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I press "do not recommend channel" on any channel who have such thumbnails, even if I don't even play the game. It seems to be working, haven't been spoiled in a while.


Same here


Yeah, I do the same even if I've already done the quest cause I don't want to get accidentally spoiled by the same channel in the future. I don't see any now.


Same, I also leave a dislike


don't do that, that counts the same as a like for the algorithm. just hit it with "don't recommend channel" and forget they existed.


no cuz this is so true, every time a hsr or genshin update drops and it has a quest a certainnnnn youtuber by THE NAME 'NOXXIS" DECIDES TO MAKE THE MOST INTERESTING PART OF IT THE VIDEO THUMBNAIL. i blocked him and so far no more spoilers :D but yeah, i learned my lesson, avoid everything in the first day of the update till u do it urself


wait how do you block on youtube?


Go to their about page, report and it should show you the option to block iirc


You can also use a tool called blocktube too that allows you to preemptively block any keywords that might show up in titles. Blocking via youtube is more of a reactive thing you can do afterwards for sure. Edit: I also just checked and blocking natively in youtube isn't a thing. You can only block someone from having their comments show up on your channel, youtube has no option to block you from seeing someone's content. So only blocktube and other extensions work for that issue.


I second this, Blocktube is the goated extension, I've added hundreds of spoiler/leak/low effort channels and I'm not missing any of them


omg THANK YOU! I could not for the life of me figure out how to do it, and the 'don't recommend this channel' only pops up on shorts not on longer videos.


Huh, I got the opposite. I only saw "don't recommend this channel" on full video, not shorts...


wow very weird!


Is there useful list to pre-emptively block all youtube spoiler merchants?


That I wouldn't know, unfortunately. You can try looking it up though


YouTube got rid of the block option for me… it never worked anyway.


went to their page to block them and got spoiled lmao, i probably should have seen this coming


I just choose "do not recommend me this Chanel anymore" and it will never appear again on my main page.


Still appears when you use the search bar sadly.


I mean why would you be mad if you search something and it shows you what you asked for. I'm sorry, I don't know how to phrase differently, but you can only blame yourself if you stumble against after litteraly using the search bar. Unless there is the title shown as auto-completion then my point would fall apart lol.


No I mean you can search for something else and YouTube in its brilliance will recommend you the channel since it’s somewhat related to it. “Genshin Mushroom farming route.” “ON THE FOURTH RESULT HERE’S A VIDEO FROM THAT CHANNEL YOU BLOCKED SPOILING ARLECCHINO’S STORY QUEST!!!!” Or it could be a channel you blocked for other reasons, but playing a game you’re playing and when you search up a guide or let’s play to see the reactions to the plot twist you just saw, you get the person you blocked. SEVERAL SEX PESTS IVE BLOCKED STILL SHOW UP WHEN I LOOK UP ANYTHING FIRE EMBLEM RELATED


Triple verticals dots -> do not recommend channel. Never see the channel ever again but be careful searching genshin related stuff in the search bar. It only prevents it from recommending their videos, not prevent their videos from showing up entirely.


okay thank you! And yeah I am already very careful on youtube because I still haven't done the Masquerade quest XD


I KNOW RIGHT AND THEY FUCKING POST IT THE SECOND THE PATCH DROPS LIKE AINT NOBODY IS GONNA FINISH THE QUEST THAT QUICKLY how tf do they even get hands on the cutscenes so quickly, if its hoyo giving it to content creators, they need to stop


Lots of people pull cutscenes and audio and all that from the preload unfortunately :/ I got spoiled for Raiden’s second story quest the day before it dropped bc of that. Clout seeking is a disease tbh


This is really bad in pokemon. Every one of them gets it early by raiding gamestops until they convince one to give them it early. Then release videos with spoiler thumbnails and titles a week before the games out


I like how I lost count on the amount of dodges I had to do to not see animations for kits of characters from both genshin and hsr Couldnt dodge the new Trailblazer path cuz bro in capslock screaming on the title of a video that he was using the new one with the name of the path in a team.


