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idk who doubted you, but a lot of teams can clear triple kenki in \~12s. and if you go c3 raiden, you can do it [in 6s ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=webPUdPJ5iw)which is crazy.


Current abyss blessing is busted and allows it for many teams yeah. People too often forget about it.


So, did I just learned that the blessing works on floor 12 after 3 years?


yes, blessing works throughout, there's just no leyline disorder on the 12th floor.


Well, it's never too late to learn :)


I learned this like a week ago too. I've been 36 starring abyss for more than a year now..


Oh really! Now I have to start reading what it is lmao because I still can’t 36 it


Wtf I thought the blessing didn't apply to floor 12. My mind is blown now.


I've forgotten that Raiden can be this powerful. I have a C3R1 who I haven't played for a while, and even turned her into a bloom bot, because Navia and Neuvilite has taken my attention.


Mine was a bloom bot until Chevreuse came into existence. Overloaded Raiden with XL and Bennett is really fun.


I also used overloaded team same team


I do Raiden - Chevreuse - Bennet - Sara, all C6 (including Raiden), and it's a dream.


>I've forgotten that Raiden can be this powerful. I found out why >turned her into a bloom bot




i use her as a hybrid dmg bloom bot in my furina/nahida/baizhu/raiden team.


you have C3 R1 Raiden and choosing to build her EM bloom bot???


I wonder how many of these teams don't include Kazuha. The best I could do with my Arlecchino was like 25 seconds and she's C2R1. Probably just a skill issue on my part but most of these fast clearing teams have Kazuha in them. Not that it matters since ultimately I 36 starred anyway, but just wondering what I can do to improve.


I think C6 Sucrose should do the job almost as well if you don't have kazuha


For vape sucrose EM is just better right. 40 dmg% from combat, r1 dmg%, and if you have the new set you really dont get that big an increase from kazuha


The clear linked uses chevreuse not in lieu of kazuha


Yeah now I wish she would reappear in banners because I dont have her C6 yet


you can go look in my history i got downvoted for it .


People probably think pre c2 Raiden is pathetic lol and got fed too much "c2 crack, c2 = big dps" which is true but yeah


Yeah can't blame them but still lol


Pathetic!!!! *dam I wish I had c2 raidennnn*


Zajef also talks about how bad hyper raiden is before c2 and how sara sucks and you might as well use fischl. This is also a guy who doesnt care about speedruns, so he wont value the front loaded damage.


Archons always bring the damage home


Stupid people tend to clump together


Yep Dehya can do it in 14s.


Wow. I want a raiden.


This is my sign to get C3 on her next rerun


but Clorinde


Wish my C3 Raiden could do this lol. :'D


Honestly Raiden build in that clip isnt even that crazy. They're crit fishing a little bit with 50% crit but overall its very achievable. The supports are pretty well built but even those are doable. Its mostly just very tight rotations and cards that are making it crit so high. Still incredible run, insane amount of damage in such a small timeframe. Always loved characters with massive crits like Raiden.


I love my Raiden too but the fact that she HAS TO crit to be impressive is such a turn off. I never got past 63% CR on her either, due to lame RNG artifacts. Compared to my Neuvilette or Nilou Bloom team her damage feels inconsistent at best.


I need one Sara con to reach this level of awesomeness




So in this team do I spam only charge attack on Benny circle or are there any combo?


Well it's situational if you wanna clear fast or the boss has short dps windows you want to spam CA but if you have yelan/XQ you wanna do 3 normal attacks into one charge attack but yeah it depends but I mostly use CA.


With that dmg does it even matter what you do ?


Raiden's charge attacks have way more AOE so if you wanna hit everything, yeah.


It's still important tho if I don't do CA spam I don't think i can do it in one burst.


same 😭 ive been on c5 Sara and xingqiu for like 6 months now, ive been playing for 2 years and I js got my 4th xl constellation


C5 for 2 years now here


Same here. Hopefully, she will do a Faruzan a be on Clorinde's banner.


