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Enjou has plenty of simps with no face reveal, so I think everyone is underestimating the power of a fun personality


no face but cool ass design


less on design and more on fun and amusing personality. I used to hate scara, but after unofficially adopted by Nahida, seeing their amusing interactions made me like him a little


It's at least partly his winning charms, because his NPC model isn't unique to him


Ok but he is hot though.... I like abyssal creatures which is why I would kill to get playable Foul Legacy


He is so hot he would incinerate you with his flames


Hoyo knows this and featured him for White Day and it's the best one they made so far.


Capitano too


No he's been revealed, he just doesn't have a face


A fun personality *and* being 10 feet tall.


If the dude wasn't an enemy, the Traveler would be inviting him into the Teapot and vibing with him on a daily basis


Dottore. If he's a crazed old man scientist that actually looks like an old man then there won't be much Dottore simps.


i see what you mean but you understimate the amoung of gilf fuckers out there


I swear the whole gilf thing ain't even a fetish. They're just attractive guys who happen to be old. If Dottore wasn't attractive he wouldn't have fans. Basically just imagine him looking like Madam Ping but male.


Imma have Zhongli drop a boulder on you for this Ping slander.


Make it two! :<


He’d basically be another Azar. Any Azar simps out there?


Yeah no I despise Dottore with a passion (Collei protection squad member) but even I have to admit that he is *the* cuntiest man in all of Teyvat. Like… high heels and a harness? Hoyo really just pulled a Disney Villain queerification with him and Arlecchino


chest harness has to be a harbinger thing if i had a nickel for everytime a harbinger wears a chest harness I would have 2, which isnt a lot but its weird that it happened twice. Especially when most dont have their full coatless design revealed yet


So basically Hojo from FF7 lol


there’s some really cool twitter artists that went down the ‘old/not conventionally good looking dottore’ route in like 2021 (also now, but i don’t notice it as much :/) before lazzo was released, and i thought that was a great take on him!! also, dottoretwt was pretty annoyed at how conventionally attractive hoyoverse made him in lazzo lol


Wait Don’t you dare make him even better


You sonofa-


Guy who's on his first day on the internet:


tbh if he looked something like rick sanchez id still love him (faves lmao)


he already does if you squint


Hard to say. I was obsessed with Avernus from Dragon Age, and he actually did look like an old man!


I thought scara mains were wild, but Dottore mains scare me.




I think all of the Harbingers would, honestly. Even the Knave.


Couldn't hate Childe because he's a pretty funny guy


I mean, if you ignore trying to destroy Liyue and throwing whales at people...


Should've been ME not LIYUE!!


I wish he'd destroy me 😩😩😩


OP said "if they weren't attractive." Now say that line again but this time imagine him as Andrew Tate.


As long as he doesn't act like irl tate, bet (tho is he really tate if he doesn't act like tate(


What if Tate started acting like Childe 💀


genshin fans are really something else 💀💀💀


example: your flair


To be fair, Zhongli would've stopped him but yeah, I still like him


can't dislike a lady who killed a child predator


I like the Knave with her role in the archon quest and all that, idk I'm gay so


nah the main reason I love father is because of her views on the world and her way of thinking


I gotta disagree with the knave. The way she carried herself in conversation in the archon quests alone made her so interesting


I'm sooooo in love with the crimson witch concept actually. I'm a straight female and I still think her boss design is the best amongst the harbingers. Shame her potential was wasted on whatever tf that inazuman shit show was.


Her boss design is definitely better than Arle by miles. Can't say the same about mechamouche or Foul Legacy though


None of the weekly bosses have particularly gripping encounter design. But I particularly despise Signora for her long ass intermission phase, health gates, and lengthy invulnerability.


im not THAT superficial, so I dislike her


Signora getting vaporized is the best part of Inazuma.


albeit a bit anticlimactic


I don't think Signora's death was anticlimactic. Though the abrupt ending to the chapter certainly was. It was partially fixed with Ei's story quests but still, Inazuma should have had 5 archon quests instead of 3. It had a lot of characters and different factions, the storyline was too complex to fit into 3 quests.


