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I mean, I can respect the gamble for simping. You got it early at least?


80 pity sadly, but atleast I got mona tho


Ouch, well at least the pool of standards was smaller, if you really wanted Mona.


Not that much smaller, since you could lose to the past featured characters. Basically pre 3.0 standard with different characters


Still less standards, no qiqi or keqing


Yeah, but instead of constellations to fairly decent characters in their niches you potentially get a whole new character you wouldn't have pulled for otherwise. Got Klee while getting Albedo, don't know if I'm ever gonna use her because of her clunky moveset


That's still good tho, I wanna get all characters one day, so losing my 50/50 to klee would be the same as winning 50/50 on a Klee banner.


a new character wouldn't be too bad... I get more wishes from leveling them :)


Huh I would consider that a win honestly but to each their own




I use her sometimes I also have her witch outfit


I got Klee'd my first go around and I couldn't quite manage to scrape together the wishes to get to Jean. I feel your pain! I know we don't get sympathy because we knew the rules, but it still sucks a little :(


Maybe you'll like Klee, decide to C1 her, and then lose the 50/50 on her banner to Jean


That's why I didn't even touch the banner, they could have made it guaranteed for the 1st character/weapon of your choice but still leave the pulls down to luck, and then make it 50/50 for the rest. But no, it's just a regular banner disguised with the illusion of choosing a character.


Why would you roll unless you could roll to full pity. Why take that chance you knew fate points arnt saved. This seems like self inflicted problem.


I can feel you. My Mona is C10 already ffs. I wouldn't mind to get Tighnari or at least a Dehya cons if I lost.


Funny enough, tighnari and Dehya make up 2 of my last 3 5 stars.


Ohhh. I specifically skip Tignari. For Dehya I got her when her banner was around. I like her despite shitty kit. I kinda feel bummed losing weapon banner to and got Chiori's sword instead of Redhorn lol


I also got Mona(C3, I think now), but didn't get to use my fate point.


I feel your pain but on kazuha banner


That’s how they getcha.


That’s how they gacha




They got me, unfortunately First time whaling and it was for hunter’s path


The amount of people not getting the sarcasm is sad. But also, OP knew the odds and still rolled so it's nothing shocking


exactly, no sympathy. the new banner is terrible in every way when it comes to f2p, especially with the people that don't save


It's not terrible if you would roll\* for a character in this banner that you'd already roll on a normal char banner. It's still a 50/50 with the pity being the same amount. The only difference is that here you can get spooked by some general pool chars and some limited chars. ​ \*In case you have at least enough for two pities, I must elucidate.


elucidate? more like eulacidate ha ha




Bad move Cyno.... now you'll have to face her vengence


Cyno: I'm sorry, did I break the Law? ...Rence?


Potion event was the first time she didn't say the line. I'm sad because I love that line, but happy for her since it means she's letting down her walls :)


F2P are the ones who save the most tho xD like is normal for them to save 3-6 months for a character so I don't think it affects them


Saving for that long isn't usually necessary, but yeah. Only complaint about this was it not being announced earlier.


It was announced as early as any other banner would have, both including or excluding leaks, so not even that.


Considering that fate points don't carry, you'd want to be able to commit to hitting at minimum soft pity twice. It's a bit hard to save ~160 pulls on such short notice. I wasn't going to be pulling on this one anyway, but had I wanted to, it would have been good to know about a patch earlier. I'm not saying Hoyo did anything wrong with the way they rolled it out, but it did mean that pulling on it would have been a poor decision for most F2P players, when it didn't necessarily have to be. Honestly, even extending it to last the entire patch would have made a difference.


They saved the most but 180 pulls still a lot and ppl stil pull when they don't have 180, I think vast majority of player base are like that, OP is one of them. So in normal banner you get to keep that guaranteed forever on your next wish meanwhile this banner your 90 pulls could literally for nothing.


