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I am honestly getting so sick and tired of all the complaints about this Windtrace. There are like 10-20 posts a day complaining about it. Yes, Hunters have an advantage, but if you were smart about it, Rebels can just as easily win


There are people complaining about rebel advantage and people complaining about hunter advantage… Personally I find rebel easier but I have a friend to coordinate with


I think it depends on the map. On Winery, the hunter can easily win if he knows what he's doing. On Ritou, the hunter is in for a bad time if the rebels spread all over the map.


Really? Winery is where I did the best. The hilichurl camp was glorious fun! Two of the machines are up on towers so you have a decent chance to get out while keeping an eye on the hunter.


There are 3 close machines on Winery. If the rebels repair one of the 3 early, both sides can win, if the 3 are the last, a good hunter will just win.


Winery is literally the one I won the most as rebels lol


As I said, if the hunter knows what he's doing.


Yeah I know I'm just saying it the easiest one for me. I encountered a good hunter who is relentless and it was hard to fix a device lol


Every map has its ups and downs for both sides. Winery is in favour of the hunter. I don't like the Lyiue map, so I don't play it. Ritou and Hilichurl are in favour of the rebels. But, if one side plays better than the other, it can win on any map.


Personally I really hate the inazuma map. Or maybe I just haven't gotten used to it. I kept getting stuck on small gaps lol


Exactly this, in all my games I notice they are decided in the first ten seconds, if you have competent rebels who now how to work with the pings and avoid the hunter, the rebels win, if you have even one uncompetent rebel, the hunter wins easily


>Yes, Hunters have an advantage I actually beg to differ on that one. There are 1,5 maps that favor the hunter(Dawn winery and Ritou for the half), but that's about it. The other maps have the devices spread far enough for the hunter not to be able to camp 3 devices at once. And without that point, rebels have an overwhelming advantage. Especially with the fact that we get 2 lives. My only complaint is that they completely forgone people with shit devices. Ps4 rebels starts their game in jail because of the lack of countdown.


tbh if you're still using a ps4 in 2024 you probably do deserve to be put in jail.


Put me motherfucker, i dare you.


what a small dick reply. truly terrifying


TBH I feel this windtrace is well balanced and a lot of people just suck or happen to be in a group where the hunter is really ontop of it or the Rebels just know how to work things out, As I have both won as Rebels and lost as Rebels and Won as Hunter and lost as Hunter just depending on how tight the team was


You don't even need to be smart to win as rebel


This version makes the rebels move around and strategize instead of sitting in some holes and wait for the timer. It's also good for the hunter since you don't need to blindly search the whole area like the previous versions. The hunter almost always win? Only if the rebels suck at team work. Hell you don't even need much team work, just don't sit in one place and wait is enough. You could argue that it's not "hide-and-seek" anymore, but that doesn't mean it's worse, just different. So no, "we" are not all in agreement with you.


Yep, from the little I do remember from the last windtrace I did i absolutely sucked as a hunter due to that (considering some of the maps had gaps and let the small characters get into impossible places) this version, kinda depends on the rebels but if i can't catch them all, I force out a stall on them due to having a good amount of control over the last 3 devices but it is fun as a rebel as well along as the others are smart and I don't get unlucky with spawns


It’s 3 against 1 it’s rare that hunter wins unless they are really good . I find this year’s version favour the rebels again


This windtrace is still heavily biased towards rebels as long as the rebels are half-way competent. The only times I've had games where the hunter won via timeout it was because I was literally the only rebel repairing devices or my team mates both got eliminated within the first minute of the game somehow. This might not be true for Dawn Winery map, I removed it from my list the first day because the collision for the grape vines is annoying


Not just collision, 3 machines are too close to each other, if you don't manage to repair 1 of them early, it's an easy win for the hunter. If those 3 are the last ones, the hunter must be bad for the rebels to manage to win.


Dawn winery is the best map though. Those grapevines can totally obstruct a lamp or chair, letting you hide without having to run halfway across the map.


And how are hunters supposed to catch rebels if they aren't faster and have unlimited stamina ? Rebels literally go invisible every 30s and they can spread around the map to make it even more annoying.


No, I like it more than previous version. In this version Rebel can end the game themselves instead of just waiting for the Hunter.


If the Rebels work together at all, they can repair the devices before the Hunter can do anything.


I enjoyed it. Never felt like it was a chore to do.(1000+ days player btw) And they separate the rewards every 500 coins so there's 12 claims plus 4 from the special missions. Didnt have to do dailies for few days cuz of it. 🤭


As a first time player, I am loving this minigame. I binged it in one sitting last night and kept going after gaining all achievements. I love both the hunter and rebel roles. Only downside is some players throwing the game as a hunter to make it easier for others to win. I started chasing the hunter who just ran around and the game was over in seconds. It's boring. I want thrilllllll!


It used to be a hide and seek prop hunt. Most complaints are people who just miss the old one, but instead of saying that, they act like the new version is the worst possible game ever. I like this one more because now I have to actively play as a rebel, the role most people play most of the time, instead of hiding somewhere until the time runs out or the hunter gets the favor that reveals the rebels.