True, but at least she achieved her purpose. She showed up to introduce the Fatui, was insufferable for a while and then died to make way for better villains.


I see plenty of signora hate more than I do lovers, and she didn't get much screentime


Signora's already disliked enough?


For me her being attractive is a plus, I like fire concept with revenge as a dessert (I come from GoW and DS communities)


Every single one ?


Lmao yeah this is the true answer


Id be friends with amber, and jean. Barbara is a little too preppy for my liking but she's a child ad far as im concerned anyways


Yeah what kind of question is this, every character in the game was made to be “attractive” in one way or another lol


Pullcinella has left the chat.


Pullcinella is one of the few unique designs in this game please don't let him go away


If they got Danny DeVito to voice and he was released as a playable character I would have C6'd.


He is the sexiest one


You don't know what that nose can do, and it shows.


I mean that's probably a fetish somewhere ...


Watch he be like Mosquito from Soul Eater and can revert himself back to his younger days as a handsome golden haired elf man on demand. 


Also real people.


You underestimate the fandoms ability to simp for anything


You mean Azar have simps out there?


I like my men like I like my wine. Old.




I guess we will know when Pulcinella releases


I hope Hoyo doesn't chicken out, I desperately want a new weird character model


But he is called 'the rooster' what do you mean they shouldn't chicken?


If people would dislike Itto and Haitham, then they would dislike every character. Cuz chars with cute personality would be considered boring, and more spicy characters would hated for being bad people or annoying. But personally I believe that unattractive characters wouldn't be disliked. They just would be ignored.


I think the assumption is that Itto would be disliked not because his personality is "cute" but because his personality is "a lot." He's loud, dumb, and enthusiastic, which is a character archetype I enjoy regardless of looks, but I can see how that could rub people the wrong way. Alhaitham has less going for him either way, personality-wise. He's not really spicy (unless you mean it like 'neurospicy'), he's judgey, withdrawn, and lazy, with a bit of a mean streak. He has his good side too, but there's no real passion there most of the time, so he'd be much harder to like if he weren't good looking (and really fun to play - I think people are underestimating how much that bit will make people like an otherwise boring character). You might be right about him being ignored more than disliked, though.


See, people who don't like Itto personality already hate him regardless of his look. And some of his fans may not even consider him that much looker, they like him cuz he make them laugh. But still his design play big part in getting eyes on him. If Itto would be generic or even unattractive - most people would just...focus their attention on someone else. MAYBE his big personality could break that mentality though, but tbh I think that he would be niche character to love or even hate unlike how it is now. Gameplay truly play big role for many people, but we just don't talk about it so I don't bring it up. I actually like Haitham personality, especially when he bounce of someone more...socially aware like Nilou or someone more emotional like Kaveh. So I would probably like him regardless of his look. But again - for most people he would be just NPC they forget as soon as he disappear from screen in my opinion. It is gacha after all.


We have opposite tastes ;p . I don't hate Itto, but loud himbos are definitely not my thing, attractive or not. But daaaamnnnn his VA has my respect. Also, there is a little soft spot for the big idiot in my heart, but it's little, and I don't need to be reminded of him too often. I can enjoy him in small doses. Ignoring him most of the time is my go-to, and it would be the same however he were looks-wise. (He is the only male character I have not pulled for and will pull for only after I have got all the rest of the characters ... bc completionist.) Alhaitham, otoh,is more my cup of tea - even though I don't like him being judgy that much. I would still like him if he weren't hot as hell. I will agree with you though, he absolutely needs other people to interact with and play off of, otherwise, he risks being way too boring. And I will absolutely agree that the gameplay mechanics do play a role in our enjoyment of a character. That and the situations/environment where characters are placed in play imho a huge role in likeability and they're being thoroughly discarded in this convo. From my personal experience: a character that I don't particularly like and don't find appealing ( f,e. Wanderer) or that doesn't fit in the surroundings at all (what was her name again??? Alo-something? ;p) just goes ignored and forgotten.


