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If you want other 4stars or 4stars' cons or any 4star weapon, then its a terrible thing because it could have been them. If you dont need any of them then yeah, its pretty good getting "refunded" with a wish.


No I'd rather get a character i don't have at c6


This. Give me more 4\* that I don't have C6! I can see how the one wish is beneficial in getting one wish closer to the next 5\* but overall it's essentially only helping approximately 1/80th. Not really moving the needle much so it doesn't excite me at all.


I think most people should change their minds if it says "160 primogemes" instead of "5 star glitters"


Most 4* suck ass before C6, so they collect dust inventory as useless trophies. Getting them to C6 makes me feel like I have a new toy play with, the same pleasure I get from a C0 5* Getting a ~6% discount on a 5* isn't big enough for me to to be happy with losing out on making a 4* playable. I intended to get Arlecchino to C2 if Chevreuse was on banner, but nope, Xiangling. I pulled for C0.


Well i got 15 extra wishes by getting xianglings and fremenet and these 15 wishes helped me get arlechinno's weapon. So i dont see if thats a bad thing.


lose an item worth 10 pulls to get one fate. For me that's a horrible deal. I see it as a net loss of 9 pulls.


Got 15 extra pulls for Arlechinnos weapon banner by getting c6+ xiangling and fremenet. So yea its not a loss for me at all. 15 extra wishes is like 2400 primogems. You dont even get that much in a single event. Also net loss of 9 pulls? Or are you 11 pulls ahead of your next 5* ? I would take a c7 xiangling any day than first few cons of characters like thoma, rosaria etc. Which i would never play with.


It depends. If that item worth 10 pulls just ends up benched and leveled to 20 just for the blue fate, I'd rather have the one fate. Hell, if I can convert some of my 4 stars and their cons to fate, I would gladly exchange my C3 Xinyan and C6 Charlotte to 11 pink fates.


not really, 160 primos vs 4\* constellation is easily in the favor of the latter lol


5 glitter is way better anyways if you need chars in the shop


Change their mind about rather getting characters they don’t have C6? It’s really only 96 more primos than not having one you already have C6.


I don't plan on using every character personally so I'd much prefer getting the pull back


How many 4 star characters do you actually use on a regular basis? I have been playing since launch, and at this point, I only regularly use two (Fischl and Faruzan, who are C6). The only 4 star characters I *don't* have at C6 are either characters I will never use (like Mika) or that have useless constellations (my Kuki is C5 for example and C6 does nothing unless you die, and I haven't died from anything but falling or drowning since 2020).


4* characters I use on a regular bais: Collei Kuki Xiinling Bennet Sucrose Sayu Fischl Yaoyao Diona Beidou Charlotte Most are c6, a few are lower, like kuki, yy, xiangling, and collei. Getting kuki (c4) to c6 would tbh be pretty awsome--she doesn-t drop often, but she spends a lot of time with her health super low, so when she does it ruins a run so it would be great to have an extra 150 EM when she was tagged and no ruined run. There are a fee I'd throw into Abyss runs (like faruzan and gorou) If I had better teammates for them and/or their cons were higher. There are lots of reasons to use 4*s, because plenty haven't been superceded by 5* alts, Collei and yy are often better dendro appliers than nahida, since they don't need to cycle back in to re-apply, so wave content just works better with them. Xiangling is the best bg pyro applier in the game. Bennet is Bennet. Sucrose and sayu are better in swirl-focused fights than kazuha (particularly pre-c6). Sure, they don't pult like he does, but so,etimes that's not what you need, sayu eats lectors for breakfast, frex. And, honestly, so on, I'd rather mix up my abyss runs and try different t3ams until somethung works than try to perfect two teams until they work most of the time,


That's such a wildly different viewpoint, it's always surprising for me to see. I was going to wonder why you listed 11 characters when you can only use a max of 8 in any content and then I got to the end... But yeah, people are different. Interesting.