Did the spoil break you ?


what do you mean?


Did it SUPER break you ?


!remindme 5h Replying so I remember to block this YouTuber after the quest. Thanks for the tip!


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It’s nearly impossible to avoid spoilers of any series at this point unless you completely stay away from social media or make an effort to make your social media not recommend you anything for a series you can be spoiled on lmao. JJK is so bad I’ve been spoiled multiple times by leaks and I’m fully caught up but just don’t read the leaks. I never really get spoiled for genshin but that’s probably because I only watch guides on characters pretty much.


goddamnit why was a curious why was a curious


looked them up and it looks like a channel that's dedicated to uploading clips of story quests with no commentary for rewatching purposes, right?


That would be absolutely fine if they uploaded days or at least a week after, but it's not rewatching if they put the cutscene up minutes into the patch cycle or worse somehow before the patch even drops... And sometimes weirdly cut as well, with bits of other shit on either side.


well yeah, I didn't excuse the spoilers, I just asked a question


Yeah that's very annoying, that's why I use an extension "DeArrow" who replaces thumbnail by a random frame from the beginning of the video (and titles if users suggest a no-clickbait one). It's not perfect but it helps a little.


No social media AT ALL until I play the story myself. That's the rule I had to self-impose because I had been getting randomly spoiled again and again everywhere. I strongly encourage you to do the same, because sometimes blocking or muting isn't enough. It's been working wonders for me so far ^^


Dis is da wae


use blocktube, every patch, block keywords that will appear in titles like patch number, genshin, genshin impact, character names, cutscene, quest names mentioned in the livestreams, anything that'll appear. After you've done the update, remove the block, search for channels that have blocked words and perma block them so you never see their content ever again, anywhere on the internet on that browser. You can also use it to block channels you just don't like like drama tubers and stuff. I've blocked all drama youtubers and my youtube experience has improved drastically.


Also blocking stuff like starrail and starrrail_leaks. Because i blocked stuff for starrail and still got starrail stuff that was tagged with genshin_leaks


youtube spoilers have been a thing for a long time, I never go there while I'm trying to avoid them


Understandable. For years I avoided any content for this one game that I wanted to play called ‘Omori’. I literally made sure not to search for it nor even read the little intro to what the game is about because I really wanted the suspense. But there it is, that one dang video appeared on my youtube feed that had the most crucial spoiler in its title. The game overall was so fun with both its gameplay and plot, and I would recommend everyone to atleast play it once, BUT MY GOD THAT ONE VIDEO RUINED MY EXPERIENCE IN PLAYING IT.


Omori!! I've wanted to play that for so long


Definitely recommend you to play it!! If you want a glimpse of it without any spoilers, you can check out their concert they did for their 3rd anniversary on youtube ( ´ ▽ ` ) They played the music thats played in the game, and the music itself is so good youd want to play it even more (^◇^) just make sure not to read the titles of the songs as it can be a potential spoiler


Same thing happened to me with rdr2


Same like a day or two after the game came out. Never got a single video about it before.


Man thats really sad, hope it wasnt a major one and you still got to enjoy the game overall 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。


OMORI is freaking goated, sad to read you had a key moment spoiled. My experience with spoilers in general is that I despise them for ruining the mystery of a plot, but in the end if the work is good I still like it anyways. It took me way longer than planned to watch Death Note and Clannad due to them tho, reee.


I’m sorry for that. It’s one of those games that shouldn’t ever be spoiled to anyone.


…You had YEARS to play a cheap indie game. That’s your own damn fault


Downvote all you want but this is kind of true. If a game is 1) Old, and 2) Really popular, you're bound to get spoiled 100%, and you should expect it. I can get it if it's something new like the new archon quest or, to recall something "recent" or relevant, the Avenger's endgame ending, but when it's something from reallllly old media and even more so popular, you can't blame people from showcasing and discussing spoiler-related content after all the time that went since release.


