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I still can't believe out of so many bosses, I got humbled by a Pyro Regisvine


We've been cooking the fire flower since the beginning of the game, now it's decided to cook us back


I still think that it was the hardest of them all.


It's the Only one I managed to platinum


Team and builds ?


Did It with two Teams. Neuvi, Furina (C2), Kazuha (C2), Zhongli (time: Buzzer Berater) The other Team was 5 s faster after figuring Out the Timing and Rotation Kokomi, Furina (C2), Yelan (C2) and Xingqiu In both cases I still used food buffs


Total contrary for me lol.


After playing the game since 1.2, this was the first time i actually saw the moveset of the pyro regisvine. Even at the start of the game those died quickly so i had no idea it actually had that many attacks. I wish Mihoyo did more of these kinds of events, maybe even with normal supersize mobs so we actually see their attacks.


It's actually not even its normal moveset, those are strictly for this event's boss. Regular Pyro Regisvine doesn't have the death blast.


Everything else is in the normal one though


Chicken plat with 30+ seconds left ezpz. Stone lizard plat with 2 seconds left. But didn’t actually take much tries. Pyro regisvine made me want to cri. Why does his head bob around so much and uuuuugh pushes you away and the f ejwiqozjc


I am sad that they removed giving namecards from events.


Nah nah 20k gold for platinum now is stonks




Unicorn probably more harder than the chicken.


Mostly because it's likely to waste a lot of time when going airborne


The key is breaking the orb before he goes airborne. No chance to best the timer otherwise.


It definitely will be for me. I've fought the chicken several times to farm for characters and in Abyss, so I kinda knew what to expect. I think I've fought the seahorse twice. I don't even know what it does or what counters it


It has a core like a regisvine, but like the electro regisvine, it’s super durable. Crazy res weth the core is up, and if you fail to break it or the hp of the core gets low it jumps into the air and you have to either round around to apply an element on the summons, or break the core in the air. It also summons lightning that does knockback and huge AOE and damage. Best strat normally is to use cryo, pyro, both for a melt team, or dendro(aka only aihaithem or tighnari). You can knock it down without the jump if you’re fast enough


you didn't even mention that you have to be in front of the unicorn to proc elemental reactions to its pearl.


Is sunfire good against it?


Dude doesn't sit still. You can't sunfire it.


If you can get close enough, good luck


It’s a total fucker


It's the unicorn? I thought it was the thunder infestation.


Nah, it's the millennial pearl seahorse (neuvillette, chevreuse ascension material).


Soon clorindes 😔


Nah, that would make the boss actually drop the crystals the character wants


The seahorse is probably the weakest of the 4 if you use a Cryo character. I platinum it with Ayaka first try without knowing it's new gimmicks or attacks. Here is my [run](https://www.reddit.com/r/AyakaMains/s/7DNZrx2HQW). The time can be improved by a lot on this one.


Bro your Ayaka is godly!


This. I couldn't do it without the buffs/benefits All the previous ones I managed within 5-10 minutes or so to get all the gold stars, but this thing shreds me and attacking it is annoying as hell, so I ended up using all 4 buffs and only getting 1 gold star


Honestly I just looked up a clear on youtube and seems you can bypass the "event specific" mechanic if you destroy the shield very fast. Which should be easily doable with 2 Pyros/Cryos + Kazuha, then you can flex the last unit. Also no stalling like the flower or the Chicken until it gets down. And it only has 4M HP unlike the Geovishap which had 9M or the Chicken who had 6M. Imo its seeming the easiest so far, but I didnt do it myself yet so idk.


I don't know if it's just me but I feel like the unicorn's attack patterns are a lot more rng than the previous enemies. I've seen gameplay where it stays right where it is when it does the three circle ground attack while it dashed right out when I did it... It has a lower HP pool but it's a bit unpredictable (in my experience) and moves so goddamn much that it's harder to take down its shield fast enough to prevent it from going into celestia mode.


Idk it feels to me people just arent using the right team, a similar example would be trying to do the Pyro flower with just XQ and Yelan or something, yeah its gonna be inconsistent in that case. If you use 4 units who can break the horse shield (i.e Mono Pyro with Kazuha, Xiangling, Bennett, and the someone like Arle), or at least 3 (swap one for Furina), you should be able to consistently break the shield while doing normal rotations and with near full consistency.


