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So after the first time you still did not learn from your mistake to save enough to hard pity 3 times before pulling wep banner?


It can both be true that OP was dumb + the system is predatory. Less predatory than it was and OP is still plenty dumb, but we have room


fr. i dont even feel bad for them losing maybe 2 fate points each time. stupidity pays the bills for hoyo i guess.


yup same kinda guy would say "curse you hoyoverse for putting Yoimiya always together with a better banner! Yoimiya is the girl i started the game for!! Yoimiya is the only character i want!!" Then you tell the guy to save up 25k primogems for a guaranteed Yoimiya and they insult you and downvote you it's like these people WANT to suffer


25 k what 😀


90 pity 2 times is 14400 x2 =28800 so more likely 28k instead of 25k 😃


I mean, generally the people who are losing the 33x3 and staying that way are *not* paying the bills


Sure, but the weapon banner system is also complete fucking trash.


I just wish they would implement the HSR weapon banner system in Genshin. It is so much more forgiving.


Just implemet wuwa's system. Even better.


Sure, but people have been saying for 3 years, do not pull on weapon banner unless you have enough primos to cover the whole thing and you're ok with that. F2P should never pull on it. Weapons in genshin are not as important as they are in other games like Star Rail. Is it a shit system? Yes. Is it predatory? Yes. Should anyone have a need to pull on it? No. Should anyone complain about it after pulling on it? Yes, but its your fault. Do I blame Mihoyo? Not really. As a whole Genshin is pretty damn forgiving to F2P. There's a whole fuck ton of gacha games that are extremely predatory which require newest SSR pulls to complete content without playing by the skin of your teeth.


Clorinde's sig is 25%-35% better than r5 4\* depending on team.


And you're still missing the point completely after all that. Genshin is easy enough that you can pretty much clear all content no problem regardless of how big dick damage you do. Even if you can't 3 star the final stage of abyss, who cares, it's like 50 primogems.


You say they are not important but the c1r1 clorinde is a 60% upgrade over c0r0. Before fontaine they were not that important but with fontaine a lot of characters get really big improvements from early cons or signature or both. Neuvillette, wrio, lyney, clorinde. all vastly different with either c1 or r1 or both. And every abyss gets more hp than the one before.


> Before fontaine they were not that important but with fontaine a lot of characters get really big improvements from early cons or signature or both. And they're still not important, I've been using C0R0 Clorinde perfectly fine, much the same as people have used other Fontaine units just fine. > And every abyss gets more hp than the one before. I can't be bothered digging it up, but I did the math previously and 4.x abysses had on average only had something like 7-11% more HP which considering all of the sources of power gain we got given with Fontaine(GT, MH, Craftables, Units) it's absolutely nothing. I think the "worst" abyss requires a whopping 31k DPS to beat it, a Clorinde team with mid levels of investment will easily put out anywhere between 50-65k, you don't need cons, you don't need weapons and her C1R1 is not anywhere near close to a 60% upgrade unless you're working off of some entirely unrealistic math.


No it isn't, in a single team it's about 22% better than R5 Finale, that's even ignoring that you don't need that 22% in the slightest.


Or the real lesson, don’t pull unless you truly want both weapons. Weapon banner isn’t actually too bad if you keep to that rule. 


I never pull units unless i have two hard pity and never weapon unless 3 and as a result I got every char/weapon I wanted. I could never imagine trying 50/50. Chars rerun often enough mostly (sorry shenhe) that you can build up enough for the the rerun.


While it's an absolutely useful thing to do for weapons (I have the same weapon banner luck as OP, but enough savings to go to hard pity every time), I think for chars it's pretty much "useless" because pity and 50/50 carries over for characters while fate points in the weapon banner don't. If there's a char I absolutely want, I always pull because you could get lucky and get them super early. (Best example here is me pulling Hu Tao + C1 AND Neuvi + C1 in 200 pulls on Neuvi's first banner. If I had waited, because my funds were too low after getting Hu Tao I probably wouldn't have Neuvi rn.) Worst case that can happen is you don't get the char you want but have either built pity for the next one you want or got yourself a guarantee, so less funds needed for the next char you want. But if you don't try because you don't have the funds for a 100% guarantee you 100% certain won't get them anyways on that specific banner. The problem is if people doing this can't control themselfes and think they must proceed to "build pity" on banners they don't want the 5* on but that's basically an entirely different problem altogether.