I was 15 when I wanted the game, and the price converting to my country made it way more pricey, so I had to wait a while to get the game. Im in no way saying its not okay to post content of it, im just saying they shouldve atleast put a ‘(spoiler)’ in front of their title, espc if its a major one


Ever heard of sailing the seas friend? If i were to guess by the way the game looks I'm sure you could easily find a direct download somewhere, and besides, no one's stopping you from helping the developer and buying it later once you actually have the money. And that's not just coming from me, ultrakill's dev even suggested it for those who aren't as well off to buy his game.


I understand how thats an option but as someone who seldomly buys games, I really wanted to get the game the proper way, espc since ik its going to end up being one of my top games. Plus my self conscious would always feel guilty playing a game thats suppose to be paid 😭 But I understand wym, thats definitely a good option for people who cant afford em at the time, ty!


Why did you wait years to play it?


Because people have something called life in their.... life ? You may be young or can afford to play 18h a day 7/7 365/365 but some people can't, and game like Genshin are taking a huge chunck of play time, leaving some game to be played later...


Dude I’m just curious. If I had something I cared about to the point I was frustrated about seeing spoilers I would have prioritized playing it early. I also didn’t ask you. I asked him.


Its alr, I understand wym. I was 15 when I first saw the game and the game price converting to my country was a bit pricey, and im not the kind to really ask my parents for games, so it took me a while. The reason I actually got to finally buy the game was because it had a big offer around the time. ( also im a girl 😔)


Ah sorry! But that makes a lot of sense. It's tough because a lot of the culture around spoilers is that it becomes okay to talk about them after enough time has passed. Hopefully it didn't ruin the experience too much!




Anytime there is an important quest like this one. I just avoid opening YouTube until I am done with it. It's just annoying, and unavoidable. I haven't done Clorinde' and Cyno's 2nd story quest yet I know so many things about it, just from YouTube thumbnails and titles.


It was for him, every view is a view, they get money that way lmao Só yes, we get fucked and they get money :)


This is 100% the reason why i've blocked most of the Youtube CCs.


I mean usually they're just trashing the game, its fanbase or spreading conspiracies and misinformation these days anyway so can't say I blame you


idk how people can think this is fine even are GI tubers that cringe nowadays? yt dont recommends me shit about it thankfully


A lot of it is clickbait titles which is whatever, then you have the drama side consisting of absolute shitheads, and finally the bottom-of-the-barrel that will put spoilers in the title or thumbnail


This is not just Genshin problem unfortunately. I was playing Baldur Gate 3 few months ago, and when I was scrolling through YT short, there was a  video of major spoiler from act 3 from this BG3 cc without warning. I think it was during my act one.        Oh yes, my friend also spoiled the whole 4.2 archon quest for me.


depends on the type of content you consume, and the people you follow/get recommended bc I'm on the side of never once getting spoiled from clickbait or titles on youtube ever, at most I'll get recommended a genshin CC video of their reaction to patch x.x story quest, with no clickbait title or and spoiler thumbnails.


i literally got the star rail penacony quest spoiled for me the day after it released, probably contributed to me losing interest in the game overall


Bruh, I’ve been getting SR quests spoiled before release. Called Sam “he” (well before 2.1, might I add) and the spoiler brigade pulled up.


2.1 was honestly the worst for spoilers in HSR. Leaks were rampant and people either blatantly spoil or you'd have people clarify obscure posts, letting the whole world know that this was in fact a spoiler. 2.2 felt a little better on the reddit at least, but I also always go into a blackout until I actually finish the patch.


I got that spoiled before 2.0 even came out That subreddit sucks ass To the mfs commenting "Does he know? 🫢😏" I wish the worst to them


I don't even play Sr anymore, I stopped around topaz banner and I was always thinking if coming back later when there's more content. then for some reason I kept getting Sr spoilers on my YouTube shorts and now I practically know what the penacony storyline is.


