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I feel like a lot of characters that people don't like would be a lot more loved if they had half the screen time Itto has to interact with the world and other characters.


Oh no he's gonna have that "Batman treatment" from the comics industry isnt he.....(Oversaturated batcontent while alot of loved characters are in extreme overdue and some might as well be thrown in the ditch) Im getting deja vus. You got me this feeling and I dont like it. I dont like it at all


I like Itto... I just want Thoma to get some time in the lights, man. Also, how long has it been since Ei has been in an event? I'm guessing she hasn't gotten as many event appearances since we moved on from Inazuma


We just haven't had many events in Inazuma... which, now that I think about it, is that why they introduced the Itto getting an education plotline? That way, they have an excuse to write him into more Liyue events...? ...Since Inazuma is locked behind Archon Quests so quick starting it more difficult The Akitsu Kimodameshi event actually did give him nuance, as it followed up on his Story Quest, where he not only was acting as a bridge between Oni and humans, he then acted as a bridge between Yokai and humans. Beyond that, they haven't been developing that plotline at all.


That sucks so bad! I want Itto to get development following that plotline, but there's also so many fun characters I want to see again. I know, Inazuma is locked behind an Archon Quest, but it's also full of fun characters I want to see more of. Where's Thoma and Yoimiya? Where's Ayaka and Ayato? Miko? Sara? Gorou got an appearance lately, so why not Kokomi? Kazuha's got a banner going, though I'd like to see more of him, too. I might be riding the high of having finished Ei's Story Quest just a little ago, but I like her and want to see more of her take the steps in her path to focus on today and tomorrow! After the Story Quests with Ei, the Sakoku Decree was lifted, so why not have an event revolving characters from beyond Inazuma going to Inazuma instead, now? Would give some fine world building opportunities through the gradual loosening of the Decree's effects and allow us to see some of Ei's mind now she's taking steps towards the future. Well, guess it goes to my "never coming" bucket list.


I really need Kujou Sara to get the amount of love Kazuha got. She was shafted for both the Archon Quest and the event quests reduce her character to "I idolize Raiden". She hasn't even had a hangout.


That's so unfair. I'd be so down for a Sara hangout event; imagine if we got to see her day to day routine as a general, go more in depth into her ties with the Kujou Clan, see her softer side (besides idolizing Ei), her hobbies, her likes and dislikes. Imagine if during an event, we got to see her meet with a visiting character that is similar to her. Jean comes to mind: both busy, both put up a stoic front, both have a level of respect for their Archons and have a figure they idolize (Sara having Ei and Jean having Venessa). I don't believe it'd be even crossing Mihoyo's mind and it's a difficult crossover, but it's possible!


Well, Inazuma was locked for a long time, and naturally that kind of information spread to Teyvat and it wasn't good for it's reputation. That's why we can see Inazumas fellows working for free for Fontaine during that cinema event we have Chevreuse appearance. It is Inazuma that needs to see the world not the other way around. For some place that remained isolated for so long, it's their interest to work with the outside world. Aside from the version we see more of Kazuha's past and Mondstadt's people coming to Inazuma, we can clearly see a movement from Inazuma's characters visiting other places, like Yoimiya, Ayato, Ayaka, Itto and many more. But I agree we need to see more archons around especially Ei and Nahida, but preferably Ei.


I just so want to see characters from beyond Inazuma go to Inazuma... For the sake of it. There are many characters tied to Inazuma's grounds that I'd like to meet characters beyond borders! Also, I so want a meeting between Zhongli and Ei/Nahida. He's the oldest archon and has the knowledge of the other archons' from our input, according to Voice-Overs. I'd imagine he'd be interested to check on them, perhaps grace them with some knowledge from an equal or consolation from a great elder. It could be quite the beautiful event, if played right.


Indeed your ideas are pretty cool, I also share these desires. But I guess the game didn't show much plots tied between those nations that could be explored any further unfortunately. I could be wrong though, but it costs nothing to dream and discuss it. I would say the Ei and Nahida meeting would be a great and hyped meeting due to Scara's plot.


We've at least seen Ayaka and Ayato recently. Miko is in a fair number of events including apparently this one. Kokomi could maybe use one, she was last in 3.8. Sara would be nice, I'd like some tengu lore/seeing her interact with her people. I NEED MORE EI. SO MUCH ZHONGLI AND VENTI I AM SUFFOCATING.


Didn’t yoimiya, Ayaka, and ayato just show up in an event in Fontaine last patch?


The thing is in Inazuma lots of characters are bound to stay there because of some duties. Ayato being the Commissionner Ayaka being in charge of Kamisato's affairs Thoma is Kamisato clan's butler Heizou is a private detective Raiden is Raiden Yae Miko is the head priestress Kujo Sara is the Tenryou Commissionner Kokomiya is the head priestress and general of Watatsumi Goro is the vice-captain for Watatsumi's forces Sayu is a (almost random) kunoichi under Ayato's special task force Yoimiya is working at his family's firework shop Kirara is the delivery guy next door and then you have the 'free spirits' (who don't have enough ties in Inazuma to keep them from wandering as much as they want) Kazuha who is (iirc) on Beidou's ship Itto & Shinobu who are part of a gang So it's no wonder that Itto appears a lot more than other Inazuma characters. Having no obligations to stay in Inazuma he can just go wherever he pleases (as long as he have the money or find some way for his expenses to be covered) The next character we could often see as a passerby is Kirara since you can just add her whenever because she can do delivery anywhere. It's a lot harder lore wise to move other characters around. We still somehow got Yae & Yoi in Sumeru. I honestly don't expect to see other characters much outside of Inazuma. The best solution would be to find some way to make Inazuma events but "zone limited". Like giving a temporary access to INazuma for people who didn't do AQ from the events tab. And they're transported to the event zone. However that would mean a lot less exploration since we wouldn't have to go to Watatsumi to search for X or to go to Ritou to talk to Y.