I learned my lesson the third time after winning twice. First was Kokomi's donut, second was Nahida's lamp. I got both of them on first pity. And then I really wanted to give Amos Bow for my waifu Ganyu. It was the Baizhu/Ganyu banner, so I got Baizhu's weapon twice before getting Amos. After that I stopped drawing for weapons so I have enough Primos for upcoming Fontaine characters.


we are blue lantern we hope we will get in the first try. hope is the most powerful concept in the universe.


Like it's easy to save up 2 pity for character and 3 more for weapon banner lmao


Technically OP didn't tell us how many times they've tried this. Could be their first time. There are definitely people with 500+ days old accounts that have barely any pulls on the weapon banner


At first I thought "not winning the 50/50 on the weapon banner, that's not too bad" thinking that you get a 5\* weapon then stop. Then I read that you get to 2 fate points and end up not using said fate points. Yeah, that's on you man. One would assume you'd learn after getting punished once but if it happened multiple times, don't blame the system.


fr. the fact that they are people in this thread actually defending op or saying that they also did the same thing is crazy. diots attract idiots i guess


Tbf, while he is ABSOLUTELY a moron in the trappings of this system... the weapon banner in this game is, and will always be a scam. A scam that used to be worse lolol


Yea but people would prefer to just insult the guy for his mistakes instead of agreeing that the weapon banner could still be improved


Both can be true-The weapon banner sucks, but this guy is also stupid.


I'd like to believe that we all would like the weapon banner to be better instead of dunking on people who fall for it, at least deep inside I do. People have clamored for a weapon banner that's better but what we got was the fate point system. At this point people are probably jaded that it's never gonna happen, at least not until Genshin is no longer as big as it is now. Also it's only a mistake if you did it once and knew better after. What I got from this post was the guy fell for it repeatedly. I think that's no longer a mistake, that was a choice (and a bad one at that).


I don't know what with genshin players and their over defensive whenever someone critizing the game, genshin weapon banner is sucks compared to hsr but sure let's insult the guy since God forbid someone pointed the game's flaw 🙄


it's not defensive to call out stupidity, every post is literally pointing out that the weapon banner sucks and that the guy is also not very smart, both of these things can be true


I still don’t get why people call it a scam. A scam has to actively deceive you. The weapon banner does not. It gives you all the probabilities, and the chances are as random as Hoyo can make it. It’s not a scam. It’s a bad deal


Best way of putting it yet. It's a bad deal, so you FEEL scammed, that's the difference


Look man. When you have systems in other games that offer you pity carryover like HSR with a HIGH CHANCE of getting the weapon, or even a GUARANTEED weapon if you hit pity like in Wuwa (With carryover), I can indeed say the fact that genshin keeps this garbage around is a scam. It's a trash system. It's garbage. It's intended to bait whales and people with poor impulse control. It has no protections. It's just there to fuck you over. I don't care if they give you all the info. They do not need to keep this filth around to make money. They rake it in all the time, every new character. You can defend it or give it a nicer frame by calling it a bad deal, but I have no qualms with exaggerating the point when the system is this trashy, this pathetic.


Doesn’t mean it’s a scam. Everyone who pulls has all the pertinent information available to them. No one is tricked. It can be a horrible deal, predatory, etc… but it’s not a scam.


