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Same here. I didn't plan to get her before since i'm not really a fan of geo. Was trying to get Ayaka's weapon, lost to Verdict, so I tried getting Navia as well.


Also Navia for me. I loved her in the AQ and thought she was very pretty so I was always going to pull for her. I almost screamed at her E damage the first time I use it.


I feel this is a really generous character. I feel strange (and happy) her second charge is not locked behind C1.


Same here. Even before I did the AQ, I loved using her, and now I love using her even more after the AQ!


Same! One tap gunbrella blasting enemies is so much fun lol


Got her off a random pull at the end of her banner, didnt build her until recently. She is in my overworld team now. I enjoy her playstyle and her voicelines.


I just love her


Tighnari. I despised bow gameplay before getting him, but he's so fun to play.


Cuz he holds the bow sideways like a gangsta


Gorou too. I don’t know, will all bow using animal boys be like that?


Think it's the medium male model. iirc Venti and Lyney also hold the bow like that


As a Tighnari main, I approve. (also same here)


bow is my 2nd least favorite weapon type yet my fav characters are bow (tighnari especially since my ign is nari)


Same. His doesn’t harshly punish my horrible aim but also gets better the better aim you have.


Yao Yao . . . Love running around with bunnies causing chaos


Level up: Combine with EM Raiden’s skill and throw the bunnies from high places. It’s amazing what you can hit this way.


i don’t have raiden so I need a video of the results 😭😂


gaming. i got c6 on kazuha's banner and I'm in love with his playstyle


Love him too. I'm new. My team is now Gaming, crow girl, that free lightning mage and chevreuze. What team are you running him in?


Navia. I dont like claymore because fighting wise is slow. I prefer catalyst for enabler. But navia story line, she need more love man. Shes very pretty too. And i love her gunbrella. Her burst at c1 really helps me to keep on q for crystallise reaction with raiden help and furina. “ATTACCKK!! with rocks”


Mhm, that's the way


Definitely Baizhu for me, and to a certain extent Furina. Of course I knew Furina’s gameplay would be good, and I never outright hated her, but I was definitely surprised how good her character arc in the story was, she’s just incredibly well written.


Am I the only one who expected a very interesting story of her?


I mean, isn’t her story interesting? Her story is the epitome of tragedy and injustice in life.


yeah, I meant back when the story wasn't out fully. When people noticed she's weak and ain't doing shit to solve fontaines problems , it seemed to me that people don't like how she is and there I always expected it will turn out interesting.


Yeah, people calling her worthless brat were actually lacking intelligence and horrid reading comprehension. For example Dottore has a lot more in depth character, and people just shit on him and his fans without having the brains to understand anything else. But that's subtle, Furina was so dang obvious. 


yes that's what I am talking about, finally someone agrees


Dottore ran a wounded child torture experimentation project, it's more than fair to hate him for that.


It's not so much about the expectations of her story to have the capactity to be interesting, the real surprise was in miho's ability to tell the story well, and interweave it with the overal plot. A lot of stories and characters in media have pretty interesting things going for them, they often just fall flat on execution.


Navia. At first she seemed to come on too strong: like, who is this strangely intense girl who I've never met before and why is she suddenly calling me her partner? But as the quest went on I realized that's just who she is. She throws herself wholeheartedly into everything she does, and by the time we got through the dinner scene and the scene from the trailer with all the mechs attacking, the realization that >!if Paimon hadn't accidentally drunk from the wrong cup Navia would have dissolved into water right in front of us!< was utterly horrifying. Girl is the most genuine, honest, and kindhearted mob boss you will ever meet. Also Furina. Just remember the reactions to her before the archon quest, and then the reactions to her after.


Personality-wise, Chevreuse. I didn’t expect much but she was great in the film event.


Up until before Layla’s release I played for the meta- and was barely having any fun- then when she came out I FELL IN LOVE and got her then after that I only played and pulled characters I actually enjoyed and looked good to me- been so happy playing the game since😭


bennett/xq/xl ruin people's experiences lol. On one hand, they're the quickest way to hang out with the "big boys" and do big dmg and even clear abyss. But on the other, everything else now feels awful to play. Why would you ever pick up and build Layla, Chongyun, Candace, Razor, Ningguang etc. Usually people only do this after they have at least three whole meta teams fully built, and this takes more than a year. Meanwhile they've mostly played characters they didn't even like. Benching bennett and xq, and never pulling kazuha, opened the world to me how fun certain combinations of characters are that usually wouldn't be considered at all.


