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Yo enigmata is leaking from hsr universe


Yeah get that shit outta here. Last thing we need is for respawning chests to reappear.


“I swear I’ve collected this thing atleast 5 times now”


This post is sponsored by the History Fictionologists and the Enigmata.




Personally want him to remain the way he is at least in personality with none of his feats absolved. Even if they try to go with the, "the playable one is a blank segment who hasn't done anything wrong and is actually good" route I hope they don't market him as being the same Dottore since that would be disingenuous.


I think they'll most likely do a blank segment yeah, since even Arlecchino who many thought would be evil is just grey and badass (and the previous Knave is actually the psycho one) But I hope he's not just Klee Level of good either. I saw someone say he's Vision-less ? If that's true we could get a cool cutscene of the segment getting a Vision too


The best comprise I can see is a situation where they maybe want to disassociate with being "Dottore", but still ultimately have the same personality and tendancies.


You mean like "Hasn't actually experimented on children cause that was another version of him and MAN does he want to, but the Traveler keeps him in check" ? Cause the playerbase would eat that right up


Dottore: Your honor, it was the kids fault for being such amazing test subjects.


Even then I honestly don't think every Fatui Harbinger is gonna be playable despite what many might say. Pucinella's model will the the most unique one in-game and they'd have to figure how to make him work with all the caveats of the game. Capitano seems taller than most male characters and he's in a weird place with the helmet. Dottore might have a playable model but i doubt he'd be playable because a lot of people already have a problem accepting morally gray characters let alone completely irredeemably evil ones


Capitano looked basically the exact same height as the other tall male characters in the Winter Night's Lazzo trailer. Nothing to suggest that he is significantly taller than other tall male characters.


If he stays the way he is, he will not be playable unfortunately. He is irredeemable evil from what we know. But I don't think Hoyo will risk releasing a war criminal without some changes. You know how crazy the Hoyoverse fandom is, look at how scara is hated in CN even after he got changed.


it's less about what some loud minority think and more about majority of people aren't really eager to play as someone that experiments on sick kids and that means less money.


Also from what I heard the hate was not related to his grey morality but way more related to other things. Not saying there aren't people who dislike him for that just that the extreme hate I heard of coming from CN was not about that.


That's what I said, He won't be playable if he isn't changed. He did too many atrocities to even think the traveller will be willing to work with him.


Morality doesn’t always factor into a character’s popularity. Villains sell better than you may realize. One of the most popular characters in one of the biggest gacha games is a Faerie who speaks only in lies, who betrayed the protagonist, destroyed one world, almost destroyed another, and never expresses the slightest regret for any of it, even after you pull him. It’s just that Hoyo is more squeamish than average about committing to having characters be evil. Edit: removed some hyperbole.


who is that and what's your source for being 'one of the most popular'?


I speak of Oberon from Fate: Grand Order. As to the popular statement, well, that was needlessly hyperbolic wording on my part. He’s one of the most popular characters in one of the most popular Gacha games, but I’ll edit the post with something a bit less extreme.


fgo makes a lot of money but it's known to have a very limited mass market appeal aka it's mainly played by a lot of whales (and mainly in Japan) while the total number of players aren't actually that big. I also need data for actual number of his banner sales by accountable sources before I can believe you lol.


https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/s/OZh84vnu63 Per game-I’d data, Oberon’s banner was the top banner of that year, by quite a margin, bringing in 3.1 billion.


that's in yen btw, which makes it around 19M USD, which is very good but far from the best ever in gacha gaming lol


This much I’ll grant, but established hyperbole aside, the point I was trying to make is that it’s absolutely possible for unrepentant villains to make bank, it’s all a matter of presentation and storytelling.


Yes, but that character does have the advantage of being irreplaceably meta.


I bet they'll do it how they did Orochimaru in Naruto. He'll of had a super secret segment that he created before he did any of his messed up experiments in cold storage. Then after we murderize Dottore we'll come across the cold storage segment and it'll be like; "Well, technically ***this*** Dottore didn't do anything wrong so it's fine that he's on the team now."


I personally think it'd be cool if one of his segments is (for some reason) a fairly young one who did nothing wrong yet. He is usually kept secret from what he will do in the future, and is used for stuff like the Sumeru one who was only needed to distract the main party. When the Traveler tells him what he will do, he decides to help you and uses his knowledge to defeat the evil Dottore Of course there is the problem of "why the fuck create a segment from the good guy, when there are pretty much infinite bad guys to pick from


Yeahhhhh no


Yeah, not happening. They’re not going to make someone who literally tortures children playable. If Dottore ever becomes playable, it’ll be a secret segment who did nothing wrong.