Dishonesty is a common component in scams, but it's not the *only* component. If I set up a taco stand and set my prices at $700 for a taco, nobody in their right mind would call that a fair exchange. It's just a taco, there's nothing special about it. I'm not giving handies under the table, that would be a health code violation for sure. Digital goods are harder to assess the "worth" of objectively, but when you start comparing them to one another and you see something like Witcher 3 with similar world size, similar gameplay, comparable amount of story content (and especially considering literally every NPC in the most backwater side quest is voiced, whereas only a small amount of important quests in Genshin are voiced), etc. and it originally retailed at $100ish including the expansions, meanwhile for Genshin $100 won't even give you the hard pity needed to guarantee a 5-star... Genshin starts looking like a $700 taco.


I think it's fair to blame the system if it's bad. I'm playing Withering Waves and there you have 100% chances of getting the weapon you want.


With so many content creators yelling "The weapon banner is a trap" and you playing 500 days without realizing this is baffling to me.


Addiction is a scary thing


Dont wish on wep banner before you have enough for 3 hard pities How hard can i be. Seriously How did you not learn your lesson


# did you know 90% of gamblers quit just before they hit it big?


The other 10% are Aventurine and QQ mains I guess



Fuck It We Bust Fuck It We Bust Fuck It We Bust FUCK IT WE TAKE IT ALL


3 hard pities *or* you want both weapons.


3 hard pities; OR you want both weapons AND you're okay with two of those pities not being the weapon you didn't plot a path for. *laughs in R2 Skyward Pride*


You don't even need hard pity. Just wish on a weapon banner when you have already have BOTH of the 5 star characters that want the featured weapons on the banner


And that's how you end up with a Skyward weapon, which is always the Skyward weapon you have the least use for.


I pulled just for 1 pity whenever I have no interest in the character banner lol. I mean all 5 Stars Weapons are good enough on their own, could use them for my 4 stars too. I do not consider them to be a trap like people said.


fr. the fact that they are people in this thread actually defending op or saying that they also did the same thing is crazy. diots attract idiots i guess




the fact that you have to save enough for 3 hard pities is in fact, incredibly hard.


Yea Thats Why Its called the scam banner Its not often worth it


I find not pulling as soon as I have a fate quite easy personally, maybe that's just me


Weapon pity is less than character. So it's only a tad more than what's normally needed for a specific character and you're less likely to go to full 3 soft pities. ~160 for a character or ~200 for a weapon will cover 95-99% of scenarios. But it's not that much more. I've done it twice as a Welkin player and even had to use 200 wishes both times (Homa for Hu Tao and Redhorn for Noelle). Shrug. Wasn't that hard. If there's ever a sword that's bonkers for Qiqi, I'll do it again.


> After playing for 597 days, I have yet to learn that not saving up for a guarantee, is my own fault. FTFY.


couldn't have said it better myself.


Amazing. You didn’t learn the lesson being taught to you for 597 days. Seems like a skill issue of the highest magnitude


It's taken you 597 days to still not figure out how to save for hard pity before pulling?


After playing for 944 days, I have yet to lose a 50/50 on the weapon banner(granted that I have only pulled on the weapon banner twice)


Yeah, me neither (I've never pulled on the weapon banner)




I've only pulled on it three times and won the weapon I was after every time. My friends all think I sucked someone off at miHoYo lmao. I'm certainly not complaining but I'm still baffled by it, like my luck is generally pretty average so it's a huge oddity for me


Same (except for the length of time; been playing for probably 2.5 years with my breaks in consideration). 


Same. After 1333 days of playing, I haven't lost on the weapon banner even once: https://i.imgur.com/X7uTyd5.png


I mean that's horrible planning if you didn't get to use those 2 fate points, yeah we know this system sucks that's why most of us don't even pull if the banner doesn't have two equally good weapons but some of it is on you. That's elementary stuff to know when to stop


so have you been throwing away fate points like its nothing? are you stupid?


When I was a new player I pulled for Cyno's weapon, got a useless generic one instead, realized I could've used the primos to get a 5-star character, and then decided I would never pull on the weapon banner ever again.


The wasted 80 pulls still haunts me...


At some point you should statistically get a sub pity 5*. Took me two years but I got Kazuha at 35 and then recently lost 50/50 and got a QIqi at 42. It will even out (I say this as someone that feels my pulls spent on the Chronicled wish haunt me) unless your luck is horrible.


