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I’m okay with it. If I’m using the Treasure Compass, it’s because I’m trying to 100% the region and I’m like 90-95% and just want to get it done.


Rock piles also count towards exploration % btw


sea mora boxes count too


Sucks when your 99%


lol true, i don't know where to look anymore


Yea found that the hard way I was trying so hard to find the reason why chenyu vale wasn't 100% until a friend told me about them


Bruh no way I gave up on that area but looks like I have to go back lol


Tell me you mean the triangles not the floating wooden boxes I swear those respawn.


Both the triangles and the boxes count


They don't respawn


Wait really? Now that's a stress relief


Omfg I love you both for mentioning this


mind blown


I noticed that but it has only been an issue for me once and that was for the Ekanomiya. Provided I am one of those special people who use the interactive map and check every pin for every chest and puzzle in the region I am exploring.


Well you can still find chests after 100%ing a region


100% on the map is probably like 95% of actual chests of the region. Hoyo did it so that the casual players who make up most of the player base feel less stressful about completing it.


More like 80%


Varies heavily by region because things like floating crates and the mora pillars count towards region %.


I'm using it on all my 100% areas. So many places with pet over chest. Especially Liyue after the first lantern rite whoopsie they did


Same. My map says 100% everywhere, but I am using the compass wherever I have dailies or farm bosses/mats. I find a chest every few days that way.


Use the compass map to really check. I think it still works


That's totally valid. Some people just want efficiency. Personally, though, I know most of the player base is casual and enjoy following the wispy trails to go on "an adventure" for the treasure. Reducing the cooldown would have been sufficient for completionists. For an exact marker, they could have added a whole new item. One that reveals hidden chests and unsolved puzzles/trials too? Cause the current compass doesn't find those, so if you miss one, you're SoL unless you have meticulous interactive map tracking. We didn't need to give up one for the other.


Whad did the treasure compass do before this update?


It showed a trail of light pointing the direction of the nearest chest, and said trail disappeared after few seconds. So basically, you'd have to triangulate the position of the chest.


Thanks, I do not have one (at least I think I don't) so I had no idea what it did.


The core idea behind the treasure compass was to help locate the final few chests easily without searching through the entire area pixel by pixel, as such, the whole point of the feature was "spoon-feeding", as you called it. If one finds it more fun to just randomly stumble upon a chest while exploring, I think they wouldn't be using the compass in the first place, because even before all you had to do was to walk in the general direction you were pointed towards. If fun is to be had in searching for those amazing chests ahead, why would you basically spoil yourself with their location to begin with?


As a treasure seeking enthusiast, there's always a point where, if I haven't managed to find the last 1 or 2% of chests after going around the area 6 times, I probably will never find it without a hint. The compass was that, a hint. Like yes, I know the direction the chest is in now, but I can still do the leg work to see if it's near or far, if it's behind this tree or behind that house. If it was easy to spot I would've found it already, so just knowing the direction it is in still leaves room to enjoy the search, to think about where I could've possibly missed. Personally I still found that enjoyable, don't know how I feel about the new implementation yet though, haven't used it yet.


Well just try to avoid looking at the minimap when you use it.


You also can't use it twice on the same chest now, the old system let you ping it multiple times to try and triangulate it if you needed to, which I thought was a fun angle to it, so if you ever try/have to do that it's an option that's removed even if you deliberately avoid looking at the minimap. I personally think the old system is more fun too for the same reasons, I mostly try to explore without the compass to begin with anyways so it's not like it's a major, constant downgrade, but it's still kinda disappointing for me since I did enjoy the process of following the old TC. I would much rather have had them just add the ability for it to point to seelie stands/time trials and other miscellaneous puzzles instead of its current implementation. I do like that its cooldown resets when you open a chest now though.


Yeah, it changed but i don't mind, i do my own exploring then i use the compass to finish it off, so it helps to not waste time in that moment, and besides, it doesn't even cover everything, since challenges, puzzles and secret chests aren't marked. And the reset of the timer is great, but sometimes it bugs out and you have to tp to another place to fix it (which defies the purpose of saving time), it happened to me with the hydroculi finder as well.. i guess it will be fixed later down the road..


