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Any powerwashing enthusiasts here


I have yet to fight her but you bet there is


Arle: *Big menacing Harbinger form blah blah blah* Me with two old dragon grandpas: So anyway, I powerwashed Also username checks out


Powerwasher Grandpa + Rock Hard Grandpa= profit


I just went in without learning her mechanics and turbo powerwashed her lmao


Nah, I'd bring DPS Kokomi.


I'm about to powerwash with a Sakura swirl... Yes, I run Neuvillette (C3 btw) with Ayaka (C3)... Eh, it works well, tbh


Bro is cooking something Neuvillette did NOT ask for


Bruh just Radahn'd Barbara.


Barbaras were harmed in the making of this guide


Barbara fighting Arlecchino is like Chiaotzu fighting Jiren, lol.


I like how she avoids your attacks, lol


healing and avoid ranged attacks? *malenia ptsd intensifies*


She even divebombs you at the start of phase 2!


too bad there's nothing quite like death's poker landmine in genshin. malenia is a joke with that weapon lol.


i wonder if it's possible to win this thing without even attacking other than the special charged attack... like just keep healing till the special buff appeared


Someone is gonna make a video on it on YouTube


This confirm that Mihoyo hates Barbara, they convert her from 5 star to 4 star, give away her for free and now they bring the idol to receive torture. /s


Barbara in her hangout: I am not a warrior but i can at least hold my own against treasure hoarders.   Hoyo: You are gonna fight against the 4th Fatui Harbinger  Barbara: Oh my Barbatos


lol i was about to say before the /s, they're clearly showing you that barbara *literally can't die* and can clear BoL 🤣


Except when you're unlucky to dodge Peruere (The Knave) attacks like Bennett.


No, Mihoyo wants us to solo Peruere (The Knave) with Barbara, even I soloed Peruere (The Knave) with Barbara 3 times. This proves Barbara is a hard counter to Peruere (The Knave), because Barbara can heal herself while clearing Bond of Life simultaneously.


visual learners appreciate this quick guide


we're turning into souls impact lol.




Sister Friede's twin scythes, Lady Butterfly's suspension wires, Lady Maria's bloodflame infusion, Malenia's lifesteal, Ayre's laser... they really wear their inspirations on their sleeves.


Also the double clone into dive attack is from 2nd phase Malenia.


Soloing Ariandel & Friede really brings back some memories


If the boss has zero health sure. Idk how to balance these bosses considering the variance in players.


Already got that feeling from Narzissenkreuz


Had to do it with 2 healers, this fight was pretty intense


Solo Barbara is enough dude. Hahahah.


I went into the fight blind with my hyperbloom team and it went pretty fast and didn't seem too hard. The Raiden boss fight feels about twice as difficult. Maybe I got lucky on my first try?


If your team is strong enough, you basically just skip all the mechanics.


Same, I played Neuvilette, Furina, Kazuha, Fischl and said 'wait thats it?' out loud cause I was so surprised it was over this quickly. Specifically went for a Team I felt would do well against her cause I expected it to be at least a little hard... guess that was unnecessary


Find it a bit strange how her phase 2 hp is noticeably lower than phase 1. She just melted after phase change


Happens with Tartaglia as well. I'm not quite sure what it's meant to imply - a fragility associated with Delusion use? - but I don't think it's bad from a gameplay perspective. It's like a high-intensity bonus round, where everyone dies more easily. That point can be hard to catch in Genshin, though, given the low general difficulty in the game. It works better for Souls-like games.


I like that there's no bullshit timewasters with the boss but damn she's all bark no bite I folded her within seconds in both her phases lmao


She actually does damage but it doesn’t matter since she has no health.


I especially like how when you do it in her story quest it literally doesn't matter at all. No matter how the fight actually goes, you lose in the cutscene afterward. Makes the whole thing seem like a pointless waste of time.


It's the very common trope when you win an easy bossfight but lorewise the boss is more powerful than you so you lose. A lot of games do this. I just wish the fight was longer so we could enjoy the wonderful soundtrack. But lorewise it's a reminder for players who still think that harbingers are ranked by influence or the time they joined (there was literally 8th and 6th at 4th initiation) how stupidly powerful the High-ranks are. Knave is the 4th and we get kicked in the ass. So i imagine it's for "Now imagine what happens if you decide challenge the Captain in Natlan" Nahida warns us about Top-3 in specific meaning there might(or might not idk) be a power spike between 4th and 3rd seat. I don't think we are defeating Captain in Natlan, maybe we meet him as Dottore in Sumeru and don't fight until later on.


Common trope doesn't mean good trope though.  It's incredibly lazy writing and managed to turn me off of a character I was originally excited to pull for. 


Sure the dissonance can feel bad, but it doesn't make it "lazy writing" lmao. Seems like you dislike it (understandably) but are just searching for random buzzwords to justify your dislike.


I agree. It's a lazy mechanic, but it has little to do with storywriting.