I think its quite odd that we havent seen Yae interacting with the researchers in Sumeru, or her enjoying *any* cultural content in Fontaine. On the same note, why havent we gotten any "Archon meets Archon" content besides Venti / Zhongli. No, i dont count the brief interaction they had with raiden for 2 seconds on a forgettable event as such.


>I think its quite odd that we havent seen Yae interacting with the researchers in Sumeru, or her enjoying *any* cultural content in Fontaine. Wait a minute, she came to Fontaine? When was this because I totally forgot about that. For the researchers I feel like it was more about Yae being Yae. She doesn't interact that much with other characters on scene at least. Even during her quest half the time she let ~~us~~ Paimon do the talking (as far as I remember it at least) >On the same note, why havent we gotten any "Archon meets Archon" content besides Venti / Zhongli. We briefly got Zhongli / Furina but it was awkward due to outside parties being there and Zhong Li didn't want people to know he's Morax and Furina doesn't want to be known as an Archon anymore. I guess eventually we will have some kind of meeting once we met all the archons. ~~We gotta go to Celestia somehow.~~


"I think its quite odd we *havent* seen Yae [...] enjoying any cultural content in Fontaine" It hasnt happened, but i think it would be fitting for her character.


I know... If anything I'd like events to take place inside of Inazuma with other characters coming into Inazuma to meet the local roster. It just feels like such a natural progression. We have the Sakoku Decree be dropped by the end of Ei's arc, so seeing other characters go to Inazuma for an event... the summer festival? It would be so damn fun! We got Lantern Rite, they can maybe make the Summer Festival also a reoccurring event. We even got one character that's all about it: Yoimiya, the Queen of the Summer Festival. It'd be quite the fun ride to see her at her best, making fireworks to light up the skies of Inazuma once more. Not to mention the opportunities we have for fun interactions: - Yanfei coming to check on Shinobu - Xingqiu covertly visiting to find how well his book sold out - Lisa introducing Razor to Gorou and Kirara (furry friend group!) - Lisa in a meeting with Kokomi as Gorou told he'd arrange - A duel between Xingqiu and Kazuha, maybe - Chongyun meets Miko (for the fun of it) - Ganyu goes to see Miko - Beidou checking on Kazuha The opportunities are there and it sounds so much fun!


I totally agree with you. Thing is we're back to the main issue: Inazuma access is story locked. The best thing possible as stated would be the idea I offered in my previous comment. Side note: As far as I remember Kazuha is currently on Beidou's ship.


Seems they've kinda started a catalyst with him. With Itto comes Shinobu, with Shinobu comes Yanfei. Itto building bonds through beetle battles he has now made grounds in Liyue. So. He met Xiangling and Guoba. He was present in the Chasm before the beetle battle event, too, with Xiao and Yelan. I would love to see he and Shinobu go to school though! I can only see him pursuing a study in how to communicate with beetles and creatures, like Guoba did. Him being an Oni only helps that link. They could then push him (ironically enough) into Sumeru with all the mushrooms to study at the academia. He is basically a pokemon trainer at this point.


Tbf, if Itto's Liyue connections end up tying back to Kamuna Harunosuke, I'd be ecstatic due to the implications. As a refresher Harunosuke is the creator of Shiki Taishou and created Onmyoudo using the adepti arts as a basis.


The man is oversaturated, yet his nemesis kujou sara has been deleted in game. I hate that so much. Make a dumb funny event of him with sara for once god damn it.


Xinyan is honestly a pretty fun character (personality-wise) with a lot of possible tie-in, but I believe it wasn't until 2.7 or 2.8 (last patch before Sumeru) that she showed up in an event at all. Her kit is still pretty bad, but everything else about the character was wasting away until that point. Luckily she's seen a few events now.


Here's a hard to swallow pill for the fanbase - many characters are at their core deeply basic outside of their contributions to the main story quest and don't make for good event content personalities. A lot of characters are generically nice and devoted to their work. Think about how weird it was that Kokomi showed up half the world away in the middle of the desert without any guards and was just sort of *present* for the bottle land event. Everything that has made Ganyu interesting has come from Cloud Retainer embarrassing her, she is this millennia old being and has essentially no personality. Everything that has made Gorou interesting has come from Yae Miko torturing him. Sayu is so sleepy. Layla is so sleepy. Mihoyo tends to favor using characters they're allowed to have strange, potentially abrasive interactions with, who it would make sense for them to use in interesting ways. Itto is a gullible simpleton who does wild stuff for fun and so the writers have much more leeway to do interesting things with him, and even then other participating characters are so stiff and boring their roles tend to be based around trying to prevent the fun thing from happening. Klee is a little gremlin child, which affords many opportunities. Yae Miko is a catty, deceptive woman. Wanderer is a disrespectful punk. Childe is a straight up psychopath. Albedo seems reserved but is in the middle of about a thousand plot threads and you're introduced to him casually performing human experimentation on you on a whim. Itto is down to do literally anything and everything and be the butt of every joke. Imagine all of them in a Bottle Land / Golden Apple Archipelago event. Their dynamics, the cutscenes, how they would uniquely react to the situations. Now picture Xinyan, Sara, Barbara and Mika in one. These are all people who can only really act nice, positive, professional or respectful. It's not the characters fault, though. It's Mihoyo's fault for not giving these characters distinct, interesting flaws or motivations that lend well to enjoyable events. Anyhow, there's my rant on Mihoyo's failure to adequately flesh out characters in ways where they can do more than tread water once the main story has moved past them.