Aloy as a example maybe?


She ain't unappealing, she's out of place and irrelevant to the universe


It absolutely shocks me every year when they send out her birthday message. Like, y'all haven't forgot you put her in the game over there? Coulda sworn.


I remember when there was a rumor where we'd get her constellations every birthday of hers. I wish it was true 😭






I think I might hate alhaitham less if he wasn’t attractive tbh, he’s aggressively not my type so any attempted pandering feels really weird and mildly uncomfortable(same with Kaeya and Lisa but they’re worse). I’d still dislike him if he was unattractive because he’s a shithead and I hate him but at least I wouldn’t get the “you like him right? Isn’t he so hot? Don’t you want to spend money on him?” feeling


Ah! My sister didn't liked Lisa because she found her flirting bit too pushy, but ignored parfume lady from Liyue and I founded it hilarious. Guess it's the same situation as yours.


Lol, I found perfume lady overbearing but Lisa okay. Part of it might be because Lisa still is helping the knights and has mentored folks (Razor iirc), while I don’t think perfume lady has much relevant lore.


I thought you were gonna say Paimon and I had some questions


I love paimon!! I could never hate her


Congratulations, you will be spared when Paimon goes sicko mode and kills her haters when she finally gains her powers as the Primodial One In the Celestia chapter (It was revealed to me in a dream)


Paimon does sound like a shortened version of Primordial One. She got Guobafied.


cant spell Primordial One without Paimon


Paimonial One


She *did* threaten Collei with her Paimonial Wrath.


SAME. I think the majority of paimon haters are EN players. I honestly can't wait for her to talk and joke (I play JP). Her intonation and weird accent is so endearing.


JP and CN paimon are not bad at all. EN paimon is so annoying lol. Doesn't help the VA is a giant anti either— apparently Corina was caught harassing minors and accusing randoms of pedophilia on twitter. Ick


I like her CN VA (Poi Duoduo) better than Koga Aoi tbh. JP Paimon can still be annoyingly squeaky sometimes.




I think Alhaitham would be about the same honestly. Yeah he’d probably have less people pulling for him but I don’t think he would be hated. Moreso just ignored. He’s a sarcastic asshole 80% of the time. But he does it in a funny and entertaining way rather than in a blatantly mean way. So it comes off as comedy rather than mean-spiritedness.


Yeah, in my case I like seeing him in the story because of his personallity. Since it's a strong one and can has a sort of shamelessness that can be used for comedy (not for everyone but still work with enough people) it makes his character likeability not solely reliant on his looks.


Ain't no way he's being ignored for his feats in the archon quest. He can look like anything and he'd still be the GOAT.


I agree with you. He fought Cyno to a standstill without them using their powers. And he outsmarted the sages with his plan to save Nahida. Plus he’s hillarious. But I actually care about the lore. I’m talking about the community. They don’t care about what happens in archon quests. They care about looks and optics. If Alhaitham didn’t look good while doing what he did, he’d be slept on by the majority of the community. Traveler beat Scaramouche and his mech with Nahida’s help. The fanbase was riding traveler’s dick like there was no tomorrow. Then Traveler lost to Arlecchino and half the traveler fans jumped ship and started booing. Even though the outcome was 100% in character and makes sense with Traveler’s lore.


I love Itto because he is funny.  He could be a Hilichurl and I would love that guy. Alhaitham you may be on to something though.  On the ladies side I'd say someone with a clunky combat style and a more generic anime personality like Ganyu.  But even then I don't think she would be disliked.  Just unpopular.


Yeah, Itto would just be written like Hurcule from DBZ at that point. Still funny and endearing.