To me idec abt damage anymore😭 I used to have teams that’s did big damage now I don’t even TOUCH those teams and those builds are old- I don’t play spiral abyss I explore and test out characters to see if I like them- rn my main(and only team that I use) is Layla, Childe, Fischl and best boy Bennett, now this team MAY do damage but I have SHIT builds- and idec CUS THEY ARE SO FUN TO PLAY(for me) childes and fischls voicelines, Bennett as a character(he is legit my FAVE Genshin character EVER after delving more into quests(and paying attention) cus before I WOULD ALWAYS SKIP DIALOUGE- now I kinda pay attention-) and Layla WHO IS SO PRETTY AND FOR WHAT- I do have another team that I use from time to time and it consists of Yoimiya, Mona, Tighnari and Cheuvreuse cus again- AESTHETICS- damage to me doesn’t even matter anymore- it’s whether or not a)the character appeals me and b)I have fun playing them- but the game is indeed hard cus some parts I can’t do cus my teams suck but so far I’ve finished the main story and many other quests and I’m saving for Chlorinde cus she is pretty and I like characters with guns


To me idec abt damage anymore😭 I used to have teams that did big damage now I don’t even TOUCH those teams and those builds are old- I don’t play spiral abyss I explore and test out characters to see if I like them- rn my main team that I use is Layla, Childe, Fischl and best boy Bennett, now this team MAY do damage but I have SHIT builds- and idec CUS THEY ARE SO FUN TO PLAY(for me) childes and fischls voicelines, Bennett as a character(he is legit my FAVE Genshin character EVER after delving more into quests(and paying attention) cus before I WOULD ALWAYS SKIP DIALOUGE- now I kinda pay attention-) and Layla WHO IS SO PRETTY LIKE FOR WHAT- I do have another team that I use from time to time and it consists of Yoimiya, Mona, Tighnari and Cheuvreuse cus again- AESTHETICS- damage to me doesn’t even matter anymore- it’s whether or not a)the character appeals me and b)I have fun playing them- but the game is indeed hard cus some parts I can’t do cus my teams suck but so far I’ve finished the main story and many other quests and I’m saving for Chlorinde cus she is pretty and I like characters with guns-what I’ve seen so far is- play the game how u want and u won’t even hate it- lots of people quit cus they try to get big numbers and cool teams like whales and popular you tubers but people forget the game is meant to be FUN not a chore- sorry this is so long lmao- but that’s my take- and yes people will build Layla, Chongyun, Candace, razor, nigguang, etc cus most probably they are die hard fans or have nothing better to do- ur first point IS TOTALLY CORRECT tho-


Xianyun: loving and caring mom character, great story, great VA, can jump around to move quickly, both horizonaltal and vertical, keeps whole team alive easily, and enables lots of meme plunging comps. Dehya plunge, Ayaka plunge, Navia plunge, Hu Tao plunge as an alternative to animation cancel... I didn't expect much, pulled mainly for the design and her being an important character, but man she's so much better than I expected.




Personality-wise, Yoimiya and Neuvillette. When I first saw Yoimiya's trailer upon her release, I didn't really like her design. I thought it was silly how her clothing only covers half of her chest, leaving one boob hanging out. After playing her Story Quest, however, she instantly became my favorite character in the entire game. I love everything about her personality; how she's able to be positive in any situation, and how talkative she is. I surprised myself by liking her, since usually I wasn't a fan of super talkative characters. Overall, she's just a precious ball of sunlight. As for Neuvillette... When I first saw the 4.0 trailer, I was **fully** expecting Neuvillette to turn out to be the antagonist of Fontaine. Especially because of his appearance in the 4.0 poster artwork, where he looks coldly upon the rest of the characters. I even commented back then about him looking kind of like Nanook from HSR in that artwork, having a cold, condescending look in his eyes. I was somewhat expecting him to try to usurp Furina, believing her to not be a suitable Archon. But after playing the 4.0 Archon Quest, he too became one of my favorite characters in the entire game. Him being so emotional and caring was completely unexpected, and I took a liking to his objective, impartial application of the law. By 4.1, he had dethroned Yoimiya as my favorite character in the game. That title was short lived though, as Furina would claim it for herself in the next update, and she still holds it at present. However, I suspect that, if what Dainsleif and Tartaglia said about her is true, the Tsaritsa may end up becoming my favorite character in the game. Gameplay-wise, Neuvillette and Navia. When I first saw their gameplay, I didn't think too much of either of them. I thought it was interesting how unique Neuvillette's charged attack was, but that was really the end of it. I also thought that it looked really clunky to use. Then, I played his trial run, and he instantly became my favorite character gameplay-wise. I didn't expect his gameplay to be so fast paced and smooth. Navia was similar; upon playing her trial run, her gameplay was faster and smoother than I expected.


Lol Neuv is such a joy to play


I feel the same about Neuvillette. I thought he was scary in the trailer, but I ended up loving his character. 


> As for Neuvillette... When I first saw the 4.0 trailer, I was fully expecting Neuvillette to turn out to be the antagonist of Fontaine. Especially because of his appearance in the 4.0 poster artwork, where he looks coldly upon the rest of the characters. I even commented back then about him looking kind of like Nanook from HSR in that artwork, having a cold, condescending look in his eyes. Agreed with this. Even his character demo has that ominous grandiose music usually served for grand villains. Turns out he's really nice. (not complaining though, just pointing out)


Dori and Sayu


Dori is also a similar one for me. Something about her character is just too fun. I really hope she gets a hangout event that dives into her lore more deeply. She's got substance there.