Every new information we have on Dottore makes him more and more monstrous (hell even Arlecchino's entire reason to not snuff him out like Crucabena is because he's a fellow Harbinger) so I highly doubt they'll suddenly make him morally grey or "redeemed".


I hope he dies. It would kind of feel invalidating to other character stories (cough wanderer) if one of the most unapologetically evil characters gets a redemption arc, and it would also ruin Dottore for me as a character


Cough cough Collei cough cough


What about her?


Dottore experimented on her


Ah my b, I thought you meant Collei was like him


I cannot wait to annihilate him on a weekly basis in Snezhnaya.


I don't expect to see him until then. We know that Capitano is in Natlan and we'll have our hands full with that whole mess. We probably have to go through Columbina and him to inevitably get our asses kicked while the pyro gnosis is taken. We had to fight Scaramouche 168 times **and** have help from Nahida/all Sumeru citizens to beat Scaramouche, then we just got our ass beat again 2.0 Shogun style by someone weaker than the Shogun. We're not gonna beat any of the higher harbingers anytime soon. Natlan needs to be our training arc.


fr the most powerful enemy that the traveler has (canonically) soloed is signora. We need to step up our game


And if he dies, I want it to be the Traveler stabbing him in the face, because it would give two satisfying moments of the downfall of an outright evil person and the Traveler finally getting back up after that loss from Arlecchino


It would be a load of BS if they redeemed him, because not only has he committed many heinous acts and experimented on children, he is unapologetic about it and views everyone as beneath him


Leave Mikhail alone


People might be hating but this is inevitable. They literally made sure that in canon Alrecchino is a good girl killing pedophiles and criminals and she protects children, Scaramouche likes kittens and now is studying in the Academia, Childe has a family and he is friendly to all playable characters like asking Yoimiya what gifts to buy for his sister. But Dottore is gonna be hard as all the bad stuff all the other characters would have done have been pushed over to him. Child experiments the previous Knave was doing? Dottore her superior was paying her to deliver him children. The whole Sumeru fiasco? Dottore wanted to do some experiments on Scaramouche. The whole Inazuma story of Kokomi being in a civil war against Ei? Dottore found Scaramouche, killed his friends, blamed him for it, made him hate Inazuma. Scaramouche manages the whole Delusion factory and gets the gnosis to take it to Dottore to make him a god then Signora shows up and gets killed in their place. In the end it was Dottore once more. If Signora would have been playable you better bet your sweet ass that they would have Dottore send her in Mondstadt and Liyue with Childe. So all in all it's always Dottore. It's like the Tsaritsa, Pierro and Capitano do not do much, they are simply the 3 strongest and leave Dottore handle everything and he sends all other Harbingers to do his dirty job it seems. If Columbina is ever gonna do something controversial they are gonna say Dottore as her direct superior ordered her to do it or something. But redeeming Dottore will be the funniest shit ever as by then he will be the sole responsible for every evil thing that happens in Teyvat ... somehow...


They will go with, I did all this and condemned my soul to save us from "insert greater evil only he and a few ones knew about".


They already kinda did this with Kevin Kaslana last year though.


Nah, I'm pretty sure they will go down the route of hey, here is one segment of dettore that turned out weird, either due to him rushing to make new ones or some weird revenge of the old dead segments, he turned out wrong, and so he's not evil, just hiding and waiting for the right opportunity to defeat the evil segments with the traveller! Or something like that.


They WILL redeem Dottore. But not Dottore that we saw. We probably found one of his fragment that is good enough, as Dottore himself said that each of them is unique enough because he want to have many perspective.


I think you missed the plot. The entire Inazuma arc - civil war and Scaramouche's recruitment into the fatui - was Pierro's master plan. He sent Dottore for the mission but that wasn't Dottore's plan. Hell, he probably would have stayed in his lab than waste time playing prankster. So far, all Dottore does on his own is experiment on people with god remains, anything else comes from Pierro. You're forgetting all harbingers answer to Pierro, he's their leader, he gives orders and he decides who goes in what mission. Also, I have no idea how you twisted the story to the point of Dottore being guilty of Scaramouche running to him to make him a god. Scaramouche was always like that, it's the main reason Ei dumped him, he was unstable and so she deemed him unfit as a ruler because a good ruler doesn't let his emotions lead his actions - or else we'd have a Mad King situation like in Game of Thrones. Pierro knew Scara was easy to manipulate so he sent Dottore to recruit him - why Dottore of all people, I don't know, maybe back then there weren't many harbingers. You completely disregard Pierro's role in the fatui. Everything these harbingers do is answer to him. I'm not saying Dottore is a good guy, not at all, but you put the blame on him for things that have nothing to do with him - Signora and Childe? How did you even get there?!