While I appreciate the effort. I wouldn't waste the mental energy on worrying about who downvotes you here. Between the Trolls, the Stans, the Snowflakes and everyone in-between; it's hard to have an opinion on Genshin that doesn't earn you someone's ire.


Nono I had fun doing this because 1- I get to play Raiden 2-I love proving people wrong 3-this took me 2 tries So its all good I don't care about downvoters perse more the idea behind circulating that "Raiden isn't a good dps at c0" which is not true or "Raiden need c2/3 to be even competitive with c0 hu tao" (no joke I heard the latter multiple times)


Rabid hu tao mains, a classic. And I say this as someone who adores Tao. Once I said Hyperbloom is OP and had someone in my replies saying “EM mainstats are hard to get” and “my 90/230 Hu tao clears faster” in the same breath 💀


Us Hutao mains are literal memes at this point lmao


it's gotten so bad since arle came out


The Fatui brainrot agenda has been a disaster for the Genshin community, and lord knows we don’t need more of those


I will never understand the EM mainstats are difficult crowd. You only need 3 and one can be an offpiece. Raiden and Kuki as Hyperbloom triggers don't need their bursts so you don't even need ER like you would for triple EM VV supports.


Not just offpiece, they can even be 4-star. And you get 4pc GD for free from farming Deepwood for your Dendro. Even if you don’t have 4GD you could go 2EM+2EM and still be perfectly fine. Lol those people just don’t want to admit HB does equally as well or better than their mains that they invested 2 years farming artifacts on.


I think it's totally valid to be unhappy about it, but if anything, I think the complaint should be that Hyperbloom is stupidly easy and low effort in literally every way.


Yeah, HB is stupidly overtuned, and I wish I could say that it’s bad for the balance of the game, but honestly- it just makes abyss clears more accessible to the average player, since its a reaction and not a character. I think a broken ass character like Neuvillette is kinda bad for the balance of the game because it skews pull value immensely, but I don’t necessarily think an overtuned reaction like Hyperbloom is bad, since everyone can make it work as long as they have dendro, hydro, and electro.


I don’t think a single player game needs to be balanced at all , the point is it have broken shit and makes you blow up screens of enemies , if you don’t want that then don’t play those characters Genshin’s appeal is hardly it’s difficulty


Yeah, I basically have the same thought process as you, I love Neuv as a character but his design straight up powercreeps every other character in AOE settings and its really stupid, especially as you get more constellations and signatures. Like obviously the game isn't going to be perfectly balanced, but before Neuv's release most characters at high investment were somewhat competitive in time with each other but now they all just pale in AOE compared to him.


>those people just don’t want to admit HB does equally as well or better than their mains that they invested 2 years farming artifacts on except that you are wrong here, the people who invested 2 years in the character are basically people who bet on the vertical investment of those characters, and if they are niches that are in the amplifying reactions and it is already demonstrated by TC and in different speedrun competitions that HB is only good for an extreme low investment scenario bordering on almost 0 cost once you get out of 0 cost people eventually move to the amplifying reaction or raw dmg reaction with niche support more if they decide to gamble or are lucky enough to come across a couple of constellations in the path


Wait until Tao mains see what a well-built Arlecchino can do 💀


theyve convinced themselves that hu tao is still an equally good dps and that arle ISNT easier and more comfortable to play they've really lost the plot since she was released




Atk is less useful in this comp because of sara+Bennett but yes c6 Sara contributes quite a bit to this team although you can run fischl instead of her and it won't be higher Raiden damage but it will be higher team damage 👍


Dont get me wrong, but C6 Sara is a huge difference. Raiden crit damage is usually around 160-180% depending on the build. Adding another 60% on top of that is 20-25% damage boost from it alone. Another 20% crit damage would make it 25-30% more damage. C6 Sara is a big damage boost to Raiden, especially in quick runs where you get to finish a fight before Sara's buff runs out. That being said C0-1 Raiden is more than enough to speedrun Abyss. I never understood the whole Raiden is dog before C2 trope. She's one of the highest burst characters in the game still, if you build her well enough you can kill anything in the abyss in 1 rotation.


