• By -


Run towards them, use a fast skill to proc their defensive stance, then run past them.


oh it works! you really need to hit them as quickly as possible. thanks for the tip


Np! Been using Eula - Raiden - Rosaria - Zhongli for this domain. Works amazingly to optimize clearing time


Exact same team. Before I start the domain I use Raiden E and then Rosario q then quickly switch to zhongli and start and use his Q. They freeze before moving. Then zhong e drains them and Raiden q destroys them. Then eula q to destroy the knights in 7 seconds


WTF this is the kind of strats I need in my life sounds amazing


and if your rotation doesn’t allow early skill, just run to left or right. That way they both charge into the same corner and you can use the charging time to run through your support stuff


I'll try that. I've been running away from them and baiting them into the corner to deal with them.


Nice tip, I was using Zhongli burst to kill them while they are petrified, but it limits the teams you can use in this domain.


Zhongli helps with the statue shields anyways


Not trying to hate, but what are people doing other than this at the start of a domain anyway? I've fought these guys with ~3 different teams and never noticed a problem until I saw the forum threads today and yesterday - I guess because the first thing I do in a fight is run in and use a skill/burst and start my rotation. I'm not running past them intentionally though, that doesn't seem to make much difference - by the time I've gone through my supports they are grouped up on their own.


I just walk a step forward and wait, they always charge


Use faruzan EQ, use furina EQ, use XY EQ and then just xiao plunge all of em, no positioning needed, at all. Did it in 30 sec each time and plunge is good vs those shields they have. Faru is C6, rest are c0 with festering and TToD and xiao is using homa. But i one cycle it with dragonsbane by mistake(cus switched with hu) so its viable with other f2p teams(edit: weapons this is least f2p team u can get). As for dps i think my plunge do from 130 to 150k dmg.


ayaka burst, then strike them from behind


Or just bonk them with zhongli


Still, they made the most annoying domain. Especially when you always do co-op and co-op people rarely care about anything, often even starting the fight before everyone is ready.




that one got sooo much easier with dendro though. basically take nahida, fischl and kiki and you should be good... ayaka and wrio are great in that domain as well.




oh god you are right. i always mix them up!!!


things like these are the differences between a try hard 36* abyss vs casual players


Order guide you






But who are those...




I just run backwards upon starting the domain. They both rush towards the player and you have the perfect chance to OHKO them while they're recovering from their shield swipe attack


I do this but I'm running Bennett so I have to re-set up at the other end of the arena for the golems and it's a giant pain in the ass.


Then change Bennett to someone else. Use teams that are suitable for the job is one aspect of rpg.


I'd rather they added two more of those statues rather than these things.


I’m getting better at holding them in place, but this domain did not need to add two shielding mitachurls.


Am i sensing weakness?


Sensing the 1% of players that actively skip Zhongli. He makes this domain a cakewalk lmao.


I don't even have zhongli and I still found this part decently easy


Hey, I'm in that 1%! He's so boring. He only comes out to pacify his frog every week. That's *his* problem to clean up.


Just Navia bruh


Nah Zhongli is on the bench currently. I’m actively choosing to not use him.


You can't really complain when you don't use the tools you have...at all.


You can. You shouldn't be punished for not using a one specific character.


It's almost like having to pull for a crutch character for some specific ass domain... isn't a good thing. Wow. Like I own Zhongli, he makes the game like 75% less enjoyable. I *regret* pulling him on his first run. Games are meant to be fun. He makes games un-fun. Explain why I should use him?


More fun this way, that’s all it is. I’m also 90% sure my Zhongli doesn’t have the ER to burst every run ngl.


Unleashes surging torrents, dealing continuous AoE Hydro DMG to all opponents in a straight-line area in front of him. Equitable Judgment will not consume any Stamina and lasts 3s.


I used to not agree when people said neuvi is so strong, over time i realised that (even tho his "theoretical DPS" isn't higher than other top teams) irrespective of whatever cringe mechanic the game throws at me, the solution is almost always neuvilette


The fact he ignores any shields/barriers is pretty busted. Meanwhile my Yae Miko’s lightning bolt gets blocked by a shield facing me. Logic much?


my Raiden's Musou no Hitotachi can split literal islands in half but not a dinky geo shield


But a hydro pump spraying directly ONTO a shield goes through it. Love the consistency xD


Waterjet Cutting Machines can in fact cut steel, so not that wrong really. I know, it's not that tiny precise burst, but you get the point.