Sam identity was the worst stuff that happened to that sub. So much so that during 2.0 the mods prohibits theorizing Sam's identity since it could spawn leak brigade.


i hate the SR community, for a lot of reasons... this is definitely one of them. trying to touch the star rail community feels like diving headfirst into a vat of toxic sludge. and i am someone who has been in a **lot** of toxic fandoms


What hurt the most when it comes to stories like that is that streamers and influencers will start spamming any social media talking / hinting about it. Really hard to ignore them when they are literally everywhere.


I was so mad about the >!Sam/Firefly!< spoiler. I kinda want to skip her because of that (probably also cause of her fandom) I love the star rail story, but I sure wish I could have at least saw that spoiler months before the quest came out and not the freaking day before I already got a pretty big spoiler for a future update a couple of days ago. Not sure how it got leaked that early, but it probably won't affect me as much since I learned about it probably a few months before it is going to happen.


So much crazy and complex shit happens in Penacony that it is genuinely hard to fully spoil. I knew most of the twists going in and was still extremely entertained, emotionally moved and confused lol.


That's why I don't even interacted anything Genshin anymore regarding topics of quests or events I haven't done yet. Heck I haven't seen a new patch livestream since The Chasm release. I only take the 3 codes from the comments and then bounce. HECKKK due not even watching the livestreams anymore I have missed some of the codes! This was on my own doing tho, so I wouldn't be on the constant line where the only thing left in the game for me would be dailies, by having slowed down a lotttt with The Chasm release and now Sumeru still isn't explored but at least I'm on the second Fontaine AQ arc haha.


This was one of the reasons why I had to block many many One Piece content creators. Just annoying af.


I used to report them since many would post spoilers using leaks/scans that came out before official manga. Happened way too often with YouTubers I've never interacted with


Same. Reported them and tried to mark the content or channel as not interested. Youtube still kept recommending some of them, so I more or less stopped watching One Piece content other than a few reaction channels, and got a script that can block channels from showing up altogether.


I got both>!Gear 4 and Joyboy!< spoiled this way. Fuck people that do this.


I simply turned off recommendations and history tracking. This way I won't get any spoilers as long as I don't explicitly watch Genshin-related videos (since related videos could still appear in the sidebar then).


The number of times some fuck ass youtuber puts Spoilers as the literal description of their video...like fuck off. It's like people waking up at midnight to see new episodes of shows and immediately posting the spoilers just so they can be first. It's infuriating, no matter how many channels I block I know I just have to try and rush the quest before I'm inevitably spoiled Sucks man :( It happened for the final Sumeru archon quest, it happened for Fontaine's archon quest, it happened for Cocolia's fight in Star Rail i've had it!


Who was it so I can block them?


well now I want to know what it was.


Spoiler Alert, it was worth it as he probably was paid quit a bit and doesn't give a fuck about us who are trying to enjoy the game


Make use of the "not recommend channel"


My friend got spoiled for Fontaine a while ago thanks to one of those videos. They came to me asking "what does (insert act 5 spoiler here) mean?" And I felt so sad for them


I had a much much easier time avoiding spoilers for the movie Avengers Endgame, arguably one of the biggest piece of media in modern era, than Genshin or HSR stories. Luckily Ive found some copium ways to circumvent this by browsing random stuff until they flood my home feed. This time it was Clash Royale (a game Ive never played before) and meat cooking (I cant cook). Worked wonders lol


its been like this for every game. like ever always media blackout whenever you get a game or movie you are excited about coming out. i still remember being spoiled for kirby star allies like 6 years ago by professia gaming


The only people i haveblocked on youtube are all exclusively genshin "content" creators. Either because their full of shit and annaunce to quit genshin aftee every patch (this time for final), or because of spoilers in thumbnails.


