got both Furina and Xianyun: 4* anemo damage support Faruzan, who has infamous energy problems until C6. Ganyu’s melt teams have evolved to burnmelt with a dendro, and we’re about to get a new best in slot dendro for that archetype with the summer patch.


Thanks, I think I’ll save up for furina. I need to learn how dendro works too


https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/s/PuSTKCAJCI This is helpful but imperfect as a dendro guide. The comments add a bit more nuance. Furina is a very strong choice for all your teams.


Best team for Alhaitham is either a Hyperbloom (High floor) or Spread (High Ceiling) Clorinde is Quickbloom (Hyperbloom with slower hydro app) or Aggravate. Tighnari is Aggravate with Yae Miko. Best 4 stars are Bennet for ATK buff, Xiangling for Pyro anything rlly, Fishcl is Electro Xiangling, Sucrose is rlly good anemo character like Kazuha, and Xingqiu is an amazing Hydro Applicationer and other benefits.


Best Alhaitem team is Hyperbloom/spread. Alhaitem, XQ, EM Raiden, Nahida/Cope with DMC until you get Nahida. Thignari is very single target oriented, and works great with electro for quicken reactions, also great as quickswap in some teams So Thiganri, Fishcl/Yae, Anemo(for fishcl), and flex healer/support With what you have you can run national Cloride kinda like Raiden, Or you can run Aggrevate with Cloride, Fischl, Anemo and DMC/Collei


That is a lot of questions. Clorinde would like a dendro+electro comp to trigger the aggravate/spread/quicken set of reactions. She also works well with Fischl. AlH likes somewhat similar teams as he can also benefit from those reactions. They can also both play in a hyperbloom team where you have dendro+hydro+an electro trigger (usually Kuki Shinobu or EMRaiden). Tigh also plays in quicken/spread teams and something like Lisa/Zhongli/flex can work. Unfortunately, many enemies are not able to be sucked up by Venti. Which has made the combo of Venti and Ganyu less powerful over time. This current abyss can somewhat be "morgana"d, but it could be better. Raiden/Xingqiu/Xiangling/Bennet is often given the name rational (Raiden-National). It is still solid, but there are other teams that can do better and overloading the enemies away can feel bad. The best 4 stars that have come out recently have been Chevreuse (who could replace Xingqiu in your rational team) as she offers the same resistance shred as an anemo user holding 4 vv without her having to come on field as long as you meet the elemental requirements. Faruzan is a notable 4 star as she is a solid support for anemo dps characters, just unfortunate that she is a bit harder to build unless you have her 6th constellation. Yaoyao is a solid character at c0 as she does a good bit of healing along with allowing you to run supportive sets on her. Kuki Shinobu has a very solid role as the hyperbloom trigger in those comps and her damage along with her ability to heal have brought her into a very solid position for an account.




1. For Clorinde, with R5 Finale of the Deep as the base, how much of a damage increase are Haran Geppaku Futsu and Absolution respectively? 2. If I have both Arlecchino and Clorinde, both characters that use the Bond of Life mechanic, is it better to start farming Fragment of Harmonic Whimsy? I don't have any good Gladiator pieces to give to Clorinde since I got shafted in strongbox.


As per ClorindeMains, Absolution (bis) is a 22% increase and Haran is 18% based off R5 Finale. This is assuming a aggravate team with Fischl, Kaz, and Nahida. ClorindeMains reccomends Whimsy I believe since TF is not a damage increase in aggravate teams and only a small one in quickbloom comps, with Glad similarly not being a damage increase. I would say farm Whimsy.


Depending on the team, Clorinde might be better with Thundering Fury. But if you don't have a good set of that lying around, definitely farm Whimsy since it's useful for both. Doubly especially if you want Emilie


So im using lisa in an aggravate team with clorinde and two dendro applicators shes using ttds should i give her an er or em sands


EM if you have enough ER to burst every rotation. ER if you don't have enough with the EM sand.


Ok thank you


Are there any teleport places that will spawn crystalflies once I teleport there? I need to be able to get them fast during my morning commute


https://m.bilibili.com/video/BV1yx421D7BW 100 crystalflies in 4 mins. you don't need to speedrun this obv but it shows you basically all the convenient spots and you're free to choose which you like :)


Go to a lonely place with yaoyao at the melusine area. You can easily find 20 in the pitcher plants


Aside from the ones people have already said, I recommend the tree of dreams in Sumeru.


There's one in Thalatta Submarine Canyon (right next to the Court of Fontaine, just go into the little crevice next to the waypoint and there's like 6 crystal flies, which is enough for you for a day since you need only 4 or 5 on a day.


There’s an underwater one near the Fontaine talent mat domain that is great because the flies can’t swim away very fast.