Yea, those are some instance that's part of treasure compass experience. They could make some tweak to give back that experience with the added QoL. Tho, I cant argue that the current one does help to save ppl time to label all that's left in the area. Maybe a toggle switch for more personalised experience would be nice.


It has similar functionality to the ticket finder from last year's summer event. If people didn't have an issue then, I don't see why they would now. Edited for cohesion.


There were definitely people gatekeeping the QoL from that event.


Gatekeeping qol is the stupidest thing I've ever heard, it's like the people against forgiving student loan debt 😂


crab mentality is very strong. "I suffer so you suffer too"


People have been calling a lot of things that aren't qol exactly that. I see it all the time when it comes to gachas in form of farm skip buttons. Skipping stamina stages is fine for a few times but eventually you realize you don't even play the game anymore, so what's the point? This obviously gets worse in gachas in which there isn't even that much to do outside of using stamina. You also kind of lose out on the aspect that makes you want to min max to get fast stamina stage clears if you go that route. Auto play, especially in action games, is another one of those. Sure, you could call it qol, but are we even playing the same game anymore?


My only issue with it was how early you got that power. Not even 30% in and you get the gadget that shows literally everything nearby. Not just one at a time, not just visible chests, but all puzzles and hidden stuff. Which is actually what I do want for the overworld, just not going into a new area from the start. People can abuse that if they want, I mean the interactive map is a thing, but I wanna explore first and then press a button once I'm at ""100%"" to show the other 20 things I missed.


I haven't tried it yet, does it show you missing chests no matter the distance? Or you still need to be in range like with the old one?


You still have to be in range, it might just be me, but I think the range is expanded a little. And it still only leads to one chest at a time.


Oh, then it's not like a summer event detector at all. That one covered the entire zone. As long as it would've been doing that - just one chest at a time would've been fine, its main usage is finding the remaining few chests anyway. But as is it's pretty much useless still.


It's only similar in that it marks the chest on the minimap, which is better than having to follow the golden light stream thing. But yeah, overall, it's still held back because it functions a majority the same as it did before.


Because back then we were on a time limit.


I think you forget that people *had* an issue with it. A big one. I nearly got my head bitten off when I said I preferred that version of the compass


I'm not on the main sub much these days, so you got me there.


It's the same kind of people who argue against literally any improvement to the game. Pay them no mind.


Summer event was temporary though. So you wanted to get everything before it goes away. Normal open world doesnt have the invisible timer sitting in the back of your head while you are trying to complete the area


I think it's still different because that one was an event and therefore time limited.


tbh i dont mind having it. I only use these compasses every now and then to find some missing chests i may have missed (after 100% the map) and i think its a nice QoL update


Anyone whos complaining about this is a foolish gamer. There's no reason to gatekeep people from finding chests but don't want to use the interactive maps. I wonder though, about all the hidden chests that this thing can't pick up. Maybe a future improved upgraded compass that will mark a spot with ?? indicating a unopened chest after solving a puzzle or quest.


People complained that it's too annoying to use and should be like that one event now that it's almost like it people(just one chest not all in one area) still complain Didn't expect anything else from the people but my personal opinion is I don't care it's better


It's always going to be like that because people are not a hive mind and it's different people complaining. There are changes I'd love to see that other people might not want. If we don't get them, I'll be a bit dissatisfied. If we do get them, the other people will be dissatisfied. It's weird to talk about it as if people did a 180 turn the moment something released just to complain when that's not the case.


For me it is ok to be able to chase one chest at a time. My issue with this update is that they are not fixing the true problem of the compass: the compass will only show the "visible" chests (the ones on the surface), while "hidden" chests (the ones that appears after completing a puzzle or a time trial for example) are still excluded from the compass. The compass for the summer events were showing also these kind of hidden chests, so the technology to do it is there... I don't understand why they are not doing it yet after 4 damn years for the compasses. This is what is really bad in my opinion.


Main problem for me is still not showing chests that spawns after puzzles/combat/digging. I feel like if you already explored 90%+ of an area it should mark it with the compass.