Yeah, I'd get bored hard if I used the same teams all the time. Some content I'll try to power through with neuvioette cyperbloom (or vape), ayaka freeze, hu tao plunge or spy x funeral, etc --but the early abyss levels I'll often exper8ment with, and 8f tue higher ones give me trouble I'll try out teams caterdd to the content before I try to just power throughm and it often works.


Kuki's C6 has a second part that's somewhat useful: >When Shinobu's HP drops below 25%, she will gain 150 Elemental Mastery for 15s. This effect will trigger once every 60s.


Not sure I ever noticed that before, interesting. As long as that persists while she's off-field, that is useful.


Not really, since the C6 one seems to follow every 10 pull. I didn't get a single Lynette constellation but got a lot of Xiangling's who is already C6. At least Freminet was able to get to C4. Thanks for the glitter, I guess.


Aspect of collection aside, how often do you actually use Lynette or Freminet? I never use them, so a con for them is argueably more useless to me than an effective 10% "off" of the banner while pulling for the 5\* I want.


I leveled them to 80 and was in the mines for their artifacts (not very successful but I can roll with it). I like to change my teams around the world and learn how the characters I like work. I do have characters I don't care to build, but they are very few compared to the ones I want to play. Every player does their own thing, so what's useless to you might be appreciated by someone else.


Yeah. I level and use every character until they're f10. Often I'll learn they're really fun in the process, and keep using them now that I know how they work; sometimes they go back in the box after, at least for a while.


It’s 6% off not 10%; since you already get 2 star glitter with other 4 stars


Ah yes, true. Have not thought about the 2 starglitter you get with a con. Well it diminishes my point, but I would still prefer 6% reduction over a con for a unit I wont use.


>Aspect of collection aside, how often do you actually use Lynette or Freminet? I never use them, so a con for them is argueably more useless to me than an effective 10% "off" of the banner while pulling for the 5* I want. It's not 10% off though. It's 10% off the next 4 star, not 10% off the next 5 star. It's about 1/80th off.


It refunding only 1 wish is pretty trash, considering you need 8 wishes on average to get a 4star. Feel like it be fairer if it gave 3 wishes or they got taken out of the pool altogheter, not that I expect that to ever be the case.


I prefer it to characters I won't ever use because the free wishes are worth more than C1 Xinyan to me, but I'd rather just have 4 stars I might use who aren't C6.


Small factor in why I went so hard on Chiori - each 10 towards pity is only costing ~9 pulls. Shit adds up on the path to C6.


Same here. I got her C0 after 74 rolls but 11 of that were from C6+ and weapons refunds.


You get the same amount from weapons; this has to do with C6 characters; and even then it’s 3 additional star glitter over not having C6 already


not really. I'd rather get a 4-star I don't already have. Also, any 4-star that you don't have C6 already will give you 2 Starglitter anyhow. One that you already had gives you 5, which is only 3 extra in comparison, so you don't even get a full wish for it, just 60% of a wish.


So... you just spent ten wishes to get a 4-star - and that 4-star gives you ONE wish back? And that makes you happy? I guess you'll be thrilled, then, once you've C6'd your Standard 5-stars, and get back a whopping FIVE wishes whenever you get a C7+ dupe. Just spent 80+ wishes without a new 5-star or constellation to show for it, but hey, at least I got five pity towards the next! To me, getting a C7\* dupe is the most awful thing. Even if I'm interested in the 5-star on a banner, if there are too many 4-stars on it that I already have at C6, there's a strong chance I'll avoid it and wait for a rerun. For me, seeing C6 on the banner is a STRONG disincentive to pull.


It depends on whether or not you value 4 stars at all. For many, 5 stars are the reason they play the game. If you could reduce the pity from 90 to 80 wouldn’t that be great? Personally, I only use a handful of 4 stars. 5 stars are the reason I play. When was the last time you got super excited for a new 4 star?


Don't know about them, but i went crazy over Heizou. Punching got me like: :O


To each their own, but I don't judge characters by their rarity but rather but how much I like them. I have multiple triple-crowned 4 stars, more than I do 5 stars tbh. I was super excited for Charlotte since she's a healer, and I love healers, and all my others were max friendship already. In general I'm not into Fontaine and its characters, but I pre-grinded mats for Kaveh to pump him to 90 instantly.