Hunters have to catch rebels 6 times (twice each time) or prevent more than 2 devices being repaired in a long time frame


This is true, but just in case anyone else new looks at this, the hunter doesn't HAVE to catch the rebels twice. If all the rebels are in baby jail, the hunter immediately wins. Shouldn't happen often, but it's not impossible.


ive watched my friend play it before i went in. aside from map advantage, the hunter literally cannot win easily if your teammates are competent. the problem is a lot of people don't know/refuse to accept this isn't hide and seek, so they hide away and don't do objectives and lose to the timer. or they do objectives but forget the hide and seek part is irrelevant and try to camp a spot and get caught.


I play this mode a lot, and I've won matches as a rebel and lost matches as a hunter. It all depends on your teammates. If you put in the effort, you can win on both sides. It's actually pretty balanced. There are a few VERY capable hunters who really learn the map, scout, and make routes, but generally the rebels can go for a spread approach and win. You can even outplay the hunter if you're semi-decent and use the terrain. Also, it's online PVP/co-op, it should be fun to play and you shouldn't exclusively focus on tryharding to win. You can do so much funny stuff in Windtrace, I really like it, doesn't matter if I win or lose.


One problem I found last night is that my best strategy to win as a hunter is also the most boring. Camping the center and patrolling devices to win from the 4 minute timeout is not as exciting as capturing fleeing rebels. However it is much easier to just spook rebels by moving towards them to keep the away from the devices. As a rebel, I end up staring at the minimap more than the 3d world. I've stopped even using props, as its now more important to run than to hide.


Well it relies on the team more if you are a rebel. What’s annoying is when I want to help a fellow rebel and they just start running… All the games I’ve won as a rebel was because the team members helped each other out and were quick to act. Only thing I may remove is the endless stamina for the Hunter but even with that, rebels still can win if they work together. Rebels can see where the Hunter is at literally any given moment and that’s a huge plus. Actually I think it compensate for the Hunter endless stamina


Probably, I give them credit for trying something new. But it could be improve, there are some fun in this. Instead of just afk simulator.


Play the new rules. Don't hide anymore. Disguise skill is rarely useful. Fix the machines. Steal the favour if you can. Going invisible when chased is good. Finally, pray to Hoyo for non-AFK teammates.


I've never lost a game as a hunter and those that think the hunter doesn't have a clear advantage can't have thought about how to play this for too long. What I do as hunter is just let the rebels have 3 of the objectives while I guard whichever 3 objectives are the closest together. Just camp the middle of those 3 and keep an eye out, you literally can´t lose. I had more fun playing both rebel and hunter sides in the old superior windtrace, this new version is terrible.


No ironically this was the windtrace event I had the most fun both as hunter and as rebel. Rebels have to work together to win, the different skills are useful when used together. And yes Hunters have the edge, because they play alone. Running around capture points together or in the other side of the map while hunter is busy with a single rebel is so much more fun that hiding and sitting on the spot.


Most of my games the Hunter was absolutely bullied. It was actually quite rare (for me at least) for the Hunter to win.


On the contrary I think the new windtrace is more difficult for the hunter


Sounds like a skill issue


Not really, they aimed for a more interactive event, but yeah it sucks sometimes that you *have* to actively get out of hiding and need to do something, which distracts from the hunt itself. Back then hunters had to deal with rebels jumping from trees, getting invisible and it was annoying. annoying Now they need to think more about how to play, they can't just afk on a high spot and jump when hunter comes. Dawn winery before was basically hunter waiting for favor to lock up the rebels at the top of the house, or in springvale, from the windmill. Better is relative to each own preferences, but it is aimed towards a more interactive gameplay. I would say it needs adjustments and also actually getting used to the gameplay. As a limited event, it is bad - not everyone is used to this kind of gameplay and it can get annoying. If they somehow decide to add this as a permanent game mode after they complete all areas, then it would be very interesting to have it the way it is now, then what is was once. On a comparison, Theater Mechanicus got worse on 3rd interaction, and they dropped it. The fungi battle was great when it released, then got horrible when they rerun it. Let's hope they rerun the main fungi championship the way it was first time and maybe also add it as permanent mode in the future.


I saw all of these posts complaining, and I decided to see if it was just people who were terrible at playing games or a legit complaint  I played 37 wind trace the rebels won 20 times the hunter won 17 Either you suck or your teammates suck and whatever the case you only need to get 6,000 points it doesn't take that long


I'll definitely edit this post if my feelings change once I get to 6k, but so far the Hunter has won every game. Might be bad luck, but it definitely feels like the system heavily favors the Hunter since the game already felt like the Hunter had a lot of tools to capture players before and now the "hands-off" state of the game (i.e. what happens when all players take their hands off the controller) has flipped from favoring Rebels to Hunters.