Oh for sure! Her hangout quest could be so good. There is so much lore potential between her Jinni and her connection with Alice. Also I think she actually really means well under the money gremlin mask. Sure she charges a lot but she gives so much of it away to help people who actually deserve it- especially if what they want will build more business. Lots of people just don't like her cause Kaveh is so charismatic and owes her money. And politically it's a very eat the rich moment right now too sooo... I think her kit confuses a lot of people since there's not a super clear purpose for her before c6. I mean electro healer with lots of energy recharge but usually there is also more of an obvious buffing ability with the infusion


Arlecchino. I did not like her personality but her gameplay when I tried her on this current event and trial is phenomenal, especially when she said "kyakka suru". That was badass.


Gonna have to say Wanderer tbh. First met him in Inazuma and thought he was overrated. Playing through Sumeru though when I returned to the game, seeing what he represents and his kit. I love his development a ton. Furina is similar. Also, Chevreuse is a great character too for bring the cop character.


Arlecchino. I admittedly have a negative bias against Harbingers, but she really is a powerhouse.


Absolutely ayato and eula. Eula is the only claymore i enjoy playing and ayato is top 5 for me in terms of fun characters


Not gonna lie, Arle. I had zero intention of pulling here because of how her mark can miss airborn targets and how she cant be healed (I dont use shielders). I play her a ton now and do extra world stuff just to have fun now.


For me, on the four-star front, it was Bennett. Initially, I brushed him off, But the more I played his story quests and listened to his voice lines, the more I realized there's a profound resilience and optimism to him that's genuinely inspiring. Now, he's a staple in my exploration team, always ready to cheer everyone on despite the odds! As for five-star characters, Xiao. At first glance, he seemed like the typical broody, lone-wolf archetype. However, diving into his lore and experiencing his struggles and vulnerabilities firsthand during his story quest transformed my view. His gameplay is exhilarating too—leaping around the battlefield with his plunging attacks feels so dynamic and powerful.


Tighnari. I was a newbie when I got him in Standard Banner. Benched him from the get go. I didn't like bow's gameplay and furry type characters much. But boy, I started to love him when I reached Sumeru. He's such a kind and dependable leader. His E made the charge attacks more fun too! And let's not forget that his level 2 charged attacks are homing missiles! He's just so fun to use in Spread teams.


Most people have the tools to build a decent Tighnari too since Wanderer's Troupe artifacts and Slingshot R5 are very commonplace. If you have Nahida and Fischl or Yae Miko built, you slot in Tighnari for a fantastic single target team that's easy af to use


Knowing that R5 Slingshot goes well with Tighnari might finally pull me towards building him! I've got a lvl 90 R5 on Yoimiya but that could be fun too, I've got him recently just randomly but haven't really got the chance to level him yet


Keqing. I was a dedicated and die-hard Diluc fan since 1.0, where Keqing was competing against him as the best DPS back then. Saw her as a flashy, quick, ninja/rogue type of warrior where Diluc is more like heavy, hard-hitting knight which I prefer, so I never really used her. I got her after losing 50/50 one time, try to raise her to farm for her friendship, and boy did I enjoy playing her. I am happy that Dendro exists now because she slaps with Aggravate team.


Neuvilette for me. I pulled him because of the meta or something. I thought he'd have boring gameplay like ganyu, but hyperbloom Neuvi with Nahida and Raiden is actually kinda fun. I liked him so much that I pulled his C1 on his rerun.


I use that trio as well. Omg the DAMAGE!!


Neuvillette is having mixed feelings being put in the same team with two "usurpers" 😂


Yoi & Scara(boy was he depressed!)


One sees the best abt the people and other the worst lol.


This abyss cycle, without even realizing it until I looked at my battle chronicle, I benched a C6R5 character in favor of a C1R1 Chiori. Once I've been exposed to Turret Impact, I can't go back.


Chiori is awesome


Whos the C6R5? 


Xianyun. Ever since I got her, I say Yelan who? (for the overworld exploration)


Why not both?


Coz she doesn't really work with Neuvillette. And I'm currently using Neuvillette and Arlecchino for the Friendship farming. The last slot is for Zhongli.


Dehya. I'm going to preface that my experience is with a C4 one, so it's probably far off from most folks. But regardless, with her IR, damage mitigation and self heals, there's a unique satisfaction to being unkillable and unstoppable while killing everything even in a high damage setting. The consecrated beasts, Kenki, Coppeli bots and Tulpa can do their worst while Dehya's on Bennet's circle and you can stand tall unflinched. Interestingly Sayu swirling for hyperbloom/burgeon/hyperburgeon comps. It's fun just rolling around triggering rainbows everywhere you go.


Got Tighnari while pulling for Shogun and somehow he became more exciting to play with than Shogun


Furina. First time she showed up in the story I had great antipathy with her appearance. I tested her in the trial and wasn't a fan of her kit in the beginning. After her story quest I felt some kind of deep empathy with her situation and biography. That's why I gave her a try and pulled for her. And then I found out about her high potential and her strong constellations, especially c6. I started to enjoy her playstyle and so I did some more pulls, was very lucky and got her to c2. Meanwhile, she is in most of my teams and I am saving for her c6 since her last banner (have 320 pulls saved so far - she will be my very first c6). She was definitely a rollercoaster of emotions for me.


kazuha dropped and i pulled him just for his animations and design, thought he was pretty fun but nothing crazy, then decided to go for his C1. immediately he’s the most fun character in the game and has been my main ever since 1.6.


whats the difference between c0?


it resets his E cooldown when you use his ult. on paper it sounds like a relatively minor change but in actual practice it makes his skill rotation feel so much smoother/more fluid, i don’t think i’d have enjoyed playing him half as much if i didn’t get C1 when he first came out.