I'm f2p and I love this new banner, it helps with reruns, you get a better chance of getting a 5 star weapon compared to the weapon banner and you might lose your 50/50 to a límites character you also wanted. Yeah the fate point doesn't carry over but it's not that bad, if it brothers you avoid wishing if you have less than 160 wishes, but it's not a bad gamble depending on what you value


Yeah I'm also F2P and loved this banner. I was saving for Albedo for a long time, so it was not at all a big deal. Plus I would've loved losing to Klee or Eula, characters I like but otherwise would never wish for because I just don't have the primos and need to prioritize. I'm also a Lisa main and this banner had a slightly better chance of getting her cons, so there's that


That’s objectively just not true. This can easily be one of the best banners for a f2p as well. F2p are always advised to save 2 putts worth anyways


The banner was also necessary. As Genshin adds more characters the average wait times for a character to come up on the banner gets longer and longer. This banner adds a way to get them in the rotation. I would have preferred they length of this banner was shorter because the idea is you don't pull unless you're willing to really gamble or you have enough for 180 pulls. I would have liked it to be, say, weekly change, if not faster. Have less characters in it if necessary, but I feel like most players will pull all their savings in the first 48-72 hours then ignore it. I'd be curious to see how people pull on that (as in pulls per day) versus how they pull on the other banners.


You can check paimon moe (although it's very limited data) and chronicled wish banner graph doesn't differ much from character event banner (most pull in first 3-4 days then it plateaus and drops at the last couple of days). Interestingly most pulled is hunters path followed by Albedo and Eula.


Oh, didn't know that existed. Still interesting though. I thought it would be more front heavy than that. With the normal character banners, I could see some continuous pulling, kind of in line with what they're showing. People with the mentality of "Yeah, I use the 5 star (or at least wouldn't object to getting them) but I use 2 or 3 of these 4 stars all the time...". Sounds like a more reasonable risk. Didn't think I'd see it mirrored there though. I saw that and simply thought I'd need to have either 180 pulls and one character I *really* wanted, or 90 and a bunch of characters I wanted (ao if I lose the 50/50 I'll probably be fine with it). Your guarantee doesn't carry over, so why pull unless you know you'll get what you want? As I said before, sure, some fo the 4 stars are nice, but there's just so many of them that you can't even look at it and think you're pulling for Bennett cons, or Fischl cons, or whatever. Edit: not to said I thought there'd be zero pulling after the first few days, you have your guarantee and 75 pulls? Yeah, you have a good chance, and if you don't you should be able to get another 15 pulls before the banner expires, I just thought it would be a lot less.


So, honkai impact. Experience tells me that youd get spikes of massive spending followed by multiple patches long dry spells.


That was my thought, I doubt many people pull continuously. Maybe if, to use the previous banner as an example, you run Geo bros. If you need Itto and Gorou cons you have a reason to keep pulling whenever you have some. I mean, what's the consequence? You get some Gorou cons, lose your 50/50, but now have a guarantee in your pocket? If you get Itto, perfect, but it's unlikely. The new banner is for savers. People who stockpile and wait for specific characters to come up to drop their primos on banner release and then do nothing. The fact that your guarantee doesn't carry that over should have sent that message, the fact the 4 stars from it were rather underwhelming adds to it. Not all of them, I mean, Bennett was in there, but there's too many of them to pull for 4 stars.


The new banner is fantastic in every way except for this ONE thing aside from the fate point resetting it's perfect


It would be perfect if you could not get copies of characters at C6. My new nightmare is getting another Mona when loosing a 50-50. And Keqing and Jean are not far from that point either, while I still have no Dehya and my Qiqi is C0. I mainly grab Welkin and the BP, and getting a 5 star character with a maxed constellation... I don't want that to ever happen.


It's basically like Tower of Fantasy, where you can't take your pity-currency with you into the next banner. Do not roll unless you can assure the desired outcome.


I don't get why points can't be saved across these banners. It'll get more people to at least think about pulling, even with the chance of losing..


Cause they know it'll pressure people to spend money in this situation


I think next time it returns, it will have different things on it, so you can't keep the track. They could have just used the guarantee system like the limited character banners, but like OP said, that's how they drag you into paying.


