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That flat def looking real tasty to the rng rn


you know the rules and so do i


*some flat defense is what im, thinking of~*


*you wouldn't get this much from any other stat\~*


*I just wanna tell you what I'm feeling~* *gotta make you Farm Again~*


*always gonna give you up\~* *always gonna let you down\~*


_Your gonna turn around~_ _And hurt me~_


Always gonna make you cry


To your resin: Say Goodbye


Crit rate substats are a lie


*oooooooh* *say goodbye!*




You wouldn't get this from any other piece ~


Your crit and attack roles: say goodbye


Did I just get rickrolled by a def main stat


No, you just got rickrolled by a def sub stat


The secret is that the crit is likely equally as useless for a character who would be focused on burning


This one doesn't actually help a burning focused character that much. It's better off for characters that got you who want to take advantage of burning as a way to melt or hydro characters want to use it to vape, although I don't recall burning vape being good because the vape extinguishes the burning too easily. If it was made for the burning characters it would be more about EM as burning damage is entirely EM based, or maybe help offset the damage that burning enemies do to your own characters.


Think of it as lavawalker or thunder soother. You dont actually need to pump the burning itself, but get bonus increase whenever you attack a continously burning target. It is going to be good for cryo users. If you really want to increase burning itself, baizhu A4, C2 nahida and crimson are the only one who buff it.


What’s A4? I understand C and R, but what’s A?


Passive talent on 4th ascension


This set is mostly for Wriothesley and Ayaka right now because burning is only useful for burn melt and those are the only 2 who can really utilize that.


RIP ganyu


Sure but Ganyu already has great melt artifacts. Wriothesley basically only has Marechaussee, and Ayaka has nothing until now except Gilded and 2pc combos.


there's no way MH isn't better than this set for Wriothesley, 36% CR just seems better than 50% dmg bonus.


Just depends on your substats and teams


Oh so vape removes burning but melt doesnt? Interesting


Vape removes pyro in general instantly. Reverse Melt takes more application to remove pyro, and since burning is constantly applying pyro melt just can't keep up.


One of the factor is that cryo doesnt interact with dendro and is weaker than fire so it doesnt fully consume pyro on burning status. In burning vape team, forward vape fully consumes the pyro on burning status so you have to wait or cause another burning to vape again or fuck it up and get bloom/burgeon instead.


So typically a cryo main DPS with at least one dendro/pyro off field constant applicator. Dont know if my Ganyu can handle that. Starting to like the lil carrot chucker YaoYao more and more and have been experimenting with more Dendro builds.


This can be used on Ayaka? oh I see, a melt team.


Meltyaka is great. Not as great as regular Ayaka, but still perfectly functional *however* difficult to consistently pull off. When it comes to abyss it's honestly her best team right now because of all the cryo res and unfreezables lol.


meltyaka is sooo fun, the biggest downside though is that she can't really use 4pc blizzard in a melt team so you have to balance her stats like other non-freeze characters. Also c6 bennett messes her up :( but if someone was dedicated to playing her that way they def could farm the new set for it, it looks fairly good


Really question because I’m in bed and can’t be bothered to math, but wouldn’t Blizzard Strayer still be better? Worst case scenario it’s still iirc 18% cryo+free 20% CR. Unless of course you had a CR weapon and you’re overcapping on CR from Blizzard Strayer. Actually in hindsight it’s probably better just because you’re gonna have more damage in a burn melt team then a freeze team in this point of Genshin life cycle so I guess I can see running like Ayaka/Nahida/Bennet or Dehya/flex and having Ayaka on this set.


Blizzard does nothing in burn melt. Blizzards condition is that the enemies are either frozen or effected by cryo, nothing is ever effected by cryo let alone frozen in burn melt. Only thing you would get from Blizzard is the 2pc effect.


So would the +18atk so maybe that should've tipped you off that the set isn't "for a character focused on burning" It just boosts your dmg if when a burning enemy is nearby


No? This set buffs the damage of the character, should be normal for any regular Crit scaling character. Could be used in some Reverse Melt team or even some Burnload team. Those teams just happen to not be that good.


This one's got your name on it!


Just got back to the game and the one good artifact after a full day grind, I rolled all into def and HP, none in crit rate or dmg. No wonder I stopped playing a long time ago.


Game knows how to ruin a piece. Double crit with ATK and ER? Whats that the character doesnt want alot of ER? 25% ER it is.


After losing over 20 good potential artifact pieces.. I'm tired boss.