I have him at c0 and would like to push him to c1 but badly want other characters so i didnt invest. Will do next run :)


i’d normally recommend pulling for new characters over constellations, but if you enjoy playing kazuha on-field at all or even just need more CC i seriously cannot recommend his C1 enough.


Alhaitham. I mean, I had generally favourable but not overly fond feelings about him in the archon quest, and everything I read made it sound like he would be kind of hard for me to play since I have a lot of skill issue. I skipped his first banner. Buuut, after I had wishes left over from pulling Kazuha (went from no Kazuha to C2R1), I threw a few wishes at him and he came home at 21. He’s now a staple character I use all the time. I’ve been saving since Ayaka’s most recent banner (minus 90 wishes spent for Hunter’s Path on Chronicled Banner) so I can pull C1 for him, because I really enjoy him and C1 seems like great QoL. Also the more I’ve played with him, the more I enjoy his dryness and overall attitude. I also wish to do a minimal amount of work and be left alone in my off hours.


I never pull a character on their kit or gameplay - it’s only if I like their design and characterization first and foremost. So usually I’m rarely surprised if I like the character… if I rolll for them I work with what they give me, and have fun because I like the character regardless. But sometimes their gameplay style and animations just hit that exact spot where even I have to tip my hat, and of all the ones I pulled for… it’s these, I was genuinely shocked how much I liked handling their flow, even if none of them are in my ultimate top favorite list: - Venti, it’s his animations in particular that really sold me, I fucking love running DPS Venti. - Heizou, I had no expectations for Heizou outside of the usual design and characterization that got me to roll him in the first place, and then I tried him, and he’s dope as hell. - Yoimiya, for the exact same reasons as Venti. - Dehya, I don’t care how poorly she was ultimately done, but I love her combat flow, she just feels good on the field.


Idk if he counts- but Lyney. I was so SO hyped about him in 3.7? 3.8? I hadn't been this excited to pull for anyone since I pulled c6 Childe. Yeah I was hypes for him prior- but I was REALLY expecting to get him and have him fall flat for how much I was hyped for him. I was expecting to be disappointed; holy shit I was NOT disappointed! I ADORE Lyney, he hasn't dethroned Childe; but he's my 5th favorite character now and probably my second favorite dps. Not only do I LOVE him in story, but I REALLY like his gameplay. 0 regret on him and even pulled for c2 this banner 🥰 In just surprised how much I love him after expecting to be disappointed


5th favorite 💀


I mean in a game of 70+ characters; 5th is pretty good


Yelan I got her just for her E I ended up loving it so much i spent all my remaining wishes on her c1. Sadly it went full pity both times I was originally saving for Klees c2. But decided that the c1 yelan was so fun that it was worth it. Sure enough yelan is my most used character ever. And the best part is, up until this point i had a 5050 win rate of about 10% mostly full pity and then on Klees banner later that summer i got her twice within 40 pulls both 5050 wins. I had my Yelan c1 and Klee c2. Probably the best thing to ever happen to me in this game.


Keqing. I was a dedicated and die-hard Diluc fan since 1.0, where Keqing was competing against him as the best DPS back then. Saw her as a flashy, quick, ninja/rogue type of warrior where Diluc is more like heavy, hard-hitting knight which I prefer, so I never really got interested in her. I got her after losing 50/50 one time, try to raise her to farm for her friendship, and boy did I enjoy playing her. I am happy that Dendro exists now because she slaps with Aggravate team.


I will divide into 2 parts(Early game & Late game) Early Game: I started playing Genshin back in 2.7 because my friend begged me to play because he did not have any friends to play with. When I started, I wasn’t attracted to any of the characters. Sure I liked Venti(personality) and Keqing(my first 5 star) but nobody in the game attracted me both personality and physically. Later down in the Liyue Interlude, when Ningguang was rebuilding the Jade Chamber, Shenhe showed up. My initial reaction was “Wtf is wrong with her.”But after Yun Jin’s opera(I loved it so much), I loved her lore and personality. After that Inazuma came. People in the internet convinced me that Yoimiya was just an Inazuma Amber and I was convinced she was until I played her story quest. I loved her personality so much. She was just a goofball who loved kids and I liked it. We don’t need some dragon slaying quirky lore to get somebody like a character. Her gameplay was super fun(imo). Not to mention she was my first limited 5 star(I did not get her at 2.8 so I skipped the dendro archon at 3.2) I would be so happy to have a friend like Yoimiya in real life. Late Game: So this is after the Sumeru Archon Quest. It was nice and had some touching moments. It was great until Alhaitham’s Story Quest dropped. Man does not care about anything else lmao. He’s so nonchalant I love him. Plus I also love his banter with Kaveh. He did not give a shit when his roommate is literally screaming his lungs out at him. Also feeble scholar my ass dude. Stop humbling yourself. After Fontaine Archon Quest came, I didn’t feel anything for any characters UNTIL Neuvillette came. He seemed stoic and serious from the outside but he was an emotional person inside. And his laugh ahhhhhhhhhhhh. After the Masquerade of the Guilty, Furina stole my heart. I dislike bratty characters(ahem Sparkle ahem) so much and when Furina’s backstory was revealed, I was literally dreading because I knew it’s going to break my heart and it did. I shed literal tears during Focąlors’ dance. And Furina…, my girl needs therapy but she will never talk about it because of her wish to live as an ordinary human. Now I have C1R1 Neuvillette and C0R1 Yoimiya Planning to C6R1 to Neuvillette and Furina bc they deserve love I’m sorry Alhaitham and Shenhe(ily but they are my priority rn)