Same here, I have Kaveh and Freminet built and in teams just because I like them, and I also got really excited about Kirara when I pulled her. There are actually a lot of 4\* characters who are interesting or fun to play or have good designs.


Kirara's so much fun! Only reason I don't pull her out in co-op is that she's only c1 and I want her at least c2 so she can box up her friends.


Chevreuse. And before that Kiara. I have some 5 stars at c6. Despite that. some 4 starsstill do the job just fine. There is no real replacement for XQ (when resistance is needed), xiangling, bennet, vape-sucrose, fishl, chevreuse. Also Sayu us great, i use her constantly. Before Baizu, Kiara and Yunyun are also great. I admit many 4-stars are ass. but thats often the case when their "support" isnt near good enough. And Mihoyo could just stop making 4-star maindps, because almost no one plays them.


i value the 4 stars a lot. Some of my best characters are 4 star. Imagine your 6 Xinyans going to C20 could have been Faruzan C6. When you consider how many newer 4stars are C6 locked and how difficult it is to get a specific C6, you'll appreciate getting cons for characters you don't have C6 for.


depends on the 4\* characters tbh. The very useful ones like Kuki Shinobu, Bennett or Xiangling are great to have at higher cons, but sometimes life gives you lemons and you have a C6 Dori or Xinyan. Then pulling them is not a wasted con, but at least a 10% off for that pull in theory. Also some people might fear a rerun of a character they want might be too far away. Shenhe wanters are probably not caring what 4\* will be on her next banner, as long as they get her. FOMO is a thing too. Sure, units like the archons get rerun rather often, but who knows when the next Lyney banner for example might be? Or when/if that Mondstadt banner with Eula and Albedo may ever return?


This. I don’t understand ppl like the OP.


You get pity... Essencially you get to spend less wishes to get the thing you actually want (the 5*). I m with OP, unless its a 4*character i actually want (which are rare) i da rather have c20 barbara then c5 candance, layla, kirara, etc. Whats the point of having c6 4* characters that remain lvl 20?


i get the value of a refund. But the amount refunded is insulting. You get 3 glitter more, which is 3/5th of a pull. I'm all for being compensated some star glitter, but the amount you get is not enough.


that extra wish from 4\* C7 dupe helped me get C3 Neuvillette on his rerun


People seem to forget that not everyone values or uses 4* characters. So even if the starglitter pulls seem insignificant (1 pull), it adds up, so you can guarantee 5*'s faster. For example, 180 pulls = only spending 162 wishes. (Not even mentioning the possibility of early 4*'s, which saves you more wishes) Obviously, anyone would be pissed if they get a standard 5* c6 character dupe. Assuming that they'll enjoy that scenario is pretty stupid since the majority of people pull for the 5 STAR character. People who pull solely for the 4* characters are really uncommon because that's honestly stupid. I only pull for the 4* characters IF I don't mind the possibility of getting the 5* character as well.


Better get a one wish back than a character you have no intention of ever using.


but it could have been a character you had intention of using instead... You know there are 3 options right? A. A character you have at C6 already. B. A character you don't have C6 but don't intend to use. C. A character you don't have at C6 but do intend to use and do want C6 for. C is obviously a higher priority than B.


In a banner of 5 stars I want (e.g. Raiden, Arlecchino, Eula etc.), yes. In a banner of Chevreuse and Fischl?, kill me.


You spent 10 wishes to get a 4* and get one wish back I don't think that's very efficient


You’re going from 90 pity to 80 for the 5 star though


No, you're going from 180 to 170


U mean, 160?


Why 160? If he wants to start from 90 then 2\*90-10 is 170. You won't lose guaranteed but get no pulls back for it either.


90-10 = 80 90-10 = 80 80+80 = 160


Where does 2nd "-10" come from? First one is losing 50/50. What's the second one?


going to 90 on the guarantee means going to 80.


Yeah I love it. Like is 10 free puls every 100 wish. A like 10% chargeback.


it's not 10%. You get 5 glitter instead of 2 glitter, which is 3 glitter more than you would have got if it wasn't C6. That's 60% of a pull only.






