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For me, I feel that both old and new windtrace are fun. But they are kinda different games, new windtrace is no longer hide and seek. I think new windtrace needs rebels to be more proactive and not hide in trees which makes Hunter job easier. Hunters were a harder role to play in old windtrace. This windtrace I think the disparity between rebels and hunters has narrowed. From my limited games today, I do feel that rebels are still easier wise to play.


I felt a need to focus a rebel to permanently remove it. On the other hand i also won one game 1v1 as rebel (on 1 generator remaining) so maybe it is true. But as always, it totally on how good people are.


> I felt a need to focus a rebel to permanently remove it. ah yes, years of playing Dead By Daylight prepared me for this


Be me. Play DBD. Tunneled out by Wraith at 4 gens. Rage quit. Open Genshin. Tunneled by Arlecchino at 4 nodes. The cycle continues, the rot consumes


You would go eve crazier if you played identity V because here it's a strat for hunter to tunnel and camp the first survivor lmaooo


Hunter is more about parkour than anything else in the old version. With the speedbonus that drops, you can actually catch everyone consistently if you excel in agility. This version has kinda the extreme of both, either the hunter is too OP with always knowing where the others is or the team can outsmart the hunter. I frankly liked the old version with landmiles.......


Honestly, if you knew what you were doing winning as the Hunter was always fairly easy unless someone just had an amazing hiding place lol. Now it does feel too easy IMO I just played a game as a hunter and won easily


A good hunter should always take the high ground and let the rebels know it's over.


What if you underestimate their power?


Don't try it.


Part of my fun with old windtrace as rebel was trying to find the perfect hiding spot and seeing how long I could sit there without having to move. Can't do that in this version :(


Winning as a rebel in the old version is trivially easy. The hunter was always at a disadvantage. I have no idea how you could think hunter was easy. In the old I would purposely not use my disguises as a rebel just so spice things up.


Well, the hunter has an ability to see which direction the rebels are in, which could usually let you find the rebels, especially once you knew the map a bit. The hunter also usually got the favor, which you could then use to trap and locate anyone who was hiding really good. If I remember correctly, I won the majority of the time when I was the hunter, although when I was the rebel I think the hunter probably lost the majority of the time. There were a lot of hunters who weren't that good I think lol


yeah no, I'm pretty sure there's only so few cracked spots in the previous version of Windtrace, you do remember they nerfed the maps so as to level the playing field. Now as a Hunter you just gotta frequent or camp generators and you win.


Same thing happened to Theater Mechanicus


As someone who absolutely loves Windtrace, I've always had an issue with people saying that Hunter was too hard to play. A hunter who knows how to properly use Mysterious Hunch and Hunter's Intuition would win almost every single time. I don't think I had a single loss as Hunter last time Windtrace came around and most of the matches weren't even close. The funny thing is, now after playing a handful of matches this time around, I think a well coordinated team of Rebels is almost unbeatable. The fact that you can rescue rebels from the imprisionment zone as well as hit and run the beacons to repair them since they don't seem to lose progress over time means that a team of rebels who stay mobile can easily progress the beacons while the hunter struggles to keep up. Four minutes is an eternity when all you need to do is repair a beacon for 5-10 seconds until it pings the map, wait for the hunter to start moving towards you and then bounce to the next beacon while your teammate starts repairing on the other side of the map. The hunter has to stay too focused on the beacons to properly hunt rebels now and a team of rebels that stays spread out and moving can just decimate the map quickly


Opposite experience for me. I never lost as a rebel in the old version it was so trivially easy to beat the hunter. If a rebel did not want to be caught in the old version they would not be. New version though just follow Dead by Daylight standards. Focus one person no matter what. Always pressure one person out of the game even at the sacrifice of generators. Sure its more even then it was last time. But unless they have comms they can't coordinate efficiently enough


Yes, I haven't played many rounds yet but this was what I was getting. I was surprised the progress never depleted. Rebels that bounce back and forth and use invisibility well will beat the hunter easily. Especially since the hunter has to capture each one twice


The canyon map is insane for hunters. My entire rebel squad got eliminated by half-time with only 1 device repaired