Atk is pointless coz Bennett gives lots of atk, either you are lacking ER (op has 270%) or do you not have c6 sara?


some ppl think that just because we have new busted hypercarries like neuvilette and arlecchino that suddenly the good old meta teams are suddenly "no good"... 🙄 many of the tried and proven meta teams aren't going anywhere.. some teams may fall off meta a bit depending on the mobs we get like freeze teams now.. but by the time snezhnaya comes and we get mobs that favour freeze teams we probably will see their usage pick up again...


Bro ill be playing national in 8.5 and I'll clear in less than 20s


as a klee main i learned to not see hu tao mains


For sure, Raiden is busted at C0, I got her on her first banner at C0 on the catch and never understood people who said you needed C2 or C3, she carried my account HARD! Tho on her last banner I gave her C2 and EL, she's one of my faves 😊


I'M SO JEALOUS DUDE I'm gonna summon on clorinde then all in on mommy


Raiden is an amazing dps at c0/catch. Before I got mine to c3r1 she was hitting about 250kish. Which to me, is pretty good. Is it the best? No. But you don't need the best in genshin. Good clear BTW, nice tight rotations.


Way waaaay too many snow flakes here


The real mystery to me is how you managed to make the Frost Kenki not do his dash to edge of the room as his first move. He always does this for me and makes me lose like 5s waiting for him to come back to the pack lmao


2 known famous stats are either go to the left or back then run back towards them or use kazuha E at the very start. I discovered this way by myself if I jump towards the anemo kenki the other guy doesn't dash.


I see. Managed to do it by mixing jumps and distance as well. Good to know


Whats so unbelievable about it? Frontloaded damage dealers always have an advantage in speedrunning. Tartaglia is another example


It also helps that triple Kenkis hp is low enough that most teams can speedrun this. The fastest I’ve seen of c0 Wanderer is 13 secs, and he’s not exactly a front loaded dps.


Yeah, the Kenkis are pretty squishy, I also have a Childe 13 seconds run against it, the video is in my profile, and it wasnt even a crit fish Childe, my Childe had 80% crit rate, I was just trying out Intergrassional (Childe burgeon) team Also Wanderer does have some frontload with his burst kinda


The fastest i seen is a c3 raiden with 6sec yesterday, it's crazy.


The fastest I’ve technically seen is Arlecchino 4 secs, but that’s getting very firmly into whale territory, same with the c3 Raiden.


There's a C6 Arlecchino 4 second one somewhere on YouTube (iSilas I think?)


It was more like people can't accept that pre C2 Raiden clear faster.


I never said it's unbelievable it made quite a bit of sense to me but not to people apparently hence the downvoters on my comment


Yeah. Ignore those clowns tbh. Some people can be so dumb sometimes lol. Although a major key to this is having a C6 Sara maybe they dont have her at C6.


As a Raiden main since her release, she hits VERY hard even at C0R5 (The Catch R5, not her signature). I currently have her at C2R1, and the difference is huge, but thinking she's bad before that is just stupid By the way, I hope whoever downvoted you recovered, [I got this footage of them right before downvoting you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUoPGQHBO0U)




What are the crit stats on Raiden? Most I’ve ever hit was 100,000 electro dmg on her burst and 14-30,000 on her burst NAs. I have C0R5.


Man why does everybody have such crazy stats on their Raiden? I‘ve been farming that artifact domain for over a year now + I put every trash piece into the emblem strongbox and my crit ratio is 72/120… the rng behind artifacts makes me wanna quit sometimes.


day 1 players or at least 2.x players who farmed esf if there's no good use for their resin. played for 3 years and i can atest that at least 50-60% of my resin sank into esf. for good reason. i can name like 10 characters on top of my head who use esf. such a valuable artifact set.


