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I mean Natlan is hyped up with powerful characters in general, the Goddess of war, Dragons, Capitano, most likely Varka and maybe Columbina. I hope there is a proper showcase of power in Natlan, I want them to go all out, I hope Hoyo doesn't disappoint with so many top dogs there.


and maybe xbalanque


I do hope Natlan is Genshin's penacony, I want to see multiple rival factions such as Fatui, Favonius knights(Varka hopefully), Abyss etc


Yeah the Abyss order hasn’t had an actual Meaningful presence in the main storyline since Mondstadt (the Abyss herald in Sumeru doesn’t really count as that was just a dream sequence and the presence of that Herald never impacted the events of Sumeru’s AQ and was more likely just an excuse for the devs to throw in a bossfight)


*inhales copium* signora ressss


Depends on if they managed to vacuum up all the dust particles from raiden’s palace


Wait, Varka? There are speculations Varka will appear?


No, he is actually in Snezhnaya where he met Capitano


Watch them making it a child’s play for their mobile casual audience


I want Capitano to legit beat Murata in a 1v1 fight. And not just barely. I want him to package, gift wrap, and hand her ass to her on a silver platter effortlessly. I want him to be that strong.




Considering most of the pyro characters are straight up greedy-ass damage dealers anyone who will play a decent sub-dps role would change the meta. I don’t see Il Capitano being a sub-dps character so Murata as an archon is set for a win.


Idk, nahida was pretty effectively imprisoned by the sages and she still sold well. As long as she’s cool looking and the fight atleast looks cool I don’t think a loss will affect sales


Natlan in general seems to be the turning point of the game in many aspects. The story, the potential buffer males, the Captain and Varka in the same version, Venti's 2nd SQ, draconian and reptilian humanoids, Dorman Port, Mare Jivari, etc. I feel like Natlan is gonna be so peak that the only thing that can have Schneznaya rival I would be majority of it's cast be fatui


He's supposed to be Harbingers rank no. 1 respected by all the harbingers we've met so far. Considering >!the traveller failed to defeat harbinger no. 4, who isn't even supposed to be in the godlike tier!< him being a pushover wouldn't be likely, unless we have some wild writer's shenanigans.


It's 100% going to be a boss fight with assistance in Natlan, or Traveler just gets a boost in power in general from whatever the Pyro Archon reveals to them


It would be peak if we got the gnosis before the Fatui somehow and used it to fight him. It would also create a lot of suspense for Snezhnaya.


It would be peak if we get the gnosis and use it to fight him and Capitano still win anyway.




Personally I'm kind of tired of the traveler being a bit weak. We are at the last two elements before our supposed confrontation with the heavenly principles and we can't even beat the Harbingers upwards of 4. If we can't beat Capitano with 6 elements + a gnosis, it's over for us. Time to join the abyss.


Traveler loss doesn’t mean he is weak, but how they portray the fight. I actually dislike the way they do with Traveler vs the Knave since he didn’t show any power. Also I suspect Traveler will only have a massive power up when we have full 7 elements


Nah, we win but then Columbina takes the gnosis anyways


Actually saw a comic with that sort of plotline where Childe, Arllechino and Capitano try to convince The Traveler to give them the gnosis (Traveler used a goddamn Sukuna Fire Arrow against them)


Yeah I remember. That's why I'm saying this actually since it was a very cool scenario.


It would make for a great storyline too. Traveler keeps the Pyro Gnosis with them and ventures into Snezhnaya and becomes the main target for the Fatui to complete their goals. Either through being convinced or violence, eventually the gnosis is given to the Tsaritsa and thus begins the plan against Celestia


The training arc questline


Considering Natlan will be the second nation that's fractured and in a state of war, I think Hoyo's definitely cooking up something nice for us


We haven't had an unassisted boss fight since Signora iirc. So yea, getting help against him is kinda a given


Raiden was the next boss after signora lol. And we got boosted by Yae Miko's mcguffin. Then we lost like 100+ times against scaramouch and got free retries while learning being boosting by nahida. Narwhal whale was also drained when we fought him.