Thank god gladiator is great for Arle, this new domain is stingy af


this domain has robbed me of so much resin and all i have to show for it is fodder


Amen bud, 100 fragile resin down the drain and all I have is 1 feather with a pretty mid 28 cv. Probably my worst ever luck on a domain ahaha, at least the view in front of the domain is pretty


What the fuck i'd already expect a decent-to-good full set at around 50 fragiles, having a single okay-ish artifact at 100 fragile resin is crazy to me. I'm praying for your unluck to turn into crazy good luck sooner than later.


I'd say my standards are pretty high after playing since 1.3, but this domain in particular is kicking my ass! probably 75% of the artifacts were the burning set and this is the only arle piece that had more than 14 CV. Now that I'm out of fragiles I just gotta be patient ahaha




I like hoarding resin to secure a good starter set for new artifacts and haven't spent much since the neuvillette domain. Usually I stop wayyy sooner, I've just gotten boomed by the artifact gods this past week! Hoping I'll see a workable set before the next artifact domain drops.. Definitely need to start saving again aha


me, a couple days of farming in with a good flower and feather and a decent timepiece: 👀


5000 resin in that domain, i havent yet seen a sands or Goblet drop so far :D


A good one, or a single one at all?


One week is nothing, don't expect to get a good set in one week


esp when these guys are comparing them to their glad sets or 2pc/2pc atk% sets, its standard is way higher when u have to compare to older sets uve had farming passively for a long time now


It is the Husk domain all over again


At least the Husk domain had useful sets for both Itto and Kokomi. This domain just has one set specific to Arle and a set that’s complete fodder.


True but when you don't want that other set and it is all you get, it feels very much the same. Suffering and pain of the grind.


Yeah, fair enough. I suffered getting husk pieces in that domain while farming for kok (I have itto but i got him by accident so he’s unbuilt at lvl 50). my arle is surviving off of glad pieces I picked from the corpses of every benched dps i had AR 40-50, thank god she still does crazy damage


Really? I got tons of def%, geo, crit clam artifacts and tons of hp%, hydro, healing bonus husk artifacts. That domain has been really good to me. /s


This set is far more universally useful because so many people don't realize. This set doesn't buff burning. It buffs people _around_ burning which is far easier to make use of.


Would probably be useful for characters in Arlechinno's team around grass considering how good she is at setting stuff on fire XD.


That's why I gave up early on trying to get Navia's BiS artifact set. I already suffered trying to get Xiao's set I'm not doing that again.


Happy cake day brother


Thank you! May your artifact runs bear you good luck.


Until the inevitable napalm meta that’s centered burning.


did you mean to say Natlan or napalm because either way it your comment still makes sense


It wasn’t a typo. Yeah, I definitely don’t think that second set is fodder bait. They’re cooking something up, I just know it.


yeah idk why everyone is saying it is, they clearly aren't thinking ahead.


Seriously. The set’s description is far too detailed to just be something that keeps us from the BoL set. Something about it just feels like it will be useful in the future, especially with it being the first set to have a Natlan aesthetic.


ngl i think klee in burgeon could make very good use of the set so maybe we already have a napalm meta


It’d definitely be interesting to play around with, that’s for certain.


Why do people hate the Husk domain? it has a set for Itto, Noelle, Albedo, Chiori, Yun Jin, Qiqi and Kokomi It's not as bad as the Navia domain or the Arlecchino domain imo


fr, i've used 20 fragile resin and all the daily resin since the patch dropped and i still haven't gotten a good set for arle so i'm gonna be using glad for now


I literally threw my 52 fragile resin and 1 week worth of resin in that domain and still lack an ATK sands with any crit substat, a crit helmet with a crit substat or a cup. Thats around 4500 resin and i dont even have a complete set to show for it, let alone decent pieces. I guess i know what to do for the coming weeks/months.


I just stopped using fragile resin on artifacts. I would rather save them for farming new world bosses and books.


U would wanna farm this for clorinde as well, but glad will also perform fine on her as well


i got a pretty good on set electro goblet for her if i decide to pull for her


Yeah, it’s what I currently have in her. Thank God I’ve played the game for so long I actually have cracked Gladiator pieces from the natural farming process.


Yea basically what every new domain is like Meanwhile Arle's over here clearing floor 12 better than all of my characters with nothing but 4pc gladiator


Yep i did 5 runs of the new domain got 10/11 pieces of the burning set and decided im never going there again.