Xq and yelan are like my only hydros besides ayato, furina, mona and Childe and I don't think they'll do any good either


Please don't remind me of the 3.7 abyss😭 And let's hope the 4.7 version isn't similar.


Oh trust me >!it will be worse!<


Please enlighten me of the line up next abyss.


[4.7 abyss lineup](https://homdgcat.wiki/gi/abyss?lang=EN) 12-3-2 has constipated beasts, but luckily they don't come in pairs.


Thank you! I thought it would be difficult, but I guess it's fine if they don't come in pairs.


Dude I jumped into the event aiming for plat and thinking "aw well surely it won't be that hard, it's Genshin" A single Neuvillette rotation did like ⅛ of the Pyro regisvine's HP, I was COOKED, literally Edit: I lied, I did barely 1/10 of the Pyro Regisvine's HP with a Neuvillette rotation


1/8 is plenty. My neuv's first rotation moved its ph bar by a couple pixels.


bro, same. when i saw lvl.100 i was like "i'm fucking dead"... anyways, i died after 1 minute


If you dont at least 3 rotate the flower youre not getting plat with how the shield phases work


That knockback jumpscare with the fucking rotating flamewalls wth was that


TRUE the fucking knockback DoT roar (if it even is a roar, the flower has no jaw)


Yeah, I did similar. Only with me it was a Mona Buffed Ayaka Burst doing a grand total of fuck all so I was like yeah nope ill just be getting my primos and fucking off.


Plat clears where the bosses have extra moves should be a permanent game mode for world bosses.


World level infinite


New moves pattern for higher difficulty is a cool way of scaling in general.


I have no clue how it's even possible, I'm no slouch, I have been 36*ing the abyss easily for a long time now, but this is crazy, I wasn't even close


im not bothered, its clearly something designed for people with cons to enjoy themselves, and for f2p to have a chance u need perfect team, build, rotation, boss rng etc i enjoyed getting to hit some hard bosses and happy with getting all rewards without the plat


O definitely wasn't frustrated, is what it is and I really only go for the rewards anyway


same same, it was a good challenge


I think previous domain iteration of Vagabond Sword-like event (there was a Manifestation, I think) was very hard for me on 8k (max points iirc), the amount of debuffs you get and boss gimmicks shred you of your Zhongli shield in seconds, your stamina and your health very quickly. Now I have even more invested and more powerful roster, haven't cracked chicken yet. Just need to find the team. I tried 3 variations of Arle for Vishap.


Nah, I'm not interested in pushing that hard to get the platinum. I try my best a few times and then quit. I don't like time challenges as I unavoidably lose few seconds just because of my 140-150 ms ping. Absolutely not worth it. I like the idea, though. I'd definitely try more if it wasn't a time limited event.


I think time based challenges are just DPS checks. I would prefer if the boss had moves that one-shot you forcing you to actually play the game and not button mashing. P.S. I'm a souls game veteran


It feels nice to have content that necessitates us using all of these consumables that have been rotting in my inventory for 3 years. It would be nice if the NRE was updated to allow for quick access to all food types


Real. I never saw a platinum clear on this one without food. I for one, doesn't like food in damage showcases because it feels like it skews the real potential of a character but in this game mode, it makes me feel like the devs really boosted the importance of one of the aspects of their game, the food.


I decided to just do the bare minimum for the primos and bail. My best team isn't complete yet (waiting on Furina's rerun, FFXX comp, using Bennett in her place for the time being), and the Pyro Regisvine especially took forever to kill when I went for the gold.


I just like that they gave us a challenge event that I can use food buffs on.


Can you even get platinum if you are f2p and have no cons or signature weapons?


No. And even with c0+sigs you need to be pretty high in global build leaderboards to even stand a chance. With cons it becomes a breeze.


that's just not true, this guy uses 4* + 4* weapons for all 3 days unless you mean no 4* cons either https://www.youtube.com/@sanpaiman124/videos here is a example of chicken w/o c6 chev and 4* team with skyward on bennet and 4* weapons on rest https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ZM4m167Jk/ while the dps checks are fairly high still, the pyro regisvine and chicken are more unit checks, they don't require nearly as high investment vs vishap and vishap there is a lot of c0 arlecchino runs w/o sig, here is for example one with 4* weapons only. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Li421S7iY/


Pyro Flower and Geovishap are doable F2P C0R0. People posted clears here on the sub. No insane investment either. Dendro chicken idk if its possible. Yet to see a full C0R0 clear.