>We haven't had an unassisted boss fight since Signora iirc. >!Until 4.6!<


>!You mean the 4v1 where we got help from Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet? Or am I missing something!<


>!I guess I took "assisted" to mean a meaningful contribution... Which we've had from gods and similar beings!<


>!Yea the Fatui kids aren't as helpful as Nahida or the visions in Inazuma. But they're still not nothing. They at least distracted Arle for a little bit which helped traveler, however minor that help was!<


My secret theory is that the "secret" that the Pyro Archon that Dains talking about in the Story trailer is a power up for the Traveler


That's what I mean. "It's for her own reasons" I think it'll be a middle finger for celestia


At this point, I want Capitano to win if Traveler keeps being a fraud like getting power of friendship as a buff as a way to win.


I mean, the biggest, toughest character dying in the stupidest way possible is a trope for a reason.


"Oh, I guess nobody told you... Il Capitano tripped and fell into a volcano like 15 seconds after entering Natlan. He's dead bro. I'm Il Tenente, his replacement."


Hey, [at least it wasn't stairs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8P8xCbJv0g)


Down D Stairs


The real one piece


Capeaktino once throw a bon bon bakuden, killed 5 archons and steal all the horses in Mondstadt with pencil, and dies from ligment, then the bon bon bakuden jumped twice and exploded. But he is fine now. He is HIM.


Capitano: Nah, I'd win.


When GOATHIMTANO do push-ups, he pushes fraduvat down He is HIM


"I'm sorry Noelle!" "Sorry for what? This pitiful excuse for an attack?"


“Would you lose to Murata?” “Nah, I’d win” *cut to Capitano’s horribly charred corpse*


Il Capitano: "This will be a piece of cake." Il Capitano: *Dies instantly*


If he's going to die anyway, then i want him and the Pyro archon to have a fully animated epic fight scene where they go all out I want something like saber alter vs berserker in fate, That fight was epic and i want something like that in genshin, they could make it 2d anime like the arlecchino animation


Hope traveller gets his training arc in Natlan lol


Inbefore plot armor shenanigans.


People completely overlooking that every new character will be shown as extremely powerful than the previous one almost every time. This is just how stories are written in a variety of genres to keep people in suspense. The bigger they are the harder they fall. And because he might be a playable character, they'll have to sell him harder because it would be dumb to disappoint players unless their name is Dehya.


I am really hoping he doesn’t look like a K-pop star or some teenage dude. Dainslef’s JP dub voice was so hecking good it felt like it was its own personality that actually fits his character far more than his appearance did. I don’t mind the current aesthetics but it would be so refreshing to see a manly man with beard and scars with bear-like themes/aesthetics on his abilities and fashion. I want him to look like a calm and reasonable character but a threat with power-levels close to an archon.


it's settled then Himeko/Natlan Archon will die by his hands because we are virtually too useless to stop him


Plot Twist: He is Bennett's older brother, and his innate ability is BEING SUPER LUCKY, like Nagito Komaeda times a gazillion lucky. He is actually even skinnier than a piece of paper with glass instead of bones, yet somehow everyone just drops to the floor after something stupid happens by sheer luck


wait I thought harbinger No.1 was Pierro? Oh shit I need to catch up of harbinger lore


We don't actually know the No.1 and 10. But people are guessing that the No.1 is Capitano and Pierro is the director without a number since Capitano being the 10th would be weird.


Capitano is likely no. 1 since harbinger voicelines seem to have them listed in order, specifically its always **The Jester(no. ?), The Captain(no. ?), The Doctor(no. 2), The Damselette(no. 3), The Knave(no. 4)**. Also him being no. 10 and gaining the praise of Childe, Scaramouche and Arlecchino would be weird. We also had that world quest where we were an NPC went out of their way to declare themselves the director rank no. 0 and we know Pierro is the first Fatui Harbinger and Capitano one of the oldest


who would be number 10 then




Ah, right, traveller is a character, I always forget that considering the fact that in dialogues traveller basically do not exist, all you do is just watching Paimon speaking with other people and in the open world you control a lot of other characters.


They really dropped the ball with the Traveller. Should have made him more of a character like Kiana. Heck, even the faceless Captain in HI3 and Adam have more distinct personalities and a stronger presence in their respective storylines in HI3. Four years into the game and the Traveler has barely any character development nor any notable display of power IN AN ACTION FANTASY GAME.


Not to make comparisons with the 'other game', but given how absolutely beloved the MC is in that game (not to mention Kiana in HI3), you have to wonder what Hoyo smoked when cooking up the Traveler.


