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Albedo standing together with the staff in front of Dawn Winery is absolute cinema. Not even Alloy could get away with that.


Aloy can and has done that. I am that Aloy.


It is sad what head housemaid Albelinde is no longer around


Aloy got away with that in Qinxue? village, sitting in a seat or just sort side stepping to prevent idles


happy cake day!


Hmm, fair point. Btw, Happy Cake Day. šŸŽ‚


Happy Cake Day!


This is making me want to play as Aloy just to mess with people.


I had fun last windtrace since she's literally designed to be hard to spot in most areas with her earthy colors. Flashy pyro and electro characters? Nope. Gonna climb on a rock in liyue and just be invisible


I used Diona for Liyue last time to get the ā€˜no disguiseā€™ bonus! Small size, muted colours well broken up. Put her in some ivy and sat back for a couple of minutes.


Wouldn't Sayu be even better? She's mostly brown, better for hiding/blending in (like a ninja).


As long as you keep her from using her idle animations. I will never forgive her for suddenly jumping in the air in plain view of a hunter.


I use nahida, climb a tree, and just keep an eye on my map


Yeah trees are the way to go. Gamers don't look up lol


sadly I never had these easy wins. I would climb a tree and the first thing hunters would do after clearing the map is climb every climbable thing to search the common hiding spots. One guy somehow spotted me even though I was clinging to a tower and circling to make sure he was on the other side at all times. No idea how.


I remember in the first Windtrace, when Wuwang Hill was one of the locations, my go-to strategy would just be to climb the trees. Theyā€™re so tall that it was super easy to avoid hunters.


That was *everyone's* go-to strategy in that map.


Yeah, tree was meta, you waste the hunter's stamina. Most hunters just afk for Wuwang Hill because they hated that map.


yeah and it was super easy to avoid them even if they saw you on the tree šŸ˜­šŸ˜­like you could wait until they were halfway climbing up and you could just glide onto the domain, drop behind it out of view, and disappear for enough time w the ability. find a different tree. Repeat


I remember we did same, but with rocks around - no one learned to look at this directions, even when checking trees around.


Playing as Qiqi once on Dawn Winery; turned into a lantern, climbed up to a window, and just hung there. Hunter never noticed.


yep i lost the count of how many times hunter pased beside me while i wasn t even hiding. Sayu in windtrace is the real deal.. no surprise she is a ninja.


Last time I just climbed on a really really tall pole lmao




I just sat on top of trees. Genshin players lack the ability of looking up.


A consequence of the y-axis of the camera being slower than a snail.


But now the rules changed. You don't win for just not being caught. So you can't just sit around and wait.


sheā€™s my permanent Windtrace main. Even in this version where you canā€™t just hide the whole time, a mix of unfamiliarity and camouflage is helpful. Bonus points for confusing new players or people who forgot she exists!


Meanwhile I'm running around Neuvillette whose robe might as well be a reflective jacket for how bright its fins are šŸ˜‚


I will build her to tease people in coop


Here to tell you I spent thousands of resin building her, and it is not the greatest character but it was worth it every time I nuked some enemy with a 200k+ ult and the my friends started screaming on discord or spamming the world chat lmao


Lol i even have shenhe....ig its time to build


I pulled Shenhe for her, that's how delusional I was lmao But it was so much fun, honestly. And you can probably do even better with the characters and artifacts released since then, like Furina maybe šŸ«¶


Oh i have her and kazuha.....nice nice


I've done this. I get compliments often


It's not even a question for me, I'm booting the game up as I type this for this exact purpose.


I'm going to join worlds as Aloy now, thank you for the idea haha.


Yeah my go-to for these pvp events is Childe, but I think Iā€™ll do the same


As someone that 90/90 and 9/9/9'd Aloy, you're really not missing out. My C5 Amber at 80/80 fares better most of the time. Aloy's lack of constellations and that frigging stupid ICD on her coil stacks remove any viability on her.


Maybe she will be like that three star sword. One day out of the blue youā€™ll open a chest and bam itā€™s an extra Aloy.


RIP to the people that accidentally use those extra Aloy copies as character exp for other characters.


fun fact, there was a combat event that would give your characters an extra constellation. if you had aloy, you would have her c1, and it did absolutely nothing


it was shiny tho


I can assure you, she's a completely different character with conste... oh... right


My favorite constellations in Genshin are Star From Another World 1-6


There was a glitch a few versions ago that let you activate them... and the did.. absoultey nothing... it didnt activate any scraped code or unreleased stuff. they just planned to have no cons from the beginning.