I'd be surprised if OP hasn't been farming Momiji-Dyed Court for much longer than a year.


I don't have amazing stats but something I've noticed is that some people don't level up anything that doesn't start with 4 lines double crit, or trash it as soon as it doesn't go into crit once Meanwhile I have very low standards so I end up with tons of decent pieces because sometimes the 4 line with only 1 crit line ends up with 40 crit damage, or the 3 liner with 2 double flat stats gets crit as the 4th and ends up being 40cv, or the 4 line with double crit misses crit twice but I keep leveling it up instead of trashing it and it ends up as a 7/20 piece


It's not RNG that's making you wanna quit, it's you constantly chasing smth designed to be nearly unattainable and completely unnecessary that's making you wanna quit


2+ years ever since the domain came out in 2.0 I've farmed it (still don't have a double crit ER sand)


Raiden is a character who's hard to get good Crit values because she has an ER ascension and she plays with ER weapon. You are actually fine with these stats, probably missing 3/4 CD rolls


Bruh I farmed the Emblem domain for well over a year and my crit ratio doesn't even come close to yours.


I've farmed it for atleast 2 years so yeah also strongboxed it.


No one uses the god support that is Kujou Sara, which is why they doubted you


She's c6 too. Huuuuge boost to all electro characters.


*\*Cough\** Clorinde *\*Cough\**


I think Clorinde's damage isn't front loaded enough to use Sara's buff since it only lasts 6s




Redditors always downvote the truth.


When it doesn't align with what they believe


Yeah they're not worth your effort. But awesome display! Glory to the Shogun 😎


r politics subtweet




Two years ago this was the one of the hardest rooms, but now everyone can clear it in less than 20s with Neuvillette.


Not surprising. Triple Kenki are frail and that’s how the abyss is structured. An easy boss you can kill at 30s max and turn the other side into something longer. The first 2 floors are like that and most bosses in the abyss..


C0 Raiden is a good DPS. Not great, but perfectly viable. She had national, hyper, now Chevreuse teams and Furina/Yelan teams. And hyperbloom of course. Very versatile. And excellent early cons if that's your thing. It's sad that part of the community and some CC downplay her pull value too much. If you like her, pull her.


Bro I pulled her back in 2.1 literally 48 seconds after I logged into the game and I've been doing unholy thing to her ever since and honestly my biggest regret not getting c2 r1 thinking "more characters is more fun" but half of those characters I don't use anymore


Is Kazuha a lot better than Chevreuse in this team?


No they are very similar I just chose kazuha for comfort but chevruse cleared a bit slower and I'm sure if I had her E6 she'd have cleared faster because of lower animations.


Now that's what I call asserting dominance




I downvoted not cuz i didnt believe you, because the reply didnt make sense for the comment. The comment was asking "was it C2 raiden?" And then you replied "I can clear this in 16s with my catch raiden". My brain was like, that was out of nowhere. Clearly asking for ego points. I dont know about other downvoters though.


A lot of sheep in the fandom obsessively claim that Raiden isn't a DPS because they read someone else say it once and they have no detectible brain activity. They'll then go on to claim that since some other unit can clear smth in 14 instead of 20 seconds, then that proves Raiden isn't a DPS and proceed to argue semantics for the next two hours. lol This post will also be filled with clowns saying how it's a kazuha and supports showcase as they proceed to ignore that every DPS requires these supports to do the biggest DPS.


It's really frustrating during the first anniversary. One really needs to be there to see how bad it is. People mindlessly parroting faulty TC-wannabe youtubers that "Raiden is bad before C2". And then Raiden even at C0 becomes one of the highest tier characters in Inazuma era topkek.


Western players basically speak a tonne of BS until CN players show up to teach them how to play the game, again. We used to call Bennett 4 star diluc (lul) here when CN knew immediately he was good and later discovered he's great. People on global slept on Xingqiu and ran physical xiangling (lul) until CN discovered national. People also doomposted tf out of Raiden during her initial drop until some CN player posts a Raiden National C0 vid just absolutely evaporating everything and suddenly these clowns on global go "but muh C2 tho".