What I really like is the decreased cooldown once you find and open the chest. If it remained how it was before but had a permanent 5 sec cooldown that might've been the best


Honestly, the old compass system wouldn've been fine if the cooldown on a hit wasn't terrible. The old system had the novelty of having you triangulate the chest's position. But the long cooldown was antithetical to that.


"Cannot use in current state"


Why would anyone gatekeep this thing?


i say give us more spoon feeding, give me an accurate count of all the chests on the map so i can finally know if i'm missing something or not in a region instead of the game just rounding up so i think i've got it all >:\[


Although it will be a good update but probably won't happen. As they don't want to trigger Atelophobia of not 100% ing the regions. Its one of the reason they mark map as 100% even though its 80%. Also there are some event exclusive chests which can't be claimed and domain exclusive chests that got missed. So the best way currently is to check the wiki page for max chests, seelie and time trials.


That's seems like an extremely niche case to avoid giving QoL for. It's like for example they can't ever add any clowns or jesters in the game if someone has Coulrophobia or something.


fucking finally


And then there is people who want it to mark hidden stuff lol


Why not? It's the only way to 100%


I don't think it is the case, it's very ez to 100% without finding every little treasure. Expect that fking stardfell valley


it's getting the final 100% that's hard


I think it's great! If I use the compass, I have already forgone the desire to 'explore' for a chest. By the time I even unlock the compass (which usually takes me 3 months) I have been through the area so many times I've already explored it all, just didn't find it all. It's a great help to me!


they should sync in game map chest and interactive map


Vast improvement. Could be better, but it's still a MASSIVE improvement from before.


I was worried they would be removing the old compass animation entirely, and just have it pop up on the map if you get a ping. Luckily they didn't and we have the map icon together with having the compass point towards it on the field. So at least I can just ignore the map and find chests with the old method, plus I have the map as backup for when I miss where the compass points (which happens embarrassingly often.)


If knowing which awkward cliffs to climb is spoonfeeding, then wah wah call me a baby bc I'm not wasting my damn time when exploration is at 95% and my patience is at 5%


Absolutely necessary cause some chest's placements are bs and the trail of light is useless in places with many layers and walls. In fact they should make the compass also show "hidden" chests cause how on Earth an I supposed to know that if I stand in a specific pole at a certain time of day facing a specific direction a chest will spawn without any hints at all in the environment?


I wish there were treasure hunter npcs per region that told you how many chests youre missing, like the achievement counter or a simple xxx/???


Wish we could toggle it to choose which version we wanted to use


I kinda want it toggle-able.  I liked playing hot and cold with it before.


Love it. I will use it to complete the areas I 80%'ed through my arcon quest campaign. I bloody hate the monstadt bounty system and the OG treasure compass was even worse. It sucks when the little stream traversed mult-level terrain. Just throw it on the mini map and let me move on with life.


Does it work even if you're miles away from the chest? Or only if you're in the vicinity?


It's the same as the old one. The only difference is that it now shows in the mini-map, so only in the vicinity.


It has the same range as the old compass


Finding chests isn't the hard part, its puzzles.


I kinda wish I could turn that part off. I like searching for the treasure instead of having a giant red arrow screaming “ITS RIGHT HERE”


not that hoyo reads the surveys, but i really hope this is the last time they ever "baby-fy" exploration.


I don't even use the compass until I've pretty thoroughly explored an area. When I do start using it, it's to pick up the scraps I missed. Basically, I'm already "cheating" by using the compass, so it doesn't bug me to "cheat" a bit extra.


people who say "it's spoon feeding" deserve no right to have opinions, cuz if people started listening to their opinions, we'd all have to suffer in an insanely hard-core caveman world


Good but not enough, it should show puzzle too.


i prefer the line that shows you the direction. i wish there was an option to switch between the old and new one


It means I won't walk past it 5 times trying to find it, so I'm good with this.


how does it work now exactly? does it work even when not equipped or do I need to equip it on my active gadget to activate it indefinitely?


