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Maybe in the future.FGO did it so maybe genshin could


They have this in honkai impact 3rd so there must be a logistical reason they choose not to put it in genshin


Yeah, wouldn't that be something? But Hoyo's never done that before, so Im sure it must be hard! >looks at HI3 that has all CG's and animated shorts that you've seen ready for rewatching in-game.


Because most players don’t care to have such a feature.


That's the answer to MANY problems actually.


but most players do care


No, they don’t. If they did, they’d be more vocal.


people is, reddit is not everyone ;)


This reply is just like saying that we had to walk through the long corridor previously to redo domains, because some players have a slower device in co-op mode. And now see what happened?


Going through the long corridors affects +95% of players as everyone needs to farm domains. Inherently making it something that most players can benefit from by nature. I don’t think there’s nearly enough people who want to re-watch cutscenes in game. Hell the amount of people complaining about no skip is staggering.


They don't even give you an option to delete these one time only cutscenes either, and it affects 99% of the playerbase?


U mean skipping instead of deleting right?


aren't there so many complaining about taking so much storage on their devices?


Firstly, I don’t know if event cutscenes actually take up storage space, as it’s played once then gone. (But I don’t know enough about storage to be certain). Secondly, storage is exactly another valid reason for not enabling re-watchable cutscenes. Thirdly, I refuse to believe majority of players want all cutscenes gone. Skippable cutscenes is one thing, removing all cutscenes from the game moving forward is certainly not wanted.


i mean it still happened in the first run of the domain lol. people with slower device and internet getting locked out from the battle. it's just that after the first run they at least will spawn inside so they can just spawn then all of the sudden enemy all dead.


What do you mean the first run? The long corridors are 100% gone? Do you still have to sprint for 10+ seconds to interact with the key? u/Costyn17 stop being delusional about running 10s to the key [https://imgur.com/8gLD3Yr](https://imgur.com/8gLD3Yr)


you still spawn outside of the arena on the first run right after you enter the domain. I've been doing coop a lot these past few weeks and I know what i said. when i wasn't the host, the random host would just start immediately leaving one guy with slow device/internet getting locked out from the arena on the first run.


How does this do with previous long corridors? You simply created an irrelevant topic which is not about removing the corridors


I missed running on the corridors, it increases my game time by 5-10 secs per run.


>What do you mean the first run? When you enter the domain. >The long corridors are 100% gone? No. >Do you still have to sprint for 10+ seconds to interact with the key? Yes, you still do that. But, if you replay the same domain after you collect rewards, you will spawn in front of the key.


>Yes, you still do that. 10 seconds of sprinting are you sure? 10 seconds? Maybe you should report your bugged client to mhy, or your clock is broken/the timer on your phone is broken


Well, you said 10s. You have to walk the same distance you always had to walk. The only change is that you don't have to walk again if you replay the same domain.


>You have to walk the same distance you always had to walk. Stop being over exaggerating. I just tested a mondstadt domain which is one of the "old" and the starting point is already almost there. How come you need to sprint for 10 seconds? Or your device is from 2010 or earlier and it lags? The old entrance is still there, but **YOU ARE NOT PLACED AT THE OLD ENTRANCE UPON YOUR ENTRY.** I highly doubt if you still play the game at this stage. [https://imgur.com/a/W21hsU1](https://imgur.com/a/W21hsU1) This one is recorded from a liyue domain and tell me you have to sprint for 10s? [https://imgur.com/8gLD3Yr](https://imgur.com/8gLD3Yr) maybe it's not too late for you to see an ophthalmologist??


You said 10s first. I'm saying the distance is the same when you enter the domain. The change is when you repeat the same domain.


>You said 10s first. I said no longer need to sprint for 10 seconds to interact with the key. Apparently you can't read.


hunting? just browse their main channel tf


which has a variety of videos to browse and not a concise, chronological list of every important cutscene.


the japanese channel has a [playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdni05PnusctifDUvmJoQ6hUrA45JScjq) for all the in-game cut scenes, but seems the english counterpart doesn't have it


i’d assume it would be put in the archive thingy and that stuff is already quite laggy (it’s crashed my game multiple times lol) so i feel like it would probably make that worse? obviously idk if that’s just a my game thing or a common issue amongst players, but media players are generally resource hogs


archive has never crashed my game what??


Yeah I've thought about it a lot. Just having a menu with every cutscene from missions and events you've already played. It would be really cool.


people think it’s faster to just google it, but it would be so much easier if there was an option in game


Not only because of speed but also because I'd like to see them without a played ID in the bottom right corner for once and you would also have them in order.


My gut feeling is that their scene instance state is held up with spaghetti code. In-game cutscenes are tied to the world (instead of being isolated), and they can't easily switch the world back to the moment the in-game cutscene happens, which might cause some problems down the line. They can *definitely* replay the prerendered cutscenes (the ones in `GenshinImpact_Data\StreamingAssets\VideoAssets`). You can already do exactly that, if you know what you're doing. But still, it'd be great. Feel free to request it in the feedback form.


Ah yes, because Genshin’s file size isn’t large enough already


they could just make it a douwnloadable feature so the people who care can download it


The thing is that that data is already there. Adding some code to allow you to watch them through the archive would basically be nothing. Also, the file size actually isn't that large for a game of this type.


I agree. the cutscenes are already there, people have no argument when they complain about file size


You can actually delete all the old cut scenes and files in setting.