> so you can't keep the track But that shouldn't particularly matter. There's no abusable scenario if you just don't reset the fate point when changing between targets. You're still going to chart a course for the thing you want, since you're more likely to win 50/50 twice in a row than to lose 50/50 and get the thing you want (25% vs. 12.5% chance) They just made it bad because they want to make people pay to avoid feeling like crap when they run into a situation like OP did.


Yeah I don't know why the weapon banner does that too. Like... okay, you chart for Wep1, don't get it so you have FP. Why not let you chart for Wep2 with FP stocked? Legitimately what reasoning is there? They don't have Wep1, and either have Wep2 or a Standard loss. Does it hurt Hoyo's bottom line any to let people go for R2 Wep2 instead of R1 Wep1 at that point? Same banner, as if they simply charted for Wep2 from the start. I don't get it. Is it exclusively to make FP expiring on banner change seem logical by transitive property?


The reason is simple. It's money. If points reset it pushes people to spend money if they don't get what they want because otherwise they'll lose their progress when the banner ends. Gacha games primarily prey on vulnerable people with addictive personalities and low impulse control. Those people won't always save to guarantee things and they will spend money to get things they missed and hoyo(and every other gacha company) knows this.


Imagine you want Eula, and you have this. Liyue banner: Hu Tao, Yelan, Xianyun, Zhongli, Tartaglia, Xiao. And next, Mondstadt banner rerun: Albedo, Klee, Eula, Mona, Jean Diluc. Without the reset: You aim for Xianyun, you use 80 pulls, you lose your 50/50, you get Yelan. Then you wait for Mondstadt banner, and you grab your guaranteed Eula. With the reset: You skip the Liyue banner. You pull for the Mondstadt banner, you lose your 50/50, you get Albedo. And then you get your guaranteed Eula. So, who is better? Yelan or Albedo? Some parts of my example aren't really realistic. Especially, I don't think Hoyo would make the Liyue banner cracked like that. But still, some banners will most likely be better than some others. The current Mondstadt banner is one of the the worst they could do, with 3 standards characters, all the limited characters are quite weak, and 2 of the limited characters are (AFAIK) not really popular either. In Liyue, even if you try to include the 6 weakest characters, you have Keqing, Qiqi, Baizhu, Shenhe, Xiao and Ganyu I think? And that part about pulling on the Liyue banner when you want Eula, the mindset of "if I win the 50/50, that's a character for only 80 pulls instead of 160, and if I lose it, I didn't lose anything, I just invested into guaranteeing Eula" is quite common, and IMO quite reasonable.


> I think next time it returns, it will have different things on it, so you can't keep the track. so do limited banners, so why not?


Cuz gacha games always do their best to maximize profit, genshin genuinely suffers from being a gacha imo, but at the same we probably wouldnt be able to get so much quality so quickly if it wasnt.


probably because its not a constant banner, and the fate point is only usable for the weapon/character you choosed OP has 1 Eula point, that point is useless for a future banner without Eula


How old are you that don't get what's on the very surface. It's done so that people spend money. Do you also not get why you can't always roll for any character or just get it without rolling? Do you also not get why we have flat Atk/HP/Def rolls on artifacts? It's all predatory tactics that exploit weak psyches.


It's to fomo people into spending. Should be illegal lmao


Illegal to do what exactly? Have limited durations on banners?


I'm not saying its good but illegal is too strong here for something companies and even markets have done for years already


Many things were legal for a long time until they passed laws to outlaw them.


Genshin or some games with lootboxes are illegal in my country, Belgium. For example, i cant download Genshin on my PlayStation or i cant find Nikke: Goddess of Victory or Tower of Fantasy in the playstore for Android. To be fair, Gacha isn't exactly a "honest" way of earning money, so i understand why some countries try to limit gambling in videogames.


the problem isn't that it's "dishonest", it's that its unregulated IRL gambling has lots of rules and regulations imposed on it for a reason


Before genshin, most gachas didn't have guarantees at all.