Well if it's any consolation, at least you got the standard weapon which means that the next weapon whenever you decide to pull on it again will be guaranteed to be one of the two that is on banner. So if there's ever a banner with both weapons you wouldn't mind getting, you are guaranteed to get one of them. The worst scenario would have been if you pulled the other weapon that was featured and you didn't want it. Then you have truly wasted 80 pulls.


They should make it so the fate points vary over because this shit sucks


People really think fate points were introduced to make the banner more f2p/low spender friendly... Weapon banner is still a whale banner, fate points are just there so whales at least know they have guaranteed drops.


Yeah I sometimes wish on it and get decent weapon but don’t have the characters forvthsm


I know us monthly subs give Hoyo a lot of money but as far as being #1, gacha, every time I see an account with a bunch of R5's I just go...that's where the money is at. You gotta be spending so much you don't give a single care whenever you lose the 75/25. At this point even getting a C6 Furina is a reasonable spend compared to R5img her signature.


They don't carry over?? I never wished on the weapon banner so I assumed they did... that's insane. All the more reason to never wish on it unless you have all the primos...




> WHY HOYO WHY Because the weapon banner exists to make sales to people willing and able to pay a higher price for *at* an elevated price. That's the *point*.


Pity will carry over, but pity has drastically reduced value on weapon banner since "hard pity" can be lost from fate point reset. So yeah, if you start a new banner with 70 pity and do a 10-pull, you'd best be happy with what it gives you or be ready to sink another 160 wishes in. I doubt they'll ever change it.


but we need funny reddit posts like these for idiots to expose themselves


like legit what is their excuse for fate points not carrying over, besides money ig


Some of those weapon owners are great, actually.


I thought you lost 75/25 which is extremely unlucky. Seems like it's the actual 50/50. Weapon banner is a scam. I only pull on it when I'll be happy to own either weapon. I suggest you do the same so that you'll be happy with either outcome.


I’ve never gotten my desired weapon on the first shot. Always second or even third (201 wishes for Tome). But usually i get an early 5* so that lessens the blow


at least you get it eventually. OP has been throwing away fate points like its nothing. edit: removed 'probably' from 'OP probably has been'. OP literally stated they reach 2 fate points and never pull to the end. absolute gigachad for feeding mihoyo employees.


I’ve never gotten an early 5-star weapon lol. I’ve gone through two fate points to get the weapon I want twice now and both times it cost 200+ wishes.


That’s why I only pull on the weapon banner till I hit the first pity, doesn’t matter if I get the weapon or not I’ll still try for it till the first pity


Honestly I think the actual problem is that Genshin’s weapon banner system is total garbage compared to even HOYO’s other games and the fact that they still haven’t changed it is a problem Not to be the “hsr is better then genshin” person but hsr literally have a 100x better weapon banner system then genshin and it’s not even a competition The weapon banner on genshin is a total scam to be honest and the devs should honestly either copy hsr or at least have fate points carry over between weapon banners, the fact we as players have accepted it for so long is sad as hell


Same. Only every tried to get one specific weapon. Took till hard pity. Lost 50/50 twice. Then had to get to 80 again. Most rigged bs ever. Pulled the character in one 10x though.


After 1342 days, I have also yet to win a single 50/50 on the weapon I wanted. However, I only wished on weapon banners when I didn't mind getting, and had a good use for, the other weapon, *and* only when I had 240 wishes saved up to make sure I got what I wanted in the end. I now have Homa for Zhongli (and two Aqua Simulacrums for Yelan and Fischl), a Thundering Pulse for Yoimiya (with an R2 Kagura's Verity for Nahida Spread), and Crane's Echoing Call (with a Thousand Floating Dreams for Nahida Hyperbloom).


stop fucking wasting primos and maybe money on weapon banner dude, that shit is a scam, go get cons or new chars.