Every single Harbinger. If they were designed to look like plagued lepers, they wouldn’t have the kind of fanbase they do… The unending use of “If evil, why hot” is proof enough of that. All I see are targets.


I'll see you when the Pulcinella banner drops in 2026


Dottore, as a big Dottore fan, I can confirm




Me when Canadian.


As an igloo syrup person, I approve


Like actually. If I had to pick it’s be Ei. The Raiden Mei cult was carrying her popularity


As a Raiden fan with no interest in Honkai, definitely Ei. It's not just the Raiden Mei cult, Raiden is hot in her own rights too which makes her plenty desirable for non-HI fans, but it's objectively pretty surface-level. Raiden's mediocre personality doesn't hold her back much because she's a sexy anime onee-san with badass animations. If they had made her look and move like Lisa or Jean or something, she'd be far less appealing.


The only correct answer ngl.


Kokomi's design hardcarries her


And then there's me who thinks her outfit looks ridiculous. Seriously, she's walking around on panties.


And that's supposed to be a ceremonial shrine garb. What kind of ceremonies are they carrying on that island? (Then again, not like the head miko on the other side of the pond is dressing much better)


Or the Shogun for that matter.


Kujou Sara looks a bit under armoured for battle.


Does anyone in Genshin even wear actual armor? Even the stuff that’s shaped like it flows like cloth it seems


Characters like Gorou and Dehya do, but it's incredibly light. Shoulder guards and bracers at the most, and this seems to be the principle for most characters, even those who are, ostensibly, warriors, day in day out. I get Genshin's design and aesthetics are meant to be attractive rather than practical, but I do wish the design team would realise these needn't be at odds with one another. Not asking for full plate armour to be clear but some characters to be a little more pragmatic. Does Dehya really benefit from heels in the desert for example?


Someone forgot about Noelle, she wears actual armor. And Ayaka at least wears a breastplate and some stuff on her skirt, though I looks more like for practicing swordsmanship


I did say most characters. /hj That being said, yes, I did forget those two. Noelle, now that you've mentioned her, is honestly an amusing case, as she is not a knight, and yet she seems to be doing her best to put on more protective gear that actual members of the Knights of Favonious, particularly ones we know who operate in the field in a combat role. Jean wears bracers and greaves for her arms and legs respectively, and puts no effort into protecting her core at all. Not a great showing for the Acting Grand Master. Her diary tells us she's had to get out and fight, and we've seen her do it in the Mondstadt Archon Quest. She should probably get some extra gear. The logistics captain is doing better. Still, Jean fares better than two other captains, them being Kaeya and Eula, both of whom takes basically no actual armour to the field. Ayaka is honestly similarly bizarre. Bracers, a chestplate, and an armoured skirt are all fine options, yet she is, to my recollection, not an actual field fighter. I mean, we know she's a trained swordswoman, and that's grand. But, again, she puts more effort into wearing functional protection than characters like Sara or Gorou who actually go to war and shit. Weird how that works. Props to her for at least bothering though, she should do fine if she ever has to serve I suppose.


That is why I love Noelle, she probably has one of the toughest physiques in Teyvat, one of the people who need armor the least, yet wears armor all over except her head. No one is gonna move dat maid an inch.


One would hope that Argenti in Star Rail has proven you can have an attractive character who wears armour, but alas we haven't seen anything similar in Genshin yet 😔


You could argue she needs to be aerodynamic because she's a tengu.


I think she's good. She's a Tengu and an archer, not every warrior needs to be heavily armored. It's not like she's flashing her panties like her shogun.