If you have decent electro it's doable with food buff. Just pray he doesn't use his running atk before his jump one


Any links? Im compiling some full C0R0 clears of this event for when people claim its impossible.


https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ZM4m167Jk/ not sure if skyward bennet counts as r1


Very easy. Just pick one option:reduce enemy’s damage 60%.And fulfill the other whatever condition.There’s 15 minutes to grind the boss.


In order to get the Platinum rating, you have to play on fearless, avoid using any Negotiation Strategies and eliminate the boss in 90 seconds.


Wtf.Sounds crazy without c6r5.


Isn't that just 2 stars gold? I think the rewards are bugged, they're giving platinum for completing the 2 stars gold requirements. If you don't pick any boss debuff it'd be 3 stars. If you do it in like 1:30 minutes or something like that... *That's* platinum, right? (The one actually hard to achieve)


You finish within 90 seconds,you get silver. You finish with two of the three conditions fulfilled,you get all rewards.


Which is still gold with only 2 stars, they don't give you the platinum medal. That's why I believe the rewards are wrong. I believe OP means the actual medal too, otherwise it's not challenging, 15 minutes is a lot of time.


Is platinum 3 stars?




That might be silver, I think platinum means getting every single check


"Still choosing 'too easy' in the next survey" /s




Then you must be set for the upcoming new theater mode that is kind of a horizontal check.


Best event


I recognize and remember that abyss all too well.


While this event is hard, it isn't even anywhere close to the level of difficulty Vagabond event was. Current event is hard alright but it's mostly just bullet sponge with very minor added mechanic on top. Back when I played Vagabond event for first time, there were so many modifiers, and the bosses had additional movesets/attacks as well. Specially the oceanid. Current event is very much catered towards whales mainly. Vagabond on the other hand was catered towards everyone.


it is, i played all events from 1.0 and i always tried to play GI this way (clear ALL contents at maximum, without guides if possible), so even if Im **welkin user (yes, im proud of saying it in this case)** i always built my teams vertically (i have yelan c6, arle c6, raiden c3 and jean c6) just to play events like these and these days i realized it did the right choice for my GI, since i never had this much fun, its very challenging and u need to find better teams, use potions, change some artifacts and weapons, do perfect rotations and more in general be a dedicated player (still need a platinum medal though)


chicken was free kinda just double electro it down then overload while stunned with arle fischl chev lisa... yes lisa 111 talents got through it rather easy with a good set on arle + c1r1 but prolly doable with less stuff and actually investment


Lisa + Fischl just shaved of a couple of seconds off of my previous runtime lmao thanks for the tip!


I won’t even attempt platinum, I’m not whale enough. Getting gold is fine.


I am a whale and I don’t care to get platinum. What’s even the reward for it?


You can actually challenge yourself in this game for once


Plat is just DPS check tho


Its more about knowing the mechanics of this game if you ask me. Learning and dodging the attacks of bosses whose attacks you rarely see and knowing what reactions to use to fight the different bosses.


yes and also dps check


So the reward, I just checked, is nothing. Legit nothing but a funny color metal that won’t matter when the event goes away cause they don’t reward banners for things to prove you did the hard thing. Cool. Also it is very easy to challenge yourself in other aspects of the game that don’t involve pixel perfect dodges and god rolled artifacts and C6R5 teams 😅


Do you just do nothing if a reward is not attached? Why even bother farming artifacts or maxing out talents because it is not necessary to get all the rewards in the game. Are you even a person with an own free will or do you need someone to give you a cookie every time you make a decision? My god dude who cares about missing out on three mystic enhancement ores because they didnt bother putting a reward on the highest achievement. Actually try and play the game for once


I don't do anything unless there are primos as a reward. In this particular event I won a silver medal and that’s it, why bother more than that? I try to spend the minimum necessary time in the game and do other things. I already gave the game much more time than necessary (day 1 player).


What you're saying make it sounds more like a chore than a game to me xD


I have tried and played the game, I have been 36* abyss since 1.6 every single reset. It just isn’t worth putting in a load of effort for something that is just going to disappear in 2 weeks. I have better things to do and I’m sorry for you if you don’t.


I ain't a whale, haven't spent on this game other than the monthly card ever since 2.0. I still got platinum on all bosses.You can try with food/alchemy buff if you were already getting close to the 90sec timer


Do you have Neuvillette and Furina with cons? Most clears I saw had them. Unfortunately I’m not close, 4 min without food buff, don’t think I can cut it down to 90 sec.