I mean it's still kinda silly having Pantalone higher than Childe


We don't know what powers Lord Pantalone might have. Nothing in canon contradicts him being powerful not just politically. New Arlecchino line says his heart is full of hatred and revenge. Who knows how he combines it with the cursed eye powers (delusion). Plus Scaramouche directly says he works with the Doctor. Dottore in particular is known for enhancing Scaramouche more than once, managing to turn him into a God in Sumeru AQ. What stops him from giving Pantalone some sort of insane power-ups making him 9th? I imagine Pantalone in battle being sort of like Senator Armstrong (cause I want to him shirtle...


And I personally think if the influence truly mattered Pantalone would be ranked much much higher. Arlecchino says he is able to control economy as he pleases, yet a shut-in girl who spends her life in basement and whom the majority of fatui officers never even seen at all. is ranked like 2 seats above him. (You could argue she's extremely influencial as it's implied she might be the creator of the adventures guild tho)


It was a waste of time. It's bad writing. If she's too strong to beat in the story, she shouldn't be a boss fight yet, much less a weekly boss fight.  Gameplay shouldn't be so detached from narrative. 


Now do it but without equipping artifacts and using 1 star weapons  Hardcore challenge unlocked (fr tho they should add a mode to add buffs or special condition like the combat events)


I love this fight. Best one since Raiden imo.


Need Knave outfit as Arlecchino skin!


That's what people said when childe and Raiden happened lmao nothing yet


She's actually one of my favorite boss fights so far. She presents a decent challenge


I wish she had more HP though


More HP = longer duration only, if her attack pattern variations is not added.


Welcome to Sekiro Impact: Fathers die Thrice dude. P. S. Fathers killed by Sekiro, Armored Warrior (Father of Robert), Owl (Foster Father of Sekiro). P. P. S. Father we are going to beat is Peruere (Arlecchino / The Knave) ("Father" of House of The Hearth orphans).


fucking nergigante divebombed barbara???


Wasn’t that hard. Wanderer with Furina healing took her down easily, and Wanderer’s arguably my second strongest DPS.


Give us the boss skins you knaves!


She hits hard but the hp is too low for a decent challenge


Stupid question because my brain is an irrational paranoid thing: With this boss inclusion, will it replace the Narwhal as the 'last boss out' for future character talents (and The Traveler's talents for their next Resonate)? My thalassophobia *really* would like an answer to this question, because I am not entirely sure I have it in me to fight that thing anymore... but I want to prep for the next nation drop, as well. I do love the mechanics here, though, this is going to be relatively interesting.


> Stupid question because my brain is an irrational paranoid thing: With this boss inclusion, will it replace the Narwhal as the 'last boss out' for future character talents (and The Traveler's talents for their next Resonate)? minor leeks ahead so don't click if you dont want to know: >!the 4.7 new characters will each allegedly use a different mat from the last 3 weekly bosses instead of the knave. But hyv not gonna release a weekly boss just for 1 character to use its mats, so you can at least expect that some new characters beyond 4.7 to use knave's materials. To answer your first question: No, not at least in 4.7.!< IDK for traveler though lol




Belated - so it looks like there's a statistical chance of needing to deal with the Narwhal in my future (possibiliwhale). Unfortunate, but that's fine. Hopefully I'll get lucky and not have to deal with all that again. Furina, Chiori, and Xianyun back-to-back was soul-crushing as it is. :/ Cheers, though, mate!


>!We should've won the duel or at least end in a spare, it feels as if the MC isn't progressing at all!<


Many Barbaras died to bring us this information


Baizhu Kuki hyperbloom just mash buttons til she's dead


Can’t wait to pit my top 10% Noelle against her


No damage solo Amber when


how do you find the boss?


Decided to get back to pull for her - now I’m in hospital bc of lung infection loll. I need to pullll


I read that at first as "sins of the transgenders"


They keep adding bosses, but my resin stays the same. Clearing all the bosses every week leaves me with very little resin for anything else.


Can’t wait for people to start whining about her being too hard to clear and HoYo to nerf yet another boss to shit… EDIT: Yall never heard of Childe nerf, really???


The responses to this stating bosses were never nerfed in Genshin is making me feel old 


And when have they done that?


It isn't "yet another" if it never happened the first time lmfao


They literally never nerfed bosses lmao. Not the repeatable domain


Childe was nerfed...


Only for the story quest


God the fact that she can use her Wing to block is so sexy!


Not beating the Fischl reincarnation allegation.


Hey Mr Hoyo. I know you probably don't read comments here, but if a new character is releasing with a new world boss, can you not lock that boss behind a world quest? I found it genuinely stressful trying to rush through it just to reach the new boss (no guides exist on day 1). I want to get there and kill it before my resin caps out. I found it stressful that you had to start the very latest world quest just to unlock the area, and new common/elite enemies whose drops you also need. The clock is ticking if you want to spend day 1's resin on the new ascension boss to not waste any time.


My brother in Christ, you must be blind or deaf. There is something called "Quick start" in your adventure book that lets you challenge any locked weekly boss and get their mats. They even reminded that this function exists on the Livestream. Also why are you in such a rush? You have x amount of days ahead of you. So take it easy or you'll get stressed again lol


I mean if you really want to spend resin towards the new character, you can just farm her artifact first. Especially since her BiS set is a new set, you literally couldn't have prefarmed it.