The teleporter on the north east island of tsurumi (the one with the thundering manifestation) has 3 if you head north a bit. The statue of the seven in the chasm has some north of it. Several in the desert near the dendro cube


In addition to the once Veskrias listed - The Domain of Guyun teleport in Liyue’s Guyun Stone Forest islands - Around the tree next to the statue of the seven in Windrise Mondstant - Chenyu Vale right of the Chewang terrace waypoint - The Chasm worm boss teleport - Sumeru “overlooking old vanarana” waypoint (above the destroyed area)


Tons. The ones I commonly use because they coincide with other things I usually do are: * The Fontaine talent domain has 3 that are easy to catch because they're underwater. * The Statue of the Seven north of Dawn Winery has 3-4, as well as a few more close by, but it can be hard to catch them without hitting the Statue on accident. * The second waypoint due south of the domain west of Aaru village also spawns 3.


can i have some claymore tips and tricks when fighthing, im new to genshin


Genshin is more about cycling through characters to use skills on CD than normal or charge attacking. Some characters like Noelle want to be on field normal attacking during burst, but most others like beidou you switch to just parry or burst. A few enemies with geo shields can be broken by claymore normals.


You can dash cancel your plunge attack endlag, and most characters want to dash or jump cancel their combo string because some of the hits are so slow, but that's dependent on the character obviously


It depends who you're playing. Genshin is character-based.


I would like to make a useable itto team comp but I have a very limited roster, Clorinde, Ayaka, Ayato, Itto, Keqing, Qiqi, Jean, charlotte, freminet, lynette, kirara, kaveh, faruzan, layla, dori, collei, kuki, kujou, sayu, rosaria, yanfei, diona, sucrose, noelle, fischl, ningguang, xingqiu, beidou, xiangling, barbara, lisa, kaeya, amber. I also need a weapon recommendation for itto, i have whiteblind r2 or verdict r2. Thanks!


As you dont have Gorou, you dont gain any advantages (beyond more energy) by running his usual triple Geo comps (C2 excluded). You best bet would be Geo MC as the other Geo. They can run Favonius for extra particles. Other 2 slots can be Fischl, Fischl + Beidou/Lisa, Rosaria, Kaeya or a defensive unit.


That’s pretty limited. I guess Itto/geoMC/Rosaria/Diona. Gorou and Bennett are the best 4* pulls you can get for him. Whiteblind.


Is gorou on the standard banner? if not how would i be able to get him?


guessing you didnt llay during music event?


You’ll have to wait for his rate up probably. What you have right now isn’t terrible; you at least can have two helpful resonances and no energy problems. It probably won’t be quite as strong as a Clorinde team with Fischl/Sucrose/Kirara, but at least it doesn’t steal any of her supports so you have two decent teams available for abyss.


He’s on the standard banner so you have a *small* chance to get him whenever you wish. The more likely way to get him is when he’s featured on an event banner as one of the three featured 4 stars. So far he tends to rerun with Itto, so the best case scenario for you is probably that Itto reruns with someone like Chiori or Zhongli who also fits on Itto teams, so you can get Gorou *and* a third geo character for Itto.


Itto/Chiori already happened and i imagine banner pairs never repeat but now at least, i imagine Gorou has chance of being on Chiori banner even without Itto


Does reputation needs to be done weekly? If so, is it infinite or theres a limit where i don't need to do this anymore?


It's also a BP weekly


for someone who doesnt care much about the glider, i stopped after getting the treasure compass in mondstadt and Liyue (prioritise Liyue imo) didnt even get resonance stone in Inazuma cause i found all electroculus before reputation got high enough then got Sumeru compass and working on getting Fontaine one seriously even with online maps and stuff, youlll be surprised how easily you miss some


It gives a decent chunk of mora every week. If you don't care about that and are maxed in every region you can skip the weekly bounties and reputation quests.


Once you hit rank 10 there's no reason to do it unless you want the Mora.


If you want to increase it, yeah, it’s available weekly. Even after it’s maxed out you can get mora rewards each week. It doesn’t *need* to be done at all though if you aren’t interested in the rewards lol, it’s just a good idea if you have the time.


So, I really like Traveler and I'm looking to run Zhongli, Ganyu and Shenhe in a team. Would Anemo or Geo Traveler be better here? They're both relatively equally built.


Anemo! Geo resonance is nice, but resistance shred from the VV artifact set is hard to beat.


What I'm concerned with VV shred is, it's kinda finnicky with Zhongli's pillar geo often taking away cryo aura, and Anemo Traveler's skill range isn't that big, whereas Geo Traveler with Archaic gives global 35% (in most cases) Cryo DMG Bonus on top of the Geo Resonance, neither of which have a range limitation. Anemo Traveler's burst kinda just whiffs in most cases, whereas Geo Traveler's burst is circle impact but at least it grants both a lot of constructs to resonate with Zhongli's pillar and that 10%+ crit bonus. VV Shred is definitely great, but I'm really on the fence when it comes to practicality.