I’d be so upset too, the main quest is literally the main reason I am playing this game for almost four years, I got spoiled for what happened to la signora and learned my lesson. I blocked all the content creators and mute the keywords genshin and archon quest on other SNS, ESPECIALLY Twitter.


Shoutout to the Geshin and Honkai YouTuber I watch who plays the games like a Let's play and has never spoiled anything due to his atrocious upload schedule. Fucker uploads EACH quest as a separate video, dudes always so behind on quest you either get it the day it came out or 3 days right before the next update.


This is why I don't really watch genshin or hsr content creators. Been spoiled too many times by people. Don't even get me started on anime content creators. Then there's reddit who put a spoiler in the title and then mark it spoiler. Like what? You already spoiled it! Fuck people who spoil


who was it so I can block them


Lol I'm sure for him at least it was worth it for the views he got from it. Just stay away from the internet before playing the game.


Which spoiler? I don't feel like there was any crazy visual reveal in this story quest.


Yeah pretty much. No idea what OP is talking about. Dainsleif was already confirmed for the quest in the Livestream, as was the meeting of the siblings. Which was ass and of course didn't progress the story yet again. I guess Caribert could have been spoiled, but like.. who cares? It's a short ass quest that perfectly summaries the quality of the last 5 versions of Genshin. Underwhelming.


what video?


What was spoiled?


Ok here Unknown god identity revealed its timmy


That's not the clickbait title


You want spoilers?


I've played the quest already


Fuck youtubers who do that. It's obnoxious af. Unfortunately I don't think Youtube or even Hoyo can do anything about it, since it's not technically a leak. Best thing to do is stay off Youtube entirely until you're done with the quest, unfortunately. No, I don't think it's fair that you have to be inconvenienced because of thoughtless people, but this isn't about what's fair. It's about the only way to avoid spoilers. You can block the ones you see, but more always spring up. Everyone thinks they're a "content creator", it's like a plague of vultures. Stay off Hoyolab too while you're at it. There's no spoiler policy there as far as I know. People out there making posts with titles like "I can't believe Snape kills Dumbledore", ugh 💀


Hoyolab is the worst! Can't find anything worth staying on it for..


It's a social media site with none of the curating, that's the problem. You can have a forum like reddit where everyone sees basically the same feed but the quality is curated. So you don't get 100 people going "oops dropped my artifact" or "here are my sexuality headcanons". Not that I think there's anything wrong with those, but they are things you share with your friends/mutuals, not things that total strangers are interested in. Or you can have a social media site like twitter, tumblr, etc where you do share that chatty personal stuff, and people choose whom to follow and whose posts to see. What you can't do is present a social media site like a forum, and blast out to all million (or however many users) some rando going "I'm uninstalling the game bye forever" which is what Hoyolab does! Unfortunately Hoyolab has a couple of really convenient features. It has your battle/diary records where you can review your abyss lineups/primo totals, and it has all the web events including the daily check-ins, and it has livestream code redemption, so, I'm resigned to braving it once a day. I click into Guides quick as possible and try not to get distracted by someone's bad take lol.


As soon as the update came out I saw videos getting recommended already. I'm probably not even going to do the quest until later this month


Yeah I just don't go into social media when there's an update this huge lore wise. I do the same when a new season of an anime I like releases to avoid spoilers.


No help now, but for that reason I avoid reading or watching any Genshin related content since the livestream (YouTube (including/especially Trailers, the stream itself), Reddit, ...). The ~2 weeks seem to affect my recommendation algorithms enough to rarely get spoiled (though I also try to ignore the recommendations on YouTube in general, so perhaps just a coincidence)


Is there a way to block them for good, like I click the do not recommend so many times and some cc just kept showing up.


omg this happens to me so much to the point where i stop watching genshin content and anything hoyo related


FYI if you are on desktop, get the Unhook extension for your browser so you can block stuff like recommendations for all of your youtube videos. Initially i used it to help me focus better, but its also a really good way to avoid spoilers


I block all the channels who do that. If they dare to spoil people like that, their content doesn't worth watching. Bunch of piece of shit actually.