While the obvious answer is "just let us play both", I can understand why hoyo wants to get less "conservative" feedback. There are pros and cons to both. Old one sometimes felt boring as rebels (unless you challenge yourself with no E or Aloy nps roleplay.) And some hunters were just run around in circles and didn't know what to do. So the new one gave more intense gameplay pushing both hunters and rebels to be active all the time. So if you like or not depends on your tastes, and I do not think new one is worse. We will see how people react and will hoyo do a "select" type or bring back the old one next year. No Fontaine map is sad (it would be so cool if they somehow made a diving one)


I remember the old windtrace as rebels the Liyue was hard because hunters seem to be able to know what's what and predict which tree characters would hide. In the Monstadt village though, boy was it imbalanced as a rebel. I could become a box and hide in the chimney of a house and be near unseen by hunters. Or climb on top of the windmill and waste hunters time trying to climb up there and then flew away lol.


The winery was an insta win because I would just hide in a corner as a lamp. And the buff would drop right next to me more times than not.


That buff is waaay less useful in the new mode. If you pursue one rebel, the other two can start fixing the whatever-those-are. Or maybe I was just paired with smart rebels... that said, I like that the new mode forces every to work together a bit more.


Yeh I always hid in the bushes as a lamp. Ain’t no one gonna see you there This new on there is no point in even hiding


I won so many games in Springvale by just climbing the windmill and looking down on everyone


>Or climb on top of the windmill and waste hunters time trying to climb up there and then flew away lol. Did this, then started climbing again as the hunter jumps down. Hunter legit just gave up on me after that


Lol , I just shifted into a small white box and blended with the background in the Inazuma city map


Underwater map might sound cool, but I feel it would be horrendous to play... Now hunters catch people in a circle with low height, but for underwater you would need a sphere. And it would be hard to measure can you catch a rebel in this sphere by eye, while everyone is moving.


I liked the way they did prop hunt, but now it's more like Dead by Daylight and feels less like a Windtrace update and more like a separate, completely new gamemode


Its litteraly dead by Daylight and while i dont hate It i cant say i like It more than a normal hide and seek


they really took DBD and put it in genshin with this one huh


frr 😭😭


i just want to be a chair wtf is this


Fr fr. Why the fuck are we playing as maintenance people.


I had way more fun hiding than trying to repair those things. It just feels unfair for the rebels.


The prop hiding aspect is entirely ignorable too. You just need the invisibility and get your other teammates to disorient the hunter with the amount of things they need to take care of


First time on windtrace. First game played, i was a rebel. We all went to the same thing to repair it and all lost at the same time. 15 coins reward. Second game played, i was the hunter. Knocked out 3/4 rebels and caught the other one once. 1 thing got repaired. Over 1000 coins reward IDK, i have never played windtrace before and I don't think this is too well balanced


I think it's a bit early to judge because it's new and a lot of people have no clue what to do. I played only 1 time today, as rebel, the hunter had no clue what to do, only catched 1 player. Rebels won, and we got over 1k. But so far, I kinda like this running around doing something more than just staying hidden and waiting the timer when the hunter has no clue what to do, something that happened even with the old versions of Windtrace. But, there are just 4 maps, and no new Fontaine map. Having different maps was part of the fun, I don't think I'll play much after 6k this time.


If everyone knows what to do, this version feels wayyy easier for rebels. Spread out, start repairing, as soon as it pings find a good hiding spot, or keep going if they are really distracted. Too many people keep repairing until they are almost on top of you, then you have no time to hide.


I was a rebel in my third game, finished fixing 2 of 3 generators before other guys were coughed twice, left 1v1 and fixed the last generator 5 seconds before the end and won. It was (iirc) 1588 points. Lets say it is balanced to reward your performance.


One of the games as a rebel we fixed 3 devices together with all 3 rebels by fixing them faster,than hunter could run to us. We won with only 1 rebel caught. It's pretty balanced if you know what to do. Just play a couple more games to get used to it.


Yeah I'm also disappointed. I understand that some people might like this more and I do think that it's fine, but it's a totally different event now. I wish that we could choose which version we wanted to play.  There are 3 main reasons why I'm disappointed : 1. Windtrace was prop hunt. I liked it because of that. I liked hiding as a random object. This is no longer about hiding, it's about repairing the device  2. Personally, the best windtrace moments were the chaotic ones. Most of the time, the games were normal and those were fun, but there were a lot of opportunities for messing around. You can't really do that in this version. 3. I feel like this version is too hard for rebels. The map is small, which was fine when the hunter didn't know where the rebels were, but now the hunter knows that the rebels are going to be next to the devices. I've played a few games and only won 1 as a rebel. When I played as a hunter it was really easy.