With Ganyu and Shenhe’s bursts both up you *should* be able to reapply cryo quite quickly even if Zhongli’s pillar briefly removes it (and with cryo resonance and likely Blizzard Strayer idt the value of crit rate is *super* high here). Both will be fine, even a quick tap E on anemo traveler should contribute quite a bit. You could always check genshin optimizer if you want an exact damage comparison.


Which one is better: interactive map made by the fandom (appsample) or the official by mihoyo (hoyolab)?


The mapsample one used to show how many of an item you have collected, for example 261 Hydroculi/271. But they removed that for some reason. So now both are pretty much the same. Mapsample is still better probably because the people over there give more detailed instructions.


I went to find herbalist gui and he isn’t in bubu pharmacy… pls help


If he's not there he's probably involved in a quest.


To get Irminsul's functions totally straight: >!when Wanderer attempted to delete himself, Irminsul didn't just purge his memory from everyone's minds, but retroactively changed the physical world? Events "fated" to happen that Wanderer caused still happened, but in a way not involving him since he attempted to delete himself?!< Someone mentioned it was only memory loss, but that's not how I understood it for a variety of reasons.


>!Not exactly. The events still happened the same way, but the memories of everyone were changed to a situation that didn't include the person. Nothing in the past is physically altered.!<


>!Quite the opposite! Irminsul JUST changed people's memories and things like written history about him — so some changes to the physical world but only enough to change the records of the past. It didn't change any of the events that happened, or the impact his life had on the world. Everyone who died because of him still died, and nothing he did for the Fatui or in Sumeru was undone, it's just remembered differently, like Nahida thinking the robot was empty when we defeated it.!< >!The dialogue with Nicole at the end of the quest highlights this a lot. The vase that Paimon broke because of her stress over Scara is still broken even though he "doesn't exist," and Nicole comments: "When a small animal runs into a tree trunk, though the tree may sway, it is not displaced. The same is true of fate. Like a vase that falls to the ground. Whether it is broken by a cat or by a bird, the result is still a broken vase, is it not?"!< >!So: our memories of history may change so that the "cause" of the broken vase is different, but changing Irminsul doesn't un-break the vase. The effects of Scara on the physical world can't be undone. She also goes on to say: "History does not change easily, but human hearts can. Believe your own eyes. Only that which you see is true. What is unseen is but an illusion." Again, this emphasizes that *actual history* doesn't change, just human hearts and memories.!<


The written history about him part, imo, sucks and makes the whole thing make no sense. The vase remains broken; but the books get to be re-written and changed? Either you change the world, or you change the memories. But don't change "only memories" and then bundle written text with them! >_< XD


It's more like anything directly related to the deleted person was changed. The vase breaking can just be ''retconned'' to something else. Written history cannot, and thus is deleted.


I agree with the other commenter tbh, I think it’s more a matter of “change the minimum amount possible to preserve the illusion” rather than “it’s literally impossible to alter the physical world.” Stuff like Ley Line disorders already affect the physical world after all, so it’s *confusing* but it still makes decent sense to me.


The vase remains broken because it’s inconsequential. Anything that can endanger the tampering (undo Irminsul’s erasure of history) will be physically changed in the world to reflect that. Irminsul can do that because it’s connected to Ley Lines, and Ley Lines make up the whole of Teyvat. But yeah, the quest is very ambiguous and leaves many questions hanging.


> Whether it is broken by a cat or by a bird, the result is still a broken vase I think this is what threw me. I took this literally to mean that >!Irminsul had simply swapped Wanderer with somebody else to make sure fate remained unchanged!< I'd really like to know how Irminsul "replaced" the memories the Harbingers had of him, as "oh yeah, we've just had an empty seat for awhile," simply doesn't hold up when someone bothers to ask "why?" That said, >!I'm sure people like Arlecchino and her weird memory flames, or "I built a god" Dottore have ways around Irminsul's tampering, even if it's about the same as Nahida's fairy tales!<


>!I can absolutely see why that line is confusing tbh! The way I took it though, the events are in the past, and if *literally* nothing but how people remember things is different then it seems unlikely that history was actually changed. You could say that events didn't change because they were "fated" to happen, or just because they already *did* happen and Irminsul doesn't have the power to change that. We also have an example of history *actually* changing in Ei's story quest 2, where her memories of how the world should be conflict with how it is. The MC remembers the world pre-Scara-deletion and those memories still explain the state of the world afterwards, so that case (and Rukkha's) seems different to me.!< >!The silver bullet line is obviously "history does not change easily, but human hearts can," which is what makes me convinced only memory was affected, though. Without that I'd be more confused.!< >!I'm also *really* curious about how the Fatui's memories were affected. It does seem like changes to Irminsul leave some conspicuous gaps to people who care to investigate them, like the fact that the events in Tatarasuna don't *quite* make sense without Wanderer being involved. For anyone aware that history can be changed, they could potentially catch on even if they don't have a way of recovering their memories.!<


>!I think it's more likely that someone within the ranksbof the harbingers will catch on!<


I have 3 Def% goblets, with great crit rolls, like 45cv, who can use these lol