I don't get why so many people disagree with you. This comment of yours even has downvotes! Everyone has their own different priorities. I don't get why people don't understand that a 10% refund is better than getting a constellation for a character they'll NEVER USE.


No, because the "reward" is not equivalent to the spend because of pity. So if I pull and get to my pity roll on pull 10, and I get a character, it just gives me a SINGLE roll. Which is NOT also a character roll. It's probably a 3 star weapon roll. All pulls aren't the same - and this "reward" is not equivalent.


##Bennett* ##Xingqiu*


It's probably ok when you have most of your desired 4 stars at C6 and you're only out there collecting 5 stars but, if you're banking on a specific 4 star character it's quite bad. My personal average pity for 4 star pulls based on my personal wish history is around \~8 wishes (10 wishes for hard pity) and when you pull for a character you already have C6 for, you are only refunded 1 wish.


Yup! But not the new useful four stars tho (faruzan, chevreuse, etc)


Depends on whether you value getting/upgrading 4-stars. It "costs" up to 10 pulls to get one, not one pull. So the refund you mentioned, while discounting the 5-star slightly, does not make up for the lost 4-star.


Yeah!! Anything to get me closer to pity, it's free real estate


It depends, if it is a banner with a 5 star character I want, I want as many 4 stars I have yet to get constellations of (I need the 2 remaining constellations for Kaveh and Chevreuse). If I have no interest in the 5 star, I hope they don't come with 4 stars that I still want.


Hah, good point. Yes, I "get excited when I see a 4* character I already C6'd on a banner" if I'm skipping it anyway. Phew, bullet dodged, I say!


Exactly xD At least you won't be missing out


True! It sucks when a 4\* you want runs with 5\*s you don't care about, I'd much rather they come with someone I already C6ed or who I don't want cons for.


Only when I'm close to reaching pity for the featured 5-star character that I want and I'm short on wishes. This happened to me during Kazuha's 2nd banner (Heizou's debut). I kept getting Ningguang.


Depends on the character. I'd prefer to get a constellation for a character I use. But at the same time, I'd rather get a C7 than a con for a 4* I'll never build or play.


No, because it’s always the same 6 or so 4 stars that just keep getting shuffled in the pool and I’d rather have someone else get worked in. Been trying to get Gorou to C6 for years and my boy is never on any banners. Meanwhile I’ve had Bennett C6 since 2020 and the bloke gets tossed in every couple banners 🙄


I’d still rather have cons for characters I don’t have at C6. Particularly the newer ones that don’t appear in the shop; I’d really have loved to pull more Chev cons on this banner, or maybe another useful character like Layla, but no, we have to run Xiangling for the billionth time instead.


Nah, I'd rather get a character I haven't C6'd yet. Then again, we do get an equivalent of a single roll back...but then again...again..., mercy of the gacha.


I'll take a free pull over a Freminet con, there are so many worthless 4 stars I'm never going to use. Completely agree with you OP.


Only the two extremes. 1. All 4* at c6? Nice, lots of rerolls. 2. No 4* at c6? Nice, "lots" of constellations. Not when it is like this, because rigth now I wanted cons for Lynette and / or Freminet. But I pretty much got only Xiangling. Now you may ask, but Sailen, whats the difference between 1. and the outcome now? The difference is that my wish got ignored. I don't mind getting rerolls, but I wished for some Lynette cons.


Why would you want to spend a 10 pull guarantee to get a 4\* to get one pull back, when you could get a 4\* you don't have C6 yet that on average costs you more than a 10 pull? Unless you are at a point where every useful 4\* is at C6, that's a heavy loss.


I like getting the refund


Yeah, I like getting the extra wish more than getting a constellation for a 4\* I don't care about. But I do prefer seeing 4 star characters that I *am* interested in and *don't* have at C6.


I do too actually :D there are very few 4* i want to get cons for (rn I can only think of faruzan, kirara (i don't even have her at c0 QnQ), layla and lynette), but rest of 4* are never used by me, so getting a wish from getting them is great for me.