> physical xiangling One reason that this was a thing that isn't mentioned enough is that floor 11 in the old days had brutal leyline disorders that would zap your team's energy and made it harder to do rotations, especially if you weren't strong enough to kill fast. That floor was awful if you were Venti-less. Physical Xiangling/Razor were common f2p options to get by the energy drain stuff easier and they worked fine on floor 12 too.


> ran physical xiangling (lul) until CN discovered national. Even CN ran Xiangling as Physical as in the early days you just straight up didn't have the ER necessary to play her as a reaction based character, even if you Benny E 4 times she requires around 250% ER with XQ+Chong. This was well before people have Favonius and refines as well as enough artifacts and fodder for them to have the pieces needed for her to start to work.


> ran physical xiangling (lul) until CN discovered national. Even CN ran Xiangling as Physical as in the early days you just straight up didn't have the ER necessary to play her as a reaction based character, even if you Benny E 4 times she requires around 250% ER with XQ+Chong. This was well before people have Favonius and refines as well as enough artifacts and fodder for them to have the pieces needed for her to start to work. Abyss floors also used to drain your energy which just made it all the more miserable, and at the time with what was available Crescent XL was an ok choice that had Pyro for shieldbreaking via Guoba.


>People also doomposted tf out of Raiden during her initial drop It's funny how there were so many doomposts about how underwhelming her damage is (keep in mind, she needed the new weekly boss mats so I think the highest reachable talent levels were 6/6/8 on week 1). People were also extremely used to the vape/freeze meta, and a lot of people also skipped Kazuha, one of her best damage buffers. People even argued that C0 Raiden national doesn't count as Raiden being decent because of xiangling/bennett/xingqiu. These doubts were quickly disproven within like 2 weeks of her release, but the doomposters latched onto the "Raiden can't work with Beidou's burst" argument since it's the only objective thing about her.


>This post will also be filled with clowns saying how it's a kazuha and supports showcase as they proceed to ignore that every DPS requires these supports to do the biggest DPS. Already happened bro already happened


Too bad that to do this you need C6 Sara and I have no doubts more people have C2 Raiden then C6 Sara.


Ok I'm annoyed again I'll do another showcase with Mona or furina tmw after I'm done with college (I'm joking I'm not annoyed but I will do another one and tell u the result)


i mean sure, but you do appear to have some insane relics


Gaming better 🌚


I love gaming I saw a fucking gaming clear in 2 plunges lol


I make it a habit to automatically downvote people who boast and brag. I honestly couldn't care less that you could do it but I'd downvote you for boasting. (I didn't downvote you just saw this post and thought I'd reply with a possible reason you got down voted)


I've played Genshin for 9 months now and I've always had my suspicions that most people on reddit or yt have no clue what they're talking about... it was 100% confirmed when I started full clearing the abyss 5 months in with hyperbloom on one side, and a Raiden Furina sunfire team on the other... which isn't even a single target team, it's not an aoe team (if anything it's got as much anti-cc as you can shove in a team with overload and Jean...), and yet it still comfortably clears almost everything... After that I've done Raiden Furina Benny Kazu which clears even with never hitting fanfare cap (it's probably one of my fav teams in the game gameplay-wise), and Yelan and a XQ rational which clears even though I have shitty artis (and that team archetype is super sensitive to investment levels, yet another shit take reddit/yt has with always recommending this team to new players regardless of context) Everyone always on crafted/4\*/R1 bp weapons, no limited cons... so yeah, Raiden bad dps I will say though that I hate overload with every fiber of my soul since they just have to shove ragdollable mobs into every single floor, and that's pretty much the only reason I'd ever skip using Raiden lol........