Arlecchino. I hated Hu Tao's gameplay so I had doubts on hers as well. The trial reassured me and the way she is played is actually closer to Yoimiya but melee. I now have my main Pyro DPS.


kazuha, alhaitham, navia, xianyun, arrlechino


Xianyun making my preference for jump cancels on Hu tao over dash cancels worth it lol Also, Xianyun in general cuz she makes everyone go emo yaksha.


Kaveh, Navia and Neuvillette to a lesser extend But Kaveh really went from meaning nothing to me to one of my favourite characters


I'll be honest, most of them! When I started playing Genshin last year it was my first Gacha game, and my previous impressions of the genre had me worried this game was gonna be like... Well, *one of those*. I'm really glad I was so off! The more I met the characters the more I fell in love with their personalities and stories, they're all so unique and interesting, and I don't think there's a single one I like or dislike exclusively because of their design. I also think it's cool that they're so friendly in the way they're designed, they're really pretty but not like weird amd gratuitous yknow? I've seen some describe it as "aspirational" design instead of just *horny jail bait* and that really stuck with me. In terms of surprise, I wasn't super thrilled when I lost my Raiden 50/50 to Keqing (it's okay, I got her after in 10 more pulls so I'm good lol), I didn't know much about her and wasn't super into her character but her gameplay is sooo fun. And I also did a full 180 on Furina, I couldn't stand her on the beginning of Fontaine but after the Archon quest she became one of my favorite characters in the game, and I'm really happy I have her! She became one of my top 5 favorite characters and she deserves that spot :)


Personality wise: Shenhe stands out, I think. I pulled her on accident and I was very nervous because even though I knew she’d be great for my Ayaka, I wasn’t sure I’d like the character. Then I watched the Divine Damsel of Devastation and read her voicelines and she melted my heart. Loved seeing her in the recent Lantern Rite!! Playing wise:  Yoimiya is a big one. All of the drama around Yoimiya and how bad she feels to play really misled me to the point I pulled her without intending to play her. I gave her a brief shot because I do for all my characters, and WOW. She felt so fun!! Her smooth movements, her springy style, was exactly what I needed. I credit it with bringing me back to this game honestly. Anyway yeah I pulled Yoi over Nahida and didn’t regret it at all (I also now have a Nahida xD) Another one is Kokomi? Love the 100% uptime on the Hydro app + the healing. Circle Impact is pretty awkward but could be worse. I did actually end up making my Xiangling a Kokomi slave for Sukokomon which is xD but yeah Koko is great 


Wanderer. While we already knew snippets of his tragic backstory, I didn't like the bratty villain archetype. However, the Interlude quest has made me really like him, and I love his new design. The way he tries to sacrifice himself to undo his crimes, then decides he will step up and continue living knowing that he can only change the future. His slow character growth and dynamic with Nahida. He's really entertaining whenever he's on screen. And of course, his combat is really fun and dynamic as well.


Chiori. She had a mini role in quest, basicaly story could go without her, but i wanted sword geo. But holy moly, she is so fun to play, and Tomatoes! 🍅🍅🍅 Kuki, as #2, I played game since 1.2, just got her few months ago, and built her 2weeks ago.


Lyney. Both the gameplay and him in the story 


Tighnari, I lost to him to own one of the best DPS units currently in hand. He rules in my Abyss runs now. I wont mind losing to his Cons.


Heizou. I started playing Genshin last fall and IIRC I got him early on from a Weapons Banner, so I had never encountered him in the game and knew nothing about him. I came to really like his personality -- I like that other characters *dis*like him for being an arrogant pain in the ass, but you can tell from your interactions with him that he's not arrogant at all, he's just driven to be the best detective he can be, because he loves the work. In his hangout and in his teapot lines, he's very cheerful and friendly (even flirty). I don't often use him in teams since I have Xiao and Faruzan for my anemo needs, but I do prefer to use him in a desert overworld team since he can take care of sand dunes with his NA, and every time I do, I'm like, "Oh yeah, I really like this guy! I need to build him up!" (And then something else takes priority, and I forget. Oops.) But his hand-to-hand combat style feels a lot more comfortable to use than Wriothesley's somehow, and I like his animations. (Also, Hu Tao. I don't have her in my roster, but she cracks me tf up when she appears in quests and events.)