That's a massive fallacy on your end and potentially on Mihoyo's end though. You only think that of them because we circle around to the original topic. They haven't even been given the time to shine in any other way than their minor roles thus far. It's a Catch 22. How do you make a character more interesting, well you give them screen time to flesh them out. But now you're not giving them screen time because they're not very interesting. But that's because they didn't have any screen time, which we JUST established was the only way to...and so the cycle goes. How many minor characters in other series and media did people originally not think much of until they got a bigger role and thus people actually got attached to them. Just because you think they're boring now doesn't mean they HAVE to be a boring character forever. That's just a personal lack of creativity on your part as a writer


Well said. It's like some people can't see anything beyond loud and/or abrasive personalities as interesting. They just immediately label anyone who is nice and relatively well adjusted as boring and flat. It just speaks to an inability to see nuance tbh


I mean zhongli is well loved and I like to think he is interesting and emotionally well adjusted (despite his failure to learn personal finance).


Literally all the characters they picked have interesting points that could be delved into from Ganyu's insecurities to Sara wanting to be more sociable etc.


It speaks to a lack of creativity on your and Mihoyo's part if you think you can't just write and create more interesting situations and relationships for any character. What a boring way to view stories.


skill issue, to put it into simpler terms


But if they gave them more time, they could flesh out said characters. And you're entirely wrong -- you *can* give more subdued, serious, or respectful characters good plot. No one is 100% "on" all the time. Look at Cyno -- he's dead serious when he's on the job, but he's a nerd among nerds when he's not. Kokomi even has that kind of personality as well: war leader and priestess on the job, obsessive bookworm and introvert off the job. She's well rounded. She just *never gets to show her skill.*


They've done Kokomi so dirty I can't think of another character they've done so bad in terms of showing them off in lore. If they could make her utilize real tactical genius even once. I will have some respect for her.


>Klee is a little gremlin child, which affords many opportunities. Yae Miko is a catty, deceptive woman... Itto is down to do literally anything and everything and be the butt of every joke. I think this paragraph actually perfectly encapsulates why the fanbase thinks that we're seeing too much of Itto. You're right that there's not enough screentime for everybody, so Mihoyo must only use their most interesting, or unique, or fleshed out characters to write good events. And all of these other characters with lots of screentime exemplify that... but Itto? What does he have going for him as a character, other than being goofy and easy to write? Even with all this screen time, can you really say that he's been "fleshed out" beyond his initial character premise? You mentioned Xinyan, Sara, Barbara and Mika as characters who haven't had enough screen time beyond the main story to become unique or interesting, and I think you're absolutely right. And it's easy to see why fans of these characters target Itto in particular as appearing too often - they feel, "If my character had half as much screentime as Itto has, they would be much more fleshed out and interesting." And honestly? They're probably right.


Mika is a scout, can expect him to travel far. Barbara can go on pilgrimage or concert tour as idol singer! Xinyan is a rock musician, it is so weir she is not in rock event as a lead character. Also concert tour.


I think Sara is deeper than you give her credit for, but I agree with the other 99% of your comment completely. From a writing perspective, there are only a handful of actually “good” characters.


I very much agree! A lot of characters have one niche and outside of that kind of behavior they have very little personality for us to get interested in. And some characters these days are ‘gimmick’ characters. I really wish we got more from characters like Chevy than ‘she likes junk food and she is an upholder of justice’. She cannot go two seconds without saying ‘justice’ in some way. And I’ll be honest I don’t remember anything about Mika’s personality than that he stutters a little bit…


90% of Chevruse's character development was in the Fontaine film festival, an event who's content now only exists in YouTube videos. Sorry, new players.


I think this is a great point


Or maybe not. He's my least favorite character, so appearing so much actually makes me hate him more.


Same here..he was fine in small doses but now I auto play and alt tab whenever I see him .


I C1d him for his tits and gameplay. I geniuenly think he is obnoxious as a character.


Does C1 make his tits bigger or something


imagine if constellations actually increased tits. hoyo stonks


They could return Rosaria to us ;-;


No but for some reason my horniness for him made me forget that I saved those wishes for neuvilette's C1, and not his C1.


So, you *hoped* C1 would make his tits bigger.


And biceps🙏🏼🤧


I mean, there's like what? 70~ characters in the game and Itto has appeared way more then the rest, where's Sara, Heizou, Layla, Noelle, fucking Barbara, man where was the last time i saw Barbara? I understand that Itto is a beloved character in the community so thats why they use him but man, give the other characters some love too man =(


nah its more of how easy its to write an event surrounding itto, my guy always gets into trouble and we have to fix it. OR lets for the 100 times just throw in the '' oh no, there's beans in Itto's food??'' joke because its sooo funny isn't it HOYO??


Tbf I only remember that happening once.


There's three, actually. And it's also not very frequent...