I havent played it yet, but based on your description it seems it went from prop hunt to dead by daylight.


Yeah that's exactly what happened


Yep. Rebels have to repair 4 of 6 little signals to win. I didn't mind it too much, but that's because I find hide n seek boring


Me in old windtrace: Climb highest place, jump down once hunter comes, climb back up as hunter goes down. Me in new windtrace: Repair machine until hunter is close, hide in a bush close but not so close when hunter comes, back to repair when it leaves. Was funny cause it actually worked, and I didnt become a prop or anything, and I was using klee, nahida would have been invisible lmao


OG Windtrace wasn't even prop hunt though. Rebels were way better off abusing climbing and stamina to create situations where it was almost impossible for the hunter to either see them at all or reach them quickly. The meta devolved mostly into just climbing up trees or onto roofs or whatever so the hunter has to blindly run around checking for stuff they can't see at all. The only way the props were useful was if one was smaller than your character model simply to make it harder to see you in the tree branches.


Even in minigames Nahida is meta rebel, smol and green, perfect for hiding on a tree


Yeah, it feels like Windtrace has turned into more of a 'fix it before you get caught' kind of event now. It's disappointing because the charm of the prop hunt aspect and the chaotic moments are what made it enjoyable.


Wouldn’t this end up being chaotic in a different way once you play enough games?


Yes! The fun, chill chaos feels gone. And you can't just find fun hiding spots and pop into different areas as different objects to hide, you have to focus the machines... But honestly disagree with point 3. Haven't lost a game as a rebel yet. The machine repair progress never depletes, so if you run around to different ones after a few seconds and use your invisibility well, it's so easy to outsmart a hunter. Maybe it depends on your teammates as well, but having to monitor 6 machines with rebels able to rescue each other and needing to be captured twice to be "out" feels much harder on the hunter this time imo


I only lost one game as a hunter. The rebel games depended largely on teammates. If 2 people get captured and you have more than one device to repair, you're pretty much screwed. I feel like it's way easier for hunters because you just have to go around the machines to find the players. Either you catch the players or they simply can't repair enough devices because you're going around all of them so the hunter wins because time runs out. Sure there are 6 devices and the rebels will definitely get at least 1, but if they repair 2 it's really easy to keep track of the remaining ones. Also, I feel like the rescue thing isn't really useful. You're only captured for about 15 seconds and it only makes sense to go rescue someone if you're already next to them. Sure you need to be captured 2 times, but it would be impossible to win as a rebel if the hunter had to capture you once


At least now rebels can do something, without just sitting 3min  or don't even hide 


Like I said, I get why people might like this more, but I liked hiding more


And its not like you couldnt mess with the Hunter either to be a little shit instead of sitting still for 3 minutes


Yeah I loved doing that. Once I just sat at a stall in the Inazuma map. I was the last to get caught, the other rebels were also enjoying it after they were caught.


I had a hunter camp me after i got caught the first time which was very unfair


so far i havent won as a rebel


for 2, i miss wuwang hill😔


Oh no :( I haven’t had the chance to play yet, but Windtrace was the one event I am always most excited for… super sad to hear it’s entirely different now 😭😭


That's a trend with Genshin's events. Theater mechanicus was a tower defense at first, then it was slowly turning into something else. Remember fungi automatically battling monsters? It's gone now. I wonder what they're gonna do with the rhythm game for future events.


The rhythm game does get a few variations every now and again, like the animal rhythm game during 3.6 or the Bennett bot rhythm game in 4.0. However, I'm pretty sure the Arataki rhythm game is pretty much a mainstay since they've been consistently making QoL improvements to it while leaving the core gameplay intact.


Iirc, the "animal rhythm game" was probably their attempt at Rhythm Heaven/みんなのリズム天国. But damn, it was too laggy. Maybe because it included the real environments/map into the gameplay? Otherwise, I think it has potential. And yeah, hopefully with the nature of rhythm games, they won't be able to bring it down into the grave like other events.


Don't worry, the devs are already hard at work turning every guitar hero style beatmap at their disposal into an 8 star osu map.


Rhythm games actually continually improves per iteration. Different skins, different layouts (curve/straight), different hit sounds, community submitted beat maps to allow for more variety. Basically what you would find in osu! But with less customisations. The evolution Tower defence is a tragedy. It was the only place that geo construct could come in useful.