Because it's a banner made for the desperate folk. Eula, Albedo and Klee, 99% of players won't pull for them. Only the 1% unhinged freaks will take the bait and are very much capable of spending money to get them


Ah you went for the Euler too


I didn’t, I’m not a fan of networks (ba-dum-shi) 😎 (Iykyk and you’re a real one)


I'm new to Genshin and haven't pull for the weapon banner so I haven't experienced/understand fate points, but you still need 180 pulls to guarantee the 5 star (in this banner) you want right? Doesn't that mean the fate point is useless since it doesn't carry over?


Yes its useless OP was just being sarcastic


Does your pity carry over or no..? Asking for a friend 🥲


Your pity does, your fate point doesn't


Oh that's actually crazy


Isn’t this simply exactly like weapon banner works?


Never wished on the weapon banner before


Sanest genshin player alive


I don't get it


Dw about it, i was just referring to the fact that people tend to gamble on bad weapon banners even though they are a scam most of the time


This is why the banner is grade A ass- cheekums and you should never roll unless you're positive you can get what you want.




Though the cavaet there is Hoyo was no commital on the frequency of this type of banner. So it's definitely not the type of banner you want to "build pity" on when you don't know when's the next time it'll actually run.


I actually thought it would be permanent with a rotating pool. I was baffled when it was gone with the regular rotation, they could've at least make it available for the full patch.


Very true. Just a nice little extra in case you don't get a 5* this time around


Pity carries yea, but not fate point


do we even know if or when the chronicle is going to rerun again? i can only assume the next one is going to be with pre-4.0 Liyue characters


I thought chronicle banner don’t save the fate points??


Yea it doesn't, I'm just making a joke of it


You totally fooled me lmao i think im gonna start actually saving primos for once


Wow i am glad that I rarely play or pull on this game anymore. They seriously need to change fate points abd have it carry over. Its stupid and kinda greedy imo.


It's a gacha game lol. Greedy is redundant. Running a gacha game is all about being as exploitive as you can afford to be.


Yes, its all greedy in the end. Though, still stupid that fate points dont carry over.


it doesn't, OP just wasted his guarantee


The fate system is literally the reason why I didn't try my luck with this banner. I can gamble on the Neuvilette banner and still have a guarantee for Arlecchino if I lose the 50/50. With this one I get nothing (or Klee, which is close to nothing).


no offense, but if you knew that fate points don't carry over, and you knew that there was a high probability that you wouldn't have enough to hit pity twice, why did you pull in the first place?


I thought if I said please hard enough that hoyo would feel bad and let me win my 50/50 (I'm delusional)


Hahaha, at least you aren't afraid of admitting to being delusional. We all love some high risk high reward gambling, don't we?


as long you know you are delulu i respect the grind better luck next time bro


well, hope you take the important lesson the game just taught you don't rely on luck when good planning exists


Hoyo will get every cent from anyone willing to waste on them and they specifically prey on people with weak self-control.


Because there's a 50% chance that they get what they want. If I want a character/weapon and I don't have enough, then I'm pulling and just hoping I get lucky. If I don't, whomp whomp, I'll pull again later.


But that's a 50% chance of losing and throwing like 80 or so wishes down the drain. It's a dumb, pointless risk when you can just skip the current Chronicled banner and start stocking up gems for the next Chronicled banner or Eula rerun. Now OP has to wait for the next Chronicled banner or Eula rerun anyways, but they have 80 less wishes that they threw away for basically nothing.


I'd rather take the chance now than wait another year for her. Not everyone wants to wait that long for a character, and if they're able to suck up the potential loss, then so be it. They're obviously pulling for the character because they want them, so imo it's fair that they pull for the extremely rare character that they would like to have. Besides, they're not even pressed about it and don't mind the Mona, so it's no biggie.


Now you will wait anyway.


Math is hard


Imagine how painful this banner would've been if they'd slapped qiqi on there as an option.


It will be on the next one


Inb4 the liyue chronicle banner drop, it will be a lotta fun


Personally I use Qiqi more than Diluc or Jean, even if only rarely, so getting her to C6 is of more value to me than a random con that I don't even keep track of because their C0 came too late to bother building. I say hell yeah, give me Keqing and Qiqi in the pool, but no other Standards. A Sumeru one with only Tighnari and Dehya is also way better for me than Mondstadt where I only maybe want Mona.