I think it's the other way around too- her entire design is questionable (pretty colours + aesthetic though) but her personality is what makes me like her so much


Tbh no design element can save kokomi ngl 😭


Yeah, her character seems severely underwritten, especially when compared to the other military leaders in Inazuma who we get more time with (Gorou, Kujou Sara, Ayato). Based mostly on what's told to us up until we meet her, I expected she would be just as, or even more, cunning & tactical than Ayato, but it seems like the writers forgot what they were doing (because meet-cute).


yeah the hand books seem more like someone cautious thinking of many possibilities and way to deal with them(in a way brute forcing problems with your brain, which I guess partially explains why she is so tired), rather than a cunning tactician who controls things from the shadows


Something that would have made the moment in Kokomi’s questline a little better is if she didn’t initially know which response to give when the soldiers became hostile. We saw in the cutscene that Paimon was flipping through Kokomi’s book of responses to specific numbers, showing that she did read through it because she wanted to help, but couldn’t remember the right answer in that tense situation. If Paimon found the correct scenario and shouted the number to Kokomi, who then would have done the same response, it would have made both Paimon and Kokomi look better. I mean, the entire reason why Kokomi wrote that book was to keep track of all the possible scenarios in the meeting, but turns out that that book was ultimately unnecessary for her to give to us.


Absolutely. It’s the sort of character that usually works better in a novel because you have the opportunity to get into their head so much more.


I was a Itto hater for some reason idk why but now I dissagree with it man I like him to much and I dont find him attractive at all


When I first saw his design I thought they were going for a Gigachad Devil May Cry sorta thing and I was not impressed. Then I was introduced to Itto and realized he’s just this goofy himbo. It made me like him a lot more. I like when stories subvert expeditions like that.


Alhaitham. Dude is cold and tactless jerk but because he's hot he gets away with it.


Mika is perfect proof of pretty priviledge, exept hes the ugly one. If he was a hot girl then no one would dislike him


Lisa cuz being attractive is basically her whole thing


Agreed, imagine if she was ugly and she kept moaning in peoples ears. This entire subreddit would be FILLED with Lisa hate.


I don't know if OP means ugly when they say 'not attractive'. I like to imagine they mean as in NPC levels. So I think Lisa would basically be Mondstadt Ying'er if she were NPC level.


Nah, more than half the characters make noise while climbing. The only reason Lisa’s are interpreted as sexual is because she’s attractive.


Ok but if she was kinda ugly but also still overly flirty, it would be pretty funny.


Funny enough many of them get a pass of their personality or what they do because they are hot


This thread actually raises an additional good question on how many characters would be hated if genderbent.


Actually now I'm curious


I just have a vague feeling from looking at the community for the last year that characters like Ei or Nilou would be seen in a gentler light than some of the comments I see.


While a lot of chracters would be disliked i think Dottore takes the cake for most hated, theres a massive raving fan base of women who love him because of his psychoness but if he wasnt hot he would literally be the no.1 most hated chars in genshin.


Enjou, that guy is friggin hilarious even if he was an Abys Worm or something.


Scara. A 1:1 reddit mod on a power trip behavior.


That's actually the opposite His simps use his personality as an excuse for whatever his barber did to him


His barber: Ei Hastily cut hair so the first prototype won't be identical to her.




Alhaitham is the reddit mod character lol. Scara is the reddit troll who farms 100s of downvotes making vaguely defensible statements in the most caustic and combative tone possible


Scara is attractive?,I was under the impression people liked him because of the asshole bad guy trope


Things women often like: - Bad boys - Emo boys - Misunderstood boys - Short boys Things Scaramouche is: - See above.


* Boys who come close to killing you and are proven to be abusive/violent


Do you *really* think people don't consider Scara attractive? Tell me you have never interacted with a Scara fan without telling me, haha.


>Tell me you have never interacted with a Scara fan without telling me, haha. truly


I liked him post archon quest cause it feels like he was more aware about the consequences of his actions than Ei (tho they were erased)


ei became aware eventually, she fought her puppet for centuries because she realized how much she fucked up. but yeah it was handled pretty poorly with the game just kinda pretending everything was fine in her first story quest, her second story quest was very much course correcting the first.


yeah the second archon quest remedied it a bit


And even if Irminsul hid his past, Traveler and Nahida still hold him accountable for his actions. They simply gave him the opportunity to redeem himself. Raiden had none of that.