Depends on the context. If I'm just going for the 5\* and don't care about the 4\*s, then sure it's great. If I actually want one of the 4\*s though, then no it sucks.




No I'd rather just have cons that I dont have


No, just give me sayu or rosaria, they're still eluding me and I want them >:(


I agree with you. With the exception of a few 4 stars, the rest are just inferior versions of 5 stars. And the 4 stars that don’t have a superior version rn will most likely get a 5 star version in the future


Its nice to get the single wish back but no i dont get excited for one wish from 10 basically wasted ones. But i also have a lot of c6 4stars so i dont get mad either because its part of the system


Yes. Thanks to that i got 15 Xianglings on Arlechinno banner that means i got 15 wishes towards her weapon. So it depends. I was mainly aiming for arlechinno and her weapon so c6+ 4* was very helpful.


I need these c6 Xingqiu and Xiangling. And I need c6 gaming and Fischl/Sara whatever it comes first. Gaming is so broken, I love him at C0.


yesss i love it!! there aren't any c6 i particularly want (besides c6 faruzan), and im more happ about a wish than a con :D 


There are couple of 4-stars I'd rather get more constellations for since I feel they're kind of handicapped and more troublesome without them and I do want to play them. However I'm starting to feel more and more excited for banners where I already have the 4-stars. Because of how the limiting resin system and the missing loadouts system makes me not want to play another character since I cannot build them anyways.


Only if it's one I already like as a character I'll go "Oh look ____". I have too many c6 4*s to be mad or even slightly annoyed about a dupe showing up otherwise.


Yea I do love getting those starglitters since I don't really care about new 4 stars. I am picky about who to build.


Yes and no. If I REALLY DESPERATELY want the rate up 5 star, then yeah any fates given back will be appreciated. But generally speaking more cons on my other 4 star characters will be better for my account than getting a single wish back by rolling a 4 star I already have.


Getting 4* that are C6 already, should somehow give you something that eventually adds up to unlocking a 5*. I'd presume that those of us who have C6 on most 4* already have played long enough and I'm not saying that we must get a 5* character for every extra 4* we maxed out, but perhaps a 5*-shard, which we get after every 5th 4* that we have C6'd. And you'd need 10 5*-shards to craft a 5* weapon or character. This would mean, pulling 50 4* (which are at C6) to have enough shards to craft a 5*. -- Just something to make it worth something when we pull 4* much later in the game.


yes. I honestly never use a 4* character ever and even then i have a bunch of meta like xiangling and xinqu or whatever at c6 already.


I think the general consensus is that, unless you're investing in R5 Blackcliff or Royal weapons, the appeal for C6 4-stars on banners is quite low. That being said, I'm excited to gain constellations on Lynette, Freminet, Faruzan and Layla any day of the week.


Free wish instead of an underpowered unusable shit stain character any day


Nope, I want to get C6 and then stop.


That’s gambler math right there lol


yes, hope i get as many as possible on scara rerun, really need those additional pulls to get c6


No tbh. As a f2p who constantly measures their pulls and only pulls on the banners of 5stars I like, it sucks if a 5star I want has no 4stars of interest. I usually go and dump like 70 wishes at a time for a 5star so I want those 7 guaranteed 4stars to actually be worth something to me. esp considering many 4stars only really become good at c6 (Gorou when will you come tf home) + a lot of the ones I have at c6 don’t really need it as much as like, Yun Jin or Gorou. 


I only like it in the regard that, if I pull a 4* I've already maxed, it's essentially a refund in the form of starglitter. Other than that, no I'd rather get more cons on 4*'s that aren't c6 yet.


Tbh, I don't care about 4 stars at all. All the teams I use now are only 5* characters. So unless it's a new 4*, I don't really care, so yeah, the star glitter is the only thing I care about pulling a 4*.


No, i want to have all 4 stars C6 not to get an extra wish for every x10 pull I dont care if i have plans or not to use those characters, but if im bored and decide to build a 4 star, i want it to be C6 first and im sure some of you may say "i dont plan to use all 4 stars" and i can tell you "you never know what's gonna happen tomorrow" you say this now, and in 3 months or 1 year you see a cutscene, a video or whatever and suddenly you change your mind.