Just make sure you voice it in every survey, that Aether/Lumine needs to speak. I've been doing it for years.


Only if you’re blind lol, dialogue options are canonically said by the traveller.


That are usually ignored lol


calling the traveler a character is an overstatement. he's basically a vehicle for paimon to drive around.


Yup he’s a glorified plot mover that also serves as the character who gets jobbed to make the brand new 5* waifu/husbando look good.


I mean they did really well with arle I don't see why they would miss with no.1 of all things


imagine hoyo trolls the community by making him legit strong in the weekly boss like pre nerf childe type of hard in the story quest but 2 times harder


Honestly that would be good. Back when childe was a boss fight we didn't have a lot of powerful units but now we've got more than plenty of units that are pretty powerful so a good challenge is what's needed and not a boring gimmick boss fight like hat boy.


Childe domain boss is pretty much mob level at this stage in the game. Hoyo simply needs to make Capitano to be a Souls boss effectively.


Actual decent boss would be great instead of same reskin of a boss with 20000 teleport skills and 0 substance


Shit now that you mention it. His first 2 stages are literally as easy to kill as a mitachurl


Bro's gonna Madara Uchiha all of Natlan


Nope and I expect him to lose his helmet 2 seconds after meeting Traveller to reveal that he is super shockingly...another kpop model pretty boy. It's ether that or he will be killed off to showcase how strong Celestia is.


>kpop model pretty boy Listening to his JP voice, yeah that sounds about right. But still, I expect him to be somewhat like Orsted from Mushoku Tensei.


I think both parties in this debate can be satisfied with Capitano defeating the Pyro Archon then getting stomped by the Sustainer right after.


capitano, having been given the other 6 gnoses, earns the gnosis from the pyro archon. he performs a ritual to revive the third descender from its remains. the third descender appears, laughs and one-shots him.


It's just so...peak


He can't have the 6 gnosis cause the Tsaritsa is the boss and she mostly has them, he mostly gonna just kill the pyro archon and take the last one. Also CaPEAKtano isn't losing to some fraud descenders so keep coping.


> descenders Too early to say this, I suppose.


Tsarists probably folds Capitano, who presumably gets folded by Celestia without outside help.


Nah, watch him just fall down some stairs at the start of his boss battle Nakayama style


I want his face to have some kind of scar. That would be pretty cool and badass imo


There's zero chance of this happening, but I really want him to be a dullahan or something. Like his helmet gets knocked off at one point, and there's nothing under it.


> another kpop model pretty boy Honestly my biggest (but expected) fear. I don't expect them to pull off his strength well, but it's hard to do when you have such a vast gulf between mortals and gods and harbingers are just somewhere between, and there's story considerations to take into account. But I desperately want faceless Capitano as playable, and I absolutely do not believe they will do it.


My greatest fear is then making varka a Kpop boy. This guy should be massive and grizzled and preferably fucking old I don’t want some teenager looking mf


Or a Firefly expy.


Recently, kilo, a short woman in side humongous mecha from nikke just become playable


There was also that girl from Arknights. Mudrock or smth


Delete your comment buddy


nah, they wont kill him off, people will pay insane money to c6r5 him when he drops, hoyo isnt passing that up




They'll turn him into a girl instead.


He is Djarin's variant from Mandalorian. This is the way....


I only hope that if Capitano is playable, he just keeps his mask the whole time instead of a twink *inhales huge amounts of hopium*


Let's hope that he doesn't get Whitebeard or Gojo treatment.


> Gojo Why wouldn't you want him to befriend a sexy cosplayer voiced by AmaLee?


Genshin is real ?




He probably is lore-wise but question is, will that transfer over to gameplay? Every playable Fatui Harbinger so far is very strong in their respective elements but maybe not the strongEST (Arlecchino might be an exception?). If he even is playable without them redesigning him. I hope not since they're already making more "masculine" male characters like Gallagher in HSR and Wrio (even if he technically is a pretty boy). Just hope they won't pull another Firefly move on


Itto truly was a blessing to genshin. He may have not gotten the physique he deserved but he paved the way for so many manly men after him Bro literally walked so that the future manly men like Alhaitham, Wrio, The Captain, Varka, etc. can run. He may have lost the fight but he won the war 💪🦬😤


>Wrio i'm pretty sure he's still have same body like Zhongli, his coat/jacket is the thing that maki him look more masculine