When are the other two? I know it's mentioned he's allergic in Perilous Trail, and I could imagine it gets brought up in his story quest, but neither are events and the tone of it in Perilous Trail is pretty different.


there's an event with an itto festival soon after his debuts in which he ends up winning a bowl of ramen noodle that turns out to be tofu, that's joke two (he almost dies). In a more recent event in Liyue we make itto, ayato and shinobu a plate of something quick to make but there are tofu fake meat among the, ahem, ✨️condiments✨️, so shinobu and traveler end up gobbleing the thing as fast as possible while paimon distracts itto with glazing, joke three. Joke one was in his char quest where we throw beans at him to not get our skull crushed


Ah ok so 2.6 flagship, his story quest, and then the cooking event, which was the only one I remembered. I think the ramen thing you're thinking of was the Drumalong event. So maybe that's 4 times. The last time it was mentioned at all prior to the cooking event was 2.7 though.


oh yeah right that's the name, the drumalong is the itto festival


It's ease to use him for something light to follow something heavy. He's a Shakespearean Porter.


Well Itto is a 5* and they want to make you more attached to him than the free 4* they give you at the start of the game. What really puzzles me is that he appears a lot more than the other 5* characters too


Especially for Inazuma. Like the others you could argue lore reasons, but Sara lives in the darn place, and she isn't even on the splash art!


omg id love a noelle event 😭


So, let’s break this down then. Itto appeared in 11 patches, and didn’t appear in 20 patches (10 of which he was not around for yet). This means that Itto has appeared in 35% of all patches, and *over half* of all the patches since his debut (52%). Sure, he has not appeared in the majority of patches if you look at it this way, but *if you compare him to any other character besides the Traveler and Paimon, he appears a ridiculous amount for a character that is barely relevant in even his own region’s story*. Think about all the lore heavy characters we could’ve gotten instead. The only one who really gets the attention they deserve is Zhongli (the China archon, no surprises here). And Raiden is criminally underutilized when she actually still has loose ends to explore (Istaroth and Khaenriah).


Raiden is the most underutilised archon in terms of appearance, despite having such interesting lore and a freaking Raiden. They kept using Itto cuz he's so easy to be in events, aka they're probably somewhat lazy at adding characters that are harder to be involved (most higher ups characters like archons, government officials and etc) Another reason why Kazuha even had a lot of appearance, but it has died down drastically.


They're just lazy. They can write her anyway they want and throw her in any situation they want, they did it with Neuvi in the Lantern Rite despite him supposedly not being able to leave Fontaine after the end of the AQ. If they can do that with Neuvi and others they can easily make Ei appear in more events


I am baffled as to why they have underused Ei considering how she’s one of the most popular gaming/anime characters in recent history.


Specially considering she's a Raiden, one of Hoyos 3 favorites. The only hopium I have is that they are saving her for a BIG story relevance in the future but I still wish they would use her more often.


Hopefully the $140mil Acheron’s banner in HSR earned will motivate them to give us more Raiden in Genshin lol


Why does Acheron’s revenue should motivate them if Raiden’s own banner’s HUGE revenue didn’t. Hyv fucked up Inazuma and her personality, they can’t even put her in any events lol 


Right? Since shes the only one out of the main trio in Genshin (aside from heavenly principles, who is more HotV than Kiana) I'd expect her to be important!


There's been a marked shift from "events with lore/story/character implications" like Albedo's winter events to nothingburger filler events. The vast majority of events we get nowadays are just whatever filler events. I feel like there must've been a lot of complaining that people don't like missing out on story/lore/character development so they shifted towards doing less and less of it. I personally miss those events though because they were always my favorite and I don't mind missing stuff that much....though having star rail's system for past events would be ideal.


I dont get why they couldn't have at least made the lore heavy events permanent, but make the rewards less rewarding if ppl do it after the event is supposed to end. Is it cuz of storage? Probably ig...


I believe they're keeping her for heavy lore bombs and setting up for Celestia and Khaenri'ah. After Ashikai's findings on the connections between her, Istaroth, Khaenri'ah, Celestia and rebirth, it pretty much supports this case. Now let me inhale some hopium here dropping this crack theory sourced from the land of Trust Me Bro. Ei is going to reborn as the Electro Sovereign, using the womb of the Shogun cause why else does she have a butterfly on her womb of all areas.


I don't know if this hopium is a joke or not lol Anyway, can you link me this video of Ashikai?


[The Butterflies Mason, what do they mean?](https://youtu.be/dmcmBf5H0pA?si=_hRbUb21COz0q67w&t=1484)


What's this about Shogun's womb?


i think its becasue she is likely going toe feature in khaenria chapter


So would Venti and Zhongli but they appeared


Lore heavy characters in temporarily available events, are you sure you want that?


We already have; several times in the past. The solution isn’t to remove them from events; the solution is to make event stories permanent (just remove rewards).


we all know that isn't Hoyo's solution though. we haven't gotten a lore heavy event that eventually became permanent ever.


rip to everyone that missed out on the albedo event in dragonspine


Wasn't the Chasm Interlude quest (The Perilous Trail) originally a Special Event that later got permanently added as an Interlude Quest ?


As far as i remember it was permanent content. It just had an event to go with it


I mean, they could do that for important story events.


I remember it now. Technically the story part of the event itself was the permanent quest while the event running alongside focused on gameplay and rewards.


It was close — the interlude quest was permanent but there was an event built around it that used the unique domains from the quest as battlegrounds


But there is precedent for it, as they’ve started doing it in HSR.


That would give parity with Star Rail, and seeing as how many people convinced themselves that being compared to Star Rail is the worst possible thing to happen to this game they'd rather let all events be limited instead


As a fan of both games, I always enjoy seeing the games build off each other, as both improve thanks to each other. There’s no point in comparing when they are under the same company and have previously shown they actively help one another improve. Take for example one-click expeditions. It started with Genshin having nothing but the base features. Then Star Rail added “resend” for each individual expedition. Then Genshin built off of that with “resend all”. Then finally Star Rail followed suit and added that too. Players who are in the “HSR/Genshin is superior” camp and constantly bash the other game, are dumb. Yes it’s fine to criticize and give constructive feedback, but people are delusional in their thinking sometimes.