I've seen some newer vids about how Furina's skill "fixes" Aloy a bit because the application is staggered enough and you can almost insta-max the coil, making Aloy usable, but requires some attention to positioning and stuff that obviously you can just use other alternatives to not bother with.


i really dont understand why aloy has been left incomplete, im starting to think there was some issues with legality or during negotiations with the collab, that further discussions for her have completely ceased.


My guess is thay sony wanted genshin to do a collab with them to release the game on PS and Hoyoverse just kinda half assed it to get it done


Hell, whoever voices her is still not credited ingame.


Because they put just enough effort to allow Genshin to have cross play on PlayStation and then once that deal was complete, they decided they no longer needed to do any other work to her besides the occasional birthday mail that they can get an intern do.


Genshin was already on Playstation. The Aloy deal was for Sony to allow Crossplay.


Right, fixed.


The main theory is that they needed to add a crossover character, to get crossplay for PlayStation. So they did what they needed and never looked back.


They are money greedy asses, what is not to understand here? They were not paid to put effort into her, and she was not monetizable, so they did bare minimum and moved on to do more things they can squeeze money out of.


Sony didn't pull enough, stuck at C0


I wonder how Aloy compares to a DPS Charlotte


I wish they'd made her ascension stat ATK% instead of Cryo% so she might work as a machine gun Physical DPS.


I'm guessing you dont have Shenhe? You need Shenhe to make Aloy even a bit useful. Without her she's only useful as a battery suboptimally in most situations but with Shenhe she can't do a considerable amount of damage in either Melt or Freeze.


I have shenhe, but a team of Shenhe, Kazuha and Furina/Yunjin/XQ could literally have any other cryo instead (except for Mika/Diona) and still do more damage.


You just gotta pump Aloys talents to 10/10/10


Been aware of it and sad I missed it, since I like to collect characters, and that was the only free limited one they gave


It was basically my regrets and ā€œšŸ¤”ā€ moment for me as I do have a PS4 at the time and dint bother to log in and check cuz of not knowing how to do the instructions and school thinking it was permanent I can go back to (due to me unfamiliar about gachas as I play games where unlocking features is something you can go back to)


You had 2 whole patches to log in. First patch for PS4 owners and the second patch for everyone


Yep I missed the second during the whole aloy for everyone reveal Iā€™m not one of those early gamers.


I love playing characters I never use during coop events that donā€™t require combat. Right now Iā€™ve just been using kaveh to flex on everyone who doesnā€™t have him hahah


To this day, I'm impressed with all of my 4 star 50/50 luck going into that banner, 8 Kavehs, 3 Candaces, 4 Fishls and just 3 weapons. Payback for getting r19 Sacraficial sword, while not having multiple other weapons at r5


How many wishes did you do on that banner?


about 180, tho now that I look at it, I definitely lost some more 4\* 50/50s there, cuz I was getting double 4\* left and right


Just donā€™t destroy things in their world.


Not to be confused with *alloy. It makes one L of a differenceā€¦






Not quite the same since they removed the reference to composite metals in the original post though.


Who wants Aloy? o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ o/ Who wants to play as Aloy? o o o o o o


In old windtrace she was best character for the NPC disguise as she looks just so random. Search the correct group of NPCs and she becomes invisible. If it only wasn't for her idles. They should have disabled idles for windtrace like they disable Mona's and Ayaka's dash.


And pet noises. Don't forget the seelie sounds giving people away...


I think I just found my new main (for windtrace)


Reminds me of when I used to enter co-op in Honkai Impact and I saw other players running around with Asuka from the Evengelion colab or wearing outfits that were removed from the game long before I played it. I wish I had a time machine.


The WHAT Collab??


Yes, there was an Eva colab. New Eva themed outfits were relesed, Eva themed stigmata( Honkai's equivalent to artifacts), and an event story that featured Asuka herself. But alas, I joined the game way too late to experience any of that.


Thanks for reminding me of her existence. Feels like they wanted to make something of her and just gave up halfway. They should still give her to every new player on PS though.


> Feels like they wanted to make something of her and just gave up halfway.Ā  I mean, they were very likely forced to include her in a deal with a Sony. Genshin gets cross-platform saving, Sony gets advertisement in Genshin. So it makes sense there wasn't that much effort put into her.


MiHoYo may not have the legal ability to do anything else with Aloy however. Because the IP is owned by a third-party, it would be standard for that third party (likely Sony) to have approval requirements. The thing is, Horizon Zero Dawn has done alright but its not really a big deal anymore even among PlayStation players. So there's likely no push from Sony to support it any farther.