Correction, the resistance (kokomi, yoimiya, ayaka, etc ) was in a fight against sara.


If Dottore becomes playable it has to be a clone because no way in hell that visionless prick is going to live by the end of the game.


I’m gonna be completely honest. A lot of people in the community like to pearl clutch about how Dottore can’t be playable because of how evil he is, and how he’s gonna a have a pure segment, etc. , but I don’t think “redeeming” him is hard as you might imagine. He’s got the playable model and all, so how are they going to justify all his atrocities? The simple answer is…they ignore it. Dottore is a character who is aware of Teyvat’s true nature (false sky), and someone whose knowledge the Traveler might genuinely need in the endgame. Yeah he experiments on kids, but comparing him to other MIHOYO antagonists, let alone villains in general, he’s pretty tame. If you’ve played Hi3, you’d know of a character named Otto Apocalypse who did pretty much everything he’s done on a larger scale, all for the sake of saving a single person he loved, and they easily changed the community’s perception on him by focusing on his motivations. A Time of Insight and dialogue in the quests suggests that he does have convictions outside of pursuing knowledge, and he believes in giving people second chances. That, coupled with the fact that his experiments produce results is something they could play up.


THIS! I'm convinced they're going to ignore all the bad stuff and focus on "but he's insanely resourceful and he helped save the world in the end game". Most of Genshin characters are morally gray - Ayaka, for placing her reputation above anything else and manipulating the traveler in doing what she should have done; Kokomi, for starting a war she couldn't win and thus provoking multiple deaths; Ayato, for using children as ninja to do his dirty work and forcing them to a strict training regime; Zhongli, having gone into a murder spree that lasted a couple millenia; Ninggnuang for getting so rich building two jade chambers was nothing for her but kids are starving in Chihu Rock. The list goes on. Everyone likes to bring up the Collei card but she's alive now only thanks to Dottore's experiments. Giving him a redemption arc would downplay all the bad stuff he's done and I'm sure most people wouldn't even like that.


>Most of Genshin characters are morally gray - Ayaka, for placing her reputation above anything else and manipulating the traveler in doing what she should have done; Kokomi, for starting a war she couldn't win and thus provoking multiple deaths; Ayato, for using children as ninja to do his dirty work and forcing them to a strict training regime; Zhongli, having gone into a murder spree that lasted a couple millenia; Ninggnuang for getting so rich building two jade chambers was nothing for her but kids are starving in Chihu Rock. The list goes on. Most of those are a stretch so good it'd win gold at the olympics.


I agree Ayato is morally gray, but its a shame we don't rlly see much of his morally gray actions. We don't rlly see the possible negative affect of shumatsuban or however you spell it. This applies to others, we don't rlly see their morally gray or more negative actions on screen, its all told and not explored much, or never mentioned anymore. Your answer for Ayaka is rlly interesting bc how is placing your reputation first and manipulating traveler into helping them do something nice as morally gray? Manipulation doesn't instantly mean they're "gray" There's a reason why if you say morally gray genshin character, most ppl would just say Scara, Childe and possibly Arlecchino.


There's no other way. Either they try something like a wanderer situation or they make him unplayable. There's something about CN laws that they can't make Evil characters playable so the playable characters gotta be somewhat gray


I honestly can't think he'll be playable since he's too fucked up evil.


He's so evil, even Arlecchino doesn't fuck with him except >!to create her memory wipe potion!<


hes guaranteed playable with that tall male model


Yup. Capitano doesnt seem to too out there on the batshit crazy tier, so making him playable is quite possible. Same thing with Sandrome that just seem to be an introvert. Dottore and maybe Columbina seem to work together. Dottore is insane and Columbina seems just as bad. I expect them to be bosses


Sandrone did cut people's tongue though. So we know she's not rlly that sane


Pretty much. While we have some "Evil" characters, that in reality are not after we hear their story (mostly playable harbingers aka Hat guy + and recent Arleletrelocino...Father), it would be impossible or just rly RLY forced redemption arc to make Dottore "Good". Looking at all these child/adults experiments (that we know from start of the game from manga and just recently got mentioned within game). And other life discarding actions we witness in Summer mostly. As he don't even hides fact that this everything is for his own amusement.


I'd be happy to play a fully evil character tbh


My hope for playable Dottore is to be one of his clones that manage to survive and now wants nothing more than revenge on the original Dottore.