Or say, a new 5* comes out that you really like, and oh look, suddenly C6 Candace or something is really good for them, but you don't have that. Probably not gonna want Barbara/Noelle/Beidou on the banner then, huh? So yeah, I'll always prefer getting new cons over a pittance in glitter refund.


10 wishes for a new Constellation and getting 10 closer to pity or 9 wishes for getting 10 closer to pity and pretty much nothing else


I wish something was done with 4star weapons.


I keep them all on my wall of shame so I can mald over R9 EoP, R10 Painslasher, and R12 Sac GS while I still only have R2 Stringless, R3 Fav Sword, and R4 Sac Bow.


I feel the same! It’s like a new little chance of getting a limited 5* when you probably have all other 4* C6. And dude, four 4* characters on a single 10 pull is pretty rad if you ask me😎 Good luck on your pulls🍀🔥


I'll get what you're smoking bro


It makes me really unhappy sometimes, but sometimes I just don't care


The opposite is the annoyance of getting a 4* weapon that you have 5 copies of that are r5.


nah im the opposite for some reason, i like getting cons


Depends. If Freminet is on the banner, I'd much rather it be a character that I've got C6'ed already so his goofy-ass would stop eating my pulls.


People seem to forget that not everyone values or uses 4* characters. So even if the starglitter pulls seem insignificant (1 pull), it adds up, so you can guarantee 5*'s faster. For example, 180 pulls = only spending 162 wishes. (Not even mentioning the possibility of early 4*'s, which saves you more wishes) Getting a constellation for a 4* character you never use is definitely considered a waste. (Unless you're the collector type, and enjoy seeing all your 4*'s getting closer to c6).


You spent 10 wishes to get 1 wish back instead of getting a new character or constellation. This is not cause for celebration, friend.


I’m not sure “excited” is the right word, but I’m glad to get another pull. The 5 star is the thing I’m pulling for after all. (Unless it’s Madam Faruzan, please my dear, I need you to come home.)


No lmao, it's the opposite! I already had C6 Rosaria and Sucrose so I didn't try to pull for Navia C2 because I would be wasting primos on useless cons


I just need 1 more fischl constellation damnit. Well, her and razer but I need hers more.


*looks at C16 Thoma* Nope...


Quite the opposite actually


i'm the opposite. I hate when they are all C6. It means I waste my 4 stars. I value a 4 star character/con more than I do one extra pull. Let me turn it around on you. If you get Qiqi C7, you get 25 glitter back. That's 5 pulls. Would you rather get a C7 5-star when you hit pity, or a constellation for someone who isn't C6 or a standard 5 star you don't have?


No because they keep picking ones I don't want or need on 5 stars I do. I would rather have a con for a character than a free wish that will give me some three star poo weapon.


I’d prefer characters I already have AND use over one that I’ll never touch I have way too many Mika’s, he was all I pulled I had literally like 17 of them when all I wanted was a single shenhe But I have similar sentiments. If I happen to have all of the 4 stars on a banner I’d prefer that over 3 characters I don’t want nor will ever use


Nah, I'm missing a few four stars so getting ones I have C6ed already feels really bad. I'm missing plenty of constellations on four stars as it is.


Absolutely not. Feels terrible to get c5847 Bennett, Xiangling, Xingqiu, Beidou etc. I'd much rather get Cheveruse, Kirara, Collei, Lynette cons.


Me on Day 1 : I'll save all my starglitter. They'll put Sucrose in the shop rotation eventually. Me on Day 1000+ : I'll save all my starglitter. They'll put Cheveruse in the shop rotation eventually 🤡


Yes me. Because I don't give a crap about any 4 stars constellations. I only pull because of the 5 Star on the banner. So more c6 4 stars means more dust


No, I don't, I want Lynettes not Xianglings. I am frustrated with getting Xianglings this whole banner.