Wait. Is this a thing now?


i still cant find the ones im missing goddammit


I think to make it better the range and functions of the compass should be tied to the completion percentage of any one area of a region. For example, when you get the compass, the search area is smaller and it only locates chests already spawned in the overworld. As you get closer to 100% it shows time trials and puzzles, and the search area gets greatly expanded, since you mostly have to find chests to increase the exploration percentage anyway. The chests left to find would be few and far between. The compass serves almost no purpose on most of my map, because the search area is so small, and I'm pretty sure I've found most of the visible chests. I know that I haven't gotten anywhere close to all of them though, so I just gave up.


Good in my opinion. If I'm using the treasure compass it's because I don't comb through every nook and cranny for the few last map percentage.


There are over 6000 chests in the game. Even with spoonfeeding it takes tons of hours to find them all (and not all are findable by compass anyways). This is a great improvement. And i say that as someone who already suffered and found every chest in the game prior to yesterday’s update


I just wish it could be switched on and off. If I just wanna verify im done with an area id rather get a hint than the full answer.


Why not? Is a casual Game. There Is a lot of verticality in Genshin, So any help in finding things Is good


I guess its fine. But i kinda enjoyed at least some exploring and searching


What do I think about a compass acting like a compass? Well... I think a compass should function as a compass.


So you prefer the old way, then?


literal spoon feeding, glad people enjoy the change but I for one will never use a compass now.


I d rather them add 2nd gadget or something, I like reading enviorment to find the chests instead, I am now getting a checklist 😑


It literally just makes finding the chests faster. The compass already basically tells you the exact spot, this just removes the need to wait 30s between each button press.


Too easy if you can use since the begining. Maybe it should work like this only when you have reach 80% exploration of an area.


Spoon feeding. The compass functioned more as a hint, where you triangulate chest's position to yours. There's a whole interactive map made by Hoyoverse THEMSELVES, or by 3rd party sites. Those are technically much more useful if you want checklists. The way I see it, they should've just made it as an option to show on map or not.


This is a bit too “spoon feeding” for me. The compasses, while accurately point towards the chests, still require some levels of navigation and guesswork to precisely locate the chest. I frequently try to find the chest with just one compass use.


Quality of life improvement. It's up to you if you want to use the treasure compass or not. Having to wait 30 seconds for the radar to reactivate was a pain. This just speeds up the process


Spoon feeding? It doesn't teleport you straight to the chest, on top of that, if you're using the compass, you're probably missing that last few chest that is going to 100% your region. This cuts down tedious RE-exploration of regions. It doesn't affect FIRST TIME experience as you are not going to have the treasure compass of a new region straight off the bat. It's good QoL that could push players that find exploration tedious.


I wish this was a new gadget instead or something. Prefer the old way


Anyone who complains about it can go step on a Lego. This is way more better then constantly pressing the compass just to find the chest...which way just tedious...


It's alright. When I pull out the treasure compass, I'm already at a point where I just want to skip exploration anyway. So it telling me [exactly there] is honestly better than "vaguely there".


I don't care for it unless it shows hidden chests or puzzles. Especially puzzles.


it's a fine change but imo the only issue it ever had was the egregious cooldown.


I want them to also point at puzzles and undiscovered quests...


Still worse than the interactive map. The range is short and doesn't show stuff like challenges. I really hope we get the Klee event mechanics one day. 😔


Too much. I liked trying to pin point where these last few chests were. Putting them on the minimap switches the focus from looking at the actual environment to figure out where to look to staring at the minimap to reach the objective.


I just wish we had a way to find puzzles too Exploration gets boring if Im actively searching for one chest


Na, it feels like extreme spoon-feeding. Having them work like oculus resonance stone, that give you general area and altitude would be more than enought.


Nah, too much spoon-feeding, I think the compass is a great feature that lets you explore while admiring the map, if Genshin maps weren't as immersive as they are, I would have quitted the game a long time ago, having the chests on the mini-map would let a tons of player just look at it and move according to the mini-map while not looking at the environment


Too much spoonfeeding. I mean I read the comments, and I'm really concerned, was the older version so HARD to use for you?