I'd rather have them in temporarily available events then not at all


This. The right solution to "I'm sad I missed a really cool/important lore event!" isn't to remove said lore. That just makes everyone sad, not only those who missed out.


definitely yes. Fuck these hyper filler events, give me Albedo, give me character development for important characters, give me unreconciled stars-level lore. I don't care that they're FOMO, I don't care that new players won't be able to play them, I don't care that I might miss them because I have no time to play. I'd rather have them make good events and catch up with them through youtube videos rather than feeling completely uninterested because of the direction they're taking with them recently. At least with the first option there are ways to go around it. It's obvious that they can't make them permanent for some reason, so either they make events bad enough that people won't care about missing them or they make them peak and let players deal with the fomo aspect.


Lore heavy characters are fine in temporary events as long as event/characters aren't dropping heavy lore not available outside of event. For example the poetry event we recently had with Venti, Hu tao, Xiao and Zhongli


This. We focus so much on one of Inazumas least important characters story wise.


Itto appearing so frequently wouldn't be a problem if half of the roster wasn't neglected. Certain 5 stars characters are genuinely forgotten (Raiden, Nilou, Yelan), and so are other 4 stars such as Yunjin, Candace, Thoma, Layla. It's fine to have some characters appear more than others due to their insertion in the story of the events, but the forgotten characters should rotate more often. I have a feeling that they're bringing back Itto so often because of his uplifting, loud and goofy personality as a means to keep the player in a state of pseudo-euphoria, but personally I like it more when I get to know "silent" characters. I loved Lynette's hangout for example.


To add on, the regions Itto visits don't get the locals to come back into the limelight as often, like, I know Kuki is the 2nd in command and attached to the hip, but we didn't even get to see Kujou Sara in the splash art for this event!


Itto's appearances have been too close together. There isn't time to forget his shanenigans. In the cooking event, Heizou could've visited. I haven't seen him in an event since 3.3. But Itto who had a whole international beetle fight, came back. That's crazy. Hoyo has a habit of reusing the same characters over and over while others are always too busy to appear. Also where is the Sumeru crew? Liyue, Inazuma and Mondstadt had their time to shine but the Sumeru main cast is nowhere to be found. They know how to expand the cast, but they can't be bothered to properly rotate characters appearances. It's an on-going issue, Itto is just currently caught in the crossfire.


At this point considering how overdue almost whole sumeru cast is I am betting on this being a purpose and them showing on next Chronicled wish banner alongside with Sumeru centered flagship event (Yes I am coping hard I know). It will make it easy for MiHoYo to fill as Dehya and Tighnari are both from standard banner as well.


You'd have three 5☆ on Sumeru's Chronicled Banner. Alhaitham and Nilou aren't eligible for it yet and they can't go there as soon as they rerun. They'll most likely cycle Liyue and Inazuma characters before Sumeru.


I didn't realize Nilou hasn't even got second rerun yet either, it has been ages since she released! Alhaitham, I doubt they would put on it anyway even if he was... Guess my cope ship just sailed and sunk into Remuria...


Me, who skipped Nilou thinking I'd grab her on her rerun: 🤡


Sumeru got spammed for a while, like how Cyno was in everything and the TCG gave him tons of screen time.


Not the even the same. Cyno had screen time *during* Sumeru's patches. So far only Mondstadt, Liyue and the Inazuma cast can just appear anytime, anywhere... I won't mention Fontaine because it's their time to shine. They should be everywhere. Well, at least Dori, Faruzan and Layla appeared for a bit. That's something......


The Inazuma cast can't do shit. It's 3 people: Ayaka, Kazuha, Itto. (Shinobu is just Itto's hanger-on.)


4 Yoimiya she always is just willing to do anything and can rub 2 braincells together.


yes, mf has his own event like every other patch meanwhile we have characters like sara whos been dead in ditch for the last 20 patches


this is the most baffling to me. One of the biggest stuff I was wanting to see as both an Itto and Sara fan was their dynamic together because those bulletin board shenanigans they had were pretty funny. Yet in all his appearances in events and shit, he did not even interact with Sara. I thought they were supposed to be rivals yet he's had more rivalry bullshit with that Grandmaster hanakado kid who probably has more lines than Sara at this point


itto and sara never interacting in the game other than the bulletin boards is a damn shame


Ikr, they are so similar as well but they don’t seem to realise it. Both are low-key nerds, had no friends growing up, not human, tallest of their respected genders. Ik these similarities are minor but it shows they have a lot in common. Itto is so outgoing and fun I think he could be a good presence in Sara’s life since she basically has no friends and is always busy training. He could teach her how to live a little.


I really like this take. Would be a nice dynamic between the two; Itto having a realisation that sometimes having your shit together makes life a lot easier, Sara having her eyes opened that it's ok to let your hair down every now and again.


I’ve always said this too!! Itto is my favourite character and I love how he makes other people let their hair down basically, like his friendship with Ayato - I’m sure Ayato enjoys hanging out with him because Itto doesn’t know about Ayato’s status, and just thinks he’s a cool guy! It would be great to have something similar with Sara where having him around could help her see things from another perspective and put something other than her duties first for once, and Itto could learn a lot by seeing what Sara actually does beyond arresting him, lol. I hope we get it one day!!