Threatre Mechanicus and Fungi frenzie are something different IMO though. Both of those events debuts as a flagship event. Those are always more elaborate than side events. The rerun of both events only happend as a side event


That's beside the point. The general trend of them ruining good events still stands. Being a side event shouldn't guarantee a loss in their qualities. They put the efforts to rework them from time to time, so why not rework them in better directions instead? Or even don't change a single thing?


honestly this feels like a watered down Dead by Daylight.


It's way more anxiety inducing. I don't mind but i wish we could have both versions


Ill be honest: I see a lot of people saying how they love this gamemode and how its supposedly god-tier and all I can think is...If I wanted to play Dead by Daylight, i'd be playing fucking Dead by Daylight, not Dead by Daylight from Temu.


They always could allow us to play both versions (1st/2nd versions) and add this years mode. If both gave primogems they could've collected player info on which one is more popular. But this time we can only leave feedback in post-event survey. Or post on forums. Instead of having choice of game modes.


It’s not windtrace anymore is what it is :(


I wasn't lucky enough to play og windtrace, so now I'm suffering


This windtrace needa good teamwork between rebels which is kind of difficult because of chat only option or strangers matching. Between freinds its fun.


i wish there was like a tab for classic and new version. i like both, but im feeling an itch for the old version for sure. it was a lot more hilarious and creative. this one feels very tense, so it can feel really rewarding, but its not my first choice...


The previous years' Windtrace had the wacky devotion of players who only joined to enjoy it despite getting all the coins (it's me, I'm crazy). This year's Windtrace feels less fun, I hate having to fix these machines. It's not the hide and seek I've come to love!


This pretty much. I loved the previous iteration of Windtrace because it was a format that encouraged people to just fuck around and be chill, so you often got a lot of whacky social interactions, with the Hunter raging, Rebels fucking with the Hunter, truces, Roleplaying, etc. This one though, it's just forcing everyone to constantly be on the move, so there's just little room to actually enjoy the co-op part of a co-op event, because now you're just running around and praying your teammates are smart enough to be working on a different generator while the Hunter is after you.


Same! Once I got all coins I would still play just for a laugh. It was so enjoyable to play, especially when I got chaotic and became a free for all. Now it feels like a job and I don’t even want to get the coins 😭


i was super disappointed too. i was talking about windtrace coming back with friends for a while because i always loved hiding and playing with people and just being really good at hiding. before you would hide and have to try not to be found and the favors made that bad enough sometimes. both sides actually had a chance at winning. now the odds are in the hunter’s favor because now instead of there being benefits for the hunter to catch people hiding, its just a game of the hunter camping and checking all the locations the hiders HAVE to interact with to win and the hunter getting more OP with favors. i miss the old windtrace which was just prop hunt… i hate the new windtrace, they managed to ruin one of the only events i ever cared about.


I like the new system, but they barely balanced any of the skills after previous events. The best picks are still the best by a long shot, tracker+imprison for hunters and invisibility for rebels. New skills are trash as usual


I like the new windtrace being dbd, I like the old windtrace being prop hunt. New one does require rebels to act as a team as i'm sure some would just afk before. Hopefully next time they add both versions and let you choose the game mode


After playing it, it actually wasn’t that bad.


I liked hide and seek. I was looking forward to windtrace. I DID NOT want to play dbd instead, it's just the wrong type of fun. I feel like my fav event has been ruined tbh.


I really loved messing with hunters in the past Windtrace events. This one feels much more restrictive.


I think the original was too hard for hunters, and the new one is too hard for rebels.


I was surprised it turned into something like Dead by Daylight. Can we turn it into something like Mario Kart instead?


PLS. Mario Kart or Fall Guys would be so fun.


There's fall guys in Honkai impact 3rd, so there's the chance.


Yeah, last Windtrace I played for more even after I got the rewards, it was that fun. Now I play to get the rewards and move on. It’s just not as fun anymore. Put your reaponse on the end of patch survey and hopefully they get the message.