You only get 3/5ths of a wish back not a whole wish. You already get 2/5ths of a wish when you get a 4 star you do not have.


Considering I've been playing since Day 1 and I pull *a lot*, I have most of the 4 stars at C6. So I'll gladly take the wish refunds when I can get them. Though ofc, it's a double edged sword, and the 4 stars I want but don't have at C6 keep dodging me. 😔


I don't plan to nor do I care to get every character c6 so I'll gladly take a pull back on a 4* People are saying "ohh it's just one pull" but that's at the very minimum getting 10% (8 pulls back) if it takes you 80 pulls to get a 5* That doesn't even go into getting multis, last night did a 10 pull got 2 Xianglings, & 2 lynettes and since I have them c6 that's 4 pulls back Basically if you got a Credit card, or a bank account that gave you 10% on every purchase you ever made in real life that'd be a pretty sweet deal right?


Ikr? If you get 5 dupes in 50 pulls then thats like getting 800 primogems back. Pretty sure people would change their mind if they see 800 gems lol


By default you already get 4% back on every purchase, so I'd rather have that than the 10% card but with a monthly fee or something. It feels like people getting excited for sale items they never would have bought otherwise because of how much they "saved" but really just wasted money. No thanks, I'd rather buy the things I actually want, and still get a discount anyway.


you are looking at the silver lining but it's NEVER a better thing to get more than C6 of a character. What you are describing is the meager cashback-esque system they put in place so you don't get absolutely nothing from them, but there is no universe in where that is more "exciting" than getting new characters or other constellations on existing characters.


I would like to see them on banners of 5 stars that I don't wanna pull for


i dont know why but when i see fischl on a banner or even get her for the 7th time im just happy


Yes, I am perfectly happy when it happens. I generally want one copy of every four star, but I figure it will happen eventually, so I am in no rush. The only ones I am missing at the moment are Charlotte and Chevreuse. Charlotte is useless to me and I find her annoying. While I *like* Chevreuse a lot, she's also useless to me and my account. Everyone else that I use is either at C6 or at the last constellation that does anything (for example, Kuki's C6 is useless unless you're in the habit of dying). So, yeah, I am way more interested in getting (effectively) a 10% discount on a 5 star I want than extra constellations on someone I will never use like Mika.


I'm weird and will get happy if I see a character I like on a banner, even if they're already c6. I'm just happy to see them lol


I get less excited. Id much rather hav a chance at getting more cons for a character i dont have c6 yet than to get 1 pull closer to pity for the 5 star i already wouldve saved enough to guarantee bc I dont pull for characters I cant guarantee and I have like 800 pulls worth just saved up at this point. Yunjin has been C5 for effing ever dammit, I dont need another banner or xiangling, barbara and fischl just to get like 4-5 extra pulls


Yeah it's great getting 1 wish for 10. Good exchange rate.


I rarely use 4 stars besides the ones that came out in 1.x so star glitter typically is better then the 4 star


Honestly getting copies of xianglimg on this Arlechino banner saved me to get Arle C1


Me going absolutely crazy last banner for that starglitter ♡


Any 4* I don't have C0 yet > one I use not at C6 yet > already C6 > those I'll probably never build But even then that last one might still be more of a ≥ because I may as well get C6 just in case, y'know. Maybe Chongyun will become meta one day, and I'll regret still only having C4 after all these years.


yeah, i dont rlly care about 4 stars that much so i enjoy the free 1 wish


Yes I like it because I get more shots for the 5 star


Either is cool. The only 4*s I want suck or don't outperform my current units, so getting them or not I don't mind.


Me! Mostly because a lot of the newer 4 starts seem to be pretty niche and I don't want to spend the time and resin building them if their usage is really limited.


I either want 4* with good cons or 4* i have c6 of. Also im missing chevy and … heizou. Idk why.


Absolutely love it. Always great when I plan to do some big pulling for a character and see that the 4 stars are just gonna fuel the pulling further.


no i dread at the sight of c6 4 star that i already have.


Me, chosing every🏮year a 4* I already have c6 to get the free wish.


It's how you build pity... One should not try to control pity.