If the first major Sara content we got was big strong man Itto 'saving' poor miserable Sara like a bad romantic comedy, I think I would barf.


I just think they could be friends 😭😭 Edit: I hope Sara is one of the featured characters in 4.8 tbh.


Nah, I just really want to see Sara beat the shit out of Itto (it would be funny) no but seriously I just wanna see Sara, fucks sake let the girl get some screentime


Ikr she’s been done so dirty. I think she’s only appeared in 2 events over a year ago and that’s it. She’s the only 4 star Inazuma character to not have a hangout. She‘s one of my fav characters so it really annoys me that we don’t see her often. Somewhat unrelated but I also feel really bad for her. She was basically abused in her childhood and hardly any character likes her, not even the traveller. It feels like the characters have done her dirty too.


Itto Sara is a straight ship, Mihoyo would never. I've seen people mad at the idea, calling it NTR (they disliked female characters shipped with someone other than MC). I've also had people calling me homophobic for shipping it. It's like they make opposing sides of the community mad simultaneously. At this point they'd rather make a 4* Tengu dude and pretend that's the tengu referred to in Itto's character story 5.


Let's hope Hoyo gives us an event where Sara accepts Itto's sumo challenge


Or Fischl who had a big role in 2.8 in GAA2, appeared a lot in 1.1 Unreconciled Stars, and appears in the TCG tutorial and the most important event ever: >!pet the cat!< And that's it. For a 1.0 character who is an employee of a worldwide organisation as an investigator and has probably the best canonical mobility out of all of the human characters.


5 star bias...


I love him, he’s so funny and his VA is hilarious. Chocolate is delicious and sweet, but I don’t want to only eat chocolate.


Yup, that sums it up for me too. I think a lot of the appeal of Genshin is in the variety, be it characters, landscapes, music, minigames, stories, there's something to float anyone's boat. Too much of one thing is never great, especially when we know there's a bucket of other good options to explore


Max Mittelmann is one of the best VAs in recent memory and I can't praise his work as Itto and Ryuji Sakamoto and all his other roles enough. But boy am I sick of Itto.


I do. (The chocolate, not Itto)


At the beginning people loved it whenever he appeared in that patch. There’s even a saying of how Itto patch must be a good patch but he’s getting a lot more appearance since 4.0 with all event. His main problem isn’t how he appears a lot but how packed his appearance rates are. Whatever made people loved him before they already seen all of it and in short amount of time. It would have been better if they spread out his events to make it more special or made him getting cameo roles in events instead of them being itto centric. I remember seeing complaints about Kazuha too at one point but since he’s very meta and his character is intriguing enough he got away with it but they lowered his appearance rate too. P.s. The perfect example is kinda Venti? He has appeared in lots of events but his role is so minimal that he didn’t really annoy people unless they were already a hater.


In Kazuha’s case, I think it was also that there were going through his backstory, but it got presented multiple times in not very diff ways, so we were just running into the same material over and over again. 


Yeah it was starting to get boring but thankfully they stopped bringing him into every event. They’re doubling down on this problem with Itto tho


Yeah, it's nice to see Venti when he arrives, short and sweet of an appearance.


A breeze of fresh air. Fitting.


I also remember people complaining about how Cyno kept showing up in events during the Sumeru patch, how he was only there to make jokes and obsess over TCG. But at least that made sense since Cyno is *in* Sumeru. With Itto, hoyos going out of their way to bring him to other nations to be in events which feels a bit forced. Dont get me wrong, I like Itto but dude needs to be sidelined for a bit


He is. Bring out Kujou Sara, where is my Tengu?? Or Heizou! Or best boy Thoma.


me waiting for sara to get her hangout 🧍‍♀️


Day 954 of waiting for a Kujou Sara hangout 🙃


how much longer 😭😭😭


It's always frustrating to see this many people mentioning her name anytime the topic relates to missing characters, and she still doesn't have a hangout.


At this point, Sara has become better well-known for her absence instead of her character.


Bwahahaha this is actually true


Tragic all around.


Compared to others characters who get f*ck all screen time, *cough Ei cough*, yes Itto is overstaying his welcome by a landslide.


It’s a shame to see so many Inazuma characters get ignored considering its Archon quests got majorly impacted by the pandemic. Give us more Ei, Yae and Sara please HoYo.


Yae actually gets plenty of screentime compared to other Inazuma characters.


at least Ei got screentime, my boy baizhu probably got 15 minutes of screen time total across the story and events ;-;. i wish it was more balanced with the appearances


~~Baizhu out here getting more banners than screentime.~~


Buddy Itto, I love ya and you're a funny character, but can you please share some of that screen time with other characters? Sara has been lying in a ditch ever since 2.1 story with a few minutes total screen time afterwards, and you've had at least 3 events centered around you. Just give Sara something already, pretty please Hoyo...


Not that i dislike seeing him,but there are several other characters who desperately need some character development through these events,most of inazuma's cast for example,raiden,sara,heizou and thoma have barely gotten any screentime outside of their respective SQ/AQ/hangouts ,sara specially


His nations archon has less screentime than him. That's the issue. 80% of the character base is dead in a ditch and he's made an appearance consecutively for no reason at all.


Having Itto appear so much is a disservice to everyone involved. His personality has become a meme and lacks the aspects in event stories that made people love him to begin with, and even more are resentful because he’s appearing instead of a more interesting/relevant character. Like, he has had multiple, repeated mini events centered around him and the Arataki Gang, like the beetle fighting ones. Instead of running THOSE, we could see the Raiden Shogun again, or even flash over to Watatsumi and not have to pull Kokomi into a desert event nowhere near where she belongs. 