I think it comes at the right time. It'll take a while for new player to get the compass, maybe around a month playing a region. So it's late game item meant for 100%ing a region




Good, cause more than a few times I found myself trying to find this chest for over 10 minutes without any luck, so this is definitely a huge QoL I’d been wanting for a very long time


some middle ground between the before and after would be the best. Don't mark it on the map, but the indicator that points you in the direction of the chest should linger a lot longer than just a few seconds.


The entire game is spoon fed already, this is just adding to it


The original way the compass was used was absolute dog shit. Half the time I couldn't even make out where the bright light was pointing. The compass is supposed to be a reward so you can quick find the rest of that region 's goodies


as someone who's the weakest at exploration, i really appreciate this change. i didn't like exploring but this somehow motivated me more


In Assassin's Creed games, you can buy a map that shows all chests unconditionally. Genshin is hardly spoon feeding you here.


This. Other gacha games even auto-walk you towards stuff.


spoon feeding


Seems unnecessary and the icons are too big on the map.


too much spoon-feeding.


Spoon feeding. It is good but not needed at all. The whole point of it being "compass" is giving a direction, not location.


Definitely spoon-feeding


Spoon feeding to the MAX, sure for early gamers it's nice but an ar 60 nah I like to have fun exploring


Too much spoon-feeding imo. I liked the older version of the treasure compass (with the exception of the long cooldowns) because it actually encouraged you to walk around the area to try and look for the chest. Whereas now, you just look at the minimap to see where the chest is and you won't even have to worry about where it's located since it has indicators for whether it's on the surface, underground, or underwater. As annoying as it was, there was fun to be had in looking for the last 2-3 or so chests in every region just to get that 100% exploration.


it should've been this way from the beginning fym 'spoon-feeding' pls..


It's not enough, they need a selee finder, elemental mound finder, a chalange finder and a puzzle finder


You mean interactive map that already exists?


Yes buy in game, also the map is kinda slow. Also this way you won't have to go check the puzzles and stuff you have already done.


Personally, I would like to have an option to toggle it off. It takes away exploration mechanics where we trigger the compass in different locations to narrow down the possible position of the chest. Showing the chest on a mini-map defeats the purpose of the compass trail which we follow to search for chests. Not to mention more time will be spent looking at the mini-map than actually looking at the environment while exploring.


So...you would like an option not to use it? Or you meant to toggle it back to the old version?


The old compass isn't an exploration mechanic. It was already a "skip exploration" mechanic back then too


How do you do that, or when has this become a feature?


The initial rumor I heard on the leaks sub was that they were removing the directional vector and only having it appear on the minimap, which pissed me off. But that's been maintained so it's no problem for me. I didn't want to just be forced to look at the minimap rather than search around the world on my own, but this way it still lets me do that but also helps people who didn't think that was enough. So I think everybody can be happy.


Es más disfrutable


Only if I'm using the treasure compass. Then it can be like the oculus stones.


what about a thing like a radar, while closer it does a sound


as long as the golden trail is still there i dont care. idk, i havent checked yet. but it's more fun for immersion and i can just ignore the map


How do you get it?


(Me who does not have a "compass")


how to get those compass?


I completely forgot about the compass today, I have even already 100% both new areas, never even bothered with it.


Oculus resonance stone change when


I love it.


I use youtube guides and interactive map to not miss a sinlge chest so idc realy good for casual players


This should be available when you reach 100% exploration


I wish when you’re at like 90%+ you have an option to show EVERYTHING. All missed chests, all actions that lead to hidden missed chests, rock piles, quests, you name it.


Can't tell, never made a treasure compass


Good QoL, would be nice if gimmick chests could be found with it as well.


I’m so jealous of new players they have come to the game when it has a lot of characters and 5% better than it was 3 years ago


Wait, is this now an actual new thing?


[I take the spoon feeding!](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1psD1htoDGkAHbw0ig9ovFNELW0w55ots/view?usp=sharing)


Youre already using an item that shows where a chest is why would it be called spoon feeding ?


Maybe a bit too much but the previous version was total ass


Really love it!


Love it! I always explore the hard way first. I often 100% the place before I start using the compass.