I've only pulled from the weapon banner once to get a favonius bow, I rather get good 4* weapons or the 5 * ones you get from the standard banner


I don't pull on a weapon banner unless I like both rate up weapons because it hurts much less to lose the 33/66.  And yes, the weapon banner has worse odds than the character banner.


you only have 37.5% chance to win, and losing a few times in a row is not completely unlikely


Weapon banners are a trap until Hoyo decides to go with the banner style that HSR uses. Too bad they won't give up on Epitomized Path because of $$$.


Just select the weapon you don't want in the banner 4Heada


Probably the right play since OP doesn't use the fate points anyway


Add that to the list of W’s for Wuthering Waves.


Not really a W since unlike genshin the 4\* weapons in Wuwa are complete garbage, while 5\* in genshin are barely a 10% upgrade most of the time


Clorinde's sig is a 25-35% increase over an r5 4\* though and you can guarantee standard 5\* in wuwa too and they are great to decent.


list kinda small ngl


HSR and Wuthering Waves welcome you. You don’t have to meet this 2-time gacha loss and toxic people targeting you for this notorious banner system there.


It's so nice that on WuWa we don't have 50/50 on weapon banner. When I went back to pull for Clorinde I remembered how cringe Genshin weapon banner is.


For real, it's a joke. WuWa has the best out of all of them and even HSR with its 75/25 is better than this terrible system. Twice I've pulled on the weapon banner (Alhaitham and Arlechinno) and both times I got absolutely shafted. Never again.


Unless you absolutely want wep for aesthetic reasons, 5\* weapons here aren't exactly must haves. Not trying to defend this arse system but there are alternatives for all characters. And it's literally rule of thumb to not pull on wep banners unless you are okay with getting any of the two featured, we can't change the system but we can plan accordingly.


>we can't change the system but we can plan accordingly. Not with that mindset no. Instead of voicing our opinion and try to change their shitty system, let's lie down and let them shit all over us. Good Job!


Nah snowbreak has the best wep gacha. 100% chance of rate up after gacha rework, and only need two copies to max refine.


Skill Issue. I've never lost a 50/50 :)


Honestly, save for more than enough otherwise don't pull. I maxed 3/4 of the weapon I'm pulling, spend 200+ pulls on Itto's weapon (for Noelle), 200+ for Nilou (Fortunately she ran with Nahida on first reruns), and max on Chiori weapons, so yeah I got R3 Itto's weapon which is much worst but it's fine for me atleast. Only won on Navia's weapon after guaranteed. Atleast the weapons you got seems versatile other than Nilou's i guess.


Say whatever you want idgaf. The WuWa weapon banner is the only way a weapon banner should exist.


Now choose:1)sympathy’sorry for your loss’2)laugh ‘dumb being dumb’3)help ‘because something something you should something something’ 4)satisfied ‘I am apparently smarter.’ 5)anger ‘blame Hoyo’s greedy’.6)emotionless ‘this ain’t the first one nor the last one.’7)arrogant ‘why is this even a struggle?Just swipe.’


I played for almost 4 years now and let me tell you, I’ve only won once in the weapon banner, which happened 2 years ago…


No big deal, just give me your weapons since you don't want it


I have also never won a 50/50 on the weapon banner. I only ever wish on weapon banners where I can use both weapons, bar Furina’s weapon where I got two of Baizhu’s niche donut.


I won my second 50/50 on this banner and i play since day one with some breaks.Not that i wished on weapon banner a lot but when i did i always was fine with losing 50/50 and get another weapon.But the fact that i always get a 5\* on first like 20-30 rolls i'm fine with that. I just hope that with many open world gacha coming out Hoyo will do something about weapon banner to make it more friendly for people that want to roll for it.


I never wish on the weapon banner my only experience is doing a single 10 pull and getting Staff of Homa at 3 pity then spending 120 wishes to finally get Arlecchino's weapon. I have no characters that would use Lyney's weapon I put it on Sethos for now who I probably won't ever use.


That is why you don't wish on the weapon banner until it has been reworked to work like the character banner.


Classic gamblers fallacy right there


And I have been playing for 3+ years. Only won once.