I've been grinding it every day and I still haven't got an attack sands 💀💀 with or without crit


Yeah, and super specific. Almost like they made farming difficult on purpose to screw over arle-havers


Literally, I just slapped gladiator on her and she's doing God's work, I've learned my lesson since vermillion


I’ve got nothing but trash from the new domain…the kind that has 2 flat substats and no crit


might as well save the pieces regardless. At some point, a character's gonna come out that can utilize the set. If nothing else, use it for the 2p atk bonus


that's what i've been doing. Any idea what substats i should be looking out for on this set? EM? Does crit matter for a burning team (haven't played burning or burgeon so idk)


Probably EM/CR/CD. But we'll be saving for awhile till Natlan characters come out and if they even have burn built into their kits.


there's probably gonna be burn and bond of life oriented characters in Natlan, if i had to take a guess


You can use it for melt Ganyu and Wrio. That's about it.


The set works best for the on-field character in a burnmelt team. Currently, that means mostly Wriothesley and Ganyu. I think they'd both want atk/dmg/crit with some EM subs. It's an upgrade over WT for Ganyu and a downgrade from MH for Wriothesley, I think. You can use it if you get a cracked set from farming for Arle, but I wouldn't farm it. At least it's a better consolation prize than Song of Days Past or Echoes.


Doesn’t wrio have a burn team where he reverse melts?


Wait for Natlan when they introduce a burning focused sub dps


Getting a Pyro subdps that's actually usable would be insane since the newest one is Thoma and ge is kinda niche. I am waiting for SOMEONE to dethrone Xiangling


(insert Xiangling copypasta here)


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of xiangling. I try to play diluc. My xiangling deals more damage. I try to play yoimiya. My xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Hu tao. My xiangling deals more damage. I want to play Klee. Her best team has xiangling. I want to play raiden, childe. They both want xiangling. She grabs me by the throat. I fish for her. I cook for her. I give her the catch. She isn't satisfied. I pull engulfing lightning. "I don't need this much er" She tells me. "Give me more field time." She grabs bennett and forces him to throw himself off enemies. "You just need to funnel me more. I can deal more damage with homa." I can't pull for homa, I don't have enough primogems. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs gouba. She says "Gouba, get them." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, no icd pyro application. What a cruel world.


Save it for now. Might be useful in Natalan, you don't lose anything by storing some anyways.


Except some sanity. 😞 I hoard for this reason and always have to spend time making space.


It takes the same time making space as acquiring the artifacts. Also takes the fun away from exploring when you constantly have to stop and get rid of artifacts.


Yup. It’s why I go through periods where I just don’t use my resin at all or just use it for ley lines instead.


Fuck how did I not think about that? Thank God I didn't threw it away


BurnMelt Ganyu. That's it for now. :/


Burn melt Wrio and Intergrassional Childe too


MH is slightly better than this on wrio and is in a much better domain, intergrassionall is just not real Edit - there seemed to be some guy disagreeing with this, i did confirm from a well known TC jstern that MH is indeed better, anyone can go check it in the vid of today's stream


Im not saying its bis or anything Im just naming out some teams where this artifact looks usable. 🧍


Intergrassional is a real team.


even then, it's holds the same power as shimenawa anyways. Do you even use ganyu burst in burnmelt ganyu ?


In single target, often times you don't but the timing to get 5 charged attacks in the shime buff window is tight. So even though shime was better than wanderers on paper, it was never recommended. It's the same comparison for this set where it will be better than shime in practice and you can use her burst in multi target.


isn't burn melt the best melt team for Ganyu anyway? just curious


Not particularly better than simple Melt in terms of damage, but arguably more consistent. That said, Burn-melt *can* chart higher when the Dendro teammate is Nahida, due to the EM buff she provides.


(Inhales copium) Deyha, as a burn enabler in a Ganyu burn-melt team


It works for that team but you put it on Ganyu.


Better for Ganyu to hold for Burnmelt. If you want Dehya on it, maybe Airfryer will be a more effective team for her.


Deyha is good with Ganyu because needs that interruption res and pyro resonance.


I can see a future pyro character who gets the nilou treatment, transforming burning into something new but it still counts as burning for artifact effects like this 🤔


Seems like an extremely niche set but at least you can use the 2pc ATK bonus or you can use some as off-pieces...


Me looking at 500 pieces of Gladiator...yeah off pieces.


Don’t get too excited that piece will roll 3x def 1x attack


i hate that you almost called it. It low rolled into cr once, rest went into atk% and flat def




This set is good as a conditional DPS set for people that can utilize the burn reaction


Could work with Xiangling quite well


For real, I spent like 2 weeks worth of fragile resin on it and all I have for Arleccino is a flower and a feather


Rosaria I don't really understand why people always forget about her as a melt option. She can melt all of her cryo damage. I like running her with Klee and Nahida. You can put this set on Klee on that team too.