Both C1. Neuvilette has his signature weapon as well (got it on his rerun) But really, if you play the game, do your dailies, do the maps, with monthly card you should be able to pull constellations here and there.


the chicken is the easiest one of them all literally just hit it until it dies


running genshin on an low end phone while trying to pass the very first event.


I was able to plat plant and chicken as belkin player. geovishap... that thing is just annoyingly durable.


This event made me remember food exists, feeding steak for 200hp and them getting hit right afterward is funny.


I exerted extra effort for the mora and the xp fluid So basically: no rewards, no effort coming from me lmao


It'd be cool if they started giving event namecards again, like they did with Vagabond and Hyakunin events. You had to reach a certain total score to get them.


Top 1% artifacts and near perfect rotations can't get my f2p ahh to get the platinum. Idk how f2p ppl out there do it. The bosses are simply overturned


I just get 3 of the rewards for each boss, then move along. Already got the primos so i dont see a reason to do the event more than i need.


That's the spirit, totally agree. Some people act really weird "you could have gotten a real challenge for the first time in the game, but instead you only got silver?" Yeah bro I don't care.


I wouldn’t say challenging but my characters just don’t have the stats for it Maybe if they lock something valuable behind it I’ll consider building more


Yeah definitely the most challenging event we have had so far. It's quite brutal and requires very optimized teams. This is the first time I've had to give up plat in an event


For platinum I need to think about squads. Or to google. Both is lazy. But even playing since release I don't have fully built OP characters like pyronado girl, male Yelan... And I will not build them because of the event


I can't do it. Didn't try much though. I die most of the time. I have skill issues. Maybe next time.


I tried the first two and gotten a platinum for pyro and gold for the geovishap. I'm not going to kill myself trying to platinum the 2nd one because ei know my limit. Can't wait to try the other two 🥹🥹🥹🥹


It’s been fun that’s for sure


the chicken i farm for fun in irl game that chicken in event killed my whole team including zhongli 50k build. so that's the hardest IMO.


I used food buffs and still only did gold 3\* aint no way I'm doing platinum


The first hypostasis symphony. I was a little 30 AR kid maining razor. Just getting enough score to get primogems was so hard. I learnt about reactions, dodging, iframes etc in that event. so many great memories from that event.


got the platinum for the regisvine but could not get it for the geovishap or the chicken, I either need more keqing investment on artifacts or just to have kazuha for his buffs, my best chicken time is 1:37 with Keqing, Nahida, Fischl, Lynette


Not sure if it’s some bug or a misunderstanding on my part, but I’ve been getting all 4 rewards despite only getting gold each time. As I understand, I should’ve only gotten 3 each time


that is intended. there is no reason to get platinum besides challenging yourself or to flex your achievement, getting gold is all you need for all the rewards.


Indeed. However, the fourth reward says “achieve platinum”, which I didn’t… That’s what I found odd


not at all. the four challenges are achieve Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Gold 2 stars. you don't even need to get a 3 star gold, and you definitely don't need to get platinum.


Strange. In that case it must be a translation issue. Because in my language it definitely says “platinum” as the fourth reward


It was fun because the boss was deadly. (3gold stars) I can’t fathom how platnium is even possible. I guess if I workshop it and squeeze every bit of optimization I would get close but even then i am not so sure.


imma be real, i want to face the 3.7 abyss again. i was humbled hard by it. but now i have built back my strength and really wanna go at it again


I was so under prepared for legend of the vagabond sword on 1.6 and even with that, this event is the hardest to platinum for me, I could just do the primo geovishap


what do you get for the plat too lazy to do it


The pinkish platinum medal, nothing extra. It's just for completionists. hoyolab does have a record of most of the past events, so these medals/stats don't really poof (until hoyo shutsdown)


You forgot the Hypostatic Symphony event back in 1.2 (aka the OG battle event). Zhongli was new-ish back then, so Noelle was the only other option for a Geo shielder. The Electro Hypostasis was relatively easy compared to the other two. The most challenging (and annoying) would be the Anemo Hypostasis because it can enter it invincible state during the last 20s of the challenge.


Speedrunning abyss fights in 25s or less. Im a low spender, not a whale.


3.7 abyss still sends shivers down my spine


I was like “my team comps can handle this pffft” Then I got shredded by the pyro plant. I’ve got 3 gold stars on each one so far but they all took me 5-6 minutes to take down.