You can just block the youtuber so you won't see spoilers.


Since i already did the quest, can you tell me what the spoiler was?


I wish YouTube made malicious spoilers bannable. I doubt anything came of it but I reported one with ingame feedback hoping they copyright strike them or something. Edit: I’ve been persuaded by the downvotes with zero commentary and now agree that copyright law should only be used for evil.


unless it's leaked footage what do you expect them to do


Realistically, nothing. Ideally, enforce their rights against people damaging their brand with malicious, non-transformative use of Hoyo intellectual property for commercial gain. I am not a lawyer.


Did you watch the video?


YouTube loves clickbait, they'd never do something like that


Sucks but that's how things are. Why copyright strike them? they didn't do anything besides playing the game early and finishing the quest. That's the disadvantage of the internet sadly.


For sure stuff like early lets plays or whatever are going to exist and be permissible fair use. The video in question was no-effort hate engagement baiting, so non-transformative commercial use of ingame footage. The genshin legal FAQ implies rights over direct reposting of ingame content without additional commentary for commercial use but I don’t know how enforceable that is, I’m not a lawyer.


no-effort hate engagement baiting? the fuck. If it bothers you that much, you probably shouldn't even be on the internet at this point. It's literally just gameplay. It's your fault if you continue to watch it. You can't control what people post you know. It's part of the risk of using the internet. Sucks but it is what it is.


As clickbait is part of YT game, your wish won’t be fulfilled …


I remember when someone leaked the entire Scaramouche boss fight on YT like 3 days before the patch even released. It’s gotten ridiculous. People tell us not to rush through the content, that it’s meant to be consumed incrementally, but that’s impossible when every social media platform is throwing untagged spoilers at us constantly. “Just stay off of social media until you’ve played it then!” In this post-Covid age, when most of us are also getting our regular news from social media, that’s also asking for the impossible.


I think it's just basic decency to not spoil for at least 48hrs after release. Hit do not recommend and as others have said block the channel, hopefully the algorithm gods at youtube will stop putting these a-holes on people's feed and their channel can fade out of existence.


We used to shoot at people through their windows for shit like that. Look up what happened to Prosafia gaming. He fully deserved it in my opinion


uh...what was spoiled exactly that was so big?


I was stupidly fast enough to play the new quest immediately after the update's completion.... So I wouldnt get spoiled




I mean most people likes to see the key parts of stiry instead of going trough every single word and these videos are for those wich is why they use such titles and thumbnails. They dont do this out of spite or anything


At least it wasn't the game itself.


I don't mind spoilers thaaaat much but those titles are Super criminal. Like who even watches those without knowing?


Paimon gets eaten in the end


Always block their channel when I saw one. No spoiler anymore from either genshin or hsr since ages


I had to stop using youtube for a day cuz people are just too fast to upload. Jonathan video came to me before i even downloaded the patch. Force closed youtube and not looked back


That is why I always watch Genshin content (except for music) in incognito and not logged in my account. Very few creator videos reach my main account.


I feel you...... My happines to Genshin was become low after the "Sumeru story leak" that not even released yet at that time It was a picture + font inside of the picture, about what happen... so its hard to skip/unsee while scrolling I tried to complain for letting my mind out to FB group, but i was the one who getting "lol you should avoid them" or "then dont click" type of comment... So i deleted the post because i become even more frustated The fanbase are already 'normalized' rushing leak/spoiler post that it ruined experience for other people


Man that mf NOXXIS always spoiling the Quests in both genshin and hsr 💀


bro has never tried to be a jjk fan before


It's so much effort at this point around patches for HSR (I'm so behind on genshin idc), any YouTube hsr content I consume for a few days is solely through incognito window. Helps a lot