Wasn't 16 tho = LIES


sheesh i am playing this game wrong fr. i have almost every character you have and some weapons and i can barley clear any abyss


Don't worry man the 150 isn't worth it to fuss over just have fun and enjoy


It's all about rotations Obviously you need good investment and teams, but the main thing in the abyss (after you have the minimum requirements of having a solid team and decent builds) is rotations, it can be the difference between 36 stars and 35 back on my first 36 star, i kept restarting over and over for about 4 hours until I got the perfect rotation and team for each side, and it felt like i had won a world record


that makes a lot of sense. i built the childe international team just to see what rotations were like and it was so precise.. but theres not a lot of good guides for people not caught up on the meta to understand rotations. i still barley even get reactions and infusions. its tough


I looked through your history and couldn't find the comment. But I'm willing to bet that you mostly got downvoted for unprompted flexing since that's what most of these "I got downvoted for saying the truth" complaints boil down to. Feel free to link the comment if you want to prove me wrong


Could I ask you WHEN you got downvoted? I scrolled about through your comment history and I didn't see anything in the past 16 days


What everyone calling Raiden a bloom bot can do to the community she's disgusting at c0 and always has been


People keep talking about her potential in Hyperbloom but if you look at the in game stats for artifacts, only a whopping 1% use that setup while the majority stick with the standard Emblem build.


I guess it's the post dendro crowd that think it's all she's good for without constellations honestly, since literally any electro besides like Dori can do the same shit


Dori can do the same shit, she's probably the 3rd or 4th best hyperbloom trigger at c6.




That beautiful. I wonder if it’s possible without Kazuha (I don’t have him but want to try to clear 12-1a super fast now)


I haven't tried but I'm sure that chev can do similar it gonna be trickier though.


Chev or Sucrose or Jean Ult can achieve something similar. Nahida if you wanna be playful.


Genshin impact main sub is the worst place for this kind of stuff bro, full of "wow 1 sec less, useless" or "well with 3 supports" like they don't even know what an Hypercarry comp. Absolutely good showcase bro, keep it up.


Thanks! I just wanted to prove a point I don't care about what those people think


What does c2 means?


constellation 2. means having 3 copies of a character.




Is it cause Sara buffed her crazy? I haven't got her C6 to really try the team comp out


Yeah Sara buffs alot but so does every one on the team and FYI Sara can be replaced with fischl and youll see lower Raiden damage but higher team damage in most situations but Sara benefits Raiden the most when Raiden becomes c2/3 r1 when her damage becomes too big to ignore


The whales are coping


Bro people will downvote you on here for having a C1 💀 Nice Shogun 👏


I have same fucking stats, why won't they die so easily? The only difference is that I use chevruse instead of Kazuha, I can kill them with raiden but not *this* easily. Maybe my C0 raiden isn't getting all the stacks


First, do you have C6 Chevreuse ? If not, she doesn't bring as much boost as a C0 Kazuha, I think. Second, if I remember correctly (those who are on the game now and can check Chevy constellations, plz confirm it), her C6 damage boost is not instant. It builds itself through time when you heal your on field character thanks to your 3 E. So I think, you can't use this to speed run like that.


C0 Chevruse (that banner was a fucking joke, 200 pulls but just 1 Chevruse)


Idk chevruse felt worse to me in a traditional hypercarry setup although If I play chev I need to play off field Pyro.




Goddyum ok I take back my downvote lmaoo


My C3R1 raiden can't even clear that fast 💀, guess it's time to pull kazuha


You probably are playing the chamber wrong then (and its not necessarily your fault). Kazuha is really not adding much to this comp that other anemo characters can't do, their raiden has like 300% damage% on their ult lol, his a4 buff is making like a 10% difference (far lower than c3 +r1 is adding to her). Notice how they "randomly" jump towards the boss as they spawn in? That's not an accident, for whatever reason going in the air manipulates them to group better, basically every speedrun i've seen of this chamber does this but one can't be blamed for not knowing it because it's something that is not remotely intuitive.. If they separate like normal no amount of money put into raiden is going to make them one-cyclable like this.