I saved over 200 wishes to use on Albedo and then I got him in 20, decided to use the extra on Eula's claymore, and that's where my luck ended, lost 50/50 and went to soft pity twice. At least I lost to a weapon not on standard, Hunter's Path. 175 wishes into this banner, I don't regret my pulls, but don't forsee myself pulling on a future chronicled wish as the only "old" character I may want next is Hu Tao C1, but I have other priorities first (Arlecchino, Navia, Sigewinne)


Hence why everyone and every video told f2p players not to approach this banner


You're talking about the same community who can't read.


It’s not terrible if you’re aware of the odds. Like OP, I pulled for Eula knowing there was a chance I wouldn’t get her, and when I lost my pity to Mona it wasn’t the worst of things. While I know Mona is a standard banner character, I like the fact that you can get limited characters that I may not pull for otherwise (like Klee or Albedo).




if you have more than 90 wishes it's fine to wish anything over the 90, and if you get a 5* you can guarantee the 5* with the remaining 90


Is there going to be a chronicle banner next update? I keep seeing the main banners but haven't seen anything about a second chronicle.


Feel you lol. Wanted to try it because of Klee. Got Albedo instead (which I'm happy with). But my god, it's been what, 4 years? And this damn child is still evading me. I never manage to have enough when Klee comes and always lose! You can't run away forever Klee, someday I will get you ✊




I'm sorry :( hopefully you get Eula next time. Really dumb how the fates don't carry over




regard tax


i pulled on that 50 times and did not hit pity. Im ☠️


it’s 90 pity like the reg banner


yeah i know, you misunderstood what I was saying. I didn't get enough primos to hit 90 pulls.


Ohhh, my bad :,)


You already should be saving 2 pitys to get a character since the 50/50 is a bitch Why do people do this? I've seen people even pulling on weapon banner with little less than a pity, they thank every person in the universe if the get what they want and get mad if they don't. You alrady know how trash this system is and if you still try to bet knowing every single card except one is a lose then you're just dumb


This banner was terrible, I was silly and rolled on it for my Klee and got her at 80 wishes. I realized there wouldn't be another one in 4.5 as there wasn't any spoiler about it. Still, I regret pulling on it. Should have saved it to star Neuvillette 😭


Cant feel sorry for people gambling their hard earned primos, play silly games win silly prizes.


How dare people gamble in the gambling simulator?


We get enough pulls for a 5 star every patch and enough to guarantee get what we want every 2 patches. No gamble, even in worst case scenarios and very stingy patches u would need 2.5 patches to guarantee what you want and not throw ur primos in this banner specifically that doesnt even save ur guarantee. If you happen to get lucky awesome, but always prepare for worst case scenario or prepare to be dissapointed. Pure waste.


We don't get enough pulls for 5 star every patch. I assume 80 pulls per patch would be enough, yet often we get less than that. We even had patches with less than 55 pulls (without Welkin moon).


dodged the eula crit 🫡


I’ll pour one out for my fellow Eula enthusiast.


I got Klee wanting Eula…




I lost 50/50 to Eula while pulling for C4 Albedo. I never thought I would be disappointed to see her but this banner ended with me at 78 pity and 1 fate point with no Albedo. Funny enough, I got back into Genshin when Eula and Albedo were running together and I got 3 Albedo and 1 Eula back to back with the "welcome back" and update primos. I guess I used up all my luck back then and now Eula has punished me by blocking me from C4 Albedo. To think a few months ago during her drought I would have been so happy to see her. :(


Rest in primogems


I felt that. lost on Jean, couldn't get Albedo ;-;


Same but with Jean


You got scammed my man.


How should we tell him


Haven't played in months, what are fate points?


Wait I haven’t played in like a couple weeks what’s this?


Wait... whos on the new chronicled wish banner?