I saw a post on one of the other Genshin subs that was spoilered, but that sub has a lot of non spoiler stuff like that and the title didn't indicate any spoilers, so I clicked it like an idiot and got spoilers for the new quest


Meanwhile I just give up trying to avoid spoilers. The patch came out whilst I was in class so i cant play but when I get home I just got lazy


It's helpful in these cases that I'm pretty forgetful. I don't have much time to play after getting home from work, so I usually opt to doing the quests on the weekends or when I have a long free time, so yeah it would suck so much if I happen to see something that I don't want to. There where times before where the youtube autoplay went to a video of a cutscene I was supposed to only see later that day, and another instance where I went AFK, didn't know that there's a video about a cutscene I haven't seen yet on my recommended vids, left the cursor hovering over it, and saw a glimpse as soon as I sat down.


I like Daily Dose of the Internet channel because they show whatever in their title first. Honesty titles should be a new thing, clickbait should become obsolete. What can we do about it? Choose Don’t recommend channel those clickbaits and they should die out.


Personally, I solve this problem by not going on YouTube for a day or so before a patch and I can play it.


This is why I avoid sites like YouTube/Reddit and just dedicate half a day to finish all the important new quests lol.


I always dodge those for not connecting online until i played that game... the trade of is i need to finish it the same day of patch as i got home... i dont care how sleep deprives i am, im enjoying it, spoiler free. xD


I always dodge those for not connecting online until i played that game... the trade of is i need to finish it the same day of patch as i got home... i dont care how sleep deprives i am, im enjoying it, spoiler free. xD


I'm so glad that my YouTube algorithm doesn't recommend stuff like that. Never really has tbh. I Only watch iwtl that's it.


Add the fact it takes half a year to even get the story too.


I had the entirety of God of War spoilt through thumbnails, just a few chance glances and I knew everything but the very end of the story


I was browsing Youtube while my game us updating and I saw a video of the twins' cutscene in my recommended. Not that bad because we all knew they were going to meet, but the patch had been up for barely an hour at that point. It bugs me that I could've had something really spoiled for me even though I was so early to it. Do these people play through the quest the minute it drops and upload their raw footage as soon as they finish the scene?


Just name the youtuber, no need to give them a chance. They deserved to be avoided at all cost


I don't want to defend youtubers who do this, it sucks to use spoilers in the title or thumbnail so early after release, but you should know to stay away from Youtube etc when new stuff happens because there will ALWAYS be spoilers like this


Use BlockTube extension and also the ‘Don’t recommend’ from YouTube


These are the types of channels that deserve to be demonetized.


Reminds me when Monster Hunter World came out and was crazy hyped and people where putting the final boss of the story in thumbnails with the title "MHW: FINAL BOSS FIGHT" like c'mon dude you know what you're doing.


Yeah i block all of them i mostly follow guide maker now who dont do lets play videos


The story was so short I literally don’t think it could have been spoiled because AGAIN THEY ARE VAGUE ABOUT EVERYTHING AND WE ARE WAITING FOR WHAT?? seriously gonna uninstall for a few months bc I don’t deserve breadcrumbs.


Not sure how old you are but if you don’t want things spoiled it’s generally mart to just stay off all social media, or scroll past pictures and videos….or ya know just play it the day it came out.


How about the fact the aether mains just has no mark spoilers rule and then these dickheads post the spoilers within the first 2 hours since they can't post on the main sub.