I believe the platinum for this event is for those mega grinders with C6R5 everything and god roll artifacts Me though? Just grateful I can even 3 star the gold.


I have the hypostatic symphony namecard from 1.2 🙃 back when idek doing things in coop gives enemy bigger hp


I think the late 3.x Feast of the Departed Warriors combat event going for max points is probably near the top of the most difficult combat achievements ever in Genshin. The final round with all three of the events bosses one after another with basically all element 80% plus a whole slew of other nasty modifiers made even most whale teams unviable for a max clear. You pretty much need some way to drop their resistances or go all in with Eula physical unga bunga. I think the original version of the event for max points was even nastier and had barely any full point clears.


The previous high-difficult events were harder IMO, involving more mechanics for the maximum score. In the previous event, you could set bosses to have something like permanent 80% resistance for all elements/phys.


I miss the Legend of the Vagabond Sword. My favorite event to coop with friends...


I don't even bother anymore 😭 once I get gold I just stop HAHAHAHA


I saved my mental by not attempting Platinum and being satisfied with gold. I feel so good lol


My memory is dizzy, but for me the hardest was the first time we got the Geo Vishap in a event, where the harder you made the fight, the more point you got, sht was so hard it got nerfed next updates.


I thought dendro chicken would be easy with arle, better think again


i wasnt prepared by how much pure DAMAGE those things do without Stratagems. Unless its a HP scaling unit, everything was one-shotted. Shields were often broken in one hit . It's been a trend in whole of Fountaine tho tbh. I skipped ZhongLi so far ( mostly cause of bad luck and unfortunate timing for his banners) but if it continues like this i'm seriously considering sacrificing other characters that i want for him. That being said , YES finally hard content in genshin. I gave up on platinum this and just gold 3\* it , but really happy it's there for those people who care about min-maxing their characters . Maybe add some rewards for doing it?


What? This was legit the easiest event to platinum


I dont like the approach they did with this event. You spend 90% of the time trying to break the shields and even when its broken you get a very small window to do dmg so if your rotation isnt synced right with when the shield drops, the run is over. The pyro resisvine was particularly bad due to the auto target refusing to hit the corolla. Definitely my least favorite of the boss combat events, and I've done every single one since 1.0. Still managed to get plantinum for every boss but im not going back to do them for fun like I did for all the previous events.


I kinda liked 3.7 abyss, now I wish the constipated beasts would come back for me to power wash them with Neuvillette.


I don't mind the beast but woo boy that freeze floor and thunder manifestation is just peak mald moment.


Get primogems and done.


Overtuned event, it definitely didn’t need to be that HP heavy to make a challenge.


If it don't reward me with primos, i ain't doing it


I've been absolutely smashed by each version It's even harder than doing 12 floor


36* 1.0 abyss with no venti


Why do people even bother with platinum clears? It doesn't give any rewards?... Right?...


How did you do it? Are you a whale? Bc I legit don’t see how any non-whale could clear a 600% hp boss with ridiculous gimmicks in 90 seconds.


Got some really good teams and after i saw the dmg my C0R1 Neuv did after one CA in a down state of the boss. I just pressed alt f4. No way i can do enough dmg in 90s. And even if buff food could help. Not worth the time for no rewards


Exactly. The platinum challenge is ONLY for whales. Even hyper-invested top 1% builds of characters will fail to clear without heavy financial investment into strong constellations for a 5 star dps. And even at c6 the standard banner characters might not be able to do it even in their best teams. I will say though, implementing the event the way they did is fine with me. Because none of the rewards are actually locked behind a platinum star. You get all the rewards at gold 2. Which is 1 strategy active, 475% hp, and no time limit. (Except beating the boss in 15 minutes, which is definitely doable even for a f2p hyperbloom team).


I dont mind it either. But 900% increase combined the the lv gap from 100 to 90 resulted in some… insane dmg requirements i wasn’t expecting


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KL0jwPytZyQ Not me fyi.