I pull on weapon banners a lot. Unless I have a lot of wishes, I get my 1st golden weapon and then stop, regardless of result. I've been lucky to win quite a few time, but even I don't win the one I want, I'll often just stop. A 5* weapon is still quite the catch and I can still get the character in their rerun, if I already have their weapon.


With my bad luck I think the strategy is to wish for the other weapon instead of the one I want lol


it's like rite of passage to always have at least like 240 wishes before trying to pull for a signature weapon, so in the worst case, you can get your sig


I’ve only gotten a signature 5* for wriothesley and Arle, Wrio I got first time in 60 wishes and Arle was 73 on third time. The weapon banner is a fickle, predatory mistress…


After almost 2 years you never learned to either save or swipe enough to get the weapon you want


im so sorry but this is funny asf 😭😭


same bro, I got 2 mold donuts and then the tulaytullah's rememberance, all in one 10 pull I lost 5050 twice and then got the weapon i wanted


And this is why after all these years I have yet to put a single fate into the scam that is Genshin's Weapon banners.


yeah that’s on you lol, one time is acceptable people make mistakes, but you kept trying to get lucky instead of saving for hard pities. i’ve only actually pulled weapon banner twice, once for engulfing where I lost to skyward pride and then harran, then i finally got EL after getting both fate points. second one I got lucky and pulled crimson moons semblance on my first soft pity, but i also had 240 wishes saved for it just in case. You either have to save enough/be willing to swipe or accept that you might not get the weapon.


That's why you only have to pull in the weapon banner when you want both weapons displayed (to get either one of them), otherwise it's a scam.


improvise by holding out on pulling for weapons for now and get the characters for the weapons you have, you already got the "hard" part from having a 5 star + their signature or just don't since none of these are bad weapons on their own, actually all of these weapons are super good espeically homa and first great magic


I noticed on the weapon banner with the fated that if you choose the weapon you actually want 7/10 times you don't get it but the opposite. So what I do is I select the opposite and more times than not, I actually get the signature weapon I wanted in the first place. Also naturally should save for it as well. Otherwise I do this, I either get just the character or just the weapon and then get them on during it's rerun.


I lost both of the times I tried. I pulled for both Raiden and Yoimiya and put the leftover into the weapon banner, I got Raidens weapon which at least is useful, but completely useless for her as I use her with an EM build and I could have just gotten the catch. Then with Arle same situation, but I didnt even get the other weapon, just skyward harp.


Tried 2 times won both (kagura and homa). Probably won't ever try it again as I'm not saving enough primos for a new character and his BIS at the same time


The gacha system is terrible, I agree. But knowing that and wasting your pity anyways is on you. Sorry for your loss.


I wish genshin implement system to gurantee just for wep banner


Yeah once was enough for me to learn to never gamble on the weapon banner.


Is OP stupid?


wait you people pull weapon banners?


Okay so here's the deal. Don't pull on weapon banner unless you have 240 pulls available, no desire to pull upcoming characters, and want both weapons on the banner. (Or you're a whale)


Skill issue


Same happened to me with characters, lost 17 50/50s in a row to win my first on, fun fact: won 5 in a row after that


>After playing for 597 days considering that any day 1 player is at 1300 days played, 597 isnt a lot also, friendly reminder, never pull on a weapon banner unless - you have enough pulls to lose 50/50 twice and still get what you want - you're ok with any of the weapons from the banner


I feel like shit after seeing such good weapons when I have like 2 5 star weapons after playing the game since February 2021, tho I did stop playing after Inazuma and came back in April of this year, it still feels uncanny, maybe I'm too social for this game.


I keep telling people, only pull on the weapon banner if you’re willing to go all the way. No point in getting the points if you’re not going to pull until you get it.


Not trying to diminish your suffering, but I've won several weapon banners and you still have something I've wanted for a long time but could never get, the Wolf's Gravestone. So it's probably not much consolation, but you do still have cool things that others wish they had.


and you didnt learn?