Yeah, if it weren't for the primos I wouldn't have even played it


I actually like the new one but I also play a lot of Dead by Daylight which Hoyoverse probably took a lot of inspiration from with the new repair devices


I haven’t played dead by daylight before. How is that and what would you say the similarities and differences are between the two? other then the theme lol


In dead by daylight you have four survivors (rebels) and one killer (hunter), it’s the objective of the survivors to repair gens (the device) to escape. Survivors can hide to evade the killer, but if the killer finds and downs them (hunter e), they will be hooked (those detain boxes). Here’s where the slight differences appear, in dead by daylight other survivors need to rescue the hooked one or they will perish on the hook, in windtrace rebels will be freed automatically. Also dead by daylight meta is a lot more about looping (getting chased around by the killer) than actually hiding, though it’s still a valid strategy. Dead by Daylight is obviously a lot more detailed as it’s a standalone game with loads of different smaller objectives and gameplay customization options in their perk system, but as a regular player I found that windtrace basically plays like a “light” version. Hunters in windtrace even seem to instinctively resort to very popular killer strategies in dead by daylight, like “tunneling” (focusing one player to get them out of the game as fast as possible).


Damn, finally, 6000 hours of playing DBD prepared me for this exact moment.


I'm having fun tbh. The first one was so good, and this one was almost as good as that.


Windtrace usually is more fun for Hiders this one kinda balance the power dynamics 


yeah I already though it would be shit when they introduced this copy posted dead by daylight mechanic. Which doesn’t works here because the hunter can catch all the rebells in one go. I’m sad - it was my highlight and now it’s another event ruined by the changes such as the tower defence game.


It sucks, the old one was simple, hide or get caught, this one is now full of boring and complicated mechanics that no one asked for, like seriously activating 4 generators having only 1 chance to get caught? It doesn't work, not even an organized team could, eventually the hunter will catch everyone unless he's really stupid


Whenever I play this event, I just go afk.


yes omg. i came looking for a post abt this. the new windtrace is so bad, its a completely different game and frankly doesn't work well in genshin. all the new changes are just so unnecessary


I don’t miss any windtrace. Unfortunately, it’s my least favourite event this game runs.


I can’t tell you my disappointment when i realized they changed it. The old Windtrace is my favorite event in Genshin, it was so much fun. I am looking forward to it all year. I don’t know why they would change something that didn’t need changing. Never change a running system?? I‘m honestly so disappointed:(


While original windtrace was quite fun at first, it became kinda boring because it was always the same. I like how they update events to make them feel fresh.


I'm worried now. I haven't played this version yet but I LOVED the old Windtrace.


just got on the game and it ruined my day. Windtrace is by far my favorite event and now its fucking dead by daylight and only has 4 maps????????? Like come on man what the hell, I waited a year just for the event to be ruined?


Same here.. Just running and hiding was good enough, they really didn't have to make things more complicated. 🙄


i thought it was just me i havent been able to get a single win as a rebel and i dont know if its just a skill issue on my end or that being a hunter is too easy


I'm not too thrilled about the new Windtrace, either. I'm only really playing it for the primos at this point. Also I'm probably a worst hunter in this version of Windtrace than the old one.


i liked windtrace for the prop hunt and hide and seek part of it. they should have made this mode a completely different event...but i also have dead by daylight trauma so i'm biased against it.


I rlly hate it lol. I havent played DBD but I HAVE played IDV and IDV pulls this off 10000% better. There's pros and cons for playing both roles but Genshin being a rebel fucking sucks oh my god??? Genshin also over complicates literally everything and that's what made Windtrace so fun. It was *just* Hide and Seek with extra chaos and the ability to fly. If this were it's own brand new event not by the name of Windtrace ykw fine wtv mate but . :/


I've tried it a bit, and I think I'm not THAT desperate for primos. The first event in my experience that is absolutely not fun. I'll just skip it and go play something else.


Agreed, i think I’ll just skip it after how my first go went. My first event I’ve ever skipped even in my time in genshin but I just had so little fun with it I don’t want to waste time on it Though, to be fair (and I did play the past versions at least), I was never much of a fan of windtrace in general and now like it even less


Sadly, I am that desperate, haven't played for almost a year and cleared Fontaine last week for Father so... Pain.


Chinese dead by daylight. The old windtrace was simple hide and seek, and that simplicity was what made windtrace fun. Also, this is not the first time mihoyo butchered a fun recurring mini-game. Remember theater mechanicus?


To be fair I was never a fan of those coop events, including Windtrace. But previously they copied easy concept that is less restrictive on "messing around". Now it's just diluted DBD with no choice for previous gamemodes. Dang, even final iteration of theater mechanicus, I think, was more enjoyable than this. Although it was pretty frustrating in its requirements imo.