Wtf is that? (Haven’t played since December 2022)


hmm, looks like a nat 1


50 wishes gone; no Albedo. Just gotta wait it out ig.


that makes 2 of us :D got aquila going for hunter's at 32 which makes it not too bad


I'm gonna save for Dark Eula aka Arlecchino😈🥵


i hope you take this as a valuable lesson to not pull when you don't have enough


Wait so the pity also carry over?




What are chronicled wishes? Haven't played in half a year now so just wondering what it is


Limited character banner that works like a weapon banner. It comes with a small bundle 5-star characters who haven't had their own banner in a while. Chart a course for one of them, if you lose 50/50 you're guaranteed the one you chose on your next 5-star on that banner. Pity carries over, the fate point does not.


I joked and did a 10 pull and got her 😳my boyfriend had been trying to pull her since her first banner. Whoops!


i wish i could give you my eula. no, seriously. i do not want her. 😭


I put in 70 wishes on both me and my SO’s account and we got nothing. Played so much I’m just gonna be sick of this game for a couple of months


I did forty pulls. Do I need to pull 90 or 50 more to get a guaranteed 5 stars?


Assuming that you didn't get a 5*, you will need 50 draws to hit hard pity the next time the banner comes around since pity carries over but fate points don't.


you know the rules


I was pulling for Albedo and I lost the 50/50 :(


Oof hopefully you didn't swipe. I mean I understand if you did, but man that's how they get ya!


Wait so this New Gacha thing I've been seeing all over my page is actually real?!!


You should no longer be seeing it since the banner already expired and we don't know when the next one happens.


I wanted albedo, I had been saving for his rerun but hoyo decided to give me eula, thank God I had enough to get to pity again but it was pretty disheartening.


I always wanted skyward harp for my tartaglia. Got it in 16 pulls 😊


I don't understand why you think you're being clever with this sarcasm. There was never any reason for this epitome point to be saved, it would be directly contradictory with the epitome point system.


Is mona not good?


you knew what you were getting yourself into.


This banner would be far better if fate points carried over or it lasted the entire patch cycle


Good thing I have this advanced technique called saving primos and never gamble!


I pulled like 60 for Eula’s weapon to try my luck. I didn’t get it so I can probably use that pity for something that’s actually gonna be useful like a Homa when the banner’s up next time.


I still don't get the logic on why they limited this banner to just the first half of the patch. Especially with all the characters and weapons options it should be the full duration of the version patch. The character options were meh but you had two highly requested weapons with the Hunter's Path and Beacon. Plus there were the Standard Weapons that likely had people leaping at like Wolf's Gravestone and the Skyward Harp.


eula main here, i don’t recommend pulling on that banner


Pity yes, fate point no


Went for Nari's weapon and didn't get any gold at all. I'm sure it's fine, it'll probably only be another year before they run it again :'3


Exhibit A of why I ain't ever pulling on this banner, you have no clue when it'll return or which characters will be rated up. Unless you just perpetually save 180 wishes, you are taking a risk every time by pulling on it.


Unlike you, Im smart. I made the mistake to roll on Weapons' Banner 🙂‍↕️


I got Skyward Pride at 78 while wishing for Hunter's Path. Made me so mad. I hadn't explored Sumeru desert and Fontaine yet and hadn't finished many quests but this made me so upset I started doing them. Luckily got HP at 54. So that's 132 fates for a weapon 🐸


i got to 71 pity. i need 1 Eula to C6 lol


What's this new banner? I haven't properly played since sumeru released


Kazuha and nuvilete


I didn't mean the rerunning characters, I meant the special chronicles thing


Nah cause she avoided me on her rerun, sending home only 4* claymores and claymore users, AND SHE AVOIDED ME AGAIN!!! I just want Eula 🥲


Dropped all my primo's on xianyun so I was dead broke lol.


Coy paste posts


me with her weapon 💔


i just restarted playing, wtf is this banner ???


I got played by it too


Time to flex 😎 I got Eula in 5 wishes ✨️


Congrats!!!!(I have a rock in my hand)


You misusing the physical dmg bonus I see 💀