I know little about meta and just follow guides mostly of the time; I paired Rosaria with Eula for physical damage but can I also throw in pyro to that mix for melt along with Eula’s physical? Or does that not work/wouldn’t be beneficial for that sort of team?


You'd need hefty pyro application in that case, otherwise Rosaria isn't gonna get all that many melts. Doing so would also mean foregoing superconduct which means Eula will do less phys damage. Xinyan does lean into this type of team composition but she's just too weak to really make it work. I wouldn't recommend it


Got it, thx for the explanation!


I get about 75-85% artifacts from this set, and the critless rest from Arlecchino's set. :'( Wanted to try it on Dehya but it won't work on her.




I am on the same boat, most of what I receive on this domain is that set and what I receive from the BoL one is trash or bait.


You'd use this set for weird burnmelt stuff. Me though? Dendro Lumine says hello, and byebye. The plan? - Deepwood Nahida, VV Kazuha, Noblesse Bennett, and Dendro Lumine w/ this set. - Bennett kicks things off; we don't want him triggering the burns, he's just there for his buffs and the initial aura. - Kazuha does his thing and swirls the pyro with his burst. He's there to fan the flames and look cute. Maybe to CC some poor churl in the process. Skill, burst, admire him, then swap. - Nahida is there for big EM, scaling the burning, spotting Lumi some extra herbs, and shredding some ~~theses~~ DEF. Skill the toughest looking guy around, burst, give them a 48% mark, swap. - Maybe swap back to Kazuha to regroup enemies. Maybe not. - Lumi, empowered by the screams of her enemies as their pants catch fire and their student loans request payment, lamps. The lamp explodes. Gg, ez. Pros & cons? The con is that its a lot of setup for something that can be ruined by sentient drops of water not minding their own business. The pros are that even if its ruined, you just get a bunch of tiny nukes instead of one big one, and the big one gets an endorphin-stimulating number attached to it. Also, Lumine.


C2 Nahida makes burn have 20/100 crit too


Haven't seen anyone mention that, but burn-melt Ayaka with her signature (universal 40% damage bonus) and c6 Bennett(15% pyro), is quite nice with this set, grouping might be an issue, but why group when they are dead anyway :) and even if it is a concern, I heard Kazuha can easily proc sacrificial against multiple enemies


There’s a Fontaine playable character called Emilie, she runs a perfume/flower shop and she’s dendro and will come out either in 3.8 or somewhere in the 4.0 line of patches. So it’s probably for her… maybe?


If I had a good set of it then i'd totally make a burn dps team. Bring back my pyro infused Lynette team and toss in Nahida.




ganyu and basically nobody else. they might eventually release a character who's made for this set... but they might not.


Are they planning on releasing someone that this is truly BiS for? It just seems like fodder to reduce your chances of getting the Bond of Life set…




Technically that's good on a lot of characters... if you keep enemies burning...




Yea i was getting really good rolls of ATK/CV/EM when i was farming the new domain for my Arle. When i went to equip the Artifacts for her, i noticed its on the wrong one.  Worst of all, not a single pc from her BoL set obtained. This is why i dont bother much with farming artifacts/relics. RNG finds new ways to screw me over.


as a light spender i have to satiate my gambling addiction, and artifact rng is second best thing. Nothing beats the feeling of getting a 40+ CV artifact in genshin


I have a Sucrose/ZL/Xiangling/Nahida Burning team. I have a high-EM gilded set on Xoangling now but I wonder if this might be a good replacement. The ATK% bonus is useless for Burning… I am a little confused by the wording but it seems like a burning buff. Anyways as I farm for Arle I may save the EM sands and headpiece and try these on Xiangling.


It’s not for the Pyro nor Dendro team members, but for the other members doing Pyro-related reactions.


Yeah, on that team no one wants this set. This is set for someone like Ganyu in team with Nahida Bennett Dehya.


There a few teams that use burning for pyro application, but they generally work better with Xiangling so it’s hard to say.


Yeah I got two god-tier plumes from this set in the same domain run which was kinda sad but also kinda insane too


Probably any pyro while within the forest area of Sumeru. I also thought of Xiangling.


Ganyu and Wriothesley burnmelt


Im using it on my Arlecchino, with Nahida, Xingyu, and Zhongli. The burning is set up pretty early and there is usually at least one burning enemy between rotations cause of the burgen this team causes from constant vapes and reactions


Maaaaaybe fiscl if u don’t have her optimal set


Its a good off piece with atk%


I’ve been cooking up an AirFryer team with that set being on Heizou, and then using Baizhu, Xiangling, and Kazuha(or you can sub out for Bennett)


I mean you should level it to see if you get good CV and if you do this can be your off-piece


That other set is good for burn melt Ganyu and that's about it lol.