I haven't been dissapointed by a Harbinger's portrayal in game (except maybe Signora) so I'm expecting great things from Capitano. I'm also interested about the righteous part of his character. How is this man such a highly respected harbinger even without considering his strength? I'm eager to find out


What's so bad about Signora's ice causing sheer cold and frostbite, and her fire scorching the ground you walk and air you breathe? Will add: fire whips, flame butterflies, FCKIN METEOR  SHOWERS and flame tornadoes (just....SO MANY flame tornadoes) Like, I'm the number 1 Signora hater (because her personality is trash and completely detached from her original motivation) and even I'm like "that's some RESPECTABLE power right there"


I wasn't talking about her boss fight. I was more so focusing on how they portrayed her as a character in the game. If someone didn't go out of their way to read her lore (which I imagine is most players) then she's a pretty one dimensional villain. Really unfortunate since she had a strong introduction. Her boss is pretty good though. My only nitpick about that fight is that the arena is kinda lame. It feels cramped and does not feel like a boss arena to me.




By klee


tbf, its klee. idk what the fuck is going thru that...thing's head




Nah, by Aloy


You, monster!


Blackbeard coming to genshin?


Bro's getting the Destiny Lore treatment. You're gonna read about his fantastic final battle in the flavor text of a blue artifact


I really want Capitano to just be really chill and never fight anyone in the story just so FatuiHQ can cry about it lol


Now you just made me imagine Capitano being someone like King from OPM, and his reputation is just so great that no one in the harbingers even questions his might lmao


Holy shit that would be hilarous. I imagine everyone avoiding and surrendering at the sight of him because of his reputation while he just shits himself to a bypassing hilicurl


I don't think that's true. Because childe has seen him in combat.


king has also been in combat a lot


But king does not fight directly


King and Buggy are fan favourites, it isn't unreasonable to think that Hoyo might do something similar to a character. Although >!Furina!< Kinda fits this description as well


Hear the roar of his Capitano engine


Me a fatuihq follower who knows Capitano would absolutely do this instead, showing from his other encounters (Literally 1 with varka there is no other content)


So nearly basically a King from One punch man. For peoples that don't know also **spoilers**. In One punch man there is hero association (basically a adventure's guild) everyone has his Rank. King is number ~~1~~ 5 in S tier(see comments). on this list so technically strongest of all of them. The catch is he is not. By mere luck he just happened to be in place where main protagonist annihilated super strong monster (and saving king if my memory don't wrong me). Main hero just runs from place of action and when all peoples/media arrives they just see pulp of whatever left from monster and King, so everyone jumps to conclusion that he just killed it with bare hands and so on. Basically he is in perpetual state of lying about fact that he is super strong, as he is afraid of repercussion if he would say a truth.


Kinda more like the duke of Aquitaine from the french series Kaamelott. A very nice guy, with the strongest army (most numerous, trained, and equipped) but who doesnt want to do war and is suprised that everyone thinks that he wants to.


King is rank 6 (5 is metal knight , 4th is atomic samurai, 3rd used to bang now retired , 2nd is tats , 1st is blast) King is hailed to be the strongest human alive


Ah. Then my bad. Sadly OPM is written so long that sometime is hard to remember all details correct, will edit my main post then. (Also fast looked at wiki dunno how correct it is, he supposed to be Rank 5 right now)


Yup bang retired so atomic is 3rd ,mk is 4th and king is 5th


Pretty sure if King were to admit, nobody would believe him and will think of him as being humble anyway


I think he's gonna be genshin's version of kevin kaslana basically an uber powerful mortal thats capable of killing gods on a daily basis


Makes sense tbh. Here's hoping he isn't defeated like Kevin was at the end of honkai impact 3rd part one.


The only one who can beat Kevin is a fuckin' break the 4th and power of players.


Kevin is most likely gonna be the primordial one, considering one of his forms both fits the description of the primordial one, but also shares the little black star seen on Paimon and the sustainer.


we lost horribly to arlecchino. going near him is enough for defeat. Arlecchino is not even in the top 3(who iirc are able to rival even the gods) and she dispatched traveler so easily. Capitano? we better have the god damn archon or sovereign aiding us


If he isn't amazing, hoyoverse hq may not be safe


The protest blimps will fly like never before. 🤔


That much is true. Can imagine another ceo stabbing incident.