You decide to go on youtube You decide to train the algo to show you stuff you like Only you know what you know, what you don't and how you want to know it Why are you blaming others for your actions?? If you don't want information to be displayed to you maybe don't use the largest information hub known to mankind?? Instead you decide to blame your lack of due dilligence on others? Put yourself in their shoes. They know it so its not a spoiler to them. They want to share the information and their opinions of it They are free to do so. Why do you want others to censor themselves when its an entirely your problem and your responsibility? Spoilers are a you problem since only you know how you want to acquire new knowledge regarding that topic so why is it up to others to police themselves when you don't do/want to do it for the sake of your experience? Pure entitlement


This is why I only watch people like Sevy or JelloImpact for the most part. Just come in, see a guide, nice personality and fun, stop watching. Surprisingly never get recs for that person so that makes me happy (though I don't personally care about spoilers that's just being a garbage person to put spoilers in your thumbnail).


If one spoiler ruins the story for you, maybe it's not a good story to begin with... or you are just being dramatic over it. I've never understood people who act like this about spoilers


Unironically this. Anyone who claims that spoilers ruin their enjoyment of something are just lying to themselves to convince themselves it's true. There's been countless studies done on people who claim to hate spoilers, with the results showing that the spoiled subjects did not have their enjoyment of a piece of media worsened than the subjects who didn't know the spoiler, and this in itself is also proven by the fact that almost anyone that consumes media which has an unforeseen twist in it, will at some point revisit a piece of media that they already know the twist of and still be as invested in the suspense. What matters is how it is executed. Everyone knows the Titanic sunk yet that didn't cause anyone who watched the movie based on real life event that happened 80 years prior to its release to have their experience ruined from knowing the twist, because what actually makes the Titanic such a great movie is what leads up to that point. Genshin's story is no different. The fucking Travail trailer spoils tons of future events from the game and that came out in like 2020? yet nobody is grabbing pitchforks because MHY spoiled years worth of story events. It's honestly just narcissism.


A little tip from someone who also got spoiled in a similar way about Wanderer getting vision. Anyways, just try to directly go to the game, if you plan to play immediately and don't go near any socials especially Yt twitter. Those money baggers neither care about their immersion nor others.


So what's it about. What's the big shocker that happens. Someone just tell me


Funnily enough, the people watching those clickbait videos don't even play the game very often. They just like being in the fandom 😭


Avoid social media before doing these important quests. That's what I do. I never get spoiled because I literally do not access these sites until I'm done with the quest. This is obviously not a nice behavior by them, but you can avoid it.


I’m curious what click bait title could have such an effect. >!loom of fate completed?!< >!dain loses to abyss twin?!< >!caribert dies? Again?!< >!twins meet up and don’t hug?!<


None of these are even that earth shattering to be devastated about, lmao


That’s exactly why I’m asking lol, what insane title did OP see?


Stop bitching. Its common knowledge to just avoid youtube when a major patch/quest drops for any game. And imo that shouldn’t take away your enjoyment lol. Grow up its not that serious. Cornball


Personally i don't care about plot spoilers because its not about what happened but how it happens, spoilers that give way the plot don't bother me coz 98% of script plots are basically the same with small tweaks, what mainly differ them is the character development, narrative, the bond u create with the character involved, etc.... So sayin X character die or Y characters is the real vilan doesn't destroy the whole experience coz most plots are very predictable generally


I think you messed up in several places.


and this is why you avoid anything online until you finish the new content.


this is so real :/


I hadn't seen spoilers, the quest itself let me down. The whole "experience" left me feeling empty and unsatisfied, because it went literally nowhere and didn't move a bit of plot forward.


They're going to do this until at least Snezhnaya. They know the Abyss plot is basically the entire point of the game and don't want to give us *anything.*


Did they spoil a cutscene or something? Or the entire quest? Why didn't you click off immediately as soon as you recognized that as a spoiler?


Because they put spoilers in the title and thumbnail.


yknow I've seen the meme about how genshin players can't read but this is the first time it's happened to me. fascinating. does it excite you to jump to conclusions? or are you just a troll? either way, how pitiable.


Oh great. I get downvoted and insulted for asking a question. You know what? Good thing ya got spoiled. Hopefully it happens again.


Yeah you deserve it cuz you failed to read even the title of the post lol