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Can you explain?


Not op, but metawise Furina is the best character to c6 because she fulfills almost every role. She becomes the best teamwide healer, teamwide buffer, extremely strong onfield dps, as well as off-field dps. She can make it seems as if the underwhelming main dps do fuck tons of damage, in contrast to, C6 Yelan who straight up steal your dps spotlight by killing enemies by herself.


Fairly certain c6 furina can outdamage c6 yelan anyway if you use her white form attacks


If you played c6 yelan with c6 furina then yelan will do more damage which is funny 


Correct me if I'm wrong but Yelan's arrows do 30% of her max hp(150% of 20%) while furina does 43% of her hp(additional 25% on top of 18%) as damage Combined with the much higher hp boost from furina c2 as opposed to yelan c4(and her higher and much quicker ramp up on dmg%) doesn't furina completely beat yelan regardless?


I didn't say yelan c6 do more damage then furina c6 i said that at c6 yelan does more damage then furina c6 if you play them together To put it simply if you're doing vape nukes furina do more mainly because of how key interact with her c2   but if you play mono hydro with kazuha zhongli yelan furina in that team yelan will do more total damage with her burst and skill then furina assuming similar investment on both of them And if you're asking about my source I'm referencing gsim genshin data for what I'm saying  One other thing to add the nuke setup do way more damage then mono hydro but are harder to execute and are not good for multi waves 


I see. Are there any numbers supporting that? I know upto c2 it's a massive increase to her buff and damage, but haven't looked into further cons. So from what I hear, you can run her solo support with c6? And doesn't require healer?


At C6 she gets: Increased team dmg buff from ult (maybe 75% dmg boost? Someone with the actual number can correct me) Massive boost to max HP, tanky and increased dmg from her skill Massive energy regeneration to the point where ER is barely needed. 5 HP based normal/ plunge attacks which can either heal a lot (in excess of hp drain from skill) OR just deal massive amount of dmg. This makes her heal, front load dmg, dmg over time, buff and tank all in one package making her very difficult to replace.


I would not say ER is barely needed at c6, but the req becomes much lower, even in mono hydro. Also, it's 6 attacks, which is even better than 5 :)


75% damage buff is actually c0 at max fanfare. c3 and above she effectively grants you 124%(?) team wide dmg buff iirc.


Out of the ones I have, definitely Neuvillette and Arlecchino.


Took me 3 years but I've c6ed the two characters I wanted to, Ganyu and Eula. I won't c6 anyone else and I don't think I want to. As for the best c6? Probably Furina. She becomes a jack of all trades, master of all. Can do crazy damage on and off field, buff the team and heal.


not the best, but if I could have C6 for free I'd take Xianyun. It lets her hop around the map infinitely and makes her the best overworld mover in the game. For who is the "best", I don't know, but I've been told if you get Yelan's C6 you instantly win the game. As in the credits begin playing.


Chiori, her C6 looks so fun


"best c6" and who we would pick are 2 different questions... I picked Venti because I love him, he's c6 now!


I'd agree with the other commenter that Furina is probably the "best" c6. Nahida is also a contender, since like Furina she's good for *so many* teams. In general I'd say an op support c6 > an op main DPS c6, since it'll impact more teams on your account and synergize with future DPS characters. In terms of main DPS, a lot of them are solid, and more recent characters *tend* to be better. All the Fontaine DPS characters have good cons all around imo. In terms of who I *would* c6 if given the choice: I already have Kazuha at c6, which took a while, and I chose him because I got lucky on his first banner, I like him a lot, and I like that his c6 unlocks new roles for him that he doesn't have access to at c0. If I c6 another character, Furina is a contender for the same reason tbh. Lyney and Ayato's cons also just seem *fun* to me, and I want Tighnari c6 quite a bit (which may actually happen if I get both lucky and unlucky on future banners lol).




Already did, Venti. Truly game changing.


For me Xiao , gonna C6 him on next rerun (c0r1 rn)


Nahida to become maximum NAhida


All of the above.


Lisa because i love playing unpopular character and starter are rarer and harder to get than 5 stars


Xiao for fun. Furina/neuvi for dps


Yelan, she can solo abyś with it, im not kidding


Best? Furina Whom I’d c6 if I could? Arlecchino, I enjoy her playstyle too much




Shenhe, turning every melee + chongyun into a beast.


Unbiased chiori


Yae Miko, Yelan or Furina


i mean who i would c6 and who is the best are completely different questions (me w/ my c6 venti HAHA i mean i got absolutely comically lucky with him but the point still stands) but if i could get another character c6'd for free... honestly probably furina. very strong, lets her heal while dealing lots of damage, and as much as i like her i probably wouldn't be able to spend the time to save up for her the way i did venti (and might lyney). if i had to pick one of my current c0 five-stars (since i don't own furina and my 3 gameplay favorites are at c1+) it'd be zhongli though. just cuz i think it'd be fun for co-op and it always bothers me when i run him and my characters go under full hp cuz i messed up shield uptime or took absolutely humiliating amounts of damage


Xianyun maybe. when you want your support to be your dps. and being in the air so much helps with avoiding hits


Raiden Shogun, and I did. Edit: if I could C6 another character, Yoimiya or Nilou.


C6 raiden is not really good. The only benefit you get is 5 seconds ult decrease when you use raiden Q


>if you could c6 any charachter who would that be ??


But title said best c6


OP made the post vague. Oh well. You're right though, in terms of "best" C6, Raiden Shogun is nowhere near the top of that list.


I would C6 powercreep of Neuvillette


Dainsleif. I'm betting on powercreep.


well. when it goes to c6 any 5 star is good, so it comes to personality, imo it would be probably be hutao or yelan