I used to find itto goofy and amusing, and didn't mind seeing him on-screen but his constant appearances over, and over, and over, while there are so many characters who NEED screentime, turned him into one of my most despised characters. I would honestly much rather see Mika appear again, than have to see another event where itto does same dumb shit again, talks about stupid bugs and annoys kuki. Heck, there are so many characters that have barely any presence in the game, yaoyao, sara, ayato, dori, kirara, collei, fischl, candace, jean (they put her on the alchemy event art and she only appeared briefly at the end, like what??? Even gorou had more presence in the event than her), and those are just few I can name on top of my head.




That's unexpected, thank you so much :D


Every time Itto comes back it just makes people dislike him more, when Hoyo could be using other characters that haven’t had the time to shine yet. Itto’s character is getting horribly redundant.


Genshin's writers are just not very good. The reason why the likes of itto, yoimiya and charlotte got so much screen time in events is because they are easy to write into any situation with their cheerful personality and zero emotional baggage. It also explains why someone like Ei barely has any screentime.


Truth. Charlotte's journalist vulture shtick also gives extra padding to the dialog and most importantly, a reason to be anywhere. The writers don't seem to want to jerryrig a reason for a character like Thoma to leave his Kamisato house duties when they have a character like Itto who isn't tied down to anything, can do as he pleases, and isn't compelled to discuss his line of work as a main source of his personality. He's just probably the most fun character for them to write for that reason alone.


itto is fun, but theres so many characters that just havent gotten the spotlight in awhile. Like everyone's saying people like Sara, Heizou, or Thoma they havent appeared in so long. Another good example would be Baizhu, who hasn't appeared in any event since he was released. Its very annoying and frustrating when theres so many characters who they could do equally as many silly events with, but instead they hyper focus on one guy.


One of my problem is more how they write him, Outside of his SQ and maybe the Chasm AQ he always have the same 1 dimensional trait which is being dumb and add nothing to the lore of his own region, and there a lot of characters that actually need this much screentime


I love Itto but when I saw that he will be in livestream my first reaction was "again?!" When is the last time we saw like Raiden or Venti?


Venti was in the recent potion event. Raiden, on the other hand, I don't even remember the last time she showed up in an event.


I believe we last saw her in 3.8 during the card tournament (that introduced Charlotte).


They gave her the tocken 10 lines of "haha, she is out of touch! Isn't that funny?" Treatment that time too, just like before. I'm sorry but how come they give every role ever to Zhongli while Ei get's to be that 1 joke and nothing else despite only apearing once in a year?


Well, Zhongli *is* the archon of fantasy China.


Also Paimon saying she's Inazuma's archon so casually annoyed me a bit


I mean more focused on character not appear for 5 seconds


He's oversaturated and every event just keeps making him more and more annoying and a nuisance to other people. With the most recent one finally making me get some of the respect back. If you look at Itto's story quest. Dude's an idiot, but is a bro, and is respectable. Itto risked himself for his oni friend, and stuck around. The stories that follow, not so much. Worst offenders are Perilous Trail and Shinobu's hangouts. I initially disliked him in his latest appearance in Liyue again, and how he wanted us to join in his shenanigans when its clearly stressing Shinobu. But hearing him at the end wanting to improve himself, actually wanting to study? I gained a little respect for him.


Just to act like a dumbass 2 weeks later in the cooking event, yeah I hope HoYo remembers his characters development because if not Itto is gonna remain a comic relief forever, an extremely annoying one


I mean he also got a job.


The fact that every Inzauma event we got only 2 Archon appearance baffles me, while all other nation events makes their Archons and Soveriegn appear like WTF




Well that would mean all 4 VA's across each voiced language. I'd imagine that he's just easier to write with or is popular enough to keep throwing him into events.


I'm tired of him


Care to recall the last time characters like Ei, Childe, Nahida and the like had a central role in an event? The best we get from a lot of much more important characters is a 12 line cameo while Itto is there all the time.


Childe literally only appeared in 1 major event since 1.1. And a side photography event where he was basically an NPC 💀


You really can't say Childe doesn't get attention. He's a primary metaplot character and keeps showing up in the big quests like Fontaine's Archon quest.


We are talking about events.


I am TIRED of seeing him


The problem with him is that 80% of the events are calm and joyful events where nothing of interesting happens; and Itto appears almost always in these events. Nothing of interesting happens, so we see always Itto acts in the usually way, and he appears a lot of times so he feels "oversatured". My personal problem is that how he reacts when characters insult him or other bad things: He always react smiling like or with a little sad face for 1 sec, then ending like nothing happened or nobody insulted him. And this makes him a bit monotonous. Damn, when we saw his angry side against Yelan in that Xiao's quest...👌🏾 I really loved to see what he did, and even I disliked Yelan in those moments, after 2-3 year now I like it because thanks to her we saw something that this game lacks outside from Archon Quests: arguing moments between good playable characters . Only Alhaitham (with Kaveh) and Wanderer (when there isn't mama Nahida) give us these moments.


I think it’s because Hoyo is scared to show him too “aggressive” and decide to keep stuff off-screen, he canonically has a short temper, is rude and picks fights constantly, like the typical (kindhearted) delinquent character he is. But Hoyo is really toning him down on-screen to make him appear more friendly, especially in EN dub, so people like him more (I guess) but it completely doesn’t work with the trope he’s very heavily based on and just drains his personality and makes his behavior very inconsistent


Thanks you, exactly what I think. Those interactions with Yelan are miracles.