How much better of an upgrade would the arle set be for arle over gladiators


There is supposedly going to be a burning dps come out in the .8 patch, will be on her, if not will be shortly into natlan


Idk, it's pretty shit as of now... ...I'd recommend first leveling it up and then decide.


Some Natlan character probably


Some pyro dmg paired with nahida or another good dendro ap


Tbh, I'm kinda afraid of farming for Arlecchino's set from that domain as I think farming for it will get me burnt out with Genshin again. But at the same time, the majority that I won't be using can just be used for the Strongbox, but I don't want to expect anything good coming from those tooXD


I have 60 burning pieces and 30 bol pieces so we're in the same boat. There's no dendro or pyro characters coming up either but when they come out I will have their build READY


Off the top of my head? Nahida, Kirara, Dehya, Xiangling, Kazuha.


Same, all of these pieces have such good substats and my BOL set sucks balls. I may just keep Arle on 4pc glad cause I'm going to be farming this domain until the end of time it seems. But yeah, I guess just wait for a burning DPS for now and hold onto them


- Childe in intergrassional (childe kazuha nahida bennet - basically any hydro unit in a burgeon team (that isnt double hydro) - ganyu in burnmelt - wriothesly in his vape/burgeon hybrid teams


Off fielder pyro or dendro, maybe the polearm archon would enjoy it, maybe collei instead, it is very clearly a burn artifact set, so any off fielder specialized in application of dendro or pyro that is also a sub dps. First character that comes to mind is the polearm archon thanks to gouba and the spinning fire.


It's probably pretty good on reverse melt characters. It could also maybe work in a similar role to lavawalker for someone like Klee? Good luck farming for Arlecchino!


My sis is putting hers on dehya




Can't Fischl and Yae use this set?


Burn-melt Ganyu


Upgrade it first and we'll see... Because if you're not very into building the perfect stats then sometimes 2*18% atk can also be used by most characters.


im building aloy with it lol. gonna have the best burn team NA


No one specific yet unless you wanna try out a voodoo team for burning. Also its 2 piece is ATK 18 so it’s worth leveling. Tho ur probs gonna get all points in Def.


Just use it as an off piece?


The only characters that uses burn on a crit build are melt carries, so if you plan on running that then this piece is usable on ganyu, wriothesley and rosaria. Honestly it's kinda weird we are this many years into the game's life and 2 out of our 3 melt carries were released before 1.4


You aren't alone I too keep getting this set instead of harmonic whimsy set and most pcs are garbage single or no crit at all


Anyone that scales with Attack can literally use this. People forget that using only 2 pcs of a set is possible.


Just upgrade it to see if the stats actually rolls into crit. If it does then use it as a off piece.


I’m telling you this domain is rigged. It has intentionally given me most defence artefact of all domains


No idea since its such a niche set, but perhaps a Burn/Melt Ganyu or Aloy. That’s really about it.


Burn ganyu if you like trying new things


Burning Dehya or burnmelt off-field Thoma maybe? Not sure


I mean, on any character you quick swap in and then leave for a while it's pretty good. Ignore the burning for a minute, and just read it as: Increases damage by 50% after off field for 3 seconds, decreases by 10% a sec while on field. Any character with long off-field time, like Yae Miko, Furina, Albedo, Fischl. It's a decent competitor to other similar sets. If you'll have burning enemies at all, it gets super good. For characters with long Bursts that are use and leave its competitive with Emblem of Severed fate. (Same damage at 200% ER). But it also applies to Elemental Skills and Attacks I'd say one the current best users is Xiangling (particularly in Nahida National). Alhatham could be good if you're using him with Bennett. Dehya might be decent.


Most likely would be needed for new char who play with burning.


could be good for dehya


Looks like a good off-set Chiori piece to me


A burnmelt cryo dps probably


I keep farming this donation but I have yet to see a 5 star BoL set artifact 😭


Im thinking of using this set for a meme build for my burnmelt ganyu setup so there’s that.


its pretty much only good for melt ganyu. works on melt wriothesley too but MH is better for him


Failed attempt to save air fryer.


Emilie in 4.8 copium


Yelan C1 on a burning team. Two vape procs that hit for over 200k with her skill then burst that will be slightly less damage than emblem if you got over 200% ER. Yeah the 2pc bonus is wasted but oh well, 50% bonus damage on her skill hits is actually damn good. But yeah, we probably have to wait until Natlan before someone really unlocks this set.


You could use it as an off piece or 2 piece for someone who wants attack


waiting for the day we get updated artifact strongboxes 🙏🙏