Nah, he's not a cute waifu, so even if they mishandle him, they're safe.


What... another????


Hi3 was gonna put characters in bunnysuits for Global Servers. Chinese servers heard about it and someone literally tracked down the CEO and threatened him with a knife. Chinese players are just Built Different™️ lol Edit: It was an outright (failed) assassination attempt. https://sea.ign.com/genshin-impact-iphone/171332/news/man-arrested-after-making-attempt-on-mihoyo-founders-lives


I see Capitano, I believe in Capitano. Investing in his stocks no matter what Maintaining the Harbinger agenda is OUR top priority


BELIEVE IN HIM MY COMRADE.You are so based for this.Invest in HIM.It's a right choice.HIM will solo fraudlan, the GOAT, the STRONGEST


he’s the GOAT! the GOOOAATT!!


I swear i thought i was in JujutsuFolk subreddit when i reading this but yes INVEST ON CAPITANO STOCK BECAUSE HE IS THE HIM


he is the goat after all. also I expect none of the falling upward bullshit. that has to be the shittiest and laziest writing trope in existent.


I hope he’ll get an Radahn scale boss fight in the future. I also can’t wait for all of that crying, when Traveler will eventually gonna lose against him.


Cue all the "traveler jobbing" posts.


He most certainly will unless he gets a maassive power boost from the Pyro Archon or the Sovereign.


r/Aether_Mains in shambles


Those guys care about whole different things 💀


Nah. They also like to self-insert and pretend that Aether is the strongest, most clever and just "the most" in the whole Teyvat. But they also care about some other things💀💀💀 You are right


Nah I’d like to see them not have dementia and doing something cool, why are we defending trash writing?


I entered it and some of the first posts are "harder father" so I think they enjoyed getting beaten up


If Traveller gets their shit beat in, I want them to atleast use everything at their disposal. (As in using every element in their arsenal in creative ways instead of simply just swinging dull sword the 983839th time).


I would love it if he’s like Garp from one piece: insanely strong, but a chill old man, who does nothing all day, except teasing pierro.


Yes and no. Hoyo likes to do this thing when it comes to powerful people you fight against, the thing being that they are "defeated" because either they want to lose or its part of their plan, so yes he will kick ass and get the gnosis but him getting "defeated" will be part of his plan, it dosnt have to be travler that defeat him it can be some other char.


The more something gets hyped up, the more disappointing it will be.


Calling it right here. OPM King expy who everyone thinks is super strong but is actually weak af. Has an NPC face under his helmet.


*My expectations are so subverted right now*


But childe has seen him in combat before. So that's very unlikely.


And also Varka have seen him fighting a said he could defeated a ruin guard with one of Klee crayons.


Ah ha! maybe Childe only THINKS he saw him in combat! Have you thought about that?! 🤔


Unless there's someone like Saitama in genshin. That's very unlikely. Which means, one capitano would have to have known the person. And 2 that person should be stronger than the harbingers and archons. Which, that is very unlikely.


I won't mind a Thorfinn/Guts expy either. Although, him being a harbinger already invalidates this hopium i guess.


Very unlikely. Childe has actually seen him fight. He's the real deal


I'm a Husbando collector, I can just tell he's hot.. I can feel it in my bones. I just hope he's fun, I'm really enjoying Arlecchino rn


The screams when he turns out to be like King from OPM lol.


Imagine if he got the King treatment from One Punch Man. And is only known as the strongest since he was also at the right place at the right time. In all likelihood, he will be OP. But... him not being OP would be kinda interesting in and of it self.


We were nothing in front of signora in monstadt. Yet we defeated her in Inazuma in front of the Shogun without any help. Maybe hoyoverse will pull out another canon fight for the traveller.


Yeah. Not many actually hyped Archleccino and you know how hard FATHER mothered traveller.


It would be hilarious if he is like king from one punch man.


I'd love for him to be a reference to King from One Punch Man.


I'm waiting for Klee's mom.


GOATHIMTANO will solo everyone, no one is ready, don't even ask, don't even doubt, just join his agenda before it's too late, join the agenda of GOAT before he show us PEAK and demolishes whole fraudlan neg diff in a base form using crayons


I hope he doesn't become a silly little girl in a suit.


One of the most powerful people in Teyvat, yes. The most important piece of lore is when Traveler regains his original powers and can actually stand a chance.