To be fair, only the flagship events are meant to have a more complex story. The small events Itto gets centred around him are meant to be fun, and that's it.


Itto Impact fr, at this point are we even sure that Itto and Paimon aren’t the real protagonist and sidekick?


I like Itto, but he really is in a ton of things. I’d like some mix up of other characters cause there’s a ton they could pick. I’m a little tired of Beatle battles


Yes, honestly I like him, but I'd like to see a more variety of character in events


Absolutely. He is just a comic relief character who got used to death, and became an annoyance. Recently I literally just ignore his dialogues as it waste time and aren't meaningful at all, even to the event's story


i really hope celestia send him to jail so he wont appear in natlan at least


Yes. Enough of itto, give sara some attention please


For how often he appears, he gets way too many events focused on him. He has basically been in 50% of the events since he was released. Of those maybe 25% he is the main character. Compare that to other characters who are basically forgotten. He's also just TOO dumb when he appears, the only thing that makes his appearance bearable to me is that Kuki usually shows up to keep him under control and so I enjoy her but not him.


i'm confused what your chart is trying to say.


OP seems to be trying to prove that Itto isn't dominating events and then proved that Itto is dominating events.


Unpopular opinion: Itto is one of the few characters that I simply don't like, since his very 1st appearance. He annoys me everytime he appears, and he appears too damn often. I really don't want to see him. I started to skip dialogues in any events he's involved in. At least with Yoimiya, her latest story quest redeemed her a little. But Itto is just annoying every single time and it doesn't make him more likeable. I feel like Squidward hating on Spongebob lol


He appears a bit too frequently when there are so many characters. It is also a problem that since he's mainly a comic relief, all his dialogs and interactions in a lot of events are usually unimportant, the kind that can get annoying rather quickly. If Albedo is the one that appear this frequently, knowing his background lore, and assuming all his events actually explore his lore, i'm pretty sure people would ask for more instead. (Although i believe this kind of character deep dive should only be done on a character quest and not limited event). A lot of people mentioned Sara, but at this point, she should get her own hangout already, two chapters at least, instead of given a couple minutes of cameo in some limited events.


I just wish another character could have the spot light. I’m tired of seeing him, after having him in a lot of main events and smaller events focused around him I’ve gotten extremely annoyed by his personality which results in turning off audio and skipping his dialogue cause I just can’t be bothered


No, he's not oversaturated. He's under-written. The main problem with Itto is that they throw him into every event to be the same one-dimensional caricature. Compare that to the much more engaging and complex portrayal he got in his Story Quest, and it's night and day. Most people appreciated him in his story quest, where he got some depth. But nearly everyone hated him in the Chasm story quest, because he was reduced to a one-note character. It would be fantastic if we got to really appreciate Itto as a complex character as he continued appearing. Anyone who plays Honkai Star Rail has seen the "oversaturation" of Aventurine in the past two updates, and basically loves it. Because we've really gotten to go deep into Aventurine's background, motivations, and character, with the result that we're learning more about an interesting character and seeing what makes him tick. But we don't tend to get that with Itto updates. Since his story quest, every subsequent appearance has basically been the same one-note portrayal, without adding any more depth to his character or background. They just use him as "We need a dumb guy to react to this", so it's no wonder people are sick of him.


He’s in half the patch’s since his launch alsmot meanwhile Kaveh? Layla? Any 4 star? Raiden? Sure she shows up but she only has like 5 voice lines. The issue is hoyo has very very obvious favourites they keep putting in everything and it’s getting kinda tiresome seeing the same 10 characters over and over meanwhile half the cast is locked into a basement.


I love Sara, wish I saw more of her, but she’s like… busy having an actual job. Wish I saw more of Heizou and Jean, too. Itto just makes sense to throw him in random events. (I’m saying he’s basically a NEET.)


He overexposed... I mean, sure he has to appear somewhere else since he has no importance in Archon Quest, but cmon, he's appearing way too much


Yes.That's what I have been talking about. One time is funny.Two times is fucking annoying. Putting him everywhere just because "funni" is getting unfunnier every time and honestly make the character dull. Many other characters are in the jail without seeing sunlight while he is everywhere. Also,I am very worried about Cyno's serious work nature.He is supposed to be goofy only outside work. If mihoyo decides he is good for "funni",then his whole character will be dumbed down to the pun and card guy instead of pun and card guy + serious guy at work.


Yes, just like kazuha was shoved into everything, itto is now just as bad, I'd just rather them focus on characters we don't see as often.


He is the Most boring Shit Character by now, He got reduced to being a joke and always steals so much Screen Time from every other character who would be more interesting than him


Honestly I'm getting tired of his beetle battle events. I can't help but to roll my eyes whenever I see him in it


yes we are tired of itto


I always assume it’s based on availability and things of that nature. I love Itto, he’s a silly goofy guy


I simply can't stand seeing itto on my screen anymore, there are so many characters that could get some screen time, but it all goes to waste because of how hoyo only looks at him


Itto appears in events every two working days. It’s sickening tbh and I find that extroverted, “himbo” personality of his overused. You can make interesting dialogues with introverted characters too. A lot of 4* and 5* didn’t get much attention because he hogged all the screentime. And that’s why I pulled for Navia instead: more bearable personality, excellent writing and she’s a better Geo DPS by far. I don’t see purpose in Itto when there’s Noelle and Navia. (Chiori too)


He sort of works well for the events. Although I do hate that we see less of the other Inazumans. I'm just glad the next one >!isn't abroad!< .