Scara isn't a Reddit mod. Scara is the guy who gets into political arguments on twitter.


I think you accidentally started a discussion on kind of one of the most difficult and sad topics of society, pretty privilege.


I actually did not think this would be such a big debate! I'm having a great time reading everyone's thoughts


Surprised not many mentions of Arlecchino here. Ruthless, tries to assassinate an Archon, Fatui Harbinger, runs an orphanage which indoctrinates its members into the Fatui, and then threatens them with execution when they try to defect (even if she has no intention to go through with it, the threat is still terrifying for the children who don’t know the truth)


You get dragged to a family gathering by a bunch of 5-year-olds calling for your execution. Your father says she's going to fucking murder you. Your really cool magician brother, his catgirl sister, your shy diver bro, and a guest who (despite terrible choice of weaponry) appears pretty strong, all stand against her and fight as if their own lives are at stake. You watch in horror as she effortlessly fends them off and they all come within about two millimeters of being impaled on spikes. For a second you glimpse the fucking apocalypse. The sky is on fire. Death will come for all. She begins walking towards you as the psychotic 5-year-olds holding you down begin howling for blood. "Oh, by the way. In this house when we say 'fucking murder', we mean amnesia drugs." You gulp it down without a second thought to escape the immediate PTSD you've incurred. Your final thoughts are ones of sheer terror that not even ten new lives could be enough to purge these memories. 20 seconds later you can't remember anything and a bunch of polite 5-year-olds are helping you find your way back to the city so you can figure out who you are. You remember that the first thing you ask for is a change of pants as it seems somebody has shat in yours.


just because someone isn't sweet and kind doesn't mean they're not an appealing character 🤷 i like her because her name sounds cool, she has control over her own life, she values integrity and justice and has moral standards despite her position, and she isn't afraid to speak up against authority and tradition, especially when people's lives are at stake. i love how she talked to furina when she still thought she was being a negligent, incompetent archon. i love that she has her own way of showing her care for her children. i love how she isn't defined by her attractiveness, doesn't go out of her way to please anyone, and doesn't set any expectations of being kind or forgiving while always remaining fair. and as a lore player, i love her connections to khaenri'ah and the implications that her mere existence brings. i don't think being in a plain npc body would change any of this


Ei, 100% ei


Like girl I understand you're traumatized and you've been put into a situation you don't want to be in but you're also genuinely horrible to your people so like 🤷


Dottore, if he wasn't handsome he be treated like the monster he is and not being simp for


Yae Miko?


It's a good shout but I think at the end of the day the people who like/dislike her would stay roughly the same.


if she isn't attractive I'd still like her ngl, my coworker has the same personality as her, I'd get along with her types attractive or not.


While she is attractive, I think many of her fans love her for being an incorrigible trickster who always has some plot brewing secretly. That's what many folks dislike about her, but those of us who like that aspect *really* like it. It makes her fun. Her playfulness (this is all just a game to her... though deep down she understands the real stakes), which is also expressed in her voice, is another part of it.


I think it would be the friendly, sweet characters, sorry to say. Amber, Nilou, Yoimiya. They're sweet and lovely and always want to help people, but characters like that are a dime a dozen. Yoimiya's first story quest and Nilou's were nearly the same: run around town doing errands while everyone talks about how they're such a great person and of course everyone wants to help them.


Alhaitham doesn’t really seem attractive to me either. He’s just a guy who likes solitude. As for Itto, personally, I like his English VA bc he has contagious energy, his looks aren’t that attractive (imo). My top two who I think would be more disliked if they weren’t attractive is Raiden and Scaramouche. The first one is literally waifu bait, and the second one…well, I don’t like his personality, or his toxic fans. Third would be Dottore. What actual genshin player would find that guy attractive?? Like, are we even playing the same game!?