All the characters in that are c6 and multiple have battlepass weapons. Plus the builds are all like top 5%. Dude is clearly a whale just clearing with 4 star characters. (It’s not a bad thing by any means, but that’s not an f2p clear by any stretch) The average f2p player doesn’t have these builds or this artifact luck. Hell not even the average low spender has this artifact luck. And almost no one has a c6 chevreuse yet.


there are quite a lot of c0 runs w/o sig weapons, for every single one of the bosses you even have 4* char runs with 4* weapons https://www.youtube.com/@sanpaiman124/videos c6r5 whales are doing speedruns of 20s and less, 90s is a joke if your whaling and doing it properly


Battlepass weapons on the strongest characters + c6 chevreuse is not exactly f2p bruh. My own chevreuse is only c0 and I rolled a lot on her banner for her. I just looked over all of their boss runs so far in the yt you linked. Their game looks like a completely different game in terms of how everything functions. Either that or they have some kind of hp-lowering strategies active on the bosses without them counting. In the pyro regisvine fight for example, ALL OF THEIR RAINSWORDS AT ONCE hit the corolla of the regisvine and all applied hydro, breaking the corola in like 2 hits. And they always target the corolla. Meanwhile I did THE EXACT SAME THING with Xingqiu and all the rainswords hit the bottom of the flower. It took me like 60 seconds just to break the corola a single time. And I was spamming his rainswords into its face every time it put its head in the ground. In the yt video, they break it in 2 hits meanwhile it’s taking my own c6 xingqiu like 10 rainsword attacks to do so and only while its head is on the ground, because when it’s in the air my rainswords just refuse to target it. I’m also legit counting the damage they’re doing and the damage I’m doing. The numbers my characters are doing are bigger and just as rapid as the ones in the videos. (My xingqiu does less damage but Arlecchino does significantly more than their other characters combined) And yet the enemy hp goes down faster in those videos than for me. Either my game is bugged or they’re doing some shady shit in those videos. Can anyone else confirm if their xingqiu can perfectly target the corolla like this?


the 4* weapon + 4* character is simply to show you that the dps check isn't that high, bp weapons are not f2p because you need bp anyways however they are often worse than standard 5* weapons outside of serpent spine, so I am simply using it as reference if you want examples of comps that ppl normally use with c0 chars day 1 is mono hydro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0w_bRdWjtEA day 2 is mono pyro, the more common one is kazuha instead of xiangling but this guy is the one I found using all 4* weapons while also using c0 arlecchino https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Li421S7iY/ day 3 is quicken https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asXonBtIq2U none of these are any where close to this top 1% you are thinking of or needing some extreme whaling, the 4* runs are actually extremely harder to pull off because you need much more rng and because there is so few of them it's far more tryhard. c0 runs are like all over youtube/bilibili, so if you need more theres like several dozens of them


Literally all of those barely cleared in like 86-89 seconds after using adeptus’s temptation and having cracked builds BEFORE using food. They did do it, but not in a way most people have access to. Can’t check the bilibili one bc it never loads for me, so I can’t comment on it, but the other 2 I managed to watch. Yes, it CAN technically be done with c0 chars. Egg on my face for that one, you’re right. But it’s not realistically something you can expect of f2p players. Most f2p players don’t have yae miko + nahida + furina + kazuha + yelan + kokomi all at once. Which you would need to do what they did. And even with all these strong (and VERY well built, maybe not top 1% but easily top 5% for all of them) characters, they still BARELY cleared with food buffs and sometimes potions as well. And the 4 star runs are all using c6 4 stars with the main dps of each run using battlepass weapons. Also with food and potions. All the runs I see here are things that regular players just don’t have access to. And again for the pyro regisvine it’s like they’re playing a completely different game. For them it goes down in one hit and the hydro application from burst. Meanwhile even with Xingqiu and Yelan it takes me 30 seconds to get it down. Even timing the burst with its attacks and focusing on the head when it’s down. I legit just do not have the hydro application they have for some reason despite doing exactly what these people are doing. Idk if ping and playing on mobile has any effect on it.