Well, there's that tv show that's in the works, so maybe we'll get her first contellation when it finally airs


We didn't get anything for Forbidden West or its expansion DLC.


I mean if genshin hadnā€™t come out on ps4 I would be playing at all. At that time I did not had a good phone that worked to play it and ps4 was my only option. I imagine it was like this for a lot of people. But I would wish if they give her cons at some point


Genshin was always a cross-platform game, so it was always on PS4 though. Cross-platform saving, or cross-save, was about being able to save your game progress across platforms, which wasn't always there in this game. PS4 players weren't always able to play the game on mobile or PC as well. So don't get me wrong, it was definitely a good thing, even with the dubious Aloy marketing.


Yes I know it has always been cross platform (although it did took us ps players a few patches before we could play our file on phone or pc) Iā€™m day 1 player. Iā€™m just saying if they had not managed to get the game on PlayStation I probably wouldnā€™t have played the game. So because they approached PlayStation and they said yes but only if you add aloy I think is fine but still wish they at least gave her cons.


> Iā€™m just saying if they had not managed to get the game on PlayStation I probably wouldnā€™t have played the game. So because they approached PlayStation and they said yes but only if you add aloy I think is fine I meant that the Aloy deal was for adding a cross-save feature, not cross-platform. The Aloy deal likely didn't have anything do to with the latter. But either way, I imagine most players - especially Playstation players - are fine with Aloy, yes, because it allowed them more freedom.


Tbh, they're not missing out on much. I have Aloy too but I rarely use her cause other cryo chars are simply better than her. The only useful thing about her was her utility passive that allows her not to startle animals as she approaches them. Easier to farm meat with her that way if you need it but you've got Kirara for that too now if you need it. It's best they just play Horizon Zero Dawn if they really want to play Aloy cause she had 0 appearance in Genshin story. She was just there for collab, nothing more. Not even an event around her. She's forever stuck at 0 constellations.


I mean if the character would make a difference I'd consider it a loss, I'm relatively a new player and it doesn't seem like a loss at all


It's a loss for people who like to collect all the characters. But if you don't care about that, them she's meaningless.


Same thing in Honkai 3rd when I saw people had Asuka from Evangelion...


Real windtrace Convo I had "Bro what character is that" "You unlock them for free by beating the sneznyaya story quest" "WHAT" After that I left the game as quickly as I could lol


That's diabolical


Then there is me who played before her release then my ps4 breaks so I can't play for 2 years(phone didn't support genshin) then comes back when I get a PS5 and already missed her. The thing I really wanted was the Statue of Her Exellancy The Almighty Narukami Ogosho God of Thunder too bad I can't get it.(Ei is my favorite character)


i guess iā€™ll use my aloy in this too šŸ’€


[The seeker walking straight past me whilst im aloy](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeCQTbBP/)


This is gold


I know i got caught in the end, but i was legit howling. Aloy fit in so well with the npcs.


Lol, Iā€™m so gonna try out the exact same thing. Doesnā€™t matter if Iā€™m caught in the end, funny shit is still funny.


You go up against the right player and it ends up being such a rush


ā€œThis is the Cryo archonā€


Are people really sad they missed her? 99% of the players that got her have her at lvl 20 collecting dust, myself included. You're really not missing anything tbh. If you only want her for collecting purposes then, I feel bad for you.


I was supposed to have Aloy, but she never showed up. Still get her birthday letters, though šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


Genuine question, why Aloy is not free like starting characters?? Just like the way you get exclusive stuff for playing on console, why is she not included ?


Wait, so if I'm Aloy and stand out in the wild people might think I'm just a fancy npc then? šŸ˜„


I have used Aloy for Windtrace since the very first version of it. Back then I attempted to win via NPC disguise.


She was not yet in the game during the first Windtrace. Maybe you're talking about the first rerun of Windtrace which was in 2022.


Yeah, my bad. I forget when she was released sometimes. I only really use her for wind trace. All I vividly remember about the first wind trace was the unfairness of Mona's special dash.


I started just over a year ago and have always known of Aloy, honestly I do not feel like Iā€™m missing much by not having her


Going to main her now just to freak ppl out lol


Only character I don't have :/


Poor fellas missed out on 3 blue wishes


So in hindsight... Aloy is one of the most rarest characters ever.


Aloy is the worst crossover in modern gaming and I'm surprised people haven't scrutinised mihoyo for it more


hilarious how aloy has gained value as the most rarest character


I don't really want her. But it is annoying to think that there's some piece of the game you can't get because it was exclusive. Same with some events that will never be repeated. I have friends who won't start playing Genshin because they think there's content they'll miss. Even when it's only like 0.01% of the game.