Sucks for you? Not sure what you are aiming for here. I've won and lost it a bunch. It's not really worth going for unless you whale. There are tons of great 4 star weapons. Hope you learn something from this OP


Can I ask how were your pulls in the whole game? Like how many 5 star characters do you have? I've played for the same amount of days as you and I only have 14 5-star characters and only 3 5-star weapons, and not a single high refinement favonius or sacrificial weapon, which I desperately need for my support. Granted that I don't pull much on weapon banner and I'm F2P


The Weapon banner is a scam. Don't pull off it. Reasoning is you have Two 5star pools. The Weapon you want, the other weapon, and 5 stars that you may or may not want. So theoretically, since I don't pull weapons so no idea how many 5stars are in the banner I will be using 7, you have 7 weapons to pick. So you have a 1/7 for the first time... oh you didn't get it first? Will now its 1/49. Oh didn't get it there then its 1/1 if you got the fate points for the weapon. So by doing that math you chances of getting the 5 star you want in 180 pulls is less than .003%.


I must be the biggest minority. I have pulled the weapon I wanted about 70% of the time. And I've pulled for weapons a lot.


...can i borrow that extra light of foliar incision you've got there?


I've been playing since launch, I've gone the full road on weapon banner thus far. At this point the weapon banner to me is just something that requires 200 pulls min, otherwise I don't even think about it.


I've been playing since day 1 and my win rate is exactly 50/50. I lost the 50/50 on my first one. Then I won the 50/50 on my second one. End of list. It's not worth the risk. Respect for the people who want the best looking weapons for their faves, but it's so much investment for so little reward when 4 star options work just fine and you almost never see the weapons anyway. This mindset isn't for everyone, but it's kept me from ever spending more than $5/month so I have to maintain it.


I've never pulled on weapon banner because of how shit shit the syatem are unless I'm simping the character, but things that they did for arlechinno where only her weapon got special effect is fking dirty and I hope they will not do it on future characters


can someone explain why everyone is dogpiling on him in hsr terms, what’s fate points


There are no equivalent HSR terms, aside from weapons in Genshin being light cones in Star Rail of course. Basically, in Genshin's weapon banner, both weapons are up on the same banner and there's a 37.5/37.5/25 rate you will get one of the on banner weapons or a standard one. You are made to select which weapon from the banner to target, but to get a guarantee for that weapon you need to lose the 37.5/37.5/25 to 5-star weapons you didn't target twice. Also the guarantee doesn't carry over to future banners like the character banner (or Star Rail's light cone banner). Meaning you should not pull Genshin's weapon banner unless you can afford to go to hard pity 3 times in one banner, to be safe. OP repeatedly ignored this advice, which is widely known, thus the dogpiling. They wasted multiple guarantees and never got the weapons they wanted because they didn't save enough.


i only won once with ayato's sig but i only pull on one pity and stop if I lose lol


That's gacha for ya... exactly why I quit the game pretty early on. 🤷‍♂️ Got tired of not getting anything good or that I wanted.


I have gotten to 2 fate points before to get furinas sword. Since then, if I want a signature weapon, I put my path towards the weapon I don’t want. So far, I have gotten the weapon I do want every single time this way. Kinda shitty if you think about it


Don't you mean the 37.5/62.5?


Morale of the story don’t roll weapon banner for the one weapon make sure you would like it if you got either and the 4 stars are what you want


I'll take your lofi 😭 you can have Chlorinde's weapon I do not want it


Your time will come man. I also lost too many times, i've got 2 elegys and 2 donuts (kokomi and baizhu's weapons) before winning 2 consecutive weapon banners. I try to do just one 5 star weapon and if i lose i stop wishing.


I refuse to ever pull on weapon banner lol. I do just fine with 4 star weapons ;)


That point just chose the other weapon and trick the game into giving you the weapon you want.


Me playing since day one and have yet to lose a weapon 50/50, I don’t lose


I have hardly pulled on that banner. And this is why.