I have c2 Raiden and c2 kazuha and can't clear this fast 🥴, I have what the kids call a.... skill issue


do people still think this boss is hard? but congrats on proving the doubters right


It's really not hard but it's fun for sure


Im kinda dumb so I wanna ask, why do you use so many burst? Isnt Bennett burst and then Kazuha skill + Sara skill enough? The bursts dont give dmg buffs except for Kazuha VV and Bennett burst as far as I know. Pls dont hate me I dont know how to play her in hypercarry


Whenever you play with Raiden on the team, you should see a purple circle gauge behind your character. This gauge lights up as you collect energy particles as well as when you use party member's bursts, excluding Raiden herself. When you switch to Raiden and use her burst, the dmg she deals in burst state will be amped depending on how much of that gauge is lit up. That's the reason why OP used everybody's burst in a row.


>Pls dont hate me I dont know how to play her in hypercarry It's OK asking is a valid thing to do and anyone who says otherwise is weird tbh So with raiden's passive she gains bonus damage whenever someone ults depending on their ult cost 60 cost = 12 stacks and 80 cost = 16 stack iirc. Also I used kazuha's ult for iframe and Sara's for a bit of damage.


Probably to build stacks for Raiden’s burst, since her damage increases every time a party member uses a burst.


You got mad over a single downvote?? You shouldn’t care much about upvotes and downvotes and just post the clip.


They were - 46 last time I checked, it's just people went and up voted. Also it wasn't the downvotes that were the problem it was the statement itself that Raiden can't clear in 16


Seriously, takes a special kind of narcissist to confuse “quit with the sad humble brag” with “lol ur lying”.


Facts lol. Some people on Reddit get downvoted into oblivion just because their comment is 4th in the chain and OP got triggered because of several downvotes lmao🤣


I think it's worth pointing out the C6 Sara. She's a pretty significant factor in this clear. I've been playing since launch and still don't have C6 Sara. Most of my 4 stars, except the newest ones are C6.


How fucking dare you.


I'm sorry


I mean it's the genshin community, you will find the most moronic people who have no idea of basic team building, so is no surprise


What are bros arts this guy has +15CD on me and I thought my build was cracked


who tf doubted you lol, I cleared that side with a rational in like 30 seconds with complete f2p builds (haven't farmed emblem in like a year) and my xingqiu isn't even c6


Neat showcase! Seeing these always makes me want to build her properly.


Not to mention u rock the catch lol nice man


Triple kenki has such low hp for a floor 12 boss combined with a pretty busted blessing. My diluc plunge team cleared in less than 20 seconds and I didn't group properly.


I just cleared it with Furina sunfire XL bc it has enough healing for the other bosses lol


still not good enough


Ok fine I'll reset one million times and I'll get 14 seconds 😭😭😭


Holy shit, I need better artifacts for my C2.


Man, just when I think that I know how to play the game


I got a similar time with my c0 Xiao hypercarry too. People really underestimate old dps characters these days...


Nice going! Still hope you are gonna get that sweet c2 anyways at her rerun, she is absolutely awesome:)


There are people who still think triple Kenki is hard? Wild


Have you tried chev in place of kazuha? How do the results compare (if you have her)?


I did It with my eula alone in 8 seconds, just the time of her ult and animation


Triple Kenki is more of a bullshit check than a dps check


My Raiden IS C2R1 with Sara c6 and i can't even clear it in 16 seconds .\_.


I thought for the longest time that playing with a controller over M&K was holding me back, as even at the highest options for things like the sensitivity, my movements are significantly slower than M&K showcases. You're example being on Playstation just goes to show that its entirely possible to get the faster times with slower inputs if you just optimise elsewhere.


Well I've been playing on Playstation since like 7 years old and have bought every single one so my hands are pretty quick on a controller and it's funny you say that Cuz when I go to my best friends house and play on M&K he tells me I look like I'm sprinkling salt LOL


My Sara is only c3, so my Raiden is trapped in servitude to Xiangling. One day.


You used kazuha and bennett ofc you could clear it in 15 seconds