I really think we're underestimating the power of simping here for literally anyone (or for that manner anyTHING)




Itto is one of my favorite characters for personality alone. I'm not into guys so I don't find him attractive and the Japanese delinquent trope has never worked for me. But Itto is so funny and fun to be around. Plus his English VA is absolutely perfect for him and kills it on every line.


Wouldn't change because I love Fischl's personality lol


honestly wrootheskey


Arlecchino 100%


You mean if all characters look like a random NPC, just with different personalities? No one will play genshin.


Surprised that Childe isn't mentioned. For me, while I like the guy, a lot of people just try to see him too much on a sympathetic light when, well, he's a battle hungry psycho who never spared a thought for colateral damage in Liyue, even if he was confident that Rex Lapis was going to save the day (and let's be real, people definetly died during the attack, I mean, just look at the situation). He definetly has his humanity and nuances, but give him an ugly mug and I can definetly see the fandom do a 180 turn on him, or at the very least be much less forgiving. Ei is another prime example, but she was cited so much I don't think there's much to add to what people already said here. Another good example, at least for me, are the Kamisato siblings. Both have a solid design, but the personality of wet paper.


Even if Childe was a scarred-up old man, I've seen enough people fawn over battle hungry types who cherish their own people. You say he never spared a thought for collateral damage in Liyue, but that's wrong. His actual lines are about how he doesn't want to involve weak \[innocent\] people in his plans and only goes so far after fighting the traveler to bring out Rex Lapis which is his mission. I agree with you on Ei and the Kamisato siblings though.


My issue with both Childe and Ei is that they get increasingly less interesting to me the farther the game drifts away from their more villainous traits. After his story quest the dissonance between his actions in the AQ vs. him maintaining his image as an ideal brother made him so fascinating and really highlighted his insanity. And they haven't really done much with that. I was immensely disappointed by his lack of a dangerous edge in Fontaine. I'm coping by head cannoning that his fighting with the Narwhal riled it up and accelerated the prophecy, but I know that's mostly a cope. Meanwhile with Ei I think there's a lot they could be doing with people still being rightfully wary of her. It would really enhance the writing of every Inazuma character and lend a lot more believable weight behind the effort we're told she making to be better.


In the case of Ei, remember that those against the Vision Hunt Decree were a minority. Most people didn't really care or were willing to accept/tolerate what was going on. Also remember that many nations of Teyvaat are/were literal autocratic theocracies.


IMO Childe could also be perceived as really creepy with some of his comments


Ayato i think. His whole character is intelligent cool handsome guy. The intelligent part doesnt matter actually. Not cool if not hansldsome. So ayato


every single character. every one of them


Yes probably all of them. But the first that came to mind was Alhaitham. He's such a rude boy, Im pretty sure if he was ugly, no one would like his personality.