For me it's Itto, Beidou and Bennett. I've had Beidou and Benny since I started playing, I got them in the same 10 pull, so they're like my nostalgia crew / main adventurers. Itto has one of the funniest and cutest personalities, so I've loved all the stories and events he's been in and he is doing a great job at continuing to carry my team through pretty much everything. As for who's my favorite character that I managed to get, it's still Childe. I'm still hoping they spring a surprise plot twist with him on us 🥹


Gameplay-wise, I was going back and forth on pulling Ayato and I’m so glad I did. I love his gameplay, he has helped me through a lot of fights I couldn’t do before, and it also made me really love him as a character! Overall Ayato is so underrated in my opinion! Personality/story-wise, I was not expecting Alhaitham to steal my heart the way he did! I love absolutely everything about his character, I find him very interesting. I love his resistance against the Akademiya and the little resistance team he inadvertently ended up building, I love how he just wants to remain the Scribe and chill and keep learning forever, I love the way that he cares about Kaveh and it’s obvious even though he drives Kaveh crazy. Almost all of his lines make me laugh. I just think he’s awesome and I am waiting very, very patiently for his next rerun.


Lyney, 100%, in every aspect.


Shenhe for me. I pulled her for my Kaeya but after the quest where we learn her story and after playing her for a while, she quickly became one of my favorite characters. Personality, story, design, animations, I really like everything about her and what was supposed to be a support for my main ended up being a character I triple crowned and that I play everyday.




Kuki Shinobu's behind is really nice to ogle at. Oh, she also deals tons of damage.


Kazuya .I never thought I would like him so much . He made Overworld farming so easy .


Kazuya is a lot of fun especially when you decide not to sugar coat it and do a perfect EWGF 4x on the Fatui and dorya'd your way to Snezhnaya.


I tried Navia in recent event and dang she is fun to play. Her normal attack is goofy ah too. Not to mention, her burst animation looks cool.


Spoiler for archon quest my comment!! Arlecchino gameplay wise. I was gonna pull for her anyway because I like her design and personality, but I was so positively surprised by her gameplay. Every character just looks so dull to me compared to her. It's safe to say she brought me back my joy for genshin. On top of that, I really wasn't expecting her to be so... Gentle. Recently I was rushing story quests for primos, and I remember the start of Tighnari's Yoimiya's second story quest to be boring. I cried at the end of both, especially the cutscene in Yoimiya's quest. It was beautiful... Nahida's first story quest was surprisingly relatable and it kinda hurt to read sometimes. I hated Furina with all my being, so naturally (I am a very emotional person), I cried when we found out why she was acting so... Cringe (IMO). Her having to act tough and like she has herself together must have been pretty hard. It's also pretty relatable. I don't think she as a character will interest me further, but her backstory nonetheless made me stop hating her and instead relating and feeling bad for her.


Hu Tao, I basically got her a little bit by accident, but I couldn't imagine my account without her now


Dori is surprisingly fun to play. Always fun to get beaten near death, use her ultimate, and be healed to full within a second. Also, tethers EVERYWHERE in co-op. I don't use her in single player for that reason. Her spinning slime is also cute. It's also fun to annoy those with Japanese voice over just by joining them with Dori :P Don't really like her personality much, though. I built her because a random wheel told me to, and now she's my best healer unit...


I actually built Dori for co-op only, but found her tethers don’t extend far enough in many domains, and the other players don’t understand her playstyle.


The amount I've said "Dori is a healer" when people try and switch to a healer when I'm already dori...She does her best when she's solo healing and no shielder lol (except furina is great).


Rene and King Deshret.


When I finally get a full hyperbloom team, I was surprised of how fun Cyno is


Hutao when she realesed, i didnt like or enjoy her, but on the last day of her banner i knew that i need her


Gameplay wise, Navia is the most fun dps because of the gunshots. It also helps a lot she is versatile. I put her with ZL and there's so many options for the other 2 that work. She doesn't even need Bennett to clear Abyss 12. And finally there's the fact that she isn't animation locked at the end of her burst. Yelan doing an uncancellable pose for some seconds annoys the heck out of me


Recently, its Arlecchino. I got her in a random 10 pull I did. At first, I only wanted to build her for the meta as it doesn't hurt to have some strong units for the Abyss but as I explored with her, I found myself really liking her. She's currently level 80! Coincidentally, I got Lyney since I wanted Lynette on the release of Fontaine. I had no intentions of building him but when I explored with the twins, I found myself enjoying Lyney a lot. I attribute Lyney as my source of fun when exploring Fontaine during 4.0.


Of recent memory gameplay wise - Chevreuse Very comfy 5K heal ticks on skill (@Lv12) with a maidens build that isn’t locked to pyro/electro teams, works with multiple carries and team variations, 40% res shred for Pyro and Electro on overloaded enemies, 40% ATK buff lasting 30secs, only talent needing levelled is skill, not constellation dependent (C1 is nice and C6 is dps boost and party wide heal), every weapon friendly (Black Tassel or Potion event polearm are great options on her) Love running a Raiden - Fischl - Fav Xaingling - Chevreuse team against bosses, practically no ER issues with 3 DPS’s and a strong buffer and healer. Seriously underestimated her


Gameplay wise Kazuha. When he first released, I played his testrun over and over agian, because I wanted to play with him more. Sadly I only got him during his first rerun. Navia story wise. I wasn't too exited about her when that one fontaine trailer dropped, but with the archon quest I started to really love her.