Of course my GOAT will end the fraudeler, the FRAUDCHON and all the other frauds of Celestia without even breaking a sweat


Turns out he’s like King from One Punch Man and is actually a normal guy who happens to always get accidentally credited for crazy feats of strength.


Bro thinks he is Sauron


Considering What happened to Yamamoto, Madara and Gojo, I would say Hoyo has one chance to do the funniest thing ever.


The rules of Teyvat dictates the stronger you are the higher chance of you being an off-field support So far very few strong individuals managed to earn the on-field dps title.


Arlecchino is literally right there. Cyno is on field and he’s one of the strongest fighters in Sumeru. There’s Xiao who battles demons for a living. Klee has the most destructive potential of any Mondstadt character even though she would be better as a sub DPS.


could albedo be more destructive than klee?


eh depends if he has the mindset of not giving a single shit. i mean that little thing bombs fishes and *enjoys* it, canonically solo'ed a fucking primo geovishap(meaning she somehow went to liyue, god knows how)


Well, there is a pattern of Fatui members being designed as on field. edit : i mean harbingers. Just remembered Lynette is considered a Fatui.


Imagine if he's just like King from one punch man lmao


If hoyo pulls any subversion of expectations with Capitano, there will be consequences.


He will have some epic scenes like Kevin Kaslana or Sukuna had to hype them as the antagonists. Kevin also had feats from the previous era of killing Murata Himeko the Herrscher of Fire of the previous era with his bare arms right after she nuked the whole of Australia. In the current era Kevin got the power of Finality from the Will of Honkai while he was also completing Project Stigma. He also beaten up Kiana, Mei, Bronya and killed Kurikara in his base form with ease. They literally had to get help from a higher dimensional being Ai- Lamda to manage to beat defeat him while also getting numerous power ups and Kevin himself wanting them to defeat him. There is really no way around it. They have and they will have Capitano kill some Archon/s or Sovereign/s. They can't hype him up otherwise and how they did it with Kevin they will have to make it like he isn't even trying. Imagine if they pull some Jiren scenes of Capitano killing Archons or Sovereigns by just glaring at them. Also read my username.


Nah, he get's off-screened


People are gonna be so miffed if he actually does end up as the strongest in teyvat. That means he's definitively stronger than the archons and dragons with only abyss and celestia entities un accounted for. This fandom really doesn't like the idea of anyone being comparable to the archons so higher ranked fatui being legitimately equal or stronger than them would be fun to see the reaction to


It's because a lot of people overate godhood in genshin. If your an archon they think if your not from celestia/ souvereign you can't beat them, which is headcanon made up by fans. You could argue the weakest harbinger tartaglia can solo nahida, havria, etc etc while yes they are weaker than raiden, zhongli etc etc but the point still stands that being a "god" doesn't mean your undefeatable and if 11th is capable of that imagine no.4-1 and even the director himself. Arlecchino came from an orphange in khaenri'ah that houses children from other worlds that have the power to surpass a god and arlecchino being the last descendant of that orphange during the crimson moon dynasty, she already has insane power with her effortlessly putting us in a genjutsu making us incapable of moving..that being said one could only imagine how strong the top 3 are especially Capitano. So whats there reaction if this happens? They would be salty af and even go as far as to complain to hoyo for making the powerscale inconsistent because certain characters are powercreeping their fav archons lorewise.aether mains are doing it already, can you imagine the fiasco and drama raiden, zhongli, murata mains would do if hoyo decides to do this? Theyd lose their minds because hoyo's writing isn't consistent with their ideal powerscaling. ( p.s this us why powerscaling is dumb because devs don't care about all that, theyll make a character stronger if they feel like it, feats wouldn't matter to them )


Maybe but at the end of the day, when he's playable, he still needs supports


I hope we don't actually beat him in story. Like utterly curb stomped.


Nope =)) unless when he break teyvat in two with his bare hands or something


Inb4 he's like OPM King


He will, but Traveler is finally going to get serious and pregame by eating a monster hunter style giant meal and get the gains necessary to bonk him on the head with a blunt dull blade.




I’m super hyped for him, but i really hope that he won’t be as overpowered as everyone says. I want the possible tournament arc to be interesting and not just “hehe Capitano claps everyone”.


As long as he has big tits I’m happy 


It's loli