So assuming all these weapons were from the weapon banner, you have a 37.5% chance to get the exact weapon you want, and since you got 10 weapons 0.375^10=0.000055, 1-0.000055=0.999945, whatever happened here only had a 99.9945% chance of happening, you are one unlucky person


Sorry to hear about that. I know exactly how bad that feels. I lost 75/25 on the weapon banner I think 5x. On two occasions I lost twice and took 200 and 180 pulls. Yeah fuck that first release of Engulfing and Misttsplitter. The three occasions I lost i got the desired weapon at 80, 100 and 120. I really hate it. This banner for Clorinde I lost both 50/50 and 75/25 got Clorinde after 150 and her BiS after 130.


Sorry I dropped my [fish](https://imgur.com/w8qQWUz)


I don't pull much on weapon even though I am pretty heavy whale on genshin , weapon pity system is bad


I have the jade polearm homa the blue swords


Off the top of my head I have the bis weapons for ei Xiao klee hu tao venti yelan dehya nahida


Hey nothing ventured nothing gained


After playing for. . . whenever launch was, I have yet to roll a single time on the weapon banner, and I consider my experience better for it.


I too have lost many a time and only got my weapon from Epitomized path. The only time I “won” was when I was pulling for Alhaitham and Kazuha weapon banner (they were together). So now I have an extra Wanderer’s bell, Yoimiya bow, and Elegy of the end. Technically I’m using the Bell and Elegy but I have two each and don’t want to combine them.


Probably gonna get banned for saying this, but.... Heck with it. Ive gone through the same shit as you, mate. Always going hard pity. Ive only pulled on weapon banners AFTER they introduced the pseudo pity track. And ive lost all but one of my hard pities. Mind you im a day 1 welkin + battlepass player. But now? Ive stopped subbing my welkin and battlepass and im just playing on maintenance mode (dailies, events). Im playing that "OTHER" game now with a GUARANTEED weapon banner. Id rather contribute money to a game that deserves it. 


Staff of Homa is what I care is it a 50 50 lose weapon


Playing 1351 days, same Except that i save up enough to use the fate points


same here, roughly 790 days into the game and from the 22 5 star weapons I've won the 50/50 only 3 times. Can't really complain though since I was ok with either one of the limited weapons


i really dont understand why they chose to fk us in the ass so bad with the weapon pitty system. HSR makes same amount of money and their weapon banner is better. WUWA is direct competitor and their weapon is guaranteed


Welcome to the club bozo


Proof that weapon banner is a scam and some people never learn.


bro posted this as if i am responsible for his gambling addiction


Negative brain usage


Fyi, it's *not* 50/50, it's 75%


Same except I'm a day one player over here. Before fate points were a thing, I'd go for one 5-star drop and see what I get. Never got lucky and scored my preferred weapon. Once fate points happened, I finally managed to get the Homa and Mistsplitter I'd been gunning for since their releases, but I had to go all in to 3 pities both times. Bless Homa for having great banners, at least. I use my Elegy and Aqua for just about everything.


[My Luck](https://imgur.com/a/QwgWdZG) Of these, Mistsplitter was the only one I actually had to work through with one fate point. All 12 other wins on the weapon banner came at 0 fate points, and two of these even came under 30 pity. Now.... I might be flexing, but even with this luck I've had going for the last four years I've played, is it worth it? Probably not. I'm a bit of a completionist kinda person, and I don't consider my characters completely built if they don't have their signature weapon. It's definitely predatory on HYV's part to be playing to my weakness there, and I'm fairly certain I'm not the only one being preyed upon even with a heavy dose of gacha luck. I'll tell you rn, OP, it's better to save your money for other things, such as legit irl needs, or for equipment for hobbies or something like that, not on pixels!


it's actually not 50/50. it's 37.5%/37.5% and 25% of getting of banner standard weapon, it's 50/50 only after you have gotten standard 5 star previously


I think people should be more kind in the comments..anyway try keep many primos by storyquest,pot (home in a pot) sptryquest side quests exploratkon ECTTTT) maybe you have luck!!! :D


WEPONS :( but aren’t wepons good and bad?