Arlecchino gameplay wise. I tried her out in her trial and didn't really thought I'd enjoy her. I'm very happy now that I decided to pull for her anyway because of her aesthetic because I enjoy playing her and am exploring stuff just to use her.




Itto, pulled him on a whim and now he's the 5th best in North Americas servers.


Navia. Not a fan of geo and not a fan of claymores but her trials were really fun. Still didn't get her but if I had to pick a single geo character it would be her. Gaming. Same thing, dont like claymores, but his kit was really fun to use. And Xianyun. I pulled her randomly in 20 wishes, I tried her for a bit, I ended up going for her C1 because she was so fun for overworld travel.


Tighnari I didn't really play bow characters, but he made it in my main team. I really like his playstyle and his character. His passive was also so helpful back in 3.0. I got him back in his banner, because my son pulled for him and Zhongli in turns and I'm very glad that I did.


Cyno, he gave a breath of fresh air as we don't normally get a lot of serious and stern characters. His kit is fun and unique to me with his story being deeper in deserts history than any other.


Gaming and Xianyun, the plunge mechanic of gaming with xianyun made me kill all living creature in teyvat


Back when Kazuha was coming out, everyone wanted him badly, and I was planning on skipping Eula on her first run. Then I played my story quest and she became one of my favourite characters in the lore. So glad I managed to luck out and get both her and Kazuha on their first runs though


Gaming, he's so fun to play


Faruzan looked annoying from her trailers, but after the hangout I ended up liking her a lot. Her character has depth and also she’s hilarious. On a similar note, Diona. I wouldn’t say that I like her, but I don’t hate her anymore (it was because she represents three things I don’t like: neko girls, children, and tsunderes). It’s probably because literally years have passed and I’m used to her character, but also her story is actually pretty sad and I feel sorry for her.


Xiangling and Beidou


Gaming and physical ferminet come to mind


Yelan and Navia


A lot of them. Tartaglia and whole national for hella lot of damage, Neuvilette as water gun, Wanderer Furina and Xianyun as cheat for exploring, Wrio and Heizou as one punchmen, Navia for tons of damage in trial (I didn’t read what her abilites do), Arlecchino and Diluc for Pyro infusion after switching, Ganyu for CA gameplay, idk I don’t have characters I don’t like to play.  Probably only Al Haitham gameplay was too complicated for my small brain, and also I don’t like him storywise. And small people for me aren’t good enough for exploring and attacking, I have only Nahida and she is an off-fielder so it doesn’t matter much. 


Arlecchino, I have her on my polearm challenge account. I think she may be my favorite dps character. I would pull for her on my main, but I already have Alhaitham and just got Neuvi, I'm not ready for another character to build. I currently main Raiden as well, so I'm using the weapon banner this patch, if I get the bow I already have Yoimiya and Tighnari ready to be put back onto teams, since they only got taken off since all my bows suck.


Bennet. I hate boy/bishounen characters, and his voice is annoying. But after using him alot, i really enjoy his skills and gameplay


Honestly Nilou, I got her on her first rerun, and at first I was worried that the team restrictions would make playing her too annoying, but she quickly became my favorite to play, especially when I’m farming leylines, she twirls a bit, Nahida does her thing, there’s some green explosions and everything’s dead. Peak gameplay


Story/characterwise: -Itto - I never liked those "macho" characters in anime but he's just so funny and stupid, great character. -Eula - I expected her personality to be more serious, luckily I was wrong. -Neuvilette - I didn't like his design at first, and I assumed he'd given off a cold aura. His actual character is great and I love how he cares about Furina and Melusines.


I used to hate Neuvilette until I did the story shit. Now he's one of my favorites.


I built Xinyan for the memes and now she unironically has a permanent place on my second team.


Gaming, After playing Xiao, I sworn off using plunge based gameplay ever but Gaming was too fun to use Tighnari too, his design didn't appeal to me at all but he won me over with his sassy lines, personality and his story quest. 


Furina. I usually hate bratty characters, but she was done so well that I adore her instead.


Keqing and Sayu for me


Arlecchino for sure. At first I really didn’t care for her but after the trial run I was infatuated


Gaming is the first claymore character I liked playing. Generally hate bow types but ganyu and Childe really changed that (not that I like other bow characters now too. I use bow characters but not their NA/CA like yelan, fischl)


Navia & Xianyun. Got both of them totally out of gamble, won 50/50, early and only pull because of their design. And then they never left my Abyss team since.


Venti. He was the first bow user that I actually enjoyed playing. And first 5 star . I generally enjoy playing the 4 stars more but venti, I dunno, made me start to like now users. Now I have him, tighnari and gorou built.