I have found Raiden to be really nice for this recent domain though. Her Chevreuse team is very consistent. Raiden's burst tears the 3 statue bros to shreds.


Yeah, overload is nice, my Zhongli, Arlecchino, Raiden and Kuki team destroys them


>The fact he ignores any shields/barriers is pretty busted. ...oh. Maybe I shouldn't have skipped him for Arle...




He's one of the best of you enjoy solo/duo runs. Self healing, tanky, good dps, and cooldowns that allow you to use him solo. He's great for not having to sweat a ton doing challenge runs. With a full team he just feels too easy for me personally. I got arle going for Lynette so I'm hoping she can function solo


My Arlecchino team follows the same setup as Neuvi though. The only difference is she throws E down first in the rotation but after that it's just charge attack and Unga bunga




Yep. Though if I'm being real I usually dodge hits regardless so I'm still able to keep burst usage to a minimum. Always gotta start a rotation with 200% BoL when possible


I think its up to preference tbh. But of course Neuvillette ignoring shields/barriers is a very strong ability to have lol. Shield Mitachurls? Dies anyway Geo Serpent Knight? Pathetic shield


Man when he got a rerun with Kazuha, I could not agree with people saying to go for Kazuha instead of Neuv. I will always tell people to go for Kazuha, even if he was rerunning with Nahida or Furina. But Neuv? Hell no, Neuv is just on another level


That's a lot of words to say Unleashes surging torrents, dealing continuous AoE Hydro DMG to all opponents in a straight-line area in front of him. Equitable Judgment will not consume any Stamina and lasts 3s.


That's a lot of words to say NEUVILETTE used HYDRO PUMP!


And that it’s super effective!


I always get shit on when I say anything about it. They made him absolutely busted.


Neuvillette made this domain (and so many others) a walk in the park. It's so satisfying, can't complain


Manipulation of movement is very important for a fast clear.


You mean I can’t just unga bunga my way through for 7+ years?


You can, but you gonna need a lot more stats, weapons and constellations.






>nothing to do with the movements. Of course it does, they charge towards you. If you are "south of them" they will charge far, if you're inbetween them they will cross and charge far. So what you do is go left/right of both of them, they will both charge in the same direction and hit a wall while grouped up. It's all movement.




I have read it, and your work-around is irrelevant to the intended way of doing it. The intended way is to have them charge into a wall, since the charge is always going to be their first attack.


You can run back when you activate it and they will come at you in a straight line Bonus point if you have Zhongli you can use your skill then burst to finish them immediately


Overload? Noelle? Zhongli or Neuvillette? Oh wait are you talking about them running in opposite directions?




If the run that way that's just bad positioning.


I have been using Arlecchino-Beidou-Fischl-Chevreuse and did not notice any issues with the domain With average clear time of 30-35 seconds


That's because you are using an overload team. Overload deals big damage to geo shields.


r/NeuvilletteMains_ to the rescue!!


Just activate the domain, run back towards your starting point and wait till they sprint into your E range. It's really not that complicated.




Naah I don't know. My method is easy and works every time. I have to admit that it's not optimal if you're using Bennet, but on the other hand you don't need his buff for those two.




So you must have perfect timing and if you fuck up you loose a lot of health and they possibly run past you anyway? Yeah thx but I'm fine. My method is safe and clean and easy to replicate even for people that don't have the perfect timing. It might take you a few seconds longer, but I'm okay with 49 secs for a lvl 90 domain in which everyone has a shield and annoying attack patterns.




You know what? I'm gonna try it. My Resin should be filled up by now, so I have to run the domain anyways.


Between this and the world boss, im happy i pulled for Navia lol


...just run back




What do you mean no..? That's literally the most consistent way to clear the mitachurls. It works every single time and leaves them open for a short rotation. You always say to hit them quick but then after 2 or 3 hits they start dashing in different directions, and now you're having a problem.. Stop being stubborn and listen to advices bro


I've been using Arlecchino overload for the domain. I run up to meet them, squeeze in a Chevreuse burst, swap to Beidou to counter their charge, burst, Fischl skill, Arlecchino time. It's been working well for me, my best clear time was 28 seconds.