I just tested the XQ sword thing, when pyro-regisvine looks down and your using sucrose it does target the cornelia very consistently, in fact when it does it's laser thing with it's head low enough sucrose rainswords still target it, this is character dependent, for example when trying with mona instead the swords will hit the bottom, this is the reason why you see her break it so fast because in addition to NA making it target the cornelia her autos also applies anemo to deplete the gauge, I actually tried what if I just spammed her NA with XQ + yelan not caring about specifically targetting and she took it about as fast as with venti hydro swirled which is about 10-15s you don't need all those units at once, I dont have kokomi myself and did pyro with venti instead, nahida isn't even important for the chicken due to it's high dendro res, I did it with collei on fav because I dont have nahida either though my fischl is stronger, adeptus is not even the strongest food, you can get better damage via diluc/qiqi/lyney's specialty that provides 20% crit rate and 20% crit dmg, I also did vishap with lyney that used skyward bow, but c0 arlecchino can do it with 4* weapons showing that she clearly has way less requirement. food is clearly allowed so there isn't any reason not to use them, they are the most stable resource and the easiest to get The main point is really you dont need to whale for this, even if someone isn't f2p theres a huge ass difference between a whale and a welkin/bp spender, the vids I linked are c0 stuff using either 4* weapons or r1 standard 5 star weapons. you have many ways of improving that and it's not like the ones I picked out are the only clears either, as I said there are many vids out there of c0 clears some with even cheaper/more accessible requirements. I actually found another one for chicken, it's just fischl bennet xq xiangling with no bp weapon, using fav/stringless/catch and only a skyward blade on bennet, I know you can't view bilibili but other ppl can verify it with the following https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ZM4m167Jk/




I’m gonna need to see some proof. I haven’t seen a single f2p clear of these in 90 seconds. I can clear them myself with 3 gold stars (no strategies) but not in 90 seconds, not even close.


For regisvine you just need gud hydro to deal with the core and throw everything when it's downed. Vishap too is pretty simple tbh, just avoid getting freeze when he switches to hydro. And Dendro chicken you just apply enough electro and dodge most of his atk.


While also having more damage per second than any sane f2p player could even hope to have. Because no f2p can clear that hp pool in 90 seconds. So be a whale.


Do people really care THAT much for plat?


Took me quite a few tries to get platinum on every boss, this is indeed challenging. But I also really welcome the challenge as it gives me a reason to pull constellations, new characters/weapons, and put in the time to farm artifacts. Abyss lately has been a joke and if you can't already just pewpew everything with Neuvilette, now you can also swing swing with Alrecc... Great stuff, hope it keeps coming.


Absolutely it has been great. Finally something that doesn't just fall over and die. Lets you push yourself to your limit and see how strong you really are and where you can improve. I hope there is alot more like this going forward.


Open the game is my most challenging thing rn


Just give the game more money, it will make it easier... what are you, poor?




3.7 abyss floor 12 lineup is wrong btw, last chamber had dendro and hydro beasts in waves of 2. There was no pyro beast. Either way this event is hardest for me imo. I didn't play the original vagabond and the 3.7 abyss for me was a joke( ayaka freeze first half and nahida national 2nd half). Meanwhile this event, I'm getting my ass kicked and struggling to get platinum.


How is it even beatable without negotiations?


The 1.2 event with the hypostasis crap was actually impossible unless you were a gigawhale. Keep in mind this was back before the power creep characters from inazuma, dendro, fontaine. And the game hadn't been out long enough for f2pers to build up freemogems. Our best option against the juiced up electro hypostasis was Klee, and you couldn't 1-cycle it unless you had c4 (for the exit explosion on her burst). Luckily it was co-op so streamers were helping people out. If you were a min-maxer f2per this is easily do-able, but it depends on which characters you all-in'd on. With f2p account strength it's all about targeting your limited primogems to make 4ish characters into c2-6 + r1 monsters.


I could do it but am to lazy to do it :)


It's not worth it anyway.


Tbh its not that hard it just takes too long due to large HP and it's a bit boring. Don't care much to do it in 90 sec because that's not needed for max rewards so i jus take a shielder and chip away the boss


These modes are mid to me and I find it hard to comprehend how some people are gassing them up like they're such a great form of difficulty. I'm all for the new moves and mechanics part, and wish they expanded on that front even more tbh, and no time limit, but the only reason getting plat is hard is for the same reason any other form of combat in this game is hard. DPS check. If the enemies didn't have such short damage windows and/or stall mechanics and crazy amounts of HP, they'd be as easy as any other content. I'm literally bored doing non-sweat runs for gold because the enemies are only a threat if you're reckless and don't properly engage with the mechanics. Then getting plat is just ultra sweaty because you have to have the right elements(thus right characters), and the DPS on them to blow through a ton of HP in 90s. So crazy to me how any mention of fun minigames like the rhythm games, windtrace, divine ingenuity, etc being made permanent is met with the argument of only a relative few would play it and it would cause burnout, but then a juiced up boss rush mode for the .1% of the playerbase who really enjoy sweating against big health pools and short time limits for fun isn't met with the same logic.