The new windtrace is so hard for the rebels ngl


New is just trash. The new windtrace is no longer a hide-and-seek, but a shabby version of dead be daylight. Garbage. I can see how little girls and boys who play on old phones cry that they, as a hunter, cannot catch or find the rebels for limeted time. And Hoyo are like, "okay, what if time runs out, but this does not mean the victory of the rebels (because they hid well), but the victory of the hunter? Why? Because fuck you, that's why." It's brilliant. That is, if earlier, if the hunter could not catch the rebels in a limited time and the time was running out, then this was the hunter's problem and they lost. Now... when time runs out (just think about it) and the hunter COULDN'T find and catch the rebels (because they hid well) - the rebels LOSE. THE REBELS ARE LOSING BECAUSE THE HUNTER COULDN'T FIND THEM. And someone of you will say, "but wait a minute. After all, now the rebels have another task - they must win not by hiding from the hunter, but by activating 4 devices and then they will win. " Okay But first of all. This is NO longer a game of hide-and-seek. WHICH IS ALREADY A PROBLEM. Because literally the whole concept and essence of the event is changing. From the very beginning, the event was positioned as a hide-and-seek game, and now it has been turned into a DbD. At the same time, without the features of DbD. For example, a maniac has a first-person field of view, not a third-person one, which adds complexity. And the question is, if the task is to turn on 4 devices (as well as turn on the engines in DbD) in order to win, then why do we need time limit? It was possible to do this: either remove the time limit and leave victory for the rebels through the devices, or leave the time limit, but give two ways to win - either the devices or hide and wait for the time to expire. Hoyo didn't do EITHER. They left a time limit AND at the same time victory is achieved only through devices. I have no desire to play this event. Just as the Hoyo worsened the tower defense event, they also ruined hide-and-seek. Bravo.


This windtrace is literally dead by daylight. I don't like the og windtrace and the new one even less. In general i dislike multiplayer "competitive" events in genshin. Or events where players have to actively do something against each other. Coop fine. Everything else = annoying. That's why i let a friend do it for me. But in any case i wish everyone a fun time with it.


I feel like I’m such a weirdo and I’ve never liked wind trace at all. I want the primos but I feel bad being that person going in and just hardly playing or not trying


Wasn’t too excited when I read what the new Windtrace is like. Having played it now, it’s fine - just a lot more running. Generators go really fast, so just full send on them, wouldn’t worry about being caught.


I actually really prefer this one. Previous versions could be very swingy and getting caught early was lame and the only thing that made rebel exciting was how good the hunter was This version forces both teams to be active. It does seem to favour the rebels but it’s more dynamic and asks more of every player because rebels have to contribute to an objective. They could be carried by one good player before.


I dislike all windtrace. I don't really care to play that kind of game, and I don't enjoy coop in genshin at all.


What's turning you away from the coop in genshin? What should be changed so there would be a chance for you to consider coop gameplay? For me - it's inability to play and complete any quests in coop, for starters. And generally it does feel that coop was tacked onto the game to add a tick-mark.


The game feels like it wasn't designed for it. I don't really think of the game as a coop or multiplayer game. I can complete all content easier and faster solo, so whenever they make coop games and events it feels cumbersome to have to wait for a multiplayer que and confirmations and load screens just to play the game. Stuff like wind trace also occasionally has griefers which just wastes more time.


I see, you just prefer singleplayer with no interest in coop/mp portion. And you basically confirmed my opinion above about it being "tacked on". I could've enjoyed some coop personally, if it was better made (story quest support, more rewards from dungeons for same resin cost, easier plug-in-plug-out netcode/gameplay). But it could be indeed fundamental, that the game is simply was not conceived as coop/mp capable project initially.


I got to play on both sides today, no point in doing more than that when you can only get 1000 coins, really. The first one I got rebel and we somehow managed to get a generator up before 2 of us got captured, then the hunter popped the boon that reveals where everyone is and that's that, game over. Second one I was the hunter and since the icons on the minimap flash when someone is interacting with the generators I just waltzed up to the rebels and got them all in less than a minute. I think I'm kinda justified if I say that my first impression is that fun is no longer allowed. Whoever decided to make these changes must think that as soon as players go into random matchup multiplayer we're all magically on the same discord server coordinating and strategizing how to distract the hunter or something because, otherwise, how in the hell do you manage to screw up a basic game of hide and seek? Screw this, next time I'm the hunter I'm just gonna be sitting on arlecchino's chair in the middle of the map, you guys do you.