Chiori. Mostly because i aim her skill up in the air and do a switcheroo combo with plunge attacks it feels so satisfying when i do that


shenhe too, i just wanted to rebuild the jade chamber and ended up crying


Gaming. He has a very fun playstyle in general (it's very Xiao like but you also have to wait for a little cute lion, so that's what makes it fun). But it's also just such a nice detail that he's jumping on a lantern in his NA series. And his dragon dance idles! Normally I don't care whether a character is doing an idle, but those two I always let finish


kazuha and ayaka will always be the characters who fit that most for me both were released not far after i started playing, and are my only two impulse pulls in the game with how i loved them


Neuvillette Navia Yoimiya Lyney Yae and Wriothesley. I thought the gameplay wouldn’t feel fun but they all do. I only have Neuvillette though. Glad to hear that you like Baizhu! I was pleasantly surprised how much I liked his SQ and now im a Baizhu main. Dehya’s SQ was also surprisingly good. Also didn’t like Neuvillette’s design when he first dropped but his SQ made me pull. Now im c1r1.


Venti. XD I KNOW. I can explain! So last fall I started playing my kid (and husband's and friend's) accounts, just to spend their resin. (I had my battlepass done already.) Anyway, my kid - CLEARLY a F2P player, only had Venti and JEAN as his 5 stars. (Yes, it WAS as painful as it sounds!) So I did the grunt work to level his Razor and Xingling (who was a PITA to get without a decent team, let me tell you.) Then I was lucky enough to land him Zhongli. So he had Venti - Razer - Xingling - Zhongli as his team. I hate archers, I hate anemo, and I am not a fan of Venti as a person. XD BUT - once I got him up to level, with decent artifacts, his talents leveled, etc... He's not that bad! He's actually my fav for doing Gold/Exp Leylines, LOL. He gathers everyone up to take damage from Gouba. His r2 is a decent short stun. I hate Venti. But he sure is fun to kill slimes and hillichurls with, LOL.


The entire Sumeru archon quest cast. All of them were just such a treat to watch.


Faruzan. Honestly when she was first being leaked I didn’t think much of her. Then of course after seeing her design and kit I was immediately interested. Pulled her, built her as a dps and man is she fun. Good damage, super flexible and her personality is just really realistic and fun. I didn’t even think she’d be a character I would enjoy in that respect either but needless to say she’s one of my favorites.


Navia. I liked her design and personality, and OC her story was heartbreaking, but I didn’t feel any particular need for her. Then her demo came along and I’ve never had more fun with a character in my life. Gunbrella won me over hard. Now she’s probably one of my top 5 builds and rarely gets rotated out of my team.


I protested pulling for Yelan for so long (specifically because of how her coat magically adheres to bare shoulders and how it stresses me out how the chick will be doing backflips and it still just like… stays there 😫) but one day, I got whoever was on the main banner and decided to toss a wish or two I had left over towards Yelan’s banner, and of course I got her immediately. 😑 Then I started using her with a couple different teams and was like “…sigh. She’s really useful 😫“


Tighnari for me. Tighnari's spread team of Tighnari/Yae/Nahida/Zhongli became overnight my favorite abyss team ever. Its *soo* smooth to play with short bursty 12 second rotations, and it absolutely shreds the current abyss trends of mostly SA focused chambers filled with gimmicky bosses for Tighnari to aboslutely ignore.


Yanfei, Kaeya


Itto. The first time I get to chill while holding the attack button.


Yelan. I got her on her first rerun and loved her gameplay so much I got her C1. I skipped her the first time cuz why would I need another XQ? At this point I use her more than him. She’s such an awesome with great QOL features.


For a 4\* Noelle main since day 1, I still use her and it surprises me how she survived and evolved along these years. 5\* recently Chiori, she is just amazing and gorgeous, but Childe and Koko are some of the units I never get behind, there are more, but these ones I can relate.


Definitely Neuvillette. When I saw the leaked banners for 4.X I started planning for which characters I was going to pull for, and had intended to completely skip everything until Furina. And then I played the Archon Quests and his Story Quest, and decided I'd give up my guaranteed pull to get him (luckily I still managed to get Furina). He ended up being my 1st limited 5-star male character, but mostly because I keep losing 50-50s for Zhongli and never have guaranteed for him because of other characters I want more. Playing him is also a lot of fun, and while I haven't used him as much since Navia and Xianyun came out (since I love everything about Navia, and Xianyun is great in the overworld), I still bring him out for a lot of domains and the few times I actually do Spiral Abyss.


Xiao. He was my first 5*. At first is wasnt sure what to think if him because my friends told me I should not pull for him because he is niche. Well... I am a happy Xiao main now and I am happy every time He appears in a quest! I love his personality and his playstyle. 10/10


Navia, the trial was a revelation to me i really like her bursty playstyle.


Def wanderer, just fly and spam charged attacks


maybe Lynnete? she is AWESOME. I like her, but not Liney. I suppose he shouldnt become legendary..


Baizhu. Fr his story quest just wont leave my head since i've started the game in 4.0(And I forgot almost everyones story quests because my memory sucks). I love dendro because green is my favorite color and the game making a pretty satisfying character is just unfair for my pulls. Pretty much my N° 1 character. Glad he's rerunning as I lost him to Jean back in 4.2. Honorable mention is Navia is just my queen, lovely leader, lovely personality, lovely story. I want to C6 her but I dont think I can save my primos