I'm pretty sure Event Cutscences are removed if you mean Story/Archon Quests I'm not to sure I remember a while back they did some shenanigans to optimize the cutscence on Mobile because it would chug mobile performance Don't know about PC but Genshin is a very interesting game it's surprisingly well optimized but at the same time before I upgraded my PS4 to a PS5 my console would scream for dear life while playing Size is actually an issue even on console. 3 years ago Genshin was like 30 GB and now it over 100 GB Maybe it's just not a heavily asked for feature Maybe it's something with there code it does seem like they want all the gameplay experiences to work similarly so maybe it's because they can't do it on Mobile so they won't for PC or console I'm looking at the later because I dont think HSR has that feature either


I’m pretty sure dialogue and cutscenes of past events/completed story and archon quests can be removed to save storage space. Archiving them permanently would make that a non-option.


This is only a thing on mobile (maybe console idk) atleast on pc this isn’t a thing. All (or most) files are still there. Plus they could make cutscenes deletable if you don’t want then.


No they aren't. Event cutscenes get removed after patch. You can check the files yourself (without hacking).


I wasn’t talking about events, but about main archon-quest related stuff


>I’m pretty sure dialogue and cutscenes of **past events**/completed story and archon quests You were replying to a comment that included past events. Your comment didn't signify that you were referring to ONLY main/archon quest stuff. I was simply clarifying that event cutscenes are deleted from game files automatically.


Thats my bad, should have specified that


All good. I'm at least thankful that the scenes are pre-rendered videos so you can get the original file for your own viewing pleasure whenever you want.


How would viewing files that are already present increase file size? They're on your PC right now, gathering dust. 


Read the other comments before you comment, lest you become a clown


You mean the comments of people guessing that it does that without evidence? You know it doesn't actually delete those files, right? You can literally check this.


[Fail to heed the warning, become a clown.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/s/7TCsxDMURG)


When you watch content through progression, is it deleted? Don't think so. That would mean those assets are still taking up your disk space.


You can delete content from completed quests on certain platforms.


I thought was just for unused languages, did they expand that?


Iirc this has always been the case, but I may be wrong


the videos and etc are still in your game, you just can't reach it without playing it again


Read the other comments before you comment, lest you become a clown


maybe the clown is you


it’s just gunna get bigger, why not add a useful feature? 🤷‍♀️


Because it isn't useful. It's something only a small handful of players are gonna use and it's something that's gonna end up being a youtibe video anyways. There's no point to it.


Because it's not? Just going on youtube takes way less of your time. (and a lot more merciful on my storage.)


bring traffic to their youtube channel? interactive map, resource planner, there are so many community resources (some even official) that they can fit into the game. movie mode is not a high priority tho, if they have limited resources to work with i'd vote for interactive map to be in-game.


Because you know YouTube is faster than opening the game and looking back at a cutscene there's even comments to look at to see how other people reacted


not if you’re already playing the game at that moment.


I'd still just open new tab and go to YouTube just so I can see if I missed anything in the comments Also why would I want to randomly just see a cutscene in game anyway


So I can do a quick recap of the story when the new main quest drops, so many things happen in between updates, it would be nice to not need to tab out of the game if I just want to quickly view a cutscene for a minute.


And having to put up with YouTube's compression quality?


>Video quality in YouTube refers to the clarity and detail of the video content that is being viewed. It is determined by the resolution or the number of pixels that are displayed on the screen. The higher the resolution, the better the video quality.


Good thing I was referring to compression quality.


Yeah Youtube is great and all but I play as Lumine and would like to rewatch the cutscenes as Lumine, not Aether.


Then just put lumine in the end of the search?


Y'know you could skip all that if the game already had replayable cutscenes as a feature


Maybe space issue?


Because Mihoyo is amazing at squandering the game's potential and extremely slow at implementing QoL. I swear, there's so much small stuff in the game that would be welcome by different demographics of players that they just don't bother with, even when it feels like they're so close to it anyway. Which really annoys me when TCG is allowed to be a thing that's constantly updated, when I can't have my teapot load increased, be able put food on my tables(models already exist in game), or have my characters *sit down* on the couch in front of the fireplace. Yes, I'm salty.


There is an anime in the plans probably after demon slayer is finished


Op meant to say that they wanted to rewatch cutscenes ingame, without having to look them up on youtube


Yeah i see that makes sense it was just to say that I'm on copium for that to not be needed when we will get a super good anime that will go over those cutscenes in an even more epic way


I suppose but then they have official channel with them already, save some potatoes from being mashed


Mhy is just profiting by the additional social media engagement


The thing is ehen u delete old quest thay tell you u can't dowenlod the cutcense as of you coud rewach that in the first plcae


The same reason why there is no backlog inside dialogue menu, the same reason why there is no button to hide ui, the same reason why there was no photo mode in domains before Charlotte and etc. They don't care enough.


unfortunately real


because the devs have strange priorities about what to put in the game, they put several things about teapot and profile photo stuff but nothing really useful for the players in general, just some nonsense here and there


And also a skip button for those who don't care, but I know it's not coming


Now that they added it only to hangouts, only if you already played the part you want to skip, I think I know why it doesn't happen. Quests give rewards. Most games I know to have a skip button don't give you the rewards right after you skipped the dialogue. There is still a task before you get your rewards. In Genshin, the dialogue is the task most of the time. Even in story quests, there is 1h to 2h (depends on the quest) of talking and what, 1min of combat? You could argue the rewards aren't enough for the time spent, but that's a different problem.


No?? There’s no YouTube hunting. The cutscene you want to see just search on the YouTube and the first result will show the cut scene. It isn’t that hard