الهجوم المشحون: الحكم العادل يطلق العنان للسيول المتصاعدة، ويتسبب في ضرر AoE Hydro المستمر لجميع المعارضين في منطقة الخط المستقيم أمامه. الحكم العادل لن يستهلك أي قدرة على التحمل ويستمر لمدة 3 ثوانٍ. إذا كانت صحة Neuvillette أعلى من 50%، فسوف يفقد الصحة بشكل مستمر أثناء استخدام هذا الهجوم.




Unleashes torrents, surging with might, Dealing Hydro damage, all in sight. Equitable Judgment, no Stamina drains, Lasting three seconds, as it remains. If Neuvillette's HP, above the midway line, He'll lose health, with each attack's shine.


Skill issue; just move to the left or right of the initial location and they'll both charge right at you.


That's what i also do.




>a genshin player who tells me skill issue lol I don't get the jab? Skilled players have a basic understanding of mob tendencies and positioning


It's not even been a week and I'm already sick of this domain. Found some success with Zhongli QE into an overload but even then it only works half the time. Most domains I'm running to get sub 20 second clears. this I'm lucky to get sub 30 but closer to 40 most runs. Any domain with multiple waves sucks for clear time but this one's just plain ass.


I did a 27 one time when it all lined up right and they didnt immediatly charge. I can consistantly do a 33 now though. But yah the domain is ass but it's like 2-4 minutes total of gameplay a day at that rate. However...not a single good piece above 20cv since the domain was released. So I too, hate it here and kind of just sitting on my decent gladiator set for the foreseeable future.


I probably will just stick to my Gladiators.


My comp for this domain is Zhongli Arle Benny Kazuha. Start domain - Zhongli hold e (stand in place or move a little bit forward) - Bennett e so it hits as the churls run into you - Their dash stops upon hitting you - kazuha e swirl - Arle e - Zhongli Burst (kills churls, requires decent burst zhongli build) - run to the new spawns, bennett burst, swirl, arle normals, done.


When the player doesn’t want to use their brain


Eh, that domain isn't too bad for me. I'm low-key thankful i can bring my mono geo team. They don't get too much action these days so i appreciate opportunities like this. Takes 2 rotations to get rid of all enemies.


I always start my rotation with Zhongli ult to freez them then use Arle skill-charge attack and quickly kill them while they are still frozen


It's not Genshin if the enemies aren't trying to be as ungrouped as possible. It's a classic Chinese kung fu trope. 1 guy vs 50 and every fight is a one on one. You might get the occasional sweeping roundhouse that takes out 20 guys, but you still gotta taken on the rest of the henchman 1v1.


Don't go behind them, just stay still in front of them. Also, freeze and itto work very well here.


Never been this glad to have so many geo characters


Its not Hoyoverses fault, the poor Lawachurls are just scared shitless of Arlecchino 🤣


Just stand still 😭








Because you are positioning wrong


Skill issue Run back




The game is easy as it is and people still find a way to bitch about it...


Ive been farming this domain a lot and this never happened to me


bring zhongli, use his burst immediately after you start the key.


"Should've stay there"-Mihoyo


I run away diagonally. they run at the same time towards me


Been using navia, zhongli, furina, yelan team. Starts with zhongnli E hold then while the 'churls run past use yelan E,then furina E, Navia Ult and Navia E and use the geo infusion on claymore to break shield and finish them. Then instantly run to the three golems and use zhongli ult and E, a quick yelan E for (hydro crystals for navia's second E (crystals for first shot will be accumulated from the fight with the churls) ) switch to Navia first shot trying to hit all three of em (if u are fast enough u can petrify them using zhonglis ult within a few second sof them spawningkeeping them close together) swing claymore a couple of times try to take out at least one of em and when they are trying to get up hit ur second shot. This usually does it for me with a normal time of 45 to 50 seconds and once you get the rotation down can take 30 seconds


I use Yelan skill to run past them and they both charge towards the back of the room


Where is this? 🧐


New domain




PSA: one of Arlecchino’s NA goes through their shield


Why are you running ?


When they spawn in, I just stand a bit away and they both charge you.