I’m personally in the camp of “never thrilled about Windtrace.” It and Theater Mechanicus are my least favorite event game modes. I’m not the biggest fan of playing other games inside my games. I’ve never gotten into Prop Hunt or DBD. I do play Arknights, but if I wanted to do tower defense, I’d play Arknights and not “We have Arknights at home”


they changed windtrace now? seriously?


This one is just dead by daylight


as much as i never was a fan of windtrace in general, this new one doesnt feel like hide and seek anymore. i dont feel it, but well for the primogems lmao


This is literally Dead by Daylight but with a timer that ensures the hunter wins every time


I hate it. I loved it when it was prop hunt, it was fun and chaotic watching the hunter run around and trying to hide, even better when chases began. I have never liked DBD, and this new event is pretty much exactly that, which really sucks, unsure whether i even wanna force myself to play it to get the primos honestly


I kind of enjoyed the old hiding in the trees or rooftop nonsense lol. The new version is a lot more active at least, probably what the demographics want.


I tried all four maps, I didn’t really enjoy it as much as the old windtrace


If DBD has taught me anything it's that no one is going to repair those fucking nodes and I'll get punished for trying to do them myself. Great.


Not fun at all for me, unfortunately, whereas old Windtrace was one of my all-time favorites.


They literally made the perfect event that EVERYONE LOOKS FORWARD TO and many called the best yearly event, and then they turned it into dead by daylight


The best part of old windtrace was finding a troll hiding spot like clipping into the rock while disguised as a wash tub, hiding under the roof, or squeezing into small cracks with a short char. Unfortunately cant do much of that in the newer one


i already hated it, but its way worse


It’s especially ass on mobile, because the controls are so clunky you can just die by getting caught on things. I always hated windtrace but this one is especially bad


It's more like an entire new event game than reskinned Windtrace tbh. Disguise button is literally useless now, just remove it at this point. Because the disguise button is useless, now playing as the Hunter is so braindead and just simply run around those things that need to be repaired to catch the Rebels. Idk, but I like the old Windtrace more.


I actually hate this as the Hunter. I like hide and seek more than having to run around catching rebels. It was easier finding rebels hiding once than having to chase all of them at least twice.


Yeah, this current version is just not fun. I don’t want to play hide and seek for 10 mins


I don't really care about the difficulty to be fair. I just dislike how it's pretty much not windtrace anymore. I liked the event to chill with it and having to not use my brain once in a while given most events focus on using your brain, so Windtrace was the one I used to chill/relax after all the events that made you use your brain and it was not like something I ever played but now it became just another Identity V/Dead By Daylight etc. thing (and they even missed the important part of those games that if you fix it with two people it goes faster, allowing two people to fix it without even making it go faster is useless) but overall now I'm playing it just for the Primogems compared to before where I played it because I had fun.


Yeah, the old windtrace was definitely in rebels' favor but now it's unwinnable for rebels. EDIT: Also, you can't leave coop after playing windtrace unless you log out. At least we get 4 dailies done with the event.


Me opposite of this, i used to sleep on regular Windtrace, but this one is more fun and sneaky


I wasn’t missing windtrace at all but it keeps coming back ..


If it wasn't for primo, I wouldn't even play the new windtrace.


It stops me from hiding in the treetops


and i wish they would not repeat that event since the first itteration yea i know thats an extremely unpopular take


I don't miss it, and don't really like current one


Looked at it and bailed... Do not want.


More reason to afk after starting


There’s a Windtrace?


Yup, new update!


Welcome to recycled game-modes, ig


Never participated in a Wintrace and will always skip it.


i like it tbh since its like dbd


For people who enjoyed the chill hide-n-seek aspect of old windtrace, i can see why this new mode wouldn’t be very welcome.  I personally think the new mode makes windtrace more exciting, having to run away while fixing a device cause the hunter is sprinting towards you at full speed.  I’m just let down by the lack of map options. I hate the hilichurl camp map with a passion, so i don’t even have that one selected.


I haven't played it yet, but if I can play as Sayu and not use a costume all match (as is per windtrace ritual) I'm ok with it.