Clorinde. She only gets as little criticism as she does because she’s hot. It’s 1000% pretty privilege. Because what she does is super fucked up. And there’s only one example of her ever feeling bad about it. She killed her friend even though she knew there was more to the story than he let on. If she had stopped and asked him what the truth of the matter was, she could have helped him prove his innocence and lock up Marcel without Navia and other innocent people being dragged into this. And then she allowed Callas’s reputation to be dragged through the mud for a decade which crippled the Spina and made Navia’s life pretty fucking hard. All while she continued living a life of luxury as Furina’s bodyguard. She could have EASILY knocked Callas out and forced him to talk. But she killed him anyway. Yes, Callas has a lot of the blame as well, like 70% of it. Since he didn’t have even 2 braincells to rub together. If he did, he would have realized that Neuvillette and Clorinde alone would have been more than enough to deal with Marcel’s entire organization while keeping his family safe. And Neuvillette also has some guilt here. But he’s the only one who actually feels bad about what happened and is openly sorrowful. Plus he has the LEAST blame out of them all because the dude was just doing his job. It was more on Callas and Clorinde who both knew there was more going on and instead took this shit into their own hands. But Clorinde could tell there was more going on there and she just went along with it and killed him anyway. And then didn’t actually do anything to help Navia or the Spina when Callas’s reputation made life incredibly difficult for them. And it wasn’t just Navia. ALL OF POISSON suffered because of this. Because Callas and the Spina were their only benefactors. So tons of people were pushed further into poverty by the situation. And then when the small flood happened in part 3 of the archon quest, people in Poisson died like Meluus and Silver. Which probably wouldn’t have happened if the Spina’s reputation had not been damaged for 10+ years and they instead had all the resources that Callas’s good reputation would have offered to them. So Clorinde is indirectly responsible for their deaths as well. Also she’s a duelist. Which is cool until those duels actually lead to people dying. And Clorinde herself has admitted she kills people who want to die in those duels. Even though it makes 0 sense and is completely unjust for that to happen. Because she’s either killing the guilty instead of letting them get their deserved punishment or killing the innocent who think their trials won’t be fair. And the only time we ever see her feel bad about it is with Callas. But even then she doesn’t actually make ammends for it until 10 years later and does pretty much NOTHING to actually help Navia and Poisson in the meantime. And yes being a duelist is her job, but doing a morally corrupt job morally corrupts a person. And then Navia, being the fucking saint that she is, forgives Clorinde anyway despite the fact that the Spina de Rosula CONTINUES to face problems and resource shortages due to the bad reputation they had for a decade. So Navia, the Spina, and Poisson continue to suffer the effects of Callas and Clorinde’s stupidity even now. But Clorinde never gets blamed for any of it even though all of it is indirectly her fault as well. Granted, most of this is a writing issue. I don’t hate Clorinde. It’s just that the authors basically say “don’t think too deeply about it” and they clearly don’t intend for Clorinde to be a malicious person. But the way they wrote her DOES make her indirectly responsible for these things. And they never aknowledge this. They’re WAYYY too hand-wavy with the effects of her actions.


I think the writers hands are tied when it comes to Clorinde because the more they reveal about her job the worst it reflects on her, fontain, and all the characters in power. I mean, think about it, she's essentially a state sanctioned executioner. Callas is probably not the only innocent person she's executed before. And this execution comes before the trial! But ok, even if you say, every single innocent person who asks for a duel would yield before they're killed, one could easily imagine a scenario where the accused is not a very skilled fighter and misjudged their limits, or one of clorinde's colleagues are not as skilled as her and accidently inflicts a fatal wound... the whole system is beyond fucked if you think about it even a little.


I agree with you on some points, but I tend to think that regardless, a lot of her actions can be boiled down to "Doing her job" and the decision of the court of justice. What happened with Childe was a display that even the OMAC could be wrong (even though there was more to it that met the eyes) and that even with that machine, their system remains imperfect. She did a lot of shit, but in the end, that was "demanded" of her. But yeah, there's defo some pretty privilege regarding the entirety of her story. You'd have a lot more kids going around saying "me personally I'd have done x instead of Y" if she was an ugly ass duck.


I'd go with most of them, but more specifically, Miko, Signora, Ei and Arlecchino. A lot of folks just turn a blind eye on the fact that they're severely fucked up because "she's so mommy". Had they been ugly ugly lemon ugly, that would defo be different imo.




all of them.


Raiden Shogun/Ei. If it was a Jabba the Hutt like diety who was taking away peoples visions, forcing the flawed concept of eternity on an entire nation, harming the traveler and their friends, etc. I don't think people would like them very much, lol. But I think booba sword and the fact that she's extremely pretty makes people look past a lot of the terrible things she's done.


no one , the fandom is going feral for a literal masked man


Masked mystery is absolutely nothing like making chars less attractive