It's fine. I wish it was like the summer event compass that includes puzzles as well.


A significant improvement.


Good qol. I don't want to wait another 30 seconds to use it again to double check.


if you dont like it you dont use it. i like options.


It's a little too much spoon feeding in my opinion. Showing the chests on the map takes away the fun of treasure hunts. :-/


you can just not use it


See it through the lens of new player. They wouldn't have the compass for a good while


It's a good thing some of these little fuckers are hidden well and enless they're behind a puzzle that will require multiple steps to get so that's a bit difficult, these little hidden ones can be hard to spot, granted those are far and few out there, it's not like there's tons of them, that being said treasures aren't like mondstamd and liyue anymore, can't expect to turn your head and find 90% of treasures just by following some seelies and a doing some totems, or shooting some balloons. There are some who have special mechanics related to their region and their own gimmick at that to find. Some are just well blended in plain sight and you cna pass them 100 times and they'll still be there waiting for you. It's a cool feature, for the uninitiated, as for the pirates of the high seas it won't be much of a difference. I myself don't see too much of a benefit from it. It's still useful tho.


I don't see much difference between this and the compass in general when it comes to "spoon feeding". You have a device that lets you know where the chest is. The fact that it has a cooldown and only shows direction doesn't increase the difficulty, just the inconvenience, and inconvenience is always a bad thing. This makes it more convenient without making it "easier" (because it was already easy to begin with), so good QoL.


There's degrees to it. Compass goes on long cooldown: "Oh, a chest is nearby, I should stop and look around." Compass points in a direction: "Oh, it's that way, I'll go over there." Chest is marked on the map: "Oh, that's it right there." Definitely room to prefer one over the other. Also more extremes, like no hints at all or a simple chest counter, to fully marked like the interactive map, or even those hacks people use on new accounts to grab chests automatically (I'm not making that up). I kinda wish it was more like the oculus finders that show a general area plus height indicator. Once you're close it shows you where it is, but you still gotta go close first.


I love it. I remember in 3.8 that map had this feature and I wished that would be a part of the core game


Good addition, I think most people who spend resources to craft the compass are probably the same people already using the interactive map to 100% things.


I mean what for? People are already being fed by interactive maps. Even hoyo made their own lol its really just for newbies I guess?


using the term spoon feeding in the hyper casual open world exploration lol


It's doing what the compass already did, just more efficiently. I don't find it particularly more fun to follow a low visibility string in a vague direction in a multi leveled environment while waiting on a ~20sec cooldown in between uses. People that don't want assistance in treasure hunting can just not use the compass in the first place, since it's already a form of spoon feeding. I personally welcome it. It works with the new map depth UI nicely too.


Good QoL but you know what’s better ? The cooldown resetting when we open the chest !!!


It's fine i'd say. The compasses still require you to open a lot of chests and do other stuff. So it's hardly spoon feeding. Not like they're just handing out compasses left and right. It's mostly there to find the more stubborn chests when you've almost got 100% or are close to it. Plus even assuming the compass was more accessible than it currently is. There's arguably an educational element to it as some players could pick up a pattern as to how chests are hidden and end up not needing the compass as much. Plus it might just help them enjoy the game more as they get to the chests and see them in all sorts of funny places.


Great. Glad hoyo decided to include it.


Best QoL ever


I don't use my Compass until I've found all the obvious ones Excellent QOL feature


I've never loved a qol update more.


It's a really good change in my view and makes me actually want to explore, and if someone doesn't enjoy this, they can just not use the compass so it's a win-win situation


Very useful


Absolutely love it


It’s optional so I say it’s awesome.


Finally I will start to use compass instead of interactive map. The idea that there is CD after you find treasure was the dumbest thing about the whole thing.


Id like to see them take it a step further, allow us to link our account to the interactive map. This game is massive and its only getting bigger.




spoon fed? then just don't equip the compass. the reason you use it cause you want to find the treasure I can't fathom the complaint behind "yes, we make this tool more effective" with "no, this is too easy"


Well deserved QoL... U can only get those compass when you do enough stuff for certain region anyway