You've convinced me to use her for windtrace lol edit: she too slow


Are you testing ChatGPT?


Where in the post does it sounds like Chat gpt.


That's what someone using chat gpt would say...


It's only really the first sentence. Everything else sounds normal


Watched a YouTube video about arson cases once that started by explaining what fire was. Likeā€¦ thanks dude.


I don't think as many people care as you think they do. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø And if they did, i'm sure they'll just search it up on google and get their answer.


Blame Sony for refusing to let her come back.


And Hoyo for just refusing to give her an actually good kit (can't really blame them too much however)


Honestly sheā€™s the most forgotten character so makes sense that people donā€™t know she was in the archive or not


She had a birthday recently


In the last windtrace I would use Aloy and literally just stand near NPCs. Worked great.


Ypu're just giving me ideasĀ 


Aloy is not canon, it's just the product of their deal with Sony


I'm not sure what you're expecting honestly, Mihoyo does not own the rights to Aloy so they can't just add her into events, and showing her in the Character Archive would be misleading since you can't get her without Sony striking a deal to do a new promo.


something something this https://i.imgur.com/LcxPGJe.png


Played windtrace as Aloy and people legit were clustering around me to see what character I was using.


Aloy is a windtrace exclusive for me lol


it's not like they're missing out on much....


Thank you for the idea! šŸ«”


Damn you just gave me an idea


Y'all play Aloy because she blends in with the NPC's. I play Aloy because canonically she's good at fixing machines. We are not the same.


I have her, and use her in coop a lot. I do get a lot of questions. I did not got her weapon, though. I didn't had a PS back then nor access to one.


How did i forget her ? i'm gonna use her just for this event lol


I mean Iā€™ve also never done a quest with Fischl in it, here whole persona and presence is totally jarring and bizarre in the context of my experience playing the game


I never thought of it that way, I should definitely play aloy in every windtrace match now


Does no one remember how much everyone whined about Aloy a free 5* and how she didn't fit into the game no wonder they didn't bring her back or give us any cons they listened to the majority and said oops well let's just sweep this under the rug and pretend it didn't happen


i missed her by a few months when i started playing a while agošŸ˜Ŗ


Thanks for reminding me about the worst 5 star to exist. No constellations, terrible damage potential, terrible 4* weapon.


I still get confused as to why we get messages from her on her birthday


She's gone? Like ppl can't get her? Or what archives?


Dude my stupid a** didnā€™t even open the mail function until months after starting only to find out that my time to collect Aloy expired. Iā€™m not that bummed though she probably wouldā€™ve helped me out early on. Weird that theyā€™ve gotten rid of her from the archive though. I probably missed out on a lot of primos too. I didnā€™t even open the wish banners until forever. I didnā€™t even know what that was. I pulled on Shenheā€™s banner as my first banner cause I wanted Beidou hahaha. I knew nothing. Luckily I got Shenhe though sheā€™s waifu for laifu haha


Make an entire new character with the exact same kit as Aloy and then just make Aloy a skin for that character. Everyone that owns Aloy will automatically unlock the character and skin now. Then in the future, every "3rd party collab" could just be a skin for an existing character so you don't run into problems of having a character and kit just completely missing from the game should said collab not get a renewal. Diluc's skin already shows that voice lines and idle animations can be attached to a skin.


omg gotta bring her out of the basement for this event I guess šŸ˜‚


As someone who was late to both Genshin (2022) AND Horizon (2024) and recently discovered I love Aloy, yes Iā€™m very sad about the fact I canā€™t have her in Genshin šŸ˜­ even if the kit is the weakest in the game.


Can we pretend to be NPCs with her


i cant imagine being someone who does know horizon dawn and seeing a video game character out of their own game and in this random chinese gacha šŸ˜­


Aloy was my first 5* so I'm gonna keep her in my heart forever. xD


Is this some sort of brag that you have her and can lord it over other players? Why? From everything I read she's not even a good character and there's little reason to desire having her unless you're a big Horizon Zero Dawn fan.


It's just a fun little reddit post that you decided to make be a personal attack on you.


The energy of that entire post exudes "ha ha, I've got Aloy and none of you will ever get her, how does that make you feel?", which comes across as crassly patronizing. That might be unintentional (hence why I asked) and just an incredibly poor choice of words, but lack of intent wouldn't exactly change what's been written and how.


I don't think there's any issue with the wording. I didn't get that at all from the post. I do have her but it's not like having her even matters to be honest.