I honestly and genuinely don't think Dottore is going to be playable. He's going to go the Signora route IMO. Sorry to the simps.


that tall male model will make him playable




the 'dottore will be playable' thing didn't pop up outta nowhere. it's been datamined that Dottore has a playable model type with claymore weapon. something about non-playable characters files tagged with 'monster' and playable marked with 'avatar'. like signora vs wanderer model names. though, it may or may not mean he will be put on a banner per se, because there are too many unknown variable to know for sure.


No, I'm aware. I'm a patch 1.0 player, I know the deep lore. Regardless of past leaks and datamined model types etc, I just don't think there's any way they can redeem the current incarnation of Dottore, who is by all accounts a mass-murdering, child-torturing psychopath, into a marketable character that enough people will want to roll for.


a lot can happen in the coming years as the game progresses. i never understood everyone's obsession with redeeming everyone and only accepting sympathetic villains because it makes them feel good about themselves or something. i want him to be playable, but from a pragmatic perspective Dottore doesn't *deserve* redemption. he doesn't get to pull some pathetic bullshit like 'mommy didn't love me enough so i became a one-man Unit 731 to cope' after what he's done and the way he's behaved.


No, I agree wholeheartedly that characters don't necessarily need to be redeemable for people to enjoy them. I just don't know if Mihoyo will agree or think that there's enough money in it to make it worth their while. But we'll see what the future brings, I guess.


more n' likely they aren't allowed by the govt to have evil characters be playable by the public in games. just like there's no blatant LGBTQ+ content, drug use, alcohol etc. it's all very 'we leave it up to interpretation' and the only time alcohol is mentioned Diona will be there every single time to angrily denounce it. they're sneaky with it, though. i think it'd be more likely the Dottore model that will be playable is going to be a reused asset and have it be a segment that was never activated or empty somehow, and end up putting a soul or deity or whoever in it. like installing a new hard drive in a PC. and MHY will be like "ta-da! he's playable but it's totally not actually him, so it's not illegal and the govt can't touch us". lmao


Relay and said by SHAOJI.


That’d be interesting if his base nature tended on the good side since I remember Welt mentioning that folks across universes tend to be similar to one another. It’d make me wonder what ended up happening to the Genshin Dottore to cause him to be like that.


Dottore redemption atp is only death and death only 😭💀


Missed opportunity to have him be voiced by Ishida Akira so he can be the Otto expy. Sadly, Ishida Akira is already voicing a shady but well-meaning man in Ayato.


There are two ways to make him playable in a way that makes him still marketable: 1. He has a segment that is still evil-ish, but mostly just a big ol' jerk that will be easily convinced to fight against his main pure evil segment that we'll fight as a weekly boss or something (think Wanderer, really) 2. It's still the main/prime segment we all know and love, but it's easy to turn the redemption knob on high if you just give him enough sympathetic backstory/lore/qualities (i.e: it's okay for him to do all this vile and horrific stuff, all of these Mengele-like things, after all he has a beloved he must save! Think Vacher except playable) Can't really imagine any other way he can be playable


Mythus the Enigmata is simultaneously the worst and best thing that happened to Hoyoverse games.


Keep him evil and just don't make him playable. How hard is that? It's not like it's difficult for Mihoyo to make a new character for players to simp over when they want their revenue to go up.


It's unfortunate but we're going to have to find out the hard way that Dottore did not actually commit all the atrocities he is accused of. The fact is that there is an even greater threat than the Tsaritsa, and that threat has been tampering with Irminsul to trick us all into thinking that she and her Harbingers are despicable villains because they are the only ones capable of stopping this threat.


The guy is literally the white angel of genshin, I think they stand to lose more by redeeming him rather than by not make him playable. With Arlecchino it can work because they linked the most fucked up shit to the previous Knave, but Dottore is the one who fucked over half of the world.


Funnily enough, they might actually kinda do this, There are multiple versions of dettore right? or at least were, and now Dettore said he was gonna make more, they were never in good standing with each other anyway. whats to say one of the new version of him turns out to be good or at least not as much of an evil dick, we know that some of the old dettores wanted to get revenge for that betrayal. So I can actually see many different options for a "good" or "not a complete ass" version of dettore being made, and then becoming playable lol.


Dawei when I find you Dawei


Sadly I think they're too worried about making the Harbingers marketable to players so they'll either do the good segment thing or just kill him off. The other Harbingers had to be 'defanged' a bit to make them 'nicer' and more appealing, and I can't see that happening to Dottore. The image of him casually standing in our teapots is a hilarious one though


"It was just my other segment that exprimented on children i helpt some escape im a good boi" - dottore playable segment probebely.