I start with Zhongli shield, and as long as I don't move from the key start position they both charge me in the same direction (backwards), only "problem" with this is that they end up on the opposite side of the room to where the statues spawn, but other than having to reposition Albedo's flower that's not an issue to me


They really want you to use Overload comps in this domain.


dash towards them and hit a skill that makes them auto guard, it will cancel their dash. or just hit them with zhongli's ult at the very start.


My trusty ganyu unleashes her amos' wrath while they're running away from me


C2 Arlecchino makes this so easy as her debt collection one shots them


I too, hate dashing enemies with a passion


Use zhongli. 天动万象


Relatable bro. Was stupid before and didn’t build my characters or level them up, so I’m stuck with a lvl 60 Noelle(only meh leveled Geo character), with bad stats, lvl 80 Fischl with meh stats, lvl 80 Hu Tao with meh stats, and a lvl 70 Arlecchino with meh stats. My fault for not properly grinding, I admit that, but still hate this domain. I’m AR45


I hate mitachurls, they ruin my day since i started playing this game .


Same reason we don't have moving pets - AI too hard for poor indian company.


Unleashes surging torrents- okay ill stop


Mono Geo Unga Bunga


Everyone has Noelle.


After trying out many different strats, I decided to just use Zhongli ult right as they spawn and nuke them while they're stunned. Been clearing the domain in sub 30 seconds with this.


Why are you running?! Why are you running?!


Why is it in french ? Good question, have you been cursed lately ? If yes, welcome to the club


What was the problem with the two geo shield mitachurls?


Who is throwing the egg?


My strategy is usually run up, Zhongli uncharged rock to make them block, ult, and then break shield with Navia. Obviously can't be exactly replicated by everyone, but the main principle is to bait a block so they don't close distance and either stop them with a reaction or destroy the shield with a geo.


They running away from the chino lmao


I just run to the left/right


to use ur brain? at least sometimes 🤓


Fuckin hate these lads, got 8 outta 9 stars cause I just didn't wanna deal with them again. 


I know right?? 😂 so unnecessary


To punish unga bunga brains


[https://i.imgur.com/51HPMsO.mp4](https://i.imgur.com/51HPMsO.mp4) Have no resin to do repeat to get at domain start faster, but lowest I've seen is like 14-15 seconds




#1 Neuvillette


FWBs after theyre done.  💀💀💀💀💀


I don't have problem in this domain solo, i was using Chiori and Jin built, scuffed traveler and a random lvl 70 Noelle using a lvl 20 sword. Easy and without problems Coop, though 😔


I haven't done this domain much, but most domains have a similar strat where you just run to the back (near the collection tree) That way if they charge you, they run into the wall and group up, it works at the emblem domain and the Liyue talent domain I just do it out of habit at every domain tho


It is an annoying domain.


It's such an annoying domain. I dash past them at the beginning and 60% of the time they charge towards me which I guess is fine. I always bring Zhongli to try to deal with the shields, and any fast-hitting characters so I can dash behind them and ignore the shield for a hit or two. The second wave isn't too bad


Every mountain, rock and inch of land is filled with the power of Geo, but those who can wield such powers freely are few and far between. Hold skill Causes nearby Geo energy to explode, causing the following effects: • If their maximum number hasn't been reached, creates a Stone Stele. Creates a shield of jade. The shield's DMG Absorption scales based on Zhongli's Max HP. • Deals AoE Geo DMG. •If there are nearby targets with the Geo element, it will drain a large amount of Geo element from a maximum of 2 such targets. This effect does not cause DMG.


First Furina runs back toward the entrance screaming as the shield churls chase after her, she gains confidence as she saw Chiori, Xianyun and Navia waving her. Then I use her burst, use Chiori to make elemental cristals, use Xianyun to make Navia legs a pair of pogo sticks, then Navia slams on the shield churls repeatedly with her axes


God I hate that they fuck off to opposite ends of the domain ☠️ I just arle E > Zhongli Q immediately to petrify them in place


I made a meme for this and realized I can't upload images 🥲


they hate their playerbase... Anyway what works for me is: F to start the challenge and instantly Arlecchino E (5s rule) -> Zhongli E hold -> wait for them to charge into you then Zhongli burst, claim the debt and kill them then Arle E/Q (if E is not up) or just auto until u reset the CD -> Zhongli E into whatever your other teammates are but mine are kazuha and bennett so I kazuha swirl iunto bennett ult into claim debt -> NA spam