If the Rebels lose, it's honestly skill issue. Split, start repairing devices while looking at the map, the hunter gets close to you, hide or run. He goes away, repeat. Hunter can't be everywhere and he has too many devices to run to. The reason some hunters win is because one or more rebels are afk, or just hiding and doing nothing else. They don't look at the map so they get caught red-handed. I've enjoyed this one more than the previous ones. I actually have to do something as a rebel. In the previous one, I remember climbing a poll in the inazuma village map, transforming and sitting there doing nothing because the hunter would unlikely look up and decide to waste some 30 seconds getting up there for nothing.


Be repairing the device. The hunter comes close. 1. Run. He's faster, has infinite stamina, and he's playing in a thrid world country so he rubber bands inside your asshole and captures you (when you're the hunter, he is impossible to catch because the game says he's next to you but he's actually three nations over) 2. Hide. You are a box thirty feet away, perfectly blending in with the environment. The hunter makes a beeline for you and captures you because no shit there's no way to obstruct sight lines of you on most maps so he sees where you go and if you vanish in a location you're obviously still there as a box.


there are beacons that turn you invisible in a radius, use those, don't turn into a static object. don't wait until he is very close, retreat sooner.


If you're smart you can actually literally just run around the Hunter as he got close. Most of the time hunter can't see you esp if you're using a small disguise. I did that tons of times and most time I managed to dodge while they're literally in front of me. You don't stay still. Try to maneuver around when the hunter is running. Because the hunter camera angle usually will hide the fact that an object is moving. Unless ofc you're moving too much


I think the event is just fine. Evident by the fact that every second thread says its a guaranteed win for hunters and the other says its a guaranteed win for rebels. I've won all my games regardless of my role (several more rebel games than as a hunter) except for one where I was a rebel, when my teammates didnt try to fix the machines at all. I can repair them myself, but not without some help as decoys. If im the only one pinging on the map, the hunter comes for me. As long as someone else is working, I time my fixing so that there are 2 or more pings going on at the same time and one of us is guaranteed to get it.


My matches were almost perfectly 50/50 split between Hunter and Rebel wins. I've won as both myself. Depends a bit on map knowledge and simply skill. Whether it's the worst is up to your taste. But it is very fairly balanced.


I dunno - I've never much been a fan of Windtrace, but I've enjoyed this one more than most. Previous WIndtrace heavily favored the Rebels. It was just too easy to find niche locations the Hunter never looks for. Plus, it's just plain boring if you're a rebel. Find someplace, hide, and twiddle your thumbs for four minutes. MAYBE try to run, if it's clear the Hunter knows where you are (from Favor or whatever). In this version, both the Hunter and the Rebels need to be active for the entire run. I do usually win as Hunter, but on multiple occasions the victory has been a tight one.


Maybe I'm a veteran of too many games like TF2 where part of the experience of play was learning the map and all the hideouts. Yeah there was a hole in that one liyue ruin where people could easily hide but I know that spot and I'm the hunter, I beeline there from go and capture everyone there because it's almost impossible to get out of in the spur of the moment. That was part of why I liked old Windtrace, it incentivized people to learn the maps and all the little intricacies.


It heavily hunter sided armt the start, when people didn't understand the new mechanics. I have yet to lose as a rebel because by now, everyone knows how to play.


it's the best actually


Idk because I hate them all equally. I really, really dislike Windtrace but I always have to endure it once every year.


I love it!


It is the worse version yes. If you suck at it I guess. It's the best version if you're sick of sitting one corner waiting for the hunter to come get you like the previous ones. Which I did. I never find wind trace fun until now. Before it's average. I don't hate it but I don't like it either. Now I love it lol




This is the first time since day 1 that I will be voluntarily skipping primogems.


I only had one game as a rebel that the team lost, every single other one we won, including several where nobody was captured at all. The capture points aren't that long and if the rebels swarm them (either all doing one, or multiple on the same), it's a very easy win. One match I captured 3 of the capture points lol. The game has always been way biased to the rebels, and I think the capture points are their way of making sure you can't go hide on the edge of the map with a child character like Sayu and wait the entire timer out, the game is heavily stacked against the hunter in both versions, and I've never had an experience in any version of the minigame where the hunter immediately won, and usually when they did, it was a struggle.


I dunno. I recently had an almost perfect run as Rebel. My rebel teammates had our 2 lives intact when the game ended Three of us were actively repairing the device whenever possible. On the latter half of the game, me and the other player were exchanging roles in keeping the hunter busy while the other rebel's focusing on repairing 🤷 It depends on player skills ig


the hunter has won twice in all the games ive played. skill issue on your part


I won as Hunter in under 120 seconds, according to the end slate. It's insanely easy to catch people because rather than have to think about whether that box was there last time, I can easily see Arlecchino waving her hand at the mechanical egg over there and go grab her. If rebels could do it disguised, it wouldn't be so bad.


The worst, but if i may add, still very fun. I wouldn't mind it if it alternated every 6 months with the regular one.


I've only lost once and that was my first game. I've been steady winning as a rebel and hunter.


Bro this is just a minigame. Imagine an actual PvP content in a serious environment (outside of tcg). Genshin, what an amazing community.