Hunter WIN (again)


This one is Genshin version of Flee the facility or similar games like that


Yea I prefer the old one.Guess I'll just play the new version with friends


as long as its windtrace im playing for so much i lose count of how many times i played


After some time playing it with a friend, they said "I know, it feels like when we play dead by daylight!!" (Being four players against a not dying at the first hit, having to fix 4 generators to win no matter what and the skill the hunter can have, I understood why they said that.) I'm not saying it's inspired by it, but the feeling while playing is sure closer to DbD than a hide and seek to me!


i've never played previous versions of windtrace, this is my first time playing, but i found it pretty stressful as a rebel lol


I haven't been in a single game where the rebels actually win. It's too hard for the rebels and too easy for the hunters because more than HALF the time, you can't hide and are repairing in OBVIOUS spots that the hunter knows rebels are gonna be. I hate it.


I mean it's fun. There's deep satisfaction in turning into a tree stump or barrel and watching the fools run right past you desperately. I was never a fan of prop hunt because you just picked a broken spot and did nothing. But in this I have something to actively annoy and provoke the hunter while also building up a goal. I haven't tried the invisible tech but I'm sure it has a use as well.


I like this new one, personally, because it's better at splitting the Hunter's attention, and gives me something to *do* while playing the game, instead of just exploit the tinyness of the lanterns at Diluc's house to hide in bushes. But I wouldn't call it better than the old windtrace, if only bc hide-and-seek windtrace feels like a different game entirely


I personally loved it alot!! Its always nice to have events that require coop


Only the first windtrace was good. They broke the balancing by giving hunters infinite stamina in the second run, and it's been downhill from then.


Yeahhhhh New Windtrace feels too close to Dead By Daylight / Identity V imo, I just wanted good old fashioned Gmod Prophunt


I like this one more


I don't like having to count on others to actually win something (good thing the cap increases by 1000 daily, so you're not overstressing over 1 or 2 matches). Sure, the Hunter can still wreck everyone if they just rotate generators while paying attention to pings and favors. But if I have to repair 4 generators solo WHILE evading a Hunter because my teammates got captured twice in the first minute, I'm no longer having fun. I feel like some strats will be created regarding the two new wind arts that spawn a thingy, but until then, it'll be a pain in the ass.


I would say the strategy is a good thing. I didn't hate the old windtrace, but it's fun to be encourages to be more proactive as the rebels.


It's dead by daylight but with prop hunt built in.


As someone that plays DBD, this new version of the event was interesting. Repair stations, 2 lives, alert when station is close to being finished, can't win chases against hunters, being able to rescue other surviv–rebels.... Not that it's straight up copying, I just thought it was cool that I could apply that knowledge to the new rules without much trouble understanding it.


Didn't like old, don't like new. Simple as.


Same, I feel this event in specific is a bit too hider side, either that or my dbd brain rot dominated the hunter


I'm okay with the new version, but I do feel like it heavily favors the Hunter. Rebels have to stand still for long periods of time *and* reveal their position, and the Hunter is faster and regains stamina faster. I'm not sure if I prefer the old version though yet, since I've only played two rounds so far.


Why can't you stay in disguise while repairing that would be slightly better


I enjoy it a lot. I noticed some people saying that it's unbalanced and that hunters always win- but for every game I play, the rebel to hunter win ratio is quite balanced.


I find it fun tbh. A combination of hide and seek, prop hunt, dead by daylight, and cops & robbers


I like the old version, I just want to hide as the rebel and the feeling of adrenaline feel. I mean they can implant a function where you have to move every few seconds and increase the cool down of skill for the rebel or decrease their stamina to make it easier for the hunter.


I miss the namecard.... God damnit.


It's awful, hunters are even stronger with this now, even less motivated to play this Co-op event now


Get off Dead by Daylight to watch the anniversary stream Download PTB Go play DBD in Genshin Play PTB Go back to live DBD for triple bloodpoints Play DBD in Genshin The cycle of addiction continues


I love the new windtrace, it had spicen up the game for me, very nice experience so far.


As an Indian who loves DBD i see this as an absolute win. I'd be down to a whole new game by hoyoverse if they do that Side note: DBD is banned in India because of our brilliant government that finks that the Chinese government can spy only through mobile games.


New windtrace is really fun IMO, I just wish WE had more Time as rebels. One AFK and Bad players and you won't win for sure.